Volume 02 - Issue 07
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Paper Title | :: | Aprender a desaprender para un aprendizaje transformativo, una mirada Epistemológica |
Author Name | :: | Jose Manuel Salum Tome |
Country | :: | Chile |
Page Number | :: | 01-07 |
The present work corresponds to a reflection about several theories and approaches of the learning and their relevance in the training of social agents, reflection that emerges from the practice of the training, and attending to the fact that the meaning of what it implies to learn and how it is that is learned is not at the center of the discussion in universities in Latin America, which emphasizes more what to teach rather than how to teach.
Keywords: Learning, unlearning, relearning and continuing education
Keywords: Learning, unlearning, relearning and continuing education
[1]. www.eligeeducar.cl › Cómo aprenden los niños
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[4]. https://www.nubemia.com/aula-invertida-otra-forma-de-aprender/
[5]. https://www.goconqr.com/es/ensenar/aula-invertida
[2]. conversandoenpositivo.cl/.../index.php?
[3]. www.monografias.com › Educacion
[4]. https://www.nubemia.com/aula-invertida-otra-forma-de-aprender/
[5]. https://www.goconqr.com/es/ensenar/aula-invertida
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Paper Title | :: | Internal Insurgency and National Security in Nigeria: A Re-Examination |
Author Name | :: | Inyang, Bassey || Lemchi Joseph |
Country | :: | Nigeria |
Page Number | :: | 08-16 |
The internally generated security challenges confronting the Nigerian State in the 21st Century have put the nation under serious threat as a result of the emergence and activities of insurgent groups such as Boko Haram in the North East and militant groups in other parts of the country. The spate of violent attacks by militant, insurgent and terrorist in recent times is characterised by the abduction and killing of people, destruction of churches, mosques, schools and farms which has plunged the country into a chronic state of insecurity. Using a descriptive-analytical approach, this paper explores documentary analysis on the severity of attacks and security challenges on the Nigerian State from insurgency and the impact of this on national security, peace and sovereignty.This calls for appraisal of the insurgency and re-examination of how it affects our national security. The study shows that the frequency and enormity of the terror unleashed by insurgents in various parts of the country resulted to serious damage on the peace, stability, development and sovereignty of the state. It is therefore recommended that if the issues of corruption, unemployment, poverty and bad governance are addressed, then every counter measure undertaken by the Government will be effective. The training and re-training of military personnel in their effective and civilised or disciplined use is also recommended.
Keywords: National Security, Insurgency, Terrorism, Nigerian State, Boko Haram.
Keywords: National Security, Insurgency, Terrorism, Nigerian State, Boko Haram.
[1]. Adedoyin, A. (2013) Human Security Factor in Agricultural Transformation in Nigeria. In Isaac Olawale Albert (Eds.) The Security Sector and Conflict Managements in Nigeria. Peace and Conflict Studies Programme, University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
[2]. Adewumi A. (2014) The Battles of the Minds: The Insurgency in Northern Nigeria. West Africa Insight. Boko Haram.
[3]. Akinterinwa, B. (2014) “Boko Haram is not only a Nigeria problem. Nigeria is just a platform for their activities. The Guardian, Friday, March 1.
[4]. Amoda, J. M. (2007) Methodological Issues in Peace and Conflict Studies in Bassey C. & Oshita Oshita: Conflict Resolution, Identity Crisis and Development in Africa. Lagos: Malthouse Press Limited.
[5]. Andrew, D. A. (1980) Some Experimental Investigation of the Principles of Differential Association through Deliberate Manipulation of the Structure of Service System. American Sociology Review, 45, 448-462.
[2]. Adewumi A. (2014) The Battles of the Minds: The Insurgency in Northern Nigeria. West Africa Insight. Boko Haram.
[3]. Akinterinwa, B. (2014) “Boko Haram is not only a Nigeria problem. Nigeria is just a platform for their activities. The Guardian, Friday, March 1.
[4]. Amoda, J. M. (2007) Methodological Issues in Peace and Conflict Studies in Bassey C. & Oshita Oshita: Conflict Resolution, Identity Crisis and Development in Africa. Lagos: Malthouse Press Limited.
[5]. Andrew, D. A. (1980) Some Experimental Investigation of the Principles of Differential Association through Deliberate Manipulation of the Structure of Service System. American Sociology Review, 45, 448-462.
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Paper Title | :: | Perception of Medical Intern Students about the Gaps in Their Medical Training Related To Human Skills and Competences and the Role of Teachers and Preceptors |
Author Name | :: | Júlio César André || Alba Regina de Abreu Lima || Sérgio Luis Aparecido Brienze || Alexandre Lins Wernek || Denise Herdy Afonso || Patrícia da Silva Fucuta |
Country | :: | Brasil |
Page Number | :: | 17-24 |
Humanistic education in medicine is a concern of universities professors, and preceptors due to its relevance in the complete training of the physician. The many transformations affecting medical education because socio-educational changes have increasingly demonstrated the need for humanistic education, which should be addressed throughout the academic life of the future physician. The present study aims at evaluating the perception of the medical intern student of the Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto - FAMERP about the gaps in their medical education regarding the humanistic skills and competences. Undergraduate medical students and medical intern students have recognized the value and the importance of the discipline of humanities in medical curriculum, as well as the role of the University in shaping and stimulating humanistic values and precepts in students, highlighting the relevance of the University in fully training the future physician.
Keywords: medical humanities (medical education, ethics).
Keywords: medical humanities (medical education, ethics).
[1]. Reginato V, De Benedetto MAC, BlascoPG, Gallian DMC. Humanismo: pré-requisito ou aprendizado para ser médico. RBM Rev Bras Med. 2014;70(4)10-15.
[2]. De Benedetto MAC, Moreto G, Janaudis MA, Levites MR, Blasco PG. Educando as emoções para uma atuação ética: construindo o profissionalismo médico. RBM Rev Bras Med. 2014;(EspM2):15-24.
[3]. Monteiro ÉDO. Humanização e medicina: conectando ciência à literatura clássica. RBM Rev Bras Med. 2014;71(EspG4):6-13.
[4]. Rios IC, Schraiber LB. Uma relação delicada: estudo do encontro professor-aluno. Interface Comun Saúde Educ. 2010;15(36):39-52.
[5]. Ayres JRCM, Rios IC, Schraiber LB, Falcão MTC, Mota A. Humanidades como disciplina da graduação em Medicina. RBM Rev Bras Med.2013;37(3):455-63.
[2]. De Benedetto MAC, Moreto G, Janaudis MA, Levites MR, Blasco PG. Educando as emoções para uma atuação ética: construindo o profissionalismo médico. RBM Rev Bras Med. 2014;(EspM2):15-24.
[3]. Monteiro ÉDO. Humanização e medicina: conectando ciência à literatura clássica. RBM Rev Bras Med. 2014;71(EspG4):6-13.
[4]. Rios IC, Schraiber LB. Uma relação delicada: estudo do encontro professor-aluno. Interface Comun Saúde Educ. 2010;15(36):39-52.
[5]. Ayres JRCM, Rios IC, Schraiber LB, Falcão MTC, Mota A. Humanidades como disciplina da graduação em Medicina. RBM Rev Bras Med.2013;37(3):455-63.
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Paper Title | :: | Use of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for the Physico-chemical Characterization of waters of the Panda River/City of Likasi (Haut-Katanga/DRC) contaminated by mining effluents |
Author Name | :: | Boris Y.K. UNYUMBE || Dieudonné E. MUSIBONO || Thierry T. TANGOU || René. V. GIZANGA || Athanase N. KUSONIKA |
Country | :: | Republic of the Congo |
Page Number | :: | 25-33 |
The city of Likasi is a mining center in the heart of the Katangese copper belt. Several mining companies exploit copper and/or cobalt ores in the city and discharge contaminated liquid effluents into the city's various rivers, including the Panda River and its waters, which are used for agriculture and domestic purposes and on which a water catchment dam is built for a treatment plant intended for public consumption. This river is the main tributary of the Lufira river basin (tributary of the Lualaba, name of the Congo River at its source). The Lufira is of ecological and socio-economic importance because it waters the Lufira estate, the Kundelungu and Upemba parks, which are rich in biodiversity. The pH, Conductivity and Temperature of effluents from the three mining industries (symbolized by the acronyms: MJM, CJC and BOL) at the junctions with the waters of the Panda River were measured in situ and samples collected from these three stations were assayed at the laboratory for the following seven (07) heavy metals: Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn) and Lead (Pb) using an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrophotometer (ICP/OES) from PERKIN ELMER 8300 series.) The results obtained are averages of three years of sampling campaign (from 2015 to 2017) with the main objective of verifying the degree of respectability of the WHO guidelines for the discharge of mining waste water into aquatic ecosystems, but also to look for geochemical correlations, through statistical analysis, of these heavy metals discharged. The physicochemical results obtained demonstrated a low degree of respectability of WHO guidelines, especially in BOL, and statistical analyses (correlation analysis and main component analysis) identified strong correlations between different measured heavy metals, advocating common geochemical origins in the Katangese copper arc.
Keywords: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Heavy Metals, Mining Effluents, Contamination.
Keywords: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Heavy Metals, Mining Effluents, Contamination.
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[2] K. P. Singh , A. Malik, et al, "Water quality assessment and apportionment of pollution sources of Gomti river (India) using multivariate statistical techniques-a case study." AnalyticaChimicaActa 538 (2005) (1-2): 355-374.
[3] R. Moran, E. and Wentz, D.A., Trace element content of a stream affected by metal mine drainage, Bonanza, Colorado, International symposium on water-rock interaction, Prague (1974), pp. 22.
[4] M. S. S. A.Matias, Contamination of surface waters and sediments of the Val de Milluni (Bolivian Andes) with heavy metals from mining waste. Geochemical, mineralogical and hydrochemical approaches. Planet and Universe[physics]. Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse III (2008), French.
[5] E.Tessier, Diagnosis of sedimentary contamination by metals/metalloids in the Toulon harbour and mechanisms controlling their mobility. Other. University of Toulon (2012). French.
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Paper Title | :: | Social Representations of Gender and Its Reflections on Family Law, With Focus on the Child's Custody |
Author Name | :: | Roselaine Lopes Toledo || Maria das Dores Saraiva de Loreto || Rita de Cássia Pereira Farias |
Country | :: | Brazil |
Page Number | :: | 34-45 |
This article sought to discuss the social representations of gender and its repercussions in the Brazilian legal system, especially in Family Law, regarding the legislation and application of child custody. To this end, a bibliographic search was conducted, considering renowned authors of family law, scientific articles from various areas of study and legislation related to the theme. In addition, the data obtained in IBGE, through BME and SIDRA, were analyzed, aiming to characterize the applicability of custody of the minor children in Brazil. The results showed that maternal unilateral custody still prevails. In this sense, it is considered that the social representations of motherhood (best caregiver) and paternity (best provider) are very ingrained in the popular imagination.
Keywords: Social Representations, Gender, Custody, children.
Keywords: Social Representations, Gender, Custody, children.
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[2]. BADINTER, Elisabeth. Um Amor conquistado: o mito do amor materno. Tradução de Waltensir Dutra. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1985.
[3]. BEAUVOIR, Simone. O segundo sexo. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1980.
[4]. BME – Banco Multidimensional de Estatísticas. 2014 a 2017. Disponível em: https://www.bme.ibge.gov.br/app/adhoc/index.jsp. Acesso em: 20 nov. 2019.
[5]. BRASIL. Lei nº 3.071, de 1º de janeiro de 1916. Código Civil dos Estados Unidos do Brasil. Brasília, DF, jan. 1916. Disponível em:
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Paper Title | :: | Palestinian Experiences of Loss of the Land and Displacement: An Ethnographic Phenomenological Analysis |
Author Name | :: | Yasmin Snounu |
Country | :: | US |
Page Number | :: | 46-53 |
This paper focuses on the experiences of the Palestinian refugees who are living in the United States of America (U.S.).Thousandsof Palestinians in the U.S. attained American citizenship through asylum, and others were born in the U.S. For the sake of this paper, an ethnographicalphenomenological methodology is used through interviewing and observing three Palestinian refugees from Michigan about their experiences of displacement.Participants discussed ways in which they construct meaning out of their experiences living in the U.S. away from Palestine.
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[4]. Fincham, K. (2012). Learning the notion in exile: Constructing youth identities, belonging and „citizenship‟ in Palestinian refugee camps in south Lebanon. Comparative Education, 48(1), 119-133.
[5]. Hysom, S. & El Sarraj, W (2012). Sanctuary in the city? Urban displacement and the vulnerability in the Gaza Strip. HPG Working Paper. Overseas Development Institute, London, United Kingdom. Retrieved from http://www.odi.org.uk/sites/odi.org.uk/files/odi-assets/publications-opinion-files/8042.pdf
[2]. Bennis, P. (2009). Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict: A premier. Massachusetts, USA, Olive Branch Press. ISBN 978-1-56656-685-8.
[3]. Carter, J. (2006) Palestine: Peace not apartheid. Publication of Simon & Schuster, New York, ISNB: 978-0-7432-8502-5.
[4]. Fincham, K. (2012). Learning the notion in exile: Constructing youth identities, belonging and „citizenship‟ in Palestinian refugee camps in south Lebanon. Comparative Education, 48(1), 119-133.
[5]. Hysom, S. & El Sarraj, W (2012). Sanctuary in the city? Urban displacement and the vulnerability in the Gaza Strip. HPG Working Paper. Overseas Development Institute, London, United Kingdom. Retrieved from http://www.odi.org.uk/sites/odi.org.uk/files/odi-assets/publications-opinion-files/8042.pdf
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Paper Title | :: | Tema: La Castración Quimica, Metodo De Control Socialy Repercución En La Legislacion Ecuatoriana |
Author Name | :: | Dr. Machado Maliza Elías Mesías, Mgs. || Gallegos Zambrano María Fernanda || Ps. Cl. Aldás Vásquez Denise Mishell |
Country | :: | Coloumbia |
Page Number | :: | 54-60 |
La castración química es una forma Sui Generis de controlar al delincuente de delitos sexuales; nuestro estado tipifica penas privativas de libertad rígidas, para los individuos que vulneran el bien jurídico protegido, que en este caso es la Integridad sexual; los gobiernos de turno están en la obligación de asignar recursos económicos para implementar una medida preventiva ante la reincidencia en delitos sexuales; mismos que deben ser aplicados bajo parámetros multidisciplinarios, técnicos y jurídicos, empáticos ante las necesidades de la población y no sometidos al populismo punitivo. En el Estado Ecuatoriano escasos son los legisladores que promueven esta iniciativa, pues aún no se plantea un debate jurídico real sobre lo referido, los avances legislativos carecen de argumentos facticos y jurídicos, su accionar no va orientado a la prevención del delito sino más bien a su consumación y resultado, contrario a lo que sucede en otros países como: México, Colombia, Perú y Argentina, quienes adoptaron la tendencia de implementarla; tema que ha generado distintas perspectivas y constantes debates; sin embargo la aceptación en su población ha sido positiva. Esta nueva fórmula de control se caracteriza por la manipulación de hormonas en el individuo, con el único objeto de disminuir el nivel de testosterona, elemento generadordel libido sexual; evitando la reincidencia en delitos sexuales cometidos por personas con trastornos disóciales y psicópatas; método que no debe considerarse como único tratamiento para el agresor, este debe ser complementado con un proceso cognitivo conductual que aborde aspectos de la conducta disfuncional.
Keywords: Investigación, Castración Química, Ley, reincidencia, libido sexual, disocial, psicopatías.
Keywords: Investigación, Castración Química, Ley, reincidencia, libido sexual, disocial, psicopatías.
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