
Volume 05 - Issue 05

Paper Title :: Contribuições da Educação Física na Inclusão do Deficiente Intelectual no Ensino Fundamental
Author Name :: Profa. Spec. Jocélia Araújo Costa || Prof. M. Sc. Rickardo Léo Ramos Gomes
Country :: Brasil
Page Number :: 01-10
O presente estudo investigou a temática da inclusão de alunos com deficiência intelectual no ensino fundamental na prática pedagógica da educação física escolar. A metodologia seguiu uma abordagem qualitativa de caráter exploratório. Participaram do estudo três coordenadoras pedagógicas, três profissionais da educação física que atuam no ensino regular e trabalham com alunos que possuem deficiência intelectual, três professoras pedagogas de Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE) e três pais que têm filhos com deficiência intelectual ingressos nas respectivas instituições de ensino. Foram utilizados instrumentos como entrevistas com questionários semi-estruturados e observações. Os objetivos desta pesquisa são os seguintes: Analisar os processos de inclusão dos alunos com deficiência intelectual no ensino fundamental; Verificar os recursos materiais que são utilizados nas práticas educacionais; Averiguar as contribuições existentes da educação física no que se refere à qualidade de vida dos alunos com deficiência intelectual; Identificar o papel do profissional da educação física, dos professores pedagogos e as metodologias aplicadas nesse processo inclusivo. O estudo evidencia a consciência dos professores de educação física, os quais reconhecem e valorizam a importância do seu papel na inclusão enquanto educadores e, como uma necessidade pedagógica, procuram contribuir de forma mais humana e mais concreta, através de metodologias que venham sensibilizar os grupos ditos “normais”, conscientizando-os e desmistificando preconceitos quanto às limitações apresentadas por alunos com deficiência intelectual. Para tanto, reconhece-se que são necessários maiores investimentos e melhorias nas condições de trabalho no contexto pesquisado dentro da educação brasileira.
Keywords: Educação Física. Inclusão. Deficiência Intelectual.
[1]. BARCELOS, M.; MARTINS, R. L. D. R.; BONFAT, D. L.; BRITO, L. X. A inclusão na Educação Física escolar: um estudo narrativo com professores de Miracema do Tocantins/TO. Motrivivência, (Florianópolis), v. 32, n. 63, p. 01-18, julho/dezembro, 2020. ISSN 2175-8042. DOI:
[2]. BARROS, R. C. da S.; GOMES, R. L. R. O exercício físico como ferramenta de motivação e produtividade no meio corporativo. Revista Observatorio de la Economía Latinoamericana. Abril, 2019. ISSN: 1696-8352. Disponível em: Acesso em: abril/2022.
[3]. BRASIL. Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil. Brasília, 1988.
[4]. BRASIL. Declaração de Salamanca e Linha de Ação sobre Necessidades Educativas Especiais. Brasília: Coordenadoria Nacional para Integração da Pessoa Portadora de Deficiência, 1994.
[5]. BUENO, S. T.; RESA, J.A.Z. Educacion Fisica para niños y ninãs com necessidades educativas especiales. Málaga: Ediciones Aljibe, 1995.

Paper Title :: Sequências Didáticas De Ensino E Aprendizagem Com Turmas De 6º Ano Em Uma Escola Municipal De Fortaleza
Country :: Brasil
Page Number :: 11-19
This research intends to be the scientific record of the results achieved in a year and a half of the Specialization Qualification of Mathematics Teaching in the State of Ceará, offered by the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) in partnership with the City Hall of Fortaleza, through the Municipal Department of Education. (EMS). This research aimed to promote and contribute to the improvement of Mathematics teaching at EMTI Dom Antônio de Almeida Lustosa with a real possibility of expanding to any other school that is interested in the activities developed. The methodology developed was field research, descriptive and qualitative. The research was carried out with 115 students of the 6th year of Elementary School in a Municipal Public School in the city of Fortaleza / CE. Six face-to-face classes were held at the school during the pandemic period from 2020 to 2021. During the Specialization classes and in school practices, great learnings were shared between students and teachers, including teaching techniques, challenges, activities, games, tips, curiosities and a lot of mathematical knowledge. In the end, the research presented evidence, through observations, that the performance of activities derived from training were necessary for students to be able to learn more and better, both in relation to Mathematics and in relation to other curricular subjects and, obviously for their lives.
Keywords: Teaching Mathematics, Mathematics Training, Shared Learning
[1]. Bastos, N. M. G. (2004). Introdução à metodologia do trabalho acadêmico. Fortaleza: Gr. & Edta. Nacional. ISBN: 85-9032130.
[2]. Esmeraldo, C. (2009). Geometria Euclidiana Plana notas de aula. Fortaleza: Lic. em Matemática.
[3]. Espírito Santo, A. do. (1992). Delineamentos de metodologia Científica. São Paulo: Edta. Loyola. ISBN: 85-15006286.
[4]. Estrela, C. (2018). Metodologia Científica-Ciência Ensino e Pesquisa. 3ª ed. Porto Alegre: Arles Médicas. ISBN: 8574040460.
[5]. Gomes, R. L. R., Holanda Filho, I. de O. & Costa, E. F. da. (2020). Sugestões Educacionais e Combate à Desinformação Durante o Período da Pandemia Covid-19. International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Science (IJLRHSS) Volume 03 - Issue 08. || PP. 19-29. ISSN: 2356-315X.

Paper Title :: Análise Comentada da Elaboração do Projeto Político Pedagógico da Escola Municipal Lions Clube Fortaleza Fátima: A Gestão Democrática foi Estabelecida
Author Name :: Adriana Luzia Santana Tamura
Country :: Brasil
Page Number :: 20-32
The elaboration of the Political Pedagogical Project (PPP) of the school requires a reflection on the purposes, as well as the explanations about the social role of the school, defining the operational paths and forms, the actions to be undertaken by all those involved in the educational process. The object of study of this research is: Did the construction of the PPP of the Municipal School Lions Clube Fortaleza Fátima occurred in a democratic way, as guided by the Law of Directives and Bases of Education nº 9394/96 and what are the expectations regarding its impact about the teaching and learning of students in a competent and quality way? As for the methodology, this investigation followed a qualitative approach, an approach that best deals with beliefs, values and meanings that subjects attribute to objects or events, based on a bibliographic research associated with a descriptive character. The general objective of this work is to verify, among the agents of the investigated educational community, if the elaboration of the PPP has provided positive results within the democratic and participatory management. The specific objectives are: To comment on the proposal for the construction of the PPP; discuss the school community in the elaboration of the PPP; verify and comment the answers collected during the research related to the action that promoted the elaboration of the PPP of the referred school. The commented results show that the elaboration of the PPP is a consequence of all the necessary effort to make viable a democratic and participative management in the context of the public school.
Keywords: School. Autonomy. Political Pedagogical Project. Democratic management.
[1]. BRASIL, Congresso Nacional. Lei de diretrizes e bases da educação nacional–Lei N.º 9394/96. Brasília: Diário Oficial da União, 1996.
[2]. CAVALCANTE, A. M. M. de A.; ARAÚJO, F. A. M. de.; SOARES, J. C.; GOMES, R. L. R. Planejamento estratégico, uma ferramenta para comunicar os objetivos organizacionais. Revista Observatorio de la Economía Latinoamericana. Abril, 2019. ISSN: 1696-8352. Disponível em: Acesso em: abr/2022.
[3]. DALMÁS, Â. Planejamento Participativo na Escola: elaboração, acompanhamento e avaliação. 9ª Edição. Petrópolis: Editora Vozes, 2012.
[4]. FERREIRA, D. de P. R. de. Planejamento estratégico: Conceitos metodologias e práticas. São Paulo: Atlas 2006.
[5]. GADOTTI, M.; ROMÃO, J. E. (Org.) Autonomia da educação: princípios e propostas. São Paulo: Cortez, 2000.

Paper Title :: La qualité bactériologique des eaux consommées dans la ville de Kikwit et son impact sanitaire sur la population.
Cas des quartiers Lumbi et Ndeke zulu de la Commune de Nzinda
Author Name :: Jules KITADI MUNGANGA || Joseph KWILU DABUKA || Jérémie NKU BIBAMBU
Country :: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Page Number :: 33-37
L’eau est une source indispensable de la vie de tout être vivant. Elle est aussi le véhicule des épidémies meurtrières.
Le traitement des eaux impures pour le rendre potable, exempte de tout organisme pathogène et des toutes substances toxiques.
Notre étude aconsisté sur une analyse bactériologique des eaux consommées à l’état brut sans désinfection ni bouillie qui sont à la base des maladies d’origine hydrique.
Des analyses bactériologiques des eaux brutes, désinfectées et bouillies sont menées enfin de proposer à la population une méthode de traitement de l’eau de boisson, afin d’éviter la recrudescence ou la dissémination des maladies d’origine hydrique observées dans les deux quartiers.
C’est à ce juste titre que nous avons analysé bactériologiquement les eaux commercialisées comme potable, les eaux des sources ainsi que les eaux distribuées par la régideso enfin d’identifier l’état de leur pollution et l’impact des troubles pathologiques et sanitaires sur la population et donner quelques suggestions et recommandations aux autorités émanentes de ces réseaux.
[1]. K.K. Lobo, B. G. Ekoko et A. Misi, Quality of well waters consumed in Kinshasa city, Revue Congolaise des sources nucléaires 1996.
[2]. M. Maldague, traité de gestion de l’environnement tropical, tome III, précis de gestion intégrée de milieu de vie et resource naturelle, MAB, 2002.
[3]. K.K. Lobo, N. Sebyera et M. Maliabo, qualité des eaux traitées par la REGIDESO à Kinshasa à l’usine de Kingabwa, Rev. Cong. Scie. Nucl. 16(2), 2000, p.119.
[4]. OMS, Jiga, GAVI, plan national de développement des ressources humaines pour la santé, 2011-2015, Mars 2011.
[5]. C. Bliefort et R. Rerraud, Chimie de l’environnement, Air, Eau, Déchet, 1ère édition, 3eme virage, 2004n Ed. de BOECK, Bruxelles.

Paper Title :: The Contribution of Geography to the Understanding of the Rugosities in the Constitution of the Territory of Ceará
Author Name :: Maria do Carmo Alves
Country :: Brazil
Page Number :: 38-50
This research aims to contribute to the geographic reflection about rugosity, and regarding the occupation of Ceará, effected by the changes located in Brazil, which led to the creation of villages, important evidences when it comes to the understanding of the fixation of society in the territory by its use and therefore, evolution of cities. It will be discussed the meaning of rugosity based on what remains of the past as a form and we will undergo the used territory. It is important to bring some clarity to this work in order to understand the foundations of theoretical reading on geographically constituted rugosities. For that purpose, a brief historical and current panorama was traced, which aimed the cities of Sobral, Icó, Aracati and Viçosa do Ceará; these old cities with urban sites listed as historical heritage from the second half of the 20th century, which bring in their territorial set results from the metamorphoses effected by the uses. This approach required the understanding of the symbolic resignification of these cities, whose moments imbricated in this process are the colonial cities as a particularity, genesis, and incipience of the historical heritage movement in Ceará. For such an understanding, it is necessary to look at the present as to understand the processes of the past, or would it be to look at the past processes in order to understand the present?
Keywords: Use of territory; rugosities; listed cities; historical heritage.
[1]. AZEVEDO, Aroldo. Vilas e Cidades do Brasil Colonial. Ensaio de Geografia Urbana. Retrospectiva. São Paulo: Boletim Paulista de Geografia n. 33. 1956.
[2]. COELHO, Siebra M. De Sobral ao Global: Um percurso pela questão urbana. Sobral: Edições UVA, 2000.
[3]. COSTA, Everaldo B; SCARLATO, Francisco Capuano. Uma teoria geográfica para a análise da produção socioespacial nas cidades históricas turísticas. Revista Geografar. Curitiba, v.3, n.2, p.34-58, jul./dez. 2008.
[4]. _______. As fases de (re)produção do patrimônio cultural brasileiro: interpretação e valoração da paisagem urbana da gênese colonial a mercantilização das cidades históricas do Brasil. Revista Olam Ciência & Tecnologia, Rio Claro, Vol. 9, nº 1, 2009, p. 62-102.
[5]. _______. Notas sobre a formação de uma rede urbana de um “tempo lento” no período da mineração do Brasil Colônia. Revista Acta Geográfica, Roraima, Ano III, nº 5, 2009ª, p. 7-21.

Paper Title :: Effect of Dosage of NPK Phonska and POC PSBN on Production of Peanut (Arachis Hypogaea L.)
Author Name :: Uly J Riwu Kaho || Robert Sole || Joritha Naisanu || Nur Aini Bunyani
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 51-59
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a national food commodity and is a source of protein and vegetable oil. BPS NTT (2019), explained that peanut production fluctuated. This is presumably due to the non-intensive management of the peanut plant, therefore it is necessary to pay attention to the availability of nutrients as the main support for the growth of the peanut plant, which is provided through NPK Phonska fertilization and POC PSBN. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of NPK phonska and POC PSBN fertilizers on the growth and production of peanut plants, to obtain doses of NPK phonska and POC PSBN fertilizers that could provide the best growth and production of peanuts. This research was carried out in the experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture, Belo Village - Kupang City from December 2020 to February 2021. The design used in this study was a factorial randomized block design (RAK). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of NPK phonska and POC PSBN fertilizers on the growth and production of peanut plants, to obtain doses of NPK phonska and POC PSBN fertilizers that could provide the best growth and production of peanuts. This research was carried out in the experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture, Belo Village - Kupang City from December 2020 to February 2021. The design used in this study was a factorial randomized block design (RAK).. The results showed that the treatment of NPK Phonska fertilizer and POC PSBN gave a very significant effect on the growth and yield of peanut plants. The treatment of NPK phonska 100 kg ha-1 was equivalent to 25 g plot-1 and POC PSBN with a concentration of 12 cc liter -1plot-1 resulted in peanut plant height of 142,333 cm, number of leaves 103,667 strands, number of pods 40,333 pods, seed weight 38,333 and harvest index 0.353 g. The interaction between NPK phonska fertilizer treatment of 100 kg ha-1 equivalent to 25 g plot-1 and POC PSBN with a concentration of 12 cc liter-1plot-1 gave the best results on the growth and yield of peanut plants. For the cultivation of peanuts, it is better to use NPK phonska fertilizer 100 kg ha-1 equivalent to 25 g plot-1 and POC PSBN with a concentration of 12 cc liter-1plot-1. There needs to be further research on the use of higher doses of NPK phonska and POC PSBN fertilizers.
Keywords: NPK phonska, liquid organic fertilizer, peanut
[1]. Anonimous. 2008. Teknologi Produksi Kacang Tanah. Balai Penelitian Tanaman Kacangkacangan dan Umbi-umbian. Malang (ID): Agricultural Research and Development Agency..
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[3]. Hardjowigeno, S. 2003. Genesis dan Klasifikasi tanah akademika Pressindo. Jakarta
[4]. Irawaty. 2007. Meningkatkan Efektifitas Pupuk Majemuk Phonska Untuk Pertanaman Bayam (Amaranthus Tricolor. L) Dengan Penambahan Bahan Organik Pada Latosol Darmaga pdf?sequence=1.
[5]. Ispandi A dan A Munip. 2014. Efektifitas Pupuk NPK dan Frekuensi Pemberian Pupuk K dalam Meningkatkan Serapan Unsur Hara dan Produksi Kacang Tanah di Lahan Kering Alfisol. Research Staff of Balitkabi, Alumni of Faculty of Agriculture UGM 1973. Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. II No. 2, 2004; 11-24.

Paper Title :: The Relation between the Socio-Economic Status and the Achievements of the Pupils in the High Schools in the Triangle Area of Israel
Author Name :: Fedaa Kiedan
Country :: Romania
Page Number :: 60-65
This research aimed to examine the relationship between the socio-economic status (SES) and academic achievement. A quantitative research method was used. A simple random selection method was used where 242 male and female students aged between 15 – 18 years old selected and 110 parents. The study used questionnaires that were distributed to a large number of High school students of the Arab sector in the Triangle area in Israel. Many variables such as income, family status, house (property or rent), economic situation, parental education level, parental involvement alongside many other factors were analysed to asses the SES. The research was based on the Social Capital Theory and the Success Model that showed the relationship between variables.
The statistical analysis conducted was R programming language via R Studio. Further analysis using sta-tistics such as t, F, Cramer v, Pearson correlation were used to measure the relationships between the different variables. Finally, a mediation analysis using the Sobel test was presented through several linear regression models with an aim to check the overall effect of each variable on achievement.
In this research, the results indicated that there is a positive relationship between the socio-economic sta-tus of Arab families and the student's academic achievement. The research also indicated that academic achievement is affected by and shows a reciprocal relationship with three variables: well-being, motivation, and socio-economic status. On the other hand, the results did not show that there is an effect of the gender (the gender of the student) on academic achievement. However the results show there is a positive impact of the main variables, income, family status, house (property or rent) and economic situation on the academic achievements.
Keywords: The Socio-Economic Status (SES), Motivation, Academic Achievment, Social Well-Being.
[1]. Ali, S. R., McWhirter, E. H., & Chronister, K. M. (2009). Self-efficacy and vocational outcome expecta-tions for adolescents of lower socioeconomic status: A pilot study. Journal of Career Assessment, 13(40), 40-58.
[2]. Ben‐Arieh, A., & Attar‐Schwartz, S. (2013). An Ecological Approach to Children's Rights and Participa-tion: Interrelationships and Correlates of Rights in Different Ecological Systems.
[3]. Ben-Arieh, A., & Goerge, R. (2001). Beyond the numbers: How do we monitor the state of our children? Children and Youth Services Review, 23(8), 603–631.
[4]. Ben-Arieh, A., & Wintersberger, H. (1997). Monitoring and measuring the state of the children: Beyond survival. Eurosocial Report, 62. Vienna: European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research.
[5]. Ben-Arieh, A., Kaufman, N. H., Andrews, B. A., Goerge, R., Lee, B. J., & Aber, J. L. (2001). Measuring and monitoring children’s well-being. Dordrecht: Kluwer.

Paper Title :: Democracy and the Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Politics and Elections: Challenges and Lessons for Human Rights Advocates
Author Name :: Yahya Muhammed Bah
Country :: The Gambia
Page Number :: 66-78
Background: world over, democracy is seemingly adopted as the best form of governance for many reasons including the uncompromising promotion, protection; and high regard for human rights. One fundamental characteristics of democratic society is the commissioning of regular elections in which all adults have the same rights and opportunities to participate. Nonetheless, in many parts of the globe, certain constituencies including person with disabilities (PWDs) are denied this right.
Purpose: the fundamental rationale for the study was to examine the barriers in the participation of persons with disabilities in politics and elections, share knowledge to spark and inspire a process that will usher rapid growth from all directions in the elimination of these barriers.
Methodology: a systematic review of the literatures using information collected from different sources was actuated. Google search engine, google scholar, web of science, scopus database, etc. were used to search for these articles. During the search numerous combinations of words and phrases were used to ensure articles reflect the most recent knowledge and scholarly works. In essence, only peer-reviewed articles published after 2000 were selected except extracts perceived to be of fundamental mileage to the study. However, articles published by staunch international organizations working in disability for years and has produced indefatigable knowledge in the field were stealthily appraised.
Results: the study revealed that there are multifaceted barriers in the participation of persons with disabilities in politics and elections and include those that are institutional, legal, physical, communication and information, voting instruments, lack of trained personnel, transportation, educational, voting methods, lack of partnership with Disabled People Organizations (DPOs), inadequate policy framework, lack of empowerment, lack of public awareness, lack of interest, lack of privacy, lack of social support, attitudinal, cultural, financial, lack of data, lack of inclusion in election commissions; and political in nature.
Conclusion: the barriers in the political cycle are numerous and they are negatively impacting the participation of persons with disabilities in politics and elections denying them the rightto exercise a fundamental human right.
Keywords: persons with disabilities, barriers, participation, politics; and elections
[1]. Agran, M., MacLean, W. E., & Kitchen, K. A. A. (2016). “My voice counts, too”: Voting participation among individuals with intellectual disability. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 54(4), 285–294.
[2]. APA. (2020). Strong institutions key to electoral democracy in Africa - Expert - Retrieved from
[3]. APFM. (2013). What are the benefits of stakeholder participation? – Associated Programme on Flood Management. Retrieved February 22, 2021, from
[4]. Atkinson, V., Aaberg, R., & Darnolf, S. (2017). Disability rights and election observation: Increasing access to the political process. Nordic Journal of Human Rights, 35(4), 375–391.
[5]. Bank, W. (2019). Data for development impact: Why we need to invest in data, people and ideas. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from

Paper Title :: Barriers to the Implementation of Agenda 2030 United Nations Global Goals in the Zimbabwean Higher Education Context
Author Name :: E. Mhlanga || F. N. Tlou || G. Shava N. Phuthi || K. Manokore || Z. Sibanda || D. Chasokela || M. Mpofu || L. Sibanda
Country :: Zimbabwe
Page Number :: 79-88
The struggle towards development is not acquiring anticipated progress in Zimbabwe. This study unearthed barriers to a fruitful implementation of Agenda2030 United Nations goals in the Zimbabwean context. An interpretive paradigm was used for the study and a qualitative approach that embraced a case study was employed. Data was collected through face-to-face interviews with the professional stakeholders. Among the highly ranked barriers towards the implementation of Agenda 2030 are deprived sustainability education in academic organizations, lack of resources to implement the goals, unawareness of development and its cost benefits, low prioritization and resistance to cultural change in academic institutions. The research recommends adequate sustainability education in academic institutions to positively impact the required cultural change in the industry. There is demand for suitable government policies that support implementation of Agenda 2030. The study also advices for the need of the implementation of Agenda 2030in education through continuing professional development and to improve the thinking and practicability of sustainable practice in Zimbabwe.
Keywords: barriers, implementation, sustainable development, goals, climate change
[1]. Bell, D. (2016). Twenty-first century education: Transformative education for sustainability and responsible citizenship. Journal of Teacher Education, 18, 48-56
[2]. Bizerril, M., Rosa, M.J., Carvalho, T. & Pedrosa, J. (2018). Sustainability in higher education: A review of contributions from Portuguese speaking countries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 171, 600-612
[3]. Blair, W. and Smith, B. (2012) Nursing Documentation: Frameworks and Barriers. Contemporary Nurse, 41, 160-168.
[4]. Blanco-Portela,N. J., Benayas, L.R., Pertierra, R. (2017), Towards the integration of sustainability in higher education institutions: A review of drivers of and barriers to organisational change and their comparison against those found of companies. Journal of Cleaner Productions, 16, 6, 563-578.
[5]. Chatiza, K. (2019)Cyclone Idai in Zimbabwe: An analysis of policy implications for post- disaster institutional development to strengthen disaster risk management. Available impact-response-cyclone-idai-zimbabwe-071119-en.pdf Accessed April 2022.

Paper Title :: Investigation of digital health information literacy and the relationship between burnout and job satisfaction of health professionals in three public hospitals during Covid-19 pandemic
Author Name :: Charalampos Platis || Nathanail Mollas || Maria-Elisavet Psomiadi || Panagiotis Theodorou
Country :: Greece
Page Number :: 89-99
Burnout and job satisfaction are two multifaceted and multi factorial concepts that are impacted significantly by ones’ levels of digital health literacy, particularly amid the concurrent pandemic. To investigate the digital health information literacy levels, burnout and job satisfaction among healthcare professionals, as well as to determine their correlation with participants’ socio-demographic characteristics a cross-sectional study was conducted between March and April 2021.195 professionals working in three major public hospitals of Greece participated in the survey through the complication of a structured questionnaire formulated by closed-ended items deriving from the Electronic Health Literasy Scale (eHEALS), the Copenchagen Burnout Inventory (CBI) and the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS). Regarding burnout, across its all three dimensions, there is an average total burnout of 46.3% with the highest average burnout corresponding to personal burnout (47.7%) and the lowest to burnout related to patients (44.3%). Intense exhaustion is experienced more in women, nurses and those working in closed wards. In terms of job satisfaction, this study showed that the factors that impact job satisfaction positively are the nature of work, supervision and relationships with colleagues, while remuneration, occupational conditions and promotions were found to have a negative impact. Men and those who work as assistants show greater overall job satisfaction, while reduced overall satisfaction is manifested by doctors and employees in closed wards. As per the digital health information literacy, was found its levels were moderately among health professionals. Men, especially doctors and technologists / physiotherapists, and those with a higher level of education, reported their satisfaction with their current digital and internet’s usefulness in health-related decision making process. The pandemic outbreak a long with the major changes that took place within the hospitals as a result, affected health professionals gravely, leading them in experiencing intense exhaustion that reduces their job satisfaction.
Keywords: Digital health information literacy, burnout, job satisfaction, health professionals, Covid-19 pandemic
[1] ΠΑΠΑΓΑΣΟΤ Γ, ΑΝΑΓΝΧ΢ΣΟΠΟΤΛΟ΢ Φ. Δπαγγεικαηηθή Δμνπζέλωζε. Ζ Φπρνινγία ζην Υώξν ηεο Τγείαο. ΔθδόζεηοΔιιεληθάΓξάκκαηα, Αζήλα, 1994
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Paper Title :: Unesco Heritage Nomination of the Barotse Floodplain Cultural Landscape in Western Zambia
Author Name :: Makweti Sishekanu
Country :: Zambia
Page Number :: 109-120
Challenges of the UNESCO heritage nomination project for the Barotse Floodplain Cultural Landscape conceal a complex web of environmental and sociocultural safeguards issues and risks which required a robust environmental and social safeguards framework. This paper argues that an environmental and social safeguards framework for such a culturally, politically and ecologically complex landscape needed to be built on indigenous environmental ethics. Therefore, the paper seeks to demonstrate; firstly, the crucial role of environmental ethics in any conservation efforts, for ethics underwrite the fundamental questions of conservation, i.e. conservation for what and for who? Secondly; how crucial indigenous environmental ethics are in (i) winning consent for preserving peoples‟ cultural heritage in a place like the Barotse Floodplain Cultural Landscape, and (ii) establishing a robust context-specific environmental and sociocultural safeguards framework.
Keywords: Safeguards, Safeguarding, Socioethical Safeguards, Social Contract and Social License to Operate.
[1]. AfDB (African Development Bank). (2013). Integrated Safeguards System: Safeguards and Sustainability Series, Volume 1 Issue 1.
[2]. Arantes, A. (2019). The Governance of Safeguarding. Comments on Article 2.3 of UNESCO‟s Convention for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage. Dossier Volume 16, 1-21
[3]. Banda, S. et al. (2015). Traditional Environmental Knowledge among Lozi Adults in Mitigating Climate Change in the Barotse Plain of Western Zambia. International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, 2/9, 222-239.
[4]. Dann, P. & Reigner, M. (2019). The World Bank‟s Environmental and Social Safeguards and the Evolution of Global Order. Leiden Journal of International Law, 32, 537-559.
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Paper Title :: Effect of the national economy, moral risk, adverse selection and corruption in times of covid 19 in Peru
Author Name :: Lucio Ticona Carrizales || Olivia Magaly Luque Vilca || Cynthia Milagros Apaza Panca || VarannyNelyda Ticona Campos || Alcides Ponciano, Ponce Peñaloza || Cristóbal Rufino Yapuchura Saico
Country :: Perú
Page Number :: 121-134
The covid-19 pandemic has significantly transformed the global and national economic horizon. The first revelations in our economy were through the fall in commodity prices and the disruption of global value chains due to the impact of COVID-19. The rapid spread of the virus to the rest of the world and social isolation measures have caused an unprecedented severe and abrupt contraction of economic activity in Peru. The first quarter GDP declined 3.4 percent, with production disruptions in all sectors and a contraction in private spending and exports. A fiscal deficit of 9.7 percent of GDP is projected for 2020, due to the higher non-financial expenditure 25.2 percent of the product, mainly current, and the lower income of 17.5 percent of the product. By 2021, it is estimated that the fiscal deficit would be reduced to 4.2 percent of GDP, a level that would reflect lower current spending and the recovery in income, consistent with the expected recovery in activity and commodity prices. The economic crisis caused by COVID-19 is caused by negative shocks in aggregate supply and demand. Thus, on the aggregate supply side, there is a limitation of workers to attend their work centers due to the pandemic and social confinement measures. On the side of aggregate demand, there is a sharp fall in private consumption caused by the loss of income of unemployed workers and the self-employed who cannot run their current businesses. In addition, Peru annually loses 23,000 million soles due to corruption and functional misconduct, in 2019, then the comptroller general of the republic revealed that 4,212 officials received livelihoods, from such public officials their salaries fluctuate between s /. 1,200 and 10,000 soles, in such a way that there is moral risk, adverse selection which is the form of opportunism, the person who makes decisions can choose to pursue their private interests at the expense of others in such a way that officials fundamentally implement corruption in management public executing the poor quality of works, deficiency in the provision of public services, some companies may manufacture poor quality or unsafe products when the quality is not easily observed.
Keywords: Social isolation, Effect of the economy, economic horizon, moral hazard, adverse selection, Covid 19 pandemic.
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Paper Title :: Assessment of the Sewage Coverage Index in the World from 2000 to 2020: Situation of the Indicator in the Countries and the Importance of Monitoring this Information
Author Name :: Vinícius Chaves Campos || Joel Carlos Zukowski Junior
Country :: Brasil
Page Number :: 135-143
There are millions of people who do not benefit from sanitary sewage systems in Brazil and in the world. The absence of sanitary sewage systems increases the number of people affected by waterborne diseases and consequently their quality of life. The present research used the bibliographic research as a technical procedure, obtaining secondary data on sewage coverage (%) extracted from the database of The International Benchmarking Network (IBNET), for the years 2000, 2010, 2015 and the data more actions made available by the concessionaires of the countries to the platform. This article will allow people and companies that work with sanitation to know the reality of sewage coverage in their countries and with that they can seek to work with a process of continuous improvement. In relation to the most current data provided by 101 countries, 30.69% of the countries have sewage coverage with sewage coverage equal to or less than 40%.This article is a mechanism that allows sanitation companies to direct investments to countries that really need it, in order to contribute to improvements in global public health, with millions of people benefiting from a better quality of life.
Keywords: Sewage coverage. Indicator. Countries. Health. Quality of life.
[2]. BOVOLATO, Luís Eduardo. Saneamento básico e saúde. Escritas: Revista do Curso de História de Araguaína, v. 2, 2010.
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[4]. CASTRO, José Esteban. O acesso universal à água é uma questão de democracia. Boletim Regional, Urbano e Ambiental, v. 15, p. 59-65, 2016.

Paper Title :: The Influence of Self Efficacy, Islamic Leadership Style and Compensation on Subjective Well Being and Employee Performance
Author Name :: Giri Dwi Ananda || Salim Basalamah || Roslina Alam || Zaenal Arifin
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 144-161
This study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the effect of self-efficacy, Islamic leadership style and compensation on subjective well-being and performance of Sharia BPR employees in South Sulawesi. This study uses primary data as much as 230 of the total number of employees as many as 246 population. With a minimum working period of 1 year. Data analysis used Partial Least Square (PLS) method. The results of the study show that (1) Self-efficacy has a positive and significant effect on employee performance; (2) Self-efficacy has a positive and significant effect on subjective well-being; (3) Islamic leadership style has a positive and significant effect on performance; (4) Islamic leadership style has a positive and significant effect on subjective well-being; (5) Compensation has a positive and significant effect on performance; (6) Compensation has a positive and significant effect on subjective well-being; (7) Self-efficacy has a positive and significant effect on performance through subjective well-being; (8) Islamic leadership style has a positive and significant effect on performance through subjective well-being; (9) Compensation has a positive and significant effect on performance through the subjective welfare of BPR Syariah employees; (10) Subjective welfare has a positive and significant effect on the performance of BPR Syariah employees in South Sulawesi. The results of our study have been successfully proven normatively and empirically regarding the uncertain attachment of psychology and Islamic leadership style for personal employees in improving their performance.
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Paper Title :: Examining Linkage of Service Marketing Mix on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: Hotel and Tourism Study
Author Name :: Mashur Razak
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 162-181
This study aims to analyze the effect of the service marketing mix on customer satisfaction and loyalty at Hotel Claro Makassar. This research can be classified as experimental causal research, where this research analyzes the influence and relationship between one variable and another. Data was collected through questionnaires and documentation. The population in this study is customers who have used Makassar hotel services. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results show that the product has an effect either directly or through satisfaction on customer loyalty of Hotel Claro Makassar customers. The price has an impact either directly or through satisfaction on the customer loyalty of Hotel Claro Makassar customers. The promotion has a positive and insignificant impact either directly or through satisfaction with customer loyalty on customers of Hotel Claro Makassar. The place affects happiness and does not affect commitment but indirectly impacts loyalty through customer satisfaction. Employees have an effect both presently and through satisfaction on customer loyalty of Hotel Claro Makassar customers. Physical evidence has an impact both directly and through satisfaction with the customer loyalty of Hotel Claro Makassar customers. The process affects both directly and through customer loyalty customers of Hotel Claro Makassar.
Keywords: Service Marketing Mix, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty.
[1]. Alif, K., Kamase, J., Hasbi, A. M., & Syahnur, H. (2020). Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Rokok Class Mild Pada Produk PT. Niaga Nusa Abadi Cabang Makassar. PARADOKS: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, 3(4), 46–55.
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Paper Title :: Examining Linkage between Competence, Compensation and Organizational Innovation to Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance
Author Name :: Muhammad Ghifari || Mahfudnurnajamuddin || R. Ramlawati3, A. Arifin
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 182-195
This study aims to empirically examine and analyze the effect of competence, compensation and organizational innovation on employee performance; and competence, compensation and organizational innovation on employee performance through job satisfaction. The design of this study used a survey method with cross-sectional data collection through questionnaires. Determination of the sample using simple random sampling with the number of respondents 288 employees in regional organizations in Polman Regency. The analytical method used in testing the hypothesis is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Amos. The results of the study provide evidence that competence has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction; compensation has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction; organizational innovation has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction; competence has a positive and significant effect on employee performance; compensation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance; organizational innovation has a positive and insignificant effect on employee performance; competence has a positive and significant effect on employee performance through job satisfaction; compensation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance through job satisfaction; organizational innovation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance through job satisfaction.
Keywords: Competence, Organizational Innovation, Compensation, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance.
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