
Volume 07 - Issue 10

Paper Title :: A Proposed Conception of the Role of the Family in Achieving Digital Security in Light of Achieving Cybersecurity
Author Name :: Dr. Anas Adnan Odaibat || Dr. Heba Tawfiqe Abu Eyadah
Country :: USA
Page Number :: 01-23
The current study aims to propose a conceptualization of the role of the family in achieving digital security in the light of achieving cyber security to come out of it with proposals and procedures that help develop the concept of digital security and the prospects for its development as a concept for the family, through the analysis and review of research, previous studies and educational literature that dealt with digital security in a way that ensures a vision of An integrated treatment to consolidate the concept of digital security in the family in achieving cybersecurity. The current study differs from previous studies in the study’s methodology, as the current study relies on the analysis of educational literature that discussed digital security in achieving cybersecurity through the analytical approach and in light of the results of previous studies and according to the researchers’ vision, the current study sets a scientific vision to confront the obstacles and problems of digital security in the family And that digital security and cybersecurity become a culture of family and community upbringing
Keywords:family, digital security, cyber security
[1]. Abd Rahim, Noor Hayani, Hamid, Suraya, Kiah, Ms. Laiha Mat, Shamshirband, Shahaboddin, &Furnell, Steven (2015). A systematic review of approaches to assessing cybersecurity awareness. Kybernetes.
[2]. Abdul Fattah, Mubarak. (2021). Rentier Economy and its Negative Impacts on Social Peace. Ihya Journal: University of Batna 1 - College of Islamic Sciences, 21(29), 1017 - 1036.
[3]. Abu Hussein, HaninJameel, and Al-Haniti, Mamoun Ahmed Rashid. (2021). The Legal Framework for Cybersecurity Services: A Comparative Study (Unpublished Master's Thesis). Middle East University, Amman.
[4]. Abu Khamra, Dhurgham Abdullah Fadel, and Abu Al-Haija, Muhammad Ibrahim Arsan. (2021). Protecting Individuals' Personal Data over the Internet: A Comparative Study (Unpublished Master's Thesis). Middle East University, Amman.
[5]. Al-Anzi, Suleiman (2003): Methods of investigating information systems crimes, Master's thesis, Riyadh: Naif Arab University for Security Sciences.

Paper Title :: Self-Concept and Sports Performance in Athletes and Taekwondo Players
Author Name :: Priyanka N Suvarna || Dr Sreenivas M
Country :: India
Page Number :: 24-26
Self-concept is one of the most dominating factors influencing the individual behavior. Originally it was considered to be the keystone in non-directive counselling by Rogers, is now taken as a major importance in the field of sports, education etc.
As a self-concept, athletic identity can define the way in which an individual evaluates their competence or worth. The amount of worth and competence an individual places on self-concept may influence their self-esteem, affect and motivation.
Keywords: Sports performance, Taekwondo, self-concept, Athletics.
[1]. Kleinhesse T, (2003) Self-esteem and performance in sports.Retrieved on October3, 2024
[2]. Kennedy T, (1986) Taekwondo martial arts. Retrieved on October 3, 2024 › life › essay-life ›
[3]. Cohn P, (2006) Self-esteem in the athlete. Retrieved on October 3, 2024

Paper Title :: The Translation of the Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra in the Chinese Buddhist World
— Shi Rush and the Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra: Translation, Commentary, and Compilation
Author Name :: Tian Xibo
Country :: China
Page Number :: 27-35
This article provides an overview of the essential themes surrounding Shi Rush's contributions to the Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra, a foundational text in Mahayana Buddhism. Her contributions are examined through the lens of translation, commentary, and compilation, highlighting her efforts to familiarize the Chinese Buddhist community with Śāntideva's biographical context and the various translations of the text. Additionally, Shi Rush's provision of the original Tibetan version and related commentaries enriches the understanding of this work. The analysis further explores the text's influence on both Indian and Tibetan Buddhism, emphasizing its cross-cultural impact. The relationship between the Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra and other scholarly topics is also discussed, alongside stylistic observations in translation and a comparative analysis of different versions, revealing Shi Rush's ultimate contributions to Buddhist scholarship and practice.
Keywords: Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra, translation, Shi Rush, the Chinese Buddhist World
[1]. Bhattacharya, N. (Ed.). (1960). Bodhicaryāvatāra. Calcutta: The Asiatic Society.
[2]. Fredrik Liland. The Transmission of the Bodhicaryāvatāra: The History, Diffusion, and Influence of a Mahāyāna Buddhist Text. [D ]. University of Oslo, 2009.
[3]. Goodman C, Schultz A. Prajākaramati on Śāntideva's Case against Anger: A Translation of Bodhicaryāvatāra-pajikā. Journal of Indian Philosophy[J]. 2020, (4).
[4]. Nicole Martinez Melis. The Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra: A Buddhist Treatise Translated into Western Languages. Less Translated Languages. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Sociolinguistic Studies, 2005.
[5]. Nelson B.Śāntideva's Bodhicaryāvatāra in Translation: A Century of Interpretation of a Sanskrit Mahāyāna Text. Journal of Religious History[J]. 2016, (3).

Paper Title :: The role of service quality, expectations, perceived value on student satisfaction and loyalty: the case of private higher education universities in Morocco
Le rôle de la qualité de service, des attentes, de la valeur perçue sur la satisfaction et la fidélité des étudiants: cas des universités privées d'enseignement supérieur au Maroc
Author Name :: Jaouad El Kaissouni || Jrhirid Sabah || Makhkhou Sanae || Aboudrar Safaed
Country :: Morocco
Page Number :: 36-45
The effect of customer satisfaction on the results and competitiveness of companies and countries has been the subject of research almost everywhere in the world. The objective of this research is to present and then test an explanatory model to understand the potential links between the perception of service quality, expectations, perceived value around a service and student loyalty via satisfaction. Without aspiring to be exhaustive, our research attempts to highlight the manifestations of loyalty in its relational approach, the quality of the relationship (satisfaction) as well as the perception of quality. Our objective is, therefore, to verify the validity of the theory in order to be able to apply it to the particular field of private higher education in Morocco, expectations, perceived value and quality in higher education universities. With a sample of 450 respondents, this research uses structural equation modeling, showing that the impact of satisfaction on loyalty. The study also raises questions about the relationship between expectations, satisfaction and value.
Keywords: service marketing, expectations, quality, perceived value, satisfaction, loyalty.
[1]. AAKER, David A.; KUMAR, V.; DAY, George S. Marketing research. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1998.
[2]. ARMSTRONG, J. Scott; OVERTON, Terry S. Estimating nonresponse bias in mail surveys. Journal of Marketing Research. v. xiv, p. 396-402, Aug. 1977.
[3]. BAGOZZI, Richard P.; YI, Youjae; LYNN W. Philips. Assessing Construct Validity. In: Organizational Research. Administrative Science Quaterly, vol. 36, p. 421-458, 1991.
[4]. BEARDEN, W.O.; NETEMEYER, R.G. Handbook of marketing scales: multi-item measures for marketing and consumer behavior research. London: Sage, 1999.
[5]. BYRNE, Barbara M. One application of structural equation modeling from two perspectives: exploring the EQS and Lisrel strategies. In: HOYLE, Rick H (Ed.). Structural equation modeling: concepts, issues and applications. London: Sage Publications Inc., 1995, cap. 8, p. 138-157.

Paper Title :: An Introduction to Hybrid Theater Forms
A Multifaceted Exploration of Acting, Aesthetics, and Audience Engagement in a Comparative Analysis of Physical and Digital Theater
Author Name :: Aria Arman Mehr || Sahar Askarzadeh
Country :: Iran
Page Number :: 46-64
This research aims to explore and compare physical and digital theater, focusing on three key areas: acting, aesthetics, and audience engagement. Physical theater, emphasizing the live presence of actors and direct sensory interactions with the audience, is contrasted with digital theater, which utilizes cutting-edge technologies such as extended reality to expand narrative boundaries and create innovative virtual spaces. Employing a qualitative methodology and an extensive literature review, this study examines the technical and aesthetic differences between these two theatrical forms and identifies new potentials for their integration within Hybrid Theater. Findings indicate that physical theater, emphasizing direct and immediate interaction, and digital theater, utilizing interactive technological tools, can be synergistically combined to create a comprehensive and innovative experience for audiences under the umbrella of Hybrid Theater. The research proposes hybrid performances for future productions, aiming to create new forms and enrich artistic expression.
Keywords: Physical Theater, Digital Theater, Hybrid Theater, Acting Techniques, Audience Participation.
[1]. Abel, L. G., & Post, R. M. (1973). Towards a poor readers theatre. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 59(4), 436-442.
[2]. Aibel, M. (2023). And he showed me things: The transformative power of Sondheim‘s songs–A discussion of Philipson and Jones‘ Stephen Sondheim: Relational psychoanalyst of the American musical theater. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 43(8), 665-672.
[3]. Amsden, L. (2016). ‗When they laugh your clown is coming‘: learning to be ridiculous in Philippe Gaulier‘s pedagogy of spectatorship. Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, 7(1), 4-16.
[4]. Andersson, T. (2011). Costume cinema and materiality: Telling the story of Marie Antoinette through dress. Culture Unbound, 3(1), 101-112.
[5]. Anghel, F. (2019). A Revolution for the Stage–Mad Forest by Caryl Churchill. Romanian Journal of English Studies, 15(1), 1-8.

Paper Title :: User-Centric Digital Knowledge Management in Academic Libraries: Professional Competencies and Challenges
Author Name :: Dr. G. Thamaraiselvi || Mr. V. Mohan
Country :: India
Page Number :: 65-71
As the information Technologies are changing day-to-day and growing at a tremendous speed, the knowledge society is becoming more complex, competitive, and dependent on technological changes, information explosion, and globalization of Networks. Today‟s changing environment due to COVID-19 pandemic also has created new challenges to educational institutions on student expectations, teaching-learning outcomes, and delivery. Hence, in this context, the role of librarians plays a vital role in managing and providing digital knowledge in time by acquiring and providing access to electronic knowledge resources to face the new challenges. As institutions increasingly focus on building their research outputs in an excellent way by their student‟s experience, librarians are playing an integral role in managing Knowledge resources and supporting to achieve the goal by helping them to showcase and enabling access to the scholarly works and other e-resources which are very much supporting for developing research works. This study explains what Digital Knowledge Management is and how Digital Library is to be created and managed by Library professional as user centric. Also, it describes the changing role of librarians and the skills needed for facing the present challenges and opportunities in Digital Knowledge management. In addition, it discusses about the characteristics of Library professional competencies, skills needed for the library leaders, various management techniques to be followed to achieve the objectives of user-centric academic Libraries in the digital environment.
Keywords: Academic Libraries, DKM- Digital Knowledge Management, Library Professional, Leadership Skills, Knowledge Management systems.
[1]. Peter Drucker, (2019). “Principles of Management”. Openstax, Rice University. 2019.
[2]. Newman, William H, (1998). “Process of Management”. Prentice Hall, 1998.
[3]. Weinberg, Mark L etc. (2005). “Advances in Library administration and organization”. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2005.
[4]. Katz, Robert (1986). “Skills of an effective administrator”. Harvards Business Review. 1955,1986
[5]. Metz, R.F., 2011. “Coaching in the Library: A management strategy for achieving excellence”. ALA. 2011.

Paper Title :: The Influence of the School Curriculum on Citizenship Training
A Influência do Currículo Escolar na Formação Cidadã
Author Name :: Kathia Susana Almeida
Country :: Brasil
Page Number :: 72-82
The school curriculum plays a fundamental role in the civic education of students, directly influencing their social competencies and values. Through formal education, the curriculum contributes to the development of critical, reflective, and participatory skills necessary for conscious societal engagement. Civic education involves not only theoretical knowledge but also the construction of practices and attitudes that promote democratic coexistence and respect for diversity. Thus, education focused on citizenship must consider cultural, ethical, and political aspects, promoting active student engagement. The general objective of this article is to analyze how the school curriculum contributes to the civic education of students. The specific objectives are: - to identify pedagogical practices in the curriculum that foster citizenship; - to verify the presence of content that encourages critical thinking and social participation; - to evaluate the importance of interdisciplinarity in building civic education. The research problem that guides this study is: How does the school curriculum contribute to the civic education of students? The methodology used was bibliographic, based on a literature review of works addressing the relationship between the school curriculum and citizenship. The results indicate that a curriculum integrating democratic principles, social values, and practices of mutual respect fosters the development of critical and participatory citizens. The discussion reinforces the need for an interdisciplinary approach that embraces diversity and the multiple realities of students. It is concluded that the school curriculum should be constantly reviewed and adapted to meet social demands and shape individuals capable of acting ethically and responsibly in society, fully exercising their rights and duties as citizens.
Keywords: School Curriculum, Civic Education, Democratic Education, Teacher Training.
[1]. BITTAR,E.C.B. Educação, Pedagogia Decolonial e Direitos Humanos: Reflexões sobre Utopia e Emancipação em Paulo Freire. Olhares: Revista do Departamentode Educação da Unifesp, v. 9, n. 3, p. 26-50,2021.
[2]. CAMAS, N.P.V.; LAMBACH, M.; SOUZA, F.R.A. Interdisciplinaridade e Alfabetização Científica: Um Ensaio sobre os Dois Lados da Mesma Moeda. Ensino em Re-Vista, v. 28, p. 1-23, e017, 2021.
[3]. DE SOUSA, F.G.A.; SANTOS, J.M.C.T. A interdisciplinaridade e a Formação Cidadã em uma Escola Pública de Fortaleza-CE. Ensino em Perspectivas, v. 1, n. 1, p. 1-15, 2020.
[4]. DOS SANTOS, R.M.; JUNIOR, L.M.P.B. Cidadania, Participação e Direitos Humanos: Fundamentos Teóricos, Normativos e Metodológicos de um Projeto Transversal com Vistas à Educação de Qualidade. Direito Público, v. 20, n. 105, p. 176-204, 2023.
[5]. DOURADO, D.L.; SANTOS, M.J.A. Currículo e Currículo Integrado: Teorias e Concepções. Revista Inter. Educa, v. 5, n. 1, p. 1-20, 2023.

Paper Title :: Influent Factors to Purchasing Decisions on Healthy Food Products through Online Channels of Consumers in Bangkok
Author Name :: Jutamas Wonglupt || Bordin Phayaphrom || Mohammad Rahimee Ibrahim
Country :: Malaysia
Page Number :: 83-87
Bangkok's burgeoning health-conscious demographic necessitates convenient access to healthy food options. Online channels present a viable solution; however, a thorough understanding of consumer behavior within this domain is paramount.The aim was to elucidate the factors influencing Bangkok consumers' online healthy food purchasing decisions. This study conducted interviews using a qualitative approach to examine the impact of five key factors on consumer behavior: product quality, price, information transparency (including detailed descriptions and certifications), delivery service efficiency (both speed and reliability), and the influence of online reviews on trust and online purchase decisions in Bangkok.Unveiling these consumer preferences could provide valuable insights for online healthy food businesses in Bangkok. By strategically addressing factors such as product quality, pricing strategies, information transparency, delivery efficiency optimization, and leveraging the power of online reviews, businesses can enhance their online presence, optimize the customer experience, and potentially achieve significant sales growth.The factors that influence purchasing decisions in Bangkok include quality, price, information, service, and the availability of online platforms for health food products.
Keywords: Online healthy food, Consumer behavior, Influent factors
[1]. Kim, Y., & Chung, J. E. (2019). (n.d.). Health consciousness and organic food consumption: A study of the Thai market. Journal of Business Research, 95, 408-418.
[2]. Baker, S. E., & Edwards, R. (2018). (n.d.). E-commerce and its impact on consumer purchasing habits. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 46(1), 23-39.
[3]. Pham, Q. T., & Huynh, T. M. (2021). Drivers of online purchase intention in the healthy food sector. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 33(7), 1652-1669.
[4]. Smith, A., & Lee, D. (2019). Cultural factors influencing consumer behavior in Southeast Asia. Journal of Consumer Culture, 19(4), 467-484.
[5]. Nielsen, J., & Jensen, R. (2019). Health-conscious consumer behavior in the digital age. Journal of Consumer Research, 45(3), 412-431.

Paper Title :: Contextualized Investigation of Setting and Racism in Paul Beatty’s The Sellout
Author Name :: Innocent E. Akanwa
Country :: Nigeria
Page Number :: 88-92
This paper explores setting and racism in Paul Beatty‘s The Sellout. The novel is set in the fictional town of Dickens in Los Angeles and features the character Bonbon, also called ―Me,‖ a young man whose life and experiences drive the novel. The police killed Bonbon‘s father, and Bonbon had to navigate life in that hostile environment that privileges the whites. Although a black man, Bonbon reintroduced racism and slavery in the town and was charged to court and sent to jail. Despite being aware of the consequences of his action, Bonbon was set to prove a point in this racially charged, intense, satirized novel.
Keywords: Racism, setting, discrimination, African Americans, inhumanity, segregation.
[1]. Abrams, M. H. A Glossary of Literary Terms. Boston, M.A., Thomson, 2005.
[2]. Beatty, Paul. The Sellout. New York: Farrar Straus and Giroux, 2015.
[3]. Canelo, Maria ―Paul Beatty‘s The Sellout as Allegory of the US Carceral System.‖ Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies, Vol. 44, no. 2, 2022, pp. 187-205.
[4]. Eddo-Lodge, Reni. ―The Sellout by Paul Beatty. Review, a whirlwind satire about racial identity‖. New York Times. (2016):24-25. Print.
[5]. Eaton, Paul William ―Race in a Changing Society: Paul Beatty‘s ―The Sellout.‖ (3 March 2017).

Paper Title :: Journey Motif in African Female Writing: A Postmodernist Interrogation of Chimamanda Adichie’s Americanah
Author Name :: Dr. Ugochukwu Ogechi Iwuji || Dr. Emmanuel E. Akanwa
Country :: Nigeria
Page Number :: 93-99
The postmodernist poetics as projected and espoused in Adichie‘s novels is both alienating and enchanting. On the one hand, it negates the ―transcendental signified‖ of the African female writing while on the other, it opens up wide vistas for African women to radically break with the orthodoxy of building the home with an indifferent, deceitful and violent partner. The story of Ifemelu, Adichie‘s heroine in Americanah, provokes flurries of thoughts and twists on how a young lady conquers a morass of socio-economic strictures to reclaim the love of a lover she had earlier abandoned and left to the fate of depression and anguish. There have been critical commentaries on Adichie‘s Americanah, but there seems to be little or no work on the stylistic import of journey motif in the novel and how it implicates the various themes of the novel bordering on love, politics, family and culture. The plot of Adichie‘s Americanah is in itself postmodernist and non-comformist. Events are so re-arranged and scattered in the 477 page novel. The complicated nature of the plot may make a stylistic appraisal of the work precarious. This paper is relevant in representing the fluidity of the story for a seamless critique. Remarkably, the study shows how the motif of journey implicates the themes of the novel and amplifies the story structure. Prominent in the novel are the six journeys around which the major events in the story revolve.
Keywords: Postmodernist poetics, Transcendental signified, Female writing, Journey, Motif, Americanah
[1]. Adichie, C. N. (2008). Purple Hibiscus. Farafina.
[2]. Adichie, C. N. (2006). Half a Yellow Sun. Farafina.
[3]. Adichie, C. N. (2023). Americanah. Kachifo Limited.
[4]. Babu, M. & Devi, K. (2017). Journey as amotif of self discoveryin Anita Nair‘s Ladies Coupe. Research Journal of English Language and Literature, 5(3), 482-485.
[5]. Barry, P. (1995) Beginning Theory. Manchester University Press.

Paper Title :: Impact of Internet Service Quality on User Satisfaction
Impact de la qualité du service Internet sur la satisfaction des usagers
Author Name :: Jaouad El Kaissouni || Jrhirid Sabah || Makhkhou Sanae || Sattar Mehdi
Country :: Morocco
Page Number :: 100-106
The main objective was to identify the variation in average customer satisfaction proportionally to the average quality of the Internet service. The population consisted of 100 Orange Internet service customers. Likewise, the variables were used: Internet service quality and customer satisfaction. The non-experimental design of a correlation level was used, developed in the application of surveys, which provided results on the variation between the variables. The survey ended with a result of 0.77, which indicates that there is a positive proportional variation between the two variables. In addition, it is at a high correlation level; and, analyzing the bilateral significance level of 0.000 less than 0.05, it is concluded that the average quality of the Internet service varies proportionally to the average customer satisfaction.
Keywords: Quality of service; satisfaction; Internet service
[1]. Andaleeb, S.S., & Conway, C. (2006). Customer satisfaction in the restaurant industry: An examination of the transaction-specific model. Journal of Services Marketing, 20(1), 3-11.
[2]. Anderson, E. W., & Sullivan, M. W. (1993). The antecedents and consequences of customer satisfaction for firms. Marketing Science, 12(2), 125-143.
[3]. Ariff, M., Yun, L., Zakuan, N. and Ismail, K. (2013). The impacts of service quality and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in internet banking. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 81, 469-473.
[4]. Aydin, S., Ozer, G. K., & Arasil, O. (2005). Customer loyalty and the effect of switching costs as a moderator variable: A case in the Turkish mobile phone market. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 23(1), 89-103.
[5]. Bei, L. T., & Chiao, Y. C. (2001). An integrated model for the effects of perceived product, perceived service quality, and perceived price fairness on consumer satisfaction and loyalty. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 14(3), 125-140.

Paper Title :: Literary Allusion as Archaeology in The Descent of Alette: How Alice Notley Achieves Feminine Actualisation through Revival of Sumerian literature
Author Name :: Luke Ang
Country :: Singapore
Page Number :: 107-112
"Words are not it" (Notley, "The Poetics of Disobedience").
If words are signs, as the founder of structural linguistics Ferdinand de Saussure suggests (Saussure), then poets are arbiters of language, using words to communicate what is beyond the mundane and ostensible, instilling in them new wealths of meaning in the process. Yet Alice Notley, one of the most important poets of the twentieth century, not only renounces words, but regards them as such anathema that the very foundation of her ethos and poetic lexis is built upon her rejection of the idea of a ‗word‘ as we know it. Throughout her body of work, Notley maintains her position as simultaneously being a prolific user of language and yet one of its greatest critics, most powerfully conveyed in these lines from her Poetics of Disobedience: "Positions are just words. I don't believe that the best poems are just words, I think they're the same as reality; I tend to think reality is poetry, and that it isn't words" ("The Poetics of Disobedience"); reminiscent of Saussure, who first proposed that sounds and symbols in isolation are arbitrary and not intrinsically meaningful, but only become so when socially codified according to unified terms, such that language must exist within a collective (Saussure). Notley, however, emphasises upon this arbitrariness of words — hence "positions" — and to her, words are merely utilitarian hangovers, and should not have any place in the realm of poetry. Throughout Disobedience, Notley draws a clear line in the sand between what she refers to as "the named Actual", "the supposedly real city/world", "an organised affair", and "doctrine", versus that which is named "the real real" and "the ideal crystalline city/world full of icons and mosaics on ever expanding and shifting walls". The Descent of Alette, therefore, represents Notley‘s departure from the realm of the symbolic hegemony of anglocentric patriarchy and her subsequent seeking out of a new symbolic order.
[1]. Ancient Mesopotamian Beliefs in the Afterlife - World History Encyclopedia. Accessed 4 Apr. 2022.
[2]. Berger, Peter L., and Thomas Luckmann. The Social Construction of Reality. Anchor Books, 1966.
[3]. Black, Jeremy, and Graham Cunningham, translators. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature. 7 Jan. 1997,
[4]. Bloom, Harold. ‗Poetry, Revisionism, Repression‘. Critical Inquiry, vol. 2, no. 2, 2, 1975, pp. 233–51.
[5]. Brouwer, Joel. ‗A State of Disobedience‘. The New York Times, 14 Oct. 2007, 10

Paper Title :: The “13th Step” Methodology as a Breakthrough in the Research of PTSD and Addictions: A New Efficient Algorithm for Full Recovery from Trauma and Addictions
Author Name :: Maria Mavrekh
Country :: Cyprus
Page Number :: 113-119
Trauma, or traumatic experience, is the main reason for the formation of addictive behaviour. Addictions take many forms: alcoholism, drug addiction, addiction to drugs, addiction to food, addiction to work, sex addiction, addictive relationships, love addiction, eating disorders (ED), and others. Usually, different types of addictions are present in the same client. Traditional approaches to addiction treatment focus on preventing relapse and improving quality of life. The problem with the traditional approach is that it does not consider complete recovery from addiction by correcting the causes of addictive behaviour. This paper describes a new tool for addiction treatment — the ‘13th Step’ methodology.
Keywords: trauma, PTSD, addiction, addiction, subconsciousness, therapy
[1]. Handwerker H. Human physiology : in 3 vol. / Edited by R. Schmidt and G. Teves. - 2nd ed. - M. : Mir, 1996. Т. 1. - С. 178-196.
[2]. Ostrovsky M. A., Shevelev I. A. Human physiology : textbook : in 2 vol. / Edited by V. M. Pokrovsky, G. A. Shevelev. M. Pokrovsky, G. F. Korotko. - 3rd ed. - M. : EBS ‘Student's Consultant’, 2011. Т. 2. - С. 201-259.
[3]. Freud Z. Psychology of the unconscious : Collected works / Composition, scientific editor, author of the introductory article. M. G. Yaroshevsky. - M.: ‘Prosveshchenie’ 1990.- 448 p. - С. 378.
[4]. Vygotsky L. S. Psychology of Child Development. - Moscow: Eksmo Publishing House, 2005. - С. 16-17.
[5]. Ministry of Health of Russia. Reaction to severe stress and adaptation disorders (F43) [Electronic resource] // ICD 10. - URL: (date of reference: 25.07.2024).

Paper Title :: Rethinking the Influence of Academic Freedom on Public Discourse and Societal Evolution in Higher Education
Author Name :: Yi-Huang Shih || Shih-Chieh Kao || Yu-Ming Chiang
Country :: Taiwan
Page Number :: 120-126
This opinion piece aims to rethink the influence of academic freedom on public discourseand societal evolution in higher education.How to foster an environment of academic freedom:
(1) Supportive Institutional Policies: universities can create policies that protect academic freedom and encourage open discourse while providing frameworks for ethical engagement and research integrity;
(2) Encouraging Interdisciplinary Collaboration: promoting interdisciplinary research can lead to new insights and foster a culture of academic freedom where diverse perspectives intersect;
(3) Engaging with the Public: encouraging scholars to engage with the public through outreach, community-based research, and public lectures can enhance the societal relevance of academic work and contribute to informed public discourse.
In addition, challenges to academic freedom are as follows:
(1) Political Pressures: increasing political polarization can threaten academic freedom, with calls for censorship or self-censorship among scholars. This can limit the scope of research and discussion;
(2) Commercialization of Education: the increasing influence of market forces on higher education may prioritize profitability over intellectual inquiry, potentially stifling dissenting voices and controversial research;
(3) Balancing Academic Freedom with Responsibility: while promoting academic freedom, there is a need to ensure that this freedom is exercised responsibly, respecting ethical standards and the potential impact on society.
Keywords: academic freedom, higher education, public discourse, societal evolution
[1]. Audretsch, D.B., Fisch, C., Franzoni, C., Momtaz, P.P., & Vismara S (2024). Academic freedom and innovation. PLoS ONE, 19(6): e0304560.
[2]. Berlin, I. (1969). Four essays on liberty. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
[3]. Dimova-Cookson, M. (2022). The two modern liberties of Constant and Berlin.History of European Ideas, 48(3), 229–245.
[4]. Golhasany, H., &Harvey, B. (2022). Academic freedom, the impact agenda, and pressures to publish: understanding the driving forces in higher education. SN Soc Sci,2, 163.
[5]. Holbrook, J. (2017). The future of the impact agenda depends on the revaluation of academic freedom. Palgrave Commun,3, 39.

Paper Title :: Contribution of Indonesian Diaspora in Malaysia in Respects of Language and Culture
Author Name :: Wisasongko || Hairus Salikin || Nur Salina Binti Ismail
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 127-134
Indonesia and Malaysia are neighboring countries, and therefore, they share lots things in common. These two countries are not only close geographically, but also close in the aspects of history, language, culture, including arts, music and musical instruments, dances and religion. In respects of language, these countries share lots of the same or similar words and expressions with the same or similar meanings. Some Malay words are believed to be rooted from Javanese, and many others are derived from English. Many Indonesian words, however, are taken from Dutch. In addition, the countries also have similar cultural background with regard to religion, races, music, arts, communal activities and habits. The influx of migrant workers from Indonesia to Malaysia does not only take place in recent time, but it had been going on from colonial era. This migration brings together significant influences on cultural values in the ‘new’ country. The following article is going to observe the contribution of Indonesian diaspora living in Malaysia in the aspects of language and culture. Based on the historical facts of the two countries, they share unique relations and yet there are several aspects that could lead to misunderstanding if they are not addressed in the right manner.
Keywords: diaspora, culture, language, migrants, arts
[1]. Baker, C. (2006).Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. 3rd ed. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
[2]. Benson, C. (2010).Language and Social Cohesion: The Role of Language in Migration and Integration. Journal of Language and Politics, 9(3), 359-377.
[3]. Baker, C. (2006).Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. 3rd ed. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
[4]. Bunnell, T. (2004). The Politics of Migration in Malaysia: Globalization and the Indonesian Diaspora. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 35(2), 237-262.
[5]. Choudaha, R., & Chang, L. (2012).Language, Identity, and the Indonesian Diaspora in Malaysia. Asian Journal of Language, Culture and Society, 1(1), 25-37.

Paper Title :: Emotional Empathy among Young Married Couples
Author Name :: Kaushalya Kishor || Dr. Sreenivas M
Country :: India
Page Number :: 135-138
The present research explores the Emotional Empathy among Young Married Couples. Empathy helps us get in touch with our feelings and gives us an emotional understanding of ourselves and others. An important goal in our relationships is to connect. Empathy creates connection while sympathy creates separation and disconnection. Therefore the study included Young Married Couples in the age range of 25-35 years (N=60) as they would be in the stage where they are preparing for major roles in life such as planning children, adjusting to different family cultures and it also represents the youth in the forefront as major human resources of a society. Multidimensional Emotional Empathy Scale (MDEES) developed by Caruso & Mayer (1998) was used to measure empathy. Out of 60 participants, there were 30 women and 30 men participants. The participants were selected through voluntary response sampling technique. Pearson Correlation Coefficient test and Independent t-test method was used to analyse the level of empathy and differences of empathy between the variables using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The obtained result 0.0599 shows that there is a positive significant relationship in empathy among Young Married Couples. The obtained result 1.48 shows that there is no significant difference between Married men and Married women participants in Emotional Empathy. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that Young Married Couples who participated in the study had an average level of empathy.
Keywords: Emotion, Empathy, Sympathy, Young Married Couples
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Paper Title :: Current Situation of Personal Financial Management among Newly Graduated Students in Vietnam
Author Name :: PhD. Nguyen Thi Thu Trang
Country :: Vietnam
Page Number :: 139-143
Personal financial management has become increasingly important due to rising living costs, growing financial pressure, and economic fluctuations. For recent graduates, planning for the future and seeking job opportunities are not the only challenges they face; they also encounter numerous other changes. While some students manage their spending effectively despite limited financial resources, many struggle with budgeting, leading to situations where they may need to borrow or pawn items to meet essential needs. This article will analyze the current state of personal financial management among recent graduates and present practical methods that students can apply to improve their financial situation.
Keywords: Current status; personal financial management; students; recent graduates.
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Paper Title :: Inventory Management Practices and Supply Chain Performance in the Automotive Industry in Kenya
Author Name :: Otieno Dennice Onyango || Thiongo Samuel Mungai
Country :: Kenya
Page Number :: 144-157
Intense competition implies that the automobile dealers need to come up with the best ways for of promoting their supply chain performance. This is because nearly three-quarters of the funds in the automobile industry is tied up in slow moving stock. Consequently, the industry is faced with the problem of having large inventory built ups that ties up the capital thus affecting the supply chain performance. In order to restore normalcy, inventory management practices (IMPs) have been adopted by many dealers in the sector. However, the influence of these IMPs has not been adequately interrogated. Thus, the paper examined the influence of IMPs on the supply chain performance in the automotive industry. Specifically, the paper examined the influence of just in time and FIFO on the supply chain performance in the automobile industry in Kenya. The paper was anchored on the Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) and the Theory of Constraints (TOC) and was based on the descriptive research design. Data was gathered using the questionnaires and analyzed using the descriptive statistics including the mean, standard deviation and the inferential statistics including the correlation and regression analysis. The results showed that IMPs influenced the supply chain performance in the automobile industry in Kenya. Just in time accounted for 61.5% of the variance in the supply chain performance while 68.3% of the variation in supply chain performance in the automobile industry in Kenya was explained by FIFO.
Keywords: Supply Chain Performance, Automotive dealers, inventory management practices, Just-in-time, First in First Out
[1]. Adeyemi, S. L., & Salami, L. (2020). Inventory Management: A Tool of Optimizing Resources in the Manufacturing Industry, International Journalof Social Sciences, 23(2); 135-142.
[2]. Agamy, P., Selah, D., & Ramsy, K. (2020). Coding Systems and Effective Inventory Management of SMEs in the Ghanaian Retail Industry, Central Inquiry, 1(1), 46-65.
[3]. Agus, A., & Noor, Z. (2020). Supply chain management and performance: An Empirical Study. A working paper university of Malaysia, 1(1), 4-19.
[4]. Awheda, A. (2016). Factors related to supply chain network in SMEs, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 2(7), 312-335.
[5]. Beamon, B. M. (2022). Measuring Supply Chain Performance, Journal of Operations and Production Management 19(3), 275-292.

Paper Title :: The Impact of Psychological Stress on Professional Competence among Teachers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder from Their Point of View
Author Name :: Dr. Fideh Ibrahim AL shdaifa
Country :: Jordan
Page Number :: 158-169
The study aimed to identify the impact of psychological stress on professional competence among teachers of children with autism spectrum disorder from their point of view, and to verify the nature of the relationship between them. The descriptive correlational predictive approach was used, which is the most appropriate approach for the nature of the study and achieving its objectives, by applying the psychological stress scale consisting of (15) paragraphs, and the professional competence scale consisting of (16) paragraphs on a sample of (116) male and female teachers. The results showed that the level of professional competence among teachers of children with autism spectrum disorder from their point of view was generally high, but the arithmetic mean of (2.32) reflects the existence of a disparity in teachers' assessment of their professional abilities, with the arithmetic means of the paragraphs ranging between low and medium levels. This disparity is explained by the fact that teachers may feel capable of accomplishing the tasks required of them, but at the same time they face challenges that prevent them from achieving their full professional goals. These results indicate that teachers are able to perform basic tasks, but they may suffer from a lack of support or resources to fully achieve their ambitions and professional goals. The study recommended several recommendations, including: designing and implementing psychological support programs specifically for teachers of children with autism spectrum disorder, aiming to enhance stress management skills and provide effective strategies for coping with daily challenges.
Keywords: Psychological stress, professional competence, autism spectrum disorder.
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[2]. Ahmed, Sabry. (2021). Mental alertness and its relationship to professional competence among teachers. Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, (5)1, 213-225.
[3]. Al-Fayez, Abdulrahman. (2019). Obstacles to Raising the Professional Competence of Educational Supervisors and Ways to Improve It in Public Education Schools in the Riyadh Region, Journal of Scientific Research in Education, (20)3, 467-494.
[4]. Al-Hayari, Ghaleb Mohamed (2018) Autism spectrum disorders: foundations, characteristics and effective strategies, Amman, Jordan, Dar Al-Fikr.
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