Volume 04 - Issue 12
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Paper Title | :: | Naibonat Hospital Employee Performance Model Kupang District |
Author Name | :: | Dwi Dersmi Selan || Ariyon Stefen Ndun |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 01-05 |
Performance measurement is a very important factor for any company, including a hospital. The performance measurement of the Naibonat Hospital is still based on the national standard of service by the government, namely assessing performance from the financial aspect. In particular, the researchers observed the factors that affect the performance of Kupang District Hospital employees, namely ability, leadership style, and employee rewards. The purpose of this study was: to determine the effect of Ability, Leadership Style, Appreciation on Employee Performance at the Naibonat Hospital, Kupang Regency. Data processing in this study uses regression analysis with the Multiplicative Response Model approach. The dependent variable is Employee Performance (Y). The independent variables (independent) are Ability (X1), Leadership Style (X2) and Employee Awards (X3). The results of the study: The ability of employees has a significant effect on the performance of hospital employees, leadership style and giving awards for employees has a very real effect on the performance of hospital employees, then simultaneously the ability, leadership style and employee rewards have a very real effect on the performance of employees at Naibonat Hospital in Kupang Regency.
Keywords: Model, performance, employees
Keywords: Model, performance, employees
[1]. Anwar King Mangkunegara. 2015. Company Human Resources. Twelfth print. Bandung : Rosdakarya Teenagers.
[2]. Basna, Frengky. 2016. Analysis of Leadership Style, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Competence on Employee Performance. Journal of Business and Management Research, Vol 4, No 3, 2016: 319-334.
[3]. Hasibuan, Malay S.P. 2016. Human Resource Management. Edition. Revision. Jakarta: Publisher PT Bumi Aksara.
[4]. Kadarisman. 2012. Human Resource Development Management. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.
[5]. Koencoro, Galih Dwi. 2013. Effect of Reward and Punishment on Performance. Essay. Brawijaya University.
[2]. Basna, Frengky. 2016. Analysis of Leadership Style, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Competence on Employee Performance. Journal of Business and Management Research, Vol 4, No 3, 2016: 319-334.
[3]. Hasibuan, Malay S.P. 2016. Human Resource Management. Edition. Revision. Jakarta: Publisher PT Bumi Aksara.
[4]. Kadarisman. 2012. Human Resource Development Management. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.
[5]. Koencoro, Galih Dwi. 2013. Effect of Reward and Punishment on Performance. Essay. Brawijaya University.
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Paper Title | :: | Risk in Transporting Goods by Sea Ship |
Author Name | :: | Agustin L M. Rohi Riwu || Arnold Johni Felipus Sjah |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 06-13 |
The increase in the need for human life for transportation has an impact on developments in the field of technology, transportation facilities and infrastructure, science that studies transportation, and transportation law, in addition to the unavoidable emergence of various problems caused by transportation itself. The transportation of goods by sea by sailing ship is preceded by an agreement between the parties who wish to carry out the transportation of goods, which eventually gives rise to an agreement for the transportation of goods by sea based on the provisions of Article 1320 of the Civil Code concerning the legal terms of an agreement. The agreement is contained in the form of an agreement for the transportation of goods by sea which gives rise to different rights and obligations and responsibilities of each party. The purpose of this study is to determine the risk in the transportation of goods by sea by sailing ship, resulting in the transfer of responsibility from the carrier to the sender. Result obtained: The risk in the transportation of goods by sea by sailing ship arises because the carrier does not carry out the achievements assigned to him. Forced circumstances, negligence and Avarai are the causes of the Carrier being unable to carry out its performance. Risks due to compelling circumstances, the carrier is released from his responsibility. While the risk due to negligence and avarai is the responsibility of the carrier, this risk often results in the transfer of responsibility from the carrier to the sender. So Article 41 paragraph (3) of Law Number 17 of 2008 concerning Shipping requires the implementation of goods insurance. Insurance is a form of legal protection for the transported goods, aiming to replace the carrier in providing compensation to the owner of the goods or the shipper, for losses that occur in the operation of transporting goods by sea.
Keywords: Risk, Transportation, Goods, Ship
Keywords: Risk, Transportation, Goods, Ship
[1]. Abdulkadir Muhammad, Commercial Transport Law, Citra Aditya Bakti, Bandung, 1994. Abbas Salim, Transportation Management, Rajawali Pers, Jakarta, 2008
[2]. Achmad Ichsan, Commercial Law, PT. Pradnya Paramita. , Jakarta, 1981 Ahmadi Miru, Contract Drafting Law, Rajawali Press, Jakarta, 2010 Bambang Triatmodjo, Port Planning, Beta offset, Yogyakarta, 2010 Basic Civil Law, Citra Aditya Bakti, Bandung, 2003
[3]. Cancellation of Agreements Due to Force Majeur. Jakarta, National Legal Reform Program, 2010.
[4]. Civil Code, PT Pradnya Paramita, Jakarta, 1996. Commercial Code and Bankruptcy Elly Erawati and Herlien Budiono, Legal Explanation on Agreement Cancellation, Jakarta, 2010.
[5]. F.X.Sugiyanto, Maritime Law, Salemba Humanika, Jakarta, 2009
[2]. Achmad Ichsan, Commercial Law, PT. Pradnya Paramita. , Jakarta, 1981 Ahmadi Miru, Contract Drafting Law, Rajawali Press, Jakarta, 2010 Bambang Triatmodjo, Port Planning, Beta offset, Yogyakarta, 2010 Basic Civil Law, Citra Aditya Bakti, Bandung, 2003
[3]. Cancellation of Agreements Due to Force Majeur. Jakarta, National Legal Reform Program, 2010.
[4]. Civil Code, PT Pradnya Paramita, Jakarta, 1996. Commercial Code and Bankruptcy Elly Erawati and Herlien Budiono, Legal Explanation on Agreement Cancellation, Jakarta, 2010.
[5]. F.X.Sugiyanto, Maritime Law, Salemba Humanika, Jakarta, 2009
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Paper Title | :: | The Expression of Caribbean Identity in Earl Lovelace’s The Dragon Can’t Dance (1979) |
Author Name | :: | Serigne Mbaye KANDJI |
Country | :: | Senegal |
Page Number | :: | 14-24 |
This article focuses on the theme of Caribbean identity in Earl Lovelace‟s the Dragon Can’t Dance. In this novel, Lovelace tends to shows how Caribbean people, in a post independent period affirm their identity that they have been denied of. The geographic space, Calvary Hill which is the representation of Trinidad in its reduced form is the center of a cultural practice named carnival. The article captures also how cross-culturality remains a focal point in the quest of a lost identity. After independence, Caribbean culture remains trapped under the western domination, and Caribbean identity still misunderstood because of the multiplicity of people from different origin. However, with The Dragon Can’t Dance Lovelace has restored this identity.
Keywords: identity, multiculturalism, Caribbean, Culture.
Keywords: identity, multiculturalism, Caribbean, Culture.
[1]. BHABHA, H. Bhabha K. The Location of Culture. New York: Routledge, 1994.
[2]. BOLLAND, O. Nigel. “Creolization and Creole Societies: A Cultural Nationalist View of Caribbean Social History.” Intellectuals in the Twentieth Century v.1: The Commonwealth Caribbean. Ed. Alistair Hennessy. London: Macmillan, 1992. pp 50-79.
[3]. BOURDIEU, Pierre. Outline of a theory of practice, Cambridge, Cambridge: University Press 1977.
[4]. DASH, Michael. “Psychology, Creolization, and Hybridization” New National and Post-Colonial Literature: An Introduction. Ed, Bruce King. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.
[5]. Glissant, E. Caribbean Discourse. Translated by M. Dash. Charlotteville: University ofVirginia Press, (1989).
[2]. BOLLAND, O. Nigel. “Creolization and Creole Societies: A Cultural Nationalist View of Caribbean Social History.” Intellectuals in the Twentieth Century v.1: The Commonwealth Caribbean. Ed. Alistair Hennessy. London: Macmillan, 1992. pp 50-79.
[3]. BOURDIEU, Pierre. Outline of a theory of practice, Cambridge, Cambridge: University Press 1977.
[4]. DASH, Michael. “Psychology, Creolization, and Hybridization” New National and Post-Colonial Literature: An Introduction. Ed, Bruce King. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.
[5]. Glissant, E. Caribbean Discourse. Translated by M. Dash. Charlotteville: University ofVirginia Press, (1989).
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Paper Title | :: | Reorganização da escola básica na Amazônia paraense em tempos de Pandemia da COVID-19: a atuação do gestor escolar à luz dos novos ordenamentos jurídicos |
Author Name | :: | Reginaldo do Socorro Martins da Silva |
Country | :: | Brasil |
Page Number | :: | 25-36 |
O estudo analisa a reorganização da escola básica na Amazônia paraense em tempos de pandemia da COVID-19 com foco na atuação do gestor escolar à luz dos novos ordenamentos jurídicos. As estratégias metodológicas nas quais o trabalho se baseou foram: a) revisão bibliográfica; b) análise documental exploratória. O levantamento bibliográfico fundamentou-se em Fraiman (2020), Lück (2013), Marin (2014), Oliveira (2010), Peres (2020), Santana (2020), Silva (2018), Tragtenberg (2018), entre outros. A análise documental realizou-se a partir do levantamento da legislação, em âmbito nacional e local, relacionada à temática em tela. Desenvolvido como estudo documental, a análise permite vislumbrar as condições impostas pelas diversas legislações que se impuseram ao gestor escolar como realidade objetiva para a continuidade dos serviços educacionais em tempos de pandemia da COVID-19. Examinaram-se os limites e as possibilidades do processo vivido pelos gestores durante a (re)organização do trabalho na escola básica com a suspensão das atividades presenciais, ao mesmo tempo em que se vivenciava a reestruturação das relações sociais permeada às incertezas e aos riscos à vida. Os resultados apontaram para uma mudança significativa no papel exercido pelos gestores escolares impactados pelas demandas impostas pelos diversos ordenamentos jurídicos que emergiram no período da pandemia da COVID-19.
Keywords: Organização do trabalho. Gestor escolar. Legislação emergente. Pandemia da COVID-19.
Keywords: Organização do trabalho. Gestor escolar. Legislação emergente. Pandemia da COVID-19.
[1]. BARDIN, Laurence. Análise do Conteúdo. São Paulo: Edições 70, 2016.
[2]. BELÉM. Decreto N.º 99.976, de 04 de março de 2020. Declara nova situação de calamidade pública no Município de Belém, em razão do recrudescimento da pandemia de COVID-19 (Coronavírus). Belém – PA: Prefeitura Municipal de Belém. Procuradoria Geral do Município - PGM, 2020a.
[3]. BELÉM. Decreto No 95.955, de 18 de março de 2020. Declara situação de emergência no âmbito do Município de Belém para enfrentamento preventivo da pandemia de coronavírus declarada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde – OMS e dá outras providências. Determina a suspensão das aulas da rede municipal de ensino por 15 dias. Belém – PA: Prefeitura Municipal de Belém. Procuradoria Geral do Município - PGM, 2020b.
[4]. BELÉM. Decreto No 96.340, de 25 de maio de 2020. Dispõe sobre as medidas de distanciamento social controlado, visando à prevenção e o enfrentamento à pandemia da COVID-19, em regime de cooperação com o Estado do Pará. Belém – PA: Prefeitura Municipal de Belém. Procuradoria Geral do Município - PGM, 2020c.
[5]. BELÉM. Decreto No 96.378/2020, de 10 de junho de 2020. Estabelece protocolo sanitário específico – para o retorno de aulas presenciais em estabelecimento de ensino em geral. Belém – PA: Prefeitura Municipal de Belém. Procuradoria Geral do Município – PGM, 2020d.
[2]. BELÉM. Decreto N.º 99.976, de 04 de março de 2020. Declara nova situação de calamidade pública no Município de Belém, em razão do recrudescimento da pandemia de COVID-19 (Coronavírus). Belém – PA: Prefeitura Municipal de Belém. Procuradoria Geral do Município - PGM, 2020a.
[3]. BELÉM. Decreto No 95.955, de 18 de março de 2020. Declara situação de emergência no âmbito do Município de Belém para enfrentamento preventivo da pandemia de coronavírus declarada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde – OMS e dá outras providências. Determina a suspensão das aulas da rede municipal de ensino por 15 dias. Belém – PA: Prefeitura Municipal de Belém. Procuradoria Geral do Município - PGM, 2020b.
[4]. BELÉM. Decreto No 96.340, de 25 de maio de 2020. Dispõe sobre as medidas de distanciamento social controlado, visando à prevenção e o enfrentamento à pandemia da COVID-19, em regime de cooperação com o Estado do Pará. Belém – PA: Prefeitura Municipal de Belém. Procuradoria Geral do Município - PGM, 2020c.
[5]. BELÉM. Decreto No 96.378/2020, de 10 de junho de 2020. Estabelece protocolo sanitário específico – para o retorno de aulas presenciais em estabelecimento de ensino em geral. Belém – PA: Prefeitura Municipal de Belém. Procuradoria Geral do Município – PGM, 2020d.
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Paper Title | :: | Searching for Aesthesis |
Author Name | :: | Vytautas Martinkus |
Country | :: | Lithuania |
Page Number | :: | 37-80 |
In the summer I used to walk to Erţvilkas chapel barefoot. Over a foot-bridge across Vidauja river, on a pathway through Dţiugiris, on a cattle-driving path through the forest of Balandinė, on a high road through Dirvonai village, over a small ferro-concrete bridge across the river of Šaltuona by Vytautas oak tree... The morning dew would sting my soles. I saw trees, farmhouses, clouds in the far distance, desperate to reach them as soon as I could.
soon as I could. I would carry my shoes in a small bag. At the churchyard I was told to put them on. In the church, I was impatient to kick them off and, when the organ was playing, walk on the wooden floor barefoot again to take a closer look at and even touch a tabernacle cobbled together by Tadeusz Tolišius; and back at home I wondered why the altar sometimes seemed remarkably beautiful and fading away, slipping out of my fingers that did not reach it, and otherwhiles – just a painted decorative thing, like a commode in my parents‟ room.
From childhood experience
soon as I could. I would carry my shoes in a small bag. At the churchyard I was told to put them on. In the church, I was impatient to kick them off and, when the organ was playing, walk on the wooden floor barefoot again to take a closer look at and even touch a tabernacle cobbled together by Tadeusz Tolišius; and back at home I wondered why the altar sometimes seemed remarkably beautiful and fading away, slipping out of my fingers that did not reach it, and otherwhiles – just a painted decorative thing, like a commode in my parents‟ room.
From childhood experience
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Paper Title | :: | The Influence of China’s Investment in Cameroon in the Infrastructural Sector |
Author Name | :: | Nzie Rebecca Kelly |
Country | :: | China |
Page Number | :: | 81-96 |
One of the investment relationships that traces its origin from 1950s regards the China-Africa relationship ties. The ties involved trade agreements that saw China come to an agreement with Africa on trade and investment issues. The interest of our study is the contribution to the study of international trade. China, becoming the first economic power, leaves no one indifferent because it has been fully acknowledged in sub-Saharan Africa, and especially Cameroon. Emphasizing the relationship of interest between China and sub-Saharan Africa, specifically Cameroon, makes it possible to put into perspective the goals and means that use as realists assume. The research on this project will help to analyze the importance of China’s investment in the infrastructural sector of Cameroon through qualitative methodology by the use and empirical articles to collect data. Data analysis has been mostly descriptive, since the topic is looking at identifying the impacts of Chinese investment in infrastructure and prospect for new business ventures. The purpose of this research is to study the impact of Chinese investment in the industrial sector of Cameroon. Specific objectives will be to find solutions for the major problems of infrastructural development of Cameroon. The findings of this study present a good record of Chinese investment in the infrastructural sector of Cameroon since it helps to boost Cameroonian economy by creating employment, transfer of technology and innovation, improves tax revenues, decreases poverty and modernizes trade.It would be optimistically be helpful to the Sino-African evolution of trade and the expansion of investment activities between China and Cameroon.
Keywords: Economic impacts, China’s investment, Infrastructural sector, Influence of Chinese investment, Opportunities, China-Africa relations.
Keywords: Economic impacts, China’s investment, Infrastructural sector, Influence of Chinese investment, Opportunities, China-Africa relations.
[1]. Gouvernement du Cameroun, “Note de Conjoncture n 15 Dette Publique”, September 2015.
[2]. “Memve’ele Dam site: Workers protest,” Cameroon Web,June 26,2015.
[3]. Brautigam,D., (2011), “Aid with Chinese characteristics :Chinese foreign aid Development finance meet the OEDC- DAC aid regime”, Journal of International Development, vol 22, Issue 1,pp.67-91
[4]. Cameroon Ministry of Economy (2009).” Planning and Regional Development”, vision 2035, pp7
[5]. He,Y., Shi,Y (2010). “Les positions de l’Europe, des Etats-Unis et de la Chine en Afrique: implications pour son développement”, Revue Tiers Monde, n.201, pp.193-214.
[2]. “Memve’ele Dam site: Workers protest,” Cameroon Web,June 26,2015.
[3]. Brautigam,D., (2011), “Aid with Chinese characteristics :Chinese foreign aid Development finance meet the OEDC- DAC aid regime”, Journal of International Development, vol 22, Issue 1,pp.67-91
[4]. Cameroon Ministry of Economy (2009).” Planning and Regional Development”, vision 2035, pp7
[5]. He,Y., Shi,Y (2010). “Les positions de l’Europe, des Etats-Unis et de la Chine en Afrique: implications pour son développement”, Revue Tiers Monde, n.201, pp.193-214.
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Paper Title | :: | Language, thoughts, and representations: anaphoric and logical functions of definiteness and indefiniteness in speaking |
Author Name | :: | Eri Kondo |
Country | :: | Japan |
Page Number | :: | 97-105 |
This research investigates that the functions of definiteness as identifiability and inclusiveness, of indefiniteness as quantifier are observed in speaking activities at the class of B1 level (CEFR) in the high school in Japan. Japanese do not have the distinction in the noun phrases themselves. The ultimate goal of this study is to examine the usages of definiteness and indefiniteness in speaking, on contexts in current reading articles. The research paper is focused on the correctness and errors of the usages.
Keywords: Identifiability, inclusiveness, quantifier, definiteness, indefiniteness, presupposition
Keywords: Identifiability, inclusiveness, quantifier, definiteness, indefiniteness, presupposition
[1]. Abbot, B. (2013). Reference. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[2]. Ariel, M. (1994). Interpreting anaphoric expressions: a cognitive versus a pragmatic approach. Journal of Linguistics, 30, 3-42.
[3]. Byrnes, H., &Manchón, R. (2014). Task-based language learning- insights from and for L2 writing. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
[4]. Chesterman, A. (1991). On definiteness: a study with special reference to English and Finnish. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[5]. Cook, V. (2008). Multi-competence: black hole or wormhole for second language acquisition research? In Han, Z. (Eds.), Understanding second language process. (pp. 16-26). Clevedon: Multilingual.
[2]. Ariel, M. (1994). Interpreting anaphoric expressions: a cognitive versus a pragmatic approach. Journal of Linguistics, 30, 3-42.
[3]. Byrnes, H., &Manchón, R. (2014). Task-based language learning- insights from and for L2 writing. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
[4]. Chesterman, A. (1991). On definiteness: a study with special reference to English and Finnish. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[5]. Cook, V. (2008). Multi-competence: black hole or wormhole for second language acquisition research? In Han, Z. (Eds.), Understanding second language process. (pp. 16-26). Clevedon: Multilingual.
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Paper Title | :: | Demystifying the Impacts of Ethno-Socio-Cultural Footprints of Formal Land Markets on Urban Land Accessibility in the Third World Cities |
Author Name | :: | kazeem Bolayemi Akinbola, Toluwalase Gregory Oluwole |
Country | :: | Nigeria |
Page Number | :: | 106-118 |
Land’s non-substitutability as an all-time asset of great relevance to the continued existence of human race, is an undebunkable truism. It is thus incontrovertible to aver that retardants with ethno and socio-cultural undertones, which are of daunting magnitude, had plagued and still continue to clog the much expected seamless dynamics of formal land markets, leading to distortions and ultimately resulting to huge gap in addressing land accessibility questions. Unfortunately, this situation stagnates real estate and urban development activities in the third world cities, which Nigeria’s six south western cities, where this study was conducted, represent, it is with a view to establishing the extent of their impacts on one another, as well as addressing same, that is the crux of this research. Using purposive and simple random sampling techniques, 280 copies of 5-point Likert scaled questionnaire were administered among career and tenured land officers, consultants on land matters and various groups of land users. Out of the 251 copies of questionnaire that were retrieved, after screening, 225 were found to be valid, translating to 89.64% distribution-retrieval rate, upon which analysis via AMOS’ 18.0 version of structural equation modelling was performed. With Cronbach Alpha value of 0.795 and inter-item correlation cumulative mean value of 0.735, part of the research findings is that operational arrangement of formal land markets is fraught with pockets of competitions that is ethno-socio-culturally driven, thus hampering expected cooperation that efficient system needs, with adversity on delivery and ultimately accessibility of urban lands. It was concluded that land accessibility will continue to be hampered unless land markets is rid ofall manners of unhealthy rivalry tendencies among stakeholders. Formal land markets should be reconfigured to birth needed cooperation and interrelationship that check divisive tendencies of ethnic and socio-culturalism among its drivers and enablers, so as to improve land delivery, for a resultant positive impact on urban land accessibility, which promotes real estate and urban development activities in Nigeria.
Keywords: Ethno-Cultural Undertone, Impacts, Formal Land Markets, Urban Land Accessibility, Nigeria.
Keywords: Ethno-Cultural Undertone, Impacts, Formal Land Markets, Urban Land Accessibility, Nigeria.
[1]. Agunbiade, M.E. (2012). Land administration for housing production. Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Melbourne, Australia.
[2]. Akinbola, K. B; Salau, T.I (2021). Investigating the Impacts of Formal Land Management Debacle on Urban Land Markets of Developing Economies. In 4th International Conference of the Izmir Economics Congress, organised by the Institute of Economic Development and Social Research of Turkey, presented via zoom and held at Izmir, Turkey 11th and 12th of September, 2021, Izmir, Turkey.
[3]. Akinbola, K.B; Tanrivermis, H and Abubakar, I.R (2020). Instrumentalising Policy Framework as Driver for Urban Land Management and Development in the Global South. In Reshaping the Urban Ecosystem of the 2nd International Real Estate Development and Management Conference (2-ICREDM) organised by the Department of Real Estate Development and Management, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey, held at Faculty of Applied Sciences Complex on 30th of January to 2nd of February, Whndham, Ankara, Turkey.
[4]. Asiama, K.O; Bennett, R.M and Zevenbergen, J.A (2015). Participatory Land Administration: A New Vista Towards Responsible Land Consolidation in Customary Lands? In Responsible Consolidation of Customary Rights. Organised by the FIG Commission 3 and 7 Joint Workshop 2015, held at St. Julians, between 4th and 6th, November, 2015, Malta.
[5]. Awang, Z. (2012). A Handbook on SEM Structural Equation Modelling: SEM Using AMOS Graphic, 5th. Edition, Kota Baru Malaysia: Universiti Teknologi Mara Kelantan.
[2]. Akinbola, K. B; Salau, T.I (2021). Investigating the Impacts of Formal Land Management Debacle on Urban Land Markets of Developing Economies. In 4th International Conference of the Izmir Economics Congress, organised by the Institute of Economic Development and Social Research of Turkey, presented via zoom and held at Izmir, Turkey 11th and 12th of September, 2021, Izmir, Turkey.
[3]. Akinbola, K.B; Tanrivermis, H and Abubakar, I.R (2020). Instrumentalising Policy Framework as Driver for Urban Land Management and Development in the Global South. In Reshaping the Urban Ecosystem of the 2nd International Real Estate Development and Management Conference (2-ICREDM) organised by the Department of Real Estate Development and Management, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey, held at Faculty of Applied Sciences Complex on 30th of January to 2nd of February, Whndham, Ankara, Turkey.
[4]. Asiama, K.O; Bennett, R.M and Zevenbergen, J.A (2015). Participatory Land Administration: A New Vista Towards Responsible Land Consolidation in Customary Lands? In Responsible Consolidation of Customary Rights. Organised by the FIG Commission 3 and 7 Joint Workshop 2015, held at St. Julians, between 4th and 6th, November, 2015, Malta.
[5]. Awang, Z. (2012). A Handbook on SEM Structural Equation Modelling: SEM Using AMOS Graphic, 5th. Edition, Kota Baru Malaysia: Universiti Teknologi Mara Kelantan.
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Paper Title | :: | Investigating the Students’ Ideas about the Phenomenon of Climate Change The Study of the Case of the Students of the Sixth Grade of the Primary Schools in the Prefecture of Ioannina |
Author Name | :: | Lazaros Kostanasios |
Country | :: | Greece |
Page Number | :: | 119-128 |
In the present thesis we investigated the ideas of 120 sixth grade students from four primary schools of Ioannina region as well as their knowledge on greenhouse effect mechanism ,on the causes, on the consequences and mainly on the actions taken against climate change.
Keywords: global warming of the planet, climate change, perceptions , ideas
Keywords: global warming of the planet, climate change, perceptions , ideas
[1]. Argyriou, A., &Giannouli, M. (2010). "Energy Environment & Physics". University Publications: ARAKYNTHOS
[2]. Voudrislis, N. (2007). Postgraduate Thesis: The global rise in sea level as a result of the greenhouse effect. A didactic approach through maps. Aristotle's University. Thessaloniki. Retrieved on 20/08/2020 from the website: http://ikee.lib.auth.gr/record/101131/files/gri-2008-1178.pdf
[3]. Davidoudi, A. (2012). Postgraduate Thesis: Exploring concepts, developing and evaluating a curriculum for teaching climate change to elementary school students. Aristotle's University. Thessaloniki. Retrieved on 20/08/2020 from the website: http://ikee.lib.auth.gr/record/128950/files/GRI-2012-8425.pdf
[4]. Melas, D., &Asonitis, G., &Amoridis, V. (2000). Climate change [teacher guide] Athens: Ministry of National Education and Religions. Retrieved on 20/08/2020 from the website: http://www.env-edu.gr/Documents/Climate_Change_-_Teacher_Guide.pd
[5]. Remoundou, K., &Kountouri, F. (2011). Economic assessment of the effects of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture and prevention measures. Climate Change Impact Study Committee, Bank of Greece. Available on the website: http://www.bankofgreece.gr/
[2]. Voudrislis, N. (2007). Postgraduate Thesis: The global rise in sea level as a result of the greenhouse effect. A didactic approach through maps. Aristotle's University. Thessaloniki. Retrieved on 20/08/2020 from the website: http://ikee.lib.auth.gr/record/101131/files/gri-2008-1178.pdf
[3]. Davidoudi, A. (2012). Postgraduate Thesis: Exploring concepts, developing and evaluating a curriculum for teaching climate change to elementary school students. Aristotle's University. Thessaloniki. Retrieved on 20/08/2020 from the website: http://ikee.lib.auth.gr/record/128950/files/GRI-2012-8425.pdf
[4]. Melas, D., &Asonitis, G., &Amoridis, V. (2000). Climate change [teacher guide] Athens: Ministry of National Education and Religions. Retrieved on 20/08/2020 from the website: http://www.env-edu.gr/Documents/Climate_Change_-_Teacher_Guide.pd
[5]. Remoundou, K., &Kountouri, F. (2011). Economic assessment of the effects of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture and prevention measures. Climate Change Impact Study Committee, Bank of Greece. Available on the website: http://www.bankofgreece.gr/
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Paper Title | :: | Authoritarianism and Procrastination by Identity Style |
Author Name | :: | Tommy M. Phillips |
Country | :: | USA |
Page Number | :: | 129-136 |
A sample of emerging adults (N=99) completed measures of identity style, authoritarianism, and procrastination. Results indicated that: (1) identity style accounts for an impressive amount of variance in both authoritarianism and procrastination, and (2) robust relationships exist between the normative style and authoritarianism and between the diffuse-avoidant style and procrastination. Implications of these findings are discussed.
Keywords: Authoritarianism; Procrastination; Identity; Identity Style
Keywords: Authoritarianism; Procrastination; Identity; Identity Style
[1]. Adams, G.R., Berzonsky, M.D., & Keating, L. (2006). Psychosocial resources in first-year university students: The role of identity processes and social relationships. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 35, 81-91.
[2]. Adams, G.R., & Marshall, S.K. (1996). A developmental social psychology of identity: Understanding the person-in-context. Journal of Adolescence, 19, 429-442.
[3]. Altemeyer, B. (1996). The Authoritarian Specter. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
[4]. Altemeyer, B. (1988). Enemies of Freedom. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
[5]. Balkis, M. &Duru, E. (2007). The evaluation of the major characteristics and aspects of procrastination in the framework of psychological counseling and guidance. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 7, 376-385.
[2]. Adams, G.R., & Marshall, S.K. (1996). A developmental social psychology of identity: Understanding the person-in-context. Journal of Adolescence, 19, 429-442.
[3]. Altemeyer, B. (1996). The Authoritarian Specter. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
[4]. Altemeyer, B. (1988). Enemies of Freedom. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
[5]. Balkis, M. &Duru, E. (2007). The evaluation of the major characteristics and aspects of procrastination in the framework of psychological counseling and guidance. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 7, 376-385.
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Paper Title | :: | Statistics and Its Role in Socio – Economic Developments |
Author Name | :: | Dr. Jonida Biçoku |
Country | :: | Albania |
Page Number | :: | 137-143 |
"An essential component of any development planning is data. Without data, a country’s efforts to plan for future growth and welfare of its people cannot be grounded in reality and therefore may be severaly flawed".
Hon. Prof. Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o, Minister for Planning and National Development, Kenya
This paper is about the important role that statistics plays in poverty reduction that is a great social problem and economic development. The role and the power of statistics is recognized in the design and implementation stages of country policy frameworks, such as Poverty Reduction Strategies. The role of statistics consists also in monitoring progress towards the internationally agreed Millenium Developmet Goals (MDG).What are the MDG targets?
1. To reduce the number of underweight children, and the percentage of children who do not go to school
2. To halve the proportion of people living in poverty and suffering from hunger
3. To push back child and maternal mortality etc.
The role of statistics consists in the improving of transparency and accountability of policy making, and it’s important to say that good statistics are essential to manage the effective delivery of basic services. Good statistics help donors by informing aid allocation decisions and by monitoring the use of aid and development outcomes. So, statistics are important to development progress, not just to monitor progress but to help drive the outcomes that the statistics are measuring. But recognising the critical role of statistics is one thing: doing something about it is another. Much more remains to be done to ensure the better use of better statistics as part of the enabling environment for development. In order to develop stastics most effectively and efficiently are necessary financial resources, but in most developing countries these resources are limited. This objective should be achieved by implementing strategic statistical plans, National Strategies for the Development of Statistics. New instruments have also been created to increase financing for countries to improve their statistical capacity such as the World Bank’s Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building.
Keywords: Statistics, Data, Development, Social Statistics, Integration, Food Problems.
Hon. Prof. Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o, Minister for Planning and National Development, Kenya
This paper is about the important role that statistics plays in poverty reduction that is a great social problem and economic development. The role and the power of statistics is recognized in the design and implementation stages of country policy frameworks, such as Poverty Reduction Strategies. The role of statistics consists also in monitoring progress towards the internationally agreed Millenium Developmet Goals (MDG).What are the MDG targets?
1. To reduce the number of underweight children, and the percentage of children who do not go to school
2. To halve the proportion of people living in poverty and suffering from hunger
3. To push back child and maternal mortality etc.
The role of statistics consists in the improving of transparency and accountability of policy making, and it’s important to say that good statistics are essential to manage the effective delivery of basic services. Good statistics help donors by informing aid allocation decisions and by monitoring the use of aid and development outcomes. So, statistics are important to development progress, not just to monitor progress but to help drive the outcomes that the statistics are measuring. But recognising the critical role of statistics is one thing: doing something about it is another. Much more remains to be done to ensure the better use of better statistics as part of the enabling environment for development. In order to develop stastics most effectively and efficiently are necessary financial resources, but in most developing countries these resources are limited. This objective should be achieved by implementing strategic statistical plans, National Strategies for the Development of Statistics. New instruments have also been created to increase financing for countries to improve their statistical capacity such as the World Bank’s Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building.
Keywords: Statistics, Data, Development, Social Statistics, Integration, Food Problems.
[1]. C. Radhakrishna Rao (2001). Linear Statistical Inference and its Applications, MGraw Hill, ISBN 0-471-21875-8.
[2]. Luc Pronzato – Anatoly Zhigljavsky. Optimal design and Related Areas in Optimization and Statistics, ISBN 978-0-387-79935-3.
[3]. JecintaMwirigi . Biogas Technology, Socio-Economic and Technological Constraints to its Adoption and Sustainability.
[4]. N.Bellomo, Z.Brzezniak and L.M. de Socio. Nonlinear Stochastic Evolution Problems in Applied Sciences, ISBN 978-94-010-4803-3
[5]. Reports of Ministry of Agriculture
[2]. Luc Pronzato – Anatoly Zhigljavsky. Optimal design and Related Areas in Optimization and Statistics, ISBN 978-0-387-79935-3.
[3]. JecintaMwirigi . Biogas Technology, Socio-Economic and Technological Constraints to its Adoption and Sustainability.
[4]. N.Bellomo, Z.Brzezniak and L.M. de Socio. Nonlinear Stochastic Evolution Problems in Applied Sciences, ISBN 978-94-010-4803-3
[5]. Reports of Ministry of Agriculture
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Paper Title | :: | Exploring family resilience among families headed by a single mother in Budiriro, Harare |
Author Name | :: | Percy Taruvinga || Tecla Nyapokoto |
Country | :: | South Africa |
Page Number | :: | 144-152 |
Background: Single mother headed families are on the rise globally. The greatest challenge has been a paradigm shift in marriage resulting in less enduarance in marriage. However, an understanding of their strength has been a marginalized area. This study aimed to identify the socio-demographic characteristics and family resilience factors among families headed by single mothers.
Method: The method of the study was quantitative and qualitative in nature, where 100 single mothers heading famiies in an urban area. They answered a questionnaire and an open-ended question on what family factors help them to cope with life challenges. The data was analysed using statistical hand calculation and interpretive phenomenological explication method by Hycner.
Results: The study identified the following factors from qualitative research: spirituality, working hard, time spent with others, coherence, social support, and communication. The quantitative approach identified the following factors: Family Hardiness Index (FHI) and Family Time Routine Index (FTRI), as statistically significant resilient factors.
Conclusion: These findings indicate that individual attributes and support from significant others are essential for single mothers to cope. Therefore, health authorities should assist single mother-headed families to identify various forms of support and how to access them to be resilient. The study is expected to contribute to nurturing and strengthening families headed by a single mother.
Keywords: Single mother, single mother headed family, family resilience, coping, challenges.
Method: The method of the study was quantitative and qualitative in nature, where 100 single mothers heading famiies in an urban area. They answered a questionnaire and an open-ended question on what family factors help them to cope with life challenges. The data was analysed using statistical hand calculation and interpretive phenomenological explication method by Hycner.
Results: The study identified the following factors from qualitative research: spirituality, working hard, time spent with others, coherence, social support, and communication. The quantitative approach identified the following factors: Family Hardiness Index (FHI) and Family Time Routine Index (FTRI), as statistically significant resilient factors.
Conclusion: These findings indicate that individual attributes and support from significant others are essential for single mothers to cope. Therefore, health authorities should assist single mother-headed families to identify various forms of support and how to access them to be resilient. The study is expected to contribute to nurturing and strengthening families headed by a single mother.
Keywords: Single mother, single mother headed family, family resilience, coping, challenges.
[1]. American Psychological Association. (2014). The road to resilience. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
[2]. Black, K., & Lobo, M. (2008). A Conceptual Review of Family Factors. Journal of Family Nursing, 14(1): 33-55.
[3]. Bonanno, G. A., Westphal, M., & Mancini, A. D. (2011). Resilience to loss and potential trauma. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 7, 511-535.
[4]. Brodsky, A. E. (1999). "Making it": The components and process of resilience among urban, African-American, single mothers. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 69, 148-160.
[5]. Brommel, B. J., Bylund, C. L., & Galvin, K. M. (2004). Family Communication: Cohesion and Change. 6th Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
[2]. Black, K., & Lobo, M. (2008). A Conceptual Review of Family Factors. Journal of Family Nursing, 14(1): 33-55.
[3]. Bonanno, G. A., Westphal, M., & Mancini, A. D. (2011). Resilience to loss and potential trauma. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 7, 511-535.
[4]. Brodsky, A. E. (1999). "Making it": The components and process of resilience among urban, African-American, single mothers. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 69, 148-160.
[5]. Brommel, B. J., Bylund, C. L., & Galvin, K. M. (2004). Family Communication: Cohesion and Change. 6th Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
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Paper Title | :: | Los niños del pueblo indígena yoreme-mayo y su derecho a la educación básica |
Author Name | :: | Francisco Ricardo Ramírez Lugo || Olia Acuña Maldonado |
Country | :: | México |
Page Number | :: | 153-161 |
El propósito de este artículo es informar los resultados de una investigación realizada con el objetivo de conocer si los niños del pueblo indígena yoreme-mayo que habita en el norte del estado de Sinaloa, México, tienen acceso y disfrutan de su derecho humano a la educación básica. En este sentido, la investigación se centró en documentar y revisar las condiciones materiales y de infraestructura de las escuelas primarias bilingües y biculturales, que se ubican en el municipio de El Fuerte, Sinaloa, territorio ancestral del pueblo indígena yoreme-mayo; se revisó también la metodología utilizada por los profesores para dar clases a estos niños.
Keywords: pueblo indígena yoreme-mayo, derecho a la educación.
Keywords: pueblo indígena yoreme-mayo, derecho a la educación.
[1]. Aguilar Zeleny, A. (1995). Los Mayos. En: Etnografía contemporánea de los pueblosindígena de México. Noroeste. Editorial Instituto Nacional Indigenista. México.
[2]. Aparicio Wilhelmi, M. (2002). Los Pueblos Indígenas y el Estado. El reconocimientoconstitucional de los derechos Indígenas en América Latina. Cedecs editorial S. L. (Centrode estudios de Derecho, Economía y Ciencias Sociales), Barcelona, España.
[3]. Bailleres-Landeros, D. P. (2014). Educación superior intercultural y pobreza. En:Sandoval-Forero, Eduardo Andrés, Bernardino Jaciel Montoya-Arce y Adán Barreto-Villanueva (Coordinadores). (2014). Hitos Demográficos del Siglo XXI: Población Indígena,Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. México.
[4]. Barié, C. G. (2000). Pueblos Indígenas y derechos constitucionales: un panorama. 1ª edición, México: Instituto Indigenista Interamericano e Instituto Nacional Indigenista deMéxico. ISBN: 99905-0-367-2. Depósito Legal: 4-1-866-03. Recuperado de:http://www.cdi.gob.mx/conadepi/iii/cletus/.
[5]. Bello Domínguez, Juan. (2009). El Inicio de la Educación Bilingüe Bicultural en las Regiones Indígenas en México. X Congreso Nacional de Investigación Educativa. Área 9: Historia e Historiografía de la Educación. Consejo Mexicano de Investigación Educativa, A.C. México.
[2]. Aparicio Wilhelmi, M. (2002). Los Pueblos Indígenas y el Estado. El reconocimientoconstitucional de los derechos Indígenas en América Latina. Cedecs editorial S. L. (Centrode estudios de Derecho, Economía y Ciencias Sociales), Barcelona, España.
[3]. Bailleres-Landeros, D. P. (2014). Educación superior intercultural y pobreza. En:Sandoval-Forero, Eduardo Andrés, Bernardino Jaciel Montoya-Arce y Adán Barreto-Villanueva (Coordinadores). (2014). Hitos Demográficos del Siglo XXI: Población Indígena,Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. México.
[4]. Barié, C. G. (2000). Pueblos Indígenas y derechos constitucionales: un panorama. 1ª edición, México: Instituto Indigenista Interamericano e Instituto Nacional Indigenista deMéxico. ISBN: 99905-0-367-2. Depósito Legal: 4-1-866-03. Recuperado de:http://www.cdi.gob.mx/conadepi/iii/cletus/.
[5]. Bello Domínguez, Juan. (2009). El Inicio de la Educación Bilingüe Bicultural en las Regiones Indígenas en México. X Congreso Nacional de Investigación Educativa. Área 9: Historia e Historiografía de la Educación. Consejo Mexicano de Investigación Educativa, A.C. México.
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Paper Title | :: | O Movimento de Massas na Cultura do Cancelamento |
Author Name | :: | Amanda Carolina Guedes Silva || Andressa Karoline Da Silva Barros || Idelvane Silva Dos Santos Ribeiro || Jéssica Samantha Lira Da Costa || Mateus Santos Pinheiro || José Rodrigo Da Costa Bezerra |
Country | :: | Brazil |
Page Number | :: | 162-168 |
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo principal discutir questões concernentes à relação das massas, enquanto conceito filosófico, sociológico, psicanalítico e aquilo que hoje conhecemos como cultura do cancelamento. Quem são estes algozes, sobretudo por trás das telas de celulares e computadores, que tem por objetivo dissecar a vida e levar alguém ao ostracismo? O que querem? São ataques coordenados? Há um objetivo nobre por trás destes ataques? Fomos ao âmago da discussão mostrando de que maneira as massas se constituem e se alocam em um aglomerado de sujeitos sem a mínima capacidade argumentativa e que só seguem um discurso enquadrado que os líderes daquela massa mandam seguir. Como encaminhamento para possíveis articulações argumentativas a respeito do fenômeno, entendemos que a massa é criada com o intuito de controle social e de poder de narrativa, e que muitos que aderem a este jogo cultural só o faz por medo de ser rechaçado pela maioria que ali se forma.
Keywords: Cultura do cancelamento; psicologia das massas; psicanálise.
Keywords: Cultura do cancelamento; psicologia das massas; psicanálise.
[1]. FREUD, S. (1921). Psicologia das Massas e Análise do Eu. Porto Alegre: L&PM, 2013.
[2]. JERUSALINSKY, J. A melancolização na infância contemporânea: entre o linchamento virtual e a política do “no touch”. Cadernos de Psicanálise, Rio de Janeiro, v.34, n.1, 2018. Disponível em: http://spcrj.org.br/ojs/index.php/cad_psi_spcrj/article/view/29
[3]. JÚNIOR, J. F. Dossiê politicamente correto. Revista USP • São Paulo • n. 115 • p. 51-66 • outubro/novembro/dezembro, 2017.
[4]. LE BON, G. Psychologie des foules. Paris : JDH, 1895.
[5]. PETERSON, J. Politicamente Correto: os debates Munk. São Paulo: É Realizações, 2020.
[2]. JERUSALINSKY, J. A melancolização na infância contemporânea: entre o linchamento virtual e a política do “no touch”. Cadernos de Psicanálise, Rio de Janeiro, v.34, n.1, 2018. Disponível em: http://spcrj.org.br/ojs/index.php/cad_psi_spcrj/article/view/29
[3]. JÚNIOR, J. F. Dossiê politicamente correto. Revista USP • São Paulo • n. 115 • p. 51-66 • outubro/novembro/dezembro, 2017.
[4]. LE BON, G. Psychologie des foules. Paris : JDH, 1895.
[5]. PETERSON, J. Politicamente Correto: os debates Munk. São Paulo: É Realizações, 2020.
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Paper Title | :: | The Impact of Work from Home on Determinant Factors of Financial Statement Fraud Detection in Era of Covid-19 Pandemic |
Author Name | :: | Maya Septiani || Amilin Amilin || Wilda Farah || Hepi Prayudiawan || Surtikanti |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 169-173 |
This study aims to examine the impact of work from home on the determinant factors of the occurrence of financial statement fraud detection on the auditor profession. This research was conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic era. Respondents of this study are Indonesian auditors who working in Indonesia. The data testing used the method of Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA). The results of hypothesis testing show empirical evidence that work from home can be moderate the effect of the auditor gender variable on financial statement fraud detection, while other results show that work from home cannot be moderate the effect of each variables of auditor experience, auditor workload, Computer Assisted Audit Techniques (CAAT), and budget pressure), on financial statement fraud detection.
Keywords: Auditor experience, auditor workload, CAAT, budget presure, auditor gender, financial statement fraud detection
Keywords: Auditor experience, auditor workload, CAAT, budget presure, auditor gender, financial statement fraud detection
[1]. Andreas. (2016). Interaction between Time Budget Pressure and Professional Commitment towards Underreporting of Time Behavior. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 219, 91–98. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.04.047
[2]. Aniano, L., & Ungerfeld, R. (2020). Time budget seasonal variations in semi-captive pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) females. Behavioural Processes, 178(April), 3–6. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.beproc.2020.104194
[3]. Annuar, A. S., Rahman, R. A., Munir, A., Murad, A., El-enshasy, H. A., & Illias, R. (2021). Jo ur l P re. Carbohydrate Polymers, 118159. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2021.118159
[4]. Beatty, A., Liao, S., & Yu, J. J. (2013). The spillover effect of fraudulent financial reporting on peer firms’ investments. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 55(2–3), 183–205. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacceco.2013.01.003
[5]. Bhuiyan, M. B. U., Rahman, A., & Sultana, N. (2020). Female tainted directors, financial reporting quality and audit fees. Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, 16(2). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcae.2020.100189
[2]. Aniano, L., & Ungerfeld, R. (2020). Time budget seasonal variations in semi-captive pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) females. Behavioural Processes, 178(April), 3–6. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.beproc.2020.104194
[3]. Annuar, A. S., Rahman, R. A., Munir, A., Murad, A., El-enshasy, H. A., & Illias, R. (2021). Jo ur l P re. Carbohydrate Polymers, 118159. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2021.118159
[4]. Beatty, A., Liao, S., & Yu, J. J. (2013). The spillover effect of fraudulent financial reporting on peer firms’ investments. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 55(2–3), 183–205. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacceco.2013.01.003
[5]. Bhuiyan, M. B. U., Rahman, A., & Sultana, N. (2020). Female tainted directors, financial reporting quality and audit fees. Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, 16(2). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcae.2020.100189
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Paper Title | :: | Challenges Facing Port Logisticsin Cameroon, Using The Bpmn Model |
Author Name | :: | Emmanuel Sogbou Kenne |
Country | :: | China |
Page Number | :: | 174-182 |
This paper has addressed different issues of logistics operationsat the Douala seaport in Cameroon. The key focus has been made on the Douala seaport for its recipients in different neighbouring countries. Furthermore, the implication of the BPMN model has also been applied to determine the issues in the logistics operations and different improvisations can be induced for enhancing the effectiveness of the Douala seaport in Cameroon. The key factors were logistics services and costs that wereanalyzed in comparison with the logistics operations. The implication of the BPMN model is significant by which supply chain optimization can be performed and desired results will be obtained.
Keywords: Logistics, Challenges, Operations, BPMN model.
Keywords: Logistics, Challenges, Operations, BPMN model.
[1]. Aminatou, M., Jaqi, Y., & Okyere, S. (2018). Evaluating the impact of long cargo dwell time on port performance: An evaluation model of Douala International Terminal in Cameroon. Archives of Transport, 46.
[2]. Arvis, J. F., Saslavsky, D., Ojala, L., Shepherd, B., Busch, C., & Raj, A. (2016). Trade logistics in the global economy: the logistics performance index and its indicators.
[3]. Bile, O. (2020). The Economic Organization of Television in Cameroon: Challenges and Prospects. Theoretical Economics Letters, 10(03), 718.
[4]. Bölsche, D., & Herbinger, W. (2014). Food security through humanitarian logistics. Nutrition Guaranteed, 89-106
[5]. Cameroon: Enhancing the Efficiency of the Port of Douala for a More Sustainable Growth. (2021). Retrieved 2 July 2021, from https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2015/02/11/cameroon-enhancing-the-efficiency-of-the-port-of-douala-for-a-more-sustainable-growth
[2]. Arvis, J. F., Saslavsky, D., Ojala, L., Shepherd, B., Busch, C., & Raj, A. (2016). Trade logistics in the global economy: the logistics performance index and its indicators.
[3]. Bile, O. (2020). The Economic Organization of Television in Cameroon: Challenges and Prospects. Theoretical Economics Letters, 10(03), 718.
[4]. Bölsche, D., & Herbinger, W. (2014). Food security through humanitarian logistics. Nutrition Guaranteed, 89-106
[5]. Cameroon: Enhancing the Efficiency of the Port of Douala for a More Sustainable Growth. (2021). Retrieved 2 July 2021, from https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2015/02/11/cameroon-enhancing-the-efficiency-of-the-port-of-douala-for-a-more-sustainable-growth
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Paper Title | :: | Analysis on the Application of Data Mining in Network Security |
Author Name | :: | Zhi Liping || Zhu Shuaibo |
Country | :: | China |
Page Number | :: | 183-188 |
The development of network technology has greatly promoted the progress of society. It is in recent years that Internet technology has been popularized in China and has had a significant impact on people's work and life. It makes people more comfortable and faster to obtain information than before, and has become an important tool for people's office and entertainment. At the same time, some uncertain factors in the network are increasingly becoming a huge hidden danger threatening the society. In this context, we analyze the use of data mining technology to maintain network security.
Keywords: Data mining; Network security; intrusion detection
Keywords: Data mining; Network security; intrusion detection
[1]. Dong Xinge. Analysis on the application of data mining technology in banks under the background of big data [J]. Today's Wealth, 2021(20):31-33.
[2]. Qiu Jinlong. Application of big data mining technology in network security [J]. Electronic Technology and Software Engineering, 2021(12):259-260.
[3]. XIONG Yi. Research on application of Big data Mining technology in network security [J]. Paper Equipment & Materials, 201, 50(02):104-105+111.
[4]. Chen Jie. Application analysis of Data Mining technology in Network Security [J]. Network Security Technology and Application, 2020(12):63-64.
[5]. Liu J. Application of data mining in computer network security [J]. Digital World, 2017(11):49. (in Chinese)
[2]. Qiu Jinlong. Application of big data mining technology in network security [J]. Electronic Technology and Software Engineering, 2021(12):259-260.
[3]. XIONG Yi. Research on application of Big data Mining technology in network security [J]. Paper Equipment & Materials, 201, 50(02):104-105+111.
[4]. Chen Jie. Application analysis of Data Mining technology in Network Security [J]. Network Security Technology and Application, 2020(12):63-64.
[5]. Liu J. Application of data mining in computer network security [J]. Digital World, 2017(11):49. (in Chinese)
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Paper Title | :: | Feeling, Listening and Thinking in Pandemic An Educational Experience from Kneo World |
Author Name | :: | Deyby Rodrigo Espinosa Gómez |
Country | :: | United States |
Page Number | :: | 189-195 |
The Covid-19 pandemic has represented an unprecedented crisis in all social spheres. Home confinement has affected the economic and emotional health of families, as well as the children's socialization processes, which resulted in an increase of stress and domestic violence. In the field of education, it has led to the closure of schools and educational centers worldwide, putting the well-being and protection of children at risk.
KneoWorld understands that education is one of the most sensitive and crucial dimensions for the development of a society, therefore, this article proposes pedagogical elements from virtual education to strengthen a more humanistic education in times of pandemic. The world is changing and KneoWorld methodology is committed to innovative education.
Keywords: Educational experience, Education, Pandemic, Pedagogy, socio-emotional education.
KneoWorld understands that education is one of the most sensitive and crucial dimensions for the development of a society, therefore, this article proposes pedagogical elements from virtual education to strengthen a more humanistic education in times of pandemic. The world is changing and KneoWorld methodology is committed to innovative education.
Keywords: Educational experience, Education, Pandemic, Pedagogy, socio-emotional education.
[1]. Adhanom, T. (2020). Coronavirus: WHO declares global pandemic for Covid-19. Medical Editor. [online] https://www.redaccionmedica.com/secciones/sanidad-hoy/coronavirus- pandemia-brote-decovid-19-nivel-mundial-segun-oms-1895
[2]. Akella, D. (2010). Learning together: Kolb's experiential theory and its application. Journal of Management and Organization, 16(1), 100-112.
[3]. Brackett, M. (2020). Permission to feel. Editorial Planeta.
[4]. Espinosa, D. (2021). KneoWorld: An Educational Program towards Educational Equity. Global Journal Of Human-Social Science Research. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/3860
[5]. J. Jacovkis, A. Tarabini. (2021). COVID-19 and distance schooling: old and new inequalities. Journal of Sociology of Education-RASE, 14: 85- 102.
[2]. Akella, D. (2010). Learning together: Kolb's experiential theory and its application. Journal of Management and Organization, 16(1), 100-112.
[3]. Brackett, M. (2020). Permission to feel. Editorial Planeta.
[4]. Espinosa, D. (2021). KneoWorld: An Educational Program towards Educational Equity. Global Journal Of Human-Social Science Research. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/3860
[5]. J. Jacovkis, A. Tarabini. (2021). COVID-19 and distance schooling: old and new inequalities. Journal of Sociology of Education-RASE, 14: 85- 102.
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Paper Title | :: | Kohelberg’s Programme of Action in Boosting Moral Development in Schools: Attitude of Pre-Service Long Vacation Training Primary School Teachers in Bauchi State , Nigeria |
Author Name | :: | Aminu Yusuf || Usman Bayo Zambuk |
Country | :: | Nigeria |
Page Number | :: | 196-202 |
Determining the attitude of male and female primary school teachers regarding the programme of action towards fostering moral development among primary school children; the most appropriate counselling and punishment methods used by the parents in boosting the foundation of morality in a preschool child were among the objectives of the study. The population of the study consists of all in-service primary school teachers enrolled on the Long Vacation Training (LVT) programme in the Faculty of Technology Education (FTE), Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi (ATBU). A simple random sampling technique was used to select a sample of 500 students. Attitude Scale Questionnaire (ASQ) on a programme of action towards fostering moral development in primary school children was used for data collection. The ASQ items were validated by a senior lecturer in Child Psychology. The hypothesis was tested at α = 0.05 level of significance. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics and the Chi-Square test. 220 (65%) of the male teachers agree with the programme; the most appropriate counselling method used by parents to boost the foundation of morality in a preschool child is to try to find the cause and suggested remedies and then counsel the child were among the findings from the study. A similar study on comparative analysis of the attitude of public and private primary school teachers; awareness, availability and implication on Kohlberg's programme of action towards boosting the foundation of morality in primary school were among the recommendations made from the study.
Keywords: Education, Pre-service primary school teachers, Attitude, Moral development.
Keywords: Education, Pre-service primary school teachers, Attitude, Moral development.
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[2]. Begum, N., &Saikia, T. (2020). The attitude of undergraduate students towards moral values: A case study of Moringa district of Assam. Palarch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 17(7), 10675-10688.
[3]. Chowdhury, M.R., Yaesmin, S., & Obaydullah, K.M. (2019). Teaching moral and ethics in primary education: Practice and Challenges. IJARIIE, 5(1), 473-484. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from htttps://Ijariie.com
[4]. Dictionary, Cambridge. (2021). Retrieved December 19, 2021, from http://dictionary /english/attitude
[5]. Dictionary, Merriam - Webstar Visual. (2021). Retrieved December 19, 2021, from http:/www.merriam-webstar.com/dictionary/attitude
[2]. Begum, N., &Saikia, T. (2020). The attitude of undergraduate students towards moral values: A case study of Moringa district of Assam. Palarch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 17(7), 10675-10688.
[3]. Chowdhury, M.R., Yaesmin, S., & Obaydullah, K.M. (2019). Teaching moral and ethics in primary education: Practice and Challenges. IJARIIE, 5(1), 473-484. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from htttps://Ijariie.com
[4]. Dictionary, Cambridge. (2021). Retrieved December 19, 2021, from http://dictionary /english/attitude
[5]. Dictionary, Merriam - Webstar Visual. (2021). Retrieved December 19, 2021, from http:/www.merriam-webstar.com/dictionary/attitude
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Paper Title | :: | The Study on Collection Development of Sethiyathope Public Library |
Author Name | :: | Dr. Senthilkumar, V |
Country | :: | India |
Page Number | :: | 203-209 |
This paper aims to resolve the adequacy of the public library system with respect to the total library collections as well as pertaining to book collections in accordance with the IFLA/UNESCO and RRRLF Guidelines. This Paper deals with the quantum and quality, adequacy and accessibility of this library collection to its user community, ,among the users actions and reactions to the services of this library relevance of this library collection to that of the users information needs, and improvement measures based on the finding of the Sethiyathope public library‟s user community.
Keywords: Public libraries, Collection development, Public library system,
Keywords: Public libraries, Collection development, Public library system,
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