
Volume 04 - Issue 06

Paper Title :: Quality of life of people with intellectual disability in the context of fulfilling their sexual needs
Author Name :: Marcin Białasa
Country :: Poland
Page Number :: 01-12
Despite the many noble activities carried out on behalf of people with intellectual disability, the sexual sphere related to the realisation of their sexual needs is still a problem faced by their parents, carers, teachers and educators. It seems that the solutions adopted to date do not guarantee this group of people their due right to equality and non-discrimination, including in the sexual aspect. In this respect, this article attempts to criticise the views and solutions adopted so far. Presenting the assumptions of the original personal and pro-development concept which provides a balanced and safe solution to the issue of sexuality for people with intellectual disability. The concept is based on a critique of the most common approaches to these issues, such as the approach of total acceptance of sexuality, the approach of sexuality and sublimation or the approach of desexualisation and avoidance, as well as on an analysis of the literature and on research carried out.
Keywords: intellectual disability, fulfilment of sexual needs, personalism, humanism, development.
[1]. Adamczyk M, Heyes B. (2012): Religion and sexual behaviours: Understanding the influence of Islamic cultures and religious affiliation for explaining sex outside of marriage. “American SociologicalReview”, August 30, pp. 723-746.
[2]. Baczała D. (2002): Intellectualdisability and socialcompetence. Toruń: Published by UMK.
[3]. Beisert M. (2007): Childhoodsexualexperimentation.[in:] M. Beisert (ed.), Sexuality in the human life cycle.(pp.113-144). Warsaw: Published by PWN.
[4]. Białas M. (2020): Stress of mothers of children with intellectual disabilityAnalysis - Diagnosis – Therapy. Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Akademii Wychowania Fizycznegoi Sportu.
[5]. Cudak S. (2007): Love in the teachings of John Paul II (selected issues). [in:] M. Białas, D. Ruszkiewicz (ed.),The faces of love in pedagogy] (pp. 15–25). Łódź: Published by WSH-E.

Paper Title :: Analyse de l’état de conservation des forêts sacrées du Secteur de Lukumbe en République Démocratique du Congo
Author Name :: Fonu Anahendo Josée || Belesi, K || Lubini, A
Country :: DDemocratic Republic of the Congo
Page Number :: 13-23
This study focuses on the analysis of the state of conservation of the sacred forests of the Lukumbe Sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The surveys took place in 27 villages in this region. The research carried out in these villages allowed us to assess the state of conservation of the sacred forests, the activities carried out, the resources exploited and the impacts of the activities on biodiversity and the environment. It emerges from this study that the Lukumbe Sector has experienced in recent years an accelerated degradation of its sacred forests due to population growth, irrational logging and anarchic felling by the populations. These activities have several impacts on the environment including degradation and reduction of areas of sacred forests, loss of biodiversity and sustainable change. All of these factors have negatively influenced the sustainable management of sacred forests in this area. Sustainable management strategies are therefore necessary, at the risk of totally losing these ecological and cultural heritage of this region in the coming decades.
Keywords: Sacred forests, conservation, Lukumbe, Democratic Republic of Congo
[1]. Alohou E. C., Ouinsavi C., Sokpon N., 2016. Facteurs déterminants de la fragmentation du bloc forêt classée-forêts sacrées au Sud-Bénin. Journal of Applied Biosciences 101: 9618 - 9633.
[2]. Amètépé A., 1997, Forêts sacrées et conservation de la biodiversité au Bénin : cas du département du Mono. Thèse d’ingénieur agronome. FSA/UNB, 172 p
[3]. Blandin P., 2004. Pourquoi se préoccuper de la diversité biologique ? Forêt Entreprise, 155: 23 - 25.
[4]. Bereté, M., 1998. La législation traditionnelle de gestion des ressources naturelles : le « Wa ton ». Bulletin du PACIPE (Programme régionale d’assistance à la protection de l’environnement), n°12.
[5]. Boukepessi T., 2008. Rôle socio-économique des Bois Sacrés du centre Togo. 6th International Conférence of Territorial Intelligence ”Tools and methods of Territorial Intelligence”, Besançon, France. .

Paper Title :: Human Resource Development Roles Of School Managers
Author Name :: Mecit KARA
Country :: Turkey
Page Number :: 24-33
The aim of this study is to determine the level of performance of the roles of school administrators in the direction of developing human resources in schools. In this study, a descriptive screening model was selected because it was intended to describe the current state of human resource development roles of school administrators. The universe of this study was determined as the universe of school administrators who are working in the official primary school, secondary school and high school located in the Kağıthane district of Istanbul province. Since the entire universe has been reached, the way of taking sample has not been performed, all 276 managers have been reached. In order to collect data, the “Personal Information Form” and “The Scale of Determining the Level of Performance of School Administrators' Human Resource Development Roles” developed by the researcher were used in the study. The data obtained were analyzed through the SPSS program. To determine differences between variables with scale, since the distribution is normal, from parametric statistical methods, t test for binary variables, anova test for variables consisting of 3 groups and more were used; and analyses were performed using the scheffe test when significant differences occurred in the anova test. In this study, it was determined that the level of managers performing human resource development roles was moderate. In this study, it was found that the Human Resource Development roles of managers differ according to the type of management task, seniority, and type of school. It was observed that assistant managers have a higher perception of human resourced evelopment than managers. It was observed that between the group with 0-10 years of seniority and the group with 21 years of seniority and above, the group with 0-10 years of seniority had a higher perception of human resource development.
Keywords: human resource development, school principal roles, human resource development roles.
[1]. Açıkalın, A. (2016a). Çağdaş örgütlerde insan kaynağının personel yönetimi,Ankara:Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
[2]. Açıkalın A. (2016). Toplumsal, kuramsal ve teknik yönleriyle okul yöneticiliği. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
[3]. Argon, T. & Özçelik, N. (2008). İlköğretim Okulu Yöneticilerinin Değişimi Yönetme Yeterlikleri. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(16). 70-89.
[4]. Aydın, İ. (2016). Öğretimde denetim, Ankara : Pegem Akademi.
[5]. Bal, H. (2001). Bilimsel araştırma yöntem ve teknikleri, Isparta: Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi.

Paper Title :: Electoral Reforms in India
Author Name :: Prof. K Chandrashekhar
Country :: India
Page Number :: 34-42
Our Election Commission has worked independently and impartially, as well as efficiently. The Election Commission has fulfilled all the constitutional obligations and has never tried to go beyond or overstep the limits of the constitution. It has also always worked within the framework of the constitution. During the last seven decades of its working, the Election Commission of India has acquired for itself a prestigious position in the constitutional set up of the country. Anybody having a grievance against a political party, candidate, Minister, or official can approach the commission for its redresal. A feeling has grown in the country that the Election Commission is the only suitable agency for the removal of their electoral grievances and can render the requisite help and guidance in all matters pertaining to elections. The Commission has been able to generate a sense of faith that the people can repose in its integrity.
Parliament has made a law to ensure free and fair elections and a very comprehensive system of elections has been developed in this country. The experiences of the last fifteenth General Elections have shown the merits and demerits of the system to the people. Several changes have since have been made in the system.
Keywords: Indian electoral system, Electoral system maladies, physical demarcation of Constituencies, Legal luminaries, Electoral reforms before, Open ballot system, Representation of the People’s act 1951, The accounts of election expenses, Ban on defection, Free and fair elections
[1]. J C Johari – Indian Political System, fourth edition, Anmol Publications Private limited New Delhi 2010(Summarized Version)
[2]. Tarakunde Committee, Report of the Committee on Electoral Reforms, Citizens for Democracy, New Delhi 1995. (Summarized Version)
[3]. Committee on Electoral Reforms (Dinesh Goswami Committee), Report of the Committee on Electoral Reforms, i: Legislative Department, Ministry of Law and Justice, New Delh 1990.(Summarized Version)
[4]. Committee on State Funding of Elections, (headed by Indrajit Gupta),: Government of India, Ministry of law, Justice and Company Affairs, New Delhi 1998.(Summarized Version)
[5]. M Lakshmikanth; Indian Polity, published by Tata MCgraw Hill, New Delhi, third edition, 2010.60.2(Summarized Version)

Paper Title :: The effects of the use of ketamine on suicide ideation in patients with treatment-resistant depression
Author Name :: Fernanda Moreira Franco || Ana Julia Modesto Lima || Natana Carol Alves || Rafaela Beatriz Silva || Talita Braga
Country :: Brazil
Page Number :: 43-47
Approximately one third of people affected with depression do not respond to treatments known until then, and one of the main complications in these patients is suicidal ideation. Studies have shown that ketamine, an antagonist of glutamatergic receptors, in subanesthetic doses, has antidepressant action in a few hours, especially in patients who are resistant to treatment, in addition to exhibiting a good safety profile. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the use of ketamine and its effects on suicidal ideation in patients with depression resistant to conventional treatments by comparing the scores on the Hamilton Depression Assessment Scale (HAM-D), evaluating them in the beginning and during the treatment. This is a descriptive, quantitative, cross-sectional study, carried out at Pax Clínica Psiquiatrica – Neurosciences Institute, located in Goiânia - Goiás, in patients diagnosed with a Depressive Episode and resistant to treatment. In the results with significant improvement in 83.3% of the patients in the symptom of suicidal ideation (p-value = 0.038) and 83.3% of the patients reported a reduction in the total score of the scale (p-value = 0.046). From the preliminary results, it can be concluded that ketamine provided a benefit in reducing the suicidal ideation of these patients, in addition to offering a clinical improvement of depressive symptoms. The realization of new research is of significant importance in order to provide greater statistical evidence and subsidies to offer a concrete option to the biology of depression.
Keywords: ketamine, suicide, depression, treatment-resistant depression
[1] M.F. Juruena, I.C. Baes CvW, Menezes, F.G. Graeff. „‟Early life stress in depressive patients: role of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors and of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity,” Curr Pharm Des, 21(11), 1369-78, 2015.
[2] American Psychiatric Association. „‟DSM-5 – Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais,‟‟ Edição (5), Artmed, 2014.
[3] World Health Organization. Depression and Other Common Mental Disorders: Global Health Estimates. Geneva; 2017.
[4] World Health Organization News. „‟Em Dia Mundial de Prevenção do Suicídio, OMS ressalta importância de parcerias e ações de combate.‟‟,, Sep. 10, 2020. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: May 14, 2021].
[5] G.I. Papakostas, C.H. Homberger, M. Fava. „‟A meta-analysis of clinical trials comparing mirtazapine with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for the treatment of major depressive disorder,‟‟ J Psychopharmacol, 22(8), 843-8, 2008.

Paper Title :: Deixis Methodology for the Study of Folk Tale Semantics
Author Name :: Andrei A. Gagaev || Pavel A. Gagaev || Anastasia A. Osmushina
Country :: Russia
Page Number :: 48-58
Deixis analysis is a part of Cosmo-Psycho-Logical and psychosemantic study of folk tales. A growing interest in the reflection and study of the sociological, psychological, and philosophical categories in the language determines the relevance of our work. The work aims to formulate a methodology for the deixis study of folk tales‘ semantics. The material of the study is the Russian folk tale ―The Man, the Bear and the Fox‖ and other ethnic tales with a similar plot. The research methods include the comparative-evolutionary historical principle of cognition in the model of the cultural-typical method of cognition in the Cosmo-Psycho-Logos system with the recognition of the differences‘ priority and the similarities‘ secondary role, the formation of psychosemantics, deixis semantics of folk tales models, comparative research of the ethnic tales and epics types. The results demonstrate that the folk tale ―The Peasant, the Bear and the Fox‖ presents a life situation of an intuitionistic sample of violation of the law, the construction of one's will into law, and the injustice of life which is modified by the complete absence of law in Russian history and forms of law with their partial violation and restoration in European folk tales reproducing the life situations of Germany, the USA, and Chile. The Chilean folk tale dwells upon the problem of free will, the primacy of the will to reason, and cooperation with evil. In the German folk tale, the idea of human rights and private property is realized. In the first American folk tale, a form law with the activity of the subject of law and judicial realism is realized. The second tale dwells upon the relationship between a master and a slave. Conclusions are that European folk tales develop the concept of natural law as an order of consideration and legitimate coercion, while the Russian folk tale does not have the idea of law, but assumes the violation of the law, making one‘s will a law, which the Russian superethnos fights against.
[1]. Aarne A. Verzeichnis der Marchentypen. Folklore Fellows Communications, No. 3, Helsinki, 1911. (In Germ.)
[2]. Benveniste E. General Linguistics. Moscow: Progress, 1974. (In Russ.)
[3]. Levinson S. Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambr. Univ. Press, 1983. (In Eng.)
[4]. Brown G., Yule G. Discourse Analysis. Cambridge etc., 1983. (In Eng.)
[5]. Sapir E. Language. M.-L., 1954. (In Russ.)

Paper Title :: Legal Protection for Credit Card Issuers: Viewed from the Prudential Principle
Author Name :: PutuIka Septiantari Danayanti || Dewi Astutty Mochtar || Mohammad Ghufron AZ
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 59-66
Banks as a business full of risks should apply the principle of prudence in order to increase customer confidence in the bank and prevent bank losses. The principle of prudence is a principle which states that in carrying out its functions and business activities, it is obligatory for banks to apply the precautionary principle in order to protect public funds entrusted to them. The formulation of the problem in writing this thesis is how the legal protection for credit card issuers in terms of the principle of prudence and how legal remedies can be taken by credit card issuers to credit card holders when there is default. The results of this study are an example of the application of the precautionary principle is that a bank must conduct an analysis of prospective borrowers or debtor customers based on the two principles, namely 5C and 7P, apart from the implementation of these two principles, the Indonesian bank in its Circular also regulates the requirements for credit card recipients. in order to reduce the risk of bad credit. When there is default, the credit card issuing creditor can do two ways, namely litigation and non-litigation.
Keywords: Law Protection, Default, Credit Card, prudential Principle.
[1]. Archer, L. T., Sharma, P., & Su, J. J. (2020). Do credit constraints always impede innovation? Empirical evidence from Vietnamese SMEs. Applied Economics, 52(44), 4864–4880.
[2]. Arthur Williams, D. (2007). Credit card fraud in Trinidad and Tobago. Journal of Financial Crime, 14(3), 340–359.
[3]. Atikah, I. (2021). the Urgency of Mortgage Agreement As an Effort To Realize the Trust By Bank As Creditor. Jurnal Hukum Dan Peradilan, 10(1), 31.
[4]. Azikin, Z. (2000). Hukum Kepailitan dan Penundaan Pembayaran di Indonesia. Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta
[5]. Aziz, S. S., & Utoyo, B. (2019). Analysis of the Implementation of Prudential Banking Principle in Overcoming Problematic Financing Management in Muamalat Indonesia Banks in 2013-2017. 4(4), 337–342.

Paper Title :: The influence of Juniperus turcomanica decoction on the healthy persons’ peripheral blood leucocytes’ content, platelets’ number and morphology in vitro
Author Name :: Svetlana Pleskanovskaya || Aybolek Tachmukhammedova
Country :: Turkmenistan
Page Number :: 67-72
Objective: Juniperus turcomanica: Turkmen juniper (TJ) occurs in the woodland of lower and upper belt of mountains in South-West and Central Kopetdag. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of TJ 5% decoction on leucocytes’ content, platelets’ number and morphology in peripheral blood’ samplesof the practically healthy persons (PHP) in vitro deepens on the duration of the incubation.
Methods: 200 hemograms of PHP had been received on hemoanalyzer ABX Pentra 60 С+ (France). The percentage of white blood cells (WBC), lymphocytes (LYM), neutrophils (NEU), basophils (BAS), eosinophil (EOS), monocytes (MON), the absolute number of atypical lymphocytes (ALY) and large immature cells (LIC ), as well as the total number of platelets (RLT, 103/mm3) and mean of platelet volume (MPV, fl) were determined. After the primary measurement the TJ decoction was added into the test tubes with the blood samples, then they were thoroughly mixed on a shaker at 150 oscillations per minute for 5, 30 and 60 minutes at room temperature (+25°C). Then the same parameters were remeasured.
Results: It has been shown that incubation stabilized blood of PHP for one hour at room temperature in a continually stirring is accompanied by changes in leucocytes number and platelets volume, which can consider as result of mechanical stress. Decoction of Juniperus turcomanicain vitro increases the resistance of blood leukocytes of PHP to mechanical stress. The obtained data allowto assume that on the plasma membrane of healthy person’s platelets and leucocytes’ there are receptors that recognize certain components of TJ decoction. These components modulate the functional activity of platelets and atypical lymphocytes.
Keywords: medicinal plants, Juniperus turcomanica, human leucocytes, atypical lymphocytes, large immature cells, platelets
[1]. Adams RP. Juniperus deltoidеs, a new species and nomenclatural notes on Juniperus policarposandJuniperus turcomanica (Cupressaceae).Phytologia. 2004; 86:49 –53.
[2]. Andrews RK, Berndt MC Platelet physiology and thrombosis. Thrombosis Res. 2004;114: 447–453.
[3]. BelingaSC, Manga J, Mouliom A. at al. Proportion of Non-Iron Deficiency in full blood cell counts with microcytosis in Cameroon.ISLH.2010. Brighton, UK.
[4]. Berdimuhamedov G.M. Medical plants of Turkmenistan. Vol. I. Ed.Ashkhabad: Turkmen State publishing service. 2009. –.. – 385 p.
[5]. Butkiewicz AM,Kemona H, Dymicka-Piekarska VD at al. Platelet count, mean platelet volume and thrombocytopoietic indices in healthy women and men. Thrombosis Research.2006.118(V2):199–204.

Paper Title :: Debunking Dehumanisation in the Works of Toni Morrison
Author Name :: Rachitha Poornima Cabral
Country :: India
Page Number :: 73-76
Dehumanisation is a state of severe physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual deprivation, akin to living in a hellish environment. This study will look at how white racism's culture sanctioned not only governmental institutions of discrimination, but also a sophisticated code of speech, conduct, and social practises that made white supremacy not just legitimate, but also natural and inevitable.
Toni Morrison's masterpiece, Beloved (1987), depicts the degrading repercussions of slavery on her heroine's past and memories. Morrison has devoted her creative career in portraying black people's experiences under and as a result of slavery and dehumanisation. Toni Morrison has succeeded in portraying the physical and psychological harm imposed on African Americans by the harsh dehumanisation that was American slavery, according to this study.
[1]. Bloom, H. (2007). Toni Morrison’s Beloved. New Delhi: Viva Books.
[2]. Holt, Thomas C., Thomas, B., and Elisa, B. (2000). Major Problems in African History: Vol. 1, From Slavery to Freedom, 1619-1877. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, pp. 89-90.
[3]. Lawrence, D. (2007). “Fleshly Ghosts and Ghostly Flesh”. The Word and the Body in Beloved,” Toni Morrison’s Beloved; ed. By Harlod Bloom. New Delhi: Viva Books.
[4]. Bee, Helen and Denise Boyd. Lifespan Development. Third. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2003.
[5]. Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. Ed. Robert G. O'Meally. New York: Barnes and Noble Classics, 1845, 2003.

Paper Title :: Social Management and Comprehensive Health in the Children of the Society for the Protection of Orphaned and Abandoned Children Santa Marianita in the City of Ambato
Author Name :: Mera Aguirre José Andres || Anita Dalila Espín Miniguano || Fidencia Viviana Naranjo Ruiz
Country :: Ecuador
Page Number :: 77-87
The research seeks to get involved, empower or guide to solutions with methodology, analogies, research tools that allow to have a holistic vision about the two variables to study, starting from the previous and current processes about social management that in the past, present and now that they have generated results of change in the world to sustain us in a conscious future that guarantees the integral well-being of the vulnerable groups to study.
The relationship that social management has closely with the integral health of children, arises from the problem of having a systematization as a pattern, flow diagram or tools to configure giving actions to the value of planning, organizing and routing each task graphically in order to detail algorithms that allow you to visualize the possible solutions that generate the desired work with results.
The types of processes that prove to determine the most frequent problems of integral health in children, is the study of this research as the main objective investigates the influence of social management on integral health in children of the Society for the Protection of the orphan and abandoned child Home Santa Marianita de Ambato. For its execution, a survey was applied, structured by two questionnaires validated by professionals accredited by the Technical University of Ambato, which respond to the demand of social needs that require implementation of re-systematizing the process models based on Social Management and comprehensive health. A correlational analysis was carried out, giving as results a basic investigation of the social management and integral health of the vulnerable group, where it is determined that the systematization processes are traditional and standardized by the executing agencies.
Keywords: Social Management - Systematization - Health - Comprehensive - Sustainable - Sustainable - Traditional - Normalized - Well-being
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