Volume 05 - Issue 12
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Paper Title | :: | The Effect of Microfinance on the Business Performance of Women Entrepreneurs in Galgamuwa, Sri Lanka |
Author Name | :: | Dissanayke D.M.T.C || Bulankulama S.W.G.K. |
Country | :: | Sri Lanka |
Page Number | :: | 01-07 |
Microfinance plays important role in the women entrepreneurship in the developing countries as well as Sri Lanka. This study examined the effect of microfinance on the business performance of women entrepreneurs in Galgamuwa, Sri Lanka. The major problem of the study is whether there is an effect of microfinance factors on the business performance of women entrepreneurs in Galgamuwa, Sri Lanka. It has been observed that women entrepreneurs have been facing several problems, with the limited access to finance and the complex procedure of formal financial institutions, and the absent to overcome the barriers to uplift the women entrepreneur’s performance. So, the importance of microfinance as a financial tool for women entrepreneurs is highlighted here. This study specially examined the effect of microfinance credit, saving and training service on the performance of women entrepreneurs in Galgamuwa, Sri Lanka. Data were collected through structured questionnaire from a sample of 100 women entrepreneurs. The sample was chosen using a convenient sampling technique. Analyzing of the collected data done by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences through reliability, correlation and regression analysis. Thereby it was revealed that microfinance have positive effect on performance of women entrepreneurs in Galgamuwa, Sri Lanka. The study concludes that microfinance factors significantly affect the business performance of women entrepreneurs in Galgmuwa, Sri Lanka. Thus, the study was only done based on Galgamuwa area which has not reflected the entire island. In addition, researcher was unable to address the decided sample size. Therefore, further researches should be focused on those aspects in order to improve the result.
Keywords: Business Performance, Women Entrepreneurs, Microfinance, Microfinance credit services, Microfinance training services
Keywords: Business Performance, Women Entrepreneurs, Microfinance, Microfinance credit services, Microfinance training services
[1]. Akanji, O. o. (n.d.). Micro-finance as a strategy for poverty reduction by o.o. akanji. Cbn Economic & Financial Review, 39(4), 20.
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[2]. Allen, I. E., Elam, A., Langowitz, N. & Dean, M. (2008). 2007 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor report on women and entrepreneurship. Babson College: The Center for Women's Leadershi
[3]. Al-Matari, E. M., Al-Swidi, A. K., & Fadzil, F. H. B. (2014). The Measurements of Firm Performance’s Dimensions. Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting, 6(1), 24. https://doi.org/10.5296/ajfa.v6i1.4761
[4]. Ambepitiya, K. R. (2013). The Role of Women Entrepreneurs in Establishing a Sustainable Development in Sri Lanka. Kelaniya Journal of Human Resource Management, 8(2), 149. https://doi.org/10.4038/kjhrm.v8i2.7
[5]. Basu, J.P. (2006). Microfinance and Women Empowerment: An Empirical Study with special reference to West Bengal.
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Paper Title | :: | The Road to the Market Economy in the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics |
Author Name | :: | Nicola Giannelli |
Country | :: | Italy |
Page Number | :: | 08-26 |
China's spectacular economic growth has a main explanation: after Mao's death the communist leadership took the road of market competition as way of innovation and economic growth. Leaders of the Chinese Communist Party wanted to change the economic regime without changing the political regime. They guessed that failures of Soviet and Eastern European regimes could be avoid if Party proved to be able to provide a better life for Chinese people. Communist Party leaders decided to use market competition and local institutional competition as engines of economic growth. They did not want to take the road of privatization but managers rights were separated from property rights and private enterprises were gradually allowed. The Socialism with Chinese Characteristics is a pragmatic and dynamic equilibrium between state control, competitive management of public assets and limited private initiative. Despite the rise of political corruption and social inequality, the approach has been successful so far. The élite has kept the power through a network of public and private managers hegemonized by the party. After the devastating disorder of the Cultural Revolution, order and harmony are again the core values of the Chinese political thought. Market society is now expected to be brought by Party State to full socialism in 2049 or later.
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[5]. Bibliografia Market Socialism
[2]. Almen O. Local Elections in China. Argang 6, September 2003.
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[4]. Banfield E.C. The moral Basis of Backward Society, Free Press 1958
[5]. Bibliografia Market Socialism
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Paper Title | :: | Harmonization of Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence Against Legal Protection for Victims of Domestic Violence in Indonesia |
Author Name | :: | Wati Rahmi Ria || Elly Nurlaili || Gian Firzatullah Alanda |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 27-32 |
Domestic violence is an act of violence that occurs within a husband and wife or family relationship. Domestic violence is regulated in Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence. The problem in this study is how to harmonize Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence against legal protection efforts for victims of domestic violence in Indonesia. This type of research is normative-empirical research with descriptive research type. The problem approach used is the normative legal approach. The data used are primary data obtained by means of interviews, and secondary data obtained through literature studies such as literature books and scientific papers related to research problems. The results of this study are that the government provides legal protection efforts for victims of domestic violence in accordance with the applicable legal basis, namely Law Number 23 of 2004. Suggestions in this study are that the government and society can be more responsive in seeing cases of violence in the home households, in order to minimize the occurrence of acts of domestic violence.
Keywords: Harmonization, Legal Protection, Domestic Violence
Keywords: Harmonization, Legal Protection, Domestic Violence
[1] Saraswati, Rika. Women and domestic violence resolution. PT. Citra Aditya Bakti, 2009. 34-40
[2] Rofiah, Nur. "Domestic violence in an Islamic perspective." Insights: Scientific Journal of Religion and Socio-Culture 2.1 (2017): 31-44.
[3] Ramadani, Mery, and Fitri Yuliani. "Domestic violence (domestic violence) as a global public health issue." Andalas Public Health Journal 9.2 (2017): 80-87.
[4] Mardiyati, Ishatul. "The traumatic impact of domestic violence on children's psychological development." Journal of Gender and Child Studies, I (2) (2015): 26-29.
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[2] Rofiah, Nur. "Domestic violence in an Islamic perspective." Insights: Scientific Journal of Religion and Socio-Culture 2.1 (2017): 31-44.
[3] Ramadani, Mery, and Fitri Yuliani. "Domestic violence (domestic violence) as a global public health issue." Andalas Public Health Journal 9.2 (2017): 80-87.
[4] Mardiyati, Ishatul. "The traumatic impact of domestic violence on children's psychological development." Journal of Gender and Child Studies, I (2) (2015): 26-29.
[5] Abdurachman, Hamidah. "Legal Protection for Victims of Domestic Violence in District Court Decisions as Implementation of Victims' Rights." Journal of Law Ius QuiaIustum 17.3 (2010): 475-491.
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Paper Title | :: | Problematics of the Age Limit for Marriage in Indonesia |
Author Name | :: | Hanisa Amalia || Hamsiri || Rodhi Agung Saputra || M. Dheo Fortunarenza P || Rizki Adiputra |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 33-38 |
This research is to examine after the enactment of Law Number 16 of 2019 (UUP), which increased the age of marriage to 19 years, had an impact on increasing DK applications. Spirit of law to prevent marriage at the age of the child often get in trouble with the occurrence pregnancy at the age of the child which requires soon marriage. The problem in this research is how is the marriage law in Indonesia and how problematics of the age limit for marriage in Indonesia.The research method used is normative juridical research method, with descriptive research type. The research approach uses a statute approach, which examines matters relating to legal principles, views and doctrine, as well as statute regulations. The data used are primary data obtained by means of interviews and secondary data obtained through literature studies such as literature books and scientific papers related to research problems which are analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study are that the age limit for marriage in Indonesia can be held and legalized and recorded by the state if it fulfills the provisions of UUPin Article 7 paragraph (1) UUP contains provisions for the age limit for someone who will enter into a marriage, namely “Marriage is only permitted if the man and woman have reached the age of 19 years old, and DK based on UUP can be submitted to the court with reason very urgent there is no other choice and very urgent soon marriage. Request submission DK must be accompanied supporting evidence sufficient like letter of statement reproduction health future bride and groom from health worker; and judge’s interpretation on the condition of pregnancy is an emergency for which there is no other choice so have yo do it soon marriage with consideration best interests of children an see the benefits.
Keywords: Problematics; Age Limit for Marriage.
Keywords: Problematics; Age Limit for Marriage.
[1] Nuruddin, Amir and Azhari Akmal Taringan. “Indonesian Islamic Civil Law”. Jakarta: Kencana. https://repository.unsimar.ac.id/index.php?p=show_detail&id=2436&keywords. 2006.
[2] Alam, Andi Sjamsu. “The Age of Marriage In The Perspective of Legal PhilosophyAnd Its Contribution To Development”. https://kepaniteraan.mahkamahagung.go.id/. 2011.
[3] Wati Rahmi Ria and Muhamad Zulfikar, “Islamic Law”, Bandar Lampung: Gunung Pesagi. 2017.
[4] Nahdiyanti, Ahyuni Yunus, etc. “Implementation of Changes to the Marriage Age Limit Policy for Underage Marriages”. Journal of Lex Generalis. Vol. 2 No.1. 2021.
[5] Muhammad Habibi Miftakhul Marwa. “Setting the Marriage Age Limit Perspective of the Sakinah Muhammadiyah Family”. Justisi Journal. Vol. 7. No. 1. 2021.
[2] Alam, Andi Sjamsu. “The Age of Marriage In The Perspective of Legal PhilosophyAnd Its Contribution To Development”. https://kepaniteraan.mahkamahagung.go.id/. 2011.
[3] Wati Rahmi Ria and Muhamad Zulfikar, “Islamic Law”, Bandar Lampung: Gunung Pesagi. 2017.
[4] Nahdiyanti, Ahyuni Yunus, etc. “Implementation of Changes to the Marriage Age Limit Policy for Underage Marriages”. Journal of Lex Generalis. Vol. 2 No.1. 2021.
[5] Muhammad Habibi Miftakhul Marwa. “Setting the Marriage Age Limit Perspective of the Sakinah Muhammadiyah Family”. Justisi Journal. Vol. 7. No. 1. 2021.
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Paper Title | :: | The influence of science capital on science achievement of Vietnamese students using the PISA 2015 data |
Author Name | :: | Diep Thi Be |
Country | :: | Vietnam |
Page Number | :: | 39-48 |
This study examines the link between the aspects of science capital and the science achievement of Vietnamese students. Based on Vietnam's 2015 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) data, the study analyzes the influence of science capital on students' Science achievement through hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) at two levels, the student level and the school level. The research results show that based on the theoretical framework of social capital and science capital, a number of variables related to science capital in PISA cycle 2015 were identified, including Impact of Environmental Awareness, Enjoyment of science, Instrumental motivation to learn science, Self-efficacy in science, and Epistemological Beliefs.The results of the analysis of the models show that, except for the Instrumental motivation in learning science, the remaining factors all have a statistically significant influence. Out of a total of 60% of the school-level variance and 40% of the student-level variance in the Unconditional model, in the final model, a total of 25.4% of the variance was explained by the students' science capital characteristics, in which the within-field variance is 9.54%, the inter-field variance is 48.9%. Research results provide useful information for improving science capital and science achievement of Vietnamese students.
Keywords: PISA, PISA Vietnam, science capital, social capital, hierarchical linear models, HLM, Science achievement.
Keywords: PISA, PISA Vietnam, science capital, social capital, hierarchical linear models, HLM, Science achievement.
[1]. Archer, L., DeWitt, J., & Willis, B. (2014). Adolescent boys’ science aspirations: Masculinity, capital, and power. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 51(1), 1–30. doi:10.1002/tea.21122
[2]. Archer, L., Dawson, E., DeWitt, J., Seakins, A., & Wong, B. (2015). ‘Science capital’: A conceptual, methodological, and empirical argument for extending bourdieusian notions of capital beyond the arts. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 52(7), 922–948. doi:10.1002/tea.21227
[3]. Aschbacher, P. R., Li, E., & Roth, E. J. (2010). Is science me? High school students’ identities, participation and aspirations in science, engineering, and medicine. Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, 47 (5), 564–582. doi:10.1002/tea.20353
[4]. Areepattamannil, S., & Kaur, B. (2013). Factors predicting science achievement of immigrant and non-immigrant students: A multilevel analysis. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1183-1207.
[5]. Bourdieu, P. (1986). The forms of capital. In J. Richardson (Ed.), Handbook of theory and research for the sociology of education (pp. 241–258). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press
[2]. Archer, L., Dawson, E., DeWitt, J., Seakins, A., & Wong, B. (2015). ‘Science capital’: A conceptual, methodological, and empirical argument for extending bourdieusian notions of capital beyond the arts. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 52(7), 922–948. doi:10.1002/tea.21227
[3]. Aschbacher, P. R., Li, E., & Roth, E. J. (2010). Is science me? High school students’ identities, participation and aspirations in science, engineering, and medicine. Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, 47 (5), 564–582. doi:10.1002/tea.20353
[4]. Areepattamannil, S., & Kaur, B. (2013). Factors predicting science achievement of immigrant and non-immigrant students: A multilevel analysis. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1183-1207.
[5]. Bourdieu, P. (1986). The forms of capital. In J. Richardson (Ed.), Handbook of theory and research for the sociology of education (pp. 241–258). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press
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Paper Title | :: | Current status of the law on wages in enterprises in Vietnam and some recommendations |
Author Name | :: | Dr. Luong Quang Hien || MSc. Luong Thi Hong Hanh |
Country | :: | Vietnam |
Page Number | :: | 49-56 |
Ensuring the legitimate rights and interests of employees is one of the important principles of labor law. To ensure that principle, one of the important contents related to the income and life of tens of millions of employees and their families is the legal regulations on wages. Therefore, wages must reflect the value of employees' labor power (quality, productivity...), basically ensure the lives of employees and their families, and reproduce labor power. However, the current state of labor law still has many shortcomings that need to be improved. The article focuses on clarifying the current status of the law on wages in enterprises in Vietnam and proposes some recommendations.
Keywords: Salary, enterprises, employees, labor law.
Keywords: Salary, enterprises, employees, labor law.
[1]. Tang Binh - Ai Phuong, Labor Code - New regimes and policies to support employees and employers in 2022, Hong Duc Publishing House, HN. 2022.
[2]. Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, National Workshop on Wage policy in Vietnam in the context of market economy and integration, November 2014.
[3]. Labor Code 2019, Labor Publishing House, Hanoi.2020.
[4]. Mai Ngoc Cuong, on salary and income policy in our country today, Economic and Development Review, No. 181/2012.
[5]. Dang Quang Dieu, Minimum wages and living standards of workers in enterprises today, Journal of Propaganda, Central Propaganda Department, No. 1/2013.
[2]. Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, National Workshop on Wage policy in Vietnam in the context of market economy and integration, November 2014.
[3]. Labor Code 2019, Labor Publishing House, Hanoi.2020.
[4]. Mai Ngoc Cuong, on salary and income policy in our country today, Economic and Development Review, No. 181/2012.
[5]. Dang Quang Dieu, Minimum wages and living standards of workers in enterprises today, Journal of Propaganda, Central Propaganda Department, No. 1/2013.
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Paper Title | :: | The Effect of Tax Penalty, Perceptions of Fairness, And Tax Knowledge on Tax Compliance on MSME Taxpayers in Agricultural Sector |
Author Name | :: | Evi Yuniarti || Artie Arditha Rachman || Dian Nirmala Dewi || Henry Kurniawan |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 57-63 |
The study of tax compliance has become an interesting research area over the last few years. How is the behavior of agricultural MSME in Lampung in responding and making decisions regarding the obligation to pay taxes is relatively limited. The research was conducted to determine the effect of tax sanctions, perceptions of fairness, and knowledge of taxation on taxpayer compliance of agricultural MSME in Bandar Lampung. These determinants have been proven and become arguments that affect taxpayer compliance. Several studies have tested these factors and found inconsistent results. This research was conducted to re-examine the effect of tax sanctions, perceptions of fairness, and knowledge of taxation on taxpayer compliance in agricultural sector MSME taxpayers. Respondents in this study were 64 MSME taxpayers in the agricultural sector in Bandar Lampung. The questionnaire was designed to measure research variables and was analyzed using multiple regression models. The results of the study indicate that there is a significant influence between tax sanctions, perceptions of fairness, and knowledge of taxation on taxpayer compliance.
Keywords: Compliance Perception; MSE Taxpayer; Agriculture
Keywords: Compliance Perception; MSE Taxpayer; Agriculture
[1]. Abbiati, L., Antinyan, A., & Corazzini, L. (2020). A survey experiment on information, taxpayer preferences, and perceived adequacy of the tax burden. Heliyon, 6(3), e03576. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e03576
[2]. Adelina, D. A., & Nugrahanto, A. (2021). The Effect of Tax Knowledge on Tax Compliance in the Self Assessment System in Indonesia. Journal of Information, Taxation, Accounting, and Public Finance, 16(1), 133–156. https://doi.org/10.25105/jipak.v16i1.8374
[3]. Ambya, Fitriani, & Bellapama, I. A. (2022). Agriculture Sector for Lampung Regional Economic Growth Agriculture Sector to Support Lampung Regional Economic Growth. Journal of Food Systems and Agribusiness (JoFSA), 6(1), 102–111.
[4]. Asbar, A. K. (2014). The Effect of Service Satisfaction Level, Tax Understanding, Tax Fairness and Tax Awareness on Taxpayer Compliance Level…. JOM Fekon, 1(2). Retrieved from https://repository.unri.ac.id/bitstream/handle/123456789/2346/JURNAL BARU.pdf?sequence=1
[5]. BPS Province of Lampung. (2018). Results of the 2018 Inter-Census Agricultural Survey (SUTAS) in Lampung Province. Bandar Lampung: BPS Province of Lampung.
[2]. Adelina, D. A., & Nugrahanto, A. (2021). The Effect of Tax Knowledge on Tax Compliance in the Self Assessment System in Indonesia. Journal of Information, Taxation, Accounting, and Public Finance, 16(1), 133–156. https://doi.org/10.25105/jipak.v16i1.8374
[3]. Ambya, Fitriani, & Bellapama, I. A. (2022). Agriculture Sector for Lampung Regional Economic Growth Agriculture Sector to Support Lampung Regional Economic Growth. Journal of Food Systems and Agribusiness (JoFSA), 6(1), 102–111.
[4]. Asbar, A. K. (2014). The Effect of Service Satisfaction Level, Tax Understanding, Tax Fairness and Tax Awareness on Taxpayer Compliance Level…. JOM Fekon, 1(2). Retrieved from https://repository.unri.ac.id/bitstream/handle/123456789/2346/JURNAL BARU.pdf?sequence=1
[5]. BPS Province of Lampung. (2018). Results of the 2018 Inter-Census Agricultural Survey (SUTAS) in Lampung Province. Bandar Lampung: BPS Province of Lampung.
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Paper Title | :: | Application of Fuzzy Servqual Method in Assessing the Quality of Commercial Apartment Services in Hanoi |
Author Name | :: | Luc Manh Hien |
Country | :: | Vietnam |
Page Number | :: | 64-72 |
The study aims to apply the Fuzzy SERVQUAL method to measure and evaluate the gap between customers' expectations and actual perceptions of the service quality of commercial apartments in Hanoi. With the survey of 260 customers in Hanoi, The results show that the three lowest-ranked indicators of perceptions include RES2 (ranked 25th), SEC1 (ranked 24th), and REL2 (ranked 23rd). The Three lowest-ranked indicators of expectation include SEC1 (Ranked 25th, RES2 (ranked 24th), and REL2 (ranked 23rd). In addition, the research has also shown that ranking of the gap between customer perceptions and expectations shows that the response has the most significant gap; ranked second is assurance and third is the two dimensions include empathy and security.
Keywords: Fuzzy SERQUAL, Service quality , commercial apartment, Hanoi
Keywords: Fuzzy SERQUAL, Service quality , commercial apartment, Hanoi
[1]. C. Capdevila, L. Quiñones, L. Vasquez, and N. Villa, “A MCDM Approach Based on Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS for Apartment Building Selection in Barranquilla,” Available at SSRN 3142424, 2018.
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[3]. H. Nam, K. Giao, and C. van Truyen, “S ự hài lòng c ủ a c ư dân v ề ch ấ t l ượ ng d ị ch v ụ chung c ư t ạ i The Era Town,” no. March, 2020, doi: 10.31219/osf.io/ytf2u.
[4]. L. L. Berry, A. Parasuraman, and V. A. Zeithaml, “The service-quality puzzle,” Bus Horiz, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 35–43, 1988.
[5]. R. M. S. Yaqub, F. Halim, and A. Shehzad, “Effect of service quality, price fairness, justice with service recovery and relational bonds on customer loyalty: Mediating role of customer satisfaction,” Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Science, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 62–94, 2019.
[2]. D. Nguyen and T. H. T. Nguyen, “The external impacts of historic landmarks and buildings on townhouse prices in Vietnam,” International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 2021.
[3]. H. Nam, K. Giao, and C. van Truyen, “S ự hài lòng c ủ a c ư dân v ề ch ấ t l ượ ng d ị ch v ụ chung c ư t ạ i The Era Town,” no. March, 2020, doi: 10.31219/osf.io/ytf2u.
[4]. L. L. Berry, A. Parasuraman, and V. A. Zeithaml, “The service-quality puzzle,” Bus Horiz, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 35–43, 1988.
[5]. R. M. S. Yaqub, F. Halim, and A. Shehzad, “Effect of service quality, price fairness, justice with service recovery and relational bonds on customer loyalty: Mediating role of customer satisfaction,” Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Science, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 62–94, 2019.
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Paper Title | :: | Development of H5P-Assisted "Detective Story: Electrostatic Case" Game Learning Media on Class XII Static Electricity Materials |
Author Name | :: | Cahya Meirita || Muhammad Nasir || Dzulhijjah Yetti |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 73-80 |
The purpose of this study is to develop an H5P-assisted "Detective Story: Electrostatic Case' game learning medium on static electricity materials for class XII senior high school students that is valid and practically used in physics learning. The development of this media is carried out as a solution to student difficulties in the student process due to lack of interest in learning physics and the ability of some students who lack mastery of concepts, formulas and calculations. The type of research used is research and development (R&D) using the ADDIE model which consists of five stages, namely the analysis stage, the design stage, the development stage, the implementation stage and the evaluation stage. The data collection instrument is in the form of validation sheets provided by three validators and practicality instruments that were tested on a small scale at SMAN 1 Kabun, Rokan Hulu, Riau, Indonesia as many as 20 people. The data analysis technique is by calculating the validation assessment using the validity index of Aiken's V formula. by 0.93. In addition, learning media is also stated to be practically used by students from the aspects of convenience and design, satisfaction aspects and efficiency aspects with an average practicality value index of 72.63%.
Keywords: game learning media "Detective Story: Electrostatic case, H5P, Static Electricity
Keywords: game learning media "Detective Story: Electrostatic case, H5P, Static Electricity
[1]. Abbas, M. Hidayat, “Factors of Difficulty in Learning Physics in High School Science Class Students”, Journal of Physics Education, 6(1), pp. 45-49, 2018.
[2]. Yolanda, Yaspin, “Development of Contextually Based Static Electricity Modules as a Source of Learning Physics”, Luminous Journal, 2(2), pp.40-56, 2021.
[3]. H. Prasetiyo, I. Widaningrum, I. Astuti, “Android-Based Math & Trash Educational Game Using Scirra Construct 2 and Adobe Phonegap. JOURNAL RESTI (Systems Engineering and Information Technology), 4(1), pp. 10-23, 2020.
[4]. W. Diharjo, D. Sani, M. Arif, “Educational Games Indonesian Use the Fisher Yates Shuffle Method in the Puzzle Game Genre”,INTEGER: Journal of Information Technology, 5(2), pp. 23-35, 2020
[5]. R. Nuqisari, E. Sudarmilah, “Making Solar System Educational Games with Android-Based Construct 2”, Emitors: Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19(2), pp. 86-92, 2019.
[2]. Yolanda, Yaspin, “Development of Contextually Based Static Electricity Modules as a Source of Learning Physics”, Luminous Journal, 2(2), pp.40-56, 2021.
[3]. H. Prasetiyo, I. Widaningrum, I. Astuti, “Android-Based Math & Trash Educational Game Using Scirra Construct 2 and Adobe Phonegap. JOURNAL RESTI (Systems Engineering and Information Technology), 4(1), pp. 10-23, 2020.
[4]. W. Diharjo, D. Sani, M. Arif, “Educational Games Indonesian Use the Fisher Yates Shuffle Method in the Puzzle Game Genre”,INTEGER: Journal of Information Technology, 5(2), pp. 23-35, 2020
[5]. R. Nuqisari, E. Sudarmilah, “Making Solar System Educational Games with Android-Based Construct 2”, Emitors: Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19(2), pp. 86-92, 2019.
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Paper Title | :: | Development of Google Site-Based Interactive Learning Media using H5P on Global Warming Material |
Author Name | :: | Adiella Zakky Juneid || Muhammad Nasir || Trisonia Fitri |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 81-86 |
This research aims to produce google site-based interactive learning media using H5P on Global Warming Material that valid and verify the practicality. The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D) research with the ADDIE model. Google site-based interactive learning media developed through validation stages and practicality tests. The data was collected through a validation assessment sheet that was assessed by the validator. The results of validation of Google site-based interactive learning media are obtained on average >0.75 so that they can be declared valid. Furthermore, the Google site-based interactive learning media is tested for practicality. Data collection at the practicality test stage was obtained from a practicality questionnaire for the Google site-based interactive learning media consisting of 20 students as practitioners. The average score of practicality test results according to students was at a score of >85%. So that the google site-based interactive learning media using H5P on Global Warming Materialis declared practical.
Keywords: Google Site-Based, H5P, Validity Test, Practicallity Test
Keywords: Google Site-Based, H5P, Validity Test, Practicallity Test
[1] Susdarwati and Y. D. Puspitasari. "Studi Komparatif Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Flash Dan Powerpoint Terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika Ditinjau Dari Motivasi Siswa." COMPTON: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 6.1 (2019): 44-53.
[2] Megawati, L. Efriyanti, Supriadi, H. A. Musril, and S. M. Dewi. "Perancangan Media Pembelajaran TIK Kelas XI Menggunakan Google Sites di SMA Negeri 1 Junjung Sirih." INDONESIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL ON EDUCATION 2, no. 1 (2022): 164-175.
[3] M Aulia, N Normilawati, H Yuliani, N Azizah. "Deskripsi Kebutuhan Media Pembelajaran Komik Berbasis Kontekstual Pada Materi Torsi di SMA." COMPTON: JurnalIlmiahPendidikanFisika 8, no. 2 (2021): 72-81.
[4] Meilisa, M. D. Mayangsari, and D. N. Rachmah. "PERANAN PENGELOLAAN KELAS TERHADAP ACADEMIC FLOW PADA SISWA JURUSAN MIPA SMA NEGERI 1 MARTAPURA." JurnalKognisia 1, no. 1 (2020): 76-82.
[5] L. Nane. "Pelatihanpembuatandanpenggunaan google sites sebagai media pembelajarankepada guru madrasah aliyah se-kabupatenboalemo." ARTIKEL 1, no. 6447 (2020).
[2] Megawati, L. Efriyanti, Supriadi, H. A. Musril, and S. M. Dewi. "Perancangan Media Pembelajaran TIK Kelas XI Menggunakan Google Sites di SMA Negeri 1 Junjung Sirih." INDONESIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL ON EDUCATION 2, no. 1 (2022): 164-175.
[3] M Aulia, N Normilawati, H Yuliani, N Azizah. "Deskripsi Kebutuhan Media Pembelajaran Komik Berbasis Kontekstual Pada Materi Torsi di SMA." COMPTON: JurnalIlmiahPendidikanFisika 8, no. 2 (2021): 72-81.
[4] Meilisa, M. D. Mayangsari, and D. N. Rachmah. "PERANAN PENGELOLAAN KELAS TERHADAP ACADEMIC FLOW PADA SISWA JURUSAN MIPA SMA NEGERI 1 MARTAPURA." JurnalKognisia 1, no. 1 (2020): 76-82.
[5] L. Nane. "Pelatihanpembuatandanpenggunaan google sites sebagai media pembelajarankepada guru madrasah aliyah se-kabupatenboalemo." ARTIKEL 1, no. 6447 (2020).
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Paper Title | :: | The Unification of Piar Hot Esen the Original Religion of Buna’ Ethnic Group and the Catholic Christian Religion in the Society of Loonuna and Lutha Rato Villages, Timor Indonesia (A Pastoral Theology Study) |
Author Name | :: | Daud Saleh Luji || Paulus Asa || Jonathan Leobisa |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 87-95 |
The aim of this research is to answer the following questions: 1). Had the Buna‟ people believed in God before the European misionaries came and taught or introduced the belief in the Lord or the Catholic religion in 1875? 2). How do the practices of the belief following the original religion of Piar Hot-Esen as well as the Christian Catholic religion and the unification of both religions happen? 3). The unification of both religions in the society of Buna‟ ethnic group has lasted for 147 years from 1875 until 2022. Will the unification last forever? Is it possible for one of both religions to become weak and disappear? In oder to gain the results of this research, the method applied was the research methodology of the qualitative descriptive method by using emic approach i.e. the method that is based on the data as found in the research field. The technique used for the data compilation was done by the means of observation and deep interview to the informants living in the research location namely Loonuna and Lutha Rato villages. Based on the result of the study, it is concluded that: Firstly, the people of Buna‟ ethnic group society had believed in God before the missionaries brought and proclaimed the belief to the Lord beginning from the year of 1875.Secondly, the unification of the original religion of Piar Hot-Esen (PHE) and the Catholic Christian Religion (CCR) happens because of many reasons, one of which is that there is not any contradiction between both religions. Thirdly, the unification of both religions occurs through some steps as presented in this study.
Keywords: unification, Piar Hot-Esen, Buna‟ ethnic group, Catholic Christian religion, Loonuna and Lutha Rato
Keywords: unification, Piar Hot-Esen, Buna‟ ethnic group, Catholic Christian religion, Loonuna and Lutha Rato
[1]. Amfotis, David, 2020. Pengalaman Menukik Akan yang Ilahi: Perspektif Etik dan Emik, Kajian Antropologi Teologi Dalam Masyarakat Biboki Timor Tengah Utara (Disertasi)
[2]. Asa, Yustus, 2021. Pastoral Kehadiran, Kupang: Gitah Kasih
[3]. Bele, Antonius, 1992. Sejarah Paroki St. Gerardus Nualain, Atambua: Puspas
[4]. Bele, Antonius, 2011. Nurani Orang Buna’, Salatiga: Universitas Kristen Satya Macana
[5]. Bere, Mali, Benediktus, 2021. Malu Aiba’a, Jakarta: Cerdas Pustaka
[2]. Asa, Yustus, 2021. Pastoral Kehadiran, Kupang: Gitah Kasih
[3]. Bele, Antonius, 1992. Sejarah Paroki St. Gerardus Nualain, Atambua: Puspas
[4]. Bele, Antonius, 2011. Nurani Orang Buna’, Salatiga: Universitas Kristen Satya Macana
[5]. Bere, Mali, Benediktus, 2021. Malu Aiba’a, Jakarta: Cerdas Pustaka
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Paper Title | :: | The Influence of Incentives, Work Motivation and Work Stress on Performance of Office Officers, Lubuk Kilangan |
Author Name | :: | Didi Ariyadi || Sri Utari || Mateus Samalinggai || Tarsius Yan Haris |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 96-105 |
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of incentives, motivation and job satisfaction on the performance of the Lubuk Kilangan District Head Office employees. This research is motivated by low job satisfaction, incentives that do not meet the needs, the existence of regulations that do not support work, low employee motivation, employees feel dissatisfied with the applicable regulations both related to the implementation of work and incentives, and low performance results. agencies and employees of the Lubuk Kilangan sub-district office.
Research method with quantitative approach with multiple linear regression method. Data collection techniques with questionnaires, observations and interviews. The respondents of this study were 48 employees of the Lubuk Kilangan sub-district office. The sampling method used the total sampling method where the entire population in this study was used as the research sample. Hypothesis testing was calculated using the IBM Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 24.0 program.
The results of this study found that incentives have a significant effect on employee performance, work motivation has a significant effect on performance, job satisfaction has a significant effect on employee performance, from the ANOVA test obtained Fcount > Ftable or 6.305 > 3.180 with a significance level of 0.001 or 0.05, then incentives, work motivation and job satisfaction together have a significant effect on the performance of the Lubuk Kilangan District Office employees.
Keywords: incentives, motivation, work stress, employee performance
Research method with quantitative approach with multiple linear regression method. Data collection techniques with questionnaires, observations and interviews. The respondents of this study were 48 employees of the Lubuk Kilangan sub-district office. The sampling method used the total sampling method where the entire population in this study was used as the research sample. Hypothesis testing was calculated using the IBM Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 24.0 program.
The results of this study found that incentives have a significant effect on employee performance, work motivation has a significant effect on performance, job satisfaction has a significant effect on employee performance, from the ANOVA test obtained Fcount > Ftable or 6.305 > 3.180 with a significance level of 0.001 or 0.05, then incentives, work motivation and job satisfaction together have a significant effect on the performance of the Lubuk Kilangan District Office employees.
Keywords: incentives, motivation, work stress, employee performance
[1]. Alex, N. (2015). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Pustaka Setia.
[2]. Audya Dewintha, Nur Fitriyah, S. R. (2017). Pengaruh Pemberian Insentif Dan Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Di Kantor Camat Samarinda Utara. EJournal Administrative Reform, 5(3), 588-601., ISSN 2338-7637.
[3]. Dessler, G. (2019). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Indeks.
[4]. Ghozali, I. (2017). Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate dengan Program SPSS. Universitas Diponegoro.
[5]. Hariandja, M. (2014). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Grasindo.
[2]. Audya Dewintha, Nur Fitriyah, S. R. (2017). Pengaruh Pemberian Insentif Dan Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Di Kantor Camat Samarinda Utara. EJournal Administrative Reform, 5(3), 588-601., ISSN 2338-7637.
[3]. Dessler, G. (2019). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Indeks.
[4]. Ghozali, I. (2017). Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate dengan Program SPSS. Universitas Diponegoro.
[5]. Hariandja, M. (2014). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Grasindo.
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Paper Title | :: | Romeo and Juliet: A Case Study of Ideologization through Love |
Author Name | :: | Firas Alkurdi |
Country | :: | Qatar |
Page Number | :: | 106-110 |
Abstract:Literary criticism theories have widely discussed literature's meaning, function, and aim. The question of ideology was always present in almost all views, including film theories. However, Marxism prevailed most whenever the discussion was about the means and ends of literature. Whether literature is considered a reinforcing, a subverting of a dominant ideology, or an aesthetic cultural factor, it still atrophies connotations of mass ideologizing. This paper tries to discuss how different literary theories would refer - directly or indirectly - to the role of literature in shaping and reshaping the common sense of the individual and society. For this purpose, some prominent theories are interwoven in the first part of this paper.Slaughter's interpretation of Marxism is scrutinized to depict how common sense is generated through the 'Marxianbase'.
Furthermore, Nichol's propounded interpretation of the power of knowledge to formulate ideologies is persuaded in literature. In the second part, previously discussed theories are treated through an empirical analysis through encountering the concept of love in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. This work of literature is intensely scrutinized to highlight the role of literature in the ideologization of society. Therefore, to address this paper's hypothesis about how the concept of love in the play is aesthetically used to ideologize readers.
Keywords: Ideology, Ideologization, Common Sense, Aesthetics, Dominating Knowledge
Furthermore, Nichol's propounded interpretation of the power of knowledge to formulate ideologies is persuaded in literature. In the second part, previously discussed theories are treated through an empirical analysis through encountering the concept of love in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. This work of literature is intensely scrutinized to highlight the role of literature in the ideologization of society. Therefore, to address this paper's hypothesis about how the concept of love in the play is aesthetically used to ideologize readers.
Keywords: Ideology, Ideologization, Common Sense, Aesthetics, Dominating Knowledge
[1]. Daiches, D. (1956). Critical approaches to literature. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
[2]. Giddens, A. (1983). Four Theses on Ideology. Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory, 18-21. doi:10.1007/978-1-349-22346-6_2.
[3]. Grove, P. (1993). Webster's third new international dictionary; Unabridged. London: Unabridged; Encyclopaedia Britannica.
[4]. Holderness, G. (Ed.). (1998). The Shakespeare Myth. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Retrieved ebook
[5]. Miola, R. S. (2004). Seven types of intertextuality.
[2]. Giddens, A. (1983). Four Theses on Ideology. Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory, 18-21. doi:10.1007/978-1-349-22346-6_2.
[3]. Grove, P. (1993). Webster's third new international dictionary; Unabridged. London: Unabridged; Encyclopaedia Britannica.
[4]. Holderness, G. (Ed.). (1998). The Shakespeare Myth. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Retrieved ebook
[5]. Miola, R. S. (2004). Seven types of intertextuality.
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Author Name | :: | Edith Sánchez González || Manuel Miss Ramírez |
Country | :: | Mexico |
Page Number | :: | 111-117 |
El derecho a la educación en México, ha tenido una evolución a través de las diversas reformas al artículo 3° de la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, reformas que han sido trascendentales porque han determinado el rumbo del sistema educativo en nuestro país. Considerando el derecho a la educación uno de los derechos humanos que ha evolucionado, siendo motivo de grandes debates y análisis por parte de muchos teóricos del derecho a través del tiempo, las corrientes positivista e ius naturalista, han planteado desde su óptica la manera de hacer valer estos derechos y en ambas corrientes han encontrado que deben existir los mecanismos adecuados para que dichos derechos sean efectivos, esto es; que exista una garantía constitucional que permita la aplicación de estos. En el presente estudio se pretende analizar las reformas del derecho a la educación, sus resultados y las acciones que existen para tutelar este derecho humano. Se aplica un enfoque cualitativo utilizando la doctrina analítica y sociología jurídica. Se concluye que el Derecho humano a la Educación está garantizado por el estado en nuestra Carta Magna en cuanto al acceso que tienen todas las personas para que sus hijos asistan a clases, así como a través de los diversos instrumentos jurídicos, programas educativos y políticas públicas aplicadas en cada reforma. A tres años de la reforma no se han alcanzado resultados favorables, debido a factores externos como la pandemia, sin embargo, ante el planteamiento constitucional de hacer obligatoria la educación inicial y superior, el estado tiene una gran tarea y obligación de garantizar este derecho humano.
Keywords: Educación, Garantía Constitucional, Derechos humanos.
Keywords: Educación, Garantía Constitucional, Derechos humanos.
[1]. WITKER VELÁSQUEZ Jorge, (2021) Metodología de la Investigación Científica, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas UNAM. Ciudad de México.
[2]. MENDOZA MOLINA, La Trascendencia Socio-Educativa de las Misiones Culturales en México (1923-1938), 2007, Bibliotecavirtual.dgb.unich.mx
[3]. RIVES SÁNCHEZ, Roberto, La Reforma Constitucional en México, jurídicas UNAM, México, 2010. https://biblio.juridicas.unam.mx/bjv/detalle-libro/2802-la-reforma-constitucional-en-mexico
[4]. REFORMA CONSTITUCIONAL DEL ARTÍCULO 3°, FOF 12 de diciembre de 1946. https://www.diputados.gob.mx/LeyesBiblio/ref/cpeum_art.htm
[5]. DECRETO POR EL QUE SE ADICIONA EL ARTÍCULO 3° DE LA CONSTITUCIÓN POLÍTICA DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS, Poder Ejecutivo, secretaria de gobierno, DO reforma publicada el 9 de junio de 1980, https://www.diputados.gob.mx/LeyesBiblio/ref/dof/CPEUM_ref_092_09jun80_ima.pdf
[2]. MENDOZA MOLINA, La Trascendencia Socio-Educativa de las Misiones Culturales en México (1923-1938), 2007, Bibliotecavirtual.dgb.unich.mx
[3]. RIVES SÁNCHEZ, Roberto, La Reforma Constitucional en México, jurídicas UNAM, México, 2010. https://biblio.juridicas.unam.mx/bjv/detalle-libro/2802-la-reforma-constitucional-en-mexico
[4]. REFORMA CONSTITUCIONAL DEL ARTÍCULO 3°, FOF 12 de diciembre de 1946. https://www.diputados.gob.mx/LeyesBiblio/ref/cpeum_art.htm
[5]. DECRETO POR EL QUE SE ADICIONA EL ARTÍCULO 3° DE LA CONSTITUCIÓN POLÍTICA DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS, Poder Ejecutivo, secretaria de gobierno, DO reforma publicada el 9 de junio de 1980, https://www.diputados.gob.mx/LeyesBiblio/ref/dof/CPEUM_ref_092_09jun80_ima.pdf
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Paper Title | :: | Lesson Study: Implementation of “Market Day Project” as an Anti Corruption Education for Early Child |
Author Name | :: | Melia Dwi Widayanti || Rachma Hasibuan || Muhammad Reza || Ajeng Putri Pratiwi |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 118-123 |
Eradication of corruption, not only law enforcement must be carried out but also efforts to approach the educational process need to be carried out, so that in the end anti-corruption values will be embedded in individuals. Anti-corruption education also needs to be instilled from an early age, considering that early childhood education is the basis for laying attitudes and determining the character of children in the future.
Anti-corruption education is an effort to improve political culture in the educational path to carry out sustainable cultural change (Helmanita & Kamil, 2006). Early childhood as an individual who needs educational stimulation needs to be given the knowledge, values, attitudes, and skills needed by children as a provision of knowledge in order to prevent corruption that will harm themselves and the surrounding environment.
Anti-corruption education is an effort to improve political culture in the educational path to carry out sustainable cultural change (Helmanita & Kamil, 2006). Early childhood as an individual who needs educational stimulation needs to be given the knowledge, values, attitudes, and skills needed by children as a provision of knowledge in order to prevent corruption that will harm themselves and the surrounding environment.
[1]. Ansori, Y. Z. (2021). Menumbuhkan Karakter Hormatdan Tanggung Jawab Pada Siswa DiSekolah Dasar. Jurnal Educatio FKIPUNMA, 7(3), 599–605.
[2]. Alwi, H. (2002). Kamusbesarbahasa indonesia edisiketiga. jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
[3]. Direktorat Sekolah Menengah Pertama.(2021). Menjadi Guru Pembelajar dengan Lesson Study. Diunduh melalui https://ditsmp.kemdikbud.go.id/menjadi-guru-pembelajar-dengan-lesson-study/padatanggal18 April2022
[4]. Febriyanti, F., Mulyadiprana, A., Nugraha, A.(2021). Analisis Penanaman Nilainilai Karakter melalui Kegiatan Kewirausahaan “Market Day” diSDIT Abu Bakar Ash-Shiddiq. Pedidaktika:Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Vol8 No 1
[5]. Fatimah, D. S., Alfiandra, A., & Sulkipani, S. (2021). Pengaruh Kegiatan Market Day Dengan Jiwa Kewirausahaan Smp ItHarapan Mulia Palembang. Sriwijaya University.
[2]. Alwi, H. (2002). Kamusbesarbahasa indonesia edisiketiga. jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
[3]. Direktorat Sekolah Menengah Pertama.(2021). Menjadi Guru Pembelajar dengan Lesson Study. Diunduh melalui https://ditsmp.kemdikbud.go.id/menjadi-guru-pembelajar-dengan-lesson-study/padatanggal18 April2022
[4]. Febriyanti, F., Mulyadiprana, A., Nugraha, A.(2021). Analisis Penanaman Nilainilai Karakter melalui Kegiatan Kewirausahaan “Market Day” diSDIT Abu Bakar Ash-Shiddiq. Pedidaktika:Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Vol8 No 1
[5]. Fatimah, D. S., Alfiandra, A., & Sulkipani, S. (2021). Pengaruh Kegiatan Market Day Dengan Jiwa Kewirausahaan Smp ItHarapan Mulia Palembang. Sriwijaya University.
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Paper Title | :: | Media ethics in the digital age in Vietnam |
Author Name | :: | Nguyen Van Thieu |
Country | :: | Vietnam |
Page Number | :: | 124-126 |
The author of this article researched how media ethics problems are used in Vietnamese journalism. The paper considers the reasons leading to the moral weakness of journalists, thereby offering solutions to improve their morality and qualifications. The result of the research plays an essential role not only in journalism theory generally but also for current Vietnamese journalists in particular.
Keywords: social media, media ethics, vietnamese journalism, professional ethics
Keywords: social media, media ethics, vietnamese journalism, professional ethics
[1] Adam, D., (2015). Media Ethics. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition, 42-47, 2015.
[2] Duong, X.S., Broadcast journalism textbook, Hanoi National University Publishing publisher, Hanoi, 2011.
[3] Iwona. A. N., Bara. N., Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 154. 72-76, 2014.
[4] Katerina. T., Chiara. V., The “Holy” Triad in Media Ethics: A Conceptual Model for Understanding Global Media Ethics, Public Relations Review, Volume 42, Issue 4, 573-581, 2016.
[5] Nelson, R.A., A Chronology and Glossary of Propaganda in the United States, Conn. and London: Greenwood Press, Westport, 1996.
[2] Duong, X.S., Broadcast journalism textbook, Hanoi National University Publishing publisher, Hanoi, 2011.
[3] Iwona. A. N., Bara. N., Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 154. 72-76, 2014.
[4] Katerina. T., Chiara. V., The “Holy” Triad in Media Ethics: A Conceptual Model for Understanding Global Media Ethics, Public Relations Review, Volume 42, Issue 4, 573-581, 2016.
[5] Nelson, R.A., A Chronology and Glossary of Propaganda in the United States, Conn. and London: Greenwood Press, Westport, 1996.
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Paper Title | :: | Effectiveness of Implementing the Etle Program in Following Traffic Violations |
Author Name | :: | Imelta Santalova Wanmea Susanto || Vienna Egitha Qurratu Aini || Khansa LuthfitaRisqi || M. Ardan Khandari || Andika Kurniawan |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 127-132 |
Traffic violations are a common phenomenon in big cities in developing countries, such as Indonesia. This problem is often associated with the increasing number of city residents which results in increasing activity and density on the highway. For traffic violations, motorists are subject to a ticket using a proof of violation or ticket. As time goes by, the ticket is now updated with a technology system called electronic traffic law enforcement (ETLE). ETLE is like a monitoring camera that provides information to the police if a violation occurs via the license plate of the offending vehicle. To avoid sanctions that will be recorded on the E-ticket application, the perpetrators use a method by removing the vehicle's number plate so that it is not visible and recorded on the E-ticket. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the application of the E-ticket program in dealing with traffic violations and to find out the law enforcement process against perpetrators who commit violations in the implementation of the E-ticket program in dealing with traffic violations. The research method used in this research is normative legal research which is carried out by examining norms or regulations in various studies based on theory and also legal concepts related to the issues studied. The approach taken uses a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. Based on the results of the research, the effectiveness of implementing the ETLE program in dealing with traffic violations is indeed quite effective in its implementation, but there are indeed a number of things that need to be re-evaluated, especially regarding public knowledge, both from the technology used to the sanctions received.
Keywords: ETLE, effectiveness, and the law enforcement.
Keywords: ETLE, effectiveness, and the law enforcement.
[1] Muhar Junef, Community Behavior against Evidence of Violation Operations (Tickets) in Traffic, E-Journal Widya Yustisia, Vol. 1 No. 1 Juni 2014.
[2] Indriyanti, https://indrayanti_prastica-fisip15.web.unair.ac.id/artikel_detail-165462-EGovernance-ANALISIS%20ETILANG%20DI%20INDONESIA.html
[3] https://kumparan.com/jofie-yordan/polisi-pakai-E-Tilang-proses-bayar-denda-lebih-singkat
[4] Sabian Usman, Fundamentals of Sociology, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Belajar, 2009.
[5] SoerdjonoSoekanto, Several Legal Issues within the Development Framework in Indonesia, Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia, 1976.
[2] Indriyanti, https://indrayanti_prastica-fisip15.web.unair.ac.id/artikel_detail-165462-EGovernance-ANALISIS%20ETILANG%20DI%20INDONESIA.html
[3] https://kumparan.com/jofie-yordan/polisi-pakai-E-Tilang-proses-bayar-denda-lebih-singkat
[4] Sabian Usman, Fundamentals of Sociology, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Belajar, 2009.
[5] SoerdjonoSoekanto, Several Legal Issues within the Development Framework in Indonesia, Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia, 1976.
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Paper Title | :: | A Bibliography on the Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises |
Author Name | :: | Tariro Mutereko || Simeon Ambrose Nwone |
Country | :: | South Africa |
Page Number | :: | 133-174 |
The bibliographic study compiled reference sources on the Impacts of COVID 19 on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) across the globe. The paper aims to fill a crucial knowledge gap in LIS literature due to paucity of bibliographic information sources on this topic. The methodological approach involved queries on scholarly databases such as Google Scholar, Google.com, web of science, iCatalogue, African Journal Online (AJOL), Sabinet, Emerald Insight, ProQuest, Scopus, JSTOR, Science direct, SAGE, EBSCOhost, Elsevier, Taylor and Francis, and Springer link, using the UKZN library online portal. The search strategy included the formulation of phrases, keywords and terms related to the topic. Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) were used to combine keywords to optimize retrievals. The outcome was the compilation of 447 bibliographic reference sources to aid researchers across the world with quick and reliable bibliographic reference sources to investigate the impacts of coronavirus pandemic on small and medium enterprises.
Keywords: Covid-19, small and medium-sized enterprises,pandemic
Keywords: Covid-19, small and medium-sized enterprises,pandemic
[1]. Bartik, A. W., Bertrand, M., Cullen, Z. B., Glaeser, E. L., Luca, M. and Stanton, C. T. 2020. The impact of COVID-19 on small business outcomes and expectations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,117( 30):17656-17666
[2]. Bhutta, Z.A., Basnyat ,B., Saha ,S.and Laxminarayan, R. 2020. Covid-19 risks and response in South Asia. Available: https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/368/bmj.m1190.full.pdf[Accessed April 15 2020].
[3]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2021. Omicron Variant. Available: https://www.cdc.gov/ Accessed 22 December 2021.
[4]. Digitally Driven .2021. European Small businesses find a digital safety net during Covid-19. Report. Connected Commerce. Available: https://digitallydriven.connectedcouncil.org/europe/. [Accessed April 10 2020].
[5]. Dua, A., Ellingrud, K., Mahajan, D. and Silberg, J. 2020. Which small businesses are most vulnerable to COVID-19—and when. McKinsey & Company.
[2]. Bhutta, Z.A., Basnyat ,B., Saha ,S.and Laxminarayan, R. 2020. Covid-19 risks and response in South Asia. Available: https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/368/bmj.m1190.full.pdf[Accessed April 15 2020].
[3]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2021. Omicron Variant. Available: https://www.cdc.gov/ Accessed 22 December 2021.
[4]. Digitally Driven .2021. European Small businesses find a digital safety net during Covid-19. Report. Connected Commerce. Available: https://digitallydriven.connectedcouncil.org/europe/. [Accessed April 10 2020].
[5]. Dua, A., Ellingrud, K., Mahajan, D. and Silberg, J. 2020. Which small businesses are most vulnerable to COVID-19—and when. McKinsey & Company.
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Paper Title | :: | The Translation and Transmission of Bodhicaryāvatāra in the Western Countries |
Author Name | :: | Tian Xibo |
Country | :: | China |
Page Number | :: | 175-181 |
This article is an analysis of the translation and transmission of Bodhicaryāvatāra in the western countries, the author talks about both earlier and later translations of Bodhicaryāvatāra, the author further explores the translation and transmission of different versions including the two main English versions, two main French versions and two main Spanish versions, as well as their contributions to the Buddhist translation.
Keywords: Bodhicaryāvatāra; Śāntideva; translation; transmission; western countries
Keywords: Bodhicaryāvatāra; Śāntideva; translation; transmission; western countries
[1]. Gómez, L. O. (1999). The Way of the Translators: Three Recent Translations of Śāntideva's Bodhicaryāvatāra. Journal of Buddhist Literature, 1, 262-354.
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[5]. Melis, N. M. (2005). The Bodhicaryāvatāra: A Buddhist Treatise Translated into Western Languages. In Less Translated Languages (Pp. 207-224). John Benjamins.
[2]. Goodman, C., & Schultz, A. (2020). Prajñākaramati on Śāntideva’s Case Against Anger: A Translation of Bodhicaryāvatāra-pañjikā VI. 1-69. Journal of Indian Philosophy, 48(3), 503-540.
[3]. Lang, K. (1994). Meditation as a Tool for Deconstructing the Phenomenal World. In The Buddhist Forum (Vol. 3, pp. 143-59). The Institute of Buddhist Studies, Tring, UK; The Institute of Buddhist Studies, Berkeley, USA.
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[5]. Melis, N. M. (2005). The Bodhicaryāvatāra: A Buddhist Treatise Translated into Western Languages. In Less Translated Languages (Pp. 207-224). John Benjamins.
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Paper Title | :: | The Effect of Job Satisfaction, Work Discipline and Work Environment on Performance of Employees at Sintuak Camat Office Toboh Gadang |
Author Name | :: | Afriyeni || Zamzami || Zomarita |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 182-190 |
This study aims to see the effect of (1) Job Satisfaction on the Performance of the Sintuak Toboh Gadang Sub-District Office Employees (2) Work Discipline on the Performance of the Sintuak Toboh Gadang Sub-District Office Employees (3) Work Environment on the Performance of Sintuak Toboh Gadang Sub-District Office Employees (4) Job Satisfaction, Work Discipline and Work Environment have a joint effect on the Performance of the Sintuak Toboh Gadang Sub-District Office Employees.
The population in this study is allThere are 36 employees of the Sintuak Toboh Gadang sub-district office. And the technique of determining the number of samples taken as respondents using total sampling in Sugiyono (2017).
Results this study shows that (1) Job satisfaction has a positive significant effect on the performance of the Sintuak Toboh Gadang Sub-District Office Employees (2) Work Discipline has a positive influence on the performance of the Sintuak Toboh Gadang Sub-district Office Employees (3) Work environment have a positive influence on the performance of the Sintuak Toboh Gadang Sub-district Office Employees (4) Job Satisfaction, Work Discipline and Work Environment jointly have a positive effect on the performance of the Sintuak Toboh Gadang Sub-District Office Employees.
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Work Discipline and Work Environment
The population in this study is allThere are 36 employees of the Sintuak Toboh Gadang sub-district office. And the technique of determining the number of samples taken as respondents using total sampling in Sugiyono (2017).
Results this study shows that (1) Job satisfaction has a positive significant effect on the performance of the Sintuak Toboh Gadang Sub-District Office Employees (2) Work Discipline has a positive influence on the performance of the Sintuak Toboh Gadang Sub-district Office Employees (3) Work environment have a positive influence on the performance of the Sintuak Toboh Gadang Sub-district Office Employees (4) Job Satisfaction, Work Discipline and Work Environment jointly have a positive effect on the performance of the Sintuak Toboh Gadang Sub-District Office Employees.
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Work Discipline and Work Environment
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[2]. Asti, (2017). Effect of Work Environment and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance. Journal of Administration And Business, 3(1), 50–58.
[3]. BIP, Editorial Team. (2018). The Association of Legislations of the Republic of Indonesia PP RI Number 11 of 2017 "Regarding the Management of Civil Servants". Jakarta: Bhuana Popular Science.
[4]. Budianto, A, ATB, Katini, A. (2015). Effect of Work Environment on Employee Performance at PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PERSERO) Tbk SBU Distribution Region I Jakarta. Scientific Journal of Pamulang University Management Study Program, 3, 100-124.
[5]. Edison, Anwar & Khomariyah. (2017). Human Resource Management "Strategy and Change in Order to Improve Employee and Organizational Performance". Bandung: CV. Alphabet.
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Paper Title | :: | Examining Safety and Security Compensation/ Reward System of an International Security Company amongst Lagos-based Employees |
Author Name | :: | Ike O. Okoro || Ezem, M. Ibekwe |
Country | :: | Nigeria |
Page Number | :: | 191-201 |
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of an international security company‟s compensation strategy. Data was gathered through the use of questionnaires. The respondents (n=170) were employees of the security company, drawn from different management cadre and other staff, and rated variables for the study on a five-point Likert scale. This study found statistical support for all of the hypotheses, showing that a fair reward system leads to better performance from workers of thesecurity company in Nigeria and that this reflects maximally on workplace safety. The research suggests that companies should institute reward policies and practices that encourage and facilitate the attainment of organizational objectives.
Keywords: Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, Safety, Security, Rewards
Keywords: Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, Safety, Security, Rewards
[1]. Adejoh, Pius. (2013). An Assessment of the Performance of Informal Security Structures in Community Crime Control in Metropolitan Lagos. British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, Vol.14 No I
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[4]. Armstrong, M., and Murlis, H. (1994). “Reward Management: A Handbook of Remuneration Strategy and Practice,” Kogan Page, London
[5]. Atkinson, J.W. (1976). Resistance and Overmotivation in Achievement-Oriented Activity. In: Serban, G. (eds) Psychopathology of Human Adaptation. Springer, Boston, MA. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4684-2238-2_12
[2]. Ajila, C.O., Ibukun, C.O. (2019). Managerial Leadership X ray of Issues and Facts: Society for science and Educational, United Kingdom.
[3]. Akwei, C. and Nwachukwu, C. (2022). An exploration of contextual factors affecting the nexus of competitive strategy and human resource management practices in Nigeria emerging economy context, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2022.2104128
[4]. Armstrong, M., and Murlis, H. (1994). “Reward Management: A Handbook of Remuneration Strategy and Practice,” Kogan Page, London
[5]. Atkinson, J.W. (1976). Resistance and Overmotivation in Achievement-Oriented Activity. In: Serban, G. (eds) Psychopathology of Human Adaptation. Springer, Boston, MA. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4684-2238-2_12
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Paper Title | :: | The Role of Social Support in the Incidence of Depression during the Covid-19 Quarantine Moderated by the Neuroticism Personality Type |
Author Name | :: | Dhiemas Trisyuananada Eniestama || Farikha Auliasari |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 202-208 |
The outbreak and spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has become a global public health problem. Young adults are facing significant life changes and challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic due to changes in the world of work, the process of finding work, pursuing higher education, and taking on new social responsibilities. Overall, perceived social support is a significant predictor of life satisfaction and negative affect. Among the five personality traits, extraversion and neuroticism were shown to have a consistent relationship with depressive symptoms. This study aims to examine the relationship between social support and depressive symptoms moderated by neurotic personality in people who are undergoing COVID-19 quarantine. This research is a quantitative research with moderation analysis method. Data collection used an online questionnaire, where the questionnaires used were CES-D, Neuroticism BFI, and MSPSS. The subjects of this study were 62 subjects who were undergoing quarantine for COVID-19. The results of this study are that neurotic personality can affect the relationship between social support and depressive symptoms in people who are undergoing COVID-19 quarantine.
Keywords: depression, grit, neuroticism
Keywords: depression, grit, neuroticism
[1] Altena, E., Baglioni, C., Espie, C. A., Ellis, J., Gavriloff, D., Holzinger, B., et al. (2020). Dealing with sleep problems during home confinement due to the COVID-19 outbreak: practical recommendations from a task force of the European CBT-I academy. J. Sleep Res. 29:e13052. doi: 10.1111/jsr.13052
[2] Tian, F., Li, H., Tian, S., Yang, J., Shao, J., and Tian, C. (2020). Psychological symptoms of ordinary chinese citizens based on SCL-90 during the level I emergency response to COVID-19. Psychiatry Res. 288:112992. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2020.112992
[3] Xiang, Y. T., Yang, Y., Li, W., Zhang, L., Zhang, Q., Cheung, T., et al. (2020). Timely mental health care for the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak is urgently needed. Lancet Psychiatry 7, 228–229. doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(20)30046-8
[4] Brooks, S. K., Webster, R. K., Smith, L. E., Woodland, L., Wessely, S., Greenberg, N., et al. (2020). The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: rapid review of the evidence. Lancet 395, 912–920. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30460-8
[5] Webster, R. K., Brooks, S. K., Smith, L. E., Woodland, L., Wessely, S., and Rubin, G. J. (2020). How to improve adherence with quarantine: rapid review of the evidence. Public Health 182, 163–169. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2020.03.007
[2] Tian, F., Li, H., Tian, S., Yang, J., Shao, J., and Tian, C. (2020). Psychological symptoms of ordinary chinese citizens based on SCL-90 during the level I emergency response to COVID-19. Psychiatry Res. 288:112992. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2020.112992
[3] Xiang, Y. T., Yang, Y., Li, W., Zhang, L., Zhang, Q., Cheung, T., et al. (2020). Timely mental health care for the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak is urgently needed. Lancet Psychiatry 7, 228–229. doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(20)30046-8
[4] Brooks, S. K., Webster, R. K., Smith, L. E., Woodland, L., Wessely, S., Greenberg, N., et al. (2020). The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: rapid review of the evidence. Lancet 395, 912–920. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30460-8
[5] Webster, R. K., Brooks, S. K., Smith, L. E., Woodland, L., Wessely, S., and Rubin, G. J. (2020). How to improve adherence with quarantine: rapid review of the evidence. Public Health 182, 163–169. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2020.03.007
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Paper Title | :: | Directive Speech Acts in the Dialogues of Madrigal’s Family in Encanto Movie |
Author Name | :: | Erni Hastuti || Dwi Thasya Febryanti || Teddy Oswari |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 209-213 |
Pragmatics studies the meaning of words in context. This research aims to identify the directive speech acts performed in Encanto movie. Moreover, this study investigated how often the direct speech acts performed and which type of directive speech acts that are most frequently used in the movie in the dialogues of Madrigal’s family in Encanto movie. The theory of Yule (1996, p. 47) is used to analyze the data. Descriptive qualitative is used to describe the results of directive speech acts analyses. In research result is found 90 directive speech acts types in Madrigal family members dialogues. There are 28 dialogues contained commands, 35 dialogues contained orders, 10 dialogues contained requests, and 17 dialogues contained suggestions. Order is the kind of directive speech act that is most frequently found in Encanto movie because order is a type of directive which allows the listener to do something or refuses to do it. Order can sometimes also be used as a form of invitation.
Keywords: Dialogues, Directive, Speech Acts
Keywords: Dialogues, Directive, Speech Acts
[1] A. Cruse, Meaning in Language: An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics, Oxford University Press, New York, 2000.
[2] Anderson, Language Skill in Elementary Education, Mcmillan Publishing Co, New York, 1972.
[3] D. McQuail, McQuail’s Mass Communication Theory. 6th edition, Sage Publications, California, 2010.
[4] F. Della, and B. Sembiring, “An Analysis of Directive Speech Acts by Searle Theory in Sleeping Beauty Movie Script”, Journal of English Education and Teaching 2(1), pp 22-85, 2018.
[5] G. Yule, Pragmatics, Oxford University Press, New York, 1996.
[2] Anderson, Language Skill in Elementary Education, Mcmillan Publishing Co, New York, 1972.
[3] D. McQuail, McQuail’s Mass Communication Theory. 6th edition, Sage Publications, California, 2010.
[4] F. Della, and B. Sembiring, “An Analysis of Directive Speech Acts by Searle Theory in Sleeping Beauty Movie Script”, Journal of English Education and Teaching 2(1), pp 22-85, 2018.
[5] G. Yule, Pragmatics, Oxford University Press, New York, 1996.
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Paper Title | :: | Muslim Unity: A Study of Ideas of Badiuzzaman Said Nursi and Allama Muhammad Iqbal |
Author Name | :: | Mohsin Afzal Dar |
Country | :: | India |
Page Number | :: | 214-218 |
Badiuzzaman Said Nursi (1876 -1960) and Allama Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938), were two stars of the 20th century, who lit up the skies of religion, split the suffocating darkness, and spread the wings of mercy and knowledge over the whole world of Islam. Nursi, a scholar of the highest standing having studied not only all the traditional religious sciences but also modern science and earned the name Badiuzzaman, Wonder of the Age, in his youth as a result of his outstanding skill and knowledge, spent a life of commendable effort and self-sacrifice in the cause of Islam. Similarly, Iqbal, the poet-philosopher and one of the most distinguished and dominant figures of 20th century, who belonged to a generation that was exposed to modern education, is one of those great scholars who have left a legacy behind to be followed by other scholars.
Muslim Unity is the most important issue which concerns all Muslims, and it is not only a political issue. This Unity starts from the bonds and solidarity between two Muslims due to their brotherhood-in-faith and reaches mutual cooperation and assistance among all Muslims throughout the entire Islamic World. Nursi and Iqbal promoted Islamic Unity and tried to re-establish the concept of Islamic Ummah (community) among Muslims.
In this direction, this paper discusses the thoughts of Said Nursi and Allama Iqbal on Muslim Unity.
Muslim Unity is the most important issue which concerns all Muslims, and it is not only a political issue. This Unity starts from the bonds and solidarity between two Muslims due to their brotherhood-in-faith and reaches mutual cooperation and assistance among all Muslims throughout the entire Islamic World. Nursi and Iqbal promoted Islamic Unity and tried to re-establish the concept of Islamic Ummah (community) among Muslims.
In this direction, this paper discusses the thoughts of Said Nursi and Allama Iqbal on Muslim Unity.
[1] Abdul Aleem Helal, Social Philosophy of Sir Muhammad Iqbal, Adam Publishers & Distributors, Delhi, 1995, p.12
[2] Dr. Mohd Manzoor Alam, et.al., 100 Great Muslim Leaders of the 20th century, Institute of Objective Studies, New Delhi, 2005, p. 435
[3] Badr Azimabadi, Great Personalities in Islam, Adam Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 2004, p.284
[4] Abdullah Yusuf Ali., the Meaning of The Holy Qur’ān. New Delhi, Farid Book Depot,1998, (Al.Anfal):73
[5] Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Ibid, (Al. Anbiya): 92
[2] Dr. Mohd Manzoor Alam, et.al., 100 Great Muslim Leaders of the 20th century, Institute of Objective Studies, New Delhi, 2005, p. 435
[3] Badr Azimabadi, Great Personalities in Islam, Adam Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 2004, p.284
[4] Abdullah Yusuf Ali., the Meaning of The Holy Qur’ān. New Delhi, Farid Book Depot,1998, (Al.Anfal):73
[5] Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Ibid, (Al. Anbiya): 92
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Paper Title | :: | Homoeroticism and Oscar Wilde’s Homosexuality: Homoerotic Friendship in The Picture of Dorian Gray |
Author Name | :: | Ristan Taufiq Syukrianto || Natasya Sabrina Hatiin Zen || Tatit Hariyanti |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 219-228 |
Homoeroticism is a set of practices or institutions that encompass same-sex desires through acts but involve no sexual activities. The friendship between the three main characters in Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray is one example of works that contain homoeroticism. This work became scandal in its era by serving as proof of his gross indecency and homosexual acts charged by the Victorian law that still criminalized homosexual practices. This concept and identification of homoeroticism in literary works departed from the awareness of sexual identity amidst Western society starting from 17th century in which sexual acts and identities were known as different entities. It had brought Western society to cultural, social, and juridical construction that criminalized homosexual practices. To this end, the distinction between sexual identities relied upon more than just genital and sexual intercourses, including verbal and physical acts, appearence, language, and friendship which include in homoeroticism. Through analysis by employing Queer theory and Expressive Approach and considering the Victorian era social context and establishment of gay literature, this current study found that homoeroticism aspects in the novel are the embodiment of Oscar Wilde’s homosexuality and homosexual association. The homoerotic forms such as physical acts, language, jealousy, bygone and worship, and failure in having a relationship with women are found in the novel. He expressed in such a vague way of homoerotic literary work rather than explicit homosexual relationships as for his notions of beauty and the oppression of the society and conviction of the law.
Keywords: Friendship, Homoeroticism, Expression, Perspective, Oppression
Keywords: Friendship, Homoeroticism, Expression, Perspective, Oppression
[1]. Abelove, H., Barale M. A., & Halperin, D. M. (Ed.). (1993). The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader. NY: Routledge.
[2]. Adut, A. (2005). A Theory of Scandal: Victorians, Homosexuality, and the Fall of Oscar Wilde. American Journal of Sociology: 111 (1), 2013-248. DOI: 10.1086/428816.
[3]. Barry, P. (2009). Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory (3rd Ed.). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
[4]. Bertram, C. (2020, July 15). How Oscar Wilde’s Libel Trial Backfired and Ruined His Life. Retrieved December 18, 2020, from Biography Website: https://www.biography.com/news/oscar-wilde-trials-downfall-gross-indecency
[5]. Connel, R. W. (2005). Masculinities (2nd Ed.). California: University of California Press.
[2]. Adut, A. (2005). A Theory of Scandal: Victorians, Homosexuality, and the Fall of Oscar Wilde. American Journal of Sociology: 111 (1), 2013-248. DOI: 10.1086/428816.
[3]. Barry, P. (2009). Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory (3rd Ed.). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
[4]. Bertram, C. (2020, July 15). How Oscar Wilde’s Libel Trial Backfired and Ruined His Life. Retrieved December 18, 2020, from Biography Website: https://www.biography.com/news/oscar-wilde-trials-downfall-gross-indecency
[5]. Connel, R. W. (2005). Masculinities (2nd Ed.). California: University of California Press.
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Paper Title | :: | Philosophical Study of the Education Concepts According to Hamka and Its Relevance to the Muhammadiyah Caderization System |
Author Name | :: | Dartim || Mohamad Ali |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 229-235 |
This study aims to describe the thought of Education according to Hamka and its relevance to the Muhammadiyah cadre system. This research is included in the category of qualitative literature research with content analysis. Data obtained by literature study using the documentation method. The research was conducted using a philosophical approach. The result is that Education in Hamka's view is an effort to grow human personality. So for Hamka to make educational efforts, humans have two main activities, namely thinking and working. Cadres have the same dimension as education, namely they both transfer values, both ideological and traditional "cultural heritage" which must be preserved. The relevance of Hamka's educational thinking is able to inspire the concept of Muhammadiyah cadre, which is oriented towards the growth and strengthening of the human person. The human personality includes reason, ideals, hopes, and physical form.
Keywords: Education, Thought of Hamka, Caderisation
Keywords: Education, Thought of Hamka, Caderisation
[1]. A’yun, Qurrata. ―KALIMATUN SAWȂ` in the Perspective of Indonesian’s Interpretation.‖ Afkaruna 15, no. 1 (2019).
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[3]. Abdullah, Slamet. 2000. Seabad Muhammadiyah dalamPergumulanBudaya Nusantara. Yogyakarta: Global Pustaka Utama.
[4]. Abdul Aziz, Muhammad Sophy, Hudzaifah Achmad Qotadah, and Adang Darmawan Achmad. ―Badiuzzaman Said Nursi and KH Ahmad Dahlan’s Thoughts on Education Reform: A Comparative Study.‖ International Journal of Islamic Khazanah 11, no. 1 (2021): 52–60.
[5]. Asraf, Ali. 1989. Horizon Baru Pendidikan Islam. Jakarta: Pustaka Firdaus.
[2]. Abdullah, Amin. 2006. MetodologiPenelitian Agama PendekatanMultidisipliner. Yogyakarta: Lembaga Penelitian UIN SunanKalijaga.
[3]. Abdullah, Slamet. 2000. Seabad Muhammadiyah dalamPergumulanBudaya Nusantara. Yogyakarta: Global Pustaka Utama.
[4]. Abdul Aziz, Muhammad Sophy, Hudzaifah Achmad Qotadah, and Adang Darmawan Achmad. ―Badiuzzaman Said Nursi and KH Ahmad Dahlan’s Thoughts on Education Reform: A Comparative Study.‖ International Journal of Islamic Khazanah 11, no. 1 (2021): 52–60.
[5]. Asraf, Ali. 1989. Horizon Baru Pendidikan Islam. Jakarta: Pustaka Firdaus.
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Paper Title | :: | Connections and Similarities of Ceramic Art Practices of Abbas Ahuwan and Magdalene Odondu of African Descent |
Author Name | :: | Solomon M. Manzuche || Okewu E. Jonathan |
Country | :: | Nigeria |
Page Number | :: | 236-242 |
The coincidence of similarities in the ceramic practice of Abbas Ahuwan and Magdalene Odundo has triggered this study. Emanating from literature, it is not strange how similarities could exist in the works of two different individuals from two different countries. Discoveries show that the duo had basic training of pottery/ceramics from the same institution and once upon a time, both of them where trained by the master potter, Michael Cardew. It is not certain if both ceramics artist have met before. The similarities between them is discovered not only in the area of their ceramics art but also in their career. Both have been in the academics and trained students in the area of ceramics, they rose through the ranks and became professors at different intervals. They both held vital managerial positions in the University level. Striking similarities emanating from literature show that the duo in their studios carry out traditional style of ceramics production (hand building), which is peculiar to African local technology in pottery. Both adopt the local firing technique (open air reduction firing) in finishing their art works and making it aesthetically appealing. Nevertheless, some peculiar differences were discovered and this is the point of their uniqueness. This study concludes that the duo of Abbas Ahuwan and Magdalene Odundo via the striking resemblances in their works have established a legacy of imbibing uniqueness of local tradition in terms of technology to promote indigenous art practice. Definitely, has gone a long way in encouraging upcoming ceramic artists to be indigenously unique in their practice.
Keywords: Connections and similarities, ceramic art, Abbas Ahuwan and Magdalene Odundo
Keywords: Connections and similarities, ceramic art, Abbas Ahuwan and Magdalene Odundo
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[5]. Davis S.L.: Magdalene Odundo. Ceramics Monthly. 43. 7. Professional Publications, In. Columbus, Ohio. 18. 1995.
[2]. Anat J. J.: The evolution of human artistic creativity. JA. 216. doi/10.1111/j.1469-7580. 2009.01160. x (2010).
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Paper Title | :: | Information Technology Innovations in the fight against Covid-19: Evidence of collective responsibility |
Author Name | :: | Simeon Ambrose Nwone || Prof. Stephen Mutula |
Country | :: | South Africa |
Page Number | :: | 243-254 |
The COVID-19 pandemic originated in Wuhan China and quickly spread all over the world through human-to-human transmission with global social and economic impacts. The fight against the pandemic encouraged the development of technology-based innovations to mitigate the spread of the virus and ease the social and economic effects. This paper explores the various Information Technology (IT) innovations (published in innovation.com website) in various sectors of the economy to alleviate the impacts the Corona Virus pandemic. In the health sector, virtual reality, Covid precheck app, artificial intelligence (AI) enhanced Covid test app, wireless biosensor patch, web-based telehealth services were the prominent technology innovations. In education, the use of online/virtual platform was key to delivering education in the wake of the pandemic crisis. In food and beverage sector, contactless menu, order, and payment using QR code were the solutions deployed to reduce personal contacts. Under electronics and robotics, social distancing apps, proximity augmented reality, virtual reality remote presence, virtual meeting tool such as zoom, and AI Covid cough detector app were part of the solutions developed in the fight against COVID-19. Moreover, technology-based innovations in other sectors of the economy reveal the impact of collective efforts in promoting personal and group responsibility in the global fight against a health emergency such as COVID-19.
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[3]. Alfano, V. and Ercolano, S. (2020). The Efficacy of Lockdown against COVID-19: A Cross-Country Panel Analysis. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy (2020) 18:509–517.
[4]. Mills, C.E., Robins, J.M. and Lipsitch, M. (2004). Transmissibility of 1918 pandemic influenza, Nature, 432, 904-906.
[5]. Presto Makes Its Contactless Dining Kit Free for Restaurants Reopening Dining Rooms. https://thespoon.tech/presto-makes-its-contactless-dining-kit-free-for-restaurants-reopening-dining-rooms/ Accessed 6 November 2021.
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Paper Title | :: | Markers in Komering Language Diathesis |
Author Name | :: | Maftukhatul Inayah || FX. Sawardi || Sumarlam |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 255-267 |
The object of this research is active-passive clauses in Komering language. Komering language is one of the regional languages in the South Sumatra province in Indonesia. The linguistic corpus taken in this study is the Komering language which is located in East Ogan Komering Ulu Regency. The aim of this research is to know the form of active-passive clauses and markers in Komering language. The results of this research show that active constructions in Komering language have nasal- and passive di- markers. In addition, the passive with argument (A) has a passive form without a marker. Another marker found is the ke- passive marker. These markers appear in passive verbs that is increasing in form of valence degrees such as causative and applicative. Meanwhile, the ke-an confix passive markers also appear in the passive of Komering language. However, this type of passive cannot be turned into an active clause because it is not a derivation of an active clause.
Keywords: active, passive, marking, causative, applicative, Komering Language, diathesis.
Keywords: active, passive, marking, causative, applicative, Komering Language, diathesis.
[1] I. Basaria, Tipologi Bahasa, USU Press, Medan, 2016.
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[3] K. Artawa & Jufrizal, Tipologi Linguistik: Konsep Dasar dan Aplikasinya, Pustaka Larasan, Denpasar, 2018.
[4] K. Artawa, “Keergatifan Sintaksis dalam Bahasa: Bahasa Bali, Sasak, dan Indonesia” in PELLBA 10, B.K. Purwo (ed), Lembaga Bahasa Unika Atmajaya, Jakarta, 1986.
[5] L.J. Moleong, Metode Kualitatif, Remaja Rosda Karya: Bandung, 2004.
[2] I.W. Budiarta, “Konstruksi Kausatif Analitik Bahasa Kemak,” Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa, I (1), pp. 35-51, 2015.
[3] K. Artawa & Jufrizal, Tipologi Linguistik: Konsep Dasar dan Aplikasinya, Pustaka Larasan, Denpasar, 2018.
[4] K. Artawa, “Keergatifan Sintaksis dalam Bahasa: Bahasa Bali, Sasak, dan Indonesia” in PELLBA 10, B.K. Purwo (ed), Lembaga Bahasa Unika Atmajaya, Jakarta, 1986.
[5] L.J. Moleong, Metode Kualitatif, Remaja Rosda Karya: Bandung, 2004.
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Paper Title | :: | Evaluation of Heavy Metals Concentration and Physico-Chemical Profile of Water in Lake Njuwa, Yola South Adamawa State, Nigeria |
Author Name | :: | U. U. Modibbo || M. Halilu |
Country | :: | Nigeria |
Page Number | :: | 268-279 |
Heavy metals as major components in water samples collected from Lake Njuwa in Adamawa State, Nigeria was analyzed from four point locations of the Lake to ascertain their levels which may make the water not safe for drinking and to suggest some recommendation to Government for further action. Data of water quality is prerequisite to maintaining good health for consumers. The metal elements determined were Ni, Cd, Fe, Zn, Co, Cr, Mn, Cu, K, and Na respectively, while physico-chemical parameters analyzed include; Electrical Conductivity (EC), Total Solids (TS), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS). The pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) were also determined. The mean concentrations in μg/l of the heavy metals in water ranged as follows; Ni (0.03 -0.62), Cd (0.04 – 0.50), Fe (10.1- 16.25), Zn (0.40 – 0.043), Co (ND – 0.10), Cr (1.88 – 3.38), Mn (ND – 0.10), Cu (0.15 – 0.40), K (18.5 – 47.5) and Na (16.5 – 48), respectively. The values recorded for Ni, Cd, Fe, Cr, Mn, Cu, K, and Na were higher than permissible limits for heavy metals of drinking water set by WHO /FEPA, but concentrations of Zn and Cu were below the levels recommended by WHO /FEPA, the study implies that the water may not be safe for drinking because of high levels of heavy metals.
Keywords: Heavy metals, Atomic absorption spectroscopy, physic-chemical, concentrates, Lake Njuwa.
Keywords: Heavy metals, Atomic absorption spectroscopy, physic-chemical, concentrates, Lake Njuwa.
[1]. Ahmed, M.K., Islam, S., Rahman, S., Haque, M.R., and Islam MM. (2012). Heavy metals in water, Sediment and some fishes of Buriganga River, Bangladesh. International Journal of Environmental Research. 4 (3) 321-332.
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[3]. Ali, M.M, Ali, M.l., Islam, M.S., Rahman M.Z., (2016). Preliminary assessment of heavy metals in Water and Sediment of Karnaphuli River, Bangaladesh. Enviromen. Nanotechnol. Monit. Manag, 5, 27-35.
[4]. American Public Health Association (APHA), 2005. Standard methods for the examination of water and Wastewater, twenty first ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
[5]. American Public Health Association (APHA), 1992. Standard methods for the examination of water and Wastewater, twenty first ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
[2]. Akan, J. C., Kolo, B. G., Yikala, B. S., & Ogugbuaja, V. O. (2013). Determination of some heavy metals in vegetable samples from Biu local government area, Borno State, North Eastern Nigeria. International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis, 1(2), 40-46.
[3]. Ali, M.M, Ali, M.l., Islam, M.S., Rahman M.Z., (2016). Preliminary assessment of heavy metals in Water and Sediment of Karnaphuli River, Bangaladesh. Enviromen. Nanotechnol. Monit. Manag, 5, 27-35.
[4]. American Public Health Association (APHA), 2005. Standard methods for the examination of water and Wastewater, twenty first ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
[5]. American Public Health Association (APHA), 1992. Standard methods for the examination of water and Wastewater, twenty first ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
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Paper Title | :: | Covid-19, e-learning and psychosocial support for students: matters arising from Ghana and USA |
Author Name | :: | Janice Bloomfield-Alves || Nyuiemedi Agordzo Edoh-Torgah |
Country | :: | USA |
Page Number | :: | 280-282 |
The technology boom over the past two decades led to an increase in the use of technology at every level of our educational system. Although the internet is being utilized much more worldwide, there are groups in our society that still do not have easy and open access to the internet. The pandemic has had far-reaching effects on students in the education arena. Black and brown students have been severely affected due to many suffering from lack of sufficient technical and academic support.
[1]. Anderson, M., & Perrin, A. (2018). Nearly One-in-Five Teens Can‟t Always Finish Their Homework Because of the Digital Divide. Washington, D.C.: Pew Research Center Brimmer, E. D.,(2020) Education International Education and the COVID-19 Crisis. Retrieved February 17, 2021 from https://www.asanet.org/sites/default/files/attach/footnotes/may-june_2020_0.pdf
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[4]. Jebril, N. (2020). World Health Organization Declared a Pandemic Public Health Menace: A Systematic Review of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 “COVID-19.” SSRN Electronic Journal. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3566298
[5]. Kaiser, H. F., & Rice, J. (1974). Little Jiffy, Mark Iv. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 34(1), 111–117. https://doi.org/10.1177/001316447403400115
[2]. Cronbach, L. J. (1984). A Research Worker‟s Treasure Chest. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 19(2–3), 223–240. https://doi.org/10.1080/00273171.1984.9676925
[3]. Ghana Country Overview | World Health Organization. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2021, from https://www.who.int/countries/ita
[4]. Jebril, N. (2020). World Health Organization Declared a Pandemic Public Health Menace: A Systematic Review of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 “COVID-19.” SSRN Electronic Journal. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3566298
[5]. Kaiser, H. F., & Rice, J. (1974). Little Jiffy, Mark Iv. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 34(1), 111–117. https://doi.org/10.1177/001316447403400115
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Paper Title | :: | Teaching Materials for Expository Texts Based on Politeness in Class X SMA/MA |
Author Name | :: | Nur Aliyah || Abdul Rozak || Yusida Gloriani |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 283-288 |
This study aims to explain interactive teaching materials in exposition text learning about language politeness for class X students. The research method used is the development research method with the A-D-D-I-E Model, with 5 stages consisting of: analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The data collection techniques used were through: observation, questionnaires, and interviews, aimed at linguists, material experts, and media experts, Indonesian language teachers teaching class X, class X students at SMA N 01 Gantar, SMK PGRI Gantar, MAN 3 Sukra, and MA Al Zaytun Mekar Jaya Indramayu. The teaching materials presented are in the form of a YouTube link which contains explanations of exposition text material and language politeness material according to the Qur'an and a Google Drive link for interactive slide files containing material and evaluation. The teaching materials used, after measuring the level of eligibility percentage, found the results: linguist validation of 94.11% with a very feasible category, material expert validation of 87.05% with a very feasible category, and media expert validation of 79.41% with decent category, assessment of 4 Indonesian language teachers, respectively: 86.76% in the very decent category, 91.17% in the very decent category, 77.94% in the decent category, and 83.82% in the very decent category. Based on the results of a questionnaire to students regarding the application of language politeness in daily activities, with the assignment method and mutual advice, it was found that 88% of the number of students said that it was necessary to speak politely. The skill of writing exposition texts for class X students was found to be 84.37% of the number of students who scored above the KKM. From the information above, it can be concluded that interactive teaching materials and language politeness task books are appropriate for use in teaching politeness-based exposition texts in Indonesian class X subjects.
Keywords: Teaching Materials, Exposition Text, Language Politeness
Keywords: Teaching Materials, Exposition Text, Language Politeness
[1]. Alwasilah, A. Chaedardan Senny Suzanna Alwasilah. 2005. Pokoknya Menulis (Cara Baru Menulisdengan Metode Kolaborasi). Bandung: PT Kiblat Buku Utama
[2]. Amri dan Ahmadi. 2010. Proses PembelajaranInovatifdan Kreatifdalam Kelas. Jakarta: PT. Prestasi Pustakaraya
[3]. Dahlan M.D. 2001 ”Nilai Al-Qur’an dalam Memelihara Tutur Kata. Makalah Tanggal 4 Desember 2001
[4]. Ika Lestari. 2013. Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Berbasis Kompetensi. Padang: Akademia Permata.
[5]. Kosasih, E 2012. Dasar-dasar Keterampilan Menulis. Bandung: Yrama Widya
[2]. Amri dan Ahmadi. 2010. Proses PembelajaranInovatifdan Kreatifdalam Kelas. Jakarta: PT. Prestasi Pustakaraya
[3]. Dahlan M.D. 2001 ”Nilai Al-Qur’an dalam Memelihara Tutur Kata. Makalah Tanggal 4 Desember 2001
[4]. Ika Lestari. 2013. Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Berbasis Kompetensi. Padang: Akademia Permata.
[5]. Kosasih, E 2012. Dasar-dasar Keterampilan Menulis. Bandung: Yrama Widya
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Paper Title | :: | Application of Learning Media Game an Intel's Science Missions Based on Borland Delpi 7 on Static Electricity Material to Improve Students' Cognitive Learning Outcomes |
Author Name | :: | M. Taufik || Muhammad Nasir || Dina Syaflita |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 289-292 |
The current low student physics learning outcomes are because students tend to feel less interested and bored in learning physics because they consider physics to be a difficult subject to learn, and students assume that physics lessons have nothing to do with their daily lives. By because that innovation is needed learning media that could visualize, provide Theory, and give competence test. The results of the research on the application of learning media for games an Intel's science missions based on Borland Delpi 7 on static electricity by giving a post test were successful in improving students' cognitive learning outcomes, with an average score of 85 in the experimental class and included in the good category. Because by using learning media Game An Intel's Science Missions based on Borland Delphi 7 students are not only taught knowledge and concepts in static electricity material but also brought into their daily life and have their own experiences in finding answers in a game. Of course, with this, learning becomes more motivating for students and more fun to do. So From that it can be concluded from this research is a learning media Educational game-based is suitable for use in natural science subjects on static electricity, and is effectively used to increase results cognitive learning student.
Keywords: Learning Media, Game An Intel's Science Missions Based on Borland Delpi 7, Static Electricity, Cognitive Learning Outcomes
Keywords: Learning Media, Game An Intel's Science Missions Based on Borland Delpi 7, Static Electricity, Cognitive Learning Outcomes
[1]. Djauhari, M. A. Pendidikan untuk apa? J. Sosioteknologi 5.9, 113–122 (2006).
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[4]. Meilani, D. & Aiman, U. Implementasi Pembelajaran Abad 21 terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA Peserta Didik dengan Pengendalian Motivasi Belajar. Indones. J. Prim. Educ. 4, 19–24 (2020).
[5]. Purnomo, T. H., Sugiyanto & Akhlis, I. Educational computer game materi listrik dinamis sebagai media pembelajaran fisika untuk siswa SMA. J. Pendidik. Fis. Indones. 7, 121–127 (2011).
[2]. Izzah, N. & Mulyana, V. Meta Analisis Pengaruh Integrasi Pendidikan STEM dalam Model Project Based Learning Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa. J. Penelit. Pembelajaran Fis. 7, 65–76 (2021).
[3]. Raharjo, S. B. Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan. J. Penelit. Dan Eval. Pendidik. 2, 246–267 (2012).
[4]. Meilani, D. & Aiman, U. Implementasi Pembelajaran Abad 21 terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA Peserta Didik dengan Pengendalian Motivasi Belajar. Indones. J. Prim. Educ. 4, 19–24 (2020).
[5]. Purnomo, T. H., Sugiyanto & Akhlis, I. Educational computer game materi listrik dinamis sebagai media pembelajaran fisika untuk siswa SMA. J. Pendidik. Fis. Indones. 7, 121–127 (2011).
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Paper Title | :: | Quick Response Code Assisted Explanation Text Printing Module (QR Code) for SMA/SMK |
Author Name | :: | Casmudi || Abdul Rozak || Yusida Gloriani |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 293-298 |
The purpose of this study was to obtain the design of the explanatory text printing module assisted by a quick response code (QR code) for SMA/SMK, the feasibility of the explanatory text printing module assisted by a quick response code (QR code) for SMA/SMK, and the results of the implementation of the explanatory text printing module assisted by a code. quick response (QR code) for SMA/SMK. This study uses a development model (research and development, R&D). The product of this research development is a print module assisted by a quick response code (QR code), which is suitable for use based on the results validated by material experts and media experts, namely material experts with an average score of 3.5 (good) and media experts with an average score of 3. .5 (good). The results showed that the design of explanatory text printing modules assisted by quick response codes (QR codes) was feasible to use based on the results of responses from educators and students. Educators obtained an average value of 3.7 with the "good" criteria. While the responses of students were 46.23% of students who answered very well, 49.00% of students answered well, 4.77% of students answered less. The results of the implementation of the print module assisted by the quick response code (QR code) show that there is a difference in the pretest and posttest results, namely the pretest obtained an average score of 60 and the posttest results obtained an average value of 75, with an increase in score of 15 and a difference in pretest and posttest results of 14. This shows that there is an influence from the implementation of the explanatory text printing module assisted by quick response codes (QR codes) on student learning outcomes.
Keywords: Module, quick response code (QR code), explanatory text
Keywords: Module, quick response code (QR code), explanatory text
[1]. Prastowo, Andi. 2015. Creative Guide to Making Innovative Teaching Materials. Yogyakarta: Diva Press
[2]. Rozak, A (2018). Literary Text Teaching Materials in the Millennial Class. Indonesian Language Education Study Program National Seminar
[3]. Rismayati, Jaja. 2018. Development of Explanatory Text Teaching Materials Based on print mass media news. Journal of Science Education Innovation. Vol.2 No.1:88-99.
[4]. Rouillard, J., 2008, Contextual QR Codes, Proceedings of the Third International Multi - Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology, ICCGI, Athens, Greece.
[5]. Rismayanti, Jaja. 2018. Development of Explanatory Text Teaching Materials Based on Print Mass Media News. Journal of Speech Vol. 7, No. 2
[2]. Rozak, A (2018). Literary Text Teaching Materials in the Millennial Class. Indonesian Language Education Study Program National Seminar
[3]. Rismayati, Jaja. 2018. Development of Explanatory Text Teaching Materials Based on print mass media news. Journal of Science Education Innovation. Vol.2 No.1:88-99.
[4]. Rouillard, J., 2008, Contextual QR Codes, Proceedings of the Third International Multi - Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology, ICCGI, Athens, Greece.
[5]. Rismayanti, Jaja. 2018. Development of Explanatory Text Teaching Materials Based on Print Mass Media News. Journal of Speech Vol. 7, No. 2
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Paper Title | :: | Learning difficulties and (experience) from the concept of Autopoiesis: Reflections on the teaching methods |
Author Name | :: | María Elena Infante-Malachias |
Country | :: | Brazil |
Page Number | :: | 299-304 |
In this paper, we will discuss some aspects related to the learning difficulties presented by students in the context of (experience) in the education of both sciences and biology. The perspective of the Biology of Cognition of Maturana and Varela, and the double birth of Savater, allow us to elaborate an explanation of our human nature that is both biological and cultural. As human beings, we respond to various environmental stimuli by keeping our autopoiesis according to the functioning of our nervous system, allowing in this way, we learn to learn. Parents and teachers often easily identify some sensory dysfunctions, however, other malfunctions generate learning difficulties and other difficulties of various natures in the school context, and thus the guiding question that drives this text ishow, from the knowledge and understanding of our biological and cultural nature can we drive the teaching of Sciences and biology?
Keywords: Biology of Knowledge, Teaching and Learning, Sensory Systems, Learning disabilities, Autopoiesis.
Keywords: Biology of Knowledge, Teaching and Learning, Sensory Systems, Learning disabilities, Autopoiesis.
[1]. Bybee, R. & Fuchs, B. (2006). Preparing the 21st century workforce: A new reform in science and technology education. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. V. 43, p. 349-352.
[2]. Cachapuz, A. (1989). Linguagem Metafórica e o Ensino das Ciências. Revista Portuguesa de Educação. V.2, n.3, p. 117-129.
[3]. Fourez, G. (2003). Crise no Ensino de Ciências? Investigações em Ensino de Ciências. V. 8, n. 2, p. 109-123.
[4]. Lent, R. (2008). Neurociência da mente e do comportamento. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan.
[5]. Lemke, J. (2006). Investigar para el futuro de la educación científica: nuevas formas de aprender, nuevas formas de vivir. Enseñanza de las Ciencias, 24 (1), p.5-12.
[2]. Cachapuz, A. (1989). Linguagem Metafórica e o Ensino das Ciências. Revista Portuguesa de Educação. V.2, n.3, p. 117-129.
[3]. Fourez, G. (2003). Crise no Ensino de Ciências? Investigações em Ensino de Ciências. V. 8, n. 2, p. 109-123.
[4]. Lent, R. (2008). Neurociência da mente e do comportamento. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan.
[5]. Lemke, J. (2006). Investigar para el futuro de la educación científica: nuevas formas de aprender, nuevas formas de vivir. Enseñanza de las Ciencias, 24 (1), p.5-12.
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Paper Title | :: | The Therapeutic Function of Dance in Ancient Greek Drama |
Author Name | :: | Mousouraki M. || Goulimaris D. || Albanidis E. |
Country | :: | Greece |
Page Number | :: | 305-311 |
The cathartic function of ancient Greek drama has been emphasized by Aristotle himself and has been interpreted by several modern researchers. He, in fact, argued that the ancient tragedy comes from the improvisations of the leaders of the dithyrambs, i.e. the hymns composed in honor of the god Dionysus. In this context, dance, which was an important part of both hymns and ancient tragedy, seems to have had a distinct role in the cathartic function of the latter. The purpose of the present study was to highlight the therapeutic function of dance in ancient Greek drama. From the study of the relevant sources (primary and secondary) it emerged that ancient tragedy functioned as a systemic method of psychotherapy, on the basis of which healing was achieved at the individual, family, social and political levels. More specifically, the therapeutic function of dance in ancient tragedy was primarily based on its close connection with the spectators and the universal participation of the latter in the tragic action. Also, it was shown that the balancing function of the dance of ancient tragedy lies in the formation of an inseparable relationship between the Apollonian and the Dionysian element, which compose the opposite aspects of the human existence. Finally, the healing effect of tragic dance seems not to have been limited to the spectators, but extended to those who actively participated in it.
Keywords: Dithyramb, Dance of Ancient Greek Drama, Katharsis, Therapy.
Keywords: Dithyramb, Dance of Ancient Greek Drama, Katharsis, Therapy.
[1]. Angelakou Maria, From the Dionysian cult to the theatrical act, published by the Ministry of Culture, Education and Religious Affairs, Directorate General for Antiquities and Cultural Heritage, Athens, 2015.
[2]. Aristotle, Poetics (introduction-translation by Dr. Η. P. Nikoloudis; comments by the consulting philology professors for “Kaktos editions”), Publishers: Kaktos – Odysseas Hatzopoulos, Athens, 1992.
[3]. Douka Stella & Kaimakamis Vasilis, “The manifestation of dance through the art of mimicry in the ancient Greek world”, in: Archaeology & Arts (40), pp. 53-58, 2004.
[4]. Evdokimou-Papageorgiou Rania, Drama therapy – Music therapy: The intervention of Art in psychotherapy, publ. Ellinikà Gràmmata, Athens, 1999.
[5]. Euripides, Bacchae (introduction, translation, comments by: Giorgos Giannaris), Publishers: Kaktos – The Greeks/I Ellines/Οι Έλληνες, Athens, 1993.
[2]. Aristotle, Poetics (introduction-translation by Dr. Η. P. Nikoloudis; comments by the consulting philology professors for “Kaktos editions”), Publishers: Kaktos – Odysseas Hatzopoulos, Athens, 1992.
[3]. Douka Stella & Kaimakamis Vasilis, “The manifestation of dance through the art of mimicry in the ancient Greek world”, in: Archaeology & Arts (40), pp. 53-58, 2004.
[4]. Evdokimou-Papageorgiou Rania, Drama therapy – Music therapy: The intervention of Art in psychotherapy, publ. Ellinikà Gràmmata, Athens, 1999.
[5]. Euripides, Bacchae (introduction, translation, comments by: Giorgos Giannaris), Publishers: Kaktos – The Greeks/I Ellines/Οι Έλληνες, Athens, 1993.
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Paper Title | :: | Supporting and Inhibiting Factors in the Implementation of Kelud Mountain Eruption Risk Reduction Policies in East Java |
Author Name | :: | Slamet Muchsin |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 312-319 |
Disaster risk reduction is a new design in developing a framework for reducing risk by emphasizing efforts to empower individuals and communities in dealing with disasters. Disaster risk reduction is a proactive approach that aims to increase the capacity of individuals and communities in mitigation and preparedness to minimize the impact of disaster events so that people have the capacity to survive and recover from disasters in an effort to maintain sustainable livelihoods.In addition, disaster risk reduction is a comprehensive approach to reduce disaster risk, not only at the stage before the disaster occurs, but at every stage of the disaster. As stated in the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015, the expected outcome of this effort is a significant reduction in the level of loss/loss in terms of loss of life, social, economic and environmental assets in communities and countries caused by disasters. For further in-depth and detailed efforts on DRR efforts with the convening of the Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction 2015-2030 in Sendai Japan with the expected results of up to 15 years of significant reduction in risks and losses due to disasters.
The research method used by researchers is qualitative research. At the end of the current decade, it is in great demand by researchers. which contains an explanation of the processes that occur in the local environment. While the research approach uses a descriptive approach.
From the results of research on supporting factors in the Implementation of the Policy for Disaster Risk Reduction at Mount Kelud Eruption in East Java in 2014. It is known that the management of the Mount Kelud eruption disaster provides valuable lessons, because so many elements are involved and many problems arise as a result of disasters, so success in implementation Policy is very much determined by several conditions that must be prepared and deployed as much as possible.
Keywords: implementation, disaster risk, eruption, Mount Kelud
The research method used by researchers is qualitative research. At the end of the current decade, it is in great demand by researchers. which contains an explanation of the processes that occur in the local environment. While the research approach uses a descriptive approach.
From the results of research on supporting factors in the Implementation of the Policy for Disaster Risk Reduction at Mount Kelud Eruption in East Java in 2014. It is known that the management of the Mount Kelud eruption disaster provides valuable lessons, because so many elements are involved and many problems arise as a result of disasters, so success in implementation Policy is very much determined by several conditions that must be prepared and deployed as much as possible.
Keywords: implementation, disaster risk, eruption, Mount Kelud
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[4]. Bevaola Kusumasari ( 2012). Network organisation in supporting post-disaster management in Indonesia. Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University, Caulfield East, Australia. International Journal of Emergency Services.Vol. 1 No. 1, 2012 pp. 71-85, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2047-0894 71 DOI 10.1108/20470891211239326
[5]. Ebru Caymaz , Fehmi Volkan Akyon, Fahri Erenel. A model proposal for efficient disaster management: the Turkish sample (2013). The International Strategic Management Conference. Marmara University,stanbul, 34180, Turkey 1877-0428 © 2013 The Authors. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale, 17100, Turkey stanbul Kemerburgaz University, Istanbul, 34317, Turkey.Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the International Strategic Management Conference.doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.10.531. Available online at www.sciencedirect.com
[2]. A. Zaennudin, Deden Wahyudin, Mamay Surmayadi, and E. Kusdinar (2012). Forecast of the danger of the Ijen Volcano eruption in East Java. Hazard assessment of Ijen volcanic eruption in East Java. Journal of Environment and Geological Disasters, Vol. 3 No. 2 August 2012: 109-132 Geological Agency Jln. Diponegoro 57 Bandung.
[3]. National Disaster Management Agency, (2011). http://www.bnpb.go.id. (accessed January 11, 2012).
[4]. Bevaola Kusumasari ( 2012). Network organisation in supporting post-disaster management in Indonesia. Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University, Caulfield East, Australia. International Journal of Emergency Services.Vol. 1 No. 1, 2012 pp. 71-85, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2047-0894 71 DOI 10.1108/20470891211239326
[5]. Ebru Caymaz , Fehmi Volkan Akyon, Fahri Erenel. A model proposal for efficient disaster management: the Turkish sample (2013). The International Strategic Management Conference. Marmara University,stanbul, 34180, Turkey 1877-0428 © 2013 The Authors. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale, 17100, Turkey stanbul Kemerburgaz University, Istanbul, 34317, Turkey.Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the International Strategic Management Conference.doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.10.531. Available online at www.sciencedirect.com
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Paper Title | :: | The Influence of Brand Image, Customer Satisfaction, and Online Shop Quality on Customer Loyalty |
Author Name | :: | Suryani Yuli Astuti || Hidayatun Nabihah || Riska Artha Mevia || Moch. Saifuddin Zuhri || Rafi Akbar Primary |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 320-326 |
The purpose of this research explains the effect of online shopping (online shop) on customer loyalty was determined by brand image, customer satisfaction and product quality. The type which is used in the sampling method of this study was determined based on the Slovin formula. The questionnaire served as a research tool. Data analysis techniques used questionnaire analysis were tested for validity and reliability to determine the accuracy and persistence of the questionnaire. In addition, the data collected from the questionnaires were analyzed using the SPSS analysis technique. As a result, it had a positive and significant effect on brand image, customer satisfaction and product quality on customer loyalty also customer loyalty had a positive effect on brand image, customer satisfaction had a positive and significant impact on (customers). satisfaction and quality were the variables that most influence loyalty.
Keywords: Brand Image, Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality, Customer Loyalty
Keywords: Brand Image, Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality, Customer Loyalty
[1]. Afiah, RSN, Eldine, A., & Sume, SA (2020). The Influence of Brand Image and Price on Customer Loyalty. Manager: Journal of Management Science, 3(3), 374. https://doi.org/10.32832/manager.v3i3.3890
[2]. Armayanti, USA (2019). Analysis of Product Quality, Service Quality and Brand Image on Customer Satisfaction at Beauty Clinics and Their Effect on Customer Loyalty. E-Proceedings of Management, 6(1), 131–138.
[3]. Avidha, SN, & Budiatmo, A. (2020). THE EFFECT OF SERVICE QUALITY AND BRAND IMAGE ON CUSTOMER LOYALTY THROUGH CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE (Study on MNC Play Media Fixed ISP Customers in Semarang). Journal of Business Administration, IX(Iv), 626.
[4]. Bahtiar, RA (2020). Potential, Government Role, and Challenges in E-Commerce Development in Indonesia [Potency, Government Role, and Challenges of E-Commerce Development in Indonesia]. Economics & Public Policy, 11(1), 13–25. http://jurnal.dpr.go.id/index.php/ekp/article/view/1485
[5]. Fahmi, M., Prayogi, MA, & Jufrizen. (2018). AQLI Institute for Research and Scientific Writing Management Science Research Journal. Journal of Management Science Research, 2(3), 121–130. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1477534
[2]. Armayanti, USA (2019). Analysis of Product Quality, Service Quality and Brand Image on Customer Satisfaction at Beauty Clinics and Their Effect on Customer Loyalty. E-Proceedings of Management, 6(1), 131–138.
[3]. Avidha, SN, & Budiatmo, A. (2020). THE EFFECT OF SERVICE QUALITY AND BRAND IMAGE ON CUSTOMER LOYALTY THROUGH CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE (Study on MNC Play Media Fixed ISP Customers in Semarang). Journal of Business Administration, IX(Iv), 626.
[4]. Bahtiar, RA (2020). Potential, Government Role, and Challenges in E-Commerce Development in Indonesia [Potency, Government Role, and Challenges of E-Commerce Development in Indonesia]. Economics & Public Policy, 11(1), 13–25. http://jurnal.dpr.go.id/index.php/ekp/article/view/1485
[5]. Fahmi, M., Prayogi, MA, & Jufrizen. (2018). AQLI Institute for Research and Scientific Writing Management Science Research Journal. Journal of Management Science Research, 2(3), 121–130. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1477534
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Paper Title | :: | Criminological Analysis of the Crime of Fraud with Supernatural Modes of Treatment in the Perspective of Positive Law and Islamic Law |
Author Name | :: | Nadya Pramadina || Meydisa Irsan || Indonesia Mayumi || Devi Anggraeni || Triyuda Kharnady |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 327-333 |
The purpose of this study is to find out the factors causing the occurrence of fraud crimes with supernatural treatment modes, to find out how to overcome fraud with supernatural treatment modes and to see islamic law views on the crime of fraud with supernatural treatment modes. It is the term that will be used in this study as normative juridical and empirical juridical. The results showed that the factors causing fraud crimes with supernatural treatment modes are lifestyle, economy, environment, socio-culture, education, ease of committing fraud crimes, desires, society and family from some of these factors, these factors economic factors are quite dominant causing perpetrators to commit crimes. Efforts to overcome fraud with supernatural treatment mode are penal efforts by cracking down by providing imprisonment for 1 (one) year 3 (three) months and countermeasures through non-penal by means of pre-emtive efforts, preventive efforts and pre-emtive efforts. The suggestions in this study are as follows, among others: 1) Conducting legal counseling to the community. (2) The public should always be aware of all forms and forms of treatment commonly carried out by psychics and law enforcement officials in order to provide an appeal to all members of the community. In Islamic law, it can be seen that perpetrators of fraud crimes in supernatural mode can be subject to ta'zir punishment in the form of imprisonment, volume, exile, reprimand, warning, murder and other sanctions according to the circumstances, time and place of the perpetrator.
Keywords: Criminologist; Supranatural; Perspective Law
Keywords: Criminologist; Supranatural; Perspective Law
[1]. Ali, Zainuddin. Islamic Criminal Law, Jakarta: Sinar Grafika, 2017.
[2]. Anwar, Umar. "Money Scandal Crime In The Criminal Code", Indonesian Law Journal, 13 No. 04, (December 2016), 182. https://e-jurnal.peraturan.go.id/index.php/jli/article/view/86
[3]. Bahri, Enjang. "Analysis of murder crimes and investigation of Umrah funds by the Investigation Bureau of Umrah worship trip PT. Nabila Travel In Medan City", Journal Of Customary Law, 19 Number 3 (Year 2020), 201. https://jurnal.uisu.ac.id/index.php/jhk/article/view/2535
[4]. Dahlan, Abdul Aziz. Encyclopedia Of Islamic Law, Jakarta: Ictiar Baru Van Hoeve, 2016.
[5]. Hadi, Nur Satri. "Criminological Analysis Of Child Crime Modes Of Operation In Bandar Lampung". Poenale's Journal, 3 Number 2. (December 2015), 1-14. https://www.onesearch.id/Record/IOS4198.9453/TOC
[2]. Anwar, Umar. "Money Scandal Crime In The Criminal Code", Indonesian Law Journal, 13 No. 04, (December 2016), 182. https://e-jurnal.peraturan.go.id/index.php/jli/article/view/86
[3]. Bahri, Enjang. "Analysis of murder crimes and investigation of Umrah funds by the Investigation Bureau of Umrah worship trip PT. Nabila Travel In Medan City", Journal Of Customary Law, 19 Number 3 (Year 2020), 201. https://jurnal.uisu.ac.id/index.php/jhk/article/view/2535
[4]. Dahlan, Abdul Aziz. Encyclopedia Of Islamic Law, Jakarta: Ictiar Baru Van Hoeve, 2016.
[5]. Hadi, Nur Satri. "Criminological Analysis Of Child Crime Modes Of Operation In Bandar Lampung". Poenale's Journal, 3 Number 2. (December 2015), 1-14. https://www.onesearch.id/Record/IOS4198.9453/TOC
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Paper Title | :: | The Impact of Covid-19 on the Academic Achievement of Students at Arab Beduin Hugh Junior Schools in the Southern District of Israel |
Author Name | :: | Murad Tareq || Awad Yaser || Abo Ras Boshra |
Country | :: | Israel |
Page Number | :: | 334-346 |
The current research tries to investigate the influence of Coved 19 on the students' achievements and progression of Arab Bedouin students living in the southern district of Israel. The population of research consists of nine teachers and nine students from different Bedouin schools. The participants varied in age and schooling levels. The research instrument was an interview. The findings of this research show that both teachers and students face different kinds of difficulties in distance learning. Some teachers did not get any qualifications before teaching on zoom, others do not have any knowledge about technology, synchronic, and asynchronic teaching. In addition, they are in favor of face-to-face teaching. Whereas some students have different kinds of problems such as lacking poor infrastructure and very weak internet signals. Others did not have enough computers at home. These factors hinder the student's academic achievement and progression.
Keywords: Coved 19, Distance-learning, Social-presence, Bedouin sector
Keywords: Coved 19, Distance-learning, Social-presence, Bedouin sector
Abu Asbeh, K. (2011). Education and Scientific Research. In C. Mansour (ed.), Israel: A General Guide. Beirut: Institute for Palestine Studies. (Arabic).
[2]. Abu-saad, I. (2006). Separate and unequal: the role of the state educational system in maintaining the subordination of Israel’s Palestinian Arab citizens. Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, 10(1), 101-127.
[3]. Alhamdani, D. (2008). Roles and importance of multimedia in higher education. Conference Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications At: Chesapeake, VAV Valume.
[4]. Allen, I. E., & Seaman, J. (2011). Going the distance: Online education in the United States. The Online Learning Consortium. ERIC. Retrieved at 14.5.21 fromhttps://www.bing.com/search?q=http%3A%2F%2Fsloanconsortium.+org%2Fpublications%2Fsurvey%2Fgoing_distance_2011&cvid=108d6c15fb9542d8ab8011bce04ee45a&aqs=edge..69i57j69i58.5506j0j4&FORM=ANAB01&PC=U531
[5]. Anderson, T., Rourke, L., Garrison, D. R., & Archer, W. (2001). Assessing teaching presence in a computer conferencing context. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 5(2), 1–17.
[2]. Abu-saad, I. (2006). Separate and unequal: the role of the state educational system in maintaining the subordination of Israel’s Palestinian Arab citizens. Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, 10(1), 101-127.
[3]. Alhamdani, D. (2008). Roles and importance of multimedia in higher education. Conference Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications At: Chesapeake, VAV Valume.
[4]. Allen, I. E., & Seaman, J. (2011). Going the distance: Online education in the United States. The Online Learning Consortium. ERIC. Retrieved at 14.5.21 fromhttps://www.bing.com/search?q=http%3A%2F%2Fsloanconsortium.+org%2Fpublications%2Fsurvey%2Fgoing_distance_2011&cvid=108d6c15fb9542d8ab8011bce04ee45a&aqs=edge..69i57j69i58.5506j0j4&FORM=ANAB01&PC=U531
[5]. Anderson, T., Rourke, L., Garrison, D. R., & Archer, W. (2001). Assessing teaching presence in a computer conferencing context. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 5(2), 1–17.
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Paper Title | :: | Settlement of Land Rights Dispute through Mediation Related to the Construction of the Trans Sumatera Toll Road in South of Lampung District |
Author Name | :: | Fauzan Nugroho || Yogi Arsandi || Sumaindra Jarwadi || Kodri Ubaidillah |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 347-353 |
Lots going on dispute land in the development process road toll across Sumatra, one of them related gift change loss. Problems in the field that occur is gift change loss that doesn't appropriate because exists dispute ownership right on ground. The legal basis for land disputes is regulated in Law no. 30 of 1999 concerning Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution, supreme court rule No. 1 of 2016 concerning Mediation Procedures in Courts and Regulation of the Head of the National Land Agency Number 3 of 2011 concerning Management of the Study and Handling of Land Cases which has been replaced by Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/ Head of the National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2016 concerning Settlement of Land Cases . Problems in study this is how settlement dispute right on land through mediation and what factor inhibitor settlement dispute through mediation related development road toll across Sumatra. Study this use approach juridical normative and approach juridical empirical with method learn materials bibliography and interviews. The results of the research show that the parties choose mediation for finish dispute on change make a loss related development road toll across Sumatra. As alternative f e solution dispute, mediation that is done gives the result of a win-win solution decision, where both parties do not feel disadvantaged. Factor inhibitor in settlement dispute through mediation has two factors, namely internal factors in terms of data collection carried out by the Village Government regarding land in the Village area is not optimal. While external factors, namely the parties often do not follow existing procedures, defend each other's claims without clear evidence, low public awareness and understanding regarding land disputes. Author 's suggestion could give is needed mechanism in settlement dispute through mediation and necessary exists socialization for society knowing how settlement dispute through mediation.
Keywords: Dispute Land Right, Mediation, Toll Road Construction.
Keywords: Dispute Land Right, Mediation, Toll Road Construction.
[1]. Abdulkadir Muhammad, Law and Legal Research, Bandung, Citra Aditya Bakti, 2004.
[2]. Budiman, Arif. Land and Capitalist Functions, (Jakarta: Sinar Graphic, 1996)
[3]. Herlina Ratna Sambawa Ningrum , “Legal Analysis of the Upper Dispute Resolution System
[4]. Land Based Justice ”, Journal Law Reform , Volume I No. 2 (May – Aug 2014).
[5]. Ismi. "Legal Recognition and Protection of Indigenous Peoples' Rights to Ulayat Land in the Efforts to Reform National Law." Journal of Law Science. Accessed July 16, 2021. https://jih.ejournal.unri.ac.id/index.php/JIH/article/view/1024/1017.
[2]. Budiman, Arif. Land and Capitalist Functions, (Jakarta: Sinar Graphic, 1996)
[3]. Herlina Ratna Sambawa Ningrum , “Legal Analysis of the Upper Dispute Resolution System
[4]. Land Based Justice ”, Journal Law Reform , Volume I No. 2 (May – Aug 2014).
[5]. Ismi. "Legal Recognition and Protection of Indigenous Peoples' Rights to Ulayat Land in the Efforts to Reform National Law." Journal of Law Science. Accessed July 16, 2021. https://jih.ejournal.unri.ac.id/index.php/JIH/article/view/1024/1017.
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Paper Title | :: | Analysis of the Strength of Land Certificates as Proof of Ownership of a Land Plot in Indonesia |
Author Name | :: | Dita Trijayanti || Lustiana Usthuhlya || Fazri Mahendra || Willy Wahyu Astuti || Asa Claudia |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 354-360 |
One of the objectives of the establishment of Law no. 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Regulations on Agrarian Principles is to lay the foundations to provide legal certainty and protection regarding land rights for all Indonesian people, in order to realize this, land registration is carried out. In social life, land problems in Indonesia are still very much related to unregistered or uncertified lands, people only have a Land Certificate issued by the Kelurahan/Village Head and this happens a lot in rural areas. This research was conducted with the following objectives: First, to describe the strength of the Land Certificate as proof of ownership of a plot of land, Second, whether the Land Certificate must be supported by other evidence in its proof. The research was conducted normatively and the data needed was secondary data. Data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The results of the study show: First, the power of LAND CERTIFICATE based on the applicable laws and regulations is one of the written evidence that can be used as evidence of the right to issue a certificate. Second, the Land Certificate must be supported by other evidence in its proof, such as proof of land ownership, proof of payment of land and building taxes or working permits if the land parcel is agricultural land.
Keywords: land certificate; proof of land ownership; in Indonesia
Keywords: land certificate; proof of land ownership; in Indonesia
[1]. Marzuki, Peter Mahmud, 2008, Introduction to Law, Jakarta: Kencana
[2]. Rato, Dominikus, 2010, Legal Philosophy Seeking: Understanding and Understanding Law, Yogyakarta: Laksbang Pressindo
[3]. Santoso Urip, 2010, Registration and Transfer of Land Rights, Cet II, Jakarta: Prenada Media Group
[4]. Sumarja, FX. 2020, Agrarian Legal Politics, Bandar Lampung: Media Heritage
[5]. Thunder, I Gusti Nyoman. 2014, Land Registration, Yogyakarta: National Land College
[2]. Rato, Dominikus, 2010, Legal Philosophy Seeking: Understanding and Understanding Law, Yogyakarta: Laksbang Pressindo
[3]. Santoso Urip, 2010, Registration and Transfer of Land Rights, Cet II, Jakarta: Prenada Media Group
[4]. Sumarja, FX. 2020, Agrarian Legal Politics, Bandar Lampung: Media Heritage
[5]. Thunder, I Gusti Nyoman. 2014, Land Registration, Yogyakarta: National Land College
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Paper Title | :: | Public Policy Implementation of the Government of Indonesia and the Government of Timor-Leste to Provide Free Visa to Citizens |
Author Name | :: | Leoneto Madeira Martins |
Country | :: | Timor-Leste |
Page Number | :: | 361-366 |
Indonesia as a developed country in various development sectors and Timor-Leste as a newly independent country which is still lacking in various development sectors, but seen from the aspect of relations between citizens who are very friendly because of blood relations, traditional houses and culture, therefore the second political policy countries, do not look at the national development process but look at how to run harmonious relations in the future. The theoretical basic in this research are: theory of implementation of public policy, theory of government, theory of society, theory of public service. The research method is descriptive qualitative, where the research is: the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry Interior of Timor-Leste. Data collection techniques are: interviews and documentation, Data Analysis Techniques using the analysis of Ian Dey (1993).
The results show that: the political policy strategy of the Indonesian government and the Timor-Leste government for the formulation of a visa-free policy for citizens, politically as the implementation of the foreign policy of the two countries that the government has the obligation and power to carry out cooperative relations as an alternative to meet the needs and interests of the community and the government, because looking at the history of Timor-Leste as a country that once joined Indonesia, the relations between the people of Timor and Indonesia are very close and friendly, and cannot be separated politically and legally, because they have blood ties, traditional houses, and cultures since their ancestors until now.
Conclusion: In the process of implementing the visa-free policy of the government of Indonesia and the government of Timor-Leste, it shows that there are good benefits such as increasing the number of Indonesian people visiting Timor-Leste, being able to reduce public visits through short trips and improving harmonious relations between communities.
Keywords: Implementation, Government Political Policy, Free Visa and society.
The results show that: the political policy strategy of the Indonesian government and the Timor-Leste government for the formulation of a visa-free policy for citizens, politically as the implementation of the foreign policy of the two countries that the government has the obligation and power to carry out cooperative relations as an alternative to meet the needs and interests of the community and the government, because looking at the history of Timor-Leste as a country that once joined Indonesia, the relations between the people of Timor and Indonesia are very close and friendly, and cannot be separated politically and legally, because they have blood ties, traditional houses, and cultures since their ancestors until now.
Conclusion: In the process of implementing the visa-free policy of the government of Indonesia and the government of Timor-Leste, it shows that there are good benefits such as increasing the number of Indonesian people visiting Timor-Leste, being able to reduce public visits through short trips and improving harmonious relations between communities.
Keywords: Implementation, Government Political Policy, Free Visa and society.
[1]. Hardyaansyah, 2011, Kualitas pelayanan Publik, Cetakan I, penerbit Gava Media, Yogyakarta-Indonesia.
[2]. Inu K.Syaffie, 2011, Etika Pemerintahan, Cetakan I, Penerbit Rineka Cipta- Jakarta-indonesia.
[3]. Koentjaraningrat. 2002, Pengantar Ilmu Antropologi Cetakan Kedelapan, Indonesia.
[4]. Mukthar, 2013, Metode Praktis Penelitian Deskriptif Kualitatif, Cetakan I, Penerbit Referensi-Jakarta-indonesia
[5]. Moleong, 2010, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, Cetakan 28, Penerbit PT
[2]. Inu K.Syaffie, 2011, Etika Pemerintahan, Cetakan I, Penerbit Rineka Cipta- Jakarta-indonesia.
[3]. Koentjaraningrat. 2002, Pengantar Ilmu Antropologi Cetakan Kedelapan, Indonesia.
[4]. Mukthar, 2013, Metode Praktis Penelitian Deskriptif Kualitatif, Cetakan I, Penerbit Referensi-Jakarta-indonesia
[5]. Moleong, 2010, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, Cetakan 28, Penerbit PT
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Paper Title | :: | Development of Learning Media "Case Elasticity" Using H5p Program on Material Mechanical Properties of Materials |
Author Name | :: | Devni Gusliza Sari || Muhammad Nasir |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 367-372 |
Current learning tends to achieve curriculum material targets, more concerned with memorizing concepts rather than understanding. Students sometimes feel saturated and bored with the current learning patterns. With interactive learning media, it can make it easier for teachers and students in the learning process. The purpose of this study is to develop a learning medium "Case Elasticity" using the H5P program on material mechanical properties of materials for students of class X SMK which is valid and very practical to use in physics learning. The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE development method. The learning strategy used for the development of this media is case-based learning. The data analysis technique is to calculate the validation assessment using the validity index of the formula V Aiken of 0.93. In addition, learning media is also stated to be very practical with an average practicality value index of 86.25%.
Keywords: learning media, H5P, Elasticity
Keywords: learning media, H5P, Elasticity
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[3]. Ngubadillah, A., & Kartadie, R. 2018. The Influence of Visual Media Using the Lectora Inspire Application on Student Learning Outcomes. Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 35.
[4]. Riduwan. 2010. Easy Learning Research for Teacher-Employees and Beginning Researchers. Alfabeta. London.
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