
Volume 07 - Issue 11

Paper Title :: Kiai Communication Patterns in the Development of the Religious Culture in Banyumas Indonesia
Author Name :: Muhammad Sholeh || M. Misbah
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 01-07
Communication is an important element in human life, so it is a need that must be possessed by every individual, including those with a significant role in society or their profession. This shows that "a successful person is a person who can communicate and position himself appropriately. Thus, a person's success in living life is greatly influenced by his communication skills. Therefore, communication is an important aspect that must be mastered, including for a person Da'i or Kiai, in conveying religious messages to the congregation and the Muslim community. This research aims to reveal how the reality in the field corresponds to the research target, namely the communication patterns of UIN Saizu Purwokerto partner Islamic boarding schools in developing the religious culture of the Banyumas community. This study uses a qualitative approach to describe and summarize various conditions, situations or social phenomena that exist in society as research objects. This research seeks to bring these realities to the surface as characteristics, characters, traits or descriptions of certain phenomena. Thus, this research is in-depth because it focuses on the depth of the data being considered and targets it appropriately. This research shows that Kiai communication patterns in Banyumas are crucial in developing the community's religious culture. Through a communication approach that involves lectures, discussions and direct interaction, Kiai is able to convey religious and cultural values well.
Keywords:Kiai, communication, religius, culture
[1]. Arifin, A. (2011). Sistem Komunikasi Indonesia. Bandung: Simbiosa Rekatama Media.
[2]. Asriwati. (2021). Strategi Komunikasi Yang Efektif: Communication For Behavioral Impact (Combi) Dalam Pengendalian Demam Berdarah Dengue. Aceh: Syiah Kuala University Press.
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[5]. Dyatmika, T. (2021). Ilmu Komunikasi. Yogyakarta: Zahir Publishing.

Paper Title :: An Analysis on the History of English as a Foreign Language in Chinese Education System
Author Name :: Tian Xibo
Country :: China
Page Number :: 08-21
This paper reviews the research output on English education in China. The review covers research in the following areas: the linguistic situations and culture of learning in China in relation to English language education, language policy and planning, developments in English curricula and teaching methodologies and the impact of these developments on the learning of English in bilingual and multilingual circumstances, as well as the professional development of English teachers in China. Identifies the gaps that future research needs to address, such as the dynamic nature of the Chinese culture of learning, the recognition of Chinese English avariety of English, and teaching and learning in settings including non-elite colleges, secondary and primary schools, and schools for ethnic minorities. It is hoped that this stock of research informs the efforts in similar contexts to adjust national policies and curricula to contextual complexity at a macro level and encourage practitioners to have ingenious responses to their given curricula at a local level. The review covers research in areas such as the linguistic situations and culture of learning in China in relation to English language education, language policy and planning, developments in English curricula and teaching methodologies and the impact of these developments on the learning of English in bilingual and multilingual settings, as well as the professional development of English teachers in China. To respect sociocultural and historical differences that the Chinese contexts entail, the review is confined to research conducted on the China. Learning English and content knowledge simultaneously was helpful and that the spread of English in China can benefit the nation and its people. The findings also indicate that some participants were critical of the approach, stating that it is “shallow content teaching” and suggesting that subject matter content be taught in Chinese. The participants praised their original English texts and expressed their preference for student-centered learning.
Keywords: China, EFL, education history, English learning
[1]. Bolton, Kingsley and David Graddol. “English in China Today: The Current Popularity of English in China is Unprecedented, and Has Been Fuelled by the Recent Political and Social Development of Chinese Society.” English Today, vol. 28, no. 3 (2012): 3-9. doi: 10.1017/S0266078412000223.
[2]. Bob Adamson. “Social Ideologies and the English Curriculum in China: A Historical Overview.” In Perspectives on Teaching and Learning English Literacy in China, edited by Jiening Ruan and Cynthia Leung (2012): 1-17. doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-4994-8_1.
[3]. Hu, “English Language Education in China: Policies, Progress, and Problems.” Language Policy, vol. 4, no. 1 (2005): 5-24. doi: 10.1007/s10993-004-6561-7.
[4]. Guangwei. “Recent Important Developments in Secondary English-Language Teaching in the People‟s Republic of China.” Language, Culture and Curriculum, vol. 15, no. 1 (2002): 30-49. doi: 10.1080/07908310208666631.
[5]. Thomas. “The Craze for English-Medium Education in China: Driving Forces and Looming Consequences.” English Today, vol. 25, no. 4 (2009): 47-54. doi: 10.1017/S0266078409990472.

Paper Title :: Student Development Programs and Activities in a Higher Education Institution: Awareness, Involvement and Satisfaction of Learners
Author Name :: Wilter C. Friales, Jethro Carl H. Arandallo, John Ryan B. Huqueriza, Franchesca Yllaine B. Guanga
Country :: Philippines
Page Number :: 22-33
Student development programs and activities are critical components of higher education, providing chances for leadership, social engagement, and personal growth that supplement the academic curriculum.This study aims to describe students’ awareness, involvement and satisfaction on Student development programs and activities of Notre Dame of Marbel University. Specifically, this study determined the extent of students awareness on various student development programs and activities in school; describe students level of involvement in the different student development programs and activities; described students level of satisfaction on their involvement and/or reasons for not being involved in the different programs and activities in school; and recommended enhancement mechanisms based from the results of the study. The instrument used in this study was the available tool developed by the Office of the Student Affairs and Services in gathering feedback from students on their awareness, involvement and satisfaction on the various development programs it provides. Overall, the findings reveal that while NDMU excels in making its programs visible and engaging students, there are several areas for improvement to enhance student satisfaction. The university should consider increasing inclusivity, particularly for leadership programs and religious events, and addressing logistical challenges such as scheduling conflicts to ensure broader and more meaningful participation.
Keywords: China, EFL, education history, English learning
[1]. Astin, A. (2016). Student Involvement: A Developmental Theory for Higher Education.
[2]. Boy, I., Bondoc, M., Macindo, J. et. al. (2022). Extracurricular Activity Involvement on the Compassion, Academic Competence, and Commitment of Collegiate Level Students: A Structural Equation Model
[3]. Eich, D. (2008). A Grounded Theory of High-Quality Leadership Programs: Perspectives from Student Leadership Development Programs in Higher Education. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 15(2), 176-187.
[4]. Lapsley, D., & Kelley, K. (2022). On the Catholic Identity of Students and Schools: Value Propositions for Catholic Education. Journal of Catholic Education, 25 (1).
[5]. Marist Educational Mission. (2023). In the Footsteps of Marcelin Champagnat. 2nd Ed. Student Handbook. (2024 ed.)

Paper Title :: Adjusting the US relationship with Japan under President Joe Biden (2021-2025)
Author Name :: Tran Anh Cong
Country :: Vietnam
Page Number :: 34-41
Holding the power of the US presidency since January 20, 2021, President Joe Biden and his administration have made strong adjustments to the US relationship with Japan, quite different from that of his predecessor, President Donald Trump. This article studies that adjustment. After the Introduction and before the Conclusion, is the basic content of the article, thereby expressing the author's perception, analysis, demonstration, and assessment of the foreign policy context, influencing factors, and basic areas of adjustment of the US-Japan relationship under President Joe Biden (2021-2025).
Keywords: adjustment; relationship; United States; Japan; Biden.
[1]. Viet Anh. (2021). US-Japan build new-era relations. April 19, 2021.
[2]. Pham Binh. (2021). Trends in US-China relations during President Joe Biden's term. July 9, 2021.
[3]. Ashley Townshend & Tom Corben. (2021). Beyond Alliance Repair: Biden Must Do More in the Indo-Pacific. September 13, 2021.
[4]. Binh Giang. (2024). Japan's election shock could make China more assertive. October 29, 2024.
[5]. Nguyen Hai Hoanh. (2019). Made in China 2025: China's ambition to develop its manufacturing industry. June 27, 2019.

Paper Title :: Children’s Literature: A Review
Author Name :: Yi-Huang Shih
Country :: Taiwan
Page Number :: 42-46
Children’s literature is designed for preschool children, typically characterized by simple language, rich illustrations, and engaging storylines, aiming to promote children’s language development, imagination, moral education, and emotional education. This article primarily reviews the main characteristicsand functions of children’s literature, and aims to raise awareness of its application in early childhood education. Key characteristics of children’s literature include: (1) simple language; (2) rich illustrations; (3) engaging storylines; (4) clear morals or lessons. Key functions of children’s literature include:(1) promotes children’s language development; (2)stimulates children’s imagination; (3) develop children’s emotional and social skills; (4) cultural education and the transmission of values. The discussion in this article can expand ideas and approaches to children’s literature for children.
Keywords: children’s literature, emotional development, imagination, language development, moral development
[1]. Bautista, A., Ng, SC., Múñez, D. et al. (2016). Learning areas for holistic education: kindergarten teachers’ curriculum priorities, professional development needs, and beliefs. International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 10, 8.
[2]. Crawford, P. A., Roberts, S. K., & Lacina, J. (2024). Picturebooks and young children: Potential, power, and practices. Early Childhood Educ. J. 52, 1273–1279.
[3]. Gasser, L., Dammert, Y. & Murphy, P.K. (2022). How do children socially learn from narrative fiction: Getting the lesson, simulating social worlds, or dialogic inquiry?. Educ Psychol Rev 34, 1445–1475.
[4]. Hedegaard, M. (2020). Children’s exploration as a key in children’s play and learning activity in social and cultural formation. In: Hedegaard, M., Eriksen Ødegaard, E. (eds) Children’s exploration and cultural formation. International perspectives on early childhood education and development(pp.11-28). Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, Cham.
[5]. Hu, S. (2024). Analysis of the development for the Canadian french children’s literature. Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 6 (7), 49-53. DOI: 10.53469/jssh.2024.6(07).12

Paper Title :: Alienation in Nigerian Poetry: A Reflectionist Assessment of Gbemisola Adeoti’s Naked Soles
Author Name :: Dr. Emmanuel E. Akanwa || Dr. Ugochukwu Ogechi Iwuji || Dr. Chimeziri C. Ogbedeto
Country :: USA
Page Number :: 47-53
Alienation is one of the postcolonial literary thematic preoccupations that characterize the literature of developing nations. Nigeria is a developing nation and has abundant literature that dwells on the theme of alienation occasioned by the crisis of class and dialectics of oppressive leadership. This paper interrogates the concept of alienation in Nigerian poetry using Gbemisola Adeoti‟s Naked Soles. It seeks to identify and analyze the various forms of alienation to which Nigerians have been subjected due to the oppressive and callous leadership in the land. Nigerian poetry has been evolving with the socio-political developments in the nation as literature reflects the society that produced it. From the colonial to the postcolonial, literature has been responding to the changes in the Nigerian society. Using the reflectionist theory as proposed by Georg Lucaks, this paper interrogates selected poems from Gbemisola Adeoti‟s collection of poems entitled Naked Soles. There is consistency in the portrayal of society under the siege of the ruling class. The people are alienated by the insensitivity and corruption of their leaders. In the end, Adeoti‟s work evinces revolutionary aesthetics as the oppressed of the land resolve to resist their oppressors. The major finding of the paper is hinged on the inevitability of revolution which comes at the height of a people‟s alienation from their commonwealth. The methodology deployed in the study is qualitative as relevant textual references are presented and interrogated.
Keywords: Alienation, Postcolonial, Nigerian poetry, Oppressive leadership, Reflectionist theory, Revolutionary aesthetics.
[1]. Adeoti, G. (2005). Naked Soles. Kraft Books Limited.
[2]. Appadurai, A. (1999). “Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy.” In S. During(Ed), The Cultural Studies Reader. Routledge.
[3]. Christ, O. (2015). “The concept of alienation in the early works of Karl Marx.” In EuropeanScientific Journal, 11(7), 551-563.
[4]. Diala, I. (2004). The Lure of Ash. Nok Publishers.
[5]. Dobie, A.B. (2012). Theory into Practice: An Introduction to Literary Criticism. Cengage Learning.

Paper Title :: China’s Sphere of Influence: The Implementation of China’s Belt and Road Initiative Projects in Indonesia 2015-2020
Author Name :: Annisa Ridhatul Khatimah
Country :: Hungary
Page Number :: 54-86
As China's economy has grown massively, on the anarchic global stage, China is regarded as the assertive rising power. This is evidenced by the ambitious Chinese foreign policy entitled "Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)" launched in 2013 by Chinese President Xi Jinping. One of Southeast Asian states which is impacted by strong influence in implementing BRI from China is Indonesia. During President Xi Jinping‟s state visits to Indonesia in 2013, President Xi has offered Indonesia - as an archipelago country, a maritime partnership and financial support for infrastructure projects under BRI. Both parties, China and Indonesia, have signed bilateral cooperation in the Belt and Road Forum International Summit in Beijing, in 2015, whereas, it contained mega projects of integrated economic, connectivity, industry, and tourism in some cities in Indonesia such as Jakarta, Bandung, Makassar, through access roads and railways. Thus, this article will investigate the strategy of Chinese sphere of influence under the implementation of BRI using Immanuel Wallerstein‟s framework of World Systems Theory which considers China as the core, developed state, and Indonesia as an upper-tier periphery. Based on that theory, this article will explain the position or geographic location of the Chinese World system and also identify the relation between China and Indonesia. In terms of China, the article will investigate China's expansion and dominance as well as its profit maximization. In terms of Indonesia, this article will examine the class struggle under the analysis of labor and stakeholders for the possibility of exploitation, problems in infrastructure projects and contracts, and extra loans. For deeper analysis, especially the implementation of BRI in Indonesia, this article uses some variables from policy diffusion theory, such as China‟s diffusion mechanism, decision to adopt, implementation of practices, and evaluation. Ultimately, this article aims to interpret the international phenomenon through the BRI and its implementation in developing countries, develop the discussion of the principle of BRI which is not only related to global cooperation but also competition, as well as contribute to future studies about the impact of the possible global order.
Keywords: Belt and Road Initiative Projects, world system theory, policy of diffusion.
[1]. Adriansyah, Yasmi, and Yin Shi Wu. “Comparing the Perceptions of Indonesians and Malaysians Toward China's Belt and Road Initiative: Facts and Trends.” 2020, Accessed 19 April 2021
[2]. Amirio, Dylan. “Indonesia might see high-speed rail costs swell amid changes.” The Jakarta Post, 15 April 2017, well-amid-changes.html. Accessed 25 April 2021.
[3]. Arsyad, Syachrul. “Pembebasan Lahan Proyek Kereta Api Sulsel Ditarget Rampung Maret.” 11 February 2021, sel-ditarget-rampung-maret-1613001754. Accessed 15 February 2021.
[4]. Asmarini, Wilda, and Maikel Jefriando. “Indonesia asks China for a special fund under Belt and Road: ministers.” Reuters, 3 July 2019, pecial-fund-under-belt-and-road-ministers-idUSKCN1TY1DU. Accessed 3 July 2019.
[5]. ASEAN. (2019, November 3rd). ASEAN- China Joint Statement Synergizing Master Plan ASEAN Connectivity MPAC 2025. Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Retrieved September 20, 2020, from 2025-belt-road-initiative-bri/

Paper Title :: Analysis Attempt of Threats and their Impacts on the Biodiversity of the Kahuzi Biega National Park
Case of the Itebero Station
Author Name :: Dunia Bitwayiki Déogratias
Country :: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Page Number :: 87-98
Bien que la création des parcs nationaux et autres aires protégées ne constituent qu’un des éléments de la conservation, elle représente le noyau dur de cette politique nationale et globale destinée à préserver la nature et ses ressources. En effet, le concept même des « zones protégées » a considérablement évolué ; depuis la fin du 14ème siècle le roi de la Pologne JAGELLO 1èr créa la réserve de Bielowieza pour protéger les ours menacés d’extinction ou de disparition. La création du parc national de Yellowstone aux Etats-Unis en 1872 est présentée comme l’an un de la conservation de la nature toute fois quelques années avant 1864 ; John Muir avait créé la réserve de Mariposagrove pour protéger une forêt de séquoia géants de la coupe rase, aussi menacée d’extinction et qui deviendra plus tard le parc national de Yosemite (Californie). Cependant, le mouvement pour la conservation de la nature manifesta un retard certes par rapport à l’Amérique du nord.
[1]. ANNE EDWARDS et LEE WHITE ; Conservation en forêt pluviale africaine, Ed. Wildlife conservation society, 2000;
[2]. Cosma WILUNGULA BALONGELWA; La biodiversité de la RDC et ses parcs nationaux; in Gestion durable des forêts en RDC; suite de la conférence de Bruxelles du 26 au 27 Février 2000;
[3]. IKEMBO TSHITENGE Emile; Inventaire des écosystèmes en RDC, Ed. EUA, Kinshasa, 2004;
[4]. John et KATHY MACKINNON; Aménagement et gestion des aires protégées tropicales, Ed. ISBN, Gland, Suisse, 1990;
[5]. MULAMBA WASIMA Jean Paul; Les mystères de la cuvette centrale; Ed. EUA, Kinshasa, 2013;

Paper Title :: Barriers in the Implementation of Inclusive Education at Secondary School Level in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province in Zimbabwe
Author Name :: Monica T. Mwamuka || Elphina Mhlanga
Country :: Zimbabwe
Page Number :: 99-107
Inclusive education is the practice of providing equal opportunities and quality education for all students regardless of their disabilities. As a result, this study focusedd on the barriers in implementing inclusive education at secondary school level in Bulawayo in Zimbabwe. The study was underpinned by the Classical Liberal theory as a theoretical framework that focuses onequal opportunities for all levels in education. It was guided by an interpretive paradigm that employed a qualitative approach and a case study research design. Interviews and focus group discussions were used to gather data from thirty participants who were purposively sampled. The study revealed that inclusive education could be implemented without hindrance when learners, parents and teachers embrace each other without discriminating against those with disabilities. It was as well found out that tteachers lack requisite knowledge and skills about inclusive education. The study also revealed that there is need to revisit inclusive educational policy in mainstream schools hence, the shortage of teachers trained to teach it. It was recommended that the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education should ensure that all teachers receive in-service training to equip them with necessary skills of inclusive education.
Keywords: barriers, implementing, inclusive
[1]. Alborz, A., Slee, R., & Miles, S. (2013). Establishing the foundations for an inclusive education system in Iraq: reflection on findings from a nationwide survey. International Journal of Inclusive Education,17(9), 965-987., 2016).
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[3]. Babbie, E. R. (2015). The Practice of Social Research. London: Cengage Learning, ISBN 1305445562, 9781305445567
[4]. Bhama, V. (2021). Understanding equity repurchase motives for different firm set-up: Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Indian evidence
[5]. Broderick, P. C. (2020). The life span: human development for helping professionals. Hoboken, NJ: Pearson

Paper Title :: Strategies of Successful Aging for Older Adults: A Spiritual Perspective
Author Name :: Min-Sheng Ku || Yi-Huang Shih || Meng-Chin Hsu
Country :: Taiwan
Page Number :: 108-112
In the past, successful aging theory emphasized the physical, mental, social health dimensions, but was lack of the discussion of spirituality. However, health and quality of older adults’ life depends on several aspects including those of a spiritual nature. Health professionals are aware that this aspect is important, however, in practice may only be concerned with physical care. Little is known about spirituality and spiritual care for older people to enhance their quality of life. This article explored the strategies of successful aging for older adults to develop spirituality to improve well-being, give meaning to life and prepare to the later stage of life with serenity.
Keywords: aging, successful aging, well-being
[1]. Amanda Hiles Howard, Megan Roberts, Tony Mitchell, & Nicole Gilbertson Wilke (2023). The relationship between spirituality and resilience and well-being: a Study of 529 care leavers from 11 nations. Advers Resil Sci. 2023; 4(2): 177–190.
[2]. Balta, J. Y. (2024). The intersection of anatomy and spirituality. Anat Sci Educ, 17(8), 1523-1525. doi: 10.1002/ase.2528. Epub 2024 Oct 30.
[3]. Bar-Tur, L. (2021). Fostering well-being in the elderly: Translating theories on positive aging to practical approaches. Front. Med. 8:517226.doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.517226
[4]. Costa, F. (2024). The fear of old age: a survey of adults in the UK. Educational Gerontology, 1–18.
[5]. Deikus, M. & Vveinhardt, J. (2024). Catholic spirituality vs workplace spirituality what are the points of contact?European Journal of Science and Theology, 20, 5, 81-105