Volume 05 - Issue 10
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Paper Title | :: | Electronic module development of audio processing techniques subject to twelveth multi media graders in vocational high school |
Author Name | :: | Lamjan H. Susarno |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 01-05 |
Electronic modules are packaged teaching materials systematically in the form of presentation of learning materials in a digital or electronic format that is Self Instruction, Self Contained, Stand Alone, Adaptive, and User-Friendly containing a learning material. Students are expected to be major in the use of electronic modules. Subjects that require independent learning is the subject of audio processing techniques.The model used is a model development Research and Development (R & D). Based on the analysis of questionnaires by subject matter experts and media concluded that the media very well. And proved also by the results of a questionnaire testing small groups categorized splendidly with the acquisition of a percentage of 96%, and the test results are categorized questionnaire large group very well with the acquisition of a percentage of 96,9%. So that the results of the value of the pre-test and post-test performed on a control class and experimental class using test data analysis test obtained was 8,098 and the distribution table t-test with the significance level of 5 % was obtained = 2,68. the Ho rejected and Ha accepted.
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[2]. Adobe System Incorporated. (2003). Tutorial Adobe Audition TM Version 1.00. Adobe Audition Help.
[3]. Anderson, Ronald H. (1994). Pemilihan dan Pengembangan Media Untuk Pembelajaran. Jakarta : PT. RajaGrafindo
[4]. Arikunto, Suharsimi. (2010). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta
[5]. Arifin, Zainal. (2011). Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya
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Paper Title | :: | Diagnosis of Organizational Culture and Readiness to Change High School Tea |
Author Name | :: | Ekawarna || Eddy Haryanto || Suratno |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 06-16 |
Purpose– Research aims to "conduct a cultural diagnosis"of school and readiness for change based on teachers' perceptionsat Public Senior High Schools in Muaro Jambi Regency Jambi Province. The concept used is the Competing Values Framework (Cameron and Quinn, 2011), which states that culture organization is divided Into four types: hierarchy, market, clan, and adhocracy.
Design/methodology/approach– Research this use approach quantitative and descriptive. This is a cross-sectional study because data were collected at a one-time point. This empirical study was conducted on a sample of 97 school teachers medium over the country who were willing to collaborate to participate voluntarily by filling in the offline questionnaire. Data collection includes two questionnaires: Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) and Readiness For Changed. Data analysis using average value by the whole for produce range difference Among culture organization at the time this (current) with culture organization that is expected in the future (preferred), and Pearson Correlation.
Findings– Average proportion culture organization school moment this dominated by clan type and hierarchy, culture expected organization dominated by clan types. Type culture organizations that want to upgrade the proportion are type market culture and adhocracy. There is a connection Between cultural organization with readiness for change.
Research limitations/implications– Research was done in one district with the convenience sampling method, in which the participants are chosen by taking non-random samples so that generalization is limited. The sample size is also relatively small,so the possibility of a bias can cause worries will the validity study.
Practical implications- in the future, the teacher wants a transition culture, namely an adhocracy culture for change and a more market culture that attaches importance to effectiveness in work, focused on how to conquer competitors and achieveImplication practical is Head School should Become a motivator, innovator, entrepreneur, and visionary. Very instrumental important in givinga briefing to the teacher. In face competition, reputation school and success in period length, values and philosophy that are necessary applied among others: creative output, transformation, agility with enhancement strategy quality such as create standard new, anticipating need, improvement constantly, and find solution creative.
Keywords: Organizational Culture and Readiness to Change.
Design/methodology/approach– Research this use approach quantitative and descriptive. This is a cross-sectional study because data were collected at a one-time point. This empirical study was conducted on a sample of 97 school teachers medium over the country who were willing to collaborate to participate voluntarily by filling in the offline questionnaire. Data collection includes two questionnaires: Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) and Readiness For Changed. Data analysis using average value by the whole for produce range difference Among culture organization at the time this (current) with culture organization that is expected in the future (preferred), and Pearson Correlation.
Findings– Average proportion culture organization school moment this dominated by clan type and hierarchy, culture expected organization dominated by clan types. Type culture organizations that want to upgrade the proportion are type market culture and adhocracy. There is a connection Between cultural organization with readiness for change.
Research limitations/implications– Research was done in one district with the convenience sampling method, in which the participants are chosen by taking non-random samples so that generalization is limited. The sample size is also relatively small,so the possibility of a bias can cause worries will the validity study.
Practical implications- in the future, the teacher wants a transition culture, namely an adhocracy culture for change and a more market culture that attaches importance to effectiveness in work, focused on how to conquer competitors and achieveImplication practical is Head School should Become a motivator, innovator, entrepreneur, and visionary. Very instrumental important in givinga briefing to the teacher. In face competition, reputation school and success in period length, values and philosophy that are necessary applied among others: creative output, transformation, agility with enhancement strategy quality such as create standard new, anticipating need, improvement constantly, and find solution creative.
Keywords: Organizational Culture and Readiness to Change.
[1]. Aisyah , S., Ilmi , MU, Rosyid , MA, Wulandari , E., &Akhmad , F. (2022). Kiai Leadership Concept in The Scope of Pesantren Organizational Culture. Takfir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education, 3 (1), 40-59.
[2]. Asbari , M., &Novitasari , D. (2021). The Influence of Authentic Leadership on Mentality Ready Change and Employee Performance Part Time. Business Management Journal, 17 (1), 73-88.
[3]. Berkemeyer , N., Junker, R., Bos, W., &Müthing , K. (2015). Organizational cultures in education: Theory-based use of an instrument for identifying school culture. Journal for Educational Research Online, 7 (3), 86.
[4]. Berrio, A.A., (2003), An Organizational Culture Assessment Using the Competing Values Framework: A Profile of Ohio State University Extension, Journal of Extension, 41, No. 2.
[5]. Cameron, K.S., & Quinn, R.E. (2006). Diagnosing and changing organizational culture: Based on competing values framework. San Fransisco: Addison Wesley
[2]. Asbari , M., &Novitasari , D. (2021). The Influence of Authentic Leadership on Mentality Ready Change and Employee Performance Part Time. Business Management Journal, 17 (1), 73-88.
[3]. Berkemeyer , N., Junker, R., Bos, W., &Müthing , K. (2015). Organizational cultures in education: Theory-based use of an instrument for identifying school culture. Journal for Educational Research Online, 7 (3), 86.
[4]. Berrio, A.A., (2003), An Organizational Culture Assessment Using the Competing Values Framework: A Profile of Ohio State University Extension, Journal of Extension, 41, No. 2.
[5]. Cameron, K.S., & Quinn, R.E. (2006). Diagnosing and changing organizational culture: Based on competing values framework. San Fransisco: Addison Wesley
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Paper Title | :: | Future of Teacher Education in the Context of NEP 2020 |
Author Name | :: | Shahinoor Alam || Sonali Debnath |
Country | :: | India |
Page Number | :: | 17-20 |
In India, the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) has announced the New Educational Policy in 2020 which aims to bring changes to the education system. Since its Independence government of India came out with various policies and committees to improve the quality and standard of Teacher Education. The new NEP 2020 has brought a tremendous change in the field of teacher education to make it more transparent and qualitative. The main objective of the paper is to highlight the new guidelines of NEP 2020 related to Teacher Education.The paper outlines the newly added courses and restructuring of the existing courses and their integration with the bachelor's degrees which will benefit the in-service as well as pre-service teachers in near future. NEP's future approaches and recruitment procedures for Teacher and Teacher Education are also highlighted in the paper. The paper also outlines the opportunities where people belonging to rural areas and geographically isolated areas can also fulfill their dreams to become a teacher by profession. Teacher Education will be more strengthened and transparent in the manner with the new policy. The accountability of the Institutions providing Teacher Education has been put under strong supervision as per the new NEP 2020. The paper also briefly highlights the significance of Teacher Education and how people of other specializations can opt for the courses with proper training. Importance of local people's knowledge and making it a part of Teacher Education is also included in the paper. Overall, the continuation and procedure of Teacher Education in near future according to the National Educational Policy 2020 is outlined in the paper.
Keywords: Education,Teacher Education, B.Ed. and National Educational Policy 2020
Keywords: Education,Teacher Education, B.Ed. and National Educational Policy 2020
[1]. Development, M. o. (2020). National Education Policy 2020. Government of India.
[2]. Banegas, D. L. (2012). Content knowledge in Teacher education: Where professionalization lies. Research Gate
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[5]. Jie-Qi-Chen. (2012). Pedagogical content knowledge for preschool mathematics: Construct Validity of a New Teacher Interview. Journal of Research in childhood education.
[2]. Banegas, D. L. (2012). Content knowledge in Teacher education: Where professionalization lies. Research Gate
[3]. Chaudhury, K. (1984). A factorial study of the teaching competencies of teachers teaching English at the secondary school level.
[4]. Choudhury, R. (2007). "Pedagogy and epistemology: perspective in philosophy of education".
[5]. Jie-Qi-Chen. (2012). Pedagogical content knowledge for preschool mathematics: Construct Validity of a New Teacher Interview. Journal of Research in childhood education.
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Paper Title | :: | The Legal Significance and Framework for the Registration of Births and Deaths in Nigeria |
Author Name | :: | T.A. Yusuf, Esq. |
Country | :: | Nigeria |
Page Number | :: | 21-30 |
This paper is essentially about the legal regime on and the authority empowered to register births and deaths in Nigeria. However, and in order to appreciate the depth and importance of its theme, the paper as a prelude discusses some of the significance of the registration of births and deaths in the country. Specifically, it discusses the significance of the biological age of a person viz-a-viz retirement from public service and court proceedings. The paper then opines that there is a discordant among some provisions of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended), which has led to the usurpation of the functions of the Local Government Councils by the National Population Commission in relation to the power of registration of births and deaths and concludes by positing that because of the significance of the registration of births and deaths as enunciated in the paper, the power to register same should reside in a single authority. The doctrinal research methodology was adopted in the writing of this paper.
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Paper Title | :: | School-Family cooperation: creation of a new institution |
Author Name | :: | Ioannis Solaris |
Country | :: | Greece |
Page Number | :: | 31-36 |
The level of children's academic, social, emotional and behavioral ability can be encouraged by focusing on the dynamic influence of relationships between family and school systems. Creative parent-teacher collaboration is an attitude and not just a pursued activity, where everyone interacts in a coordinated manner based on a student-centered philosophy in order to enhance students' learning opportunities, educational progress and school success. In particular, this paper will summarize the basic, theoretical models that describe school-family cooperation and will propose, mainly, practices of strengthening school-family cooperation both at a preventive level and at an intervening one with regard to dealing with difficulties.
Keywords: models, parental involvement, practices, actions
Keywords: models, parental involvement, practices, actions
[1]. L. Berk, Infants, children and adolescents, Allyn & Bacon, Needham Heights, MA,1993.
[2]. U. Bronfenbrenner,“Ecological systems theory”, in Annals of child development, R. Vasta (Ed.), 6, pp. 187-249,JAI Press Greenwich, CT,1989.
[3]. A. Bruzos, “School-family cooperation: Problems and opportunities for its development”, Scientific Yearbook of the Pedagogical Department of Primary Education of the University of Ioannina, 15, pp. 97-135,2002.
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[2]. U. Bronfenbrenner,“Ecological systems theory”, in Annals of child development, R. Vasta (Ed.), 6, pp. 187-249,JAI Press Greenwich, CT,1989.
[3]. A. Bruzos, “School-family cooperation: Problems and opportunities for its development”, Scientific Yearbook of the Pedagogical Department of Primary Education of the University of Ioannina, 15, pp. 97-135,2002.
[4]. A. Bruzos, Person-centered counseling: Theory, research and applications, Typothito, Athens, 2004.
[5]. A. Bruzos, The teacher as a counselor: a humanitarian view of education, Gutenberg, Athens, 2009.
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Paper Title | :: | La gobernanza ambiental y la gestión de los residuos sólidos en las municipalidades |
Author Name | :: | Reyes Castillo, Eduardo Antonio || Heredia Escobar, Wilman Jorge |
Country | :: | Peru |
Page Number | :: | 37-45 |
This paper addresses the relationship of environmental governance and solid waste management in the municipal sphere, through systematic methodologies, synthetic and historical analytics, experiences and good practices will be addressed where an approach will be made to the relationship that is It provides through inclusive public policies, participation, comprehensiveness and incentives, which promote citizen and governmental awareness for the correct destination of said waste without damaging both the health and the environment of citizens.
Keywords: governance, solidwaste, publicpolicies
Keywords: governance, solidwaste, publicpolicies
[1]. Aedo, Maria y Cristian Gumucio. (2019). Funcionarios públicos y evaluación ambiental en Chile: Tensiones en la construcción de una gobernanza ambiental democrática. Acceso el 15 diciembre 2021. https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.2448492xe.2020.239.67896
[2]. Aguilar, Mario, Teodoro Alvarez y Jesús Alvarez. (2020). Gestión de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos en Oaxaca, México, desde el Enfoque Sistemático. Urban Solid Waste Management in Oaxaca, Mexico, from the Systematic Approach., 22(51), Acceso el 12 de diciembre 2021. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343838119
[3]. Banco Mundial. Comunicado de prensa, 20 de septiembre, 2018. Informe del Banco Mundial: Los desechos a nivel mundial crecerán un 70 % para 2050, a menos que se adopten medidas urgentes. Acceso el 10 de diciembre2021 https://www.bancomundial.org/es/news/press-release/2018/09/20/global-waste-to-grow-by-70-percent-by-2050-unless-urgent-action-is-taken-world-bank-report
[4]. Betancur, Madona, Marisol Huamán y Oscar Mamani (2021). Factores asociados al cumplimiento de la normatividad de gestión de residuos municipales de Juliaca, Perú. (Spanish). Factors associated with compliance with municipal waste management regulations in Juliaca, Peru. (English), 11(4), 203-215. Education Source. Acceso el 15 de diciembre 2021 https://apuntesuniversitarios.upeu.edu.pe/index.php/revapuntes/article/view/767/803
[5]. Cahe, Emiliano y Jorge De Prada (2019). Análisis multicriterio y selección de propuestas de gestión de residuos sólidos urbanos. RACO (Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert). Acceso el 10 de diciembre 2021 https://ddd.uab.cat/pub/revibec/revibec_a2019v29/revibec_a2019v29p53.pdf
[2]. Aguilar, Mario, Teodoro Alvarez y Jesús Alvarez. (2020). Gestión de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos en Oaxaca, México, desde el Enfoque Sistemático. Urban Solid Waste Management in Oaxaca, Mexico, from the Systematic Approach., 22(51), Acceso el 12 de diciembre 2021. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343838119
[3]. Banco Mundial. Comunicado de prensa, 20 de septiembre, 2018. Informe del Banco Mundial: Los desechos a nivel mundial crecerán un 70 % para 2050, a menos que se adopten medidas urgentes. Acceso el 10 de diciembre2021 https://www.bancomundial.org/es/news/press-release/2018/09/20/global-waste-to-grow-by-70-percent-by-2050-unless-urgent-action-is-taken-world-bank-report
[4]. Betancur, Madona, Marisol Huamán y Oscar Mamani (2021). Factores asociados al cumplimiento de la normatividad de gestión de residuos municipales de Juliaca, Perú. (Spanish). Factors associated with compliance with municipal waste management regulations in Juliaca, Peru. (English), 11(4), 203-215. Education Source. Acceso el 15 de diciembre 2021 https://apuntesuniversitarios.upeu.edu.pe/index.php/revapuntes/article/view/767/803
[5]. Cahe, Emiliano y Jorge De Prada (2019). Análisis multicriterio y selección de propuestas de gestión de residuos sólidos urbanos. RACO (Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert). Acceso el 10 de diciembre 2021 https://ddd.uab.cat/pub/revibec/revibec_a2019v29/revibec_a2019v29p53.pdf
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Paper Title | :: | Ulcera Péptica: Uma Revisão Sistemática Do Manejo Atual A Systematic Review of Current Management |
Author Name | :: | Luiz Fernando Alves || Ana Elisa Assad Teixeira Vargas || Camila Gabriela Rodrigues Alves || Danilo Oliveira Marra || Fernanda Amaral Prazeres || Giovanna Carvalho Silva || João Vitor Sathler Vidal || Paula Guimarães Ferreira || Tayná Alves Dos Santos || Thais Viana De Paula |
Country | :: | Brazil |
Page Number | :: | 46-53 |
Peptic ulcer is defined by the rupture of the defensive barrier of the epithelial mucosa of the stomach and duodenum, caused by the imbalance between protective and destructive factors. They are usually the result of Helicobacter pylori infections or the action of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This condition is typically manifested by epigastric pain, postprandial fullness, abdominal distention, nausea, vomiting, melena, and hematemesis. Pertic ulcer is diagnosed through its signs, symptoms and with esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Once diagnosed, the ulcer can be treated by several strategies, depending on its etiology and evolution, which can range from changes in lifestyle, such as eating and smoking cessation and alcoholism, to surgery, such as vagotomy and gastrectomy. In general, drug treatment is sufficient for healing, with proton pump inhibitors being the first-line drugs. However, in cases of H. pylori infection, the use of antibiotics, such as clarithromycin and amoxicillin, are also indicated. Surgery is rarely necessary, except in cases of complications, such as perforation, suspected malignancy and gastrointestinal obstruction, and surgical management is reserved for these more complex cases.
Keywords: Helicobacter pylori. Peptic ulcer. Proton pump inhibitors. Treatment. Vagoto
Keywords: Helicobacter pylori. Peptic ulcer. Proton pump inhibitors. Treatment. Vagoto
[1]. AHN, J. Y. Prevention of Peptic Ulcer Associated with Aspirin and Antiplatelet Agent. The Korean Journal of Gastroenterology, v. 76, n. 5, p. 238–241, 25 nov. 2020.
[2]. BARKUN, A. N. et al. Management of Nonvariceal Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Guideline Recommendations From the International Consensus Group. Annals of Internal Medicine, v. 171, n. 11, p. 805, 22 out. 2019.
[3]. BEALES, I. Recent advances in the management of peptic ulcer bleeding. F1000Research, v. 6, p. 1763, 27 set. 2017.
[4]. BEST, L. M. et al. Non-invasive diagnostic tests forHelicobacter pylori infection. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, v. 2018, n. 3, 15 mar. 2018.
[5]. BRĂTUCU, M. N. et al. Unusual Complicated Gastric Ulcers. Medicina, v. 57, n. 12, p. 1345, 9 dez. 2021
[2]. BARKUN, A. N. et al. Management of Nonvariceal Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Guideline Recommendations From the International Consensus Group. Annals of Internal Medicine, v. 171, n. 11, p. 805, 22 out. 2019.
[3]. BEALES, I. Recent advances in the management of peptic ulcer bleeding. F1000Research, v. 6, p. 1763, 27 set. 2017.
[4]. BEST, L. M. et al. Non-invasive diagnostic tests forHelicobacter pylori infection. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, v. 2018, n. 3, 15 mar. 2018.
[5]. BRĂTUCU, M. N. et al. Unusual Complicated Gastric Ulcers. Medicina, v. 57, n. 12, p. 1345, 9 dez. 2021
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Paper Title | :: | Kanjuruhan Stadium Tragedy: A Brief Analysis from Legal Perspective |
Author Name | :: | Devita Triwiraputri Martinadhia || Muhamad Hafiyan Rusyda || Rafli Hakim Hadi Saputra |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 54-64 |
Indonesia has been one of the countries with the most football supporters in the world. With over 77% of the people having an interest in football, Indonesia only trails Nigeria that has 83% of the people liking the sport. Football is very popular in Indonesia and has been the favourite of the people from every social class, making it a class-less sport that unites every individual in the country. One of the cons of having the largest population of football supporters is that clash may happen on football matches if not followed with structured procedure and well behaviour from the supporters themselves. On October 1st 2022, on the match between Arema and Persebaya that took place at Kanjuruhan Stadium, a chaos occurred after the match that resulted with over a hundred people died, making it the second deadliest football match in history. This article will provide an analysis on how the incident occurred and who should be responsible from the legal perspective.
Keywords: casualties, football, Kanjuruhan, regulation
Keywords: casualties, football, Kanjuruhan, regulation
[1]. Achmad Al Fiqri, Komnas HAM: Kelebihan Kapasitas Stadion Kanjuruhan Pemicu Banyak Korban, accessed via https://nasional.okezone.com/read/2022/10/12/337/2685780/komnas-ham-kelebihan-kapasitas-stadion-kanjuruhan-pemicu-banyak-korban, 2022
[2]. Ady Thea DA, Tragedi Kanjuruhan Dinilai Masuk Kategori Pelanggaran HAM Berat, accessed from https://www.hukumonline.com/berita/a/tragedi-kanjuruhan-dinilai-masuk-kategori-pelanggaran-ham-berat-lt6343a435e2960, 2022.
[3]. Amy Tikkanen, Hillsborough disaster, accessed from https://www.britannica.com/event/Hillsborough-disaster, 2016.
[4]. Andri Saubani, Ini Kronologi Tragedi Kanjuruhan Menurut Keterangan Kapolri, accessed from https://www.republika.co.id/berita/rjc9mu409/ini-kronologi-tragedi-kanjuruhan-menurut-keterangan-kapolri, 2022.
[5]. CNN Indonesia, Aremania Bantur: Kronologi Tragedi Kanjuruhan Dipicu dari Minta Foto, accessed from https://www.cnnindonesia.com/olahraga/20221003071649-142-855486/aremania-bantur-kronologi-tragedi-kanjuruhan-dipicu-dari-minta-foto, 2022.
[2]. Ady Thea DA, Tragedi Kanjuruhan Dinilai Masuk Kategori Pelanggaran HAM Berat, accessed from https://www.hukumonline.com/berita/a/tragedi-kanjuruhan-dinilai-masuk-kategori-pelanggaran-ham-berat-lt6343a435e2960, 2022.
[3]. Amy Tikkanen, Hillsborough disaster, accessed from https://www.britannica.com/event/Hillsborough-disaster, 2016.
[4]. Andri Saubani, Ini Kronologi Tragedi Kanjuruhan Menurut Keterangan Kapolri, accessed from https://www.republika.co.id/berita/rjc9mu409/ini-kronologi-tragedi-kanjuruhan-menurut-keterangan-kapolri, 2022.
[5]. CNN Indonesia, Aremania Bantur: Kronologi Tragedi Kanjuruhan Dipicu dari Minta Foto, accessed from https://www.cnnindonesia.com/olahraga/20221003071649-142-855486/aremania-bantur-kronologi-tragedi-kanjuruhan-dipicu-dari-minta-foto, 2022.
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Paper Title | :: | A Conceptual Paper on Designing a Hybrid Business Innovation Model of Halal Hub Digitalization for Asnaf in Malaysia |
Author Name | :: | Muslihah Mohd Munahar || Dr. Ismadi bin Md Badarudin || Norazman bin Harun || Ilya Yasnorizar binti Ilyas || Noorizda Emellia binti Mohd Aziz || Surya binti Ahmad Royali || Masliana binti Tamrin || Nor Halawah Binti Ahmad |
Country | :: | Malaysia |
Page Number | :: | 65-69 |
This conceptual paper is presented with the intention to study the best practice for hybrid business innovation model (BIM), which has become the practice of the asnafpreneur in Malaysia. It begins by reviewing the literature on successful business model and the behaviour of successful business characteristic and digital technologies today. The theory of business innovation model and the halal hub in digital technology hypothesis were used as the basis of the study. This study is inspired by the concerns of the number of successful asnafpreneur is not increasing and the advance of the technologies for asnaf issue in Malaysia. Previous quantitative or qualitative studies discussed the flaws in business innovation model if it is been use alone for a long period of time. This study, however, slightly different. Using a quantitative and qualitative method, it intends to look at the best practices implemented by zakat officer from agency authorities and successful asnafpreneur itself. The findings can add value to today's body of knowledge. Identified themes can be used to design new hybrid business innovation model which are more compatible to be used by all asnafpreneur.
Keywords: Business Innovation Model, Technology, Asnafpreneur, Halal Hub, Quantitative, Qualitative
Keywords: Business Innovation Model, Technology, Asnafpreneur, Halal Hub, Quantitative, Qualitative
[1]. De Jong, J. ,. (2010). Measuring innovative work behaviour. Creativity and Innovation Management, 19 (1) : 23-36.
[2]. Hazlina Abdul Halim, J. S. (2012). Individual Characteristics of the Successful Asnaf Entrepreneurs: Opportunities and Solutions for Zakat Organization in Malaysia. CS Canada International Business and Management, 41-49. Retrieved from CS Canada International Business and Management.
[3]. Hazlina Abdul Halim, J. S. (2012, August). Modelling Zakat distribution for enhancement human capital development. Institutional Repository . Retrieved from Institutional Repository.
[4]. Khadijah Muda, M. D. (2013). Persepsi Pengguna Laman Web LZS terhadap Pusat Lembaga Zakat Selangor dan Pembayaran Zakat Melalui Atas Talian. In R. H. ABDUL GHAFAR ISMAIL, PENYELIDIKAN PEMACU NEGARA PROSIDING SEMINAR HASIL PENYELIDIKANSEKTOR PENGAJIAN TINGGI KE-3 (pp. Pg 1792-1803). 62200 Putrajaya: KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA.
[5]. Nkemdilim Iheanachor, Y. D.-W. (2021). Business model innovation at the bottom of the pyramid – A case of mobile money agents. ELSEVIER, 96b - 107.
[2]. Hazlina Abdul Halim, J. S. (2012). Individual Characteristics of the Successful Asnaf Entrepreneurs: Opportunities and Solutions for Zakat Organization in Malaysia. CS Canada International Business and Management, 41-49. Retrieved from CS Canada International Business and Management.
[3]. Hazlina Abdul Halim, J. S. (2012, August). Modelling Zakat distribution for enhancement human capital development. Institutional Repository . Retrieved from Institutional Repository.
[4]. Khadijah Muda, M. D. (2013). Persepsi Pengguna Laman Web LZS terhadap Pusat Lembaga Zakat Selangor dan Pembayaran Zakat Melalui Atas Talian. In R. H. ABDUL GHAFAR ISMAIL, PENYELIDIKAN PEMACU NEGARA PROSIDING SEMINAR HASIL PENYELIDIKANSEKTOR PENGAJIAN TINGGI KE-3 (pp. Pg 1792-1803). 62200 Putrajaya: KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA.
[5]. Nkemdilim Iheanachor, Y. D.-W. (2021). Business model innovation at the bottom of the pyramid – A case of mobile money agents. ELSEVIER, 96b - 107.
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Paper Title | :: | Liquid Modernity and Teaching Planning in the Practice of Physical Activityf Elderly PEOPLE: in the search for approximations |
Author Name | :: | Alisson Vieira Costa || Marcela Fabiani Silva Dias || Darci Francisco dos Santos Junior || Victor Hugo Oliveira Brito || Sabrina dos Santos Barbosa |
Country | :: | Brazil |
Page Number | :: | 70-75 |
The study is an approximation between the concepts of Liquid Modernity in Zigmunt Bauman and planning of teaching physical activity practice for elderly people. The objective of this research was to analyze the concepts of liquid modernity and its relations with the teaching planning of the practice of physical activity for the elderly offered in Brazilian public universities. The study was a qualitative research, with exploratory and descriptive characteristics. The results showed that there are few studies that make these approximations between such different concepts within the field of Brazilian Physical Education. However, it is concluded that studies of this nature are necessary to open debates on this theme so that studies in the area can advance in depth and discussions on important issues for the training of Physical Education teachers from a look at the modernity and the advancement of information that the world has passed.
Keywords: Physical activity. Liquid modernity. Old people.
Keywords: Physical activity. Liquid modernity. Old people.
[1]. ALMEIDA, D. F.; WIGGERS, I. D.; JUBÉ, C. N. (2014). Do corpo produtivo ao corpo rascunho: aproximações conceituais a partir de relações entre corpo e tecnologia. Revista Sociedade e Estado. 29(3):963-983.
[2]. ANDRADE, M. M. (2014). Introdução à metodologia do trabalho científico. 10. ed. São Paulo: Atlas.
[3]. BARDIN, L. (2011). Análise de conteúdo. São Paulo: Edições 70.
[4]. BAUMAN, Z. (2001). Modernidade líquida. Tradução Plínio Dentzien. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar.
[5]. BRASIL. (2003). Estatuto do Idoso. 1. ed., 2.ª reimpr. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde.
[2]. ANDRADE, M. M. (2014). Introdução à metodologia do trabalho científico. 10. ed. São Paulo: Atlas.
[3]. BARDIN, L. (2011). Análise de conteúdo. São Paulo: Edições 70.
[4]. BAUMAN, Z. (2001). Modernidade líquida. Tradução Plínio Dentzien. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar.
[5]. BRASIL. (2003). Estatuto do Idoso. 1. ed., 2.ª reimpr. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde.
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Paper Title | :: | Tense Markers in Kono Language |
Author Name | :: | Sahr Jimissa || Lansana Fatorma Mansaray |
Country | :: | Sierra Leone |
Page Number | :: | 76-89 |
This work investigates how tenses are marked in Kono. The introduction provides the historical and social life of the Kono people. Also discussed are the statement of problem, which necessitated this work, the significance, aim and objectives of this research. Since not much materials are available on tense markers in Kono, we endeavoured to review relevant literature on tense markers in English,Krio, Mende and Loko. To accomplish the objectives set for this work, interviews were conducted with various native speakers of Kono and their responses were recorded for further analysis. On analyzing the data, we discovered that tenses are marked in Kono both by grammaticalization and lexicalization. The simple present tense is marked by the inflection of the verb with suffix /da/ or /a/ as the case may be. The past tense is marked in the pronominal form or by the use of the particle /wan/ or /fan/ and the future tense is marked by the particle /wan/. Also, time adverb is used in Kono to communicate information about tense.
Keywords: Kono, tense, markers, research, particle
Keywords: Kono, tense, markers, research, particle
[1]. Alie J.A.D (1987) A New History of Sierra Leone London, Longman Ltd.
[2]. Berk Lynn M.(1999) English Syntax: From Word to Discuss. London, Blackwell Publishers.
[3]. British Council (2021) English Grammar Verb Tenses, accessed10th November 2021 https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org
[4]. Brown S. Rev. (1958) A Mende Grammar with Tones. Sierra Leone, Protectorate Bureau.
[5]. Clerk John and Yallop C. An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology 2nd Edition. UK Blackwell Publishers.
[2]. Berk Lynn M.(1999) English Syntax: From Word to Discuss. London, Blackwell Publishers.
[3]. British Council (2021) English Grammar Verb Tenses, accessed10th November 2021 https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org
[4]. Brown S. Rev. (1958) A Mende Grammar with Tones. Sierra Leone, Protectorate Bureau.
[5]. Clerk John and Yallop C. An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology 2nd Edition. UK Blackwell Publishers.
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Paper Title | :: | Inflatable Tent for Covid-19 Isolation and Disaster Response with Independent Solar Energy |
Author Name | :: | Hery Budiyanto || Nurhamdoko Bonifacius || Aries Boedi Setiawan |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 90-95 |
This research departs from the problem of the lack of Covid-19 isolation rooms and disaster preparedness which currently uses a lot of tents with conventional structural systems and technology so that inflatable tents are one of the right solutions. Electrical energy to inflate inflatable tents and medical emergency equipment using a solar power plant. The purpose of the study was to develop an Inflatable Tent Prototype for Covid-19 Isolation and Health Clinic Posts. This study uses experimental methods and action research in the form of making prototype designs of inflatable tents with a solar power plant, field trials on variables: strength of tarpaulin fabric, speed of construction and disassembly, thermal comfort, and effectiveness of PV mini-grid systems. The results of the research are: the design and application of an inflatable tent prototype for the isolation of COVID-19 patients and disaster response with a size of 6x9 m2 for a capacity of 10 patients, a solar power plant in the form of a solar panel with a power of 3,600 WP and a 200 Ah 24 Volt VRLA batteries that can store 4,800 watts of power, sufficient for patient needs.
Keywords: Covid-19, inflatable tent, isolation, disaster.
Keywords: Covid-19, inflatable tent, isolation, disaster.
[1] E. Roswati, S. Khadijah, and P. Widyastuti, Pedoman Teknis Penanggulangan Krisis Kesehatan akibat Bencana. Jakarta: Departemen Kesehatan RI, 2007.
[2] J. Bakowski, “A Mobile Hospital - Its Advantages and Functional Limitations,” Int. J. Saf. Secur. Eng., vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 746–754, 2016, doi: 10.2495/SAFE-V6-N4-746-754.
[3] A. Durumunda, H. Tahliyesi, and S. Hastanesinin, “Evacuation of Hospitals during Disaster , Establishment of a Field Hospital , and Communication,” Eurasian J. Med., vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 137–141, 2017, doi: 10.5152/eurasianjmed.2017.16102.
[4] H. Budiyanto, E. Winansih, A. B. Setiawan, and M. I. Setiawan, “Portable Stage and Pneumatic Air Inflated Roof Structure with Independent Energy as a Means of Exhibition of SME Products,” Int. J. Sci. Eng. Res., vol. 6, no. 9, pp. 48–51, 2018, [Online]. Available: http://www.ijser.in/archives/v6i9/IJSER18193.pdf
[5] H. A. Putra and J. Roosandriantini, “Ruang Perawatan Isolasi Sebagai Bentuk Ruang Pemisah Pasien,” J. Arsit. dan Perenc., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 49–61, 2021.
[2] J. Bakowski, “A Mobile Hospital - Its Advantages and Functional Limitations,” Int. J. Saf. Secur. Eng., vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 746–754, 2016, doi: 10.2495/SAFE-V6-N4-746-754.
[3] A. Durumunda, H. Tahliyesi, and S. Hastanesinin, “Evacuation of Hospitals during Disaster , Establishment of a Field Hospital , and Communication,” Eurasian J. Med., vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 137–141, 2017, doi: 10.5152/eurasianjmed.2017.16102.
[4] H. Budiyanto, E. Winansih, A. B. Setiawan, and M. I. Setiawan, “Portable Stage and Pneumatic Air Inflated Roof Structure with Independent Energy as a Means of Exhibition of SME Products,” Int. J. Sci. Eng. Res., vol. 6, no. 9, pp. 48–51, 2018, [Online]. Available: http://www.ijser.in/archives/v6i9/IJSER18193.pdf
[5] H. A. Putra and J. Roosandriantini, “Ruang Perawatan Isolasi Sebagai Bentuk Ruang Pemisah Pasien,” J. Arsit. dan Perenc., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 49–61, 2021.
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Paper Title | :: | Relationship Marketing in the Food Service Industry: A New Measuring Instrument |
Author Name | :: | Agnes Kanyan || Siti Farah Lajim || Noor Emma Shamsuddin || Ahmad Faisal Mahdi |
Country | :: | Malaysia |
Page Number | :: | 96-99 |
Although the relationship marketing discipline is relatively well researched, the measuring instrument is limited and practically nonexistent in the foodservice industry. Therefore, this paper proposes a new measuring instrument for relationship marketing which is uniquely designed for the foodservice industry. In particular, the underlying dimensions of relationship marketing as perceived by customers are identified. The proposed 31-item instrument has been empirically tested for unidimensionality, reliability and validity using both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. A factorial analysis suggests that relationship marketing is a multidimensional construct consisting of four key dimensions namely Communication, Trust, Empathy and Commitment.
Keywords: Relationship Marketing, Foodservice Industry, Instrument.
Keywords: Relationship Marketing, Foodservice Industry, Instrument.
[1]. Abdullah, F., Voon, B.H., & Andrew, J. (2010). Identifying and validating dimensions of service quality for the banking industry in Malaysia. International Conference on Business and Economic Research (ICBER 2010) Proceeding, Hilton, Malaysia, 15-16 March.
[2]. Brady, M.K., & J.J., Cronin (2001). Some New Thoughts on Conceptualizing Perceived Service Quality: A Hierarchical Approach. Journal of Marketing, 65 (July), 34-49.
[3]. Hair, J.F., Anderson, R.E., Tatham, R.L., & Black, W.C. (1995). Multivariate data analysis with readings, 4th Edition. Prentice-Hall International, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
[4]. Lages, C., Lages, C. R. and Lages, L. F. (2005). The RELQUAL scale: a measure of relationship quality in export market venture. Journal of Business Research, 58, 1040-1048.
[5]. Lages, L.F., Lancastre, A. & Lages, C. (2008). The B2B-RELPERF scale and scorecard: bringing relationship marketing theory into business-to-business practice. Industrial Marketing Management, 37, 686-697.
[2]. Brady, M.K., & J.J., Cronin (2001). Some New Thoughts on Conceptualizing Perceived Service Quality: A Hierarchical Approach. Journal of Marketing, 65 (July), 34-49.
[3]. Hair, J.F., Anderson, R.E., Tatham, R.L., & Black, W.C. (1995). Multivariate data analysis with readings, 4th Edition. Prentice-Hall International, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
[4]. Lages, C., Lages, C. R. and Lages, L. F. (2005). The RELQUAL scale: a measure of relationship quality in export market venture. Journal of Business Research, 58, 1040-1048.
[5]. Lages, L.F., Lancastre, A. & Lages, C. (2008). The B2B-RELPERF scale and scorecard: bringing relationship marketing theory into business-to-business practice. Industrial Marketing Management, 37, 686-697.
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Paper Title | :: | Tensions of the Movement in Philip Larkin’s ‘The Whitsun Weddings’ |
Author Name | :: | Afreen Mehnaz Sidique |
Country | :: | India |
Page Number | :: | 100-102 |
The Movement started with an identity crisis mainly because it was not a coherent group with a manifesto of its own. It shared a moods and conditions of post war England. It described the agony, pain and misery of post war time. The post war era is significant for globalization outbreak. People from all over the world started migrating to London as it became the centre of trade and commerce. London became overpopulated and dirty due to overpopulation and industrialization.
Keywords: The Movement, Philip Larkin, industrialization
Keywords: The Movement, Philip Larkin, industrialization
[1]. Can, T., 2022. The Movement and Poetry of Philip Larkin. [online] Researchgate. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/287404896_The_Movement_and_the_Poetry_of_Philip_Larkin [Accessed 18 October 2022].
[2]. Al ubaydi, U., 2022. Philip Larkin and the Movement. [online] Iasj.net. Available at: https://iasj.net/iasj/download/f4d9171824eac1f5 [Accessed 18 October 2022].
[3]. Larkin, P., 2022. The Whitsun Weddings. [online] Lkouniv.ac.in. Available at: https://www.lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/siteContent/202004171019384975Onkar_upadhyay_eng_The_Whitsun_Weddings.pdf [Accessed 18 October 2022].
[2]. Al ubaydi, U., 2022. Philip Larkin and the Movement. [online] Iasj.net. Available at: https://iasj.net/iasj/download/f4d9171824eac1f5 [Accessed 18 October 2022].
[3]. Larkin, P., 2022. The Whitsun Weddings. [online] Lkouniv.ac.in. Available at: https://www.lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/siteContent/202004171019384975Onkar_upadhyay_eng_The_Whitsun_Weddings.pdf [Accessed 18 October 2022].
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Paper Title | :: | Implementation of Islamic Education Methods in Madrasah from the Perspective of Quraish Shihab |
Author Name | :: | Edi Sungkowo || Sunhaji || Rohmat |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 103-111 |
The implementation of Islamic education methods can measure the importance of meaningful Islamic learning outcomes. The implementation of very fundamental educational methods that are oriented towards active and effective learning to encourage students to develop better potential, starting from character, personality, intelligence, and skills. Moreover, Islamic education focuses on every Madrasah institution under the Ministry of Religion. The purpose of this study is to examine and examine the methods of Islamic education in Madrasahs in the thought of Quraish Shihab through the book Membumikan Al-Qur'an. Because the method of Islamic education can not be separated from the Qur'an and Hadith. This research uses literature study or library research. Researchers explore sources of data from library information through journals, books, magazines, articles, newspapers, and other documents. The researcher examines the book Grounding the Qur'an by reading, observing, analyzing, categorizing, and reflecting on the context of Islamic education in today's era. The results of this study indicate that there are six methods of Islamic education from the perspective of Quraish Shihab, namely, (1) the Hiwar Method, (2) the Qur'an and Nabawi Story Methods, (3) the Amtsal Method, (4) the Exemplary Method, (5) the Habituation Method. , (6) Targhib Method and Tarhib Method. These six methods aim to instil the values of monotheism in children from an early age. The Qur'an conveys that education includes three important aspects, namely, the purpose of education, educational methods, and the character of education. From here, the researcher will focus on describing the methods of Islamic education interpreted by Quraish Shihab by relating the current phenomena in madrasa institutions.
Keywords: Method, Islamic Education, Madrasah, Quraish Shihab
Keywords: Method, Islamic Education, Madrasah, Quraish Shihab
[1] Rohmat. Mujayaroh, “Pengelolaan dan Pengalokasian Dana Pendidikan di Lembaga Pendidikan,” Arfannur, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 41–54, Oct. 2020, doi: 10.24260/ARFANNUR.V1I1.151.
[2] A. Agustang, I. A. Mutiara, and A. Asrifan, “Masalah Pendidikan di Indonesia,” Masal. Pendidik. di Indones., 2021, doi: 10.31219/OSF.IO/9XS4H.
[3] N. Afifah, “PROBLEMATIKA PENDIDIKAN DI INDONESIA,” Elem. J. Iilmiah Pendidik. Dasar, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 41–47, Feb. 2017, Accessed: Oct. 16, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://e-journal.metrouniv.ac.id/index.php/elementary/article/view/problematika-pendidikan-di-indonesia
[4] Sunhaji, “SASTRA DALAM TRADISI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM,” IBDA` J. Kaji. Islam dan Budaya, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 47–58, Jan. 2015, doi: 10.24090/IBDA.V13I1.490.
[5] M. A. Latif, U. Sunan, K. Yogyakarta, E. C. Ariani, and B. Manjorang, “Etno Parenting for Child: Bagaimana Budaya di Madura?,” Annu. Conf. Islam. Early Child. Educ., vol. 5, pp. 26–31, Dec. 2021, Accessed: Sep. 26, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://conference.uin-suka.ac.id/index.php/aciece/article/view/629
[2] A. Agustang, I. A. Mutiara, and A. Asrifan, “Masalah Pendidikan di Indonesia,” Masal. Pendidik. di Indones., 2021, doi: 10.31219/OSF.IO/9XS4H.
[3] N. Afifah, “PROBLEMATIKA PENDIDIKAN DI INDONESIA,” Elem. J. Iilmiah Pendidik. Dasar, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 41–47, Feb. 2017, Accessed: Oct. 16, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://e-journal.metrouniv.ac.id/index.php/elementary/article/view/problematika-pendidikan-di-indonesia
[4] Sunhaji, “SASTRA DALAM TRADISI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM,” IBDA` J. Kaji. Islam dan Budaya, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 47–58, Jan. 2015, doi: 10.24090/IBDA.V13I1.490.
[5] M. A. Latif, U. Sunan, K. Yogyakarta, E. C. Ariani, and B. Manjorang, “Etno Parenting for Child: Bagaimana Budaya di Madura?,” Annu. Conf. Islam. Early Child. Educ., vol. 5, pp. 26–31, Dec. 2021, Accessed: Sep. 26, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://conference.uin-suka.ac.id/index.php/aciece/article/view/629
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Paper Title | :: | Maritime Plus Approach: Reforming the Applicability of the Rules under Contract of Carriage by Sea |
Author Name | :: | Gabriel |
Country | :: | India |
Page Number | :: | 112-117 |
There should be an active involvement between the seller and the buyer of different country in order to flourish the international trade. As international trade has the very essence of internationality it is therefore reasonable to say that the parties involved in the contract of carriage has to be of different origin that is to say the port of loading and the port of discharge have to be in different nation. In this regard one could clearly foresee the importance of shipping laws as the maritime sector covers a huge part of international trade. It is therefore the laws of shipping that benefits the international trade.
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Paper Title | :: | The Philosophy of Imago Dei: A Key to Solving Leadership Problem in Nigeria |
Author Name | :: | Elias Ifeanyi E. Uzoigwe |
Country | :: | Nigeria |
Page Number | :: | 118-125 |
Man has been identified by the Churchmen among the medieval philosophers as the image of God-imago Dei. This idea ensued from the understanding that man is both physical and spiritual comprising body, soul and spirit. The problem of dualism has generated a lot of debate among philosophers, especially in the medieval, modern and contemporary epochs. Taking a critical stance at the Nigerian society right from independence, especially in the present dispensation where people are dying of hunger, insurgency, banditry, terrorism and all forms of social vices, one would affirmatively align oneself with the view that the problem with Nigeria is largely on leadership. This study which adopts the method of critical analysis strongly suggests that in order to get the leadership of the country right, Nigeria has to imbibe a philosophy of her own, which will serve as a guiding principle both for the leaders and the led. Epistemethics, which is inextricably linked to the Philosophy of imago Dei, is therefore, suggested as a key to solving the leadership problem in Nigeria.
Keywords: Churchmen, Dualism, Epistemethics, Leadership, and The Philosophy of Imago-Dei.
Keywords: Churchmen, Dualism, Epistemethics, Leadership, and The Philosophy of Imago-Dei.
[1]. Aquinas, Thomas (2019). Summa Theologiae. Phoenix Publishers, Reprinted Edition, la, q. 93, a. 6, ad 4.
[2]. Ardent, Hannah (2005). Politics (https://www.open.edu/openlearn/society-politics-law/what-politics/content-section Retrieved 18/9/2022).
[3]. BenEzenwa, Hilary O. (2008). The Clay-Footed Giant: Crisis of Life and Challenges for Change in Nigeria, Nimo: Rex Charles & Patrick Publications.
[4]. Berkower, G. E. (2018). Man: The Image of God. Reprinted Edition. New York: Richmond Publishers.
[5]. Boersma, Gerald P. (2016). Augustine‟s Early Theology of Image: A Study in the Development of Pro-Nicene Theology. Oxford Studies in Historical Theology, Oxford: Oxford University Press (www.readingreligion.org Retrieved 10/10/2022).
[2]. Ardent, Hannah (2005). Politics (https://www.open.edu/openlearn/society-politics-law/what-politics/content-section Retrieved 18/9/2022).
[3]. BenEzenwa, Hilary O. (2008). The Clay-Footed Giant: Crisis of Life and Challenges for Change in Nigeria, Nimo: Rex Charles & Patrick Publications.
[4]. Berkower, G. E. (2018). Man: The Image of God. Reprinted Edition. New York: Richmond Publishers.
[5]. Boersma, Gerald P. (2016). Augustine‟s Early Theology of Image: A Study in the Development of Pro-Nicene Theology. Oxford Studies in Historical Theology, Oxford: Oxford University Press (www.readingreligion.org Retrieved 10/10/2022).
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Paper Title | :: | A GSM Based Energy Meter Using Arduino via SMS |
Author Name | :: | Doris Chasokela || Kumbulani Matshe || Pilate Paringa |
Country | :: | Zimbabwe |
Page Number | :: | 126-134 |
Electromechanical energy meters, which make up the majority of the energy meters now in use in Zimbabwe, are rapidly being replaced by digital and electronic energy meters. The cash power energy meter that is plugged into a power supply socket allows the user of the Zimbabwean system that is now in use to assess the amount of electricity remaining. Therefore, the design/system proposes a GSM-based energy meter that utilizes an Arduino and a short messaging service (SMS). By sending an SMS, the system can replenish the electricity balance. The system cuts off the power supply if the electricity balance is low or zero. The technology can read the readings from the electricity meter and automatically updates the user's mobile phone.The software needed for the suggested based energy meter includes Proteus Design Suite for simulation, and it is programmed in an Aurdino IDE.
Keywords: Arduino, Global System for Mobile communication (GSM), pre-paid energy meter, Proteus Design software
Keywords: Arduino, Global System for Mobile communication (GSM), pre-paid energy meter, Proteus Design software
[1]. Balasubramanian, G. (2016) Prepaid Smart Meter Energy Management System using Arduino Microcontroller with Labview, IEEE Electr. Insul. Conf. 4 (04) (2016) 408–412.
[2]. Dahunsi, F.M., Olakunle, O.R. and Melodi, A.O. (2021) Evolution of Electricity Metering Technologies in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Technological Development, 18(2), pp.152-165.
[3]. Emetere, M.E., Agubo, O. and Chikwendu, L. (2021) Erratic electric power challenges in Africa and the way forward via the adoption of human biogas resources. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 39(4), pp.1349-1377.
[4]. Hesselman, M., Varo, A., Guyet, R. and Thomson, H. (2021) Energy poverty in the COVID-19 era: Mapping global responses in light of momentum for the right to energy. Energy Research & Social Science, 81, p.102246.
[5]. Liang, J. (2021) Energy Efficiency Improvement in Buildings: Essays on the Impacts, Adoption, and Benefits (Doctoral dissertation, University of Maryland, College Park).
[2]. Dahunsi, F.M., Olakunle, O.R. and Melodi, A.O. (2021) Evolution of Electricity Metering Technologies in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Technological Development, 18(2), pp.152-165.
[3]. Emetere, M.E., Agubo, O. and Chikwendu, L. (2021) Erratic electric power challenges in Africa and the way forward via the adoption of human biogas resources. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 39(4), pp.1349-1377.
[4]. Hesselman, M., Varo, A., Guyet, R. and Thomson, H. (2021) Energy poverty in the COVID-19 era: Mapping global responses in light of momentum for the right to energy. Energy Research & Social Science, 81, p.102246.
[5]. Liang, J. (2021) Energy Efficiency Improvement in Buildings: Essays on the Impacts, Adoption, and Benefits (Doctoral dissertation, University of Maryland, College Park).
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Paper Title | :: | La Relación De Don Recíproco Clave Interpretativa De La Teología Del Cuerpo De S. Juan Pablo II |
Author Name | :: | Dr. D. Armando Medina Vargas |
Country | :: | Israel |
Page Number | :: | 135-140 |
Los resultados de nuestra Tesis son fruto de varios años de lectura, estudio y meditación, que iniciaron con el ciclo de licencia en Sagrada Teología, con la Tesina titulada: «El hombre, ser relacional, en el matrimonio y la familia cristiana, imagen de Dios uno y trino», y que posteriormente se han visto enriquecidos con la lectura y el análisis de la Teología del Cuerpo de S. Juan Pablo II.Hemos realizado esta investigación teniendo en consideración seis criterios que a continuación desarrollaremos: El estado de la investigación (Status questionis), el objeto de estudio, la metodología, la Justificación del término: «Relación de don recíproco», la estructura y la contribución de la Tesis.
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Paper Title | :: | Black lives matter: ethical acts answerable-responsible against structural racism |
Author Name | :: | Luciane de Paula || Marco Antonio Villarta-Neder |
Country | :: | Brazil |
Page Number | :: | 141-151 |
This text discusses how, from the Bakhtinian point of view, anti-racist acts reverberate in the film Selma (2014), used as an iconic expression of some of the struggles of American blacks, since discuss how the syncretic architecture (verbivocovisual) of the film reflects and refracts structural racism and anti-racist reactions of subjects situated historically and spatially. The concepts that underlie this discussion are: chronotope, subjects and social voices, of Bakhtin, Medviédev and Volóchinov; verbivocovisuality, of Paula and her Study Group; and cultural studies on racism and anti-racism. This paper is developed from a dialectical-dialogical (qualitative) interpretative approach. The analysis considers some scenes of the film, in relation to historical pictures of the three marches from Montgomery to Selma and pictures of the 2020 anti-racist demonstration in the USA, released by the media, in a syncretic cinematographic and photographic composition. Reflecting on the Bakhtin´s concept of chronotope of the road and chronotope of the bridge in the history´s Great Time, in view of the relationship between life and art is the objective of this chapter, which turns to the relationship betweenthe actual crossing from Montgomery to Selma (in 1965); how this act immortalizes itself in the film Selma (2014); and how, in 2020, several bridges across the country (USA) were used again as a time-space for anti-racist demonstrations, with the motto #blacklivesmatter. The social relevance and urgency of turning to the theme of racism/anti-racism justifies the theoretical-analytical reflection presented, which meets some of the UN‘sSDGs. The results reveal how racism generates, through violent acts (exclusion/discrimination, stereotyped prejudiced judgment, physical aggression, rape and murder),the aggravation of inequalities, the belief in a fallacious ethnic hierarchy ("superiority" and "inferiority" of races),o genocide of peoples, languages and cultures and responses that move to places opposite to these, through demonstrations in defense of human rights, in a live clash between voices, values, linguistic registers and cultures. This writing is an ethical gesture decolonial, necessary to the racist hegemonic combat.
Keywords: Language; cultural studies; Bakhtin Circle; racism/anti-racism.
Keywords: Language; cultural studies; Bakhtin Circle; racism/anti-racism.
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[3]. L. Althusser,Aparelhos Ideológicos do Estado,Translatedby Walter José Evangelista e Maria Laura Viveiros de Castro, 6ª ed., Graal,Rio de Janeiro, 1992.
[4]. M. Amorim, O pesquisador e seu outro, Musa, São Paulo,2004.
[5]. M.Bakhtin, Teoria do Romance II: As formas do tempo e do cronotopo,Translatedby Paulo Bezerra,Editora 34, Rio de Janeiro, 2018.
[2]. Adobe Color Wheel. Available in https://color.adobe.com/pt/create/color-wheel. Accessed: Sep 25, 2021.
[3]. L. Althusser,Aparelhos Ideológicos do Estado,Translatedby Walter José Evangelista e Maria Laura Viveiros de Castro, 6ª ed., Graal,Rio de Janeiro, 1992.
[4]. M. Amorim, O pesquisador e seu outro, Musa, São Paulo,2004.
[5]. M.Bakhtin, Teoria do Romance II: As formas do tempo e do cronotopo,Translatedby Paulo Bezerra,Editora 34, Rio de Janeiro, 2018.
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Paper Title | :: | Religious Moderation in the Dynamics of Religious Tolerance Banyumas Community |
Author Name | :: | M. Wahyu Fauzi Aziz || Dedi Djubaedi || Supriyanto |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 152-159 |
The high tolerance among religious adherents of the Banyumas community makes religious moderation in Banyumas able to be realized properly. This happens because of the role of community collective awareness in religion and the religious institution of the Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB). From here, this study aims to find, identify, and explain religious moderation in the dynamics of religious tolerance in the Banyuma community. The research method was carried out qualitatively descriptively by explaining the phenomenon of the reality of religious moderation in the Banyumas community which was formed because of religious tolerance. The technique of collecting the data is done by interview, observation, and documentation. The data that has been obtained is then reviewed by reduction, classification, and verification. The results of this study are the dynamics of religious moderation in the Banyumas community due to the awareness of the community that upholds religious plurality which is formed due to collective awareness of tolerance as an attitude that always respects various religious differences and the role of the Banyumas Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) which can build tolerance in addressing religious diversity among religious adherents in Banyumas so that religious moderation can be established.
Keywords: religious moderation, tolerance, religious people, and diversity.
Keywords: religious moderation, tolerance, religious people, and diversity.
[1]. E. Ulfa, ; Dedi Djubaedi, ; Cecep Sumarna, ; Siti Fatimah, ; Suklani, and ; Abas Hidayat, “The Role of Teachers in Fostering Religious Multiculturalism,” Int. J. Multicult. Multireligious Underst., vol. 7, no. 34, pp. 282–289, 2019.
[2]. K. Kambali, D. Djubaedi, J. Jamali, U. Suratno, S. Fatimah, and A. Hidayat, “The Development of Multicultural Curriculum for Islamic Religious Education: A Literature Review,” Int. J. Soc. Sci. Hum. Res., vol. 05, no. 07, pp. 3077–3083, 2022, doi: 10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i7-41.
[3]. N. Nazmudin, “Kerukunan dan Toleransi Antar Umat Beragama dalam Membangun Keutuhan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI),” J. Gov. Civ. Soc., vol. 1, no. 1, p. 23, 2018, doi: 10.31000/jgcs.v1i1.268.
[4]. C. Sumarna, D. Djubaedi, S. Fatimah, A. Mas’ud, D. N. Rosidin, and A. Hidayat, “Multicultural Value of Education in Forming the Community’s Religious Attitude,” Int. J. Recent Adv. Multidiscip. Top., vol. 2, no. 8, pp. 168–171, 2021.
[5]. N. Naim, Islam dan Pluralisme Agama. Yogyakarta: Aura Pustaka, 2014.
[2]. K. Kambali, D. Djubaedi, J. Jamali, U. Suratno, S. Fatimah, and A. Hidayat, “The Development of Multicultural Curriculum for Islamic Religious Education: A Literature Review,” Int. J. Soc. Sci. Hum. Res., vol. 05, no. 07, pp. 3077–3083, 2022, doi: 10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i7-41.
[3]. N. Nazmudin, “Kerukunan dan Toleransi Antar Umat Beragama dalam Membangun Keutuhan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI),” J. Gov. Civ. Soc., vol. 1, no. 1, p. 23, 2018, doi: 10.31000/jgcs.v1i1.268.
[4]. C. Sumarna, D. Djubaedi, S. Fatimah, A. Mas’ud, D. N. Rosidin, and A. Hidayat, “Multicultural Value of Education in Forming the Community’s Religious Attitude,” Int. J. Recent Adv. Multidiscip. Top., vol. 2, no. 8, pp. 168–171, 2021.
[5]. N. Naim, Islam dan Pluralisme Agama. Yogyakarta: Aura Pustaka, 2014.
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Paper Title | :: | Ijtihad Jama'i A Solution for the Establishment of the Modern Madzhab of Fiqh |
Author Name | :: | Nikmah || Imron Rosyadi || Andri Nirwana An || Muthoifin |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 160-166 |
Madzhab is a term used for a group of Muslims who follow the ijtihad methodology and also the legal opinion of one of the mujtahid ulama‟. Currently it is difficult to find an „ulama' who is able to reach the highest degree for an „ulama', in order to not stop ijtihad, the ulama' make breakthroughs with ijtihad jama'i which are carried out in shari'ah institutions such as the Tarjih Council and the Tajdid Muhammadiyah. These institutions replace the ulama' mujtahid with varied methodologies and their legal opinions followed by the ummah. Based on the description of the problem above, an in-depth research is needed on whether Ijtihad Jama‟i can be a solution for the formation of the modern madzhab of fiqh. This research is a literature study (Library Research) with a descriptive annalizies approach. The results of this study found that the Muhammadiyah Tarjih and Tajdid Council can be called a modern Madzhab of fiqh because the fatwa institution has replaced the mujtahid ulama' in legal istinbath.
Keywords: ijtihad jama‟i, madzhab, madzhab fiqh modern.
Keywords: ijtihad jama‟i, madzhab, madzhab fiqh modern.
[1] Abdullah ibn Abdul Muhsin at-Turky, al-Madzhab al-Hambali: Dirasah fi Taarikhihi wa Samatihi wa Asyhari A’lamihi wa Muallafaatihi, vol. 1. Beirut: Resalah Publisher, 2002.
[2] S. Hanna, “Urgensi Ijtihad Kolektif dalam Permasalahan Kontemporer,” Media Syari’ah Wahana Kaji. Huk. Islam dan Pranata Sos., vol. 14, no. 2, p. 173, 2012.
[3] Zakirun Pohan, “Eksistensi Mazhab Fiqih Pada Zaman Kontemporer Sekarang,” Al-Ilmu J. Keagamaan dan Ilmu Sos., vol. 6, 2021.
[4] M. Al-Qathtān, “Taarekh Tashre‟ el-Islamy.” Maktabah al-Ma‟arif, Riyadh, p. 434, 1996. [5] Wahbah az-Zuhaili, Al-Fiqh Al-Islamy wa Adillatuhu. Damaskus: Daar al-Fikr, 1985.
[2] S. Hanna, “Urgensi Ijtihad Kolektif dalam Permasalahan Kontemporer,” Media Syari’ah Wahana Kaji. Huk. Islam dan Pranata Sos., vol. 14, no. 2, p. 173, 2012.
[3] Zakirun Pohan, “Eksistensi Mazhab Fiqih Pada Zaman Kontemporer Sekarang,” Al-Ilmu J. Keagamaan dan Ilmu Sos., vol. 6, 2021.
[4] M. Al-Qathtān, “Taarekh Tashre‟ el-Islamy.” Maktabah al-Ma‟arif, Riyadh, p. 434, 1996. [5] Wahbah az-Zuhaili, Al-Fiqh Al-Islamy wa Adillatuhu. Damaskus: Daar al-Fikr, 1985.
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Paper Title | :: | The Prevalence of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) in Yobe State A Managing Conflict in Nigeria (MCN) Programme Scoping Study Report |
Author Name | :: | Amina Salihu || Hadiza Mali Bukar |
Country | :: | Nigeria |
Page Number | :: | 167-175 |
This scoping study is not generalised research. It is a rapid assessment to understand the policy and programme pathways to addressing sexual violence against women, girls, and boys in Yobe State, the northeastern geo-political zone, and beyond. The reported increase in violence in northeast Nigeria led the European Union funded Programme on Managing Conflict in Nigeria (MCN) to conduct a rapid assessment study into the prevalence of SGBV in Yobe state. The study aimed to understand the causes, types, and trends of sexual and gender-based violence in some communities of Yobe State (MCN, 2020). The study report draws on a desk review of research reports and programme documents and the authors’ observations, living in Yobe and relating with Yobe citizens. Secondary data complemented qualitative data gathering through interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs), held across three local governments of Yobe State; Damaturu, Gujba, and Potiskum. Respondents were drawn across the security sector, Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs), government, women, young people, civil society, disability communities, and survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). Fifty-six separate conversations were held in all, including the FGDs of 12 participants each on average. Development partner presence was also analysed. Findings are summarised into, what is reinforced, what is new and what needs further research. Given the study's programmatic import, the report structures recommendations into two; the programmatic, which Development Partners need to drive; and the policy recommendations, which governmental and non-governmental players should drive.
[1]. Ajayi, A. I. (2012). “Boko Haram” and Terrorism in Nigeria: Exploratory and Explanatory notes.
[2]. Ajayi T. (2018). Women in terror: Ending gender-based violence in Borno State, north-east Nigeria. https://kujenga-amani.ssrc.org/2018/12/13/women-in-terror-ending-gender-based-violence-in-bornostate-northeast-nigeria/
[3]. Ajayi T. (2021). Nigeria must rethink responses to women displaced by Boko Haram. www.theconversation.com
[4]. Akinbi, O.J. (2015).Examining the Boko Haram insurgency in northern Nigeria and the quest for a permanent resolution of the crisis. Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Vol.3, No.8, pp.32-45.
[5]. Ali, A. M., Umaru B, F., Adamu, A., & Author, C. (2018). The Negative Impacts of BokoHaram Insurgency on Northern Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS,23(7), 72 – 80. https://doi.org/10.9790/0837-2307057280
[2]. Ajayi T. (2018). Women in terror: Ending gender-based violence in Borno State, north-east Nigeria. https://kujenga-amani.ssrc.org/2018/12/13/women-in-terror-ending-gender-based-violence-in-bornostate-northeast-nigeria/
[3]. Ajayi T. (2021). Nigeria must rethink responses to women displaced by Boko Haram. www.theconversation.com
[4]. Akinbi, O.J. (2015).Examining the Boko Haram insurgency in northern Nigeria and the quest for a permanent resolution of the crisis. Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Vol.3, No.8, pp.32-45.
[5]. Ali, A. M., Umaru B, F., Adamu, A., & Author, C. (2018). The Negative Impacts of BokoHaram Insurgency on Northern Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS,23(7), 72 – 80. https://doi.org/10.9790/0837-2307057280
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Paper Title | :: | Information Administrative Effectiveness and Organizational Resilience of Deposit Money Banks in Rivers State |
Author Name | :: | Dr. (Mrs) A.E. Bestman || Enemchukwu, Golda |
Country | :: | Nigeria |
Page Number | :: | 176-185 |
This study examined the relationship between information administrative effectiveness and organizational resilience of Deposit Money Banks in Rivers State. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey in its investigation of the variables. Primary data was generated through structured. The population for this study was the 22 deposit money banks in Nigeria. There was no need to be involved in the rigorous procedures for determining an appropriate sample size rather census sampling was adopted because our population of study was not large. Hence, the entire population of 22 deposit money banks was adopted as a census. The reliability of the instrument was achieved by the use of the Cronbach Alpha coefficient with all the items scoring above 0.70. The hypotheses were tested using the Spearman‟s Rank Order Correlation Coefficient. The tests were carried out at a 0.05 significance level.The hypotheses were tested using the Spearman rank order correlation Coefficient. The tests were carried out at a 95% confidence interval and a 0.05 level of significance. The study findings showed that there is a significant relationship between information administrative effectiveness and organizational resilience of Deposit Money Banks in Rivers State. The study concludes that organizational resilience of Deposit Money Banks in Rivers State is positively enhanced when information administrative effectiveness and organizational resilience mechanism is developed. Therefore, the study recommends thatManagement of Deposit Money Banks should optimizeinformation administrative effectiveness by focusing on improving on training, include recruitment function and align the employee data or work to both personal and organization strategy.
Keyword: Information Administrative Effectiveness, Organizational Resilience, Adaptive Capacity, Situation Awareness
Keyword: Information Administrative Effectiveness, Organizational Resilience, Adaptive Capacity, Situation Awareness
[1]. Amah, E., & Baridam, D. (2012). Adaptability and organizational effectiveness: A study of the Nigerian banking industry. International Journal of Business and Management Tomorrow, 2(3), 1-10.
[2]. Ball, K.S. (2011). The Use of Human Resource Information Systems: A Survey, Personnel Review, 30 (6), 677-693.
[3]. Beadles, I. I., Aston, N., Lowery, C. M., &Johns, K. (2015). The impact of human resource information systems: an exploratory study in the public sector”, Communications of the IIMA, 5(4), 39-46.
[4]. Beckers AM, Bsat MZ, 2002. A DSS classification model for research in human resource information systems. Information Systems Management. 19: 41–50.
[5]. Bernadette, S. (1996). Empirical evaluation of the revised technology acceptance model. Management Science, 42(1), 85-93.
[2]. Ball, K.S. (2011). The Use of Human Resource Information Systems: A Survey, Personnel Review, 30 (6), 677-693.
[3]. Beadles, I. I., Aston, N., Lowery, C. M., &Johns, K. (2015). The impact of human resource information systems: an exploratory study in the public sector”, Communications of the IIMA, 5(4), 39-46.
[4]. Beckers AM, Bsat MZ, 2002. A DSS classification model for research in human resource information systems. Information Systems Management. 19: 41–50.
[5]. Bernadette, S. (1996). Empirical evaluation of the revised technology acceptance model. Management Science, 42(1), 85-93.