
Volume 05 - Issue 08

Paper Title :: Gestión ambiental y la cadena ilegal del narcotráfico en el territorio del VRAEM – Pichari
Author Name :: Heredia Escobar, Wilman Jorge || Reyes Castillo, Eduardo Antonio
Country :: Peru
Page Number :: 01-10
In this research article, its essential objective is to specify the connection between environmental management within the VRAEM-Pichari territory and the illicit drug trafficking chain. This research will respond to the parallelism using qualitative, systematic, historical and interpretive approaches, applying tools such as reviews of scientific articles and bibliographic reviews of journalistic publications to explain how common abnormalities arise, are prolonged and transmute, becoming the capital of the studies. On threats to national security, while addressing the importance of international sponsorship and legal fences. The results explain the coherence of social phenomena and their impact on governance. It can be inferred that the continuous permanence of the TID accompanied by corruption and other illegal activities, terrifies the governability and security of the region, and the existing dependency with the illegal actors makes it intricate to settle.
Keywords: Drug trafficking, Illegal actors, Controlled Chemical Inputs and Products, Terrorism, Corruption.
[1]. Alarcon, J. (2020). Analisis de la participacion de la 35a Brigada de Selva en la Lucha contra el Trafico ilicito de Drogas en Caballococha, 2019. Escuela Superior de Guerra Del Ejercito.ÁLISIS DE LA PARTICIPACIÓN DE LA 35° BRIGADA DE SELVA .pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
[2]. Anselmo, F., Flores, S., & De Revisión, A. (2019). Fundamentos epistémicos de la investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa: consensos y disensos. Revista Digital de Investigación En Docencia Universitaria, 13(1), 102–122.
[3]. Argomedo, D. W. (2020). Climate Change, Drug Traffickers and La Sierra Tarahumara. Journal of Strategic Security, 13(4), 81–95.
[4]. Arriarán, G. (2020). Un mapeo de actores. La trata de personas y la corrupción en el contexto del narcotráfico y la pandemia del covid-19 en el Trapecio Amazónico. Proetica.
[5]. Augusto, M. C. (2019). Cuando el Estado y la sociedad confluyen: la construcción de la política territorial en San Martín (2002-2018). Debates En Sociología, 47, 9–39.

Paper Title :: Innovation and Fiscal Impact of the New Mining Legislation in the DRC
Author Name :: Kalenga Monga || Nday Mwepu || Kasali Mwilambwe || Banza Wa Ilunga Rince
Country :: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Page Number :: 11-19
The DRC promulgated the revised mining code on March 9, 2018 and its mining regulations on June 8, 2018. This new legislative framework contains several advances and innovations which, properly applied, can significantly improve the governance of the mining sector and bring significant economic and social to citizens.
This progress in integrating good practices in terms of transparency and admissibility contributes to the sharing of revenues between the central government, the provinces and the decentralized state entities and contributes to community development.
To this end, there is a significant risk that differences on tax aspects monopolize the attention of stakeholders and that the implementation of other provisions is relegated to the background
Keyword: « innovation, fiscal, mining legislation»
[1]. Décret N°038/2003 du 26 mars 2003 portant Règlement Minier, tel que modifié et complété par le décret N° 18/024
[2]. Dictionnaire Illustré, édition spéciale, Kinshasa, 2010
[3]. Éric TSHIKUMA, « RDC : l’industrie minière suggère le changement du ¼ du code minier ! »,
[4]. Étude économique/01/DEP.ETUDES&DOC/FEC/2019 de février 2019 ;
[5]. Guide de vulgarisation de la loi n°18/001 du 09 mars 2018 modifiant et complétant la loi n°007/2002 du 11 juillet 2002 portant code minier, novembre 2018 ;

Paper Title :: A Economia Informal Como Alternativa De Emprego Para As Famílias Angolanas. O Caso Dos Mercados Informais Do Bairro Das Cacilhas, Município Do Huambo E Bairro Paz Em Menongue
Author Name :: Pedro Bráz Paca || Pedro Sousa de Andrade || Higino Albertino Brandão Cumena Lombe || Franklim Lukibo Bivingo || Alberto Nhimi || Manuel Kamuenho Alberto || Digmath Filipe Lundovi Quissêngua || Aurélio Simões Salunbongo
Country :: Angola
Page Number :: 20-32
This work aimed to analyze the role of the informal economy as an alternative employment for families in the Municipality of Huambo, specifically for city dwellers who carry out various activities in the informal market of the Cacilhas neighborhood. Based on the bibliographical research, it was possible to present several theoretical approaches related to the subject under study, from history, concepts, causes, characteristics, concepts, causes, characteristics, the importance of this sector as a guarantee of employment and family sustainability, its structure as well as its main socio-economic implications, culminating with the presentation of the sectoral contribution of the informal economy as employability in the Angolan economy. Through the field research carried out at the reference site of this work, based on the distribution of questionnaires to a sample of 113 respondents, it was possible to obtain the pre-established results that highlight the main aspects of a socioeconomic order directly linked to the theme in study.
Keyword: informal economy; source of income; informal work; family sustainability.
[1]. Braga, T. S. (2006). O Sector Informal e as Formas de participação na Produção: Os casos das regiões metropolitanas de Salvador e Recife. Caxambu: XV Encontro Nacional de Estudos Populacionais.
[2]. Brue, S. L. (2006). História do Pensamento Econômico (6ª ed.). São Paulo: Thomson.
[3]. Borjas, G. (2013). Labor Economics. Sixth edition.
[4]. Bezerra, J. 03 de Otubro de( 2018). África Subsariana. Fonte: Toda Matéria:
[5]. Correa, R. O. 23 de Outubro de ( 2009). Mercado de Trabalho Informal: Um comparativo entre -Brasil e Paraná Numa trajectória de 10 anos. IV Encontro de produção Ciêntífica e Tecnologia, p. 4.

Paper Title :: Stages of Documentary film production: analysing the changes
Author Name :: Violet Barman
Country :: India
Page Number :: 33-43
Documentary films have been a powerful means for representation. As narratives are changing, the ways of representing them are also changing. The process of making these representations are changing. Documentaries are no more about ‗reading‘ of information in front of a camera, it has evolved with time. From being newsreel pattern to experimenting with various narrative styles, from shooting in reel to capturing in high definition digital formats, from a limited option of bulky film cameras to handheld cameras: changes are unavoidable along with a large number of options available. But the core production stages have been the same. Like human culture, the culture in the technological world has also evolved. The implementation of new approaches is the cause and effect of the advancement and evolution in technology. The process of production undergoes three essential production stages: pre-production, production, and post-production. However, these three essential stages have been elaborated with several ‗newness‘ in terms of its implementation and execution. The technological experiments and acceptance of it by the audience have widened the creative aspect in documentary forms. However, universally the process of documentary production will vary, but more or less these stage of productions cannot be ignored. This paper shall attempt to explore the new aesthetic, expressive style, and technologies adopted in due course of time for producing documentaries, particularly focusing on the stages of production.
Keyword: Documentary film production, stages of documentary production, documentary film, pre-production, production of a documentary, post-production.
[1]. Nichols; Bill. Introduction to Documentary. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001.
[2]. Kosalalita Anggiyumna Ranangsari and Qiu Fuquan- Production of documentary film Driving Awareness. Tung Fang Design University, Taiwan. P-86, p-87. Vol.11 No.2 July 2020. ISSN 2338-428X (Online).
[3]. Marfo, Amma. The Evolution and Impact of Documenatry Films. University of Rhode Island: DigitalCommons@URI, 2007, P:3.
[4]. Kustusch, Christopher Michael. A Paradigm Shift For The Science Documentary. Montana State Universtiy, 2007.
[5]. Wright, Peter Lee. The Documentary Handbook. Routledge, 2010, p: 316.

Paper Title :: Tribal Women of Jharkhand: A Study of the Menstrual Health and Sanitation
Author Name :: Tanisha Sawa
Country :: India
Page Number :: 44-50
Menstrual health of women in the tribal communities has less been talked about. This study attempts to look at practices and perceptions related to health, menstruation and sanitation amongst women. This paper tried to look at the facts related to facilities and also the societal notions related to menstruation. By asking questions related to the availability and accessibility of the resources, an attempt was made to analyse the situation. It is seen how there is a lack of certain facilities pertaining to women's menstrual health and they are also socially excluded.
Keyword: Health, tribal, women, sanitation, menstruation
[1]. Basu, A. (1990). Anthropological approach to tribal health [In] Tribal demography and development in North-East India, (ed. Ashish Bose, Tiplut Nagbri & Nikhlesh Kumar).131-142. B.R. Publishing Corporation, Delhi.
[2]. Basu, S.K. (1992) Health and culture among the underprivileged groups in India (In) State of India's Health (ed. Alok Mukhopadhyay). Voluntary Health Association of India pp. 175-186.
[3]. Bhatia JC, Cleland J. Self reported symptoms of gynaecological morbidity and their treatment in south India. Stud Fam Plann. 1995;26:203–16
[4]. Chauhan, Abha (1990). Tribal women and social change in India. A.C. Brothers, Etawah.
[5]. Devi, K. D., & Ramaiah, P. V. (1994). A study on menstrual hygiene among rural adolescent girls. Indian journal of medical sciences, 48(6), 139-143.

Paper Title :: Increasing Emotional Intelligence on the Performance of Civil Servants at the Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Boyolali
Author Name :: Arifa Dewi Devakhy || Ardian Adhiatma
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 51-59
The purpose of this study is to find out, test and analyze empirically the influence of Islamic leadership style, Emotional Intelligence on the work culture of civil servants at the Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Boyolali.
This study used civil servants at the Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Boyolali. The total existing employees is 112 which is divided into 9 sections, namely the governance section, the people's welfare section, the legal section, the development section, the procurement section for goods and services, the economy and natural resources section, the organization section, the administration section, the finance section and the leadership communication protocol section. The data collection used in this research is purposive sampling. This study uses a qualitative method with the level of explanation, associative, and correlational with a survey method approach. The results of this study indicate that Islamic Leadership Style (X1) has a significant effect on civil servants Performance, Work culture (Z) as a moderator variable has also proven to be successful in strengthening the influence of Islamic Leadership Style (X1) on civil servants Performance (Y), Emotional Intelligence (X1). X2) also has a significant effect on civil servants Performance (Y), while Work Culture (Z) as a moderating variable is also proven to strengthen the influence of Emotional Intelligence (X2) on ASN Performance (Y). Implications: For the Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Boyolali, the results of this study are expected to be taken into consideration in efforts to improve employee performance through aspects of Islamic Leadership and Emotional Intelligence with work culture as a mediating variable.
Keyword: Islamic Leadership Style, civil servants Performance Improvement, Organizational Culture, Emotional Intelligence Improvement
[1]. Aboyassin, Naser A. Abood, Najim. (2013). The Effect of Ineffective Leadership on Individual and Organization Performance in Jordanian Institutions. International Business Journal. Vol 23 No 1 Pp 68-84.
[2]. Agustian & Ginanjar, A. 2005. Rahasi aSukses Membangun Kecerdasan Emosi dan Spiritual ESQ Emotional Spiritual Quotient. The ESQ Way 165, 1 Ihsan, 6 Rukun Iman dan 5 Rukun Islam. Jakarta: Penerbit Aga.
[3]. Alharty, Abdulkareem Abdullah Husin. Nurazmallail. (2020) Training Impact on The Human Resources Performance. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University. Vol. 55 No.3 June 2020.
[4]. Alia, Cut Fauza, Mukhlis Yunus dan Mahdani. 2015. “Pengaruh Budaya Perusahaan, Rotasi Dan Promosi Jabatan Terhadap Motivasi Serta Implikasinya Pada Kinerja Karyawan PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Area Banda Aceh.” JurnalManajemenPascasarjana Universitas Syiah Kuala. ISSN: 2302- 0199. Vol. 4, No. 1, Hal. 1-10.
[5]. Al-Meer, Abdul Rahim A,2003, Organization Commitment , A Comparison of Westerners, Asians and Saudi, International Studies of Management and Organization.

Paper Title :: The Concept of Sustainability in School Textbooks “The Case of English Language Textbooks in C, D, E, F Greek Primary School Classes”
Author Name :: Vasileios Liondos
Country :: Greece
Page Number :: 60-68
The present work is a research that was carried out by the method of content analysis and bibliographic research. The subject of the research was Sustainable Education and the subject of Education in English Language Textbooks.
The textbooks for the C, D, E and F Greek Primary School Classes are examined, the topics related to sustainability issues and the environments are presented.
Main activities are presented and teaching scenarios, which further enhance the cultivation of students' sensitivity in relation to the environment, are proposed.
Keyword: Sustainability, Environmental Education, Sustainable School Textbooks, Sustainable Development
[1]. Abroms LC, Padmanabhan N, Thaweethai L, & Phillips T. (2011). iPhone Apps for Smoking Cessation: A content analysis. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 40(3):279-285.
[2]. Berelson, Bernard (1952). Content Analysis in Communication Research. New York: Free Press, 1952.
[3]. Busha, Charles H. and Stephen P. Harter (1980). Research Methods in Librarianship: Techniques and Interpretation. New York: Academic Press, 1980.
[4]. de Sola Pool, Ithiel (1959). Trends in Content Analysis. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1959.
[5]. CEF (2022), What is Environmental Education?, CEF.

Paper Title :: The “Metaverse” Symbol of Civilization Transfer in the Middle of Digital Economic Hegemony: Synthesis of Progressive Law of The Covid-19 Pandemic Era
Author Name :: Wukir Prayitno
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 69-80
For a long time people have been trying to understand the presence of avatars, non-fungible tokens or NFTs, cryptocurrencies, virtual lands, and more. A civilizational shift occurred. All digital products represent what has been in the real world into the metaverse. We can play, do business, worship, and more in this virtual parallel world. This change is arguably one of the levels of achievement of digital civilization. People can be present not only in the real world, but in parallel worlds that exist in the virtual universe. The problem that arises with the presence of avatars, NFT, crypto, virtual land, and others in the midst of the hegemony of the digital economy is whether progressive law in the post-modern era can: (1) ensure the direction of digital transformation can run according to the desired corridor in the midst of digital economic hegemony ; (2) paying attention to social elements such as culture and social conditions of society, although it is absolutely related to the use of digital technology, digital transformation is not only about technology; (3) accelerating the process of digital transformation is not impossible to create an increasingly polarized digital divide; and (4) ensuring that digital transformation does not have a counter-productive impact, but there must be a guarantee that it will not only benefit certain groups, while at the same time marginalizing the existence of other groups. The world has now arrived at the progress of spiritual intelligence that breaks through the tradition of thinking that only relies on logic or linear thinking (Intellectual Quotient), even thinking with feelings (Emotional Quotient). Intuitive spiritual intelligence (Spiritual Quotient) will make a leap that does not exist in the workings of the intellectual quotient and emotional quotient. In contrast to machines that work according to rules, human life has many aspects that cannot be understood and captured by machines. The thesis obtained in this study, "Civilization of the metaverse universe can coexist with the Covid-19 pandemic is not an impossibility but a necessity." In the end, the winners are those who can adapt. Those who accept a new perspective are more likely to survive.
Keyword: Civilization Transfer, Covid-19 Pandemic, Digital Economy Hegemony, Metaverse Universe, Progressive Law Synthesis
[1]. Evan, William, 1990, Social Structure and Law, Sage Publications, London.
[2]. Irianto, Sulistyowati, 2012, Socio-legal Studies, Larasan Library, Jakarta, UI, Leiden University, Groningen University.
[3]. Kompas Daily, January 16, 2022.
[4]. Kompas Daily Editorial, January 17, 2022.
[5]. Kompas Daily, March 2, 2022.

Paper Title :: The influence of transformational leadership styles and organizational culture on organizational performance by application Good governance as a moderation variable at the Kolinlamil Health Office
Author Name :: Retiono Kunto || Edi Suhardono || Arie Ambarwati
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 81-90
Organizational performance is one of the benchmarks for achieving work program targets in an organization. Kolinlamil Diskes in addition to being a work unit in the Kolinlamil organization also has a health service function for the general public. Conditions at least the patient's visit attracts the attention of researchers to analyze further whether there is a connection with the factors that affect the performance of the Kolinlamil Diskes. From existing research, there are several factors that affect organizational performance including leadership style and organizational culture. In this study aims to analyze whether there is an influence and how much transformational leadership style, organizational culture with the addition of good governance as a moderation variable on organizational performance, both partially or simultaneously. Quantitative research methods, with a number of samples of 38 respondents. Analysis using multiple linear regression tests and moderated regression analysis (MRA) with the IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences SPSS 25 version 25 program.
The results of the study proved that there was a positive and significant influence on the transformational leadership style on organizational performance with a significance value of 0.028 <0.050. There is a positive and significant influence on organizational culture on organizational performance with a significance value of 0.028 <0.050. There was a positive and significant positive influence on transformational leadership style and organizational culture on organizational performance with a R Square value of 43.8 %. It was found that good governance as a moderation variable is not able to strengthen the influence of the relationship between transformational leadership styles on organizational performance. This can be seen from the price of the moderation coefficient which is negative 0.132 with a significance value of 0.080> 0.050. While Good Governance as a moderation variable is able to strengthen the influence of organizational cultural relations on organizational performance. There is a positive and significant effect simultaneously good governance as a variable moderation of transformational leadership styles and organizational culture on organizational performance with a R Square value of 57.7%. This shows that Good Governance is not a moderation variable on the relationship of the influence of transformational leadership styles on the performance of the Kolinlamil Diskes Organization. Diskes of Kolinlamil needs to provide space for the emergence of new ideas from staff and members to contribute to organizational development by providing criticism and suggestions for the achievement of organizational goals.
Keyword: Leadership, Transformational, Culture, Performance, Good Governance
[1]. Belulu, Regan Debebe. (2020). The Effect of Leadership Style and Organizational Culture on Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Jig-Jiga City. A literature review
[2]. Budiyanto, Eko., And Muckhlas, Muhammad. (2020). Employee performance in terms of the aspects of leadership style, organizational culture and work motivation (research approach). CV A.A.Rizky.
[3]. Dwiyanto, Agus. (2018). Public Bureaucratic Reform. Gajah Mada University Press.
[4]. Djalil, Rizal. (2014). Regional Financial Accountability, Post Reformation Implementation. RMBOOOKS PT WAHANA SEMESTA INTERMEDIA, Jakarta.
[5]. Edison, Emron., Anwar, Yohny., And Komariyah, Imas., (2016). Human Resource Management. Bandung. Alfabeta.

Paper Title :: Woman and Media: A Corpus-based Critical Discourse Analysis of Written Press
Author Name :: Ms. Robina Masud
Country :: Saudi Arabia
Page Number :: 91-95
Freedom of expression is a basic human right. Without it, the ability to express oneself in the fullest capacity is impossible. There is multitude of institutions and organizations that work globally to protect, propagate and reinforce this agenda through various treaties, charters and MOUs. Putting this differently; freedom of expression provides an assurance to the citizens of any country or region to work and act freely and effectively under the democratic system. But unfortunately, freedom of expression does most extend to men than to women in Pakistani society. This may also be observed in print media discourses where men employ certain type of language (using linguistic techniques) to express themselves more freely than women. Sun (2014) explains the importance of freedom of expression as “… a democratic society, freedom of expression not only empowers the decision makers to fully appreciate the strength of the diversity of opinions but also encourages the acceptance of such diverse views”.
[1]. Bakhtin, M. (1981). The dialogic imagination: four essays. (C. Emerson, C. & H. Holquist Trans.) Austin: University of Texas Press
[2]. Benveniste, É. ([1966] 1971). Problems in General Linguistics (M. E. Meek Trans.). Coral Gables: University of Miami Press
[3]. Biber, D. & Conrad, S. (2001). Register variation: a corpus approach. In D. Schiffrin, D. Tannen & H. Hamilton (Eds.), The Handbook of Discourse Analysis (pp. 175-198). London: Blackwell.
[4]. Biber, D. 1993. „Representativeness in corpus design’, Literary and Linguistic Computing 8 (4): 24357.
[5]. Burr, V. (1995). An introduction to social constructionism. London: Routledge.

Paper Title :: The Effect of Transformational Leadership and Digital Workplace for Employee Performance
Author Name :: Yusvi Adi Mustofa || Budhi Cahyono
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 96-105
Digital terminology is increasingly widespread in the 4.0 era. In the past, what was called digital was related to computer work. But now Digital is expanding with other activities. There is something called Digital Mindset, Digital Literacy, Digital Transformation to the subject discussed in this research, namely Digital Workplace. In short, Digital Workplace is a work environment that has both physical and technological tools that adopt digital technology capabilities from basic to advanced. This situation is seen from the ability of a transformational leader to lead his organization which is manifested by the excellent performance of employee.
By creating empirical models in the form of Digital Workplace variables, Transformational Leadership and employee performance. Each of these variables is represented scientifically by the indicators that have been discussed in previous journals. The main variables of employee performance will be seen in the perspective of transformational leadership and digital workplace.
Briefly, the results of research conducted in one area of the state-owned electricity company in Indonesia with a total of 204 respondents and an error rate of 5% using the slovin method. From the research, it can be concluded that Transformational Leadership has a positive and significant impact on the digital workplace at PT PLN (Persero) area HTD 8. So the higher the value of Transformational Leadership for organizational leaders, the higher the formation and adoption of a digital workplace in the organization. Later in this journal it also shows that Transformational Leadership and Digital Workplace have no effect on HR Performance.
Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Digital Workplace, Employee, Performance
[1]. Ahmed Waham, M., Abdul Rahman, R., & Wan Mustaffa, W. S. (2020). The Effect of Transformational Leadership on the Organizational Performance in Higher Education Institutions in Iraq. International Business Education Journal, 13(May), 74–84.
[2]. Antoni, C. (2005). Management by objectives - An effective tool fro teamwork? International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16(2), 174–184.
[3]. Attaran, M., Attaran, S., & Kirkland, D. (2019). The need for digital workplace: Increasing workforce productivity in the information age. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 15(1), 1–23.
[4]. Bass, B. (1997). Does the transactional–transformational leadership paradigm transcend organizational and national boundaries? American Psychologist, 52(2), 130.
[5]. Bedarkar, M., &Pandita, D. (2014). A Study on the Drivers of Employee Engagement Impacting Employee Performance. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 133, 106–115.

Paper Title :: The European wild bull (aurochs) in the Nazi ideology
Author Name :: Dr. Jorge Brower Beltramin
Country :: Chile
Page Number :: 106-114
The emergence and consolidation of National Socialism, led by Hitler in the darkest period of German history, shows us how a totalitarian and deranged ideology appropriates everything that gives strength to a delusional and destructive political project. The intention to revive the already extinct mythical bull / aurochs, which lived in the oldest forests in Europe, was part of the hallucinated ideology of the Nazis. In this article, we expose the enormous efforts that the renowned German zoologist Lutz Heck, together with his brother Heinz Heck, made to bring the extinct aurochs to life, in the context of the implementation of Nazi ideology. At this tragic historical juncture, the aurochs, the protagonist of the megafauna of Eurasia, appears as a symbol of power that the Nazi regime intended to show again in European forests, with Poland being invaded at the beginning of World War II and Germany itself its main scenes.
Keywords: aurochs; ideology; Heck; national socialism
[1]. Arendt, H. (2004). Los orígenes del totalitarismo. Madrid: Taurus.
[2]. Bergström, Ch. (2016). Operación Barbarroja. La invasión alemana de la Unión Soviética. Editorial Pasado y Presente: España.
[3]. Cayo Julio Cesar. (1998). Comentario de la Guerra de las Galias. Porrúa: México
[4]. Ferran Gallego. (2006). De Múnich a Auschwitz. Barcelona: Plaza & Janés
[5]. Goebbels, J. (1935). Der Jude‖, en Der Angriff. Aufsätze aus der Kampfzeit, München, Zentralverlag der NSDAP, pp. 322-324.

Paper Title :: Peer Pressure: A study of how teenagers in Delhi are affected by peer pressure
Author Name :: Tina Tuteja
Country :: India
Page Number :: 115-121
At school, it's common for teenagers to go through peer pressure. Often, peer pressure can affect individuals in multiple ways including academic performance. This paper attempts to explore how peer pressure unfolds for teenagers in an urban city like Delhi. The researcher conducted a survey of 110 students to understand how peer pressure affects them in multiple ways and particularly analyse the impact of peer pressure on academic performance.
Keywords: Peer pressure, Delhi, academics, performance, achievement, grades
[1]. Anthony Pellegrini, "Kindergarten Children's Social-Cognitive Status as a Predictor of First-Grade Success," Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Vol. 7 (1992), pp. 565-577
[2]. Burns, A., and Darling, N. (2002). Peer pressure is not peer influence. The Education Digest, 68: 4-6
[3]. Cairns, R. B., & Cairns, B. D. (1994). Lifelines and risks: Pathways of youth in our time. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
[4]. Castrogiovanni, D. (2002). Adolescence: Peer groups. Retrieved from on 25-2-2018.
[5]. De Rosier M, Kuperdmidt JB, Patterson CJ (1995). Children’s academic and behavioral adjustment as a function of chronicity and proximity of peer rejection. Child development. 1994;65(6):1799-1813

Paper Title :: Readiness to Change in the High Prosecutors of Central Java towards A Corruption Free are (WBK) and A Clean Service Bureaucracy Area (WBBM)
Author Name :: Imam Triyuniadi || Ardian Adhiatma
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 122-129
Bureaucratic reform is one of the first steps to support government programs to organize a good, effective and efficient system of organizing government agencies so that they can serve the community quickly, accurately, and professionally in realizing good governance and clean government to create clean government agencies. of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN), then government agencies in building Integrity Zones towards Corruption Free Areas (WBK) and Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Areas (WBBM) require readiness for change (readiness for change) how individual actors react to changes the. This study aims to describe how the readiness of employees to change in the Central Java High Prosecutor's Office towards the Corruption Free Area (WBK) and the Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Region (WBBM) and to find out what factors determine the success of readiness for change at the Central Java High Court.
This research is a qualitative research with a research population of some employees and the community based on the existing phenomena approach through observation and interviews to find out how the readiness for change in the Central Java High Court towards a Corruption Free Area (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Region (WBBM) for improve the performance of employees and organizational performance. The instrument of this research is interviews with questions to informants consisting of employees and the community. The results showed that in general the employees showed readiness to be able to realize a Corruption-Free Area (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) at the Central Java High Court. because the agency leadership provides exemplary leadership in discipline to all employees as a role model and discrepancy factor (the difference between the current condition and the previous and expected) that changes for the better are things that are expected and desired by employees so that the Central Java High Prosecutor's Office become better and can change the mindset of employees, work mechanisms and culture and can create bureaucratic reforms that are free from corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN).
Keywords: readiness for change, Corruption Free Area (WBK), Clean Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM), bureaucratic reform, corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN).
[1]. AndiPrastowo. 2012. MetodePenelitianKualitatifDalamPerspektifRancanganPenelitian. Jogjakarta :Ar-ruzzmedia
[2]. Armenakis, A. A., Harris, S. G., & Mossholder, K. W. (1993).Creating readiness for organizational change. Human Relations, 46(6), 681–703.
[3]. Anjani, P. K. (2013). Impact of readiness for change on organizational change of Banking Sector in Salem District. Global Management Review, 3(4), 353–371.
[4]. Armenakis, A. A., Harris, S. G., &Mossholder, K. W. (1993).Creating readiness for organizational change.Human relations, 46(6), 681-703.
[5]. Armenakis, A. A., & Harris, S. G. (2009). Reflections: Our journey in organizational change research and practice. Journal of Change Management,9(2), 127-142.

Paper Title :: The Effect of E-modules for Wetland Ecosystem Materials on Students' Environmental Care Attitudes in Environmental Science and Disaster Mitigation Courses
Author Name :: Yustina || Mardatilla
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 130-136
This study examines E-modules' effect with case-based learning on students' environmental care attitudes. This study is quasi-experimental with students from Environmental Science and Disaster Mitigation courses at Universitas Riau as subjects. In practice, students are given a questionnaire at the beginning and end of the lesson. The research parameter is environmental care attitudes with four indicators: caring attitude, participation, sustainable environmental maintenance, and preservation. Data were collected using a closed questionnaire with four Linkert scales. Data are presented and analyzed inferentially. The research results on using e-modules with an N-gain value of 0.62 were categorized as less effective in influencing students' environmental care attitudes. A caring attitude and environmental preservation are effective among the four indicators. Indicators of participation and environmental conservation are categorized as less effective. Overall, e-modules are less effective in influencing changes in students' environmental care attitudes.
Keywords: E-module, Environmental care attitude, students
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Paper Title :: Benefits of Foreign Language Acquisition among Student Teachers of BPSU-DC
Author Name :: Noeme M. Nocom
Country :: Philippines
Page Number :: 137-150
This quantitative descriptive research determined the levels of perceived benefits to foreign language acquisitions on basic spoken Mandarin and Spanish, in four domains: cognitive development, motivation, social significance, and career growth. It gave focus on the significant differences between the two languages and its significant difference according to respondents‟ profile of 87 student teachers of Bataan Peninsula State University (BPSU). Data confirmed that on cognitive development, foreign language in the curriculum enhances open mindedness through building vocabularies. On motivation, language acquisition moves them to become good language teachers and learning new language is not just an academic requirement but also an achievement. On career growth, learning foreign language can give a plus factor, associated with opportunities for advancement in future career development. In summary, social significant domain posed the highest level of perceived benefits, as it opens the awareness and understanding of cultural differences and traditions associated by language acquisition. Results posted evidence proving that both languages are fair and even to be both beneficial. Conclusively, though there is no significant difference on their perceived significance and the student teachers‟ profile, learning other languages whether Asian or Western, is perceived to remain foreign to native Filipino speakers without provision of homestay and immersion program, yet both are vital component of the curriculum, necessary for worldwide communication competency.
Keywords: Mandarin, Spanish, foreign language, language education
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