
Volume 04 - Issue 01

Paper Title :: Accountancy Information System for Sustainable Future
Author Name :: Assoc. Prof. Živko Bergant
Country :: Slovenia
Page Number :: 01-07
Author discusses accountancy in its broader meaning and the basis of accountancy theory is proposed. He transforms the notion of sustainable future to sustainable society that has more telling meaning. A sustainable triangle is created for illustrating interwoven relationship among sustainable society, social responsibility, and informational system that encompasses also accountancy system. A sustainable pyramid is given to illustrate the position of well-being in relation to sustainable triangle. In this way a role of accountancy is emphasized as well.
Keywords: accountancy, social responsibility, sustainable future, sustainable society, valueadded, sustainable triangle.
[1]. Al-Adeem, K. Rasheed (2010). Accounting Theory:A Neglected Topic in Academic Accounting Research. Doctoral dissertation. Cleveland: Case Western Reserve University.
[2]. Baumȕller Josef, Schaffhauser-Linzatti Michaela-Maria (2018). In search of materiality for nonfinancial information-reporting requirementsof the Directive 2014/95/EU. (Retrieved: July, 2020).
[3]. Bergant, Živko (2014). Social responsibility and corporate solvency.International Scientific & Business Conference 2014. IRDO Maribor. (Retrieved: August, 2020).
[4]. Bergant, Živko (2017). Appropriate Consideration of Value Added Law as a Precondition of Social Responsibility. International science conference about social responsibility. IRDO Maribor. (Retrieved: February, 2020).
[5]. Bergant, Živko. Accounting, accountancy and social responsibility. International Scientific & Business Conference:Social Responsibility and Current Challenges 2020. IRDO Maribor. (Retrieved: August, 2020).

Paper Title :: The Impact of School Leadership on Students Academic Performance in Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) in Northern Ghana
Author Name :: Asamoah Boadi Eric || Tseer Tobias
Country :: Ghana
Page Number :: 08-17
The study set to investigate the impact of school leadership on students’ performance in BECE in Northern Ghana. Previous studies by Abonyi, 2017; Menon, 2011; Shortbridge, 2015 and Sulemana, 2015) established a linear relationship between school environment and students’ academic performance but the extent to which school leadership affects students’ performance in Northern Ghana had not been adequately explored. This study explored how leadership affects students’ academic performance in terms of the role of the head teacher in organising academic activities, ensuring effective teaching and learning as well as teachers’ well-being. The study employed a cross-sectional design involving 384 participants to gather both qualitative and quantitative data using questionnaires and interview guides. Descriptive analysis were done to determine the mean and standard deviation of the data. Inferential analysis were also done using ordinary square regression levels. The analysis revealed that head teachers employed various leadership styles such as transformational, transactional, servant-leadership styles as well as autocratic and dictatorial leadership styles. It further revealed that leadership styles affects students academic performance. Schools that perceived their teachers as being democratic and involving had their students performed better in the BECE than schools that perceived their head teachers as undemocratic and non-involving. It was recommended that the Ministry of Education might make leadership training a part of the training colleges’ curriculum. It was further recommended that the Ghana Education Service might organise regular leadership training seminars and workshops for its teachers so as to keep them abreast with various leadership styles
[1]. Aarons, G.A, Ehrhart, M.G., Farahnak, L.R., Sklar, M. & Horowitz, J, (2017). Discrepancies In Leader And Follower Ratings Of Transformational Leadership: Relationship With Organizational Culture In Mental Health. New Delhi, Zeinphan Ltd
[2]. Abonyi, U.K. (2017). Relationship Between Professional Development Of Head Teachers And Supervision Of Instruction In Ghanaian Basic Schools. British Journal Of Education5(1),11-26. Retrieved On 28 July 2019 At Www.Eajournals.Org
[3]. Abreh, M.K. (2017). Involvement Of School Management Committees In School-Based Management: Experiences From Two Districts Of Ghana. Educational Planning. 24(3). 61-75. Retrieved On 16th June 2019 At Https://Www.Researchgate.Net/Publication/319931196
[4]. Amuzu, S., Ankalibazuk, E & Abdulai, S. I. (2017). Low performance of pupils in BECE: A Case Study of Sagnarigu District in Northern Region, Ghana. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. 4(7). 4176-4184 Available at
[5]. Anderassen, T. M., Schatzel, E. A., Moneta, G. B., & Kramer, S. J. (2011). Leader Behaviors and The Work Environment for Creativity: Perceived Leader Support. The Leadership Quarterly, 15, 5–32.

Paper Title :: Developing Spanish Foundational Reading Skills with First-Grade Bilingual Students in a Title I South Texas Elementary School
Author Name :: Fernando Hernandez
Country :: United States
Page Number :: 18-25
Building early literacy skills through a balanced approach has been ranked the highest topic in What's Hot in Literacy Report[1]. This case study aimed to investigate literacy centers' implementation with first-grade bilingual students. The convenience sample consisted of four first grade bilingual classrooms with fifty-nine students from Title I elementary school in south Texas with 97.4% economically disadvantaged students. The researcher used aContextual Literacy Center Checklistto conduct observations once or twice a week for eleven weeks. The contextual elements consisted of teacher expectations, self-monitoring behaviors, materials and resources, social interactions, and physical design. Frequency codingwas determined for each of the contextual elements' domains [2].
Keywords: literacy centers, differentiated instruction, literacy instruction, bilingual student literacy development
[1]. International Literacy Association. (2020). What's hot in literacy 2020 report. Retrieved from documents/whatshotreport_2020_final.pdf
[2]. Namey, E., Guest, G., Thairu, L., & Johnson, L. (2007). Data reduction for large qualitative data sets. Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/kufh2013/Downloads/Data_reduction_techniques_for_large_qualitative_da.pdf
[3]. OECDPISA 2018 Results. Retrieved from
[4]. The nation's report card. (2019). NAEP Report Card: Reading. Retrieved from
[5]. Texas Education Agency. (2019). State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness Spanish: Summary Report Grade 3 Reading. Retrieved from

Paper Title :: Diagnostic for the design of a virtual educational assistant for visually impaired children
Author Name :: Erick Ibarra Cruz || Dulce María Flores Olvera
Country :: México
Page Number :: 26-33
This paper describes a guide for developing a prototype of an intelligent virtual assistant (IVA) to aid in the teaching-learning process of children that are visually disadvantaged. The recommendations put forth by experts that participated in the study give direction concerning the characteristics that should be considered in the design of the software agent so that it can interact with a visually disadvantaged user, taking into account her sensorial deficiencies and special education needs through a personalized IVA that functions as a virtual tutor. Currently, in the context of research and application of this technology, there is no software environment adapted to the needs of these students. With this study, we explore how artificial intelligence can be integrated into learning environments with blind and visually deficient elementary school students. This paper presents a general vision of ongoing work aimed at constructing a prototype of the IVA system.
Keywords: intelligent virtual assistant, artificial intelligence, visual deficiency, teaching-learning.
[1]. Budzinski O., Noskova V. & Zhang X. (2019). The brave new world of digital personal assistants: benefits and challenges from an economic perspective. NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking. 20 (3):1-18. DOI: 10.1007/s11066-019-09133-4.
[2]. Badaró, S., Ibañez, L., & Agüero, M. (2013). Sistemas expertos: fundamentos, metodologías y aplicaciones. Ciencia y tecnología, 13, 349-364. Doi:
[3]. Berlo, D. K. (1969). El proceso de la comunicación. Introducción a la teoría y a la práctica, 2ª Edición, El Ateneo, Buenos Aires.
[4]. Discovery Latinoamérica (2018). Inteligencia Artificial - IBM. Recuperado de:
[5]. Chung H. & Lee S. (2018). Intelligent Virtual Assistant knows Your Life. Recuperado de:

Paper Title :: The Effectiveness of Supportive Group Therapy in Reducing Anxiety of Bullying Victims at Smp X Yogyakarta Indonesia
Author Name :: Retno Rahayu || Siti Muthia Dinni
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 34-40
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of supportive group therapy to reduce students' anxiety at SMP X in Yogyakarta. The research subjects in this study were 6 people of 13-14-year-old junior high school students with moderate to high anxiety levels. Anxiety level was measured by using the DASS 42 scale (Depression Anxiety Stress Scale). The research used was experimental research with one group pre-test and post-test design. The data analysis used was the Wilcoxon technique with the help of the statistical program SPSS 16.0. The result shows that the Z value count = -2.214 with p = 0.027 (p <0.05) so that there is a significant decrease in anxiety before and after being given therapy. Thus, it can be concluded that supportive group therapy can be one of the interventions to reduce the anxiety of bullying victims.
Keywords: supportive group therapy, anxiety, students
[1]. APA, “Anxiety”, [Online], Available ; [Accessed : Jan 13, 2021].
[2]. Azmi. N, “Potensi Emosi Remaja dan Pengembangannya. Sosial Horizon,”Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial Vol. 2, No. 1, 2015.
[3]. Basha, E., Kaya, M., “Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS): The Study of Validity and Reliability”, Universal Journal of Educational Research 4 (12), 2701-2705, 2016.
[4]. Battaglia, Handbook of livestock management. New Jearsey : Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007
[5]. Brabender, V.A., Fallon, A.E., Smolar, A.I, Essential Of Group Therapy. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2004.

Paper Title :: What does “seeing one’s grow-up from his three-years-old, seeing the old from his seven-years-old” tell us
——Analysis of preschool education from the perspective of cultivation of craftsman’s psyches
Author Name :: LI Bing-quan || YANG Wei
Country :: China
Page Number :: 41-47
Although it is only a proverb that “seeing one’s grow-up from his three-years-old, seeing the old from his seven-years-old”, it shows the law of psychological development of people before the age of seven, and tells us vividly the importance of the development of people in preschool stage to the development of their whole life. “Seeing one’s grow-up from his three-years-old” means that from the psychological characteristics, behavior habits and personality characteristics of children at the age of three, we can see the development of psychological character and personality when they grow up. “Seeing the old from his seven-years-old” refers to that we can infer or predict one’s lifelong achievements and achievements as well as his basic personality from his psychological and behavioral characteristics formed and developed at the age of seven. Both of them emphasize the importance of psychological and behavioral competences formed and developed in the early stage. Because of this, we should pay attention to preschool education and take the cultivation of preschool children’s psychological and behavioral competences as the central task of preschool education.
Keywords: “seeing one’s grow-up from his three-years-old, seeing the old from his seven-years-old”; Craftsman’s Psyches; Preschool children; Preschool education; Psychological and behavior competences
[1]. ZHU Wenjun. The Bible of family education: “Seeing one‟s grow-up from his three-years-old, seeing the old from his seven-years-old”[M]. Yanbian: Yanbian University Press. 2012.
[2]. MMBANG. “This is the original meaning of “Seeing one‟s grow-up from his three-years-old, seeing the old from his seven-years-old”. Don't misunderstand it!”,Jul. 10, 2019. [Online]. Available:[Accessed: Jan. 25, 2021].
[3]. CHEN Jian. “Four kinds of bad personality tendencies should be intervened in time”. Women's life (modern parents), (09), 2011.
[4]. ZHIKANGZD. “Evidence of seeing one’s grow-up from his 3-year-old”, para. 15, Dec. 13, 2008. [Online].[EB/OL]. [2017-07-10] Available:[Accessed: Jan. 23, 2021].
[5]. NI Wei. “Pretend Play and Children Development: Views,Disputes and Prospects”[J]. Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition), (05),111-118, 2014.

Paper Title :: Francesco Soave et la question de I'Académie de Berlin (1771)
Author Name :: Cordula Neis
Country :: Germany
Page Number :: 48-59
Francesco Soave est l’une des figures marquantes de la philosophie et de la pédagogie italiennes du XVIIIe siècle. Il a participé à la question du prix de Berlin sur l’origine du langage, qui a été affichée pour l’année 1771. Cependant, depuis que Johann Gottfried Herder a remporté le prix, sa contribution a longtemps été peu remarquée, bien qu'il l’ait publiée en italien sous le titre Ricerche intorno all’istituzione naturale di una società e di una lingua (e all’influenza dell’una e dell’altra su le umani cognizioni), dans l’année 1770. En effet, son texte, qui a reçu un Accessit de l’Académie de Berlin, mérite de sortir de l’ombre de son éminent concurrent. Comme ses concurrents, il s'intéresse beaucoup aux implications anthropologiques et épistémologiques de la question du prix. On notera en particulier ses élaborations spécifiques sur la vie familiale à l’état primitif et sa critique générale de la philosophie sociale de Rousseau. Sa convention épistémologique, en revanche, est un peu plus conventionnelle et fortement orientée vers les hypothèses de Condillac. Remarquables sont ses remarques sur le«langage des bêtes », qui ont été en partie confirmées par les résultats de recherches plus récentes.
Keywords: Soave, origine du langage,question du prix de Berlin sur l’origine du langage, Rousseau, anthropologie, épistémologie, « langage des bêtes»
[1]. Aarsleff, Hans (1974): "The Tradition of Condillac: the Problem of the Origin of Language in the Eighteenth Century and the Debate in the Berlin Academy before Herder". Studies in the History of Linguistics. Traditions and Paradigms. Ed. by Dell H. Hymes. Bloomington/Ind.: Indiana University Press: 93-156.
[2]. Aitchison, Jean (1996): The seeds of speech. Language origin and evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[3]. Archiv der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften: Signaturen I-M-663 bis I-M-686 (Preisschriften 1771)
[4]. Archiv der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften:Mémoires pour le prix de la Classe spéculatives de 1771 (Signaturen I-VI-10, Teil I, Bl.l 9-22r).
[5]. Berkeley, George (1871): The Works of George Berkeley including many of his writings hitherto unpublished with prefaces, annotations, his life and letters, and an account of his philosophy by Alan Campbell Fraser. 4 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press.