
Volume 03 - Issue 05

Author Name :: Md. Sabirunnisa Gouse || T. Sunandha Tulasi
Country :: India
Page Number :: 01-03
The diasporic Indian English fiction is a significant genre depicting the experiences and outlook of Indian diaspora in a broad sense. It makes room for the discussions in relation to Indian immigrants and offers emotional security to that specific diaspora. Being the representatives of the Indian diaspora, Jhumpa Lahiri addresses the readers of Indian English literature in an insightful, self-effacing style while carrying a sense of the universal experience of immigration. The supposed complexities and uncertainties as a result of the tensions between localities and spatio- temporal dualities is important theme of the diasporic discourse. Already in its inevitable concern with the idea of homeland, the concept of diaspora has also been extended to refer to the mixed or hyphenated identities of persons or ethnic communities and of texts that express and explore this condition, sometimes by employing mixed written and visual discourse.
[1]. Bala, Suman, editor. The Fiction of Jhumpa Lahiri- A Critical Response. Khosla Publishing House, 2014.
[2]. Begum, Najma. “Diasporic Writing of Jhumpha Lahari with special reference to Interpreter of Maladies.” Journal of English Language and Literature, vol. 4, no. 1, 2016, pp. 82-84.
[3]. Choudhury, Buddhadeb Roy. “Metaphor of Pain in Interpreter of Maladies.” Jhumpa Lahiri: Critical Perspectives, edited by Nigamananda Das, Pencraft International, 2012, pp. 82-94.
[4]. Das, Nigamananda, editor. Dynamics of Culture and Diaspora in Jhumpa Lahiri. Adhyayan Publishers and Distributors, 2010.
[5]. Das, Nigamananda, editor. Jhumpa Lahiri: Critical Perspectives Pencraft International, 2008.

Paper Title :: Humans vs Non-humans in Lockdown
Author Name :: Waheeda Bi Khan
Country :: India
Page Number :: 04-08

Paper Title :: Strategies of health production at work and facing violence
Author Name :: Emerson Moraes Teixeira || Flavio Maldonado Bentes
Country :: Brazil
Page Number :: 09-14
In view of the countless contradictions present in the world of work and its deleterious effects on workers' health, we are often led to believe that in the daily lives of companies we must passively accept these effects. The losses experienced by workers point to the existence of violence at work. This article focuses on the construction of strategies to confront violence by expanding the worker's action in the development of the activity. In this way we recognize the importance of work for human life and we emphasize its possibilities to function as one who also operates health.
Keywords: health at work; coping strategy; violence at work.
[1] R. Antunes. “The meanings of work: essays on the affirmation and denial of work”. 2 ed. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2009.
[2] R. Antunes. “The privilege of serfdom: the new service proletariat in the digital age”. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2018.
[3] M. E. B. Barros, S. P. Oliveira. “Building forms of co-management of teaching work: expanded research communities as a privileged strategy”. In: 27ª Reunião Anual da ANPED, 2004, Caxambu. Anais. Caxambu: ANPED, 2004.
[4] Brasil. Lei 8213. Provides for social security benefit plans and other measures. 1991.
[5] G. Canguilhem. The normal and the pathological. Rio de Janeiro: Forense Universitária, 6 ed., 2009.

Paper Title :: Studying Freud’s Notion of Repressed Mind and It’s Portrayal in Fazil’s Manichitrathazhu
Author Name :: Fidha Nazlin P.K
Country :: India
Page Number :: 15-17
Human mind is a complex entity. It is not just a domicile of emotions, but also contains innumerable images and codes as well. Psychoanalysts such as Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan classified the mind into distinctive segments. Freud named it as Conscious, Sub-conscious and Unconscious. Besides, these Sigmund Freud, the Austrian psychoanalyst also formed a state of mind which he named as repression. He described the state of repression as Verdrangung, in German which means pushing away or casting aside. He called the theory of repression as the corner stone of psychoanalysis. According to him, the memories which an individual finds traumatic or painful and at times guilty and shameful are prevented from entering the conscious mind, or they are repressed. Repression is an unconscious act, accomplished by the „ego‟ unlike suppression which is a deliberate one. Freud states that, the memories which are repressed for a long time gradually transform into neurotic symptoms, the expression of which will be considered as illogical and psychologically improper by the society. Fazil‟s magnum opus, „Manichitrathazhu‟ can be considered as an exploration of Freud‟s theory of repression. The character of Ganga and her past is the key to understand her transformation into Nagavalli. Upon a detailed analysis, one can understand that it is not just a case of expressing empathy but that of a repressed mind. The film thus proves to be an effective guide in studying Freud‟s theory of repression.
[1]. Freud, Sigmund. Studies on Hysteria.
[2]. Michael, Billing. Freudian Repression: Conversation Creating the Unconscious.,Cambridge University Press, 1999
[3]. “Quote by Sigmund Freud.” Goodreads,
[4]. Spenser, McDonald Henry. “The Pyschology of Repressed Emotions (The Revolt Series).” JSTOR, 6 Mar.1918

Paper Title :: Teacher’s Reflection on the Development Procedure of Instructional Material Following the ADDIE Model
Author Name :: Lilik Chalifah || Ibut Priono Leksono || Hari Karyono
Country :: Indonesi
Page Number :: 18-22
Development procedure is a systematic process that helps in creating and developing effective, appealing, and efficient instructional materials within a supportive environment using art, science, learning, and instructional theory. As a teacher, they have to understand the procedure in developing instructional material. The current study investigated teachers’ reflection toward the development procedure of instructional material using the ADDIE model. The participant is a teacher in project model of senior high school in East java Indonesia. Under qualitative case study, the current study using questionnaire and interview to gain the data. The data analyzed using content-theme analysis and presented in the form of table and description. The result revealed that there were 5 (five ) steps in developing material that has to be done following the ADDIE model: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. All the steps has to be done accordingly to produce the best material development for the students.
Keywords: ADDIE model, development procedure, instructional material, teachers’ reflection
[1]. Awiotua-Efebo E. B (1995). Effective teaching; principles and practice. Harcourt: Heinemann publishers
[2]. Olaitan S.O. & Aguisiobo ON (1994). Teaching of clothing and Textile. New York John Wiley and Sons Publishers.
[3]. Omabe, C.C. (2006). Instructional materials for social studies education in Nigeria. Abakaliki: Willy Rose and Apple seed publishers
[4]. Esu, A.E.O., Enukoha, O.I.T., & Umorem, G. U. (2004). Curriculum development in Nigeria for colleges and universities. Owerri: Whyte and Whyte Publishers
[5]. Tomlinson, B. 2001. Materials Development. In Carter, R. and Nunan, D. (Eds.), The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Paper Title :: The Contribution of School Committee Effectiveness to Managerial Skills of Junior High School Principal in Tanjungbalai City
Author Name :: Dr. Mesiono. S.Ag. M.Pd
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 23-28
“The research aims to know and find out the contribution of committee school affectivity toward ability managerial of school principals at SMP Kota Tanjungbalai. There are three hypothesis proposed in this research, there is a significant contribution between Committee School Affectivity toward ability managerial of School Principals at SMP Kota Tanjungbalai. The population of this research is all of of School Principals at SMP Kota Tanjungbalai for 20 peoples. The samples of this research is 20 peoples and is taken by using saturated samples. The instrument of research is questionnaires for variable Committee School affectivity and variable of School Principals at SMP Kota Tanjungbalai. To test the content validity, and then the questionnaire was try out for 15 respondent out The research sampling. Variable Committee School affectivity, there are 25 points, which is valid and 22 point is valid and 3 points is invalid and verified and variable ability managerial of School Principals at SMP Kota Tanjungbalai there are 25 points, 22 points is valid and 3 points is invalid and verified. analysis of drill is conducted, while the reliability of instrument is analyzed by Alpha Cronbach with the reliability high level. The result of data analysis indicated that Committee School affectivity significant contribution with ability managerial of School Principals at SMP Kota Tanjungbalai is 38,2%. the higher implementation of Committee School affectivity the higher ability managerial of School Principals at SMP Kota Tanjungbalai.
Keywords: School Committee, Managerial, Principal of Middle School
[1]. Arikuntro, Suharsimi, 1999. Prosedur Penelitian, Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, Jakarta : Bina Aksara.
[2]. Amstrong, M. 1994. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Terj. Sofyan Cikmat dan Haryanto, Jakarta : Elex Media Komputindo.
[3]. Departemen, PendidikandanKebudayaan, 1994. KamusBesarBahasa Indonesia, Jakarta: BalaiPustaka.
[4]. DewanRisetNasional, 1993. Program UtamaNasionalRisetdanTeknologidalam Pembangunan Lima Tahun VI,Jakarta : DRN.
[5]. Devung, G. Simon, 1988. PengantarIlmuAdministrasidanManajemen, Jakarta : P2LPTK.

Paper Title :: Theology, Environment and Education for Peace
Author Name :: Luís Fernando Lopes || Thereza Cristina de Suoza Lima
Country :: Brazil
Page Number :: 36-41
This article aims to reflect on the relationship among Theology, Environment and Education for the Peace, considering, mainly, the fundamentals presented in the Encyclical Laudato Si of the Holy Father Pope Francis, published on May 24th, 2015.To achieve this objective, we started from some initial considerations on the relationship between Theology and Environment, including some reflection on ecological education and spirituality, to finally address the relationship Theology, Environment and Education for Peace. The fields of reflection and consequently of action of the theologian are expanding more and more today. In this sense, the relationship between Theology, Environment and Education for Peace has been gaining fundamental importance, since life in our common home demands education, care and respect. As Pope Francis points out, we are corporately constituted of the elements of our planet. We hope that the reflections presented in this essay may contribute to an awakening of the importance of caring for our common home, our Mother Earth, as well as for research in the theological field today.
[1]. BENTO XVI, Carta enc. Caritas in veritate(29 de Junho de 2009). Disponível em: Acesso em: 15/04/2020.
[2]. FRANCISCO, PAPA. Carta Encíclica Laudato si do Santo Padre Francisco sobre o cuidado da casa comum. Disponível em: [3]. FRIDLIN, JAIRO. Torá: a lei de Moisés. São Paulo: Editora Sêfer.2017.
[4]. JOÃO PAULO II, Carta enc. Sollicitudo rei socialis (30 de Dezembro de 1987), 34: AAS 80 (1988), 559. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11/02/2020.
[5]. PAULO VI, Carta ap. Octogesimaadveniens (14 de Maio de 1971), 21: AAS 63 (1971), 416-417. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11/02/2020.

Paper Title :: Negation, An Optional Transformation in Syntax
Author Name :: Khawater Fahad A. Alshalan
Country :: Saudi Arabia
Page Number :: 42-47
The following construction fits nicely with the analysis of wh and yes-no questions. The analysis that emerges has many of the characteristics of the analysis of questions. This construction involves negation: a.Jack (did not) buy the apples.
[1]. Akmajian, A. and Heny(1975). An Introduction to the Principles of Transformational Syntax, Cambridge: Hass. Press
[2]. Culicover, P. W. (1982). Syntax (2nd ed.). New York: Academic Press.
[3]. Klima, E. (1964). Negation in English In: Fodor, J. A & J. J. Katz (eds.). The Structure of Language: Readings in the Philosophy of Language. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 246-323.

Paper Title :: The Influence of Group Guidance on the Behavior of Truant Students in Mal Uin North Sumatera
Author Name :: Khairuddin Tambusai
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 48-55
This research is an effort to overcome the truant behavior of students with group guidance services. This study aims to determine the effect of group guidance on the truant behavior of MAL UIN students in North Sumatra.As the subject of this study were students of MAL UIN North Sumatra. This research instrument used a questionnaire consisting of 20 items about the effect of group guidance on student truant behavior, with the whole questionnaire already validated according to the characteristics of the research instrument (questionnaire) and the 38 questionnaires had been tested for validity and reliability. The data analysis technique used is the hypothesis test and linearity test using the Product Moment formula.Based on data analysis, there is an influence of group guiding to overcome the truant behavior of North Sumatra UIN MAL students. the conclusion is proved by the results of the calculation of the hypothesis showing that the r count is greater than r table i0.814 ≥ 0.219) which is acceptable at a significant level of 5%. This shows that the hypothesis established by the researcher has been verified.
Keywords: Group Guidance, Truant Behavior.
[1]. M,Luddin Abu Bakar, (2012), Konseling Individual dan Kelompok,(Aplikasidalampraktekkonseling), Bandung: Citapustaka Media Perintis
[2]. M.Luddin Abu Bakar, (2016), psikologi dan konselingkeluarga, Binjai: DifaGrafika
[3]. Arnita, (2013), PengantarStatistika, Bandung: CitaPustaka Media Perintis
[4]. WalgitoBimo, (2010) Bimbingan + Konseling (Studi dan Karier), Yogyakarta : Andi
[5]. Depertemen RI, Al–Qur’an dan Terjemahan Cordova, (2012), Bandung: Syaamil Qur’an

Paper Title :: Quality Management in Improving Teacher's Professional Competence in Man 2 Medan Model
Author Name :: Nurika Khalila Daulay || Rusydi Ananda || Haris Alfuadi
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 56-61
This study aims to determine the professional competence of teachers, find out the implementation of teacher quality management, and find efforts in improving teacher professional competence in MAN 2 Model Medan. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study that is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of words written or spoken from the people and actors observed, directed from an individual's background as a whole (holistic) without isolating the individual and his organization in a variable but looking at it as part of a wholeness. Qualitative research design by reading various written information, pictures, thinking and seeing objects and activities of people around them by conducting interviews and so on. This study uses qualitative techniques in data collection. In general, in qualitative research, researchers use data collection techniques through interviews, observations, and document studies. The results showed: (1) that the MAN 2 Model Medan Madrasah teachers were professional teachers. Teacher professionalism correlates with the quality of educational products. Professional teachers make education or a quality learning process, so students are happy to participate in the learning process, so that human resources are produced from quality madrasa graduates, (2) generally the teachers at MAN 2 Model Medan apply various models of learning both learning cooperative and technology-based learning, (3) that there are two learning strategies that are always carried out by teachers in implementing the learning and teaching process, namely cooperative learning and technology-based learning, (4) the number of teachers in MAN 2 Field model has been certified and has career path is higher. This can be seen from the large number of teachers who have undertaken higher education, namely Masters. (5) improving the quality management function in madrasas in their leadership, the processes of quality management itself are carried out, namely: Planning, organizing, Scoping, and supervision
Keywords: competence, professional, teacher, qualitative, cooperative learning, technology, quality management.
[1]. Abdillah and A. Sulaiman. (2019). The contribution of work motivation andCommunication toward teachers’Performance at Muhammadiyah 02 Tanjung sari medan. Managere: Indonesian Journal of Educational Management.Vol. 01 No. 01, p. 99-111.
[2]. AsrorunNi'am, (2006). Reorientasi Pendidikan Islam. Jakarta: Alba.
[3]. Bafadal, I. Imron, A. (2004). ManajemenPeningkatanMutuBerbasisSekolah. Malang: Kerjasama FIP UM dan Ditjen-Dikdasmen.
[4]. Garvin, David di dalamNasution, S. (2005). Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan Berbasis Sekolah. Jakarta ; Depdikbud
[5]. Kreitner, R. (1989). Management . Boston : Houghton Mifflin Company.

Paper Title :: Assessing the Quality of Classical Counseling textbook for Vocational School Students
Author Name :: Nur Hayati || Ibut Priono Leksono || Hari Karyono
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 62-66
The current research aimed to describethe quality of the classical counseling textbook assessed by some expert viewed from its content, design, media and trial result. Thecurrent study usedqualitative case study. The instrument used to collect data was questionnaire and interview. The participants involved were some expert consisted of content, design, and media expert. Meanwhile textbook trial was done to know its feasibility for the students. The result of the content expert‘s validation was falling into agreement category, instructionaldesignexpert‘svalidationwasagreement,theinstructionalmediaexpertwas agreement. The average of students’ questionaire were falling into goodcategory.
Keywords: Assessment, classical counseling, textbook, validation, vocational.
[1]. Ajowi, J. O., & Simatwa, E. M. (2010). The role of guidance and counseling in promoting student discipline in secondary schools in Kenya: A case study of Kisumu district. Educational Research and Reviews; 5 (5): 263-272.
[2]. Burks, H. M. & Stefflre, B. (1979). Theories of counselling. New York: McGraw-Hill.
[3]. Gitonga, M. (2007) How to read client messages by students? Teachers’ Image; 14: 4.
[4]. Kinra, A. K. (2008). Guidance and counselling. Pearson Education India,.
[5]. Makinde, O. (1984). Foundations of Guidance and Counselling. London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd,.

Paper Title :: Social Studies in the Nigeria School Curriculum: A Case of Unmet Expectations?
Author Name :: Professor Mkpa Agu Mkpa
Country :: Nigeria
Page Number :: 67-74
When we say that educationis the most potent instrument for societal transformation, the concept of education implies the effective utilization of the various school subject taught in our schools of which social studies is one.
[1]. Alberta, L (2000) Social Studies Retrieved from https://www/
[2]. Awhen, O.F, Edinyang S.D and Ipuole, O.D (2014) Introduction of Social Studies Education in Nigerian Schools: A success or failure? International Journal of Education and Research (2): 4, 143 -150
[3]. Bennett, C (2018)6 Skills Students need to succeed in social studies classes. Resources for Educators. Retrieved from
[4]. Edinyang, S.D and Ubi, 1.6 (2013) Gender, Socio-economic status, teacher qualification and their interaction on students retention ability in social studies in Akwa-IbomState, Nigeria. International Knowledge Sharing Platform 2 pp. 35-40
[5]. Englund, T. (2006) Deliberative communication: A pragmatist proposal. Journal of Curriculum Studies 6 (38), 503-520

Paper Title :: Character Education in the Family (Case Study of Parents of Al-Fithriah Elementary School Medan)
Author Name :: Salim || Putri Nurhayati Lubis
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 75-80
This study aims to determine character education in the families of Medan Al-Fithriah Elementary School students, with research focus (1) Character education values instilled in families of students of Al-Fithriah Elementary School Medan (2) Methods of planting family character values in students of Al-Fithriah Elementary School Medan. This research is a qualitative research with case study research type. Data analysis techniques include reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. Data collection is observation, interview, and documentation. The technique of checking the validity of the data uses a test of credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. Research informants are parents, homeroom teachers, religion teachers, and students. The results of the study indicate that (1) the character values instilled by parents of Al-Fithriah Elementary School in Medan are included in 18 national character values, namely: Religious, independent, responsibility, environmental care, social care, honesty, discipline, love reading (2) The method of character planting which is instilled by parents of Al-Fithriah Elementary School students in Medan are exemplary, habituation, advice, punishment.
Keywords: Education, Character, Family
[1]. Abdillah. Relevans iKewibawaan dan Kewiyataandenganhasilbelajarsiswa. Nadwa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 6 (2). pp. 363-390. ISSN 1979-1739. 2012.
[2]. Abdillah. Hakikat Pendidik dalam Pendidikan Islam. Jurnal Pakem Vol. V No 1, 2013.
[3]. Abdullah, Majid. Pendidikan Karakter Persfektif Islam. Bandung: Rosda Karya. 1998.
[4]. Adhim, Mohammad Fauzil. 2012. Kado Per- nikahan untuk Istriku. Yogyakarta: Mitra Pustaka. 2012
[5]. Al- Tridhonanto . Membangun Karakter Sejak Dini. Jakarta: Elex Media Komputindo. 2012

Paper Title :: A way to do research in Mathematics Education as an Archeogenealogy: Report, challenge and opportunities wearing the lens of a Discourse Analysis
Author Name :: PhD Luiz Carlos Leal Junior || PhD Lourdes de la Rosa Onuchic
Country :: Brazil
Page Number :: 81-94
This paper deals with a proposal to do research in Mathematics Education field. It refers to a way of researching that may be constituted in the doing of a movement, thinking, event, problematization, inquiry practice and not a priori. It can be labeled (unintendedly) as a theoretical-bibliographic work that emerged from a doctoral dissertation based on the Michel Foucault's Philosophy and on Post-structuralism talking about Problem Solving and Philosophy of Mathematics Education fields. Although it is difficult to speak about methodology in this philosophical field, the Archeogenealogy arose bore on in the way of the Archeology, Genealogy and the Ethic (Care of Self) worked by Foucault. Archeogenealogy has been taking up place in the academic landscape of Mathematics Education in a slow but very consistent way with the demands of a qualitative research befalling on subjectivist processes. It is a way of operating and engendering concepts and ways related to a Discourse Analysis, as it has been done in the researches of some research group in Brazil related to Problem Solving, Mathematics, Education, subjectivity and its broad practice, besides running them.
Keywords: Mathematics Education. Archeogenealogy. Post-Structuralism. Michel Foucault. Discourse Analysis.
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