
Volume 03 - Issue 06

Paper Title :: The Implementation of ‘My Lovely Fish’ Intervention to Increase Attendance among Students for Chronic Absenteeism from School
Author Name :: Archana Selvarajoo || SallehAmat
Country :: Malaysia
Page Number :: 01-11
School Truancy is the most prevalent and serious disciplinary problem in school. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the contributing factors to the problem of school truancy among elementary students and to increase their interest through the use of the „My Lovely Fish‟ method adapted through Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) to attend school without exception. The study participants consisted of ten students at an elementary school in Johor Bahru district. The research was carried out in three phases namely group counseling, application of the „My Lovely Fish‟ method, and granting rewards. Data is collected through observation, interview and document analysis methods. All data were analyzed using checklists, field notes, interview transcripts and student attendance records to answer the research questions. According to the theory of Behavior in studies where through the enforcement system, rewards and tasks can increase student‟s interest in bringing them to school without failure. The findings also show that the usage of the „My Lovely Fish‟ method can reduce the problem of school truancy among students. Thus, the role of the Guidance and Counseling Teacher can be expanded with new approaches to help students to grow physically, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually and also be socially balanced.
Keywords: School Truancy, „My Lovely Fish‟, granting rewards
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Paper Title :: Implementation of the Quran Tahfiduzl Program in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Muallimin Univa Medan
Author Name :: Candra Wijaya || dan Yusuf Hadijaya || Ummi Mawaddah
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 12-19
The discussion of this research consists of a literature review and object research. Literature study is intended to discuss the contents of research from various references that are related to the research title. While object research is intended to obtain a direct picture of the field as material to be described and to be verified. Based on observations, the implementation of the Tahfidzul Quran program in Madrasah TsanawiyahMuallimin Medan UNIVA is going well, it is apparent from the management functions that are carried out in accordance with and well managed by the manager namely the Madrasah Head such as planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring, evaluating. Overall the objectives of the Tahfidzul Quran program have been achieved, it is seen from the number of graduates who are able to achieve memorization targets. in this case the percentage of students' ability is able to achieve memorization targets above 75%, it is seen from graduates who are able to memorize 3 JuzAlquran. While students who are unable to reach the target of memorization will be given strict sanctions in the form of parents' calls or expelled from Madrasas. Nevertheless, the high enthusiasm of the public to enter Madrasah Muallimin UNIVA Medan so that it does not make Madrasas afraid of the lack of students, this is seen from the number of students who register to attend Madrasah which the number is increasing every year. Thus, this research aims to find out: 1) Planning the Tahfidzul Quran program, 2) Management of the Tahfidzul Quran program, 3) Implementation of the Tahfidzul Quran program, 4) Supervision of the Tahfidzul Quran program, 5) Assessment of the Tahfidzul Quran program, 6) Supporting and inhibiting factors the Tahfidzul Quran program. In this research, it is very much determined by the process of observation while in the field, so that the findings of the research will become a study and development of knowledge for researchers and other Madrasas / Schools as a pilot project.
Keywords: Planning, Organizing, Implementation, Supervision, Assessment
[1]. Daulay, Haidar Putra. Sejarah Pertumbuhan dan Pembeharuan Pendidikan Islam Di Indonesia. Jakarta: KencanaPrenada Media Grup. 2007.
[2]. Yunus, Mahmud. MeodikKhusus Pendidikan Agama. Jakarta: PT. Hidakarya Agung. 1997
[3]. Syafaruddin, Manajemen Lembaga Pendidikan Islam, Jakarta: Ciputat Press. 2005
[4]. Sukardi, Evaluasi Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan. Jakarta: BumiAksara. 2014.
[5]. Effendi, TaufikHamim. Jurus Jitu MenghafaAlquran. Jakarta: Tauhid Media Center. 2009.

Paper Title :: The Implementation of Islamic Religious Teacher Education Competency at Prima Mandiri Junior High School Percut Sei Tuan
Author Name :: Candra Wijaya, M.Pd || Wahyudin Nur Nasution || Yusnida Wati Hasibuan
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 20-24
The purpose of this study was to determine the pedagogical competence development program for Islamic Religious Education teachers, the implementation of fostering the improvement of pedagogical competence of Islamic Religious Education teachers, find out the barriers to improving teacher pedagogical competence in Islamic Religious Education, and the efforts made in overcoming barriers to improving pedagogical competence of Islamic Religious Education teachers at Junior High School Percut Sei Tuan. This research uses a phenomenological qualitative research method that is uncovering the problems that occur so as to find and understand what is hidden behind the problems that occur. The implementation of this phenomenological qualitative research aims to understand and interpret various existing problems. Data collection techniques by observation, interview and document review. Data analysis techniques with data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of this study are: (1) The program to improve the pedagogical competence of Islamic Religious Education teachers in Prima Mandiri Junior High School, Swimming Village, Percut Sei District, Deli Serdang District is to improve educational qualifications, equalization and certification, education and competency education, and education supervision. (2) The implementation of pedagogical competence training of Islamic Religious Education teachers in Prima Mandiri Junior High School, Swimming Village, Percut Sei District, Deli Serdang Regency is to determine the implementation objectives, competencies, and compile training materials. (3) Obstacles to the implementation of the pedagogical competence of Islamic Religious Education teachers, namely changes in teacher centered to student centered, spiritual morals, culture of reading and researching, assessment of attitudes, knowledge and skills, ability to use IT, and activeness in participating in the MGMP. (4) Efforts to overcome obstacles in fostering pedagogical competence of Islamic Religious Education teachers at Prima Mandiri Junior High School, Swimming Village, Percut Sei Tuan Sub-District, Deli Serdang District is to enable the implementation of lesson studies and workshops that discuss how to teach learning activities intended in the 2013 curriculum, activate inter-school meetings that has implemented the 2013 curriculum, and a mentoring program for target schools to help overcome various obstacles faced by schools or teachers in implementing it.
Keywords: Pedagogic Competence and Islamic Education Teachers
[1]. Abdillah (2010) Sekolah unggul dan pengendalian mutu pendidikan. Hijri: Jurnal Manajemen Kependidikan dan Keislaman, III (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1979-8075.
[2]. Hakim, Adnan, Contribution of Competence Teacher (Pedagogical, Personality, Professional Competence and Social) On the Performance of Learning, The International Journal Of Engineering and Science (IJES), Vol 2. No. 6, February. 2015.
[3]. Hamilton, Telu, Conceptual Framework Of Teachers’ Competence In Relation To Students’ Academic Achievement, International Journal of Networks and Systems. Vol. 2, No.3, April – May 2013
[4]. Lehmann, Meret, Teachers’ Competencies for the Implementation of Educational Offers in the Field of Education for Sustainable Development, Journal Internatiounal Sustainability Vol. 5, No. 11, Agustus 2013.
[5]. Usman, Moh. Uzer, (2010) Menjadi Guru Profesional, Jakarta : Rineka Cipta.

Paper Title :: Corona: New Contents and Chronologies
Author Name :: Prof. Dr. M. T. Jerrentrup
Country :: Germany
Page Number :: 25-31
For many people, the corona pandemic meant staying at home and cutting short on social contacts. What was left was the communication on social network services (SNS). However, as many people could not leave their homes, the typical content based on photography and videos had to change. By looking at randomly selected Instagram accounts, the article identifies various reactions to the crisis. Besides crisis-related postings, there was more focus on the individual, especially more close-cut self-portraits. Further, there was more focus on certain activities, among them creative work and yoga, which could be understood as a strategy to cope with the situation, yet, the posting of such photographs could be, at least in the case of yoga, counterproductive as the practice gets reduced to its visual aspect. Further, the chronology of the photographs was more discontinuous than before: People were sharing memories, but also used older pictures to create more variety, to show the synchrony of various identities, or to follow their stream of consciousness.
Keywords: Social Media, Instagram, Photography, Visual Studies, Corona, Crisis
[1]. Altmeyer, Martin (2016): Auf der Suche nach Resonanz. Wie sich das Seelenleben in der digitalen Moderne verändert. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck& Ruprecht.
[2]. Authenrieth, Ulla (2014): Die Bilderwelten der Social Network Sites. Bildzentrierte Darstellungsstrategien, Freundschaftskommunikation und Handlungsorientierungen von Jugendlichen auf Facebook und Co. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
[3]. Burtles, Jim 2007. A counselor‟s guide to the restabilization process. Ann Arbor: Baker & Taylor.
[4]. Christensen, Jorgen Riber, Julie Cecile Hansen, Frederik Holm Larsen andJesper Sig Nielsen (2015): From Snapshot to Snapchat. Panopticon or Synopticon?Akademiskkvarter/Academic Quarter, Vol. 11, 69-84.
[5]. Cohen, Jonathan und Aaron Meskin (2010): Photographs as Evidence. Photography and Philosophy: Essays on the Pencil of Nature, edited by Scott Walden. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 70-90.

Paper Title :: Application of Total Quality Services (TQS) in Course Institutions and Training Main Jaya Deli Serdang District
Author Name :: Mardianto || Inom Nasution || Umi Prastya Ningrum
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 32-36
The focus of this research is the Implementation of the Implementation of Total Quality Services starting from the process of planning, implementing, monitoring, and measuring achievement that refers to the quality assurance standards or BANPAUDPNF Accreditation. The study was conducted with a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The key informants of this research are active managers, instructors or educators and students, while data collection is done by interviewing, observing, and documenting. From the research results obtained that the Implementation of the Implementation of Total Quality Services starting from the process of planning, implementation, supervision, and measuring achievement that refers to the quality assurance standards or BANPAUDPNF Accreditation has been done well, in accordance with the guidelines or reference for quality assurance instruments of courses and training institutions, in accordance with the BANPAUDPNF Accreditation quality standard with Grade / Rating Achievement of B (Good). Recommendations for improving TQS in LKP. Utama Jaya, especially to improve supporting facilities and infrastructure services, namely the addition of toilet rooms, and the construction of parking spaces and the addition of instructors in teaching in class needs to be done, bearing in mind the increase in the number of students or students each year has doubled from the previous year. With the optimal implementation of TQS, it is hoped that it can satisfy the customer and increase the number of students who will also increase the welfare of the institution, Educators and Education Personnel.
Keywords: Total Quality Services, Training
[1]. Abdillah. (2012). Relevansi Kewibawaan dan Kewiyataan dengan Hasil Belajar Siswa. Nadwa: JurnalPendidikan Islam. Vol. 6. Isue.2 p. 289-316.
[2]. Directorate General of Courses and Training. (2010), Technical Accreditation Handbook of BANPAUDPNF LKP Accreditation, Jakarta.
[3]. Grace Olivia Simangunsong, Nina Widowati. (2017), Analysis of the quality of education services for inclusive schools in the city of Semarang (case study in SMP Negeri 5 Semarang),
[4]. Kotler, Philip. (2001), Marketing Management, New York: McGraw Hill.
[5]. Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation Number 32, 2013 concerning Amendment to Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2005, which covers 8 (eight) education standards.

Paper Title :: Ingraining goal orientation behavior among Malaysian adolescents using Solution-focused group work (SFGW)
Author Name :: Ratnadevi R. Shunmugam
Country :: Malaysia
Page Number :: 37-42
Setting goals can be reviewed as aspirations for future betterment especially among adolescents. Goal-setting processes involve aspects of future planning, principles, values, priorities, application of knowledge and decision making. This process varies according to individual needs and requires different approaches and guidance. Literature review prevailed that the essential ingredient of Solution-focused approach is setting goals. Solution-focused techniques found to be vital and crucial in assisting adolescents to set goals. Two objectives were drawn through literature reviews. Objective one is to determine the effectiveness of SFGW in increasing adolescent’s goal orientation behavior mean score between pre-test, post-test and follow-up test. And, the second objective is to compare the effects between SFGW intervention module (treatment group) and traditional module (control group) on goal orientation mean score for post-test and follow-up test. This is a true experimental with pre-test and post-test design using a Solution-focused module and administration of questionnaires for data collection. A total of 66 samples who met the inclusion requirement were assigned randomly to experimental (n = 32) and control (n = 34) groups using paired-matched design. The samples in the experimental group were given treatment using the SFGW intervention program for seven weeks. After the completion of the treatment, posttest and follow-up test were carried out and data was collected using Goal Orientation Scale. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, and one-way repeated measure ANOVA. The study discloses that SFGW does significantly affect the level of goal orientation behavior among Malaysian adolescents.
Keywords: adolescents, goal orientation behavior, solution-focused theory, goal setting
[1]. Abdullah, H., Ortega, A., Ahmad, N., Ghazali, S. (2015). aggressive and delinquent behavior among high risk youth in Malaysia. Asian Social Science. 11(16), 62-73.
[2]. Ates, B. (2016). Effect of solution-focused group counseling for high school students in order to struggle with school burnout. Journal of Education and Training Studi. 4(4), 27-34.
[3]. Busari, A. O. (2016). Solution focused social interest programme as treatment option. Journal of Mental Disorders Treatment. 2(2), 1-10.
[4]. Carroll, A., Gordon, K., Haynes, M & Houghton, S. (2013). Goal setting and self-efficacy among delinquent, at-risk and not at-risk adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 42(3), 431-443.
[5]. Guthrie, J. T., Klauda, S. L. & Ho, A. N. (2013). Modeling the relationships among modeling the relationships among reading motivation, reading motivation , engagement and achievement engagement and achievement for adolescents. Reading Research Quarterly. 48(1), 9–26.

Paper Title :: Understanding Languague through Literature: An Integrated Study
Author Name :: Dr. Preeti Bala
Country :: India
Page Number :: 43-45
When we use language in general, it refers to the cognitive faculty which enables us to learn and use systems of complex communication. There are plenty of definitions of language and literature, but in order to simplify we can say that Language is the most precious possession of human race. It is a medium of communication. On the other hand, Literature is the most creative and imaginative use of language which finds its expression with the help of language. Both are not the same but can be linked together as interrelated concepts. „Language‟ and „literature‟ are words which are most commonly used by the people around the world. Language and literature are used not only in literary works but also in almost all other subjects of studies. Being an art literature expresses life in forms of truth and beauty which is expressed through the medium of language. But very few people know the real meaning of language and literature in a broader sense. In our general conversation we generally take language and literature as a same thing. This paper is an attempt to present language and literature as an intergrated study and shows how we learn language with the help of literature.
Keywords: Literature, Language, Integrated, possession, Communication.
[1]. Acroyd, Peter, (2005) The Romantics, BBC TV series
[2]. Carroli, Piera,(2008) Literature in Second Language Education, Enhancing the Role of Texts in Learning, Continuum International Publishing
[3]. Group, London & New York
[4]. Dewey, John (2000) Liberalism and social action, Prometheus Books, NY
[5]. Greenblatt, Stephen, gen. ed. (2011) The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 9th ed. Vol. A. New York

Paper Title :: Dancing Preparation of Stage and Circus Artists
Author Name :: Drach Tamara Leonidivna
Country :: Ukraine
Page Number :: 46-48
The article is dedicated to the question of the specific way of choreography preparation of the stage and circus artists. Due to special needs of these artists, their development should be directed to the improvement of performing skills and preparation to the participation in spectacular shows, development of masterly technique which thrills the audience who come to the performance of the stage artists and circus shows.
The purpose of the article is to research the methods of teaching choreography for stage and circus artists. For realising this purpose we had such tasks:
1. to analyse earlier published works, concerning dancing preparation of the circus artists.
2. to study the programme of the preparation of the stage and circus artists of Kyiv Academy of Stage and Circus Artists.
3. to make a critical analysis of the artistic activity of the Ukrainian circus artists, who used dancing elements in their performances.
Research methodology: During our research we have applied the analysis of literature, pedagogical experiment and art criticism of modern circus and stage performances.
Results: Due to the research we have analysed the literature concerning the question of dance preparation ofthe stage and circus artists. We considered the question of importance choreographic preparation of the future artists during their education in the professional colleges, we have researched the experience of Ukrainian artists, who use choreography in their performances. Dancing preparation of the artists plays an important role in their future career. Due to the research we have analysed earlier published works, which are related to the dancing preparation of the circus artists and we have studied the programme of preparation of the stage and circus artists of different jenres of Kyiv Academy of Stage and Circus Artists.
Novelty: The author has made an attempt to analyse the preparation programme of circus and stage artists. The author reccomends to use modern-dance training for preparation of the circus and stage artists.
The practical significance: Due to this research we have made a conclussion that programme of preparation of circus and stage artists should include all styles of choreography, and especially modern-dance. So, we need to provide such a preparation for pupils who wish to enter the Kyiv Academy of Stage and Circus Artists.
Keywords: modern-dance, circus art, stage art, methods of teaching, Ukrainian artists.
[1]. Abdokov U.B. (2009) Musikalnajapoetikahoreographyi: Plasticheskajainterpretacijamusykivchoreographicheskomiskustve. Vsgliadkompositora. [Musical poetic of dance: Plastic interpretation of music in dancing art: Composer's point of view.] Moscow.: MGAH.[In Russian]
[2]. Vogner R. (1978) Proizvedenije iskustva buduscheva. Izbrannie roboty. [Works of future art]. Moscow.: Art [in Russian]
[3]. Kovalska I. (2007) Ot operetty k musiklu: k voprosu ob istoricheskoy logike musikalnoy komedii. [From operetta to musical: the question of historical development of musical ccomedy.] Musical art and culture: Scientific journal, 8(2), 136-148.[in Ukrainian]
[4]. Kasjanova O. (2015) Pidgotovka rejisera-horeographa v realijah siododennja. [The preparation of the director-choreographer in today's reality]. Kyiv musical art. 54-60 [In Ukrainian]
[5]. Kurisheva T.(2012) Muzika…Ludi…Teatr..[ Music…People…Theater..]Collection of articles.Moscow.:Moscow conservatory.[in Russian]

Paper Title :: Secondary School Teachers’ Perceptions on Applicability of Communication Skills Course in Their Workplace: The Case of Four Secondary Schools in Morogoro, Tanzania
Author Name :: Bazili Evarist Bamuhiga || Peter Rabson Mziray
Country :: Tanzania
Page Number :: 49-56
This paper presents findings of the study that was carried out to examine secondary school teachers’ perceptions on applicability of communication skills course in their workplace. The study used a total of 40 secondary school teachers and employed a case study research design. An in-depth interview was conducted to solicit detailed information from respondents and collected data were coded and thematically analysed. The study has revealed that communication skills knowledge is applicable in teachers’ workplace for different situations such as in school meetings, in different forms of writing, in communicating with core-workers and other people in general, in giving directives to students etc. The study recommends that universities should continue offering the course but need to modify on the methods of delivery, time for studying the course and align the course with students’ career so that they can see the need of paying more attention when learning the course.
Keywords: Communication, Communication Skills Course, Workplace
[1]. M.H. Amiruddin, M.H. Mohd, F.A. Yunus, & M.B. Rahim, “Application of Communication Skills (CS) Among Lecturer on Vocational Teaching and Learning in Vocational College Zone Johor, Malaysia”, International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training, 1(14), pp. 55-61, 2015.
[2]. R. Bowater & K. Yeoman, Science communication: A practical Guide for Scientist. Willey-Blackwell, Hoboken, 2012.
[3]. L. Cohen, L. Manion, & K. Morrison, Research Methods in Education, Routledge, London, 2007.
[4]. S. Dench, S. Perryman, & L. Giles, Employers’ Perceptions of Key Skills, The Institute for Employment Studies, Brighton, 1998.
[5]. M.B. Guffey, & R. Almonte, Essentials of Business communication, Nelson Education Ltd, Toronto, 2009.