Volume 05 - Issue 02
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Paper Title | :: | Strategies of Agricultural Entrepreneurs in Lower Brahmaputra Valley, Assam |
Author Name | :: | Krishnakhi Choudhury |
Country | :: | India |
Page Number | :: | 01-08 |
SAgricultural entrepreneurship is imperative for the enhancement of the livelihood and living condition of the people in rural areas. Transformation of farmers into entrepreneurs is often emphasised as a strategy for development of agricultural as well as rural sector in developing countries. Assam is one of the agricultural backward states of India and yet to experience agricultural advancement. The paper attempts to answer two specific research questions. Why is agriculture not a remunerative livelihood option in lower Brahmaputra valley? What are the strategies used by the farmers to make farming a profitable avenue? It is based on key informant interviews with 30 agricultural entrepreneurs in the lower Brahmaputra Valley, Assam. Free listing technique of cultural domain analysis was used to collect data. A multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select districts, block, villages, and agripreneurs. Amongst the ten districts from lower Brahmaputra valley, two districts have been chosen, on basis of the intensity of agricultural activity. The qualitative data was analysed with the help of Anthro tools an R package. Smith’s salience was to analyze the free list responses. In the perception of the agricultural entrepreneurs, inadequate financial capital, farmer’s non-willingness to work hard, and non-remunerative prices were the three main reasons for farming remaining unprofitable livelihood option in the lower Brahmaputra valley. The entrepreneurs use a number of strategies to make agricultural as profitable as a business venture. The most prominent among them were undergoing training, farm mechanisation, availing bank loans, adoption of modern agricultural practices and networking with officials so as to avail the benefits of government programmes.
Keywords: Agricultural Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Efforts, Entrepreneurial Strategies, Rural Development.
Keywords: Agricultural Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Efforts, Entrepreneurial Strategies, Rural Development.
[1]. Bairwa, S. L., Lakra, K., Kushwaha, S., Meena, L. K., & Kumar, P. (2014). Agripreneurship Development as a Tool to Upliftment of Agriculture. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 4(3), 1–4. Retrieved from www.ijsrp.org
[2]. Baker, W. E., & Sinkula, J. M. (2009). Orientation and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Profitability in Small Businesses. Journal OfSmall Business Management, 47(4), 443–464.
[3]. Gogoi, M., & Borah, D. (2013). Baseline Data on Area , Production and Productivity of Horticulture Crops in North -East and Himalayan States - A Study in Assam (1). Jorhat.
[4]. Gupta, V., & Gupta, A. (2015). The Concept of Entrepreneurial Orientation. In Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship (1st ed., Vol. 11, pp. 55–137). Boston: now Publishers Inc. https://doi.org/DOI: 10.1561/0300000054.
[5]. Hamid, M. A., Rahman, M. A., Ahmed, S., & Hossain, K. M. (2016). Status of Poultry Industry in Bangladesh and the Role of Private Sector for its Development. Asian Journal of Poultry Science, 11(1), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.3923/ajpsaj.2017.1.13
[2]. Baker, W. E., & Sinkula, J. M. (2009). Orientation and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Profitability in Small Businesses. Journal OfSmall Business Management, 47(4), 443–464.
[3]. Gogoi, M., & Borah, D. (2013). Baseline Data on Area , Production and Productivity of Horticulture Crops in North -East and Himalayan States - A Study in Assam (1). Jorhat.
[4]. Gupta, V., & Gupta, A. (2015). The Concept of Entrepreneurial Orientation. In Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship (1st ed., Vol. 11, pp. 55–137). Boston: now Publishers Inc. https://doi.org/DOI: 10.1561/0300000054.
[5]. Hamid, M. A., Rahman, M. A., Ahmed, S., & Hossain, K. M. (2016). Status of Poultry Industry in Bangladesh and the Role of Private Sector for its Development. Asian Journal of Poultry Science, 11(1), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.3923/ajpsaj.2017.1.13
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Paper Title | :: | Quality Higher Education for Sustainable Development: The Transition towards Achieving Agenda 2030 Global Goals |
Author Name | :: | K. Manokore, F. Tlou, N. Mkwelie, N. Phuthi, G. N. Shava, E. Mhlanga, A. Mangena, Z. Sibanda, D. Chasokela |
Country | :: | Zimbabwe |
Page Number | :: | 09-21 |
Quality Higher Education and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) have become part of the discourse and issue in higher education contexts. Every phase or debate of higher education is now being urged to declare its support for ESD. Recently the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda proposed that quality education and ESD should play a vital role for the transformation of the world‟s economy as expressed in the Agenda‟s goals and sub goals. The UN Incheon Declaration 2015 highlighted the vital role of education that it plays in the universal journey towards sustainable development across the globe and saving our planet. Higher education should play a pivotal role in the transition towards achieving quality in the entire education system. The UN formally adopted the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) as an outcome of a major global consultative process. Agenda 2030 advocates for providing the opportunity to progress towards the transition to implement quality education and ESD that fosters the knowledge, skills, values, perspectives and actions that lead towards a more sustainable future. The study examines the implementation of Agenda 2030 Global Goal on quality and sustainability in Zimbabwean higher education. The aim of the study is to increase knowledge of potential strategies to meet the fourth UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG4), which strives for quality education. Institutions in the study were at different levels of interpretation, understanding and implementation of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development Goals. The majority of the participants did not have an all-inclusive knowledge and comprehension of ESD mainstreaming as a holistic approach. That is, an all-embracing ESD integration as a curriculum systemic concept that holds both curriculum and institutional change, to contribute to the overall re-orientation of education towards sustainability. The qualitative study provides a detailed description on the challenges of implementing quality and sustainability in higher education.
Keywords: Education for sustainable development, higher education, quality education, mainstreaming, sustainable development goals.
Keywords: Education for sustainable development, higher education, quality education, mainstreaming, sustainable development goals.
[1]. Bello, S, A. &Johnson, S. (2011). Role of ICT in Managing Higher Education for Sustainable Development. Makerere Journal for Higher Education. Vol. 3 No. 2. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/majohe/issue/view/8718
[2]. Carpentier, C. L. & Braun, H. (2020). Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development: A powerful global framework, Journal of the International Council for Small Business, DOI: 10.1080/26437015.2020.1714356.
[3]. Choudhary, S. (2020) Effectiveness of ICT in Education Quality Assurance: A theoretical Perspective. Parichay: Maharaja Surajmal Institute Journal of Applied Research.Vol 3, Issue 2, July-December 2020 https://msi-ggsip.org/msijr/papers/vol3issue2/3_2_10.pdf
[4]. Ferreira, J, Ryan, L & Tilbury, D. (2006). Whole-school approaches to sustainability: A review of models for professional development in pre-service teacher education, Sydney, Australian Research Institute in Education for Sustainability, p. 99. Available at: http://aries.mq.edu.au/ projects/preservice/files/TeacherEduDec06.pdf
[5]. Hopkins, C.& McKeown, R. (2002). Education for Sustainable Development: An International Perspective, in D. Tilbury, R.B. Stevenson, J. Fien and D. Schreuder (eds), Environmental Education for Sustainability: Responding to the Global Challenge, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication.
[2]. Carpentier, C. L. & Braun, H. (2020). Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development: A powerful global framework, Journal of the International Council for Small Business, DOI: 10.1080/26437015.2020.1714356.
[3]. Choudhary, S. (2020) Effectiveness of ICT in Education Quality Assurance: A theoretical Perspective. Parichay: Maharaja Surajmal Institute Journal of Applied Research.Vol 3, Issue 2, July-December 2020 https://msi-ggsip.org/msijr/papers/vol3issue2/3_2_10.pdf
[4]. Ferreira, J, Ryan, L & Tilbury, D. (2006). Whole-school approaches to sustainability: A review of models for professional development in pre-service teacher education, Sydney, Australian Research Institute in Education for Sustainability, p. 99. Available at: http://aries.mq.edu.au/ projects/preservice/files/TeacherEduDec06.pdf
[5]. Hopkins, C.& McKeown, R. (2002). Education for Sustainable Development: An International Perspective, in D. Tilbury, R.B. Stevenson, J. Fien and D. Schreuder (eds), Environmental Education for Sustainability: Responding to the Global Challenge, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication.
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Paper Title | :: | Existing and Perishing Customary Traditions of the Manobo Tribes |
Author Name | :: | Liezl S. Lagman, Rael Christopher O. Plaza |
Country | :: | Philippines |
Page Number | :: | 22-48 |
Philippines with its diverse ethnic groups has so much to tell. This diversity provides an insight into wide variety of traditional knowledge and cultural expressions. However, along with society’s development and progress, conserving and preserving cultural heritage remains a problem. Thus, this research sought to examine and describe the existing and perishing customary traditions of the Manobo tribes in Agusan del Sur.
The study used a qualitative design of research to find out if the customary traditions, such as birth and initiation rites, weaning (lutas), courtship, wedding, burial, and belief system (worship) of the Manobo tribe in Barangay Kasapa 1, Loreto, Agusan del Sur. Moreso, the study employed a narratological approach in discussing and documenting the obtained data from the conducted research.
discussing and documenting the obtained data from the conducted research. The research had been engaged in focus group discussion (FGD) through a qualitative interview with an application of note-taking, voice recording, as well as video recording. Furthermore, the study employed a purposive sampling method in selecting participants.
Findings of the study revealed that the Manobo tribe in Barangay Kasapa 1, Loreto, Agusan del Sur were able to preserve most of their customary traditions, and it had existed despite some outside influences. Nevertheless, in spite of their effort in safeguarding and conserving their culture, some customary traditions and practices had been perceived that it is already perishing or perished, notably mostly on the material culture.
Keywords: Customary Traditions, Existing, Perishing, Acculturation
The study used a qualitative design of research to find out if the customary traditions, such as birth and initiation rites, weaning (lutas), courtship, wedding, burial, and belief system (worship) of the Manobo tribe in Barangay Kasapa 1, Loreto, Agusan del Sur. Moreso, the study employed a narratological approach in discussing and documenting the obtained data from the conducted research.
discussing and documenting the obtained data from the conducted research. The research had been engaged in focus group discussion (FGD) through a qualitative interview with an application of note-taking, voice recording, as well as video recording. Furthermore, the study employed a purposive sampling method in selecting participants.
Findings of the study revealed that the Manobo tribe in Barangay Kasapa 1, Loreto, Agusan del Sur were able to preserve most of their customary traditions, and it had existed despite some outside influences. Nevertheless, in spite of their effort in safeguarding and conserving their culture, some customary traditions and practices had been perceived that it is already perishing or perished, notably mostly on the material culture.
Keywords: Customary Traditions, Existing, Perishing, Acculturation
[1]. Azaito, Lydia & Omenyo, Cephas N. (2018). Initiation of traditional birth attendants and their traditional and spiritual practices during pregnancy and childbirth in Ghana. BMC Pregnancy and childbirth.ISSN:1471-2393. iomedcentral.com
[2]. Bhat, A. (2019). Research Design: Definition, Characteristics and Types. www.questionpro.com/blog/research-design
[3]. De Leon, Job (2012). GMA News “I Juander”: Why do Filipinos still believe in aswang? Gmanetwork.com/news/lifes
[4]. Dela Cruz P. & Ramos, AC (2006). Indigenous health knowledge systems in the Philippines: A literature survey. Paper presented at the 13th CONSAL Conference, Manila, Philippines; 2006.
[5]. Dube, Eve; Gagnon, Dominique; Nickels, Emily; Jeram, Stanley & Schuster, Melanie (2014). Mapping Vaccine Hesitancy: Country Specific Characteristics of a Global Phenomenon. sciencedirect.com
[2]. Bhat, A. (2019). Research Design: Definition, Characteristics and Types. www.questionpro.com/blog/research-design
[3]. De Leon, Job (2012). GMA News “I Juander”: Why do Filipinos still believe in aswang? Gmanetwork.com/news/lifes
[4]. Dela Cruz P. & Ramos, AC (2006). Indigenous health knowledge systems in the Philippines: A literature survey. Paper presented at the 13th CONSAL Conference, Manila, Philippines; 2006.
[5]. Dube, Eve; Gagnon, Dominique; Nickels, Emily; Jeram, Stanley & Schuster, Melanie (2014). Mapping Vaccine Hesitancy: Country Specific Characteristics of a Global Phenomenon. sciencedirect.com
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Paper Title | :: | Bioethics and the Role of the Licensee in Biological Sciences from the Perspective of Sustainability |
Author Name | :: | Souza, Sérgio Rodrigues De, Santos, Vinícius Da Silva |
Country | :: | Brasil |
Page Number | :: | 49-54 |
This work addresses the issue involving Bioethics and the role of the graduate in Biological Sciences from the perspective of sustainability. It is a discussion of deep scientific and social interest, because it encompasses present and future life processes, for all generations. As a methodology, bibliographical research was used in texts and documents that deal with the training of Biology professionals and the application of sciences on human existence and its procedures for technical progress and what this implies. Bioethics has its foundation, based on Philosophical Anthropology, since it comprises man in the totality of his expressions and in the infinity of his realization as a person. It is concluded that, as the new responsibilities placed on the professional licensed in Biology go beyond the limits of the simple mechanical transmission of content to a concept of ethical training and social commitment, where the individual learner develops a sense and nonsense of duty to the future, impacted by the progress of its constructions.
Keywords: Degree in Biology. Ethic. Bioethics. Sustainability.
Keywords: Degree in Biology. Ethic. Bioethics. Sustainability.
[1]. ASHTON, Helen. Encyclopedia of Bioethics. 3. Ed. U.K.: Reference Reviews, Vol. 19, 2005.
[2]. BECK, Ulrich. Sociedade de Risco: Rumo a uma Outra Modernidade. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2010.
[3]. BORÉM, Aluízio; SANTOS, Fabrício Rodrigues dos. Biotecnologia Simplificada. 2. Ed. Viçosa: Editora UFV, 2002. Cap. 15: Bioética.
[4]. BRASIL. Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (Ensino Médio). Parte III - Ciências da Natureza, Matemática e suas Tecnologias. Brasília: MEC/SEF, 1998.
[5]. DINIZ, Débora; GUILHEM, Dirce. O que é bioética. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 2002.
[2]. BECK, Ulrich. Sociedade de Risco: Rumo a uma Outra Modernidade. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2010.
[3]. BORÉM, Aluízio; SANTOS, Fabrício Rodrigues dos. Biotecnologia Simplificada. 2. Ed. Viçosa: Editora UFV, 2002. Cap. 15: Bioética.
[4]. BRASIL. Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (Ensino Médio). Parte III - Ciências da Natureza, Matemática e suas Tecnologias. Brasília: MEC/SEF, 1998.
[5]. DINIZ, Débora; GUILHEM, Dirce. O que é bioética. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 2002.
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Paper Title | :: | The Motivation and Engagement of People in the Work Environment |
Author Name | :: | Carla Farias Moreira de Holanda, Prof. M. Sc. Rickardo Léo Ramos Gomes |
Country | :: | Brasil |
Page Number | :: | 55-60 |
In this article, the art of motivating, its factors and its importance in the work environment was investigated, where it was described, that motivation is not an easy task and that for a good development and production of work activities it is necessary to be well motivated. The overall objective of this article is: To address the importance of the art of motivating and engaging people in the workplace. The specific objectives determined were: Define the art of motivating and its inherent factors for an excellent performance at work; Clarify how motivation and its various aspects influence engagement and virtuoso performance at work; Defining how management plays a key role in the art of motivating and engaging employees in performing their duties. The methodology used comprised bibliographic research carried out through theoretical references published through books, scientific articles and documents for a better clarification of the topic addressed. At the end of the research, it is verified, therefore, that it is still necessary to study a lot about the motivation for engagement, because motivating in the work environment is quite challenging and to motivate yourself aiming at the engagement of employees, ongoing training within the environment is necessary of organizations' work.
Keywords: Art. Management. Motivation. Engagement. Continuing training.
Keywords: Art. Management. Motivation. Engagement. Continuing training.
[1]. CAMPELLO, M.O gestor de pessoas como fator de otimização de recursos e desenvolvimento. In: Simpósio de Excelência em Gestão e Tecnologia. Anais Otimização de Recursos e Desenvolvimento. Rio de Janeiro: XII SEGeT, 2015.
[2]. CUSTÓDIO, S.; RABELO, M. H. S.Fatores Motivacionais e seus Reflexos na Organização. RevistaAcadêmicaConecta FASF, 2(1):255-271. 2017. ISSN: 2525-3158.
[3]. DEMO, G.; NEIVA, E. R.; NUNES, I.; ROZZETT, K.Human resources management policies and practices scale (HRMPPS): Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. BAR-Brazilian Administration Review, 9(4), 395-420. 2012.ISSN 1807-7692.
[4]. FELIPE, J. L. das C.Fatores de motivação dos colaboradores do sindicato dos oficiais alfaiates, costureiras e trabalhadores na indústria de confecção de roupas no estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Natal: UFRGN, 2017. Disponível em: https://monografias.ufrn.br/jspui/bitstream/123456789/6348/1/ JorgeanLCF_Monografia.pdf. Acesso em: 21 set. 2021.
[5]. FREITAS, K. C. P.A Arte de Motivar e Liderar: O Desafio Constante dos Gestores. In: X Congresso Nacional de Excelência em Gestão, 08 e 09 de agosto. AnaisResponsabilidade Social e Sustentabilidade: Gerenciamento da Continuidade dos Negócios, Gestão de Riscos e Crises.Rio de Janeiro, 2014.ISSN 1984-9354.
[2]. CUSTÓDIO, S.; RABELO, M. H. S.Fatores Motivacionais e seus Reflexos na Organização. RevistaAcadêmicaConecta FASF, 2(1):255-271. 2017. ISSN: 2525-3158.
[3]. DEMO, G.; NEIVA, E. R.; NUNES, I.; ROZZETT, K.Human resources management policies and practices scale (HRMPPS): Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. BAR-Brazilian Administration Review, 9(4), 395-420. 2012.ISSN 1807-7692.
[4]. FELIPE, J. L. das C.Fatores de motivação dos colaboradores do sindicato dos oficiais alfaiates, costureiras e trabalhadores na indústria de confecção de roupas no estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Natal: UFRGN, 2017. Disponível em: https://monografias.ufrn.br/jspui/bitstream/123456789/6348/1/ JorgeanLCF_Monografia.pdf. Acesso em: 21 set. 2021.
[5]. FREITAS, K. C. P.A Arte de Motivar e Liderar: O Desafio Constante dos Gestores. In: X Congresso Nacional de Excelência em Gestão, 08 e 09 de agosto. AnaisResponsabilidade Social e Sustentabilidade: Gerenciamento da Continuidade dos Negócios, Gestão de Riscos e Crises.Rio de Janeiro, 2014.ISSN 1984-9354.
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Paper Title | :: | Learning traditional dances through cooperative method and life skills improvement of children aged 9-12 years old |
Author Name | :: | Zetou, E., Gouridou, E., Filippou, F., Pitsi, A., Blani, N. |
Country | :: | Greece |
Page Number | :: | 61-68 |
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the impact of the cooperative method on the learning two Greek traditional dances (Tsamikos and Enteka) and life skills improvement, in children. The participants were 68 children aged 9-12 years (MO = 11,8 =. 28), of which 40 were girls and 28 boys, with the basic condition that the trainees do not know any kind of dance. The participants were randomly divided into two groups, the experimental (n = 36) that followed the cooperative teaching method and the control group (n = 32) that followed the teacher-oriented (order style teaching). The intervention lasted 8 weeks (2 lessons/ week, 45 ́). There were three measurements: initial, final and retention to determine the learning. For the evaluation of the dance performance, the scale/roubrika of Pitsi, Diggelidis and Filippou, (28), was used. The instrument contains eight criteria. In addition, the questionnaire of Hogan, (13), which validated for the Greek population by Papacharisis (23), for the assessment of knowledge, perception and transfer of the use of life skills, was used. Analysis of variance with repeated measures showed that there was group and measurement interaction, but also main effect for the overall performance of the Tsamikos and Enteka dances. In terms of life skills there was group and measurement interaction, main effect of the group, and main effect of the measurement, which means that participants of both groups improved life skills, but the participants of experimental group were better. As they defined, participants understand the concept of thinking positively, setting goals and solving problems. In conclusion, it is recommended that teachers could use the cooperative method for teaching and learning traditional dances and at the same time trainees may develop life skills that are very important for their later adult lives.
Keywords: Cooperative method, traditional dances, performance, life skills.
Keywords: Cooperative method, traditional dances, performance, life skills.
[1]. Craig-Unkefer, L. A., & Kaiser, A. P. (2002). Improving the Social Communication Skills of At-Risk Preschool Children in a Play Context. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 22 (1), σσ. 3-13.
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[3]. Danish, S.J. (2000). Youth and community development: How after-school programming can make a difference. In Danish S. & Gullota, T., (Eds), Developing competent youth and communities: The role of after-school programming (pp. 275-301). Washington, DC: Child Welfare League of America.
[4]. Danish, S.J., & Nellen, V.C. (1997). New roles for sport psychologists: Teaching life skills through sport to at risk youth. Quest, 49, 100-113.
[5]. Diggelidis, N., Theodorakis, I., Zetou, E., & Demas, I. (2007). Physical Education 5th and 6th grade of Elementary school. Teacher’s guide. Athens, textbooks Publishing Organisation.
[2]. Danish, S.J, Petitpas, A., & Hale, B. (1992). A developmental education intervention model of sport psychology. The Sport Psychologist, 4, 403-415. In Kolovelonis, A., Goudas, M., Dimitriou, E. & Gerodimos, D. (2006). The effect of a Life Skills Training Program on Students' Self- Determination, Inquiries in Sport &Physical Education, Vol.4 (3), 379-389.
[3]. Danish, S.J. (2000). Youth and community development: How after-school programming can make a difference. In Danish S. & Gullota, T., (Eds), Developing competent youth and communities: The role of after-school programming (pp. 275-301). Washington, DC: Child Welfare League of America.
[4]. Danish, S.J., & Nellen, V.C. (1997). New roles for sport psychologists: Teaching life skills through sport to at risk youth. Quest, 49, 100-113.
[5]. Diggelidis, N., Theodorakis, I., Zetou, E., & Demas, I. (2007). Physical Education 5th and 6th grade of Elementary school. Teacher’s guide. Athens, textbooks Publishing Organisation.
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Paper Title | :: | Social Worker Burnout Syndrome |
Author Name | :: | Mária Szegfüová |
Country | :: | Slovakia |
Page Number | :: | 69-74 |
Burnout syndrome is a set of typical symptoms that exhibit in workers in the helping professions, which are often accompanied by a high psychological burden. The profession of helping worker requires constant supervision, which also serves as an effective prevention of burnout. In this contribution we examine the burnout syndrome in social workers working at the labour office who come into contact with clients and compare this phenomenon during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Keywords: Burnout syndrome. Supervision. Prevention. Social worker
Keywords: Burnout syndrome. Supervision. Prevention. Social worker
[1]. BUJDOVÁ, N – HVIZDÁK, R. Ako sa žije na onkológii. In Supervision days in 2020. Užhorod: Lira Print, 2021. s. 5-10. ISBN 978-617-596-337-1.
[2]. DOBRÍKOVÁ, P. 2007. Zvládanie záťažových situácií: ako si zachovať duševné zdravie. Bratislava: Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce Sv. Alžbety, 2007. s. 126. ISBN 978-80- 89271-20-7.
[3]. KŘIVOHLAVÝ, J. Horieť ale nevyhorieť. Bratislava: Karmelitánské nakladatelství, s.r.o., 2012, s. 214, ISBN 978-80-8135-003-0.
[4]. MOROVICSOVÁ, E. 2011. Komunikácia v medicíne. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského. 2011. s. 212. ISBN 978-80-223-3025-1.
[5]. SCHAVEL, M. – KUZYŠIN, B. – HUNYADIOVÁ, S. (eds.) 2018. Podoby supervízie a prevencia syndrómu vyhorenia. Zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie. Bratislava: VŠZaSP sv. Alžbety. 2018. 247 s. ISBN 978-80-8132-193-1.
[2]. DOBRÍKOVÁ, P. 2007. Zvládanie záťažových situácií: ako si zachovať duševné zdravie. Bratislava: Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce Sv. Alžbety, 2007. s. 126. ISBN 978-80- 89271-20-7.
[3]. KŘIVOHLAVÝ, J. Horieť ale nevyhorieť. Bratislava: Karmelitánské nakladatelství, s.r.o., 2012, s. 214, ISBN 978-80-8135-003-0.
[4]. MOROVICSOVÁ, E. 2011. Komunikácia v medicíne. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského. 2011. s. 212. ISBN 978-80-223-3025-1.
[5]. SCHAVEL, M. – KUZYŠIN, B. – HUNYADIOVÁ, S. (eds.) 2018. Podoby supervízie a prevencia syndrómu vyhorenia. Zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie. Bratislava: VŠZaSP sv. Alžbety. 2018. 247 s. ISBN 978-80-8132-193-1.
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Paper Title | :: | COVID-19 Pandemic and Crisis Management |
Author Name | :: | Salome Chkheidze |
Country | :: | Georgia |
Page Number | :: | 75-81 |
Due to the unpredictability of global events, many modern organizations attempt to identify potential crises before they occur in order to sketch out plans to deal with them. When and if a crisis occurs, the organization must be able to drastically change course in order to survive. The aim of crisis management is to be well prepared for crisis, ensure a rapid and adequate response to the crisis, maintaining clear lines of reporting and communication in the event of crisis and agreeing rules for crisis termination. The COVID-19 crisis that began in 2019 can be expected to become a textbook example of crisis management. Businesses around the world were forced to shut their doors. Millions of employees were sent home. In this article I will discuss what the crisis management is and ways to create effective crisis management plans. In addition, crisis management will be considered as pandemic crisis management for organizations and specific solutions of effective crisis management systems.
Existence of Crisis management plan allows the organization to lead effectively at the period of crisis. So having an effective crisis management plan for organizations is vitally important. In this article, I will consider two different sectors – economy and education of countries and specifically I will give examples of Georgia.
Keywords: crisis management; action plan; organization
Existence of Crisis management plan allows the organization to lead effectively at the period of crisis. So having an effective crisis management plan for organizations is vitally important. In this article, I will consider two different sectors – economy and education of countries and specifically I will give examples of Georgia.
Keywords: crisis management; action plan; organization
[1]. Adeishvili, G., Amashukeli, D., Eristavi, D., & Tushurashvili, G. (2021). COVID-19 and Georgian Education. Tbilisi: Open Society Foundations.
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Paper Title | :: | The Role of Human Resource Officer in an Organization: The Case of Vista Bank Sierra Leone |
Author Name | :: | Sulaiman Sankoh |
Country | :: | Sierra Leone |
Page Number | :: | 82-88 |
Midst contextual themes of new technologies and globalization, Sierra Leone Vista Bank is challenged to attract, develop and retain suitable skills in a labour market that will continue to suffer shortages. The Human Resource Officer of today is required to partner with organizations at a strategic level in response to this challenge. Successful organizations understand that transforming the HR function require regular in-depth analyses of effectiveness. The study aimed to assess the role of an HR officer operating in a public sector, against current trends in HR transition. Different evaluation methodologies are explored to develop a theoretical evaluation model for the effectiveness of a HR officer. The results confirmed that the HR officer is effective in role as strategic partner, and highlights significant differences in perception between the stakeholders and the Human Resource Officer regarding effectiveness.
Keywords: Human Resource Officer, Vista Bank, Role, Management
Keywords: Human Resource Officer, Vista Bank, Role, Management
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[3]. Armstrong M., (2006).Hand Book of Human resource Management Practice.10th edition, London: Cambridge University Press. Armstrong, M., (2008). Strategic Human Resource Management: A Guide to Action, 4rdEdition. London and Philadelphia: Kogan-Page
[4]. Ayanda O.J. and Sani A. D. (2010). Strategic Human Resource Management and Organizational Effectiveness in the Public Sector: International Bulletin of Business Administration, ISSN: 1451-243X Issue 9
[5]. Bana, B. A. (2006, May). Personnel Management and Human Resource Management: A Real Debate or Academic Consultant Gimmicks. A Paper Presented at the ATA Conference held at Tanzania:
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Paper Title | :: | Identification of Patterns in STI Public Policy Actors |
Author Name | :: | Castro Yama Sonia, Torres Soler Luis Carlos, Tovar Galo Edmundo |
Country | :: | Colombia |
Page Number | :: | 89-96 |
Policymakers should identify leadership in public initiatives and, for that matter (Public Initiatives in STI). Taking the OECD's biannual STIP COMPASS survey, the information (qualitative and quantitative) is used to include it in software and perform a network analysis. Concerns are identified, among them, what rate of public entities present public initiatives in STI?, what are the most proposed initiatives for the public sector?, in which group of beneficiaries are the STI initiatives concentrated?, what is the evaluation rate of STI initiatives? This article has sections: the first, shows the determining factors and their methodology; the second, outlines the analysis of the data, its characterization and most relevant visualizations. At the end, conclusions and bibliographic references are presented.
[1]. Bastián M., Heymann S. y Jacomy M. (2009). Gephi: un software de código abierto para explorar y manipular redes. Actas de la Conferencia Internacional AAAI sobre Web y Medios Sociales, 3 (1), 361-362. Obtenido de https://ojs.aaai.org/index.php/ICWSM/article/view/13937 [10/01/22].
[2]. Blondel Vincent D., Guillaume Jean-Loup, Lambiotte Renaud, Lefebvre Etienne (2008). “Despliegue rápido de comunidades en grandes redes”. En: Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, (10), p.1000.
[3]. Lambiotte R., Delvenne J.C., Barahona M. (2009). Laplacian Dynamics and Multiscale Modular Structure in Networks.
[4]. Castro S., Torres L.C. (2020). Algoritmos para la administración pública, ad portas de 5G. Cali, Colombia
[5]. Salamanca F. (2012). Designing Smart Artifacts for Adaptive Mediation of Social Viscosity: Triadic Actor-Network Enactments as a Basis for Interaction. Illinois Institute of Technology Illinois Institute of Technology.
[2]. Blondel Vincent D., Guillaume Jean-Loup, Lambiotte Renaud, Lefebvre Etienne (2008). “Despliegue rápido de comunidades en grandes redes”. En: Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, (10), p.1000.
[3]. Lambiotte R., Delvenne J.C., Barahona M. (2009). Laplacian Dynamics and Multiscale Modular Structure in Networks.
[4]. Castro S., Torres L.C. (2020). Algoritmos para la administración pública, ad portas de 5G. Cali, Colombia
[5]. Salamanca F. (2012). Designing Smart Artifacts for Adaptive Mediation of Social Viscosity: Triadic Actor-Network Enactments as a Basis for Interaction. Illinois Institute of Technology Illinois Institute of Technology.
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Paper Title | :: | Rousseau on the Size of Republics: Between radical democracy and representation |
Author Name | :: | Philip Dingeldey |
Country | :: | Germany |
Page Number | :: | 97-109 |
Rousseau attacked political representation as repression of the free people. However, in his constitutional drafts on Corsica and Poland, he suggests some representative elements. This article claims that this shift depends on the conception of the size of the republic – for example, the ability of the citizenry to assemble. Any relativization of Rousseau's critique of representation is thus rather a necessary weakening of his theory. This concerns not just the power of the people, but the general will that isunrepresentable. This critique is fundamental and categoric. Though, why does he accept representation for larger states?From the shift in Rousseau's thinking the question arises: Where exactly do this (apparent) contradiction and the differences in the size conceptions of the republic in Rousseau's work come from? This article will comparatively examine the Social Contract and the two drafts – concerning popular sovereignty and its relation to the republic’s size.
Keywords: Democracy Theory, Popular Sovereignty, Representation, Republicanism, Size
Keywords: Democracy Theory, Popular Sovereignty, Representation, Republicanism, Size
[1] Arendt, H. (2006),On Revolution,Penguin, New York.
[2] Aristotle (2013),Politics, transl. Lord C., Chicago University Press, Chicago.
[3] Bertram, C.(2004),Rousseau and The Social Contract, Routledge, London/ New York.
[4] Bloom, A.(1987),"Jean-Jacques Rousseau," in History of Political Philosophy, Strauss, L. and Cropsey, J.(eds.), Chicago University Press,Chicago, pp. 559-580.
[5] Crignon, P.(2007),"La Critique de la Représentation Politique chez Rousseau,"Le Études philosophique,83(4), pp. 481-497.
[2] Aristotle (2013),Politics, transl. Lord C., Chicago University Press, Chicago.
[3] Bertram, C.(2004),Rousseau and The Social Contract, Routledge, London/ New York.
[4] Bloom, A.(1987),"Jean-Jacques Rousseau," in History of Political Philosophy, Strauss, L. and Cropsey, J.(eds.), Chicago University Press,Chicago, pp. 559-580.
[5] Crignon, P.(2007),"La Critique de la Représentation Politique chez Rousseau,"Le Études philosophique,83(4), pp. 481-497.
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Paper Title | :: | Reforming Massive Analog Curriculum Pedagogies Through ICTs Learners - Centered Paradigms |
Author Name | :: | Ziad Hamdan |
Country | :: | Jordan |
Page Number | :: | 110-122 |
Our time is turning at high speed towards the Info Global Age (IGA) in forms of digital online, blended, and clouds. Paper schooling, trading, and living are becoming crafts of the past. In the IGA, schooling goals, tasks and implementations have mainly turned into individual self and collaborative peer groups priorities, not a family or an education authority formal concern. This research article explored the characteristics and role of Learners-Centered Paradigms (LCPs) in Reforming the Massive Curriculum Pedagogies (RMCP) through Iit This Author had initiated early research investigations since the advent of the 21st in online, blended, personalized, self and collaborative peer learnings and "Learners-Centered" models. He explored and wrote extensively on these concepts and practices before the 1990's ICTs widespread and the initiation of the "Digital Super High Way" in mid-1995, besides other related inventions into East / West schooling.
Keywords: "Digital Super High Way," Info Global Age, Massive Analog Curriculum Pedagogies, ICTs Learners - Centered Paradigms
Keywords: "Digital Super High Way," Info Global Age, Massive Analog Curriculum Pedagogies, ICTs Learners - Centered Paradigms
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[4]. Stefano, Laura. et al. 2020. The Digital Divide and COVID-19. Teachers' Perceptions of Inequities in Students' Internet Access and Participation in Remote Learning. RAND Corporation. https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RRA134-3.html
[5]. Khalaf, Ahmed Mahmoud. 2012. Reading Nation Doesn't Read. Alukah Net. https://www.alukah.net
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Paper Title | :: | The Effect of Professionalism, Work Environment and Training on the Work Productivity of State Civil Services in the City of Surabaya |
Author Name | :: | Niko Ardiansyah, Budi Rianto, Sri Umiyati |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 123-131 |
This thesis research aims to analyze the effect of professionalism, work environment and training on the work productivity of the State Civil Apparatus at the Bulak District Office, Surabaya City. By using quantitative research methods, this study took a number of samples at the Bulak District Office, Surabaya City. The analysis was performed using multiple linear regression test with the IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences SPSS version 22 program.
The result of this study is that the independent variable of professionalism has the greatest influence on professionalism with a regression coefficient of 0.517, which means if the professionalism variable has increased by 1 point, it will result in an increase in work productivity of 0.517 points, with a sig value. 0.000.That the independent variable of the work environment has an influence on work productivity with a regression coefficient of 0.216, which means that if the working environment conditions increase by 1 point, it will result in an increase in work productivity, by 0.216 points, with a value of sig. 0.034. That the independent variable of education and training has an influence on work productivity. The education and training regression coefficient is 0.227, which means that if the training program increases by 1 point, it will result in an increase in work productivity of 0.227 points, with a value of sig. 0.007.
There is a joint influence between the independent variables of professionalism, work environment and education and training on professionalism with a coefficient of determination of 0.944, an F value of 202.806 and a sig value. 0.000.
Keywords: professionalism, environment, training, productivity
The result of this study is that the independent variable of professionalism has the greatest influence on professionalism with a regression coefficient of 0.517, which means if the professionalism variable has increased by 1 point, it will result in an increase in work productivity of 0.517 points, with a sig value. 0.000.That the independent variable of the work environment has an influence on work productivity with a regression coefficient of 0.216, which means that if the working environment conditions increase by 1 point, it will result in an increase in work productivity, by 0.216 points, with a value of sig. 0.034. That the independent variable of education and training has an influence on work productivity. The education and training regression coefficient is 0.227, which means that if the training program increases by 1 point, it will result in an increase in work productivity of 0.227 points, with a value of sig. 0.007.
There is a joint influence between the independent variables of professionalism, work environment and education and training on professionalism with a coefficient of determination of 0.944, an F value of 202.806 and a sig value. 0.000.
Keywords: professionalism, environment, training, productivity
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[2]. Aspiyah, Mufti. & Martono, S. (2016). The Influence of Work Discipline, Work Environment and Training on Work Productivity
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[4]. Fachmi, Muhammad, Zulkifli Sultan, Ali Murdhani Ngandoh, (2021). PROFESSIONALISM AFFECT MOTIVATION AND EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE? NEW EVIDENCE FROM PERCEPTION AMONG CIVIL SERVANT IN MAKASSAR CITY, Journal of Economics and Management E-ISSN: 2614-1345, VOL 15 NO 1 (2021), DOI: HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.30650/JEM.V15I1.2149
[5]. Hadiwijaya Lesmana Salim, Dini Purbani, (2015). Community-based Marine Tourism Development on Kaledupa Island, Regency, Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi Province. Journal of Human and Environment, Volume 22, No.3, November 2015.
[2]. Aspiyah, Mufti. & Martono, S. (2016). The Influence of Work Discipline, Work Environment and Training on Work Productivity
[3]. Fitri Damayanti Razak, Benu Olfie L, Gene H.M. Kapantau, (2014). Malalayang Beach Marine Tourism Development Strategy. Manado City, North Sulawesi, Journal of Tourism Destinations, Volume 2. No. 2. 2014.
[4]. Fachmi, Muhammad, Zulkifli Sultan, Ali Murdhani Ngandoh, (2021). PROFESSIONALISM AFFECT MOTIVATION AND EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE? NEW EVIDENCE FROM PERCEPTION AMONG CIVIL SERVANT IN MAKASSAR CITY, Journal of Economics and Management E-ISSN: 2614-1345, VOL 15 NO 1 (2021), DOI: HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.30650/JEM.V15I1.2149
[5]. Hadiwijaya Lesmana Salim, Dini Purbani, (2015). Community-based Marine Tourism Development on Kaledupa Island, Regency, Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi Province. Journal of Human and Environment, Volume 22, No.3, November 2015.
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Paper Title | :: | Reception and support of new teachers |
Author Name | :: | Lazaros Kostanasios |
Country | :: | Greece |
Page Number | :: | 132-140 |
The present study aims at investigating the views and attitudes / beliefs of the Principals of Primary Education, who serve in public schools in the wider area of Primary Education in Ioannina, during the school year 2021-2022, regarding the support and reception procedures of new teachers. The research mainly focused on detection of:
*The Principals' viewpoints on the initiatives that a Principal can take to welcome and support newly hired teachers in a school.
*The Principals’ viewpoints regarding the needs of the newly hired teachers that can be covered by a reception program
*The Principals’ suggestions for the institutionalization of procedures regarding the reception and support of new teachers
Keywords: New teacher, reception, perceptions, mentor.
*The Principals' viewpoints on the initiatives that a Principal can take to welcome and support newly hired teachers in a school.
*The Principals’ viewpoints regarding the needs of the newly hired teachers that can be covered by a reception program
*The Principals’ suggestions for the institutionalization of procedures regarding the reception and support of new teachers
Keywords: New teacher, reception, perceptions, mentor.
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