
Volume 05 - Issue 11

Paper Title :: Sport and Leisure Policies for Elderly People in Brazil: Theoretical Approaches
Author Name :: Alisson Vieira Costa || Marcela Fabiani Silva Dias
Country :: Brazil
Page Number :: 01-06
Open University for the Elderly (UNATI) is a program widely implemented in higher education institutions in Brazil. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze the practice of physical activity for elderly people inserted in these Open Universities in light of Sports and Leisure policies. The study carried out a review about what the literature has pointed out about the current panorama of the Open Universities existing in the country. From the review carried out, it was noticed that the programs of insertion of the elderly in Open Universities to the Third Age, have contributed significantly to a better quality of life in the aging process. These programs are already widespread among universities, with a large number of elderly people participating in the multidisciplinary activities offered. However, Brazilian higher education institutions still do not participate effectively in the research that involves the subject and the theme of sports and leisure policies in this particular area is still little discussed, which makes it necessary to elaborate new studies that contemplate a institutions and present an expanded panorama of the theme in the Brazilian context, its characteristics, contributions, limitations and challenges.
Keywords: Aging. University Open to the Elderly. Sports and Leisure Policies.
[1]. ANDRADE, L. M.; SENA, E. L. S.; PINHEIRO, G. M. L.; MEIRA, E. C.; LIRA, L. S. S. P. (2013). Políticas públicas para pessoas idosas no Brasil: uma revisão integrativa. Ciência e Saúde Coletiva, 18(12): 3543-3552.
[2]. BRASIL. (1994). Lei n.o 8.842 de 4 de janeiro de 1994. Dispõe sobre a política nacional do idoso, cria o Conselho Nacional do Idoso e dá outras providências. Brasília (DF).
[3]. CACHIONI, M. (2003). Quem educa os idosos? Um estudo sobre professores de universidades da terceira idade. Campinas, SP: Alínea.
[4]. DJERNES, J.K. (2006). Prevalence and predictors of depression in populations of elderly: a review. Acta Psychiatr Scand, Copenhagen, 113(1):372-387.
[5]. FARINATTI, P.T.V. (2008). Envelhecimento promoção da saúde e exercício: bases teóricas e metodológicas.Volume 1. Barueri, SP: Manole.

Paper Title :: Al-Qur'an Education Park Construction for Muhammadiyah Wakf House
Author Name :: Abd. Rahman || Fakhruddin Mansyur || Jasri || Reski Adi || Muthoifin
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 07-12
Quran Education Park is a place for children of future generations to get character The community in Taeng hopes that the Quran Education Park will foster noble character in their children. The research method is a qualitative research type with a descriptive approach. The object of research lies in the development and formation of the Muhammadiyah Qur'an House in the development of the Quran Education Park, assisted by the Muhammadiyah Waqf House. Data collection techniques were carried out by interviewing supervisors and lecturers; data validation techniques with data triangulation; research results; With the various potential roles played by Quran Education Park, it can be stated that Quran Education Park has high integrity in the surrounding community, as well as being a reference for various community problems. These functions will be maintained and effective if Quran Education Park educators can maintain their independence from various interventions outside the Quran Education Park. Muhammadiyah Qur'an House is a program or development initiated by the Quran Education Park Dade Makkuseng. The program develops Tahfidz centers in the community, as well as community and educational institutions. The idea emerged based on nurturing and printing the memorizers of the Qur'an. In addition, the idea emerged so that the memorizers of the Qur'an were born amid society, not only in Islamic boarding schools. Qur'an Education Park has succeeded in developing the Qur'an House and printing many Qur'an memorizers in a relatively short time the Qur'an House can be said to be more flexible and able to blend in with the community because it can be established at home.
Keywords: Quran education park concern, qualitative, evolving, permit process.
[1]. M. Huda and M. Kartanegara, “Islamic spiritual character values of al-Zarnūjī’s Taʻlīm al-Mutaʻallim,” Mediterr. J. Soc. Sci., vol. 6, no. 4S2, pp. 229–265, 2015, doi: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n4s2p229.
[2]. N. Hidayat, “The Implementation of Character Education Model at Islamic Boarding School of Pabelan, Magelang, Central Java,” J. Pendidik. Islam, vol. 5, no. 2, p. 431, 2016, doi: 10.14421/jpi.2016.52.431-455.
[3]. S. Wibawa, “Moral Philosophy in Serat Centhini: Its Contribution for Character Education in Indonesia,” Asian J. Soc. Sci. Humanit., vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 173–184, 2013.
[4]. M. Muthoifin and I. Firdaus, “Management of Productive Waqf for Empowerment of the Ummah,” Profetika J. Stud. Islam, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 253–259, 2020, [Online]. Available:
[5]. C. Williams, “Research Methods,” J. Bus. Econ. Res., vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 65–72, 2007.

Paper Title :: Expression forms of patriotic education
Author Name :: Gulara Huseynaga Karimova
Country :: Azerbaijan
Page Number :: 13-17
This article provides information on the national moral principles of bravery, courage, and heroism. These principles' historical foundations are discussed, and heroic historical instances are provided. The location and significance of the issue have also been highlighted in the pedagogical literature from Azerbaijan. The literary and Azerbaijani history textbooks from the V–IX high school classes were examined in the article in light of the aforementioned concerns, the themes were organized, and samples from them were provided. An overarching thesis statement concludes the piece.
Keywords: bravery, history, national-spiritual, value, studies, school, textbook, student
[1]. Aslanlı M.İ. Azərbaycan ədəbi və ictimai-pedaqoji fikrində fiziki tərbiyə. Bakı, Azərnəşr, 2008, 424 s.
[2]. Bünyadov Z.M. Azərbaycan VII-IX əsrlərdə. Bakı, Azərnəşr, 1989, 336 s.
[3]. Əliyev İ.İ. Təlim-tərbiyə işlərində etnopedaqoji materiallardan istifadə. Ped.elm.nam.dis. Bakı, 2002, 332 s.
[4]. Həşimov Ə.S. Pedaqogika kursunun tədrisində xalq hikmətindən istifadə. Bakı, Maarif, 1991, 225 s.
[5]. Həsənov A.M. Azərbaycan uşaq ədəbiyyatında əks olunmuş mənəvi dəyərlərindən kiçik yaşlı məktəblilərin əxlaq tərbiyəsində istifadə. Bakı, İşıq, 1997, 283 sş

Paper Title :: Gender differences of individuals with intellectual disability in adaptive abilities
Author Name :: Ioannakis, Ι
Country :: Greece
Page Number :: 18-24
Adaptive functioning is included in the definition of people with an intellectual disability, demonstrating that the categorization of people with an intellectual disability is no longer based on IQ alone.This function is important as it demonstrates deficits related to individuals' ability to live independently as they relate to important daily living skills.The aim of the specific research was to compare the levels of adaptive functioning of adolescents and adult men and women of intellectual disabilityfrom Greece.Adaptive functioning was assessed with the AAMD Adaptive Behavior Scale. In total, 108 people with intellectual disabilities took part in the research. The results showed that between the two leaves there is variability in their yields. we found that gender was a limiting factor in some factors and sub-sections of the rating scale, while in others we did not find statistically significant differences.Consequently, those involved with people with intellectual disabilities and aiming to design rehabilitation programs should take into account that beyond lower levels of adaptive functioning there are gender differences as well.
Keywords: adults, adolescents,
[1]. American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (2022). AAIDD What is Adaptive Behavior? (Accessed 1/10/2022).
[2]. American Psychiatric Association. What is intellectual disability? Available from: [Accessed 20/8/2022]
[3]. Bourguignon, H. J. (1994). Mental Retardation: The Reality Behind the Label. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 3(02), 179. doi:10.1017/s0963180100004916
[4]. Channell, M. M., Mattie, L. J., Hamilton, D. R., Capone, G. T., Mahone, E. M., Sherman, S. L., ... & Kalb, L. G. (2021). Capturing cognitive and behavioral variability among individuals with Down syndrome: a latent profile analysis. Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders, 13(1), 1-14 10.1186/s11689-021-09365-2
[5]. De Bildt, A., Sytema, S., Kraijer, D., Sparrow, S., &Minderaa, R. (2005). Adaptive functioning and behaviour problems in relation to level of education in children and adolescents with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49(9), 672-681. 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2005.00711.x

Paper Title :: Romantic “masks” of the viola
Author Name :: Serhiy Havrylyuk
Country :: Ukraine
Page Number :: 25-28
The article describes the main points of evolution of the viola “masks”, the musical role embodiments transferred from the theater esthetics and philosophical concepts of the social game theories.
Keywords: viola, masks, music, romanticism.
[1]. “Foreign writers: an encyclopedic guide.” In 2 vols. T.2: L-Ya / ed. N. Myhalska. — Ternopil: "Teaching Book-Bogdan", 2006. — P. 74
[2]. N. Hampson,“A Social History of the French Revolution.” Business Studies, XXIII (4), pp. 605-635, 1992. (journal style). — Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1988.
[3]. J. Huizinga,“Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element of Culture.” Mansfield Centre, CT: Martino Publishing, 2014.
[4]. E. Raize,“About music and musicians: aphorisms, thoughts, sentences, expressions.” — Leningrad: Music, 1969., p. 24.
[5]. G. Sand. “About literature and art.”ed. MarkiyanYakubyak. — Lviv: Apriori, 2016. — 264 p.

Paper Title :: Meaning and symbolism of the Salamanca rite in Argentinean popular culture
Author Name :: Dr. María Inés Palleiro || MA. Maria Eugenia Peltzer
Country :: Argentina
Page Number :: 29-43
The aim of this presentation is to analyze an aspect of the Argentinean Cultural Heritage connected with oral traditional lore, transmitted from one generation to another according not only to the natural environment but also to the cultural landscape dealing with social beliefs which conform its cultural identity. Belief, understood as a modal certainty, whose true value depends on a personal agreement or a social consensus (Greimas & Courtés 1982) can be expressed in nightmares such as the one of the coven, which makes room for black rites as the one we deal with. Considering the rite as a praxis, whose distinctive feature is the sequential repetition of actions with performative effects on the context (Rappaport 1991), we deal with the ―Salamanca rite‖, as worshiped in the Argentinean provinces of La Rioja and Santiago del Estero, which generates both legends, folktales and songs whose main topic is the deal with the Devil. As the Grimms have pointed out long ago, legends are folktales historically grounded, which cross the boundaries of reality towards the modal arenas of belief (Dégh 1976). Even grounded in local times and spaces, local rites such as the ―Salamanca share symbols connected with universal folk narrative patterns, such as ATU tale type No. 330 ―The smith and the Devil.
We focus the attention in the verbal explanation and iconic representation of this rite by the Argentinean craftsman Marino Cordoba, author of a series of ceramic statuettes regarding the Salamanca, exhibited both in the Argentinean folk museum of La Rioja and in the Devil Museum of Kaunas, Lituania as examples of Argentinean cultural heritage. We pay attention to how Cordoba narrates this rite with synechdotic logic of fragmentation (Briggs 2002) and visual metaphors connected with rhetoric of mystery belonging to the vernacular quechua-diaguita culture, which is part of Argentinean cultural heritage.
Keywords: cultural heritage- Salamanca –Argentina
[1]. BENDIX, REGINA, 1997: "From Fakelore to the Politics of Culture. The Changing Contours of American Folkloristics", In Search ofAuthenlicily. The Formation of Folklore Studies, pp 188-218,. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
[2]. GEORGES, r. & m. OWEN (1995) Folkloristics. An introduction.Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
[3]. HANDLER, R. and J. LINNEKIN(1984) ―Tradition, Genuine or Spurious‖,The Journal of American Folklore Vol. 97, No. 385 (Jul. - Sep., 1984), pp. 273-290
[4]. PALLEIRO, M. I. (2016) El cuentofolklórico: unaintroducción a la narrativa oral.Buenos Aires: La Bicicleta.
[5]. SCHECHNER, R. (2004) Performance theory.London, Taylor & Francis e-book.

Paper Title :: Law and Persons with Disabilities: A Study on the Right to Inclusive Education in the City of Salatiga Indonesia
Author Name :: Amin Udin || Natangsa Surbakti || Kelik Wardiono || Muthoifin
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 44-60
Education for people with disabilities in Indonesia is carried out inclusively through the inclusive education method. Inclusive education in Indonesia is regulated by the Minister of National Education Regulation Number 70 of 2009. The problem formulation in this research is "How is the legal protection carried out by the Salatiga city government to fulfill the rights of people with disabilities in obtaining inclusive education?" Second, "what are the factors that influence the legal protection of people with disabilities in the implementation of inclusive education in Salatiga City?" Third, "how is the right of people with disabilities to get an inclusive education in the perspective of Islamic law?" This research methodology is based on legal research conducted with a qualitative non-doctrinal approach. This is due to the law which is not only conceptualized as a whole of principles and rules that govern human life in society but also includes the institutions and processes that embody the application of these rules in society, as the embodiment of the symbolic meanings of social actors. 11 of 2013 concerning the Implementation of Inclusive Education and Salatiga Mayor Regulation No. 12 of 2019 concerning the Disability Service Unit for Inclusive Education (Smart Resources Center) as a legal umbrella. Since 2013 Salatiga is an inclusive city, inclusive education for people with disabilities in this city is very good because all public schools under the education office have implemented inclusive schools. The difficulty in continuing their high school education makes children continue their education by pursuing package C and some of them do not continue their education or drop out of school. People with disabilities in classical Arabic use the term "al-`ajzu" the meaning is weak. The word is used because society in the past viewed considered people with disabilities as weak. Islam viewed humans as the most perfect creatures, no creature is more perfect than humans except Allah SWT, although some humans are created in less than perfect physical and mental conditions, what distinguishes humans is only piety and faith. Education from the Islamic perspective is a right and obligation for all human beings without exception, including for people with disabilities. People with disabilities in classical Arabic use the term "al-`ajzu" the meaning is weak. The word is used because society in the past viewed considered people with disabilities as weak. Islam viewed humans as the most perfect creatures, no creature is more perfect than humans except Allah SWT, although some humans are created in less than perfect physical and mental conditions, what distinguishes humans is only piety and faith. Education from the Islamic perspective is a right and obligation for all human beings without exception, including for people with disabilities. People with disabilities in classical Arabic use the term "al-`ajzu" the meaning is weak. The word is used because society in the past viewed considered people with disabilities as weak. Islam viewed humans as the most perfect creatures, no creature is more perfect than humans except Allah SWT, although some humans are created in less than perfect physical and mental conditions, what distinguishes humans is only piety and faith. Education from the Islamic perspective is a right and obligation for all human beings without exception, including for people with disabilities. no creature is more perfect than humans except Allah SWT, although some humans are created in less than perfect physical and mental conditions, what distinguishes humans is only piety and faith. Education from the Islamic perspective is a right and obligation for all human beings without exception, including for people with disabilities. no creature is more perfect than humans except Allah SWT, although some humans are created in less than perfect physical and mental conditions, what distinguishes humans is only piety and faith. Education from the Islamic perspective is a right and obligation for all human beings without exception, including for people with disabilities.
Keywords: law, people with disabilities, inclusive education, profetik,Islamic law.
[1] F. Nursyamsi, E. D. Arifianti, M. F. Aziz, P. Bilqish, and A. Marutama, Kerangka Hukum Disabilitas di Indonesia : Menuju Indonesia Ramah Disabilitas. 2015. [Online]. Available:
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[3] R. F. Engle, E. Ghysels, and B. Sohn, “On the Economic Sources of Stock Market Volatility,” SSRN Electron. J., no. October 2005, 2011, doi: 10.2139/ssrn.971310.
[4] Dini Widinarsih, “Konsep Perlindungan Hak Konstusional Penyandang Disabilitas di Indonesia,” J. Refleks. Huk., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 161–174, 2017.
[5] H. Affandi, “Tanggung Jawab Negara Dalam Pemenuhan Hak Atas Pendidikan Menurut Undang - Undang Dasar Tahun 1945,” J. Huk. POSITUM, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 218–243, 2017.

Paper Title :: Educational Reform in Senior High Schools Through Strengthening Entrepreneurial Management Soft Skills: A Phenomenological Study
Author Name :: Ayub Heri Santoso || Musa Asy’ari || Waston
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 61-68
The graduates of MAN 2 Kulon Progo have not had the proficiency, knowledge, skill, and ability to work related to entrepreneurship in fulfilling their economic needs amidst society. Through entrepreneurship education management, it is expected that MAN 2 Kulon Progo, be able to generate skillful, tenacious, high-quality fighting, and creative students who are available for employment as competent human resources. This research is aimed to know the supervision management, human resources, and facilities supporting entrepreneurship education in MAN 2 Kulon Progo and SMKN 1 Purworejo. This research used a descriptive qualitative method. The populations were the teachers and staff in MAN 2 Kulon Progo and SMKN 1 Purworejo. The data were collected through observation, interview, and Document. Miles and Huberman's model were used in data analysis and followed the steps such as data reduction, data presentation, data verification, or conclusion. The data validity was tested by triangulation and focus group discussion (FGD). From the result of the research, it can be concluded that the entrepreneurship education management of MAN 2 Kulon Progo and SMKN 1 Purworejo is carried out to improve the quality of entrepreneurship education learning. The management of human resources in MAN 2 Kulon Progo and SMKN 1 Purworejo by placing qualified educators and competent education staff based on the principle of the right man in the right place so that all the duties can be done maximally and effectively. the facilities and structures management in MAN 2 Kulon Progo and SMKN 1 Purworejo is carried out by utilizing information technology facilities that are available and accompany the process of entrepreneurship education management based on the planning with excellent evaluation. Cooperation management in MAN 2 Kulon Progo and SMKN 1 Purworejo is done by developing partnerships and cooperation with the entrepreneurs out there, industry, and other institutions these inspire the pupils in generating their business.
Keywords: management, education, entrepreneurship, soft skills.
[1] M. Bogo, F. Mishna, and C. Regehr, "Competency frameworks: Bridging education and practice," Canadian Social Work Review/Revue Canadienne de service social, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 275–279, 2011.
[2] S. Sukirman, Y. Masduki, S. Suyono, D. Hidayati, H. Kistoro, and S. Ru’iya, “Effectiveness of blended learning in the new normal era,” International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 628–638, 2022.
[3] H. Tseng, X. Yi, and H.-T. Yeh, “Learning-related soft skills among online business students in higher education: Grade level and managerial role differences in self-regulation, motivation, and social skill,” Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 95, pp. 179–186, Jun. 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2018.11.035.
[4] N. T. T. Ha and L. B. Hoa, “Evaluating Entrepreneurship Performance In Vietnam Through The Global Entrepreneurship Development Index Approach,” Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship (JDE), vol. 23, no. 01, pp. 1–19, 2018.
[5] M. Rohman and S. Amri, Strategi dan Desain Pengembangan Sistem Pembelajaran. Prestasi Pustaka, 2013.

Paper Title :: The Role of Members’ Participation in Cooperative Success in Ethiopia
Author Name :: Michael Senbeta Feyisa
Country :: Ethiopia
Page Number :: 69-72
Member-owned business organizations, such as cooperatives (or co-ops), are engaged in various economic activities that touch our everyday lives. In developing countries like Ethiopia, there are various advantages for small farmers in joining a cooperative, including lowering costs of marketing, purchasing inputs, bargaining, etc. Cooperatives contribute to the overall economic growth of Ethiopia. But, cooperative members’ participation in the activities of cooperatives is often challenging, especially in large cooperatives with diversified business activities and with large and heterogeneous membership. The review aims to explore the role of members’ participation in cooperative success in Ethiopia. The study is based on review of pertinent literature on members’ participation in Ethiopia as well as secondary data obtained from various sources. The review identified the contributions of members’ participation in cooperative success development, which contribute to the improvement of cooperative performance and the challenges facing the participation of members’. Finally; the study suggested promoting members’ participation among the cooperatives which can increase cooperative development to improve cooperative development in developing countries in general and Ethiopia in particular.
Keywords: Members’ participation, Participation, Cooperative development, Cooperative performance
[1]. Haileselasie, G.N., 2003. The Benefits of Co-Operative Membership: A Comparative Study in Saesie Tsaeda Emba District, Tigray Region, Ethiopia. A Thesis in University College Cork, University of Ireland, Cork.
[2]. Federal Cooperative Agency. (2011, 2013 and 2014). Magazines Published by Public Relations Section. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
[3]. Fulton, M. (2001). Leadership in Democratic and Participatory Organizations. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue Canadienne D’Agroconomie, 49(4), 381–894.
[4]. Gebru, D. G., 2008. The Benefits of Cooperative Membership: A Comparative Study in Offal and Kapitsa Humeral District. Thesis in University College. Tigray Region, Ethiopia.
[5]. Dejene, Hirpa. 2014. Financial Performance of Primary Multi-purpose Agricultural Cooperatives and Determinants of Level of Participation by Members‟: the case of Becho District, Oromiya National RegionalState. M.Sc. Thesis, Haramaya University, Ethiopia.

Paper Title :: An intersectional focus on inequality and inequity in the framework of the 2030 Agenda
Author Name :: Belén Sáenz-Rico de Santiago || María del Rosario Mendoza Carretero || Inmaculada Gómez-Jarabo || Carmen Sabán Vera
Country :: Spain
Page Number :: 73-82
This qualitative study proposes an intersectional focus as a research methodology for analysing the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which describe situations of inequality and inequity in access, use, and as rights, through a holistic, intersectional focus. Its aim is to identify the dimensions underpinning the concept of inequality in the framework of the targets of the 2030 Agenda, and, based on a systematic analysis, to search for the possible degree of interrelation between the environmental, economic and social dimensions to identify possible indicators that currently comprise the inequality dimension of human development.
This requires a methodological focus that goes beyond the transversal configuration of the SDGs to enable the search for a potential interconnection between different elements that provide answers and establish synergies, in order to identify the impact of each of them in the social, environmental and economic sphere. An intersectional focus is, therefore, an appropriate analytical tool for studying complex questions that can only be explained with a high degree of rationality, adding the environmental dimension to the others after performing the analysis to shape the concept of inequality.
Keywords: Inequality, Equity, Sustainable Development, Intersectionality
[1]. M. Viveros, “La interseccionalidad: una aproximación situada a la dominación,” Debate Feminista, 52, pp.1-17, 2016.
[2]. UNDP, “Human Development Report, Beyond Income, Beyond Averages, Beyond Today – Inequalities in Human Development in the 21st Century”,UNDP, New York, United States, 2019.
[3]. ACNUR Comité Español, “¿Qué es desigualdad, qué tipos existen y qué consecuencias tiene?, [Online]”Available:,desigualdad-que-tipos-existen-y-que-consecuencias-tiene-tc_alt45664n_o_pstn_o_pst/[Accessed: Nov.11, 2022].
[4]. PNUD, “Los ODS hoy. Capítulo 3. Los detalles,”[Online]. Available:[Accessed: Nov. 21, 2020).
[5]. UNICEF, “The children left behing. A league of inequality in child well-being in the world’s rich countries,” Innocenti Report Card 9; Centro de InvestigacionesInnocenti de UNICEF, Florence, Italy, 2010.

Paper Title :: Challenges in implementation of language policy among zongo community schools in Ghana
Author Name :: Mohammed Sadat || Ibrahim Khidir Ibrahim
Country :: Ghana
Page Number :: 83-91
Language policy in education has a checked history in Ghana. Ghana’s language policy states that one of the recognized local languages should be used as a medium of instruction at the lower primary. However, this policy is not being followed by some public schools in zongos ‘migrant communities’. The paper investigates the implementation of language policy in public schools located in the zongos. Data was collected from three public schools located in three different zongos in Accra. The study discovers that public schools located in zongo communities do not follow the language policy which stipulates that one of the local languages should be the medium of instruction. Secondly, the paper finds out that codeswitching, as a language contact phenomenon, is widespread in zongo schools. Also, some of the teachers use Hausa as a language of instruction, which is not one of the approved languages mentioned by the policy. The non-compliance has led to poor performance in Ghanaian language (Asante Twi)
Keywords: language policy; policy makers; education; zongo; Hausa.
[1]. Addae, P. (2001). The history of Islamic education in Ghana. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, SOAS, University of London, London.
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[3]. Ameyaw-Akumfi, C. (2002, May 17). English only, no more vernacular. People’s Daily Graphic. Accra, Ghana.
[4]. Anyidoho, A and Dakubu, M.E.K. 2008.Ghana: Indigenous languages, English, and an emerging national identity. In Andrew Simpson (ed.) Language and National Identity in Africa.pp.140-157. OUP.
[5]. Awedoba, A.K. (2001). Attitudes towards instruction in the local language: a case study of the perspectives of the ‘small’ stakeholder. CIES. Retrieved from

Paper Title :: The Effect of Cooperatives on Economic Development in Case of Ethiopia
Author Name :: Achalu Gelana Regasssa
Country :: Ethiopia
Page Number :: 92-96
A Co-operative is a unique form of business used by people and businesses for their mutual benefit. Cooperatives are community-based, rooted in democracy, flexible, and have participatory involvement, which makes them well suited for economic development. An economy based on one form of business organization alone is neither desirable nor possible in recent our modern world. To justify their existence and fulfill their purpose, cooperatives must make a significant and unique contribution to solving some of the massive problems facing mankind today in bringing up their economic status. This paper therefore, examines the impact of cooperatives in economic development. The aim is to investigate the ways in which cooperatives can act as the third economic sector of our planet and the part played by it towards sustainable economic development.
[1]. Ahammed, D, Tofael (2012), the Development of Cooperative Sector of Bangladesh: Some Recommendations, Annual Journal of Bard, December 2009.
[2]. Ajakaiye, M. B. (1989), Banking Industry and the Development of Agriculture: An Assessment and Future Prospects. The Cbn Bullion 13(1), Pp. 50-59.
[3]. Agarwal, R., & Gort, M. (1996). The Evolution of Markets and Entry, Exit and Survival of Firms. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 78(3), 489-498.
[4]. Agbo, F. U. (2000), Increasing the Output of Cassava through Women Cooperatives, Nigerian Journal of Cooperative Studies 2(1), Pp. 24-38.
[5]. Bottomley, T. (1989). Farmer-Centred Enterprises for Agricultural Development. England, Plunkett Foundation, Pp. 41-53.

Paper Title :: Attributes of Facebook Influencing Tourists’ Decisions on Visiting Tourist Destinations
Author Name :: Jamil N. Dalimocon || Raymund M. Igcasama || Hannah Mae E. Quimbo
Country :: Philippines
Page Number :: 97-118
The study aimed to determine which Facebook attributes greatly influence tourists‟ decisions on visiting tourist destinations and whether Facebook was a useful marketing tool for a destination information source. A survey questionnaire was administered from an online survey expression site and was distributed to selected star-rated hotels in Cebu City to a convenience sample of 154 respondents, especially domestic tourists. The research findings identified that middle-aged tourists whose ages ranged from 22-45 years old were the most active Facebook users and were likely to engage with social networks for travel inspiration. Findings also identified that most correlated variables such as frequency of usage, the perceptions towards Facebook usage, and even the socio-demographics of the respondent hadno linear relationships with the influence on tourists‟ decisions. The results identified that customers‟ feedback and reviews, as well as multimedia advertising (photos and videos), have the most substantial influence on tourists‟ decisions. Tourists preferred visual representation of the featured destination over worded posts. The tourism-related entities must consider the following attributes. These are conducting proper training and seminars such as digital marketing techniques, online marketing strategic development, Facebook page customization, and multimedia creation such as graphics and artistic visual representations of the destination.
[1]. ABRAM, C. & PEARLMAN, L. (2010). Facebook for Dummies, Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Retrieved on March 25, 2018 from the World Wide Web Olivia%20Otieno.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
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[4]. BHAKUNI, P. AND ARONKAR, P., (2012).„Effect of social media advertising on purchase intentions of students- An empirical study conducted in Gwalior City‟, International Journal of Applied Services Marketing Perspectives 1(1), 1–7.
[5]. BLACKSHAW, P., AND NAZZARO, M. (2006). Consumer-generated media (CGM) 101: word-of-mouth in the age of the web-fortified consumer. New York: Nielsen BuzzMetrics. Retrieved on March 23, 2018, from the World Wide Web CGM101.pdf

Paper Title :: Morphophonemics of the Termanu Dialect of Rote Language Related to Christian Religious Education and Culture: A Study of Linguistic Antropological
Author Name :: Linda Muskananfola || Daud Saleh Luji || Jonathan Leobisa
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 119-127
This study aims to examine the symptoms of phoneme changes contained in morphemes of Termanu Dialect of Rote Lenguange by utilizing variations and languages that contain affix elements. In Termanu Dialect of Rote Lenguange, and phoneme changes contained in Termanu Dialect of Rote Lenguange morphemes. The research procedure used was to carry out content analysis and from the results of the analysis the following results were obtained: (1) Symptoms of phoneme changes into several processes, namely the appearance of phonemes, phoneme preservation, emergence of phoneme preservation, phoneme shift, phoneme changes and shifts, phoneme disappearance, phoneme decay, historical phoneme insertion, phoneme appearance based on foreign language patterns, and variation of source language phonemes. Based on the data collected, BRDT phonological changes are only in the form of the process of phoneme emergence and phoneme preservation, while the process of phoneme decay, phoneme change, phoneme shift, phoneme erasure, historical phoneme insertion, phoneme emergence based on foreign language patterns, and source language phoneme variations were not found. . (2) Termanu Dialect of Rote Lenguangeis always used during communal worship, whether in church, household worship, thanksgiving for the dead, birthdays, and wedding celebrations. Termanu Dialect of Rote Lenguangeis used through sermons and Christian hymns. When the pastor preaches, he always uses Termanu Dialect of Rote Lenguange as the language of instruction and a distraction in preaching the word and songs. (3) Representation refers to Morphophonemics with cultural values contained in Termanu dialect. The cultural values found in Rote Termanu that are the focus of the research are songs, traditional houses, musical instruments and regional dances that use Termanu Dialect of Rote Lenguange.
Keywords: Morphophonemic; Rote language; Termanu dialect
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Paper Title :: The impact of social realism in French and Russian literature on social law in Europe: Dostoyevsky and Hugo
What is the impact of Dostoyevsky's and Hugo's works of social realism on social laws in Europe?
Author Name :: Dr. Eva Medina || Prof. Toni Pacanowski || Prof. Pablo Medina Aguerrebere
Country :: Spain
Page Number :: 128-140
Through the Karamavoz Brothers (1880), a clan of morally monstrous characters, the murder of the father appears as a salvation. Salvation or damnation? The imminently immoral murder of Oedipus the King in the ancient tradition becomes moral by deviance and pleasurable under the corrosive writing of Dostoyevsky. The parricide in the village of Skotoprigonievsk, a chilling universe of conservatism with an added layer of sordidness, is suddenly the subject of national interest. All the Russian media take hold of the event; the public opinion rejoices to judge so quickly and easily the apparently perfect odious crime which will allow them to give themselves a moral and a conscience. In this powerful work, Dostoyevsky shows, through the lack of values in Russian society, the impact of the lack of responsibility on the social condition. Written in 1862, the work The Miserables by Hugo denounces with so much vigor the hypocrisy and the lack of values of the French society, that it imposes itself unconsciously as a principle of national responsibility, whose labor laws will change in the following years. What is the impact of Dostoyevsky's and Hugo's works of social realism on the social laws in Europe?
Keywords: Russian classical literature - French classical literature - social realism - Dostoyevsky - Hugo.
[1]. V. Marinov. Les Frères Karamazov et les frères de la horde originaire. Chapitre IX, Figures du crime chez Dostoïevski, p. 223 à 229, 1990.
[2]. S. Freud. Die Urgestalt der Brüder Karamazov - Les Sources des Frères Karamazov. Preface, Ed. Gallimard, coll. Folio, Classique, n°2655, 1994.
[3]. F. Dostoievski. Brothers Karamazov. Ed. Gallimard, coll. Folio, Classique, n°2655, 1994.
[4]. V. Hugo. Les Misérables. éd. Gallimard, coll. Folio, Classique, n°3223, 1999.
[5]. V. Hugo. Détruire la misère (1849). éd. Gallimard, 1972, col. Folio.

Paper Title :: Prof. Abdul Haq, a reputable Iqbal scholar of India (Special study of Bayaz-e-Iqbal)
Author Name :: Muhammad Armaghan Waqar || Dr. Muhammad Amir Iqbal
Country :: United Kingdom
Page Number :: 141-151
Iqbal's diary is a demand for study. Genius thoughts of Iqbal are hidden in this diary. After the study of this diary, the reader consider that qbal's thoughts are very intellectual, political, religious, social and economical. The period in which Iqbal wrote this diary, he was in severe mental and economical crisis. Despite this, Iqbal's thoughts appear to be tremendous and fierce. Prof. Abdul Haq has not only given importance to the translation but also emphasized on the linking continuance. By translating this diary, you have made Iqbal's thoughts and philosophy more powerful, by adding to its uniqueity. Prof. Abdul Haq did not make poetic expressions, but has adopted the decent and fascinating approach for presenting Iqbal's thoughts. This article also has a comparative analysis of the three translations of the diary. Prof. Abdul Haq's translation was published many times, and every time a new perspective has been appeared. In the last publication, Prof. Abdul Haq added new figures, that just not only enhance its charm in the world of research and criticism, but also makes him authentic and reliable in this field.
Keywords: Ideological points are hidden in Iqbal's diary
[1]. Iqbal, Stray Reflections, Arranged By , Dr. Javid Iqbal, Translator, Prof. Abdul Haq, ثکھغے سیبلات , Basic words, New Delhi : Asila Offset Printer, Darya Ganj, March 2015, Page 27
[2]. Iqbal, Stray Reflections, Edited With Afterword by, Dr. Javid Iqbal, Lahore: Iqbal Academy Pakistan,2021, p_162
[3]. Hamid Jalali, Syed, Hafiz, Married life of Allama Iqbal ػلاهہ اقجبل کل اػص اول ػ ضًگل ,Delhi: Educational Publishing House, 1998, page 7
[4]. Iqbal, Stray Reflections, Edited With Afterword by, Dr. Javid Iqbal, Lahore : Iqbal Academy Pakistan,2021, p_175
[5]. Iqbal, Stray Reflections, Translator, Prof. Abdul Haq, ثکھغے سیبلات ,P-116 To 123

Paper Title :: Superior Product Development Strategy Towards One Village One Product In Jombang District
Author Name :: Kustini kustini || DhaniIchsanuddin Nur || Supriyono
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 152-157
Product development for UKM in Jombang Regency can be carried out through the One Village One Product (OVOP) approach so that the potential of each village has its own advantages so that UKM in the village can improve their products and become an icon of a village. The purpose of this research is to formulate a model One Village One Product strategy in Jombang Regency, East Java. This research was conducted in Jombang district with 11 sub-districts with a qualitative descriptive approach through observation, surveys, interviews, questionnaires and secondary data obtained from the Small Industry Office and cooperatives. Data analysis using SWOT analysis. The development strategy is to improve product quality, develop the competitiveness of potential UKM products in each village and improve skills in a directed and integrated manner for local, national and global markets with promotions and the need for local government commitment to provide institutional guidance and strengthening.
Keywords: Regional Development, UKM Products, SWOT
[1]. Ratmono R, NediHendri, Yateno. 2016, PendekatanOvopSebagai Program PengembanganProdukUnggulanWilayah Kota Provinsi Lampung, Jurnal DERIVATIF Vol. 10 No. 2 : 82-90
[2]. IekeWulanAyu ,Siti Nurwahidah, Yadi Hartono, 2021, Strategi PengembanganKomoditasLokalUntukPenerapan One Village One Product (OVOP) Di Kabupaten Sumbawa Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis (JEPA), Volume 5, Nomor 2 : 306-314
[3]. Nailufar, F., dan Sufitrayati. 2018.” Analisis One Village One Product (OVOPP) terhadapPenghasilan Tenaga Kerja Wanita di Kota Banda Aceh.” JurnalManajemen dan Keuangan Vol 7 No,2 : 109-119
[4]. Aswari, T., A., Darumurti, A., dan Febrian K.,R. 2017. Agenda Setting Program One Village One Product (OVOP) Kabupaten Bantul. Journal of Governance And Public Policy Vol 4 no 3 :489-504
[5]. Endang Murti dan Harianto , 2019, Pendekatan One Village One Produk (OVOP) DalamPemberdayaanekonomiDesa, Seminar Nasional SistemInformasi, FakultasTeknologiInformasi – UNMER Malang, 19 September:1779-1790

Paper Title :: The Determine effect of E-Wallet Behavior Intention in Indonesia
Author Name :: Ferrynela Purbo Laksono || Winda Fransiska || Herry Maridjo
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 158-164
The purpose of this research is to analyze 1) the effect of social influenceon behavior intention, 2) the effect ofeffort expectationon behavior intention, 3) Theeffect ofservice quality on behavior intention, 4) Consumer satisfaction mediates the effect of social influence on behavior intention, 5) Consumer satisfaction mediates the effect of effort expectanctation on behavior intention, 6) Consumer satisfaction mediates the effect service quality on behavior intention. Collecting data using a questionnaire with a five Likert scale. The data analysis technique in this study is Partial Least Square using Warp PLS 7.0. The findings of his study show that: 1) social Influence has a positive effect onthe intention of behaving using a -wallet, 2) effort expectations do not have positive effect n intentions of behaving using Ean-wallet, 3) service quality has a positive effecton the intention to behave using E-wallet, 4) social influence does not have a positive effecton the intention to behave using E-walletby mediating relyon consumer satisfaction, 5) effort expectancy does not have a positive affect the intention to behave using E-wallety being fully mediatedy consumer satisfaction, 6) service quality does not have a positive effect towards the intention of behaving using E-wallet edited in part by consumer satisfaction.
Keywords: social influence, effort expectancy, service quality, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intentions
[1]. Aji, H. M., Berakon, I., & Md Husin, M. (2020). COVID-19 and e-wallet usage intention: A multigroup analysis between Indonesia and Malaysia. Cogent Business and Management, 7(1).
[2]. Ammirudin, Dyah K., Pradopo, Ommar D &Nardi. “Impact of Utilitarian Value and Hedonic Value and Social Influence on Behavioral Intention Through Customer Satisfaction in Hypermart Consumers,” International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research (IJSTR), 9(1), 4158-4162.
[3]. Cao, Q., & Niu, X. (2019). Integrating context awareness and UTAUT to explain Alipay user adoption. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 69(September 2018), 9–13.
[4]. Dwivedi, Y. K., Rana, N. P., Jeyaraj, A., Clement, M., & Williams, M. D. (2019). Re-examining the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT): Towards a Revised Theoretical Model. Information Systems Frontiers, 21(3), 719–734.
[5]. Galib, M. H., Hammou, K. A., & Steiger, J. (2018). Predicting Consumer Behavior: An Extension of Technology Acceptance Model. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 10(3), 73.

Paper Title :: Comparative Study of Customer Satisfaction on Google Pay and Phonepe Mobile Apps
Author Name :: Dr. M. Abdul Rahuman || Dr. A. Abdul Khader
Country :: India
Page Number :: 165-167
Cashless Transaction is the most recent technology that has seen wonderful growth in the past year. Cashless payments are now becoming a trendy trend in almost every field. The usage of mobile wallets knowledgeable enormous growth in users. Online banking permits a user to carry out financial dealings via the Internet. Online banking is otherwise called web banking or Internet Banking. Customer satisfaction is the most difficult task in every Banking sector. The Customers of e-wallets have improved after demonetization and Covid-19 situations. . This study is about Google pay and Phonepe users in Tirunelveli city. To know the satisfaction level of the customers, the developers introduced new features to attract customers. This paper makes an effort to study customers’ perceptions of particular e-wallets. This study mainly focus concentrates on google pay and Phonepe users. This study is to point out the problems and preferences among Google pay and Phonepe users.
Keywords: Customer satisfaction, comparison
[1]. Achim, Machauer. and Sebastian, Morgner., "Segmentation of bank customers by expected benefits and attitudes", The International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol.19:1, 2001, 6-15.
[2]. Shivangi Jaiswal, Pankaj Joge.2018(A study on consumers acceptance of mobile wallet with special reference to Google pay and Paytm) volume8, issue 3, page no:1082-1093.
[3]. Akhila Pai H2018(Study on consumer perception towards digital wallets) volume 5, issue 1, page no:385a-391a.
[4]. Mr. N. Sivakumar 2019(user’s perception towards Paytm) volume 6, issue 2, page no:63-71
[5]. Hallinan, Joseph T. (2003), “Bigger Banks. Better Deals?”, Wall Street Journal - Eastern Edition, Vol. 242, Issue 84, pp.D1-D3

Paper Title :: Critical Infrastructures
New Forms of Applied Historiography and its Relationship with 2030 Global Agenda Analysis of Particular cases: Japan
Author Name :: Jonathan Alexis Sdrigotti
Country :: Argentina
Page Number :: 168-176
The growth in the importance of Critical Infrastructures observed throughout the last decades of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century had a direct impact on the construction of stability and governance of the global system of human development. In this context, an axis of information constituted by the sustainability-resilience-criticality set was identified, which remains explicit in the documents and action plans of different states and International Organizations whose study contributes important data to the Historiography of the Present Time, since from its analysis, possible hypotheses emerge ,that complement from historiographical praxis, the arduous qualitative and quantitative work done over the years by experts in the documentary and archival field. For this, the present work proposes as a general objective to describe the main characteristics of the concept of Critical Infrastructures in the last decades of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century and its relationship with the stability of the global development system, responding to a non-experimental design of panel type applied longitudinally or evolutionary, preferring the use of a mixed approach that integrates quantitative and qualitative variables, in order to make an approach to the object of study from a systemic perspective. Regarding the techniques used, documentary research was used through the application of bibliographic systematization, content analysis of the qualitative approach and quantified textual analysis, structuring the results of this work in five sections.
Keywords: Threats, critical infrastructures, security policies, prevention, risks.
[1]. Adrian, G.; Masera, M. & Polinpapilinho, K. (2014). Infranomics. Sustainability, Engineering Design and Governance. Switzerland: Springer.
[2]. Balaam, D. & Dillman, B. (2019). Introduction to International Political Economy. New York: Routledge.
[3]. Cyber security & Infrastructure Security Agency. (2020). Identifying Critical Infrastructure during COVID-19. Retrieved from:
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[5]. Council of the European Union. (2008). Directive on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the evaluation of the need to improve their protection. Retrieved from

Paper Title :: Legal Aspects of Using Digital Signatures in Online Business Transactions
Author Name :: Nadilla Wahdaniya || Retno Sariwati
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 177-181
In the current era, the high consumption of technology both as a medium for communicating and seeking information is one of the reasons why progress in society is very fast and has an impact on the acceleration of the business and trade sectors. In addition, that changes and developments that often occur in the world of technology where technological changes are both in the field of communication and information based on computer technology in other words Interconnection Networking (internet) where this network is global and all scale can access technology referred to (Titi, 2020).
[1]. Titi S. Slamet, Marianne Masako Paliling. (2020). Kekuatan Hukum Transaksi Dan Tanda Tangan Elektronik Dalam Perjanjian. Paulus Law Journal, 1(1), 9–18.
[2]. Andalan, A. M. (2019). Kedudukan Tanda Tangan Elektronikdalam Transaksi Teknologi Finansial. Jurist-Diction, 2(6), 1931.
[3]. Mayana, R. F., &Santika, T. (2021). Legalitas Tanda Tangan Elektronik: Posibilitas Dan Tantangan Notary Digitalization Di Indonesia. Acta Diurnal JurnalIlmu Hukum Kenotariatan, 4(2), 244–262. Retrieved from
[4]. Izzah, A. N. E., & Sugandha, W. (2021). Penggunaan Tanda Tangan Elektronik Dalam Penyelenggaraan E-Government Guna Mewujudkan Pelayanan Publik Yang Efisien. Journal of Law, Society, and Islamic Civilization, 9(1), 1.
[5]. Sihombing, L. B. (2020). Keabsahan Tanda Tangan Elektronik Dalam Akta Notaris. Jurnal Education and Development, 8,(No. 1), Hal. 134.

Paper Title :: Student Perspective and Variables Associated with the Return to face-to-face Classes, after Confinement by Covid-19
Author Name :: Ciro Andraca Sánchez || Justiniano González González || Alejandra Hitahii Muñoz García || Manuel Mendoza Mojica || Paulino Bueno Domínguez
Country :: Mexico
Page Number :: 182-192
The objective of the study was to identify the variables associated with returning to face-to-face classes, and the perspective regarding gender, after confinement due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Cross-sectional study, conducted in the February-July 2022 semester, with the participation of 114 high school students (58 men and 86 women) from the Autonomous University of Guerrero, Mexico. To measure the effect and magnitude of the variables included in the study, the odds ratio tests, ꭓ2(p-value ≤0.05), as well as the analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used. The results showed that: not having digital tools to follow their virtual classes was associated with family socioeconomic problems; emotional affectation (mood, sadness and fear); the perspective of men and women regarding collateral effects, vulnerability due to the pandemic, and their attitudinal profile. Women, in addition to having greater irritability due to confinement, experience a positive relationship with regard to getting sick with Covid-19.
Keywords: pandemic, statistics, student, attitude, Covid-19.
[1]. Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (2020). La OMS caracteriza a COVID-19 como una pandemia.
[2]. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (2021). Education: from school closure to recovery.
[3]. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (September, 2021). The State of Global Education. 18 Months into the Pandemic.
[4]. Viner, R. M., Russell, S. J., Croker, H., Packer, J., Ward, J., Stansfield, C., Mytton, O., Bonell, C., &Booy, R. (2020). School closure and management practices during coronavirus outbreaks including COVID-19: a rapid systematic review. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 4(5), 397–404.
[5]. Diario Oficial de la Federación. (2020a). ACUERDO número 02/03/20 por el que se suspenden las clases en las escuelas de educación preescolar, primaria, secundaria, normal y demás para la formación de maestros de educación básica del Sistema Educativo Nacional, así como aquellas de los tipos medio superior y superior dependientes de la Secretaría de Educación Pública.

Paper Title :: The Role of Playing Therapy for Trauma Recovery of Children Violence Victims
Author Name :: Merri Hafni || Andre Hasudungan Lubis || Anggi Tri Lestari Purba
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 193-198
Child is parental support and expectations, also expected to be the successors of the nation so they must be protected and given love. Other facts speak of the increasing number of cases of violence against children over the past few years as if it has reversed the demand that children must be protected and given love. In addition, acts of violence against children will cause trauma and leave growth and development abnormalities that will affect their adult life in the future. To minimize the impact that arises due to trauma, a child needs proper treatment. Playing therapy is a counseling technique given by adults to children based on the concept of play as a way of communication between children and adults to express their natural expressions. Creating a better feeling and develop the ability to solve problems and be able to develop interpersonal processes of children. The technique used here is to use a behavioral approach or behavior using the principles of modeling, relaxation and cognitive games. The goal is to change or eliminate deviant behavior and reinstate more constructive behavior, through playing therapy, it is hoped that the trauma caused by violence will gradually decrease.
Keywords: Child, Playing therapy, Recovery, Trauma, Violent Victim
[1]. Huraerah, A. 2018. Violence against Children. Scholar Shades.
[2]. Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence.
[3]. Maslihah, S. 2013. "Playing therapy in identifying cases of sexual violence against children," J. Researcher. Psychol., vol. 4, no. 1.
[4]. Rukminto, A. I. 2008. Community Interventions in Social Work. Jakarta: CV Rajawali.
[5]. Santrock, J., W. 2011. Child Development 13th Edition. New York.

Paper Title :: From Waste to Material “From Rubble to Recycled Concrete”
Author Name :: Bedoya-Montoya C.M. || Gutiérrez-Flórez J.F.
Country :: Colombia
Page Number :: 199-210
The present work, which is a derivation of the Doctoral Thesis project in Human and Social Sciences, presents an interdisciplinary reflection that integrates the technical, environmental, economic and anthropological (socio-aesthetic) vision, on the object of study proposed therein: “the transit of the residue (rubble) towards a new material (recycled concrete). In a positivist world, of disciplinary specializations, with a predominant economic model based on linear flows, and in which building activity is something practically unavoidable for humanity, the balance is dramatic in terms of the extraction of non-renewable raw materials and the residuous generation.
Given this panorama, it is necessary to find new alternatives –such as the one explored here– to materialize the habitats; for example, the valorization or "resurrection" of the detritus, the restructuring of its future in new materials of optimal performance, affordable cost and aesthetic value.
We work with the crossing of quantitative and qualitative variables. In the itinerancy of the investigation involved, it is possible to observe that: (i) the physical-mechanical performance of the recycled concrete made with rubble is positive and complies with international regulatory requirements. (ii) The aesthetic, environmental and architectural characteristics of the projects undertaken with this ecomaterial allow us to conclude that it is possible to implement a reflective built environment, with the participation and acceptance of the community. (iii) Its comprehensive management contributes to political-administrative decision-making for the implementation of the use of eco-materials in urban and rural ecosystems (Public Policy for Sustainable Construction).
Keywords: human and social sciences; recycled rubble; detritus; rematerialization; neomaterials.
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[2]. Snow, C. P. y Leavis, F. R. (1959). Las dos culturas. Ed. Publicaciones y fomento editorial UNAM, México.
[3]. Sakai, K. and Noguchi, T. (2012). The sustainable use of concrete. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
[4]. Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá. (2021). Plan de gestión integral de residuos sólidos regional del Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá. Proyecciones. AMVA, recuperado: [5]. Bedoya, C. (2015). Del residuo al material. Minería a la inversa. Ed. Diké, Medellín.

Paper Title :: Role of Yoga in Health
Author Name :: Dr. Vinod Kumar
Country :: India
Page Number :: 211-215
Yoga is one of the most ancient metaphysical sciences, which investigates the nature of soul and, through its discipline, awakens the super conscious mind of the man which unites the moral being with the immortal supreme spirit. Yoga leads to balance and also provides both a philosophy and a religion. The real joy of life appears when we can unify nature and culture, wealth and poverty, movement and stillness, attachment and detachment. Yoga can serve both the individual and society. Yoga blends the two states of tension and relaxation. Life always seeks to restore balance and the ideal state is that in which static force and dynamic power are in harmony. In this state, the deepest relaxation is found within the highest tension and this forms the basic for the new life of service and cooperation. The basic characteristic of yoga is its use of meditation, for by utilizing this discipline, the mind and body are purified and adjusted and personality is heightened. Yoga enables everyone to more towards that state of developed consciousness which is oneness with the sacred. The first step is to harmonize, purity and strengthen both body and mind.
[1]. Meditation and Yoga—Masahiro Oki, published by Oki Yoga publications, Japan, first edition, 1978.
[2]. Yoga and Health—Swami Manuvaryaji Maharaj, Dundubhi printers, first edition, 1994.
[3]. Preksha Dhyan Basic Principles—Acharya Mahaprajna, Jain Vishva Bharati, Ladnun (Raj.), January-2003.
[4]. Preksha Dhyan Theory and Practice—Acharya Mahaprajna, Jain Vishva Bharati, Ladnun (Raj.), January-2003.
[5]. Preksha Dhyan Human Body (part-II), Health Care—J.S. Zaveri, Jain Vishva Bharati, Ladnun(Raj.), edition 1993.

Paper Title :: The Outsourcing of the Project Management Activity in a Public Company of the Exploration and Production of Oil in Brazil
Author Name :: Carlos Navarro Fontanillas
Country :: Brazil
Page Number :: 216-224
The outsourcing process allows the contracting company to focus its efforts and resources on its core business while an outsourced company performs services in its core business. In the extremely competitive market of oil exploration and production companies, outsourcing is increasingly strong, and present in everyday life. The decision to invest in developing the production of an oil field is an extremely complex problem, because there are countless variables and uncertainties, both technical and economic. The main objective of the research carried out in this work was to demonstrate whether, or not the outsourcing process of specialized technical project management services of a multinational company in the oil industry brought gains to its project management activity. Based on the main premise of the researched company, we conclude that despite the negative points of the process, there was indeed an expected gain. Thus, we hope that the presented practice can become a good way to manage the outsourcing service, minimizing the negative impacts and maximizing the positive ones effectively and efficiently.
Keywords: Outsourcing, Services, Competitive Advantage.
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