
Volume 06 - Issue 01

Paper Title :: Legal Position of Electronic Signatures in Indonesia
Author Name :: Sudarini || Kadek Wiwik Indrayanti || Supriyadi
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 01-07
An electronic signature is a signature made electronically that functions the same as an ordinary signature on an ordinary paper document. A signature is data which, if not falsified, can function to justify the actions of the person whose name is printed on a document he is signing. This study uses a normative juridical research method with a statutory approach. The issues raised are regarding the legal power of electronic signatures in Indonesia and legal protection for users of certified electronic signatures. The results of this study are that electronic signatures have legal force if they have used an electronic system that has been regulated in the laws and regulations that apply in Indonesia, including Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law No.11 of the year 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions and Government Regulation Number 71 of 2019 concerning Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions. A valid electronic signature can be used as legal evidence if the integrity of the information in it can be guaranteed and can be accounted for, accessible, and can be displayed so that it can explain a situation. And legal protection for users of verified electronic signatures is a guarantee of privacy and/or protection in terms of personal data where this is also regulated in laws and regulations that regulate electronic transactions, then the parties carry out electronic transaction activities are also required to pay attention to the principle of prudence, have good faith, transparency, accountability, and fairness. The last resort that can be taken if a dispute occurs is through a lawsuit in court and through other alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.
Keywords: signature, electronics, user
[1]. Bahder Johan Nasution, 2008. Metode Penelitian Ilmu Hukum, Bandung: Mandar Maju
[2]. Peter Mahmud Marzuki, 2006. Penelitian Hukum, Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media
[3]. Titi S. Slamet, Marianne Masako Paliling. (2020). Kekuatan Hukum Transaksi Dan Tanda Tangan Elektronik Dalam Perjanjian. Paulus Law Journal, 1(1), 9–18.
[4]. Andalan, A. M. (2019). Kedudukan Tanda Tangan Elektronikdalam Transaksi Teknologi Finansial. Jurist-Diction, 2(6), 1931.
[5]. Mayana, R. F., & Santika, T. (2021). Legalitas Tanda Tangan Elektronik: Posibilitas Dan Tantangan Notary Digitalization Di Indonesia. Acta Diurnal JurnalIlmu Hukum Kenotariatan, 4(2), 244–262. Retrieved from

Paper Title :: Protection and Management of Royalty Rights for Utilization of Works and Authors Rights in the Field of Songs and Music
Author Name :: Edy Junaidi || Kadek Wiwik Indrayanti || Mohammad Ghufron A.Z.
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 08-14
A songwriter is someone who uses his inspiration to create music based on his thinking ability, imagination, creativity and expertise in a melody. Article 1 of the Copyright Act provides an understanding of copyright as an exclusive right of the creator that arises automatically based on the declarative principle after a work is realized in a tangible form without reducing restrictions in accordance with statutory regulations. The issues discussed in this study are regarding legal protection for songwriters for the results or products of their creations and the role of Collective Management Institutions in optimizing the protection of song copyrights and management of royalties for the use of works. This study uses a normative juridical research method, namely by studying and analyzing positive law in Indonesia which regulates copyright and royalties of a song. The results of this study are that the protection of songwriters cannot be fully implemented even though it has been regulated in laws and regulations. The role of the National Collective Management Institute (LMKN) is to carry out the collection, collection and distribution of royalties with a clear calculation and division through one door. Therefore, it is hoped that this innovation will be more effective in accelerating the collection of royalties for songwriters, copyright holders, and rights owners for songwriters who are not yet members of a collective management institution.
Keywords: Copyright, Song, Protection
[1]. Adermon, A., & Liang, C. Y. (2014). Piracy and music sales: The effects of an anti-piracy law. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 105, 90–106.
[2]. Abdulkhadir Muhammad, 2004. Hukumdan Penelitian Hukum, Bandung: Citra Aditya Bakti Amirruddindan Zainal Asikin, 2014. Pengantar Metode Penelitian Hukum, Jakarta: Raja Granfindo Persada
[3]. Bernard Nainggolan, 2016. Pemberdayaan Hukum Hak Ciptadan Lembaga Manajemen Kolektif, Bandung: Alumni
[4]. Bosher, H. (2021). Music and copyright. In Copyright in the Music Industry (pp. 1–2). Edward Elgar Publishing.
[5]. Cai, Z. (2020). Usage of deep learning and blockchain in compilation and copyright protection of digital music. IEEE Access, 8, 164144–164154.

Paper Title :: The Existence of a Mortgage Guarantee Institution with Ship Objects in the Guarantee Legal System in Indonesia
Author Name :: Jumiadi || Dewi Astutty Mochtar || Diah Aju W.
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 15-22
One of the business activities in Indonesia that is not spared from lending and guarantee activities is activities related to ships in shipping activities, this cannot be denied because Indonesia is an archipelagic country. The research method used in this research is normative legal research, with a statutory-regulatory approach and statuta approach. The problem that will be analyzed more deeply in this research is how is the existence of a mortgage guarantee institution with a ship object in the guarantee legal system in Indonesia and how is the legal force of a mortgage deed with a ship object in providing legal certainty for creditors. The results of this study are that the existence of a mortgage guarantee institution with the object of a ship in the guarantee legal system in Indonesia is still unable to provide protection and legal certainty to creditors because the mortgage guarantee institution is still not completely and detailed regulated in a separate law, so also the arrangement is still not in a complete material guarantee legal system but is still partial. And the grosse position of the ship mortgage deed in providing protection and legal certainty to creditors through the executorial title contained therein, has not been carried out because the implementation of the execution of collateral objects based on Article 224 HIR is too long in the procedure, because they have to follow the procedural procedures as in the execution of other cases, even though execution of collateral object context is different.
Keywords: Mortgage, Ship, Sea
[1]. Ernawati, E., & Syaifudin, A. (2021). Eksistensi Hukum Jaminan Dalam Program Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional (Pen) Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Jurnal Hukum Dan Kenotariatan, 5(1), 111.
[2]. Yasir, M. (2016). Aspek Hukum Jaminan Fidusia. SALAM: Jurnal Sosial Dan Budaya Syar-i, 3(1), 75–92.
[3]. Salim, H. (2004). Perkembangan Hukum Jaminan Di Indonesia. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 22.
[4]. Nahrowi, N., & Masyrofah, M. (2021). Perjanjian Pembiayaan Leasing Terkait Hukum Jaminan Dalam Upaya Pengembangan Hukum Perjanjian Di Indonesia Dikaitkan Dengan Politik Hukum. SALAM: Jurnal Sosial Dan Budaya Syar-i, 8(2), 405.
[5]. Winarno, J. (2013). Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Kreditur Pada Perjanjian Jaminan Fidusia. Jurnal Independent, 1(1), 44.

Paper Title :: The Name of Tondanese Traditional Food
Author Name :: Donald R. Lotulung || Julaiha Kiay Modjo || Sisca Rambitan
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 23-26
The traditional food of Tondanese is viewed as one of the perpetual and prolonged cultures considering its sustainable and continuously growing lexicon along with the changing life-dynamics of North Sulawesi communities, especially the Tondanese. This article aims to analyze the traditional Tondanese food. There are two research questions being asked: 1). How is the naming system of traditional Tondanese food? 2). What is the lingual form related to the meaning of traditional Tondanese food?. This research is conducted in the context of language and cultural preservation, especially in the intangible cultural heritage provision. The research uses descriptive qualitative method through ethnographic approaches and synchronic linguistic method, as well as the initial introduction of the gastronomic linguistic approach. The basic linguistic theory (Katamba [1993], Givon [1984]), the theory of naming (Palmer, 1976), and the meaning components theory (Lehrer, 1974), the supporting theory namely the gastronomic linguistic theory (Gillespie and Cousins, 2001) are used in the data analysis. The result found that the traditional Tondanese food naming is based on food ingredients, cooking methods, cooking utensils, food manufacturing locations, human names, and the creation of the food maker. The traditional Tondanese food is divided into linulut label (food that is put and cooked in bamboo) and non-linulut label (food that is not cooked in bamboo). The forms of traditional Tondanese food names consist of the following words: tinu‟tuan, pedal, peraal, sende‟en, midal, woku, gohu, and tinape. Meanwhile, the phrase consists of tinu‟tuan wik-wik, tinu‟tuan ampas ba, tinu‟tuan tai minyak, woku blanga, woku daong, woku woka, and babi woku. The compound words are rica rodo, bob engka, and rintek wu‟uk. Reduplications are rica-rica, lampu-lampu, and tinu‟tuan wik-wik. The clause includes the names woku isi di bulu, ayang woku isi di bulu, and sayor pait isi di bulu. The meaning of traditional Tondanese food contains denotative and connotative meaning. Furthermore, the cultural meaning of traditional Tondanese food, on the one hand, is horizontally as a "blessing or gratitude" to Opo Ni Empung or God, who is the owner of the universe. Vertically, on the other hand, it is an effort or thanksgiving for the achievement of work or a blessing from the food maker, or any individual who has a thanksgiving ceremony.
Keywords: Traditional Tondanese food, naming system, and gastronomic Linguistics.
[1]. Fitrisia, D., Sibarani, R., & Ritonga, M. 2018. Traditional food in the perspective of culinary linguistics. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 5(2), 24-27.
[2]. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. 2009. Declaration of the World Summit on Food Security. Available online:
[3]. Givon, T. 1984. Syntax: A Functional Typological Introduction. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
[4]. Hasyim, M. 2017. The metaphor of consumerism. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 8(3), 523–530
[5]. Katamba. 1993. Introduction to Morphological Structure. London: The Macmillan Press Limited

Paper Title :: Parabolic Motion Modeling and Analysis in High School Students Using the GUI Matlab Application
Author Name :: Dina mega gita cahyani || Lamria H. Tambunan || Dr. Muhammad Nasir
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 27-30
The purpose of making this visualization of parabolic motion , because it is to make it easier for students to learn about the concept of parabolic motion. Using matlab simulations, students are also trained to learn using the scientific method. The use of simulation with matlab in learning, the role of the teacher is very important to guide students to do simulations appropriately. MATLAB is one of the supporting media for software-based physics learning called Matlab (matrix laboratory) can be used by teachers in schools on parabolic motion materials.
Keywords: Parabolic Motion. Matlab GUI, Simulation
[1] Adi, A.S., (2016), Development of Learning Media Using Matlab GUI on the Subject of Analog and Digital Modulation class XI TAV SMK Negeri 1 Sidoarjo, Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, 5(2): 487 – 492
[2] Adhi Kusuma Marhadini, Satria., Isa Akhlis., Imam Sumpono. (2017). Development of Android-Based Learning Media on Parabolic Motion Materials for High School Students. 6(3). 38-43.
[3] Aspi, M. (2022). Professional teachers in facing the Challenges of Educational Technology Development. ADIBA: Journal of Education. 2(1).
[4] Astuti, S. & Alhidayatuddiniyah, T. (2020). Utilization of Matrix Laboratory (Matlab) Software to Increase Student Interest in Learning Kinematics Physics. Swordsman: Journal of Character Education. 3(2).
[5] Giancolli, C. D. (2001). Physics Fifth Edition Volume One. Erlangga. Jakarta

Paper Title :: Intellectual Capital and Firm Size Analysis of Company Value through Profitability in Mining Sector Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Author Name :: Muhammad Abdilah Julifiantono || Yuniningsih Yuniningsih || Tri Kartika Pertiwi
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 31-38
The purpose of this research is to know the influence of Intellectual Capital and Firm size to Company Value through Profitability on Company Sector Mining in Indonesian Stock Exchange.
Population in study this is whole data report finance annual (annual report) company sector mining listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. There is 47 high profile mining companies listed on the IDX, with Engineering purposive sampling where technique determination sample with consideration certain, obtained a total sample of 13 mining companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The analytical method used in this research for test influence variable intervening is analysis track (Path analysis). Analysis track is an extension of multiple linear regression analysis, or path analysis is use analysis regression for estimate connection causality between variable.
Based on results test that tests Intellectual influence Capital and Firm size to Company Value Through Profitability On Company Sector Mining in Indonesia stock exchange, then conclusions can be drawn as following: Intellectual Variables Capital influential to Mark Company Sector Mining in Exchange Effect Indonesian. Firm Size variable has no effect on Value Company Sector Mining in Exchange Effect Indonesian. Intellectual Variables Capital influential to Corporate Value Through Sector Company Profitability Mining in Exchange Effect Indonesian Firm size variable influential to Corporate Value Through Sector Company Profitability Mining in Exchange Effect Indonesia
Keywords: Intellectual Capital, Firm size, Company Value and Profitability
[1]. Badarudin, A., & Wuryani, E. (2018). Pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility Dan Intellectual Capital Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Dengan Kinerja Keuangan Sebagai Variabel Moderasi. Jurnal Akuntansi AKUNESA, 6(2), 1–26.
[2]. Fauzia, N., & Amanah, L. (2016). Pengaruh Intellectual Capital, Karakteristik Perusahaan,Dan Corporate Social Responsibility Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Riset Akuntansi, 5(4), 1–22.
[3]. Fitriasari, N. M. A. D., & Ratna Sari, M. M. (2019). Pengaruh Intellectual Capital Pada Nilai Perusahaan Dengan Kinerja Keuangan Sebagai Variabel Intervening. E-Jurnal Akuntansi, 26, 1717.
[4]. FitzPatrick, M., Davey, J., Muller, L., Management, H. D.-T., & 2013, undefined. (n.d.). Value-creating assets in tourism management: Applying marketing’s service-dominant logic in the hotel industry. Elsevier. Retrieved November 20, 2022, from
[5]. Hadiwijaya, R. C., & Rohman, A. (2013). Pengaruh Intellectual Capital Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Dengan Competitive Advantage Sebagai Variabel Intervening. Jurnal Ilmu & Riset Akuntansi, 2(3), 1–7.

Paper Title :: Azerbaijani Natural Gas Production Forecast 2022-2024 by ARIMA (0, 1, 2) Method
Author Name :: Taleh Mammadov
Country :: Turkey
Page Number :: 39-47
The aim of the study is to estimate the Azerbaijani natural gas production data between 1950-2021 and the natural gas production between 2022-2024 with the ARIMA method. The ARIMA method is a method of prediction with the autoregressive integrated moving average method proposed by (Box-Jenkins,1976). In the ARIMA method, stagnation is important in series. For this reason, the series with logarithmic transformation were subjected to unit root test and it was examined from which order they were static. It was seen that there was no static value at the serial level value and that it was static when the first difference was taken. In the next stage, the most suitable model for our series was determined to be ARIMA(0,1,2) and when the residue correlogram was drawn, the ACF and PACF coefficients were found to be statistically insignificant. In the continuation of the study, a forecast for the year 2022-2024 was realized to produce natural gas in Azerbaijan.
Keywords: Natural gas production, Time series, ARIMA method, Azer
[1]. Azərbaycan Respublikasının Dövlət Statistika Komitəsi. (2022).
[2]. Box, G.E.P. & Jenkins, G.M. (1976). Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control, Revised Edition, San Francisco: Holden- Day.
[3]. Dickey, D.A. & W.A. Fuller (1979), “Distribution of theestimatorsforautoregressive time serieswith a unitroot”, Journal of theAmerican Statistical Association, 74, 427–431.
[4]. Dickey, D.A. &W.A. Fuller (1981), “Distribution of theestimatorsforautoregressive time serieswith a unitroot”, Econometrica, 49, 1057-72.
[5]. NG, Serena& Pierre PERRON (2001), “LagLengthSelection and the Construction of UnitRootTestswithGood Size and Power”, Econometrica, 69, 1519-1554

Paper Title :: The effect of anaerobic efficiency training on some of the bio-kinetic abilities of young players in futsal football
Author Name :: Dr. Najem Rabeh Najem || Mohamed Abed Abo El-Ther
Country :: Iraq
Page Number :: 48-56
The purpose of this paper isto preparing anaerobic competency exercises in some of the bio-kinetic abilities of young players in futsal football and identifying the effect of anaerobic competency training in developing some of the bio-kinetic capabilities of young players in futsal football.The researchers followed the experimental method by designing the experimental, control groups with the same pre-, and post-test.The research community was determined by the intentional method, and they are the players of Wasit Governorate clubs in football for the youth halls, which numbered (12) clubs participating in the youth league for first-class clubs, and their number was (180) players. (20) Players after the goalkeepers were excluded due to the different nature of their training from the sample members, and the research sample was chosen in order to provide the appropriate conditions and obtain approvals to conduct the experiment in coordination with the management of the two clubs. As for the control group, it was represented by a sample of Al Sharqiya Sports Club members, numbering (10) players and the research sample constituted (11.11%) of the research community.One of the most important results reached by the researcher is that : The anaerobic competency training contributed to the development of the bio-kinetic capabilities represented by (explosive ability, flexibility and agility) in the experimental research group, the superiority of the experimental group over the control group in the post-tests is due to the anaerobic competency exercises and the nature of their application using the training tools represented by the Swiss ball, rubber ropes and others.One of the most important recommendations recommended by the researchers is that: Necessity of employing anaerobic competency training in the training curricula for young players because of their effective contribution to the development of players in terms of bio-kinetic capabilities, which in turn will be reflected in the final level of the player positively, young players need to develop their bio-kinetic capabilities, as it is an important pillar for building the player correctly, and necessity of using training tools during the application of anaerobic competency exercises because they work on making perfect muscle contractions in the players.
Keywords: anaerobic efficiency training, kinetic abilities, futsal football.
[1]. Ali Salloum Al-Hakim. 2004. Tests, Measurement and Statistics in the Mathematical Field, Al-Qadisiyah University, Al-Taif for Printing, p. 122.
[2]. Amira Hassan Mahmoud and Mahar Hassan Mahmoud. 2021.Modern trends in the science of sports training, 2nd ed. (Egypt, Alexandria, Sports World Foundation and Dar Al-Wafaa for the world of printing, p. 172.
[3]. Fadel Daham Mansour Al-Mayahi. 2017.Sports Training, Baghdad, Al-Yamamah Office for Printing and Publishing, p. 144.
[4]. Furat Jabbar Saadallah. 2002. Determining standard levels for some general and specific physical fitness elements for youth soccer teams, PhD thesis, College of Physical Education, University of Baghdad, p. 117.
[5]. Hanafi Mahmoud Mukhtar. 1995. Practical Application in Football Training, Cairo, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Arabi, pg. 46.

Paper Title :: Increased Academic Procrastination in Industrial Engineering Students: A Consequence of the Pandemic?
Author Name :: Gildardo Oswaldo García-Montalvoa || Belem Idalia Serret-Cruzc || Javier Ezequiel Fuentes-Garcíad || Virginia Ortiz-Méndeze || Juan José Martínez-Caballerod || Martha Hilaria Bartolo-Alemán
Country :: México
Page Number :: 57-58
Academic procrastination is associated with academic performance dysfunction, 15 to 20 percent of adults and approximately half of medical students suffer from chronic and frequent procrastination, causing problems in their daily lives. Procrastination originates in two parts of the brain that compete for control. It is a battle between the limbic system and the prefrontal cortex. The limbic system is involved in basic adaptations for survival, such as sympathetic response, emotion and pleasure seeking, and is related to impulsive behaviors and the desire for immediate gratification. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for more complex behaviors, such as planning for the future. Students who procrastinate are more likely to suffer from depression and social anxiety than non-procrastinators. It is associated with persistent stress and negative emotions (anxiety, distress, depression and hopelessness)1,2. In the face of anxiety and fear, the limbic system takes over and it is then that we procrastinate by substituting the most daunting tasks in exchange for temporary relief. In the early days of the pandemic, fatigue and exhaustion occurred due to adaptation in social constraints, as the pandemic has prolonged, we suffer more stress. The need for social distancing and staying at home has modified the ability to do things that distract us from our task. Development of procrastinatory behaviors may be due to confinement and adaptation to confinement during the pandemic. Not only students were affected, but the groups also that presented more difficulties were older teachers, in which technical problems could be found in digital communication, more time dedicated to the preparation of classes, and lack of face-to-face communication and exchange of emotions with students, highlighting that the procrastination capacity could be due to a matter of adaptation to the new circumstances that were being experienced during the 2020-2022 academic cycles3-6. The increase in procrastination may be due to the overload of telecommuting in distance learning, which creates difficulties in differentiating work and relaxation spaces/times. Self-regulation is the motivational capacity that satisfies autonomous feelings, making individuals pursue and achieve their personal goals. Industrial Engineering students with procrastination tend to spend large amounts of time checking their inboxes of their applications to receive notifications, despite not having been alerted by the alert message of the arrival of an email or message, on many occasions, they do it automatically, as a conditioned motor behavior with their cell phone or computer. Neuroscience provides an explanation for the procrastinating behavior of university students on the Internet, since, according to theories of neurobiological brain function, it is stated that every time the university student receives a "like" for a publication, notifications of visits to your profile, receives or sends messages, among other forms of immediate gratification, the brain secretes dopamine, a neurotransmitter that provides pleasure, satisfaction and is associated with states of positive emotions. For this reason, Industrial Engineering students with high levels of procrastination spend a lot of time searching for this source of excitement, which increases the likelihood of developing an Internet addiction. In conclusion, procrastination is a volitional dysregulation despite being motivated, this volitional problem affects the individual's self-efficacy beliefs, motivation and goal setting through a vicious cycle that has increased significantly in this pandemic.
Keywords: Academic procrastination; COVID-19; University students; Pandemic
[1]. F. M. Sirois. Procrastination and stress: exploring the role of self-compassion. Self and Identity., (2014); 13: 128-45.
[2]. J. Mohammadi-Bytamar, S. Zenoozian, M. Dadashi, O. Saed, A. Hemmat A, G. Mohammadi.Prevalence of academic procrastination and its association with metacognitive beliefs in Zanjan University of medical sciences. Iran J Med Educ Dev., (2018); 10: 84-97.
[3]. M. A. Kosycheva, T. E. Tuzhba, I. V. Gaydamashko, K. S. Yesaulova. Influence of poor digital competence on procrastination of university teachers. In Proceedings of the 2020. The 4th International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology. (2020). 73–7.
[4]. F. Valieva, S. Fomina, I Nilova. Distance learning during the corona-lockdown: Some psychological and pedagogical aspects. In Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems; Bylieva, D., Nordmann, A., Shipunova, O., Volkova, V., Eds.; Springer: Cham, Switzerland, (2021); 184: 289-300.
[5]. M. Tezer, P. Ulgener, H. Minalay, A. Ture, U. Tugutlu, M. G. Harper. Examining the relationship between academic procrastination behaviours and problematic Internet usage of high school students during the COVID-19 pandemic period. Glob J Guid Couns Sch Curr Perspect. (2020); 10: 142-56.

Paper Title :: Analysis of Student Attitude in Choosing a Campus Based on International Accreditation
Author Name :: Dewi Komalasari || Citra Fitri Kholidya || Putri Rachmadyanti || Evi Winingsih
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 59-65
Industrial Revolution 4.0 provides a new impetus for the transformation and improvement of the quality of Higher Education. One of the efforts that can be made by Higher Education is an acknowledgment of the quality of management of Higher Education through an accreditation process both nationally and internationally. This study aims to analyze the decision of the FIP leadership in deciding the priority scale to improve the quality of FIP management based on International Accreditation. This research is a descriptive research. The sampling technique was proportional random sampling, with a sample of 50 respondents from a population of 1025 academics. Based on the value of academic attitude trust, a score of 3.12 was obtained, in the important category. Based on the academic attitude evaluation score, a score of 3.18 was obtained in the important category. There are four attributes in the very important category, namely clear and accurate academic calendar information (3.44), lecture contracts, RPS, assignments clearly conveyed (3.39), Information Services for Admission of New Students at the Faculty of Education Sciences are accurate and satisfactory ( 3.27), Examinations and announcements of New Student Admissions are clear and transparent (3.27).
Keywords: Academic Community, Internationalized Accreditation, FIBAA
[1] Ulker, N., & Bakioglu,A, “An international lresearch on the influence of accreditation on academic quality,”Studiesin Higher Education, 44(1), pp.1-12, 2018.
[2] Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi, “Klasterisasi Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia 2019,” Report, Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional, Jakarta, 2019.
[3] Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi, Buku Pedoman Program Fasilitas Program Studimenuju Akreditasi/Sertifikasi Internasional, Direktorat Jenderal Pembelajarandan Kemahasiswaan Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi, Jakata, 2019.
[4] Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Bisnis, Alfabeta, Bandung, 2014.
[5] Umar, Husein, Riset Pemasaran & Prilaku Konsumen, PT Sun, Jakarta, 2005.

Paper Title :: The Effectiveness of the Creative Problem Solving (CPS) Model-Based E-Module Assisted by Comics on Temperature, Expansion, and Heat Materials to Improve the Creative Thinking Ability of Grade VII Junior High School Students
Author Name :: Sari Aini || Muhammad Nasir || Dina Syaflita
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 66-70
The ability to think creatively is part of the learning concept that must be improved and trained continuously in students. Improving the ability to think creatively in students aims to make students better understand and interpret learning concepts. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of e-modules based on creative problem solving (CPS) models assisted by comics on temperature, expansion and heat materials to improve the creative thinking ability of grade VII students of SMP Negeri 1 Perhentian Raja. The research was conducted on class VII students of SMP Negeri 1 Perhentian Raja on temperature, expansion, and heat materials, the classes taken were class VII 1 which amounted to 26 students and class VII 3 which amounted to 26 students where the two classes consisted of experimental classes and control classes. The data collection instrument is in the form of a test of the results of the creative thinking ability of class VII temperature, expansion, and heat material consisting of 10 essay questions. The type of research is quasi-experiment with a Posstest Only Non-equivalent Control Group Designdesign. The independent sample t-test with the help of SPSS version 26 shows that the creative problem solving (CPS) model affects the creative thinking ability of students. The creative thinking ability of experimental class students is better than that of control class. Furthermore, the average score of the experimental class was 73.88 and the control class was 62.9. These results show that the creative problem solving (CPS) learning model is effective in students' creative thinking ability
Keywords: Creative Problem Solving (CPS) model, creative thinking ability, temperature, expansion, and heat.
[1] Kunandar. 2007. Guru Profesional : Implementasi Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) dan Sukses dalam Sertifikasi Guru. Jakarta : Rajagrafindo Persada.
[2] Hasanah, J., Jamaluddin, & Prayitno, G. H. (2019). Bahan Ajar IPA Berbasis Inkuiri Terstruktur untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Sains Peserta Didik SMP. J. Pijar MIPA, 14(2), 18-24.
[3] Bisri, Mohamad. 2020. Komponen-Komponen dan Model Pengembangan Kurikulum. Prosiding Nasional 3, 99-110,2020.
[4] Saluky. 2016. Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Matematika Berbasis Web Dengan Menggunakan Wordpress. EduMa, 5 (1) : 80-90.
[5] Amaliyah, Marisa, dkk. 2021. Analisis Kesulitan Belajar dan Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Kesulitan Belajar IPA Siswa SMP Negeri 4 Singaraja. Ganesha : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha.

Paper Title :: Development of 3-Dimensional Visual-Based Learning Media on Solar System Materials for Junior High Schools
Author Name :: Ikram Rama Putra || Muhammad Nasir || Ernidawati
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 71-76
This research aims to produce 3-dimensional visual-based learning media on Solar System Material that valid. The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D) research with the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). 3-Dimensional visual-based learning media developed through validation stages. The data was collected through a validation assessment sheet that was assessed by the validator. The results of the study indicated that the average value of Aiken's V validity index in the design aspect was 0.91, the pedagogical aspect was 0.89, the content aspect was 0.96, and the technical aspect was 0.95. The overall result of the average validity index value of Aiken's V was 0.93, in which the validity index value of Aiken's V has an indicator value of 0.40, hence it was declared as valid. Thus, it could be concluded that the 3-Dimensional Visual-based learning media on Solar System material for junior high schools was valid based on the design, pedagogical, content, and technical aspects. The results of validation of 3-Dimensional visual-based learning media are obtained on average >0.40 so that they can be declared valid.
Keywords: 3-Dimension, Learning Media, Validity Test, Solar System
[1]. B. Sumintono, S. Agung Wibowo, and N. Mislan dan Dayang Hjh Tiawa, “Penggunaan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dalam Pengajaran: Survei pada Guru-Guru Sains SMPdi Indonesia,” Jurnal Pengajaran Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (JPMIPA), vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 122–131, 2012.
[2]. O. Widodo, S. An’nur, and A. I. Mahardika, “Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Menggunakan Slide Presentasi 3 Dimensi Sebagai Multimedia Interaktif pada Pokok Bahasan Kalor Untuk Siswa SMP,” Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika, vol. 5, no. 1, 2017.
[3]. H. Z. Okulu and A. O. Ünver, “Bring Cosmos into the Classroom: 3d Hologram,” Education Research Highlights in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 2016.
[4]. F. Yuningsih, A. Hadi, and A. Huda, “Rancang Bangun Animasi 3 Dimensi Sebagai Media Pembelajaran pada Mata Pelajaran Menginstalasi PC,” Voteteknika (Vocational Teknik Elektronika dan Informatika), vol. 2, no. 2, Nov. 2018, doi: 10.24036/voteteknika.v2i2.4069.
[5]. R. Wahyu Setiaji, “Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran 3 Dimensi Materi Lipatan dan Patahan Mata Kuliah Geologi Struktur Prodi S1 Pendidikan Geografi Universitas Negeri Surabaya,” Swara Bhumi, vol. 1, no. 1, 2019.

Paper Title :: Daughter’s Soaring Ambitions and Mother’s Growing Pains in Lady Bird
Author Name :: VeekshaVagmita
Country :: India
Page Number :: 77-80
The paper would tease out the intricacies of maternal work through an analysis of a mother‟s “growing pains” in the film Lady Bird (2017). This coming-of-age narrative is as much about the trials of mothering an adamant and ambitious adolescent as it is about the bittersweet process of growing up. Sara Ruddick observes how “the dominant culture obscures even the existence, and certainly the difficulty, of the maternal task of letting a child grow into [your] life—which also means growing away” (91).Lady Bird foregrounds the involved, passionate and challenging nature of mothering. Marion McPhersonstruggles to respond adequately and reasonably to Lady Bird‟s strong and evolving personality. The daughter‟s rites of passage are viewed equally from the perspective of the mother. When Lady Bird drives around in Sacramento, the way Marion does every day, she is able to embody her mother‟s being and see her hometown through new eyes. In this sombre and contemplative moment, Lady Bird recognises her deep connection to her mother and (female) roots. Marion‟s efforts to cope with her daughter‟s aspirations point to the complexity of mothering and the difficulty of “letting go”. When Lady Bird leaves a poignant message for her mother, she reconciles the tension between a desire for autonomy and the need for affiliation.
Keywords: Lady Bird, mothering, Motherline, mother-daughter relationship, growing pains, rites of passage
[1]. Debold, Elizabeth, et al. The Mother Daughter Revolution. Addison-Wesley, 1993.
[2]. Lowinsky, Naomi Ruth. Stories from the Motherline: Reclaiming the Mother-Daughter Bond, Finding Our Feminine Souls. Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1992.
[3]. O‟Reilly, Andrea. “Across the Divide: Contemporary Anglo-American Feminist Theory onthe Mother-Daughter Relationship.” Mothers and Daughters, edited by Dannabang Kuwabong, et al. Demeter Press, 2017.
[4]. Rich, Adrienne. of Woman Born: Motherhood as Experience and Institution. W. W. Norton,1986.[5]. Ruddick, Sara. Maternal Thinking: Toward a Politics of Peace. Beacon Press, 1995.

Paper Title :: Application Of Colorado’s Phet Assisted Argument Driven Inquiry Learning Model to Improve Understanding of the Concept of Dynamic Fluid Matter Class XI High School
Author Name :: Novi Nanda Yusri || Muhammad Nasir || M. Rahmad
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 81-85
The understanding of students' concepts in general can be said to be still at a stage that is not optimal. Generally, students are only focused on the material presented by the teacher without any effort to understand it well. This study aims to describe the understanding of students' concepts using the Colorado PhET-assisted Argument Driven Inquiry learning model on the dynamic Fluid material of class XI SMA second objective To find out the difference in understanding of student concepts between classes that use the Colorado PhET-assisted Argument Driven Inquiry learning model on the material dynamic fluid with classes that apply conventional learning in class XI of high school.. The research was conducted on students of class XI SMA Negeri 1 Kubu Babussalam on dynamic fluid material, the classes taken were class XI IPA B which amounted to 28 students and class XI Science A which amounted to 33 students where the two classes consisted of experimental classes and control classes. The data collection instrument is in the form of a test of the results of the postes understanding of concepts in dynamic fluid material class XI SMA which consists of 14 objective questions. The type of research is quasi-experiment with a Posstest Only Non-equivalent Control Group Designdesign. Independent sample t-test with the help of SPSS version 21 showed that the Colorado PhET-assisted Argument Driven Inquiry learning model affects students' understanding of concepts. The concept understanding ability of experimental class students is better than that of control class. Furthermore, the average score of the experimental class was 82.64 and the control class was 64.53. These results suggest that the Colorado PhET-assisted Argument Driven Inquiry learning model is effective against learners' conceptual understanding.
Keywords: Argument Driven Inquiry, PhET Colorado, Concept understanding, Dynamic fluids.
[1] Karwonodan Heni Mularsih. 2017. Belajardan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindopersada.
[2] I Ketut Sudarsana. (2018). Optimalisasi Penggunaan Teknologi Dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Di Sekolah (Persepektif Teori Konstruktivisme). Ejournal Jayapangupress, 8–15.
[3] Manurung, I. F. U., Mailani, E., & Simanuhuruk, A. (2020). Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Argument Driven Inquiry Berbantuan Virtual Laboratory Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Literasi Sains Mahapeserta didik Pgsd. Js (Jurnal Sekolah), 4(September), 26–32.
[4] Hendriyani, W., Hasnunidah, N., & Yolida, B. (2020). Bioedusiana. 5(1).
[5] Sampson, V. & Gleim, L. 2009. Argument driven Inquiry to Promote the Understanding of Important Concepts & Practices in Biology. The American Biology Teacher, (71) (8): 465-472

Paper Title :: Fundamental Problems of Artificial Intelligence Technology in the Critical Study of Indonesian Philosophy
Author Name :: Mohammad Mukhtasar Syamsuddin || MustofaAnshori Lidinillah || Abdul Rokhmat Sairah
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 86-94
The presence of artificial intelligence (AI) is an important marker for the occurrence of the digital revolution which has extensively framed human thought and behavior. This paper intends to analyze the fundamental problems of AI by using Indonesian philosophical system approach known as Pancasila, a perspective originating from the Indonesian nation’s philosophical thought system. The method used in the analysis phase is historical and critical reflection. The results of the analysis show that conceptually, the intelligence inherent in the AI concept is different from non-reductionist human thinking. Mind as part of the constitutive element of the human psyche that is imitated by AI is not the only determinant factor in determining intelligent behavior. In the perspective of Pancasila philosophy, intelligent behavior is built from basic human nature which is monoplural in nature, that is based on its natural composition, humans are creatures composed of body and soul, based on their natural nature, humans are creatures that have individual and social characteristics, and based on their natural position, humans are independent beings and God’s creatures.
Keywords: fundamental problems,artificial intelligence technology, critical study, Indonesian philosophy.
[1]. C. Mitcham, Thinking through Technology: The Path between Engineering and Philosophy, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1994.
[2]. M. Heidegger, The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays, William Lovitt (trans.), Harper & Row, New York, 1977.
[3]. Accenture Technology Vision, “Why is Artificial Intelligence Important?, 2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Dec. 12, 2022].
[4]. T. Morisse, “AI New Age, Faber Novel,” 2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Dec. 12, 2022].
[5]. S. Russel, P. Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Prentice-Hall International, Inc, 1995.

Paper Title :: Work Stress among Teachers in Malaysia: A Literature Review Study
Author Name :: Umah Validiner || Dr Mohd Razimi Bin Husin || Dr Tajul Rosli Bin Shuib
Country :: Malaysia
Page Number :: 95-103
This study discusses the work stress among teachers in Malaysia. The objective of this study is to identify the relationship between workload factors, the relationship between colleagues and student behavior on work stress among teachers in Malaysia. Based on the highlights of previous studies, it has been proven that there are several main factors that invite work stress among school teachers. Among the factors are workload factors, relationships between colleagues and student behavior in school. These three factors are seen to have an impact on the quality of work among school teachers which in turn invites work stress. The work pressure experienced by teachers in Malaysia is seen to be at a high level and requires immediate attention from those responsible. This study was conducted to provide a broad exposure related to the factors that contribute to work stress among teachers in Malaysia.
Keywords: work stress, workload, relationship woth colleagues, students behavior
[1]. Abdul Hanit Halit& Ahmad Hakimi Awang. (2012). Stres dalam kalangan penjawat awam kumpulan sokongan Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. Jurnal Psikologi dan Kaunseling Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia, 7, 257 – 278.
[2]. Abdul Wahid Nuruddin. (1996). Stres Pekerjaan di Kalangan Guru: Satu Kajian Kes. Tesis (B.Ed), Sintok: Universiti Utara Malaysia
[3]. Ahmad Shukri Mohd Nain. (2002).Tingkah laku organisasi: Pengenalan tingkah laku individu. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Johor.
[4]. Ali, A., & Rajuddin, M. R. (2010). The influence of teaching approaches among technical and vocational education teachers towards acquisition of technical skills in Kano State-Nigeria. Journal of education and practice, 3(16), 160-165.
[5]. Amiza Mohd Nazir. (2004). Hubungan Personaliti, Kepuasan Kerja Dan Kesihatan Mental Dan Fizikal di Kalangan Pekerja Kilang. Latihan Ilmiah. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Anastasi. (1982). PsychologyTesting. New York: Mc Millan Publishing Co.

Paper Title :: Exploring Oral Corrective Feedback in the Context of Teaching Speaking in an Indonesian Senior High School
Author Name :: Anisyah Pratiwi, Budi Setyono, Siti Sundari
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 104-113
This paper explores how the English teacher in an Indonesian senior high school provides oral corrective feedback (OCF) to the students in the context of teaching speaking. The English teacher at Islamic Senior High School was recruited in the study. The data were collected through virtual observation and face-to-face observation (by using Zoom software and visiting the classroom) and interview with the English teacher. The results revealed that the English teacher used four types of OCF, explicit correction, recast, clarification request, and elicitation. While the rest, metalinguistic and repetition were not given as oral feedback. The most frequent use of OCF was explicit correction (52%), while the least frequent use of OCF was clarification request (2%). The English teacher‟sreasons in providing OCF were various. This study highlights the provision of the English teacher in providing OCF as corrective feedback.
Keywords: oral corrective feedback, English teacher, teaching speaking
[1]. Atai, M. R., & Shafiee, Z. (2017). Pedagogical knowledge base underlying EFL teachers‟ provision of oral corrective feedback in grammar instruction. Teacher Development, 21(4), 1-17.
[2]. Brookhart, S. M. (2008). How To Give Effective Feedback To Your Students. United States of America: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASDC).
[3]. Carless, D., & Winstone, N. (2020). Teacher feedback literacy and its interplay with student feedback literacy (published online). Teaching in Higher Education, 1-14.
[4]. Couper, G. (2019). Teachers‟ cognitions of corrective feedback on pronunciation: Their beliefs, perceptions and practices. System, 84, 41-52.
[5]. Gentrup, S., Lorenz, G., Kristen, C., & Kogan, I. (2020). Self-fulfilling prophecies in the classroom: Teacher expectations, teacher feedback and student achievement. Learning and Instruction, 66, 1-17.

Paper Title :: Pity as an element of education for the formation of virtuous citizens
Author Name :: Anastasia Dimitrakopoulou
Country :: Greece
Page Number :: 114-119
Pity is a social emotion, which, if developed through education, can motivate students to action. All societies are able to exploit the advantages of pity for the benefit of the common good. Let it not escape us that man lives within the social and political framework, coexists with other people and therefore, his life is directly connected to the course of society. In the present study we will seek to investigate the way pity is developed through education and its importance for a society.
Keywords: Education, pity, society, citizens.
[1]. D. E. Cartwright, ―Schopenhauer's Compassion and Nietzsche's Pity‖, Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 69, pp. 557-567, 1988.
[2]. M.Heidegger, It is also Time, Dodoni, Athens, 1978.
[3]. D. James,―Rousseau on Needs, Language and Pity: The Limits of Public Reason‖, European Journal of Political Theory 10(3),pp. 372–393, 2011.
[4]. D. Jones,―The Origins of Global Cities: Ethics and Morality in Contemporary Cosmopolitanism‖, British Journal of Politics and International relations, 5, 1,pp. 50-73, 2003.
[5]. G. Karaphyllis,―Philosophical Approach to Altruism‖, Scientific Yearbook of the Department of Education DE, (16), pp. 57-83.Ioannina, 2003.

Paper Title :: The Development of Blended Instructional Model Based on Design Thinking and Practical Art Learning Integrated with Cognitive Tools to Enhance Creative Thinking and Artworks
Author Name :: Nattawan Chalermsuk || Itthidech Noimai || Kittiporn Chukeat
Country :: Thailand
Page Number :: 120-125
This research aims to create a model and study the result of applying the Developmentof Blended Instructional Model with design thinking methods and practical arts learning that is integrated with cognitive tools to develop art production creativity. The research result found that: 1) The model was composed of five components which are 1. Blended art learning activities 2. Learning sources 3. Communication/Interaction to the learning, 4. Learning and teaching management and 5. Learning evaluation. Also, there were six steps of learning and teaching activities which are, firstly, creating inspiration and knowledge acquisition, secondly, knowledge collection and access, thirdly, thought-provoking and knowledge expansion, fourthly, constructing creative works, fifthly, developing the adapted works, and, lastly, criticism and evaluation. 2) Experimental results of the blended instructional model saw that high school students had average score significantly higher than previously at the statistical level of .05 and artworks of students had creativity score above the specified standard with an average value in the high level.
Keywords: Blended learning, practical art learning, design thinking, cognitive tool.
[1]. Clark, G. A., Day, M. D., & Greer, W. D.,Discipline-based art education: Becoming students of art The Journal of Aesthetic Education, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 129 - 196, 1987.
[2]. Chalermsuk, N &Satiman, A,The development of a blended teaching style By learning practical skills together with intellectual tools through cloud computing. To enhance creativity skills and artistic creation of high school students. education journal Chulalongkorn University,vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 84-102, 2019.
[3]. Panmanee, A., Creative Psychology of teaching.Bangkok:Yaimai, 2003.
[4]. Bonk, C. J., & Graham, C. R., Handbook of blended learning: Global perspectives. SanFrancisco: Pfeiffer, 2004.
[5]. Gagne, R. M.,The conditions of learning. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965.

Paper Title :: Clauses Characteristics in Conversation on Motion Picture
Author Name :: Ambalegin Ambalegin
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 126-132
The purpose of this paper is to preparing the players and subjecting them to perform complex exercises within the phosphagenic system because of its importance in raising some of the bio-kinetic capabilities represented by (explosive ability, flexibility, agility) by improving their ability to perform well and continuing that without decreasing the player's ability to continue playing during the match. As for the research problem, by following the researcher’s youth league in Was it governorate and some training units, he noticed their lack of many bio-kinetic abilities, especially in explosive ability, flexibility and agility, and these capabilities lead to weak players’ ability to perform strong and fast continuous throughout the match, and the researcher explains the weakness of the players’ bio-kinetic capabilities to The vocabulary of the training units does not include exercises of an explosive nature, as well as flexibility and agility. The aim of the research is to prepare complex exercises within the phosphagenic system in developing some of the bio-kinetic capabilities of young football players. In addition to identifying the effect of compound exercises within the phosphagenic system in developing some of the bio-kinetic abilities of young football players. The research assumed that there were statistically significant differences between the experimental and control groups in some bio-kinetic abilities and in favor of the experimental group. In addition, there were statistically significant differences between the pre, post-tests of the experimental, and control groups in some bio-kinetic abilities and in favor of the post-test. As for the research sample, it was also chosen in a deliberate way, and they are the players of Al-Nahrain and Al-Sharqiya Club, the youth category, due to the availability of the research requirements in them, and the number of the research sample was (32) players. Goalkeepers and some players from each club were excluded, bringing the final number to (20) players. The research sample was divided into two experimental groups, represented by the youth of the martyrs, and the control group represented by the youth of the Eastern Province, and each group included (10) players. The pre tests were conducted on the two research groups, after which the compound exercises were applied within (24) training units, and after the completion of the training units, the post-tests were conducted and the test data were collected using Excel and processed statistically with the Spss statistical bag. After the presentation and discussion of the results, the researcher reached the most important conclusions, namely the compound exercises within the phosphagenic system contributed to the development of the bio-kinetic capabilities represented by (explosive ability, flexibility and agility) in the experimental research group. In addition to the superiority of the experimental group over the control group in the post-tests due to the complex exercises within the phosphagenic system and the nature of their application, using the training tools represented by the Swiss ball and rubber ropes.
[1]. Ali Salloum Al-Hakim.2004.Tests, Measurement and Statistics in the Mathematical Field, Al-Qadisiyah University, Al-Taif for Printing, , p. 122.
[2]. Amira Hassan Mahmoud and Mahar Hassan Mahmoud. 2021. Modern trends in the science of sports training, 2nd ed. (Egypt, Alexandria, Sports World Foundation and Dar Al-Wafaa for the world of printing, p. 172.
[3]. Fadel Daham Mansour Al-Mayahi. 2017. Sports Training, Baghdad, Al-Yamamah Office for Printing and Publishing, p. 144.
[4]. Furat Jabbar Saadallah.2002. Determining standard levels for some general and specific physical fitness elements for youth soccer teams, PhD thesis, College of Physical Education, University of Baghdad, p. 117.
[5]. Hanafi Mahmoud Mukhtar. 1995. Practical Application in Football Training, Cairo, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Arabi, pg. 46.

Paper Title :: The effect of compound exercises within the phosphagen system on some bio-kinetic abilities of football players under 17 years old
Author Name :: Arkan Hassan Jabbar
Country :: Iraq
Page Number :: 133-141
This qualitative research aims at identifying the characteristics of clauses use in conversation performed in Cruella. This study investigates the difference construction of clauses in oral and written way. The data which were utterances were analyzed narratively. The result of this study was displayed descriptively. The characteristics of the clause construction showed that the speakers constructed more than two clauses in a sentence and did not put all subordinates in the sentence, there was a subordinate clause in a subordinate clause, the speakers omitted subordinator that as in that-clause or noun clause and where in adjective clause, and some clauses stood ungrammatically. The speakers constructed the position of the main clause and subordinate clause improperly. These phenomena occurred due to the oral clause construction.Based on the script, a few subordinate clauses stood independently as they interrelated to the main clause, although it wasungrammatical.
Keywords: Clauses,Construction, Oral, Subordinator
[1] A. F. Sulistiani, “An analysis of relative clause in the novel Paper Towns by John Green,” J. Lang. Lit., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 72–83, 2018, doi:
[2] J. Helmie, N. Kurniawati, and T. S. Waroka, “Analysis of English clause patterns: (A qualitative analytical on clause pattern in novel),” JOEPALLT J. English Pedagog. Linguist. Lit. Teach., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 114–128, doi: DOI :10.35194/jj.v10i2.2562.
[3] E. P. Dewi and A. Haryudin, “The uses of clause relations in the Guardian Article: Destroying the World‟s Natural Heritage: „Komodo is Reaching a Tipping Point,‟” PROJECT, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 824–829, 2019, doi: DOI:
[4] E. Raputri, “The use of clause complexes in IJAL research article abstracts,” in ICHSS International Conference of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2022, pp. 141–147.
[5] T. Deveci and R. Nunn, “The use of relative clauses in humanities and social sciences research articles: A case study,” Linguist. Lit. Stud., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 17–26, 2018, doi: DOI: 10.13189/lls.2018.060103.

Paper Title :: Implementation of Headmaster as a Manager in Increasing the Professional Competence of Educators at MTsN 1 Kediri City and MTsN 2 Kediri City
Author Name :: Emi Rosyidah || Ahmad Patoni || Ngainun Naim || Eti Rohmawati
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 142-148
Qualified educators are the main factor in the quality of education. Within the framework of increasing professionalism of educators, the headmaster of the Madrasa has an obligation to increase the competence of educators. The success of the headmaster as manager in a systematic manner does all his efforts to increase the competence of professional educators. The success of the headmaster of increasing educator professional competence will influence the method, good planning, good implementation plan, and evaluation of results by educators. Based on this phenomenon, this research improving management of headmasters has implemented a program of professional competence of educators at MTsN 1 Kota Kediri and MTsN 2 Kota Kediri. This research method uses a qualitative approach with type study multisite studies. The data collection techniques used are participant observation, interview depth and documentation. Techniques data analysis using individual data analysis and analysis cross site. Check data validity with credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability. Research results show both the two sites do implementation of improvement programs competence professional educators by compiling an evaluation self, educator program.
Keywords: Headmaster, Implementation, Professional Competence
[1]. Soetopo, Hendyat , Educational Leadership , (Malang: Faculty Malang State University of Education, 2010), 68
[2]. TA'ALLUM: Journal of Islamic Education Volume 8, Number 2, December 2020, Pages 309-332 p-ISSN: 2303 1891; e-ISSN: 2549-2926
[3]. Regulation of the Minister of Religion Number 38 of 2018 ,Professional Program Sustainable
[4]. Permenpan RB no 16 of 2009, Position Functional Teachers and Their Credit Scores
[5]. Regulation of the Minister of Religion Number 38 of 2018 ,Professional Program Sustainable

Paper Title :: Concept of cohesion in Cohesion linguistics
Author Name :: M.A Pham Thu Trang
Country :: Vietnam
Page Number :: 149-151
This article compares and contrasts two key concepts in text cohesion. That is cohesion concept of two famous linguists M.A.K Halliday and R. Hasan in Cohesion in English and Tran Ngoc Them's text cohesion concept in Vietnamese Cohesion System (1985), which aims to help learners understand more deeply about text cohesion, easily visualize, compare, and explain the commonalities and differences in the area of cohesive means of different methods. The methods are based on the two previously mentioned text cohesion concepts.
Keywords: cohesion, text, Tran Ngoc Them, Halliday M A K & R.Hasan.
[1]. M.A.K. Halliday, Ruqaiya Hasan (1994), Cohesion in English, Longman, (First published 1976).
[2]. Nunan. D (1997), Introduction to Discourse Analysis, Education Publisher, (translated by Ho My Huyen, Truc Thanh).
[3]. Diep Quang Ban (1999), Texts and cohesion in Vietnamese, Education Publisher.
[4]. Tran Ngoc Them (1985), the system of linking documents in Vietnamese, University and THCN Publisher, Hanoi.

Paper Title :: Detection of Fraud Financial Statements through the Hexagon Model Vousinas Fraud Dimensions: Review on Jakarta Islamic Index 70
Author Name :: Natasya Navila Rahma || Shinta Permata Sari
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 152-159
Fraud in a financial report is done on purpose or by accident when the financial statements presented are not in line with accounting standards. Some mistakes made intentionally in the financial statements by concealing the truth of the disclosure of the financial statement information. There are several models used to detect fraud in financial statements. One of them is the fraud hexagon model, which detects fraud in financial reports, developed by Georginas L. Vousinas (2019). This study aims to detect the effect of all the fraud hexagon model factors on financial statement fraud. The sample in this study is comprised of companies registered on the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) for 2019–2021. The sample is detined using the purposive sampling method, whichuse to select samples according to certain criteria, as many as 66 samples for three years. The hypothesis in this study was tested using logistic regression analysis to analyse the data. The results of this study indicate that financial stability and ego/arrogance have an effect on financial statement fraud, while personal financial need, external pressure, financial target, capability, the nature of the industry, effective monitoring, rationalization, and collusion have no effect on financial statement fraud.
Keywords: Financial statement fraud, fraud hexagon model, m-score model, Jakarta islamic index 70.
[1] ACFE. (2022). Occupational Fraud 2022: A Report to the nations. Acfe, 1–96.
[2] Ainiyah, L. N., & Effendi, D. (2022). The Influence of Hexagon Fraud Theory in Detecting Financial Statement Fraud (Study of Manufacturing Companies in the Food and Bavarage Sub-Sector Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2016 – 2020).
[3] Akbar, N. R., Zakaria, A., & Prihatni, R. (2022). Financial Statement Analysis of Fraud with Hexagon Theory Fraud Approach. Jurnal Akuntansi, Perpajakan, Dan Auditing, 3(1), 137–161.
[4] Beneish, M. D. (1999). The Detection of Earnings Manipulation. Financial Analysts Journal, 55(5), 24–36.
[5] Beneish, M.D., Lee, Charles M.C., Nichols D. Craig. Earnings Manipulation and Expected Returns. (2013). Retrieved January 23, 2023, from Financial Analysts Journal website:

Paper Title :: Internal Factors Influencing Corporate Value in the Consumer Goods Industry Sector in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Author Name :: Indah Elva Meidina Putri || Shinta Permata Sari
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 160-166
Corporate value is an investor's perception of the success of a company related to stock prices. Some internal factors can influence the success of a business. This study attempts to determine the impact of internal factors on firms classified in the consumer goods category that is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2019–2021 periods. These internal factors include debt policy, dividend policy, asset growth, sales growth, and free cash flow. The sampling technique uses a purposive sampling method, and there are 21 consumer goods industry classification companies that meet the criteria with 63 data points before the data becomes an outlier and becomes 60 data points used as research samples. The analysis method used in this research is multiple regression analysis. Research results show that dividend and free cash flow policies affect corporate value. Meanwhile, debt policy, asset growth, and sales growth do not affect corporate value.
Keywords: Corporate growth, corporate value, debt policy, dividend policy, and free cash flow
[1] Agustin, S. Y., & Wahyuni, D. U. (2020). The Effect of Sales Growth, Profitability, and Company Size on Manufacturing Company Value. Jurnal Ilmudan Riset Manajemen(JIRM), 9(4).
[2] Andriani, L. (2018). The Effect of Profitability and Sales Growth on Firm Value with Dividend Policy as an Intervening Variable (Empirical Study on Sub. Property and Real Estate Sector Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012–2016). JOURNAL EKOBIS DEWANTARA, 1 (7), 139-151.
[3] Azharin, M., & Ratnawati, D. (2022). The Effect of Institutional Ownership, Dividend Policy, and Debt Policy on Firm Value. Jesya (Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Ekonomi Syariah), 5(2), 1264–1278.
[4] Barmin, H., & Herlina, E. (2022). The Effect of Intellectual Capital, Free Cash Flow, and Asset Growth on Firm Value. Eqien-Jurnal Ekonomidan Bisnis, 11(1), 422-429.
[5] Brigham, E. F. and J. F. Houston. 2006. Fundamentals of Financial Management. Fourth Edition.Jakarta.

Paper Title :: The Relationship between Blau Gender Theory and Resources Dependence: In Term of Financial Behavioral
Author Name :: Evy Nurhayati Sri Hardini || Shinta Permata Sari
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 167-175
The company's broad focus is on the relationship between the board of directors and the company's financial performance.The financial performance of the organization is the results of numerous individual decisions continuously by management. Researchers and practitioners are interest between one feature about blau gender theory. Through the logical presentation, Blau focusses on the topics of measures, density, and heterogeneity that have influence on society.Women's involvement in decision-making advances stability security, public trust, financial accountability, and focuses more on reducing inequality. This study aims to determine the relationship between gender diversity, nationality diversity, education diversity and tenure diversity to financial performance using measuring instrumentin the form of Tobin's Q in finance companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2019 to 2021 periods.The sampling technique uses the purposive sampling method and there are 52 finance companies that meet the criteria with 148 data uses as research samples. The analysis method uses in the study on the form of a multiple regression analysis methods. The results show that nationality diversity and tenure diversity have affect on financial performance with measuring instruments in the form of Tobin's Q. Gender diversity and Education diversity do not have affect on financial performance.
Keywords: blau gender, education, financial performance, nationality, tenure diversity
[1] Adams. (2016). Women on boards: The Superheroes of Tomorrow? Leadership Quarterly, 27(3), 371–386.
[2] Alamsyah and Madyan. (2021). Board Characteristics Proporsi Woman on Board in the Financial Performance. JMBI UNSRAT (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Bisnis Dan Inovasi Universitas Sam Ratulangi)., 8(1), 319–331.
[3] An and Lee. (2022). The Impact of Gender Diversity and Disparity on Organizational Performance: Evidence from Korean Local Government-Owned Enterprises. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 42(3), 395–415.
[4] Arnaboldi. (2020). The Performance Effects of Board Heterogeneity: What Works for EU banks? European Journal of Finance, 26(10), 897–924.
[5] Assenga. (2018). The Impact of Board Characteristics on The Financial Performance of Tanzanian firms. Corporate Governance (Bingley), 18(6), 1089–1106.

Paper Title :: The Influence of Regional Original Income, General Allocation Funds, and Special Allocation Funds on the Human Development Index
(Conduct Research on Java Island Regencies and Cities During 2019 to 2021)
Author Name :: Nidia Muri Fitriya || Banu Witono
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 176-181
This study intends to examine how the Human Development Index (HDI) is impacted by Regional Original Income (PAD), General Allocation Fund (DAU), and Special Allocation Fund (DAK). For data collecting in this research design, quantitative techniques are used along with documentation techniques. 119 district/city governments on Java Island make up the study's population from 2019 to 2021. Additionally, the study's sample was chosen using a purposive sampling technique with full data criteria for the PAD, DAU, DAK, and HDI from 2019 to 2021. The information used in this study is secondary data, specifically reports on budget realization obtained from the Republic of Indonesia's Directorate General of Fiscal Balance website ( and the Human Development Index for Java Island regencies/cities for 2019–2021 obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics website ( The SPSS 23.00 application is used in data analysis procedures. The study's findings demonstrate that PAD, DAU, and DAK have an impact on HDI.
Keywords: PAD, DAU, DAK, HDI, Java Island
[1] A. Arispen & D. Rahmi,“Pengaruh Dana Otonomi Khusus dan Pendapatan Asli Daerah terhadap Indeks Pembangunan Manusia di Provinsi Aceh Tahun 2008-2020,” Journal Riset Ilmu Ekonomi, I(1), pp.75-81, 2021.
[2] A. Putrisandya & M. Dewi, ”Pengaruh Pendapatan Asli Daerah, Dana Alokasi Umum, PDRB Terhadap Belanja Daerah dan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia,”E-Jurnal EP Unud, X(11), pp. 4717-4744, 2020.
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Paper Title :: The production of knowledge, the technology and the culture: a brief analysis of their relationships
Author Name :: Luiz Augusto Hayne
Country :: Brazil
Page Number :: 182-186
The production of knowledge, the technology and the culture, despite being phenomena that differ from each other are part of the same context and are involved in the process of human evolution. The objective of this article is to present a brief analysis that shows how these fields related to the evolution of society are linked. It started from the statement that the trajectories aimed at the development of these fields keep an interconnection that together are connected with the evolution of human being which can be explained by the birth of Society and the development that it has been experiencing.
Keywords: society, technology, culture, scientific knowledge.
[1]. B. Sequeira, J.F. Marques,“Relações entre sociedade e conhecimento”, Development and Society, n. 1, Portugal, nov.2016.
[2]. F.J. Bruseke,“A técnica e os riscos da modernidade”, Ed. Of the Federal University of Santa Catarina/UFSC, Florianópolis, 2001.
[3]. E. Durkheim, “As Regras do Método Sociológico” (specialedition), Edipro, 1ª edição, São Paulo, fev. 2012.
[4]. E.R. Martins,“Cultura, história, cultura histórica”,Art Cultura, v. 14, n. 25, p. 63-82, Uberlândia, jul/dez 2012.
[5]. G.B. Silva, M.I.V. Botelho,“Temporalidades”, Edition of the Postgraduate Program in History of UFMG, v. 8, n. 1, Depart. Of History, FAFICH/UFMG, Belo Horizonte, jan/mai 2016.

Paper Title :: Development of social skills of professional soldiers in management and command functions aimed at positively influencing subordinate soldiers
Author Name :: Šrobárová Soňa || Petrúfová Mária
Country :: Slovakia
Page Number :: 187-193
The issue of developing the social skills of professional soldiers in management and command functions, with a focus on positively influencing subordinate soldiers, is an integral part of the perfect performance of military duties. The basic theoretical starting points regarding the commander's personality, his key competencies, priority issues of the commander's social skills and the techniques of their own development represent an important success factor in the management and command of subordinate professional soldiers. The developed analytical program for the development of social skills, which represent the basic set of competencies necessary for the management and command function, is part of the fulfillment of the mission and mission of the commander.
Keywords: Social skills, professional soldier, commander, leadership
[1] TAWNSHEND, CHARLES: History of Modern War, Oxford University, 2000, In Nemeček, V, p.8 12 (book style)
[2] HOFREITER, L.: On some requirements for a military professional. In: Proceedings of the international military-scientific conference, Academy of the Armed Forces of General MR Štefánik, 2005. p. 120
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[4] JANEČEK, V.: Competencies of a commander as a leader of a military unit: Proceedings of the international military-scientific conference, Academy of the Armed Forces of General MR Štefánik in Liptovský Mikuláš, 2004. 75-78 p. ISBN 80-8040-249-3
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Paper Title :: Analysis of Company Characteristics on Financial Performance through Efficiency Ratio in Food & Beverage Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Author Name :: Nevia Fitriyani || Tri Kartika Pertiwi || Dhani Ichsanuddin Nur
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 194-208
The purpose of this study was to analyze and determine the effect of asset structure on profitability, to analyze and determine the effect of leverage on profitability, to analyze and determine the effect of asset structure on profitability through efficiency ratios and to analyze and determine the effect of leverage on profitability through efficiency ratios.
The population used in this study are Food & Beverage companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2021, totaling 43 companies. Based on predetermined criteria, a sample of 20 Food & Beverage companies for the 2017-2021 period (appendix II) was obtained. So that this study has a limited number of samples, the authors added the panel data procedure shown based on 20 companies and 5 periods (20 x 5) and obtained a total of 100 observation data. The test used in this study is path analysis.
Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded: Asset structure contributes to the profitability of Food & Beverage companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Leverage contributes to the profitability of Food & Beverage companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Efficiency ratios are capable of mediating the indirect effect of asset structure on the profitability of Food & Beverage companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The efficiency ratio is capable of mediating the indirect effect of leverage on the profitability of Food & Beverage companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
Keywords: asset structure, leverage, profitability and efficiency ratios
[1]. Andayani, PN, Siregar, MY, & Tarigan, ED (2020). The Effect of Leverage and Company Growth on Profitability (Roe) in Real Estate Property Companies Registered in Bei (2014 – 2018). Scientific Journal of Management and Business (Jimbi) , 48-56.
[2]. Angelina, C., Lim, S., Sharon, Lombogia, JY, & Aruan, DA (2020). The Effect of Current Ratio, Debt To Equity Ratio, Cash Turnover and Total Asset Turnover (Tattoo) on Profitability in Food & Beverages Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Accounting Research & Journal Volume 4 Number 1 , 16-27.
[3]. Atmaja, L. (2012). Financial Management Theory & Practice. Yogyakarta: Andi.
[4]. Baridwan, Z. (2015). Accounting Information Systems, Ninth Print. Yogyakarta: Mr.
[5]. Coal , RA, Topowijono, & Z, ZA (2017). The Influence of Asset Structure, Company Size, and Profitability on Capital Structure (Studies of Food and Beverage Companies Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2012-2015). Journal of Business Administration (Jab)|Vol. 50 No. 4 , 2.

Paper Title :: Assessment of Factors Enhancing Success of Primary Consumer Cooperatives: The Case of Burayu Town, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia
Author Name :: Fituma Tolera Debisa
Country :: Ethiopia
Page Number :: 209-227
This study was focused on an assessment of factors enhancing the success of primary consumer cooperatives in Burayu town, Oromia regional state, Ethiopia. To answer research questions, descriptive and explanatory method of research design, as well as mixed method research approach, is employed. The researcher was used both the primary and the secondary data sources. Questionnaires were distributed for members of the primary consumer cooperatives in the study area. In addition to this, the interview was used to strengthen the information that has been collected through questionnaires. The data has been analyzed through, descriptive statistics such as frequency distributions table, percentage, mean and standard division. The data entry and analysis have been performed by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 25.0. The level of success of primary consumer cooperatives is moderate in providing price of goods and services, satisfaction with the cooperative management accomplishment of their duties, treatment of customers or service users, consistency of supply of essential goods, adequate work to increase the number of members and quality of goods and Services provided by consumer cooperatives. This study has identified various factors for the success of consumer cooperatives. Member‟s participation factors, members‟ awareness factors and managerial factors are perceived as the top three most significant factors that enhance the success of consumer cooperatives as compared to other factors in the selected area. The views and opinions of cooperators helped to develop useful prescriptions. The issues identified may be relevant to those starting or managing cooperatives in in Burayu Town.
Keywords: Consumer cooperative, Success factors, Members
[1]. Ali, A.(2012).The Crucial Role of Leadership in Organizations: A Review of Literature. International Journal of Independent Research and Studies, 1 (4):153-161.
[2]. Amini, A.M., & Ramezani, M. (2006). Study of effective factors on success of poultry-farm cooperatives in Gholestan & Mazandaran Province. Journal of Agriculture Science and Natural Resources, 13(2): 123-33.
[3]. Arifin, M.K. B., Ujianto., & Riyadi, S. (2019). The Effect Of Government Support, Participation Of Members, Manager‟s Performance, And Access To Capital Sources On The Performance Of Cooperatives, Economy And Welvare Of The Members In The City Of Tourist Batu East Java Indonesia. Archives of Business Research, 7(11), 1-13.
[4]. Arinaitwe, R. & Ntirandekura, M. (2022).Organizational Communication and Performance of Co Operative Societies in Uganda. A Case Study of Abateganda Ntungamo Growers Co-Operative Society Ltd,International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 6(5): 83-104.
[5]. Asrat, A. (2017).The Economic Contribution Of Consumer Cooperatives To Their Members, In Addis Ababa, Kolfie Keranyo Sub City, Master Thesis at St. Mary‟s University, Ethiopia.

Paper Title :: Participatory Project Implementation and Sustainability of Hydroelectric Power Projects in Kenya: A case of Mwea Hydroelectric Power Project, Kirinyaga County, Kenya
Author Name :: Oradiegwu Chidiebere Ethel || Dr. Nicasio G. Njue
Country :: Kenya
Page Number :: 228-236
Hydroelectric power projects are facing myriads of implementation challenges that pose threats to attaining sustainable impacts. Participatory decision making is one of such constraints. The study examined how participatory implementation influences sustainability of Mwea Hydroelectric power project in Kirinyaga County, Kenya. Both stakeholder and sustainability theories guided the study. Descriptive survey research design was adopted. The target population was 207 consisting of 187 members of Kiuria Community Micro‐Hydropower Scheme and 20 project implementation officers. Krejcie and Morgan table of sample tabulation was sued to obtain a sample size of 134. Proportionate stratified random sampling technique was utilized in drawing samples from each sub-population. 5-point Likert questionnaire, interview guide and focused group discussion were data collection tools. Reliability was tested using split-half technique subject to Cronbach’s method and the value were α=0.81. The results revealed that there was very strong positive relationship between participatory project (r for =0.86). Thus, the null hypothesis was rejected as there was valid evidence to conclude that participatory project implementation has significant influence on sustainability of Mwea Hydroelectric power project. Recommendation was made to project managers to adopt participatory decision making during project implementation in order promote sustainable results. Government should institute guideline for promoting participatory decision making during project implementation so as to increase chance of impactful outcomes. Government can also apply the findings from this study to develop a criteria or standard for appraising future projects based on the level participation. Future scholars can explore can explore how participatory decision making interacts with risk management to inform sustainability.
Keywords: participatory, project implementation, sustainability, Mwea Hydroelectric power project in Kirinyaga County.
[1]. Bulgacov, S. Paola, M. Márcia, O. & May, R. (2015). Differences in sustainability practices and stakeholder involvement, Social Responsibility Journal, 11(1), 149 - 160
[2]. Caibula, M. N., & Militaru, C. (2021). Stakeholders Influence on the Closing Phase of Projects. Postmodern Openings, 12(1Sup1), 136-148.
[3]. Carrillo, E. F. P. (2020). Corporate governance: shareholders’ interests’ and other stakeholders’ interests. Corporate Ownership & Control 4(4), 96-102.
[4]. Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications. ISBN 978-1-4522-2609-5.
[5]. Ekardt, F. (2014). Climate Change, Justice, and Sustainability: The Right to Freedom, Protection Rights, and Balancing. Archiv für Rechts- Und Sozialphilosophie 100 (2):187-200

Paper Title :: Fin-Tech Emerging Trends in India
Author Name :: Dr. Vikas Kumar Jaiswal || Dr. Ashish Kant Chaudhari || Priya
Country :: India
Page Number :: 237-242
The fin-tech industry has undergone tremendous growth over the past few years. The global fin-tech market size was valued at US Dollars 111 billion in 2020, and is projected to reach US dollar 698 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 20.3 percent. The Indian Fin-tech industry, which is amongst the fastest growing Fin-tech markets in the world was valued at US dollars 50-60 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach US dollar 150 billion by 2025. India has the highest Fin-tech adoption rate globally receiving funding of US dollar 8.53 billion during 2021-22.
Fin-tech innovation are ubiquitous especially in retail and wholesale payments, financial market infrastructure, investment management, insurance, credit provision and equity capital raising and may lead to material changes in the financial landscape. This paper presents an overview of Fin-tech in India.
Keywords: Fin-tech, Economy, Fund Raised, Segmentation, India
[1]. Accessed on 25 May 2016, 17 May 2016. Segments and Elements of Fintech (Dortfleitner et al. 2017: 37).
[2]. Adrian, M. T., & Griffoli, M. T. M. (2019). The rise of digital money. International Monetary Fund.
[3]. Anikina, I.D., Gukova, V.A., Golodova, A.A. and Chekalkina, A.A. 2016. Methodological Aspects of Prioritization of Financial Tools for Stimulation of Innovative Activities.
[4]. Arner, D. W., Barberis, J., & Buckley, R. P. (2016). 150 years of Fintech: An evolutionary analysis. JASSA The Finsia Journal of Applied Finance, (3), 22.
[5]. Bauguess, S. W. (2017). The role of big data, machine learning, and AI in assessing risks: A regulatory perspective. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Paper Title :: The Question of Identity in the Sudan
Author Name :: Abdalla Ahmad Galaleldeen Mohamed
Country :: Turkey
Page Number :: 243-248
This paper will conclude that the formation of the Sudanese nation began in the current geographical framework of the country since the beginning of the ancient state of Kush and the subsequent civilizations in the Middle Ages. In addition, that the current Sudanese overturn the African element in their ethnic composition, just as the processes of intermarriage and assimilation with the incoming Arabs produced generations of ideological Arabists. That the Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula do not consider the Sudanese to be Arabs, and that the Sudanese have different cultures and customs than the Arabs. Thus, Sudan can be accepted as an Arabic-speaking country (Arabophone).
Keywords: Sudan - identity - Africanism – Arabism
[1]. Abdullah, Abdul Qadir Mahmoud, )1986( the Meroitic Language, King Saud University Press.
[2]. Adams, William Y. (1967), “Continuity and change in Nubian Cultural History” Sudan Notes and Records, vol. 48.
[3]. Alexander, )2000( “TheArchaeology&History of theOttomanFrontier in theMiddleNileValley 911-1233 AH/1504-1820 AD”, Adumatu. Vol.1.
[4]. Al-Makki Ibrahim, Muhammad (1989), Sudanese thought, its origins, and its development, Khartoum.
[5]. Bakheit, Gaafar M. A. (1965) British Administration and Sudanese Nationalism, 1919 – 1939, University of Cambridge.

Paper Title :: IDM Clustering: Study of Village Potential Development Efforts in the Developing Category
Author Name :: Fredi Andria || Amelia Rahmi || Azzahra Ditri Gunawan || Salmah || Dion Achmad Armadi
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 249-257
Bogor Regency has a Development Village Index (IDM), which is a composite index formed based on the Social Resilience Index (IKS), Economic Resilience Index (IKE) and Ecological Resilience Index (IKL) [1]. The IDM indicator set was developed based on the concept that in order to lead to an advanced and independent village, a sustainable development framework is needed where social, economic and ecological aspects become complementary forces and maintain the village's potential and ability to prosper village life. Based on 416 villages in Bogor Regency (40 sub-districts), 180 villages are in the Developing category, 188 are in the Advanced category and 48 villages are classified as Independent villages [2]. This research focuses on a comprehensive study on developing a sustainable development model to encourage 180 villages with developing status, to move up to an advanced level. This model can later be used as a reference in developing village development planning in Bogor Regency. The research method used is quantitative with the clustering method of data mining, and qualitative through the approach of literature studies, field surveys, FGDs and in-depth interviews. This research is a form of advanced implementation of the results of the research conducted by the Head of the Applied Team which focuses on IKS in the informal sector Health BPJS sector [3; 4; 5; 6; and 7].
The results of the research resulted in a mapping of 180 villages with developing categories into 5 clusters. This cluster grouping then describes the results of the IDM analysis based on its 3 dimensions. Furthermore, results were obtained which outlined the respective strengths and weaknesses in each cluster, which were then used as the basis for recommendations for villages that had the potential to be encouraged to become developed villages. Efforts to encourage these villages to become developed villages by taking into account the superior dimensions found in each village. So that later this development pattern will be presented in a proposed model of research results.
Keywords: Developing Village, Developed Village, Sustainable Development, IDM, Bogor Regency
[1] Sukarno. M,“Analisis Pengembangan Potensi Desa Berbasis Indeks Membangun Desa (IDM) (Studi Kasus : Desa Ponggok, Kecamatan Palohharjo, Kabupaten Klaten”, Prosiding Seminar Edusainstech, FMIPA UNISMUS, 2020, ISBN : 978-602-5614-35-4.
[3] Andria. F, dan Kusnadi. N,“Model Alternatif Pembiayaan Jaminan Kesehatan bagi Pekerja Informal di Bogor”, Pakuan Law Review, Vol. 4, Nomor 2, Juli - Desember 2018. e-ISSN : 2614-485.
[4] Andria. F, dan Kusnadi. N,“Dampak Kepesertaan BPJS bagi Pekerja Informal di Bogor”, Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi, Vol. 3 No. 1 tahun 2017, Hal 1-15. E-ISSN 2502-5678.
[5] Andria. F, Tosida. ET, Kusnadi.N, and Andriani. S,“Prediction Model of Health Insurance Membership for Informal Workers”, American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 2019, Vol 3, Issue-4, pp 236-246, e-ISSN : 2378-703X.

Paper Title :: Financial Performance and the Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Stock Return of Property Companies in Indonesia
Author Name :: Tohpati Amiluhur || Shinta Permata Sari
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 258-264
This study aims to determine the impact of financial performance and Covid 19 on stock returns of property companies in Indonesia. There are 80 property companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2018-2021, 39 samples are selected consisting of 39 property companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the research period. The sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling. The dependent variable in this study is stock returns, while the independent variables in this study are Current Ratio, Price to Book Value, Return on Assets, Debt to Equity Ratio, Net Profit Margin, and the Covid-19 Pandemic. Data analysis technique using multiple linear regression. The test results show that Current Ratio, Price to Book Value, and Debt to Equity Ratio have no impact to stock returns, while Return On Assets, Net Profit Margin, and the Covid-19 Pandemic impact to stock returns.
Keywords: current ratio, price to book value, return on assets, debt to equity ratio, net profit margin, covid-19 pandemic, stock return.
[1] Aini, N., Susilowati, Y., Murdianto, A., & Wulandari, P. (2020). Effect of Return on Assets, Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, and Asset Growth on Stock Returns (Case Study of Mining Companies Listed on the IDX in 2015-2017). Nur Aini, Yeye Susilowati, Agus Murdianto,Pungki Wulandari, 1997, 661–668.
[2] Amri, A., & Ramdani, Z. (2020). The Effect of Exchange Rates, Dividend Policy and Capital Structure on Stock Returns in Companies Registered on the Jakarta Islamic Index. Jurnal Ilmu Keuangan Dan Perbankan (JIKA), 10(1), 18–36.
[3] Arramdhani, S., & Cahyono, K. E. (2020). The Effect of NPM, ROA, DER, DPR on Stock Returns. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Riset Manajemen, 9(4).
[4] Asriningtyas, A., & Andayani. (2016). The Effect of Financial Performance on Stock Returns in Manufacturing Companies. Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Ubhara, 2(2), 95.
[5] Damuri, Y. R., & Hirawan, F. B. (2020). Measuring the Impact of COVID-19 on Indonesia's Economic and Trade Growth in 2020. CSIS Commentaries DMRU-015, March, 1–8.

Paper Title :: Effect of Debt to Assets Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Dividend Payout Ratio, Return on Assets, Return on Equity, and Growth of the Company to the Value of the Company
Author Name :: Nadya Olivia Puspitarini || Eskasari Putri
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 265-272
The purpose of this study was to the influence of Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR), Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), company growth on the value of the company. This research was conducted on food and beverage sub-sector manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2017-2021. The sample used in this study was 160 food and beverage sub-sector manufacturing companies in the IDX in 2017-2021. Sampling technique using Purposive Sampling. This research uses IBM SPSS Statistic V software.25, with multiple regression and showed that simultaneously there is the influence of sigifikansi between Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR), Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), the growth of the company to the value of the company by 21% while 79% influenced by other factors that are not examined in this study. While based on the partial test results show that there is a significant influence between the Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Return on Equity (ROE) to the value of the company, while the Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR), Return on Assets (ROA), and the growth of the company has no effect on the value of the company.
Keywords: Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR), Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), company growth, and company value
[1]. Agustiani, R. M. (2017). Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance, Return on Asset, Return on Equity, Bopo, Dan Capital Adequacy Ratio Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Go Public Di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Bisnis, 21(2).
[2]. Deni Sunaryo, 2018. (2018). Pengaruh Net Profit Margin , Return on Asset , Return on Ekuitas atas Harga Saham di Asia Tenggara. 198–208.
[3]. Deni Sunaryo, 2019. (2019). Identifikasi Kesulitan Keuangan Dengan Ukuran Perusahaan Berikut nilai financial distress pada Perusahaan Subsektor Properti dan Real. 349–363.
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