
Volume 06 - Issue 08

Paper Title :: Hearing the Unheard: Unveiling the Untold Stories of Hearing-Impaired Students in Inclusive Education
Author Name :: Merlie C. Mendoza || Ma. Janet S. Geroso || Guarin S. Maguate
Country :: Philippines
Page Number :: 01-09
This study explored the untold stories of hearing-impaired students in inclusive Education at Sagay National High School during the 2022-2023. It employed a qualitative approach, specifically a phenomenological research design, to discover the challenges encountered, the opportunities, and the support system of the hearing-impaired students. The participants, who were the ten (10) purposively selected deaf and hard of hearing students enrolled in the junior high school, were interviewed to gather their lived experiences. The data were triangulated with the parent's and teachers’ narratives. The study revealed three major themes: Trials in Inclusivity, Silver Linings in Inclusivity, and Holistic Support. The Trials in Inclusivity encompassed the challenges of the hearing-impaired students, such as Academic Difficulty, Emotional Distress, Communication Barriers, and Financial Constraints. The Silver Linings of Inclusivity involved the acquisition of Knowledge and Skills, Friendship, and Motivation which all drove the students to continue their studies and eventually can graduate. With the findings, there is a need for parents, teachers, and the whole school community to take action that can understand the situation and can cater to the learning needs of hearing-impaired students so that they can perform well in their studies and achieve their goals in life.
Keywords: Hearing-Impaired, Inclusive Education, Challenges, Opportunities, Support System
[1]. Alborz, A., Slee, R. & Miles, S. (2013). Establishing the foundations for an inclusive education system in Iraq: Reflection on findings from a nationwide survey. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 17(9), 965-987.
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Paper Title :: Can Entrepreneurship Promote Green Innovation of Enterprises?
- Based on the Empirical Analysis of Chinese Listed Companies
Author Name :: Yanxi Liang || Yuan Wang || Jiayi Zhou || Binxue Han
Country :: China
Page Number :: 10-19
How entrepreneurship affects the modernization transformation of enterprises in the new era is of great research significance. This paper uses the panel data of China's A-share listed companies from 2015 to 2020 to analyze the relationship between entrepreneurship and corporate green innovation by constructing an indicator model of entrepreneurship. By constructing a multiple linear regression model, this paper analyzes how entrepreneurship affects corporate green innovation. The results show that entrepreneurship can positively affect corporate green innovation. This study is helpful for enterprises to analyze corporate culture and corporate behavior mechanism in the context of green development in the new era.
Keywords: entrepreneurship; Green innovation; Corporate culture; Internal behavior mechanism of enterprises.
[1]. Abdullah, M.; Zailani, S.; Iranmanesh, M.; Jayaraman, K. Barriers to Green Innovation Initiatives among Manufacturers: The Malaysian Case. Review of Managerial Science 2016, 10 (4).
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[4]. Caputo, M. R. Comparative Statics of a Monopolistic Firm Facing Price-Cap and Command-and-Control Environmental Regulations. Energy Economics 2014, 46.
[5]. Lin, Y.; Tseng, M. L.; Chen, C. C.; Chiu, A. S. F. Positioning Strategic Competitiveness of Green Business Innovation Capabilities Using Hybrid Method. Expert Systems with Applications 2011, 38 [3].

Paper Title :: The Effect of Cash Flow Operation, Leverage, Firm Size, Firm Performance on Earnings Management (Empirical Study of Non Cycllical Consumer Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2018-2021)
Author Name :: Fakhrul Mahfuda || Fauzan
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 20-28
This study intends to examine the effect of Operating Cash Flow, Leverage, Firm Size, Firm Performance on Earnings Management. This research is a quantitative study using secondary data obtained from the official website of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The samples in this study are in the form of financial reports and annual reports of Consumer Non Cyllicals companies for 2018-2021. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling and there were 119 consumer non cyllicals companies that met the 40 consumer non cyllicals companies used as research. The results of this study explain that Operating Cash Flow, Firm Size, Firm Performance have no effect on Earnings Management, while Leverage affects Earnings Management of Cosumer Non Cycllicals companies for the period 2018-2021.
Keywords: Operating Cash Flow, Leverage, Firm Size, Firm Performance, and Earnings Management
[1] Astuti, P. W (2017). Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Ukuran Perusahaan, Leverage, dan Kualitas Audit Terhadap Manajemen Laba (Studi Empiris pada perusahaan Manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2012-2015)
[2] Agustia, Y. P., & Suryani, E. (2018). Pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan, Umur Perusahaan, Leverage, dan Profitabilitas Terhadap Manajemen Laba (Studi pada Perusahaan Pertambangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2014-2016). Jurnal ASET (Akuntansi Riset), 10(1), 71-82. Retrived from
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[4] Astari., & Suputra. (2019). PengaruhUkuran Perusahaan, KepemilikianManajerial, dan Kinerja Keuanganpada ManajemenLaba Vol.26.3.Maret (2019): 1938 – 1968
[5] SetiawatiLilis. (2002). ManajemenLaba dan IPO di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Simposium Nasional Akuntansi 5, Semarang, September 2002

Paper Title :: The Effect of Capping Price and Implementation of Coal DMO on Profitability by Mediation of Good Corporate Governance in Mining Companies in Indonesia
Author Name :: Irwan Amri || Ibnu Khajar
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 29-40
Indonesia is a country blessed with abundant natural resources, which one of them is coal. Coal is a mined resource that supports most of the domestic energy activities such as electricity and industrial production, where the government ensures the availability and affordability of coal for domestic use, known as the Domestic Market Obligation (DMO). The Coal Reference Price (HBA) is the monthly average price determined by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources based on local and international market indexes, while the coal price for electricity needs is capped at 70 USD/MT by the government. The DMO determines the minimum amount of coal sold by coal mining companies to the Indonesian local market.
This study aims to analyze the effect of capping price policies and the application of coal DMO mediated by the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) on the profitability of coal mining companies in Indonesia. The data used in this study were sourced from the financial statements of coal mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period of 2017 to 2021. The sample for this study used 10 out of the total 28 coal mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, and path analysis was used to test hypotheses and analyze the relationships between variables. Panel data regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses in this study.
The results show that the capping price policy and the application of coal DMO, mediated by the implementation of GCG, have a significant positive effect on the profitability of coal mining companies in Indonesia. This finding has important implications for policymakers in evaluating existing policies and considering their impact on the profitability of coal mining companies in Indonesia while still considering the use of coal for the benefit of all Indonesian people.
Keywords: Capping Price of Coal; DMO of Coal; GoodCorporate Governance; Profit of Mining Coal Firms.
[1] Agustina, W., Yuniarta, G. A., & Sinarwati, N. K. (2015). Pengaruh Intellectual Capital, Corporate Social Responsibility dan Good Corporate Governance terhadap kinerja keuangan (studi kasus pada perusahaan BUMN yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada tahun 2011-2013). E-Journal Akuntansi Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, 3(1), 1–11.
[2] Ahdiat, A. (2023). Ini Negara Eksportir Batubara Terbesar pada 2022. Databoks. Indonesia%2C negara yang juga,rincian seperti terlihat pada grafik.
[3] Alkhairani, Kamaliah, & Rokhmawati, A. (2020). Analisis Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance (GCG) dan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Dengan Profitabilitas Sebagai Variabel Intervening pada Perusahaan Pertambangan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Jurnal Ekonomi KIAT, 31(1), 10–25.
[4] Anisah, L. (2022, October 11). Kebijakan Penerapan DMO terhadap CPO Dinilai Masih Perlu Alasannya Ini. KoranKontan Digital, 1(1), 1.
[5] Asam, P. T. B. (2023). Profil Perusahaan PTBA. In

Paper Title :: Awareness and Implementation of the Public Elementary School Teachers of the Positive Discipline Model: Basis for a Guidance Program
Author Name :: Rowena G. Fulgencio || Guarin S. Maguate
Country :: Philippines
Page Number :: 41-61
This study attempted to determine the level of awareness and extent of implementation of the public elementary school teachers of the positive discipline model. Validated instruments were used to collect data from 125 teachers who had been purposively selected by the researcher. Six chosen participants were invited for the Focus Group Discussion to further explore the study. Statistical tools used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson r. Findings revealed that teachers were extremely aware and they well implemented positive discipline model in all components except in providing structure to pupils. This study may provide evidence that teachers have a need to improve their self efficacy and self-regulation on imposing discipline to pupils. Overall, there is a significant correlation in teachers’ awareness and implementation, thus, if teachers know better, they implement better. This study recommends Gawad Gabay Program or excellence in guiding children for a better future (e.g. Search for Model families, Model Teacher and Model School). Improvement of school code of conduct in building the positive discipline system; allotment of a school lounge area for teachers as their wellness room; A calming room for pupils, as an intervention for unruly pupils for discipline officers; and a proposed guidance program for guidance designates, self-monitoring tracker and emotion-regulation checklist for teachers and a check-in check-out checklist for pupils to monitor their behaviors.
Keywords: Positive Discipline Model, Awareness, Implementation
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[3] Booker, C. (2018). An Exploration of Self-regulation of Academic and Social Interaction Utilizing Positive Discipline Techniques with Early Childhood Students (Ed.D.). William Woods University, United States – Missouri. Retrieved from
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[5] Brown, K. A. (2018). The Examination of Parental Demographics as Moderators of the Effects of a Positive Discipline Parenting Training Model (Psy.D.). Adler School of Professional Psychology, United States – Illinois. Retrieved from

Paper Title :: Algeria's new directions in the field of investment
Author Name :: D. Medjdoub Abderrahmane
Country :: Algeria
Page Number :: 62-73
The Algerian Agency for Investment Development is one of the active bodies in achieving economic development, through its supervision and follow-up of various investments in the country, which made the Algerian legislator reconsider the tasks entrusted to it, by issuing a new investment law in 2022.Aimed at attracting foreign or local investors, with the aim of advancing the economic development wheel, for the gradual liberation from the dependence of the hydrocarbon sector on the general economic income.
This law reorganized and reconfigured the National Agency for Investment Development, changing its name to the “Algerian Agency for Investment Promotion,” and giving it the role of real promoter and companion to investments, by creating a digital platform for the investor, as a new mechanism to accompany investors, and manage the portfolio of benefits and incentive systems.
Keywords: Agency; investment promotion; digital platform;single window for major projects and foreign investments; decentralized single windows.
[1]. Algeria Press Service,, seen on Jun 02, 2023, at 12:00.
[2]. Algerian investment web page, Algeria Invest:, seen on Jun 02, 2023, at 12:00.
[3]. CRISTINA DUARTE, in rebuilding after COVID-19, policymakers must invest in innovative technology to leapfrog obstacles to inclusive development,, seen on Jun 02, 2023, at 12:00.
[4]. Djemame Mahmoud, Debache Amira, The Role Of The National Agency For Investment Development In Algeria In Attract Foreign Investment By Using Fiscal Stimulus, Journal of Financial, Accounting And Managerial studies, Volume 2, Issue 2, December31, 2015.
[5]. Executive Decree No. 282/01, of September 24, 2001, containing the powers organization and work of the National Agency for Investment Development, Issue No. 55 of September 26, 2001.

Paper Title :: Certified Teacher Performance Contribution in Increasing the Quality of School Exam Outcomes National Standard in High School in Banten Province
Author Name :: Prof. Dr. Sudadio || Muhammad Darif Shintawati || Lilik Nur Kholidah
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 74-79
Improving the quality of school examination results involves various aspects, including students, teachers, schools, and the education system. Certified teachers are teachers who have attended certification programs offered by the government or educational institutions. This certification confirms that the teacher meets specific standards of knowledge, skills, and professional competence in the field of education. This study aims to understand and analyze the contribution of certified teachers in improving the quality of national standardized school exam results in class XII high school students in Banten Province. The research method uses a quantitative descriptive approach with data analysis using descriptive statistics. The instruments used in this study were the researchers, who acted as "human instruments" to obtain the data needed. The researchers used observation guidelines, interview guidelines, and questionnaires aimed at the respective data sources of all high school principals in Banten Province. From the results of the research and discussion, the contribution of certified teachers in improving the quality of national standardized school exam results in class XII high school students in Banten Province is 36%. In contrast, the rest comes from other factors.
Keywords: Certified Teacher, Quality, School Examination Results
[1]. Alfath, Muhammad Dzikry and Yayah Huliatunisa. 2021. “Analisis Kebijakan Sertifikasi Terhadap Kinerja Guru.” Indonesian Journal of Elementary Education (IJOEE) 2(1):78.
[2]. Aziz Amrullah. 2015. “Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan.” Studi Islam 10(2):1–14.
[4]. Biantoro, Didik and Thia Jasmina. 2021. “The Relationship between Teacher Professional Allowances and Additional Income and Student Learning Achievement of Public Junior High School.” Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan 6(2):198–214.
[5]. Fadhli, Muhammad. 2017. “Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan Muhammad Fadhli Pendahuluan Mutu Merupakan Sesuatu Yang Dianggap Salah Satu Bagian Penting , Karena Mutu Pada Dasarnya Menunjukkan Keunggulan Suatu Produk Jika Dibandingkan Dengan Produk Lainnya . Penignkatan Mutu Mer.” Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan 1(02):26.

Paper Title :: The Effect of Complexity of Company Operation, Solvency, Company Size, and Profitability on Audit Report Lag
(Empirical Study of Food and Beverage Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for 2019-2021)
Author Name :: Rini Setyaningrum || Triyono
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 80-86
Every year many companies are late or have not submitted financial reports and independent auditor reports. The length of time for completion of the audit causes the company to not be on time in submitting financial reports. The complexity of company operation, solvency, company size, and profitability are parts of the variable that affect audit report lag. This study aims to determine the effect of the complexity of company operation proxied by dummy variable (KOP), solvency by Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR), company size proxied by the natural logarithm of a total asset (SIZE), and profitability proxied by Return on Equity (ROE) on audit report lag. The population in this study were 65 food and beverage sub-sector manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the 2019-2021 period. The data is secondary for annual financial reports obtained from the company's official website and the IDX. The sample was selected using a purposive sampling method and obtained 22 sample companies that met the criteria. The techniques used are descriptive analysis, classical assumption test, and multiple regression test. The study's results show that company size affects audit report lag simultaneously. In contrast, the complexity of company operation, solvency, and profitability do not affect audit report lag.
Keywords: Complexity of Company Operation, Solvency, Company Size, Profitability, Audit Report lag
[1]. Abdillah, M. R., Mardijuwono, A. W., & Habiburrochman, H. (2019). The Effect of Company Characteristics and Auditor Characteristics to Audit Report Lag. Asian Journal of Accounting Research 4 (1): 129–44.
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[3]. Baldacchino, Peter J, Loraine Grech, Konrad Farrugia, and Norbert Tabone. 2016. An Analysis Of Audit Report Lags In Maltese Companies, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis, Vol. 98, 161-182.
[4]. Chasanah, I. U., & Sagoro, E. M. (2017). Faktor-faktor yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Audit Report Lag Pada Perusahaan LQ-45 di Bursa Efek terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Jurnal Profita, 4(2), 1–21.
[5]. Deasy, S., & Iskak, J. (2021). Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Solvabilitas, Dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Audit Report Lag. Jurnal Paradigma Akuntansi, 3(4), 1748-1755.

Paper Title :: Education Management of Left-behind Children in Rural Areas at Huairou District, Beijing
Author Name :: Li Huacheng || Kanokkan Kanjanarat || Sarayut Khan
Country :: Thailand
Page Number :: 87-104
The purposes of this research is to clarifies the current situation, existing problems and causes of the education management of rural left-behind children. The sample for this research Mainly left-behind children from middle school A and primary school B are selected, taking into account some parents and teachers. (Using random sampling, a total of 300 samples were selected). The research instruments and program were Questionnaires and Interviews. Use SPSS statistical software to process and analyze the collected data, including reliability and validity tests, significant difference tests, correlation analyses, etc.
The results found that. There are many problems in the education management of left-behind children in rural areas, which are mainly reflected in the fact that the work related to the education management of left-behind children is not high and systematic, and the system in the social field is not perfect. The essence of these problems is that there are problems in the education management of left-behind children at the school level, the parent level, and the societal level. There are many reasons for these problems, such as the lack of support in schools, the lack of planning and continuity, and quantitative evaluation standards. In terms of parents, the parents' cultural quality is low and the education is separated by generations. In terms of society, the government lacks legislation to guide and regulate home-school cooperation.
Keywords: Left-behind children in rural areas, education, strateg
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Paper Title :: Study the different variations of English spoken on the African continent and make the thorough description of the common characteristics that those Englishes share beyond the ones pinpointed here
Author Name :: Prosper Mbuli Kinyamuguma
Country :: Democratic Republic of Congo
Page Number :: 105-112
This article is an overview of the different varieties of English Spoken on the African continent.
Four types of English exist in Africa, identifiable in terms of history, functions, importance and linguistic characteristics. West African Pidgin English has a history going back to the fifteenth century, 400 hundred years before formal colonization. Creole varieties of English have history going back to repatriation of slaves from the Caribbean and the United States in the 19thC. Second language varieties which are the most widespread on the continent are the prototypically associated with British colonization and its education systems. L1 (First language) English occurred mostly in southern and Eastern Africa, and is best represented in South Africa. This essay helps us to know the varieties of English in Africa continent using documentary method.
Keywords: Varieties of English in Africa, Pidgin English, Creole English, Second language English, Colonial English.
[1]. Bauer L. and warren, p. (2004). New Zeland English: phonology. In E. W. Schneider, K. Burridje, B. Kortman, R. Mesthrie, and C. Upton (Eds.1, pp.580-602). Berlin, Germany: Mouton de Gruyter.
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[4]. Bolton, K. (2004). World Englishes. In A. Davies and C. Elder (Elds). The handbook of applied linguistics (pp.367-396) oxford, UK: Black well publishing.
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Paper Title :: Exploring Linguistic Variation and Language Dynamics in Calumpit, Bulacan: A Sociolinguistic Study
Author Name :: Angelika D. Codis || Mechelle B. Conde || Mary Ann C. Espineda || Arha Carmella R. Mendoza || Melanie S. Yamzon
Country :: Philippines
Page Number :: 113-121
This study is conducted to primarily investigate the linguistic variations that exist in a community near the border of Pampanga. It made use of a qualitative research study guided by ethnographic research methods. The findings of this study revealed that the linguistic description of the linguistic variations is noticeable in Tagalog to Kapampangan translations and casual conversation. Kapampangan’s morphological procedures like affixation and word accent or lexical stress are deemed less complicated due to moderate dialectal variations of Kapampangan and Tagalog. The study also showed that code-switching occurs to be intentionallyon the part of the respondents where linguistic constraints are evident as it was discovered that among those interviewed code switch in their interactions because they have words that they cannot spontaneously recall, forget, or do not even know the term for it in Kapampangan, they tend to use a more familiar and popular term specifically from their lingua franca or official language which could be in Tagalog, Pangasinan, Ilokano, or Bisaya.
Keywords: Code-switching, language variation, accent, morphology, Kapampangan
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Paper Title :: A New Explanation of the Mechanism of Korean room temperature and ambient pressure superconducting materials
----Biological superconducting mechanism links the first room temperature and ambient pressure superconductivity
Author Name :: Dekui Wang || Binggong Chang
Country :: USA
Page Number :: 122-149
A team of Korean researchers say they have discovered the world's first room-temperature superconductivity, a mechanism of room-temperature Tc discussed in terms of the one-dimensional BR-BCS theory. What is the most basic principle of "superconductivity" here? The famous "BCS theory" is a theory of the basic principle of "superconductivity", but it is based on the principle of electron pair theory (BCS is the pair of electrons with spin reversed parallel pairing), is there a more basic principle that includes it?
Keywords: Superconductors, room temperature ambient pressure, electron pairs, BCS theory, hexagonal structure
[1]. Zhaoxin Ye, et al, Reflections on the mechanism of high-temperature physical superconductivity and biological superconductivity, Journal of Submerged Science, No. 6, 1987;
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[5]. Wang Dekui, A preliminary study of the three-spin theory, Sichuan Science and Technology Press, May 2002

Paper Title :: Research on the Usage and Deviation to Gay Lingo of Different Professionals Belonging to the LGBTQ++ in NCR
Author Name :: Marjorie Abulog || Kevin Alen C. Chung || Clarence S. Manuel || Lailah Diane M. Manuel || Francis Claire A. Roca
Country :: Philippines
Page Number :: 150-154
The Gay Lingo is a language spoken by the LGBTQ++ communities. It is a way of languaging their desires and an expression of their colorful lives. It is somehow a result of discrimination and the experience of exclusion. The gay lingo has become an exclusive language to empower their existence in society. It is formed from a carnival of sources, bricollage (Strauss, 2008). Through this research the semantics of the language is revealed conveying a totally different meaning. The usage of the usual language observed by Filipino professionals who specifically work in National Capital Region Areas as compared to the usage of gay lingo during normal conversation and even in professional conversations. The gay lingo in this study is being described by its usage structure and deviations of its linguist’s pattern. The humor and creativity are its highlights. Its influence to more and more linguists not only to the LGBTQ++ communities but it has evolved to be known and spoken by all genders is timeless.
Keywords: LGBTQ+, lingo, deviation, usage
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[5]. Rosales, H. E. (2019, June 14). Stylistics Variation: Understanding gay lingo in social Perspectives.

Paper Title :: Chronically Ill Patients’ Family Culture Comparative Study
Author Name :: Dr.Vanita Patwardhan || Dr. Ashwini Gijare
Country :: India
Page Number :: 155-163
The objective of the present study was to explore the family culture of the chronically ill patients along gender and age. Family Culture is conceptualized along four domains – Transactional, Emotional, System, Growth and Community; which included ten dimensions, namely, Making Significant Decisions, Economic Transactions, Assertiveness, Emotional Atmosphere, Equality, Planning, Family Members‟ Growth, Coping Strategies, Social Participation and Participation in religious and cultural activities. Chronically ill patient is defined as an individual with physical or psychiatric illness who is unable to perform at least two activities of daily living - eating, toileting, transferring, bathing and dressing; or requires considerable supervision to protect from crisis relating to health and safety. Data were collected on Family Culture Inventory (FCI) with satisfactory reliability and validity, to explore 10 dimensions of family culture. The sample of 106 chronically ill patients (M=55, F=51) with age ranging from 50-95 years (three age groups - 50-59=33, 60-69=33, 70 and above=40) from Pune city, India was included in this study. The families were from middle socio-economic status. The care givers of patients gave written consent, who attempted FCI. Interviews of caregivers having highest and lowest scores on FCI (n=9) were held. The results showed that there was no significant difference in the family culture of chronically ill patients along gender and the three age groups. The interviews threw light on causes of specific family culture.
Keywords: Family Culture, Chronically ill patients
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Paper Title :: The Influence of HR Competence, Reliability of Financial SIMDA and Leadership Style on the Quality of Financial Reporting of SKPK Simeulue Regency
Author Name :: Irna Oktavia || Nuraini A || Syukriy Abdullah
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 164-173
The quality of financial reporting is a requirement that generally must be met in a financial report so that the resulting financial reports can ultimately be used as information by users in the decision-making process. The financial reporting of SKPK Simeulue Regency still found various irregularities that hindered the creation of quality financial reporting carried out by parties involved in the process of preparing financial reports.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of human resource competence, financial SIMDA reliability and leadership style on the quality of SKPK financial reporting in Simeulue District. The sample used was 35 SKPK in Simeulue District. Data analysis used multiple linear regressions which was processed with the SPSS (Statistical Package For Social Science) program.The results showed that human resource competence, financial SIMDA reliability and leadership style jointly affected the quality of SKPK financial reporting in Simeulue District. Partially human resource competence has no effect on the quality of SKPK financial reporting in Simeulue District, the reliability of financial SIMDA has a negative effect on the quality of SKPK financial reporting in Simeulue District and leadership style has a positive effect on the quality of SKPK financial reporting in Simeulue District. This research gives the result that SKPK-SKPK leaders in the Simeulue Regency Government should be placed in terms of educational background that is in accordance with their fields and Financial Managers at SKPK Simeulue Regency Government should be placed from an educational background in Accounting.
Keywords: Human Resources Competency; SIMDA financial reliability; Leadership style; Financial Reporting Quality
[1]. Agbenyo, W., Jiang, Y., & Cobblah, P. K. (2018). Assessment of Government Internal Control Systems on Financial Reporting Quality in Ghana: A Case Study of the Ghana Revenue Authority. Business and Economics Journal, 09(04).
[2]. Agustin, R., Cahyono, D., & N, G. A. (2020). Human Resource Capacity, Utilization of Information Technology and Internal Control of the Value of Financial Reporting Information. International Journal of Social Science and Business, 4(1), 116.
[3]. Al-Hiyari, A., Hamood, M., Al-Mashregy, H., Kamariah, N., Mat, N., & Mohammed Esmail Alekam, J. (2013). Factors that Affect Accounting Information System Implementation and Accounting Information Quality: A Survey in University Utara Malaysia. American Journal of Economics, 3(1),27–31.
[4]. Alfian, M. (2016). SIMDA Implementation Supporting Factors and Their Influence on the Quality of Financial Reports in SKPD Kulon Progo Regency. Journal of Economics and Business, 18(3),119.
[5]. Basudewa, I. G. T., & Asri Dwija Putri, I. G. A. M. (2020). The Effect of Leadership Style and Utilization of Information Technology on the Quality of Village Financial Reports. E-Jurnal of Accounting, 30(7), 1658.

Paper Title :: Rooting Linguistic Psychology in the light of the Islamic Heritage
Author Name :: Prof. Dr. Asem Shehadeh Ali
Country :: Malaysia
Page Number :: 174-181
Man is a speaking animal, and it means that man can translate his thoughts and feelings into words and speech that are understandable between people. The words and speech that are meant by language, which is a system of symbols and signs that ultimately constitute one of the tools of knowledge. Language and man cannot be separated between them. Language develops in the mind of a young person; he went through stages. In the origin of psychology and linguistics, there is something different, and then after that, scholars discuss it and reveal that he acquires language. As Allah Almighty said: {Surely, we have created man in the best form}, and by it Ibn Kathir said it means “This is what is sworn by, which is that Allah created man in the best form and erect shape, except for the most beautiful parts”. The person should memorize and benefit from this blessing well. The researcher will discuss how perception, memory and remembrance are related to language according to Muslim scholars and will reveal the relationship of language with learning. The research aims to define the topics of contemporary linguistics. A statement of the position of the ancients on the issues of psycholinguistics. Linguistic psychology was a large and well-known field in the West, and the researcher identifies this research from the opinion of Muslim scholars, especially Ibn Sina, Imam al-Ghazali, Ibn Majah, Ibn al-Jawzi, and others. The researcher identifies topics and issues presented by Muslim scholars on linguistic psychology.
[1]. „isawiy, Abdul Rahman Mohmed. (1974). ‘ilm Al-Nafs Al-Physiology, Dar Al-Nahdah, Beirut.
[2]. Adullah, Mohamed Qasim. (2003). Psychologia Al-Thakirah: QadayaWaItijahatHadithah, Silsilah „alamSl-Ma‟rifah, Kuwait.
[3]. Al-„isawiy, Abdul Rahman Mohamed. (2006). Muqaddimah Fi ‘ilm Al-Nafs Al-Hadith,Jami‟ah Al-„iskandariyyah, Cairo.
[4]. Al-„othman, Abdul Karim. (1981). Al-Dirasat Al-Nafsiyyah ‘nda Al-MusliminWa Al-Ghazali Biwajhin Khas, 2nd Edition, MaktabahWahbah, Cairo.
[5]. Al-Farabi, Abi Nasr Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Tarkhan. (1944). Rasa‟il Al-Farabi, Nizam Encyclopedia Council Press, Hyderabad, Deccan, India.

Paper Title :: Earnings Disparities between Migrant and Non-Migrant Workers in Formal Employment: An Examination of the Indonesian Family Life Survey Data
Author Name :: Vebtasvili vebtasVili || Muhammad Faisal Akbar
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 182-190
This Study employs data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) to identify the factors influencing Income from Indonesia's principal formal jobs. Examining the relationships between income and variables such as education level, work experience, gender, age, and Non-wage Income, the study employs regression analysis. Using the extensive IFLS data set, this study provides empirical evidence regarding the causes of income disparities in Indonesia. Education level and work experience positively affect income, while gender disparities exist. Age has variable effects on earnings. The findings contribute to understanding income determinants and have policy implications for reducing income inequality and fostering economic opportunity. Combining IFLS data with regression analysis, this study provides policymakers and researchers valuable insights for addressing income disparities in Indonesia and promoting equitable economic development.
Keywords: Income from main formal jobs, regression analysis, socioeconomic factors, gender disparities, incomedisparities, income determinants, longitudinal survey, income inequality
[1]. Aksu, E., Erzan, R., & Kırdar, M. G. (2018). The impact of mass migration of Syrians on the Turkish labor market.
[2]. Baldigara, T., & Mamula, M. (2012). Tourism statistics in Croatia: Present status and future challenges. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 44, 53–61.
[3]. Borjas, G. J., & Chiswick, B. R. (2019). Foundations of Migration Economics. Oxford University Press.
[4]. Caruso, G., Canon, C. G., & Mueller, V. (2021). Spillover effects of the Venezuelan crisis: migration impacts in Colombia. Oxford Economic Papers, 73(2), 771–795.
[5]. Dogru, T., Mody, M., & Suess, C. (2020). The Airbnb paradox: Positive employment effects in the hospitality industry. Tourism Management, 77.

Paper Title :: Juridical Analysis of Dispute Settlement Efforts Billing for Bankrupt Company through the Renvoi Procedure
Author Name :: Indawati || Nurul UmiAti || Muhammad AgusSalim || KusIndar
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 191-198
This study aims to examine bankruptcy in which a debtor who has financial difficulties has to pay his debts to two debtors who are due and declared bankrupt by a court decision that has permanent legal force. In the process of matching receivables between bankrupt creditors and debtors. In debt/receivable matching meetings attended by curators, creditors, bankrupt debtors and supervisory judges, there are often disputes over the amount owed/receivable from bankrupt debtors/creditors which raises legal issues up to filing lawsuits to determine the amount owed/receivables of bankrupt debtors/creditors to the commercial court . In this study, the authors used a type of library research (Library research).
The results of the research Internal audit which has recalculated all of PT Pertamina EP's receivables to PT Geo Cepu Indonesia as a bankrupt debtor found a difference in the amount owed/accounted by the debtor from the amount of debt that had been recognized previously and submitted a procedure renvoi based on recalculations carried out by the internal audit company PT Pertamina EP to PT Geo Cepu Indonesia as the bankrupt debtor. The implementation of the procedure review, the internal audit did not confirm or verify with the internal audit of the bankrupt debtor company, namely PT Geo Cepu Indonesia, so that it was impressed that the procedure proposed by PT Pertamina EP was a unilateral determination of the amount owed/receivable by the bankrupt debtor/creditor. Based on Articles 115-118 of Law no. 37 of 2004 concerning Bankruptcy and PKPU where any change in the amount owed/receivable from a bankrupt debtor or creditor must obtain prior approval from the bankrupt debtor and by the curator by verifying the revoi procedure and must also be properly recorded by the curator. The legal considerations of the Supreme Court panel of judges who rejected the cassation of the procedural renvoi submitted by PT Pertamina EP are appropriate because the procedural renvoi submission must first be based on verification between the creditor submitting the procedural renvoi and the bankrupt debtor and supported by authentic evidence.
Keywords: attempt, settlement, dispute, bankruptcy, renvoi
[1]. Anzward, Bruce, Darwim and Sri Endang Rayung Wulan. "Legal Protection of Concurrent Creditors (Unsecured) in the Postponement of Debt Payment Obligations (PKPU) Case of PT Asmin Koalindo Tuhup". Journal of De Facto Vol. 5, No.2, (January, 2019): 160.
[2]. Budiono, Doni. "Analysis of the Legal Arrangements for Bankruptcy and Suspension of Debt Payment Obligations." ADHAPER: Journal of Civil Procedure Law 4, no. 2 (May 1, 2019): 109.
[3]. Dewi, Putu Eka Trisna. "Business Law Review: The Urgency of Postponement of Debt Payment Obligation (PKPU) in Bankruptcy". Access Journal Vol. 8, No. 1, (2016).
[4]. Firmansyah, Arif. "Interpretation of Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution in Building the Economy in Indonesia". SYIAR LAW: Journal of Legal Science Vol. 13, No. 1, (March-August 2012).
[5]. Hartono, Dedy Tri. "Legal Protection of Creditors Under the Bankruptcy Law." Journal of Legal Opinion Vol. 4, No. 1, (2016): 1-8. Khair, Umul. "Juridical Analysis of the Legal Consequences of Declaration of Bankruptcy for Debtors Against Creditors of Mortgage Holders". JCH: Journal of Legal Scholarship Vol. 3, No. 2, (March 2018): 258.

Paper Title :: Successful Communication and Communicative Competence in Language Teaching / Learning
Author Name :: Prof. William Nzitubundi Sendihe
Country :: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Page Number :: 199-204
This article discusses the importance of successful communication between people in the use of language, especially those learning a given foreign language. As a language teaching professional, I believe that a good usage of the language is what leads to successful communication. By “good usage”, here we mean some degree of communicative competencein the practice of a foreign language, with some coherence in order to be understood by your interlocutor, i.e. your heareror reader.
Foreign language learners, who practice the language through different interactions, as encouraged by good models from teachers / facilitators, are the ones that are likely to achieve successful communication, which implies communicative competence through communicative approach in the learning process. Good interaction between the two parties in communication, i.e. the speaker and the hearer, the writer and the reader, or between those using sign language, implies successful communication as long as the message passes from the source to the receiver, despite some language errors that may occur therein.
Keywords: Language, communication, communicative competence, communicative approach, interaction, teacher, learners.
[1]. Auwera, J. V. D. (1981). What Do We Talk about when We Talk? Speculative Grammar and the Semantics and Pragmatics of Focus. Amsterdam: John Benjamins
[2]. Bloomfield, Leonard (1983) [1914]. An Introduction to the Study of Language: New edition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing. ISBN 978-90-272-8047-3.
[3]. Giglioli P.P. (1972). Language and Social Context. London: Penguin Books Ltd
[4]. Green, G. (1989). Pragmatics and Natural Language Understanding. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
[5]. Grice, H.P. (1975). Logic and Conversation in Cole, P. and Morgan, J.L. Syntax and Semantics Vol. 3, Harvard University Press.

Paper Title :: The Importance of Balancing the Rate of Internal and External Resources in the Development of Kyrgyz Official Language
Author Name :: Prof. Dr. Gulzura Jumakunova
Country :: Turkey
Page Number :: 205-209
The article aims to draw attention to the current official language in Kyrgyzstan and the way of enhancing its functional role and balancing its position with all other languages, that are in relation to the official language, both within the country and those from outside within the context of country’s language policies.
Kyrgyz language received the status of the state language after Kyrgyzstan gained independence in 1991. However, in 32 years of independence, it has not yet acquired the status of the state language in the full sense of the word, has not risen to the level of the language of politics, economics, technology, science and higher education on a national scale.
The development of Kyrgyz as the state language, weakened by both internal factors, such as the lack of relevant social policies, and external factors, such as the different effects arising as a result of globalization. The article will identify the obstacles hindering the development of the state language, as well as to highlight some of the ideas attempting to strengthen internal language resources; with a view to find a solution which balances the need to unify a country with multiple ethnicities and solves the problems associated with a double official language.
Keywords: Kyrgyz, Russian, state language, globalization, development, regulating, internal and external factors.
[1]. “Analiz tekuchey situatsii”. Sbornik ofitsiyal’nyh dokumentov po gosudarstvennomu yazyku Kırgızskoy Respubliki. Bishkek, 2014: 139-141.
[2]. AYTMATOV Chyngyz (2008). “Erte kelgen turnalar”.Chygarmalarynyn segiz tomduk jyinagy. Bishkek:Biyiktik: C.(3): 167-279.
[3]. BATMANOV İgor (1963). Sovremennıyi kirgizskiy yazık. Frunze.
[4]. CUMAKUNOVA Gulzura (2000). “Atatürk’ün Harf Devrimi ve Kyrgyzistan’daki Alfabe Meselesi”. Türksoy. Türk Dünyası Kültür, Sanat, Haber ve Arashtırma Dergisi. (2): 11-15.
[5]. CUMAKUNOVA Gulzura (2013). “Kyrgyz Turkchesinin Latin Alfabesine Gechishinde Dikkate Alınacak Noktalar”. VI. Uluslararası Turk Dili Kurultayı Bildirileri. IV (1), Ankara: 951-960.

Paper Title :: The Effectiveness of the Triage System in Emergency Services: A qualitative study
Author Name :: Maria Nascimento Cunha || Gonçalo Ladeiro
Country :: Portugal
Page Number :: 210-232
Triage is the first contact between the user and the Emergency Service (SU), thus being a crucial process in terms of management. This must be carried out in the most effective way possible, so that we can better manage the available resources, giving priority to those most in need.
Increasingly, the number of users exceeds the available response capacity, whether due to infrastructure, human resources and/or material resources. These resources are available based on screening, through which management strategies are implemented in order to minimize the risk of those in need of care.
This investigation is based on the discovery of the effectiveness of triage systems in the Emergency Services, mainly the Manchester Triage System, which is currently the Triage System in force in most of Europe, including Portugal. Comparison studies are carried out with other Screening Systems in order to verify their value, effectiveness and safety.
As such, the qualitative analysis was based on research, through interviews with health professionals who work in mainland and island Portugal. The objective is to compare the various testimonies of health professionals and to understand to what extent their conclusions corroborate what the authors present in the literature review refer to, in order to understand whether this study contributes to the validation of the triage system implemented in national hospital.
It was concluded that the Triage System is valid and useful; however, it is necessary to carry out some updates over time in the management of the service, in order to increase its effectiveness and agreement.
Keywords: Management; Screening; Emergency medical services; efficiency; prioritization.
[1]. Advanced Life Support Group (1995) Triage, Major Incident Medical Management and Suport, British Medical Journal Publishing Group, páginas 113-123.
[2]. Aeimchanbanjong, K., & Pandee, U. (2017). Validation of different pediatric triage systems in the emergency department. World journal of emergency medicine, 8(3), 223.
[3]. Albino, R. M., Grosseman, S. & Riggenbach, V. (2007). Classificação de risco: uma necessidade inadiável em um serviço de emergência de qualidade. Arquivos Catarinenses de Medicina, 36 (4), 70-75. Recuperado de
[4]. Australasian College of Emergency Medicine (1994) National Triage Scale, Emergency Medicine (Australia), Vol. 6, Nº 2, páginas 145-146.
[5]. Azeredo, T. R. M., Guedes, H. M., Almeida, R. A. R., Chianca, T. C. M. & Martins, J. C. A. (2014). Efficacy of the manchester triage system: a systematic review. International emergency nursing, 06, 1-6. Recuperado de

Paper Title :: Project Quality Planning and Performance of Floricultural Projects in Kenya
Author Name :: John Wachirakamau || Prof. Patrick K. Ngugi || Dr. Yusuf Mchelule
Country :: Kenya
Page Number :: 233-240
Project quality planning is an important component of project success. Its contribution is particularly significant in the floricultural projects where it enables the floricultural farmers to minimize the losses arising from the natural, economic and socio-political environments. In Kenya, there have been concerted efforts to embrace project quality planning in floricultural projects in order to make the sector more profitable. Therefore, this paper examined the influence of project quality planning on the performance of the floricultural projects in Kenya. The study was guided by the control theory and targeted all floricultural projects in Nakuru County with the senior level managers constituting the sample of the study. Data was collected using questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive results showed that project quality planning influenced the performance of floricultural projects in Kenya. A significant 9%of the variance in the performance of floricultural projects was explained by project quality planning. However, the influence of project quality planning was statistically insignificant.
Keywords: Floriculture, Project Planning, Project performance, Project quality planning, Floricultural projects
[1]. Askov, S. (2018).Delays in agricultural based projects, Journal of Project Management, 24(4), 349-57.
[2]. Barrows, E., & Neely, A. (2012).Managing Performance in Turbulent Times: Analytics and Insight. New Jersey: John Wiley & Son Inc.
[3]. Buang, N. (2018). Understanding Succession in Family Businesses: Post Transition Analysis, Journal ofSocial Science, 9(12), 191-205.
[4]. Burke, R. (2022). Project Management: Planning and Control Techniques, West Sussex, England: John Willey and sons Inc.
[5]. Chan, D., & Kumaraswamy, S. (2019). A Comparative Study of Causes of Time Overruns in Hong Kong, International Journal of Project performance 15(1),55-63.

Paper Title :: Satisfaction with Blended Teaching in Post-Pandemic Dance Teaching in Higher Education of Dance Performance Program, HUHST
Author Name :: Qiu Yi || Kanokkan Kanjanarat || Sarayut Khan
Country :: Thailand
Page Number :: 241-253
The purpose of this research is to study the advantages, and disadvantages of the blended teaching model. The sample size was determined by the Krejcie & Morgan (1970) sampling table, using stratified sampling. The study participants were 123 students of the Dance Performance Program, School of Music and Dance, Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology. The research tool was a questionnaire that had a reliability of 0.878. The statistics used for data are percentages, averages, and standard deviations. The research results indicate that: sensory experience, service experience, and interactive experience have a positive and significant impact on college students' satisfaction. and based on research conclusions and practical teaching experience, a blended teaching model suitable for cultivating dance performance talents is proposed. "Micro courses" that are suitable for the characteristics of the information age are selected as the carrier for case development to design courses, to better explore the application of blended teaching models in dance teaching in higher education institutions.
Keywords: Satisfaction; Blended Teaching; Dance Teaching; Higher Education
[1]. Fan Xiucheng, Li Jianzhou (2006). An Empirical Study of the Three-dimensional Service Experience. Tourism Science,: 54-59
[2]. Wen Tao. (2009) .College students' experience and service brand: Mechanism analysis and management enlightenment. Economic Sciences Press
[3]. Du Jiangang, Fan Xiucheng (2007). Research on Experience-based College Student Satisfaction Model: An Empirical Study on Group Tourism Management Journal, 514-520
[4]. Sha Zhenyuan, He Meixian, Jiang Yuwei(2013). College students participate in the influence of brand relationship quality research. Business Research,: 60-66
[5]. Zhang Yanhui. (2014). Review and outlook of the relationship between college students' perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty Hebei enterprises.:15-16

Paper Title :: Stigmatization of China by American Media during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Author Name :: YANG Xingyue || SHI Jiangang
Country :: China
Page Number :: 254-264
During COVID-19, American media stigmatized China‟s anti-epidemic policies and measures. This paper uses case studies and textual analysis to reveal the stigmatization of China by American mainstream media, social media, and politicians‟ speech. It also analyzes the reasons from both external and internal aspects. In response to these reasons, this paper proposes corresponding destigmatization measures in order to reshape China‟s international image, improve international communication capacity, and form an international discourse that matches China‟s comprehensive strength.
Keywords: stigmatization, Covid-19, American media, destigmatization, international communications
[1]. Berkowitz, D. “Who sets the media agenda? The ability of policymakers to determine news decisions” in Public Opinion, the Press, and Public Policy, J. D. Kennamer (ed.), Praeger, New York, 1992.
[2]. Budhwani, H. & Sun, R. “Creating COVID-19 Stigma by Referencing the Novel Coronavirus as the „Chinese Virus‟ on Twitter: Quantitative Analysis of Social Media Data”, Journal of Medical Internet Research, e19301, 2020.
[3]. Cheng, M. D. et al. “A review on the early reports of COVID-19 in 13 countries including Britain, the United States, Russia and Japan”, Economic and Social Development, pp.22-33, 2020.
[4]. Ge, H. W. “A Corpus-Based Discourse Analysis of Reports on COVID19 Epidemic in China in the New York Times”, Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University, pp.108-116, 2020.
[5]. Goffman, E. Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity, Prentice Hall,Upper Saddle River, NJ., 1963.

Paper Title :: La participación de la Familia Figueroa en la Revolución Mexicana 1910-1913
Author Name :: David Vázquez Marbán
Country :: México
Page Number :: 265-272
La participación de la Familia Figueroa en la Revolución Mexicana es pieza clave para entender el proceso revolucionario en México, esta familia fue mano derecha de Francisco I. Madero al iniciada la revolución en el sur del país en 1910.Francisco I. Madero, dirigente de este movimiento logró con el apoyo de la población, derrocar la dictadura que había sometido a la república Don Porfirio Díaz. Del norte del país, desplegando tal movimiento hasta las tierras de Guerrero, donde estos revolucionarios guerrerences fueron antagónicos u opositores al movimiento encabezado por Emiliano Zapata. Sin embargo, estos tres años donde participaron activamente estos revolucionarios sentaron las bases para la Revolución que culminó con el reparto agrario tanto en el Estado de Guerrero como en el Estado de Morelos al finalizar la Revolución en 1910.
Keywords: Revolución Mexicana, Familia Figueroa, Francisco I. Madero.
[1]. Alcocer Figueroa, Jesús, Crónicas de la Revolución en Guerrero. México, 1982.
[2]. Ávila Espinoza, José Arturo. Zapatismo: origen e historia. INEHRM, México, 2009.
[3]. García Mendoza Jaime, La provincia de la plata en el siglo XVI. Historia de los reales de minas de Temazcaltepec, Zultepec, Zacualpan y Taxco. UAEM/Nostromo, México, 2011.
[4]. Gurrero, Textos de su historia. Compilador: Carlos Illaldes, (Comp.) con la colaboración de Martha Ortega, Gobierno del Estado de Guerrero, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas José María Luis Mora, México, 1989. Pp. 161-193.
[5]. Ferrer Vicario, Gil Arturo, Gurrero: La disputa por la tierra 1856-1933, Testimonios de una persistencia campesina, UAG, México, 2012.

Paper Title :: MERITOCRACY: An Instrument of Governance and Governability in Human Resources Management in Ecuador
Author Name :: Johnson Marcelo Folleco Chalá
Country :: Ecuador
Page Number :: 273-283
The objective of this document is to address meritocracy as an instrument of governance and governability in the management of human resources for the recognition of equal opportunities; Therefore, it is necessary to review the management instruments used in the merit and opposition competition processes in order to assess the recognition of the distinctive abilities of the people who intend to be part of the civil service. The analysis of the Ecuadorian legal base with its normative and technical aspects in the management of human talent, its quality and the descriptive expositions in different dimensions of time and space allow us to determine the convenience of establishing meritocracy as a policy, which supports greater efficiency in the new public management.
Keywords: Governance, governability, merit, meritocracy, public.
[1]. Akerman, J. M. (2005). La política del desarrollo administrativo en Estados Unidos. Scielo., XIV(2).
[2]. Aravena, W. M. (2008). Cuando el mérito acentúala desigualdad. Revista Enfoques: Ciencia Politica y Administración Publia, VI(9), 247-261.
[3]. Asamblea Nacional. (4 de 10 de 2008). Constitución de la República del Ecuador.
[4]. Constitución de la República del Ecuador. Alfaro, Manabi, Costa: Registro Oficial.
[5]. Asamblea Nacional. (10 de Octubre de 2010). Ley Orgánica de Servicio Públcio. Ley Organica de Servicio Público. Quito, Pichincha: Suplemento del Registro Oficial 294.

Paper Title :: Small Screen for Women’s Empowerment: An Analysis on the Capability of Television Morning Shows in Empowering Women
Author Name :: Jayawardhana, K.G.L.A.N.S || Rathnayaka. R.M.S.N
Country :: Sri Lanka
Page Number :: 284-289
Television consumption is accepted as a part of the most women’s everyday life which becomes a major source of motivation, entertainment, information, knowledge and education, significantly for rural women. This exploratory study was conducted attaining general knowledge about a group of women to find out their most viewed television morning show (magazine), to find out the most popular content/segment of the program among the female and, to find out the extent to which they have been empowered through these morning television shows telecasted targeting the female. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, qualitative method was employed while the cultivation theory was used as the theoretical framework for the study. Primary data were collected through in-depth interviews, conducted with 20 women from a rural women’s association in Nuwara Eliya District in Sri Lanka. When designing the questionnaire, three television morning programs (shows) from three prominent television channels were considered which had been top ranked according to the LMRB report in 2020. Findings of the study highlight that, 11 respondents (55%) watch “Nugasewana” which is telecasted in Rupavahini, while 06 respondents (30%) watch “Vindaneeya Udasana” telecasted in Hiru TV and, “Ayubowan Sri Lanka” by Swarnavahini is watched by 03 respondents (15%) of the sample. When considering the most popular segment of the programme, 35% of women (7 respondents) are interested in cookery segment, 35% (7 respondents) of them are interested in sewing and knitting, while 30% (6 respondents) of the respondents are into handicrafts such as making flower vases, doing creative works (wall hangings) using waste materials. And 05 respondents (25%) are in favor of watching the segment related to gardening while 4 respondents (20%) are interested in the segment related to health & well-being (including counseling) and beauty culture related programs and, 3 respondents are interested in astrology. The programme contents have been supported the respondents to[1] learn and acquire the skills which are completely new to them (knitting, embroidering, making bakery items, making flower vases, doing creative works using waste material), [2] gain updated knowledge related to their current self-employment (Tailoring - saree jacket designing, flower nursery), [3] earn an extra income (making cakes for orders), [4] get advice on women’s health and well-being and, [5] for entertainment while relaxing their mindset.
Keywords: Television, Morning shows, Women Empowerment, Homemakers
[1]. Bhatt, G. Singh, “A study of television viewing habits among rural women of Tehri Garhwal District. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, (2015). Study-of Television-Viewing-Habits-among-Rural-of-Bhatt Singh/74bdd41aac431331c295bc8aecca68af8540deb4 [2]. B.A.D. Athula Ransirilal, The Current Situation of Sri Lanka TV Media and the Challenges Ahead, 24th JAMCO Online International Symposium, January 2016 - August 2016,
[3]. G. T. Madhubhashini, The Role Of Television As An Educational Medium In Empowering Rural Students In Sri Lanka During Covid 19 Pandemic, INSANIAH: Online Journal of Language, Communication, and Humanities, Volume 4 (2), October, 2021.
[4]. K.V.A.H.P. Wijenayake, G.R.S.R.C. Samaraweera, Determinants of Programme Preferences and Watching Hours of Television: With Special Reference to Gampaha District, 13th International Conference on Business Management 2016, University of Sri Jayawardanapura, Colombo.
[5]. M.B. Devadas, V.M. Saravanan, The television and rural women development. Journal of Art Science And Commerce, (2015). jhss/papers/Vol.%2022%20Issue7/Version2/I2207024456.pdf.

Paper Title :: Comparing Way to Understand Lexical Cohesion Methods of Halliday and Hasan with the Understanding of Tran Ngoc Thi M through Some Cohesion Methods
Author Name :: MA Pham Thu Trang
Country :: Vietnam
Page Number :: 290-292
Within the scope of this article, we delve deeper into the lexical cohesion method - an important attribute in the cohering system of Halliday and Hasan, on that basis, to compare the understanding of the lexical cohesion method of Halliday and Hasan. Halliday and Hasan with Tran Ngoc Them's understanding through some cohesion methods in the Vietnamese Text Cohering system (1985).
Keywords: cohesion, text, Tran Ngoc Them, Halliday M A K & Hasan
[1]. Halliday M A K & Hasan. Ruqaiya, Cohension in English, First published 1976, 13𝑡ℎ imperession 1994.
[2]. Nunan. D, Introduction to Discourse Analysis, GD Publishing House, 1997 (translated by Ho My Huyen, Truc Thanh).
[3]. DiepQuang Ban, Texts and cohesion in Vietnamese, GD Publisher, 1999.
[4]. Tran Ngoc Them, The system of linking documents in Vietnamese, University and THCN Publisher, Hanoi, 1985s

Paper Title :: Analysis of Factors Affecting the Level of Welfare of Rural Communities
Author Name :: Fitria Virgantari || Dion Achmad Armadi || Yohanes Indroyono || Ananda Tory Diandra
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 293-302
The aim of this research is to identify the factors that influence the welfare of rural communities and to determine whether this strategy can improve the welfare of rural communities. This study uses secondary data obtained from regional organizations/institutions in Bogor Regency in 2022. The indicators used as welfare standards are adjusted according to the indicators defined by the Central Bureau of Statistics, including population, health, education, economy and income, housing and environment, poverty, and social aspects, with a total of 43 variables in 416 villages in Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia. Variable selection is based on Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Measure of Sampling Adequacy (MSA) values greater than 0.5. The factor extraction method used is the principal component analysis method in Exploratory Factor Analysis, based on eigenvalues greater than one, while the factor rotation method used is varimax rotation. The results of the study show that 9 factors were extracted, explaining a total of 61.2% of the variance. The first factor, which contributes the most, is dominated by demographic/population and housing/environment indicators. The population indicators include population size, number of households, number of people aged 0-14 years, number of people aged 65 years and above, and number of participants in health insurance. The housing/environment indicators include home ownership, private toilets, and PLN electricity connections.
Keywords: factor analysis; community welfare; village; IDM
[1]. Andria, F. A. Rahmi, A.D. Gunawan, Salmah, D.A. Armadi. 2023. IDM Clustering: Study of Village Potential Development Efforts in the Developing Category. International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Science (IJLRHSS). Volume 06 - Issue 01, pp. 249-257
[2]. Basofi, A. dan D.B Santoso. 2017. Analisis Pengukuran Kesejahteraan di Indonesia. Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya.
[3]. BPS. 2015. Statistik Indonesia 2015. Jakarta: Badan Pusat Statistik.
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Paper Title :: New Management Public: Advantages and Limitations: An Overview of Morocco
Author Name :: Sabah JRHIRID || Omar EL AMILI || Wafa LAKTIB || Sanaa MALKI
Country :: Morocco
Page Number :: 303-308
The main goal of new public management is to limit the differences in management between the public and private sectors, with the emergence of the concepts of quality of life and well- being, the public sector tends towards the application of new work standards based on management principles such as. The system of understanding, interaction and internal organization. It is based on the regulation of the commitment of the internal actors allowing to create a constant participative process which generates a constant motivation between the internal actors. Nevertheless, it would be reasonable to think to what extent the principles of private management are applicable in the public sector and how it manages to achieve a quality of service that engenders user satisfaction.
This paper aims to answer this question by citing the advantages and limits of new public management.
Keywords: New public management, advantages, limits, evaluation.
[1]. Alecian, S. et D. Foucher (2002), management in spublic service, Paris, France, Organisation edition 446 p.
[2]. Bartoli, A. (2005), management in public organisations, Paris, France, Dunod, 419 p.
[3]. Braun, G. (2001), information Rapport n°348 in nameof finance comission, budgetary control and the nation's economic accounts on a comparative study of State reform abroad, , Sénat, 104 p.
[4]. Burnham, J. (2000), «How local public services are managed in Europe», Sénat, colloque «What kind of local civil service for successful decentralization? »,
[5]. Chevalier, J. et D. Lochak (1982), « Rationalité juridique et rationalité managériale dans l‟administration française », Revue Française d‟Administration Publique, 24, 21-33.

Paper Title :: A Literature Review on the Origin of Ceramics
Author Name :: Qu Qiumei
Country :: China
Page Number :: 309-315
Archaeological findings suggest that pottery began to appear when nomadic peoples settled down and discovered fire. The pinch pot was probably the first type of pottery. Sedentary ancient people made pinch cans out of clay balls, which they inserted their thumbs into. Objects made by hand using manual skills, now known as handicrafts, are created to meet the needs of their daily lives. Ancient people had to use the raw materials available in their surroundings to make a wide variety of utensils and household items. They must also develop technology that will allow them to be shaped for certain uses. Thus, in the earliest stages, handicrafts, including pottery, were more for practical purposes than decorative ones. From the beginning, ancient people used clay to make tools to meet the different needs of their daily lives. Pottery provided them with useful containers to cook food for people to eat. In addition to their use as household items, pottery products were also used for ceremonial tokens and decorative items. As beauty-loving creatures (" a beautiful thing is always a pleasure "), our ancestors began to beautify their handmade goods, tools, and utensils. They decorate everything they make and even use them to decorate the body.
Keywords: Pottery, Ceramic art, Origin of ceramics.
[1]. Beilter, E., J., & Lockhart, B. (1969). Design for You. Pub: John Willy & Sons, Inc. New York.12-15.
[2]. Chen Wenping.(2003).Ancient Chinese Ceramics, Shanghai: Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House:3.
[3]. Cui Bin. (2019). Chinese Ceramic Art Appreciation and Decorative Decoration, Xinhua Publishing House: 13.
[4]. Flight, G., (1889). Introduction to Ceramics, Prentice Hall, Canada.11-30.
[5]. Li Dongmei.(2023). A Study on the Modeling Characteristics and Decorative Art of Pottery in Han Dynasty, Cultural Relics Identification and Appreciation, No. 3:25-30.

Paper Title :: Proposal of a Course in Techniques of Conversation for Advanced Learners of English as a Foreign Language
Author Name :: William Nzitubundi Sendihe
Country :: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Page Number :: 316-335
Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Teaching English as a Second Language or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages are terms that refer to teaching English to students whose first language is not English. The terms TEFL, TESL, and TESOL distinguish between a class's location and student population.
When we discuss the issue of learning English as a foreign language, we have in mind the four language learning skills, which are: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and writing. All these four skills are equally important for successful language learning. However, many learners of English have always declared that listening and speaking are the most difficult language skills. They think that listening is the most difficult exercise in this area, especially when you listen to a native speaker of English. As far as the speaking skill is concerned, learners also say that it is the second most difficult skill to develop in language learning. They wonder why their fluency does not flow easily like that of natives. And of course, a non-native learner cannot speak like a native. They only need native or near-native models to imitate so that they can acquire acceptable articulation.
Nevertheless, all learners acknowledge that speaking is again the most important skill to develop. They want to enjoy themselves when speaking and improving their practice.
Therefore, this article is designed to propose an easy course on Conversation Techniques to encourage such learners, especially those in intermediate and advance levels at language learning centers, and those in formal schools and/or colleges of languages who just learn the language because they simply want to know it, not for professional reasons, but for the sole purpose of speaking, communicating in a foreign language through their everyday activities. This is the reason the present article has taken the shape of a class syllabus, in order to help both teachers and learners make the exercise easier, stress-free, and more enjoyable as they practice the language and enjoy themselves.
Keywords: Conversation, communication, foreign language, learners, speaking, asking, answering.
[1]. Austin, J.L. (1962). How to Do Things with Words. The William James Lectures delivered at Harvard University in 1955. OUP, London.
[2]. Cook, W.J. (1981). Using Authentic Material in the Classroom. MET Vol9 N°2
[3]. Fotini Anastassiou and Georgia Andreou (2020). English as a Foreign Language: Perspectives on Teaching, Multilingualism and Interculturalism. Cambridge Scholars Publishing
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[5]. Kerry, Patterson (2002). Crucial Conversations. Tools for Talking when Stakes are High. The New York Times Best-Sellers

Paper Title :: Organizing Competitive Postgraduate Programs on Economic Diplomacy
Author Name :: Dr. Andreas Papastamou
Country :: Greece
Page Number :: 336-345
In an increasingly interconnected global economy, economic diplomacy has emerged as a critical tool for nations to promote their economic interests, forge international partnerships, and enhance their competitiveness. The demand for experts in economic diplomacy has grown significantly, necessitating the development of comprehensive postgraduate programs that equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge. This paper outlines a framework for organizing competitive postgraduate studies on economic diplomacy, encompassing curriculum design, faculty expertise, experiential learning, and international collaboration. By fostering a multidisciplinary approach and integrating practical experiences, institutions can cultivate the next generation of adept economic diplomats capable of navigating complex international economic landscapes.
Keywords: Economic Diplomacy, University Postgraduate Studies
[1]. Blechman, B.M., Pickering, T.R. & Gingrich, N. (2009). Final Report of the State Department in 2025 Working Group. Advisory Committee on Transformational Diplomacy.
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[3]. Cantwell, J., & Krug, R. (2017). Bridging Theory and Practice: The Role of Practitioners in Economic Diplomacy Education. International Studies Quarterly, 61(2), 324-337.
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