
Volume 04 - Issue 07

Paper Title :: The Relevance of Happiness in School Dynamics
Author Name :: Learice Barreto Alencar || Célio da Cunha
Country :: Brazil
Page Number :: 01-10
This article aims mainly to appropriate the existing concepts about happiness in school dynamics. It specifically aims to demonstrate the importance of the relevance of happiness in the context of the school routine. The study starts from the characterization of what happiness is, from the historical perspectives and from the thinkers of education that dealt with the theme in their reflections and practices. It reflects on the utilitarian sense of the term and its condition of well-being, the latter being the meaning given to happiness. It addresses the dynamics of the school and happiness, presenting them as components of socioemotional education and human coexistence inserted in the school routine. It argues about dialogue as an enabler of well-being and the aspects that can promote happiness. It defines as a hypothesis that the pedagogical practice, the formed relationships and the good coexistence collaborate for the happiness in the school. From the documentary findings, the aspects considered as those that most contribute to happiness at school emerge, however, it ratifies, being the relational component - present, whether between the teacher and his peers, or between these and the other school agents permeates and animates the practice. pedagogical or extra-class activities. It concludes that socio-emotional education, dialogue, and human coexistence are constituted, according to what the bibliographic study reveals, as a contributing factor for the relevance of happiness in school dynamics.
Keywords: Happiness, Welfare, School, Students, Human relations.
[1] MATURANA, R.H. Emoções e linguagem na educação e na política. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2009.(bookstyle)
[2] CRUZ, P.; MONTEIRO, L. Anuário Brasileiro da Educação Básica 2018. São Paulo: Todos pela Educação, EDITORA MODERNA, 2019.(bookstyle)
[3] BRASIL. Ministério da Educação. Relatório Nacional: Pesquisa Internacional Sobre Ensino e Aprendizagem: Talis. Brasília, 2018a.(primeira parte). INEP, 2019. Disponível em: Acessado: 10 de maio 2020(bookstyle)
[4] MARÍAS, J. A felicidade humana. Rio de Janeiro: Livraria Duas Cidades, 1989.(bookstyle)
[5] FRANKL, V. E. Embusca de sentido. 38a. ed. Petrópolis, Vozes, 2015. (bookstyle)

Paper Title :: Cosmo-Psycho-Logos of the Kurdish Ethnic Group
Author Name :: Andrei A. Gagaev || Pavel A. Gagaev || Anastasia A. Osmushina
Country :: Russia
Page Number :: 11-18
Cosmo-Psycho-Logos is an inter-subject methodology of research that enables us to reseal the epistemology, the ontology, the logic, and the way of thinking of the ethnos. What are Kurdish ethnic thinking models, identity and identification, foundations of science, discovering, and inventing? Nobody has ever investigated Cosmo-Psycho-Logos of the Kurds. Our research is founded on folklore texts analysis with the historical-comparative principle because the semantics of folk tales are unique in each ethnic group. Our comparison reveals not similarities but differences in similarities. So we have created a parametric model of Kurdish Cosmo-Psycho-Logos comprising epistemology, ontology, logic, general system theory, ethics, aesthetics, messianic role, mission, objective function, fate, purpose in history, anthropology, tectology, praxeology, superethnic intentions, and psychosemantic structure of folk tales that includes pretext and pratext, nominal, real, deconstructive, epochal, and ethnic meanings, after-meaning, proper meaning acculturation, reception, retorsion, personal meaning, superethnic meaning, and general meaning.
Keywords: Kurds ethnos, Cosmo-Psycho-Logos
[1]. Abu-l-Abbas Ahmad bin Abd al-Latif az-Zubaidi, ed. (2002). Sahih al-Bukhari. 1st ed. Vol. 1. Moscow: Benevolent Fund “Ibrahim Bin Abdulaziz Al Ibrahim”.
[2]. Abu-l-Abbas Ahmad bin Abd al-Latif az-Zubaidi, ed. (2002). Sahih al-Bukhari. 1st ed. Vol. 2. Moscow: Benevolent Fund “Ibrahim Bin Abdulaziz Al Ibrahim”.
[3]. Dzhalilov, O., ed. (1989). Kurdish folk tales, legends and stories. Moscow, Principle Publisher of Eastern Literature, Publishing House “Nauka”.
[4]. Gagaev, A. A., & Gagaev, P. A. (2014). Russian civilization and folklore. The world of tale. Moscow, RIOR.
[5]. Gagaev, A. A., & Kudaeva, N. V. (2009). Ugro-Finnish Cosmo-Psycho-Logos. Saransk.

Paper Title :: Τhe element of subjectivityin the critique of translation
Author Name :: Evanthia Saridaki
Country :: Greece
Page Number :: 19-22
This paper attempts to offer a framework of reflection on the extent to which it is possible to assess the quality of a translation and explore certain general criteria that could help translators establish quality standards in order to self-evaluate and also revise the work of others. A major factor that will be considered is the purpose of the translation and whether the target text fulfills it, producing a „fit for purpose‟ translated text. Within this context, Skopos Theory, which focuses mainly on the Skopos (purpose) of the translation, will be briefly discussed. Another parameter that will be considered is the type of text to be translated (Text Typology) which constitutes a basic criterion for translation quality assessment. In addition, my proposal will demonstrate how the effect of the translated text on the target readership and the “equivalent effect” principle constitutes one of the basic standards in defining and monitoring quality translations. In addition, a very important issue which needs further investigation regards certain features related to the translator‟s personality such as experience, knowledge and artistic competence as well as their effect on the outcome of the translating procedure. The overall intention of the paper is definitely not to dictate specific rules for the translator to follow, but rather to propose methodological approaches and appropriate techniques that would help professionals justify their choices and evaluate the quality of their own work and that of others.
Keywords: translation quality, critique of translation, purpose of translation, theoretical approaches to translation judgement.
[1]. P. Newmark, Approaches to Translation,Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1981.
[2]. P. Newmark, A Textbook of Translation, Prentice Hall, London, 1988.
[3]. E. Nida, The Theory and Practice of Translation, Brill, Leiden, 1964.
[4]. K. Reiss, Translation criticism; Potential and Limitations,St. Jerome and American Bible Society, Manchester,2000
[5]. M. Snell-Hornby, Translation Studies, Amsterdam& Philadelphia, Benjamins,1988.

Paper Title :: Investigation and evaluation of sport tourist typology in Cyprus
Author Name :: Tymviou E. || Yfantidou G. || Costa G. || Laios A. || Alexandris K.
Country :: Greece
Page Number :: 23-33
The aim of this study is to investigate and evaluate the profile of sport tourists that visit Cyprus. It is assumed that the 779 responders of the survey travelled to Cyprus mainly to participate in a sport event, in an activity or in sport trainings. For the completion of the study, the equivalent questionnaire by Gibson and Yiannakis (2002) was used. A 5-tiered Likert scale was implemented. A descriptive statistic, frequency analysis, reliability tests and factor analysis at principal components were used for the analysis of the results. Factor analysis identified 8 tourist roles which explained the 60.40% of the total variance. During the investigation of which sport activities would/do attract sport tourists during their vacation, most of the participants answered cycling and beach volley. Also, for the investigation of the correlation between age and gender in comparison to the 8 tourist roles separately, significant differences in five of those tourist roles was found.
Keywords: sport tourism, tourist roles, tourist typology, tourism in Cyprus
[1]. Akis S. & Warner J. (1994). A descriptive analysis of tourism in North Cyprus. Journal of Tourism Management, 15(5), 379-388
[2]. Alexandris, K. & Carroll, B. (2000). A demographic model of recreational sport participation. Planning applications for recreational mass participation sport programs in Greece. Scientific Research, 24, 36-44.
[3]. Alipour, H. and Kilic, H. (2005). An institutional appraisal of tourism development and planning: The case of the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus (TRNC). Tourism Management, 26 (1), 79-94.
[4]. Amiri Aghdaie, S.F. and Momeni, R. (2011), “Investigating effective factors on development of tourism industry in Iran’”, Asian Social Science, Vol. 7 No. 12, pp. 98-109
[5]. Attle, S. (1996). Tourist role preference and the development of life style profiles: Implications for market segmentation and tourist destination selection. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA. AAT: 9634523.

Paper Title :: From Traditions to Decentralization: Radiography of Farmers Confliccts in Beledougou (Mali)
Author Name :: Amadou Zan TRAORÉ
Country :: Mali
Page Number :: 34-39
The Bamanans constitute the most popular farmer community of Mali. Added to their socio-cultural value, they stay in contact with their grounds conveyed according to traditional channels. In Beledougou, the Bamanans are farmers from parents to sons. So there are farms of the village (soforo/jonforo) and far farms (kunkojan). They were used for living growing for colonial growing with the cotton, ground nut and for the growing of vegetables. Except a few incursion of armed groupsthe Beledougouis not an area of armed conflicts. But, due to the decentralization a big conflictis now there in his universe of farmer. First, the succeeding mayors have given them selves as priority the selling of parcels for rural habitations uses and orchards for rich traders and stammering agrobusiness. This fact of avaricious of ground becomes quickly a problem with the expropriation of farmers. And then one of the current conflicts of the universe of farmer remains the confrontation among autochtones/allogenes, the polygamy, the disqualification of adulterins children and at last among farmer/pastor. This communication analizes, with the qualitative method, in one hand, the modalities of conflicts in the universe of farmer in Beledougou and on the other hand, the possible remedies of mediation.
Keywords: Beledougou, conflict, decentralization, peasantury, positive resilience.
[1]. BÂ Amadou Hampathé, 1994, Oui mon commandant !, Paris, Flammarion.
[2]. DIARRA Facoh Donki, 2013,l’évolution historique et politique du Bèlèdougou du XVIIème au début du XX ème siècle,Thèse de Doctorat, Bamako, ISFRA.
[3]. BOTO Eza,1954, Ville cruelle, Paris, Présence Africaine.
[4]. DIOPDavid, 1973,Coups de pilons, Paris, Présence Africaine,5ème édition.
[5]. KAMIAN Bakary,2001,Des tranchées de Verdun à l’Eglise Saint-Bernard, Paris, Karthala.

Paper Title :: The Analysis of Students’ Error in Solving Mathematics Problem
Author Name :: Chen Jihe || Jerito Pereira || HuangZhouli || Zhao Mingli || Hesti Wiranota || Maximus Tamur
Country :: China
Page Number :: 40-49
Education is a learning process for students to be able to understand and make humans more critical in thinking. The purpose of this study was to determine the analysis of students' difficulties in solving questions on the subject of algebra. This research was conducted at Guilin Midle School, Guangxi, China in student’s grade 8, a total of 40 students from 3 different rooms. The research subjects were taken as many as 9 students, each room was taken by 3 students in the low category, 3 students in the medium category and 3 other students in the high category based on the results of students' tests on 3 different question numbers. The approach used in this research was descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The results of the analysis carried out by several students in solving questions on the subject of fractions, found students’ errors which included conceptual errors and procedural errors. Conceptual errors made by students include errors remembering definitions and rules, simplifying errors, errors in operating the factor and errors in understanding the addition and subtraction operations of numbers. While procedural errors made by students include unsystematic settlement errors, errors unable to manipulate the settlement process, errors in simplifying the factoring, errors in solving absolute values, errors substituting values and errors not continuing the settlement process. Therefore, this research has implications for teachers to ensure that students could know and couldunderstand the definitions and rules needed in the material being taught, so that learning activities will run well according to the desired goals.
Keywords: student error, difficulty, mathematics, educ
[1] Pereira J Huang Y Chen J Hermita N and Tamur M, 2020 Learning the Concept of Absolute Value with Hawgent Dynamic Mathematics Software 16, 2 p. 160–169.
[2] P.Jerito, Shiwei Tan, Li Li P A, 2020 Developing a mathematics learning media to explain formula of area of Kite using Hawgent 3, 3 p. 272–281.
[3] Li X Chen J Zhou Y and Li Z, 2021 Review lessons with mind mapping by The help of 6 Questions Cognitive Model help Students Learn Better J. Educ. Learn. Math. Res.2, 1 p. 16–25.
[4] Wahyu Widodo A Solikhatun I Raharja S Abdun Salam A and Sri Wartini F, 2021 A Utilization of Information Technology on Education in Indonesia (2017-2020): A Systematic Literature Review J. Phys. Conf. Ser.1779, 1.
[5] Darman R A, 2017 Mempersiapkan Generasi Emas Indonesia Tahun 2045 Melalui Pendidikan Berkualitas J. Edik Inform.2, 2 p. 73–83.

Paper Title :: Psychosemantics of the Aztec tale "Indian's Sorrow" and Mayan tales "The Legend of the Destroyed City", and "The Wedding of the Hummingbird". American and Spanish meaning
Author Name :: Andrei A. Gagaev || Pavel A. Gagaev || Anastasia A. Osmushina
Country :: Russia
Page Number :: 50-60
The study focuses on the semantics and meaning of Latin American folk tales. Presenting the assumption that folk tales reflect the evolution, the history, and the way of ethnic world perception, we investigate the psychosemantic of the tales aiming at revealing Cosmo-Psycho-Logos of the ethnic group. We apply the following approaches: a cultural-typical approach, a psychosemantic understanding of the tale, a cultural-typical principle of comparing the semantics of the tales revealing differences in similarities. The research results show that the tale "Indian's Sorrow" reveals the basis of life in eusociality, euthymia, compassion, justice, and love for one's neighbors, in the identity of subjects and predicates of action, based on providing everyone with the necessary product, and the basis of death in the absence of family and children. The tale "The legend of the destroyed city" reveals the basis of death in the absence of eusociality, euthymia, compassion, incompatibility, a break in the identity of subjects and predicates of action, injustice and property, faith in evil gods, hatred to one's neighbor, and lack of a family. The tale "Wedding of the Hummingbird" reveals the basis of life in eusociality, euthymia, compassion, justice, and love for one's neighbor in the identity of all life in the necessary product, based on the presentation of the necessary product to everyone, family and children, and solidarity of all life, and the basis of death in the absence of family. Regarding the general meaning of all three tales, we find out that the sense is identity in the lives of the subjects and predicates of the social structure in euthymia and eusociality in the target of the family and the necessary product. With the destruction of this condition and focus on ownership, the life of the ethnic group terminates. While the Spanish tale contains a model of justice for women and children, the Russian tale involves the armed destruction of private property and evil power. Spanish tale is optimistic, and Aztec, Maya, and Mansi tales model life as suffering and Hell.
Keywords: Semantics of Aztec, Mayan, Spanish, Russian, and Mansi tales.
[1]. Aarne, A. (1991). Verzeichnis der Marchentypen – “Folklore Fellows Communications”. №3, Helsinki.
[2]. Berezkin, Y. Y. (1991). Inki. Istoricheskij opyt imperii [Inks.Historical experience of the Empire]. Leningrad, Russia: 232 p.
[3]. Bernal Dias del Castillo. (2000). Pravdivaja istorija zavojevanija Novoj Ispanii [True story of the New Spain Conquest]. Moscow, Russia: 400 p.
[4]. Biblioteka Russkogo folklora [Library of the Russian folklore]. (1989). Book 2. Moscow, Russia: 576 p.
[5]. Braun, G., Yul, G. (1983). Diskursivnyj analiz [Discourse analysis]. Cambidge.

Paper Title :: The Turbulent Sounds of the Soviet Epoch: Yelling and Groaning: Revolution, Revolutionaries and „We-Narrative“in the Autobiographies of Oppressed Georgian Women
Author Name :: Tsira Kilanava
Country :: Georgia
Page Number :: 61-67
Based on narratological categories, the paper analyzes the autobiographies of 4 Georgian women who fell victim to repressions in the beginning of the 20th century. The paper focuses on the politically active women‟s descriptions of revolution and revolutionaries as well as the state of political prisoner women during the repressions carried out by the Communist regime.The aim of the paper was to find out how the Russian Revolution of 1905 is depicted in the autobiographical works of oppressed revolutionary women. The research results show that despite the political status of the narrative autobiographers (they were imprisoned and sent into exile), participation in the revolution has remained in their consciousness as an outstanding historical event.
Keywords: revolutionary/oppressed Georgian women, „We-narrative“, Soviet epoch, description, voice.
[1]. J. Eakin, Living Autobiographically. How We Create Identity in Narrative. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2008.
[2]. M. Löschnigg, Postclassical Narratology and the Theory of Autobiography. J. Alber& M. Fludernik (eds.). Postclassical Narratology. Approaches and Analyses. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 255-74, 2010.
[3]. M. Bakhtin, Voprosi literature I estetiki. Issledovaniaraznikh let. Moskva: Khudoj. Lit, 1975
[4]. G. Genette, Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method (trans. Jane E. Lewin, Ithaca: Cornell University Press,1980.
[5]. S.Lanser, Fictions of Authority: Women Writers and Narrative Voice, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1992.

Paper Title :: Etude Ethnobotanique Des Plantes Medicinales Exploitees Dans Les Forêts Sacrees Du Secteur De Lukumbe En Rdc
Author Name :: Fonu Anahendo || Lubini || Belesi
Country :: RD Congo
Page Number :: 68-77
Une étude ethnobotanique des plantes médicinales et de leurs diversesutilisations a été réalisée dans vingt-sept villages du Secteur de Lukumbe dans la Province du Sankuru de la R. D. Congo. L'étude floristique a mis en évidence 19 espèces des plantes, appartenant à 15 familles botaniques par la classification des APG [1]& [2] dont la plupart sont des arbres dont les feuilles sont les plus utilisées. Ces espèces recensées sont aussi utilisées comme bois énergie, dans la fabrication de charbon de bois, dans la construction des maisons, des ponts, des clôtures et dans l'exploitation artisanale de bois d'oeuvre, etc. Ces usages multiples associés à l'agriculture itinérante sur brûlis et à l'abattage des arbres hôtes lors de la récolte des chenilles et des fruits sont reconnus comme les principales causes de la raréfaction de la biodiversité observée ces dernières années dans la région.
Mots-clés: R.D.Congo, Secteur de Lukumbe, Plantes médicinales, ethnobotanique
[1]. APG III-Angiospermphytologenygroup,’’An ordinal classification of the families of flowing plants’’. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. Vol.85, pp.531-553, 2003.
[2]. APG IV-AngiospermPhylogeny Group, ‘’Classifications for orders and families of flowering plants’’, Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 181, n°1, pp.1-20, 2016.
[3]. Aubertin, C., 2002, Heurs et malheurs des ressources en Amazonie brésilienne. In Les ressources naturelles renouvelables. Pratiques et représentations.-Cahiers des Sciences humaines, vol. 32, n°1.
[4]. Bartels, A. (1993), Guide des plantes tropicales-Plantes ornementales, plantes utiles, fruits toxiques. Editions Eugen Ulmer.
[5]. Belesi, K. (2009), Etude floristique, phytogéographique et phytosociologique de la végétation du Bas-Kasaï en République Démocratique du Congo, Thèse de doctorat, Université de Kinshasa, RDC.