
Volume 07 - Issue 09

Paper Title :: Locus of Controlof Sports Persons Training for Athletics and Taekwondo Events
Author Name :: Priyanka N Suvarna || Dr Sreenivas M
Country :: India
Page Number :: 01-03
Locus of Control refers to how controlled aperson feels towards any event that happens in his/ her life. Individual‟s perception about the underlying main causes of events in life. The “locus of control” is a personality construct referring to an individual's perception of the locus of events as determined internally by his/her belief that an outcome is directly the result of his/her behaviour, Giora Kaplan (2005).
Strong belief that they themselves have control over their own actions as opposed to external forces has been emerged. Hence based on the above mentioned view, the current study was undertaken to investigate the locus of control in sports persons training for athletics and taekwondo events.
Keywords:Sports Training, Taekwondo, Locus of control, Athletics.
[1]. Giora Kaplan, (2005) Locus of control. Retrieved on May 26, 2024
[2]. Kennedy T, (1986) Taekwondo martial arts. Retrieved on May 26, 2024 › life › essay-life ›
[3]. Locus of Control. Retrieved on August 22, 2024

Paper Title :: An Analysis on the Benefits of Incorporating Cultural Relevance In Curriculum Development
Author Name :: Yi-Huang Shih
Country :: Taiwan
Page Number :: 04-07
Education has often acted as a social microcosm that reflects the growing levels of religious and cultural diversity, with educators facing the daily task of responding pedagogically and interculturally to the challenges this evolving context brings. In order to assure high quality education in developing countries, curriculum development efforts are often initiated as part of international cooperation projects. Culture affects the educational context of the countries involved as well as the ways in which curriculum developers from different countries are used to working and behaving. Therefore, the influences of culture on curriculum development cannot be neglected. This article aims to analyze several significant benefits when teachers incorporate cultural relevance in curriculum development, and establish a foundation in the sociology of curriculum. The benefits are as follows: (1) promote students‘ cultural identity and self-esteem; (2) promote students‘ engagement and motivation in learning; (3) critical thinking and perspective-taking; (4) reducing students‘ stereo types and prejudice; (5) creates a meaningful connection between students‘ experiences and their education; (6) preparation for a diverse society.
Keywords: culture, cultural relevance, curriculum, sociology of curriculum
[1]. Abacioglu, C.S., Epskamp, S., Fischer, A.H. et al. (2023). Effects of multicultural education on student engagement in low- and high-concentration classrooms: the mediating role of student relationships. Learning Environ Res, 26, 951–975.
[2]. Berends, Mark. (2015). Sociology and school choice: What we know after two decades of charter schools.Annual Review of Sociology, 41(1), 159–80.
[3]. Brown, B. A., Boda, P., Lemmi, C., & Monroe, X. (2019). Moving culturally relevant pedagogy from theory to practice: Exploring teachers‘ application of culturally relevant education in science and mathematics. Urban Education, 54(6), 775-803.
[4]. Byrd, R. M. (2016). Does culturally relevant teaching work? An examination from student perspectives. SAGE Open, 6(3), 1–10. DOI: 10.1177/2158244016660744
[5]. Chima Abimbola Eden, Onyebuchi Nneamaka Chisom, & Idowu Sulaimon Adeniyi (2024). Cultural competence in education: Strategies for fostering inclusivity and diversity awareness. International Journal of Applied Research in Social Sciences, 6(3), 383-392. DOI: 10.51594/ijarss.v6i3.895

Paper Title :: The Role of Non-Verbal Communication for Effective Teaching and Learning of English in Lower Classes: Case of Goma Secondary Schools
Author Name :: Byamungu Kanyamihigo Dieudonné
Country :: Kenya
Page Number :: 08-18
The present study examines the nonverbal skills utilized by teachers during English language teaching and learning. It has been noticed that there are certain non-verbal strategies that the teacher needs to avoid lest they should stifle and hamper English language learning comprehension. It can also be noted that there are other nonverbal clues that teachers rarely use in the class, yet they are of a paramount importance for strengthening learner‟s comprehension.
To gather the necessary data, a questionnaire was administered to learners in the 7th and 8th classes. The findings revealed that teachers influence learner‟s motivation and participation by the way they handle nonverbal cues such as body movements, facial expressions, attitudes, reactions, etc.
Keywords: Non-verbal communication, effective teaching and learning, Goma secondary schools, and English.
[1]. Asher,J.J.(1965). Comprehension training: The evidence from laboratory and classroom studies. In H. Winitz (Ed.), The comprehension approach to foreign language instruction (pp. 187-219). Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
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Paper Title :: Moderating Effect of Firm Size on Financial Distress Factors and Financial Performance of Deposit Taking Saccos in Kenya
Author Name :: Geoffrey Ngetich Iletaach
Country :: Kenya
Page Number :: 19-28
Sacco Societies have consistently employed various financial models to evaluate their financial performance. Nevertheless, recent research has highlighted a growing number of Sacco Societies facing financial challenges, which have hindered their overall performance. However, Sacco Societies have not adequately identified the whether firm size have moderating effect on financial distress and financial performance. The main objective of this study therefore, was to examine the moderating effect of firm size on the relationship between distress factors and financial performance of deposit taking Saccos in Kenya. This study was firmly grounded on Economies of scale theory. It employed a correlation research design where a census study was conducted on all deposit taking Sacco Societies registered with the Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA). A data extraction sheet was used to collect panel data for all deposit taking Sacco Societies in Kenya for the period between 2018 and 2022. The study collect data from Audited Financial Report achieve validity and reliability of the data. Descriptive analysis and inferential analysis such as regression analysis and model specification tests was used to analyze data with the help of STATA software version 15. Five hypotheses were tested using the correlation and multivariate panel regression techniques. The study found that firm size had statistically significant moderating effect on this relationship between financial distress factors and financial performance of deposit taking SACCOs (β6 =-1.170, P=0.00<0.05). The study concluded that firm size had moderating effect the relationship between financial distress and financial performance. The study recommended SACCOs to grow their firms so as to mitigate the effect of financial distress resulting to sustainable financial performance.
Keywords: culture, cultural relevance, curriculum, sociology of curriculum
[1]. Alex, M. K. (2023). Bank Size and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya (Doctoral dissertation, School of Business, Kenyatta University).
[2]. Alipour, R., Sheikhi, M., & Agajani, V. (2019). The Moderating Effect of Firm Size on the Relationship Between Capital Structure and Financial Distress in the companies accepted in tehran stock exchange. Journal of Accounting and Management Vision, 2(14), 1-18.
[3]. Altman, E. I. (1968). The Journal of Finance. The Journal of Finance, 23(4), 589–609.
[4]. Bank for International Settlements (2018). Structural changes in the banking sector after crisis. Bank for International Settlements. ISBN 978-92-9259-131-1 (online)
[5]. Corvino, A., Caputo, F., Pironti, M., Doni, F. and Bianchi Martini, S. (2019), "The moderating effect of firm size on relational capital and firm performance: Evidence from Europe", Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 20 No. 4, pp. 510-532.

Paper Title :: Humanistic Based Constructivist Learning Model for Arabic Language Learning: Integrating Information and Communication Technology
Author Name :: Erma Febriani || Nurkhamimi Zainuddin
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 29-34
This research focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of a humanistic-based constructivist learning model that integrates ICT for Arabic language learning. The methods used include a mixed approach with quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews. The research population consisted of students and teachers involved in Arabic language courses, with a purposive sample of 25 students and 1 teacher. Research instruments include questionnaires and semi-structured interview guidelines. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis techniques. The results showed that the learning model positively influenced students' motivation, participation, and understanding. Most students reported feeling more motivated and actively participating in class due to the integration of technology such as videos and apps. Additionally, interactions with peers and teachers during the learning process were found to enhance their comprehension of the material. However, some students remained neutral or expressed minor dissatisfaction, highlighting areas for further improvement. Key findings indicate that while the learning model effectively engages students and enhances their learning experience, challenges such as varying levels of technological competence and access to resources persist. Proposed solutions include continuous professional development for teachers, improved access to technological tools, and the creation of more engaging and interactive learning materials. The main conclusion is that a well-supported and contextually adapted learning model can significantly improve the quality of Arabic language education. This research provides valuable insights and practical recommendations for educators and policymakers to overcome barriers and enhance the integration of technology in Arabic language learning.
Keywords: Humanistic; Arabic Language; Technology
[1]. Casmito, R. Achmad Rifai, and M. Harlanu, “The Effect of Academic Supervision and Teacher Participation in Subject Teacher’s Meeting on Improving Teacher Performance of Islamic Junior High School,” 2020, doi: 10.2991/assehr.k.200620.028.
[2]. I. Makruf, “Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab,” Arab. J. Arab. Stud., vol. 5, no. 1, 2020, doi: 10.24865/ajas.v5i1.93.
[3]. E. Yuliana, L. Subagiyo, and Zulkarnaen, “Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Android dengan Program Adobe Flash Cs 6 untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis dan Hasil Belajar Siswa SMA IT Granada Samarinda,” J. Literasi Pendidik. Fis., vol. 1, no. 02, 2020, doi: 10.30872/jlpf.v1i2.191.
[4]. N. A. Mazlan, S. Z. @ Ahmad, Z. Arifin, N. A. Norwahi, and K. Abu Bakar, “The Influence of Arabic Lecturers Teaching Strategies on Student Understanding in Universiti Teknologi MARA,” Int. J. Acad. Res. Progress. Educ. Dev., vol. 10, no. 3, 2021, doi: 10.6007/ijarped/v10-i3/10715.
[5]. T. A. Salsabila, “Studi Ihwal Kurikulum, Guru, Dan Sarana Pembelajaran Bahas Arab Dalam Perspektif Perencanaan Bahasa,” Taqdir, vol. 7, no. 1, 2021, doi: 10.19109/taqdir.v7i1.7616.

Paper Title :: Contribution of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Aviation Fuel Terminal BIL to Tackling Stunting in the Surrounding Community
Author Name :: Beti Nur Hayati || Dian Fadhliana || Yonathan Krista Abadi || Muhammad Rizqi Hidayatullah
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 35-39
The aim of this research is to explore the contribution of Pertamina Patra Niaga Aviation Fuel Terminal BIL in preventing stunting in communities around the company. In this research, a qualitative research method was used with a case study approach in Mantung Hamlet, Penujak Village, Central Lombok. Data collection techniques include interviews, observation and documentation studies. Secondary data involves taking documents related to the research topic and then analyzing them using triangulation techniques. The research results show that companies, as development actors, play a role in handling social problems such as stunting. Pertamina Patra Niaga Aviation Fuel Terminal BIL has contributed through various activities in Mantung Hamlet, Penujak Village, West Praya, Central Lombok. They identify the causes of stunting and carry out interventions through Posyandu, including providing additional food, socialization and MPASI training, as well as MPASI menu creation competitions. As a result, the stunting rate fell 67% from 238 to 142 children under five, posyandu visits increased 45%, and participation of pregnant women in health checks rose to 68%. Cadre capacity is also increased through outreach and provision regarding stunting prevention and processing nutritious food.
Keywords: Stunting, Community, Corporate Social Responsib
[1]. Andrés, M., Agudelo, L., Jóhannsdóttir, L., & Davídsdóttir, B. (2019). A literature review of the history and evolution of corporate social responsibility. 1–23.
[3]. Bhutta, Z. A., Akseer, N., Keats, E. C., Vaivada, T., Baker, S., Horton, S. E., & Katz, J. (2020). How countries can reduce child stunting at scale: lessons from exemplar countries. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 112, 894S-904S.
[4]. Dermawan, A., Mahanim, M., & Siregar, N. (2022). Upaya Percepatan Penurunan Stunting Di Kabupaten Asahan. Jurnal Bangun Abdimas, 1(2), 98–104.
[5]. Hayati, B. N. (2020). Evaluasi Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kelompok Ternak “Lancar Rejeki.” Jurnal Sosiologi USK (Media Pemikiran & Aplikasi), 14(1), 1–21.

Paper Title :: The Role of Social Controlling in Improving Cooperative Performance: A Literature Review
Author Name :: Rachid Talainine || Saloua Essouktani || Wafa Laktib || Omar El Amili
Country :: Morocco
Page Number :: 40-47
Cooperatives have made a significant contribution to the growth of Morocco's economic system. Agricultural cooperatives now account for 67% of all Moroccan cooperatives, growing from 3,272 in 2006 to 10,542 in 2016 (ODCO). Cooperatives are however forced to adopt new and innovative managerial functions in order to steer their performance while maintaining their cooperative principles and values in the face of growing market and competitive pressures that jeopardize their sustainability. Agricultural cooperatives are convergent with social management control, which helps the organization perform better in carrying out its missions of managing human resources and the analysis and control of social data, at the same time by prioritizing people. execution of a study on Moroccan agricultural cooperatives using empirical data. We shall make an effort to illustrate the critical role that social management control will play in enhancing the performance of agricultural cooperatives in this regard and through a study of the literature. With the completion of an empirical study of Moroccan agricultural cooperatives, the current research has, on the one hand, added to the body of knowledge about Morocco and, on the other, encouraged researchers to think more deeply about the topic.
Keywords: Agricultural Cooperatives; Performance; Social Management Control
[1]. Ahrouche, S. & Ben Ali, F. (2016). L’évaluation delaperformancedes coopératives: cas de lacoopérative Tighaniminedeproductiondel’huiled’Argane. Revuemarocainedes coopératives, éditée par l’Office du Développement de la Coopération (ODCO).pages 6-16
[2]. Alchian, A. & Demsetz, H.(1972). Production, Information Costs and Economic Organization. American Economic Review. Vol. 62(5): p. pp. 777 - 795.
[3]. Allam, D. & Monnier, S. (2010). Sortie de crise: La coopérative, une formeorganisationnelle innovante pour l’entreprise. Proposition de communication au colloque: Transformation et innovations économiques et sociales en Europe : quelles sorties de crise ?, Regards interdisciplinaires, Charleroi 9 et 10 septembre 2010.
[4]. Autissier, D. & Simonin, B. (2009). Mesurer la performance des ressources humaines. Edition d’organisation.
[5]. Baggio, S. & Sutter, P.E. & Société, ML. (2017). Laperformancesocialeautravail. Éditions Universitaires Européennes.

Paper Title :: Digital Education as a Tool for Strengthening the VIVER Program within the Brazilian Military School System (SCMB)
Author Name :: Italo Mainieri Junior
Country :: Brazil
Page Number :: 48-54
The present study aims to assess the importance of implementing the VIVER Program within the scope of the Brazilian Military School System (SCMB) and, thereby, contribute to the development of socio-emotional attitudes, values, and competencies of the students. The theme was chosen due to the relevance given to the comprehensive education of the students in Military Schools, especially in cognitive, psychomotor, and affective aspects, even more so after the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought significant setbacks to the teaching-learning process.
As a Portuguese acronym of the verbs Valorizar (to Value), Informar (to Inform), Vigiar (to Monitor), Estimular (to Stimulate), and Respeitar (to Respect) - its 5 (five) projects that constitute the program's analytical structure - "VIVER" has positively contributed to changing the behavior of students in the system, making them more autonomous, critical, and reflective.
Furthermore, the program supports the SCMB Pedagogical Project 2021-2025 in the improvement of Competency-Based Education, implemented in Brazilian Army Military Schools in 2018, also collaborating with the Directorate of Preparatory and Assistance Education in the development and evaluation of attitudinal contents of Military Schools students. In this context, Digital Education is an important tool for strengthening this program within the scope of SCMB. Thus, taking advantage of the author's experience as a Psychopedagogue and Director of one of the 15 (fifteen) Military Schools where the VIVER Program was first implemented, it aims to highlight the emphasis placed on socio-emotional learning at SCMB, consolidating principles and values cherished by the Institution, such as respect, camaraderie, loyalty, patriotism, and civic-mindedness.
Keywords: Teaching, Learning, Attitudes, Values and Competencies.
[1]. ANTUNES, Celso. 9 Steps to an Excellent Quality Public School. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2013.
[2]. BRASIL. Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC). Brasília: MEC, 2017.
[3]. BRASIL. Regulatory Instructions for Competency-Based Teaching (IREC-EB60-IR-05.008). Rio de Janeiro, 2022.
[4]. BRASIL. Military Leadership Campaign Manual (C 20-10). Brasília, 2011.
[5]. BRASIL. Standards of School Psychopedagogy for Basic Education in the Brazilian Military School System (EB60-N-08.003). Rio de Janeiro, 2022.

Paper Title :: Gender Representation of Females in Seasonal Livelihood Programme Consultations, for Sustainable Development Goals in Rural Districts in Zimbabwe
Author Name :: Elphina Mhlanga || Funa Moyo
Country :: Zimbabwe
Page Number :: 55-61
Equal opportunities and empowerment of all women are not only an explicit goal under the 2030 Agenda in education and management but in all day-to-day activities that are happening where females exist. Gender inequality of females has not been fully addressed if their representation is still evident in most of the meetings that are held in rural areas. The purpose of this study is to examinegender representation of females in seasonal livelihood programme meetings, for sustainable development goals in rural districts in Zimbabwe. Feminist and gender theories, guided this study, as these foot of gender inequality and its rifeness. The study was premised on an interpretive paradigm and a qualitative approach that employed a case study. Interviews were carried out on forty participants. Traditional practices prescribed by chiefs detect how women in their societies should behave and are socially routinised, and walking long distance for infrastructures were the revealed causes of representation of women in meetings. The study recommends that investing in infrastructures such as roads, electrification, improved sanitation, safe drinking water, education and health care centres in each ward minimises walking long distances for women.
Keywords: Representation, seasonal, livelihood, sustainable, development
[1]. Anderson, J. E. (2014). Public Policymaking, Cengage Learning. Isbn 9781285966069
[2]. Carlson, E. (2013) Overcoming the Barriers to Self-Knowledge Mindfulness as a Path to Seeing Yourself as You Really Are. Perspectives on Psychological Science (3)8, 173-186 doi 10.1177/1745691612462584
[3]. Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (3rd ed.). Sage Publications, Inc.
[4]. Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2005). Introduction: The discipline and practice of qualitative research. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of qualitative research (3rd ed., pp. 1–32). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
[5]. Eagly, A. & Wood, W. (2012). Social role theory. Handbook of theories in social psychology (01)2, 458-476. DO - 10.4135/9781446249222.n49

Paper Title :: Combination Analysis of Dark Romanticism and Science in Mary Shelley’s work Frankenstein
Author Name :: Nassima Benyouci
Country :: China
Page Number :: 62-65
This study is a thematic and analytical research that explores the classic work of Mary Shelly under the title "Frankenstein" or as it is known "The Modern Prometheus". It is a synthesis of Romanticism and Science, separated into two sections, with a brief introduction to Gothic Literature in the book and critical analysis. The goal of this research is to compare and contrast the following characteristics: Enlightenment vs Romanticism, Knowledge versus Nature, the Scientific Revolution, and, last but not least, terror and suspense. This study is organized into three sections: Frankenstein and Science, Romanticism and the Novel, and, finally, Frankenstein and Gothic Literature.
Keywords: Analytics, Frankenstein, Mary, Romanticism, Enlightenments, Science, Gothic Literature
[1]. "A Literary Analysis of Mary Shelley‘s Frankenstein." Free Essays -, 7 Feb 2017,
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[5]. Anneli Elsäßer, 2006, The Romantic Frankenstein, Munich, GRIN Verlag,

Paper Title :: A Proposed Vision for Activating the Role of the Cultural Economy in Achieving Sustainable Development “An Analytical Study”
Author Name :: Dr. Heba Tawfiqe Abu Eyadah || Dr. Anas Adnan Odaibat
Country :: USA
Page Number :: 66-72
The study aimed to build a proposed vision to activate the role of the cultural economy in achieving sustainable development in the future and achieving its desired goals efficiently and effectively, managing current crises and solving problems in creative scientific ways, by analyzing and reviewing previous research and studies and educational literature during the current year (2020/2023) to ensure exit With an integrated therapeutic vision according to clear steps to achieve effective digital sustainable teaching and sustainable development. The current study differs from previous studies in the methodology of the study, as it adopts the analytical approach and in the light of the results of previous studies, and according to the vision of the researchers, the perception was built and the degree of its suitability was defined from the point of view of specialists and experts. The study recommends investing in education and training in the field of cultural economy. In order to prepare the qualified cadres needed by this industry.
Keywords: perception, cultural economy, sustainable development
[1]. Ji, Y. J., Karimov, M., Sobirov, Y., Saidmamatov, O., & Marty, P. (2023). Evaluating culturalization strategies for sustainable tourism development in uzbekistan. Sustainability, 15(9), 7727. doi:
[2]. Wen-Jie, Y., & Shu-Tang, L. (2023). Creative economy and sustainable development: Shaping flexible cultural governance model for creativity. Sustainability, 15(5), 4353. doi:
[3]. Environmental and Public Health, Journal of. (2023). Retracted: The influence of culture and art management on the healthy development of cultural economy industry under the background of sustainable ecological environment. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2023 doi:
[4]. Chen, H., & Lu, J. (2023). Does cultural agglomeration affect green total factor productivity? evidence from 279 cities in china. Sustainability, 15(9), 7373. doi:
[5]. Ancuța, C., &Jucu, I. S. (2023). Sustainable rural development through local cultural heritage Capitalization—Analyzing the cultural tourism potential in rural romanian areas: A case study of hărman commune of Brașov region in romania. Land, 12(7), 1297. doi:

Paper Title :: Early Maternal Employment and Child Physical, Mental and Behavioural Health-Based Study
Author Name :: Sharone Varghese Tharakan || Dr. Tea Abzhandadze
Country :: India
Page Number :: 73-77
Purpose: Based on our study we found that there are several factors related to early maternal employment that influenced child’s physical, mental, and behavioural health in Georgia. We tried finding several measures in our study and found early bonding with infant or child helps in improving child outcome.
Approach: To know the relevance and prevalence of the topic we conducted a developmental screening and evaluation of 1-6 age group coming to the clinic. Developmental screening, anthropometric parameters, Growth charts were used. Early maternal employment, working hours, parental time also were considered. We also focused on mental, physical, and behavioural status of the child and caretaker.
Conclusion: Early maternal employment may deprive continuity of infant or childcare, time, and attention. Early childhood is said to be window period according to a child. About 90% brain development is formed before kindergarten age. Breastfeeding keeps. maternal-child bonding strong and this may be the first bond with family. Maternal work conditions like psychological stress may impact child health. Research has shown early maternal employment is also associated with child obesity. (Monsivais et al., 2014).
Limitation: We compared early maternal employment with working hours and found impact on child development. Employed women with increased wages and reduced working hours, got better spend quality time with infants or child and reported better child development outcome than employed with long working hours. To report this collecting data was hard.
Novelty and Values: With better policy measures, better working conditions, parent- child psychotherapy, parental training of employed women helped child get more care, women quality of time improved with child and child got more attention. We also found digital, parenting, parental training and Early Childhood Stimulation (ESC) program benefited, in creating innovation in improving outcome in some countries.
Keywords: child mental and behavioural health, child obesity, digital parenting, ESC program, IECMH, infant-child-family interventions, maternal work conditions, parental time.
[1]. Ansar, N., Lie, H. A. N., & Stiegler, J. R. (2023c). The effects of emotion-focused skills training on parental mental health, emotion regulation, and self-efficacy: mediating processes between parents and children. Psychotherapy Research, 34(4), 518–537.
[2]. Baker-Henningham, H., & Bóo, F. L. (2010b). Early Childhood Stimulation Interventions in Developing Countries: A Comprehensive Literature Review Social Science Research Network.
[3]. Baker, M., & Milligan, K. (2014b). Maternity leave and children’s cognitive and behavioral development. Journal of Population Economics, 28(2), 373–391.
[4]. Barbour, R. F. (1970b). Attachment and Loss, Vol. 1, Attachment, by John Bowl by. London: The Hogarth Press and Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1969. Pp. 428. Price 63s. British Journal of Psychiatry, 116(530), 102–103.
[5]. Beyond screen time: Help your kids build healthy media use habits. (n.d.-b). life/Media/Pages/Healthy-Digital-Media-Use-Habits-for-Babies-Toddlers- Preschoolers.aspx

Paper Title :: Self-Efficacy and Altruism with Authentic Happiness in Volunteers
Author Name :: Dwi Prasetyo || Andik Matulessy || Rr. Amanda Pasca Rini
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 78-81
Authentic Happiness is behavior that is carried out with satisfaction in carrying out activities to increase productivity and welfare for other people, every time you do and help others, it creates a feeling of satisfaction without expecting any reward or profit for sacrificing your time in doing things that go beyond your duties. To carry out duties as a volunteer, individuals must have self-confidence or self-efficacy regarding their abilities. Volunteers who have feelings of altruism will fully help other people who need help, when volunteers are in a stressful situation, with the altruism felt by volunteers, stressful situations can be minimized by remaining focused on providing assistance to people affected by disaster. The aim of this research is to analyze the relationship between self-efficacy and altruism and authentic happiness in volunteers. The research subjects were volunteers with a minimum background at junior high school level spread across youth activities in the Sidoarjo Regency Government. This research uses a quantitative method with an explanatory survey approach. Data was obtained using a questionnaire. Sampling used random sampling technique with a total of 122 subjects. The research results show that there is a significant and positive relationship provided by simultaneously (together) Self-Efficacy and Altruism which have an influence on Authentic Happiness. The conclusion in this research is that there is a simultaneous relationship between self-efficacy and altruism on authentic happiness in volunteers.
Keywords: Self-Efficacy, Altruism, Authentic Happiness, Volunteering
[1]. Amalia Eka Kurnia Sari. (2023). The Relationship Between Self Compassion and Resilience with Authentic Happiness of Parents with Children with Disabilities.(Unpublished thesis): 17 August 1945 University, Surabaya
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[3]. Bandura. (1997). Self Efficacy: The Exercise of Control. New York: Freeman Bandura, A. (1986). The Explanatory and Predictive Scope of Self Efficacy Theory. Journal of Clinical and Social Psychology: New York
[4]. Carr, Alan. (2004). Positive Psychology L: The science of happiness and human strengths .USA: Brunner-Routledge
[5]. Iryana, I. (2015). Altruism with happiness of PMI officers. Thesis. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.

Paper Title :: The Local Culture Curriculum Development in Taiwan’s Elementary Schools: Perspectives Derived from Gregory A. Smith’s Concept of Place-Based Education
Author Name :: Yi-Huang Shih
Country :: Taiwan
Page Number :: 82-86
In Taiwan‘s Curriculum Guidelines of 12-year Basic Education, teachers are exhorted to cultivate students‘ sense of cultural identity, respect and appreciation for multiculturalism, concern for global problems and international relations, adaptability, and a desire for world peace. In complying with these objectives, Taiwan‘s elementary school curriculum promotes students‘ identification with their local environment. Curriculum development in Taiwan should be grounded in local concerns, communities, and customs. Accordingly, this article presents an exploration of Gregory A. Smith‘s concept of place-based education and its application to developing cultural identity in Taiwan‘s elementary schools, and suggests that teachers can incorporate elements of local culture into their teaching to help cultivate students‘ cultural identity, which can thus help students learn to appreciate their immediate environment and to be proud of their local heritage and culture. This article can assist teachers in helping students develop a sense of cultural identity.
Keywords: globalization, Gregory A. Smith, local culture curriculum, localization, cultural identity
[1]. Brennan, M. (2024). Importance of incorporating local culture into community development. Available Online at:
[2]. Esther Usborne, andRoxane de la Sablonnière (2014). Understanding my culture means understanding myself: The function of cultural identity clarity for personal identity clarity and personal psychological well-being. Journal for Theory of Social Behaviour, 44 (4), 436-458.
[3]. Heersmink, R. (2023). Materialised identities: Cultural identity, collective memory, and artifacts. Rev.Phil.Psych. 14, 249–265.
[4]. Hung, R. (2010). An alternative reconsideration of educational reform and development in the global era: Place-based education. Journal of Early Childhood Education & Care, 5, 73-82.
[5]. Hung, R. (2019). Chinese ecological pedagogy: humanity, nature, and education in the modern world. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 51(11), 1073–1079.

Paper Title :: The Necessity of Critical Consciousness in the Democratic state and the Contribution of Education
Author Name :: Anastasia Dimitrakopoulou
Country :: Greece
Page Number :: 87-91
In this paper we will deal with the relationship between education democracy and critical consciousness. The role of education is twofold, on the one hand it contributes to the consolidation of the democratic state, on the other hand it creates citizens who acquire a critical attitude towards reality. In this sense, education plays an important social role, because it contributes to the creation of the democratic citizen and the support of the democratic state.
Keywords: democracy, education, critical consciousness, citizen
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