
Volume 03 - Issue 04

Paper Title :: Correlation between domestic violence and suicidal thoughts and behaviors in adolescents
Author Name :: Valbona UKA
Country :: Kosovo
Page Number :: 01-03
Suicides in Kosovo have been present even in the pre-war years, but this phenomenon of suicide in our country has gained a lot of momentum especially in the post-war years. This reality is also shown by the latest statistics presented by the respective Institutions which provide a detailed overview of suicide attempts and suicides in the recent years.
The basic idea of this empirical research is to obtain source information from respondents who have experienced or are experiencing domestic violence, or are witnessing domestic violence, and the likelihood of suicidal thoughts and behaviors that adolescents may encounter. The purpose of this study is to determine if adolescents experiencing domestic violence are more prone to be attacked by suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
The sample of this research included 200 adolescents in 10th and 11th grades, aged 15, 16, 17 and 18, belonging to three high schools in Pristine. The measuring instruments used with adolescent students are standardized and they are; Qualitative Domestic Violence Questionnaire and Suicidal thoughts and behaviors questionnaire. SPSS software was used for data analysis. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used. The Cranach’s alpha reliability test for the DoAdolescents reported that 55% of them experienced domestic violence, while 23% of them were present when the violence was committed and 27% of them were neither present nor a victim of domestic violence. Adolescents reported having a psychological problem during their involvement in violence. The results through correlation analysis have shown that there is a close relationship between domestic violence and the expression of suicidal thoughts and behaviors of young Kosovars. Domestic violence reported by adolescents was statistically significant in relation to suicidal thoughts and behavior.
On the basis of the research we conclude: that exposure to violence and violence perpetrated against adolescents in the home can cause suicidal thoughts and behaviors in adolescents.
In particular, this study makes recommendations for setting up specific prevention programs for the prevention of domestic violence and suicide prevention.
Keywords: correlation, adolescent, domestic violence, suicidal thoughts and behavior.
[1]. American Psychiatric Association,(2018).Diagnostic and statistical manual of Mental Disorders –DSM-V Washington. DC: Author.
[2]. Arenliu, A.(2014).Suicide Ideation and Behavioral of Kosovo adolescents: Effect of Negative live events, happiness, coping mechanisms and self-esteem. Istanbul: Turkey Proceedings of INTCESS14- International Conference on Education and Social Sciences.
[3]. Brown, J.H.& Beck, A.(2015).Suicide intent and accurate expectations of lethality. Predictors of medical lethality of suicide attempts.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. New York: Guilford Publications.
[4]. Berman, A.& Silverman. A.(2006). Adolescent Suicide: Assessment and Intervention. New York: Guilford Publications.
[5]. Brown,G.&. Beck. J.(2015).Cognitive Therapy for the Prevention of Suicide Attempts Randomized Controlled. Trial: Jam.

Paper Title :: The experience of using the Kahoot!
With students who are starting to program
Author Name :: Irene Hernández Ruiz || Kerly Gómez Toaza
Country :: Costa Rica
Page Number :: 04-08
This work introduces the Kahoot! tool, applied in the first year of the Information Engineering Systems career at the Universidad Nacional. In which the way the tool was used, the activities developed with it and the perception obtained by the students when using it are disclosed.
Keywords: Active Learning, Gamification, Kahoot!
[1]. Baldonado, M., Chang, C.-C.K., Gravano, L., Paepcke, A.(1998). The Stanford Digital Library Metadata Architecture. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Web Information System and Technologies (WEBIST 2007), 108–121-
[2]. Bonwell, C., Eison, J. A. (1991). Active learning: creating excitement in the classroom”, asheeric higher education report nº 1, George Washingtonuniversity, school of education and human development, Washington.
[3]. Bergmann, J. (2012). Flip your classroom: Reach every student in every class every day. International Society for Technology in Education.
[4]. Rodríguez-Fernández, L. (2017). Smartphones y aprendizaje: el uso de Kahoot en el aula universitaria. Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación, 8(1), 181–189.
[5]. Ismail, M. A.-A., & Mohammad, J. A.-M. (2017). Kahoot: A Promising Tool for Formative Assessment in Medical Education. Education in Medicine Journal, 9(2), 19–26.

Paper Title :: Constraints in Using Regional School Operational Assistance Funds at the Vocational High School in East Kalimantan (Study in SMK Negeri 8 Samarinda)
Author Name :: Erna Rawaty Sinaga || Afif Ruchaemi || Mursalim
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 09-18
This study focused on the constraint in using regional school operational assistance funds at vocational high schools in East Kalimantan. The sub-focus of the research is the management of the allocation of regional school operational assistance funds to fulfill eight national education standards and include procedures for acceptance of use and reporting in vocational high schools in East Kalimantan. This research used CIPP (Context, Input, Process, and Product). This research was conducted at SMK (Vocational High School) 8 Samarinda. The research findings were related to the management and the implementation of regional school operational assistance funds for eight national education standards. Based on the research findings inSMK 8 Samarinda, the management and implementation of regional school operational assistance funds were proper. However, the application was still constrained by the number of funds and policies applied in using regional school operational assistance funds.
Keywords: Constraints in using funds, regional school operational assistance funds
[1] F. Vavrus and G. Moshi, “The cost of a „free‟ primary education in Tanzania,” Int. Crit. Child. Policy Stud., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 31–42, 2009.
[2] D. P. Kaltim, “Laporan Dapodik BOSDA SMK Negeri Kota Samarinda tahun 2017,” Samarinda, 2017.
[3] J. A. Orodho, “Policies On Free Primary And Secondary Education In East Africa: Are Kenya And Tanzania On Course To Attain Education For All (Efa) Goals By 2015?,” IOSR J. Humanit. Soc. Sci., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 11–20, 2014.
[4] D. Supriyadi, “The Policy Implementation Of Utilization Operational Aid To School Program Fund (BOS) in Indonesia,” J. Educ. Adm. Res. Rev., vol. 01, no. 1, pp. 25–30, 2017.
[5] F. Fatra and E. Harapan, “Implementasi Prinsip Dan Prosedur Pengelolaan Keuangan Sekolah Di Sma Muhammadiyah 1 Palembang,” J. Manajemen, Kepemimpinan, dan Supervisi Pendidik., vol. 2, no. 1, p. 230901, 2017.

Paper Title :: Relato De Experiencias - O Desenvolvimento De Tecnologias Inclusivas Apropriadas Ao Ensino De Física - Um Estudo De Caso
Author Name :: Luisa Helena Silva De Sousa || Júlio Nonato Silva Nascimento || Damião Pedro Meira Filho || Natalie Von Paraski || Ítalo Rangel Penaforte Mendes
Country :: Brasil
Page Number :: 19-33
Este artigo sintetiza reflexões acerca da política da educação profissional no contexto do ensino de Física. Os aspectos que integram a pesquisa, foram realizadas a partir de uma revisão bibliográfica e pesquisa de campo. A abordagem sistematizada é a descrição qualitativa, vinculando os aspectos metodológicos o estudo de caso e relatos de experiência. O enfoque específico foi Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade através de Projetos. Os mesmos foram desenvolvidos multidisciplinarmente por este ser um dos eixos temáticos que articulam a pesquisa. “Projeto Café com Ciência” e “Projeto Memoráveis da Física”, desenvolvidos no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará – Campus Santarém. O objetivo geral foi apresentar alguns aspectos metodológicos e a adequação de tecnologias de inserção para a educação inclusiva, apropriadas ao ensino de física. Contextualizar a importância histórica da ciência e apresentar a contribuição dos físicos, astrônomos, matemáticos, dentre outros cientistas que tiveram grande relevância para o desenvolvimento da ciência moderna, fazendo uma releitura destes cientistas a partir de um aplicativo gerador de código QR, possibilidade acessibilidade as informações de portadores de deficiência visual. Como resultado foi possível observar o envolvimento e a satisfação dos alunos; apresentação da tecnologia na mostra científica do IFPA; o aspecto integrador e interdisciplinar no campo das ciências autônomas. Foi possível ainda, identificar várias oportunidades de aprimoramento da tecnologia/aplicativo por meio da extensão tecnológica, consubstanciada pela Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade - CTS.
Keywords: Educação Profissional. Ensino de Física. Tecnologia. Educação Inclusiva.
[1]. BRASIL.Constituição Federal Brasileira de 1988.
[2]. BRASIL. Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, Lei nº. 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996.
[3]. BRASIL.Lei que se destina a assegurar e a promover inclusão social e cidadania a pessoas com deficiência, Lei Nº 13.146, de 6 de julho de 2015.
[4]. BRASIL. Ministério da Educação (MEC), Secretaria de Educação Média e Tecnológica (SEMTEC).Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio. Brasília: MEC/SEMTEC, 1998.
[5]. BRASIL. Ministério da Educação (MEC), Secretaria de Educação Média e Tecnológica (SEMTEC).PCN+ Ensino Médio:Orientações Educacionais Complementares aos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais – Ciências da Natureza, Matemática e suas Tecnologias. Brasília: MEC/SEMTEC, 2002. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 de janeiro de 2020.

Paper Title :: The Influence of Enochean Narrative on the Development of Medieval Islamic Apocalyptic Literature: approximations
Author Name :: Filipe de Oliveira Guimarães
Country :: Brazil
Page Number :: 34-42
Until the fourth century AD, it was common among Christians to read the pseudepigraptive book of I Enoch. The official position in Western Christianity, which decoded I Enoch's writing from the list of useful literature to Christian religiosity, was given at the Council of Laodicea (4th century) which stated that the only names of angels recognized as sacred would be that of Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, removing I Enoque (who quotes several names of angels) from the West Christian exegetical scenario for centuries. Among the Jews literature was quite influential until the end of the first century Council of Jamnia, which considered only as sacred writings for religion those produced on the borders of the Holy Land in the Hebrew language, marginalizing I Enoque originally written in Aramaic. However, the same did not happen in some regions of the East where Christianity continued to use the book of I Enoque. Starting from the prism that Islam is a monotheistic religion that in its birth exchanged intensely with Judeo-Christian literatures, the article points to a plausible influence of the book of I Enoque in the construction of the Islamic apocalyptic taking as comparative basis the book The Scale of Mohammed. The article is bibliographic in nature and is structured on the comparative method, aiming to present narratological confluences between the writings.
Keywords: I Enoque, Apocalyptic, The Ladder, Confluences, Medieval.
[1]. BLACK, M. The Book of Enoch of I Enoch. SVTP7. Leiden: Brill, 1985.
[2]. BOCCACCINI, G. Beyond the Essene Hypothesis. Grand Rapids and Cambridge: Eerdmans, 1998.
[3]. _______. Enoch and Qumran origins: new light on a forgotten connection. Cambridge: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2005.
[4]. _______. Gli Pseudepigrafi dell’ Antico Testamento e Il Nuovo Testamento e Il Nuovo Testamento. Brescia: Paideia Editrice, 1990.
[5]. _______. Origins of Enochic Judaism: Proceedings of the First Enoch Seminar, Turin: Silvio Zamorani Editore, 2002a.

Paper Title :: Language through Literature
Author Name :: R. Munish Abinaya
Country :: India
Page Number :: 43-44
“Literature speaks the language of imagination, and the study of literature is supposed to train and improve the imagination”, says Northrop Frye. According to Dr. Radhakrishnan, the objective of education is the discovery and the development through proper training of an individual‟s innate qualities. The Real education is which find out the talent of the learners and bring it out of them. Language and Literature goes hand in hand. Language is the base for the growth of any literature, it plays the vital role. Teaching by knowing the needs of the students will results in the effective education. The present paper focuses on the ways of teaching the language English through its literature.
Keywords: Communication, Innovation, Language, Solution, Techniques.
[1]. Begum Jahitha.A, English Language Education, Neel kamal Publications PVT. LTD, 2011
[2]. Verghese. B.V, Creativity in English Language Teaching, Anmol Publications PVT. LTD, 2004
[3]. Garnett Su, Teach Your Child How to Learn, UBS Publishers Distributors Pvt. Ltd, 2002

Paper Title :: Structuralism: Off-Shoots and Major Contributors
Author Name :: Kanchan
Country :: India
Page Number :: 45-48
The objective of this paper is to understand the structuralist approach in philosophy of science. Saussure introduces the following notion in linguistics viz. synchrony and diachrony, langue and parole, linguistics sign, syntagmatic and paradigmatic relation and substance and form. At the second level, this paper deals with its, growth, development and contributors.
Keywords: Structuralism, Post- Structuralism, Concepts of Synchronic, Diachronic and Binary Opposition.
[1]. Barth, Roland. ―The Death of the Author‖. Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader. Ed. David Lodge. London and New York: Longman, 1988. Print.
[2]. Berry, peter. Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory. 3rd ed. New Delhi: Vinod Vasishtha; Manchester: Manchester UP, 2014. Print.
[3]. Saussure, Ferdinand de. Trans., Course in General Linguistics, W. Baskin, London: Fontaza/Collins, 1974. Print.

Paper Title :: Gandhian Philosophy and kinetics of Sattva Guna in ‘Waiting for the Mahatma’
Author Name :: Dr. Indu Goyal
Country :: India
Page Number :: 49-53
R.K.Narayan expresses in his novels the Indian ethos. Though he writes in English language, he writes of India, Indian culture, Indian people, Indian family and Hindu Mythology. He talks of social, economic and religious life in India. Narayan‟s novels carry within them explicit and implicit moral values and lay great emphasis on the intrinsic good nature of human beings. In his writings, goodness ultimately triumphs over evil. Deep belief in an ethical and principled value system characterises his novels and their characters. His heroes portray an evolving consciousness, which may begin with a note of uncertainty, turmoil and loneliness, but ends up in certainty, peace and fullness. Combined with this, there is a deep belief in the positive features of the traditional Hindu faith in many of his novels. These attributes have been explored by many researchers, but have not been explicitly classified under the signifying Sattva Guna. This paper explores precisely the Sattva Guna in the main character of Narayan‟s novel „Waiting for the Mahatma.
[1]. The Bhagwat Gita, Swami Childhavanand (trans.), Tirupparaintturai: Sri Ram KrishanTapovan ,1975, 8th impression. Chapter 14.
[2]. Rizwan, Md. S., „The Existence of Life in Novels of R.K.Narayan‟, Germany: LAP Lambert Academy Publishing, 2012. Pg-17.
[3]. Narayan, R.K., Waiting for the Mahatma, London: Methuen and Co. Ltd. 1955. Pg-12
[4]. Dewari, D.S., „Gandhian Bearings on R.K.Narayaan‟s Novels‟, New Delhi: Atlantic, 2010. Pg-103.
[5]. Tripathi, Dhananjay. „R.K.Narayan: Phenomenology and Consciousness”, Germany: Scholars‟ Press, 2007. Pg-206-7.

Paper Title :: Contravening- caste Initiation: A question of identity
Author Name :: Dr. Amandeep
Country :: India
Page Number :: 54-58
The Dalit movements arose in the early years of the 20th century independently in various parts of the country. Their activities ranged from awakening the Dalits to their human rights to demanding concessions from the government for amelioration of their socio-economic condition. Some of them also strove to do away with evil customs and traditions prevailing among them so that they could claim higher ritual status in the society. As yet there was no explicit articulation against the caste system. Some tried to claim a superior lineage for themselves and strove to revive their lost heritage. But some directly challenged the caste structure and rebelled against it with their raw force. These movements together contributed to the creation of consciousness of human rights among the Dalits and inspired many of them to work for ameliorating their lives. In this paper an attempt is made to look at the differential developments of dalit communities. The paper deals with the history of caste system by referring Buddhism, Bhakti movement and pre Amebdkar movements. It also analyses different trends in Caste initiation and how the quest for one‟s identity is a prime mover in the struggle for social equality and justice. And one cannot gain justice and freedom without struggle and mobilization.
Keywords: Dalit, traditions, ameliorating, Buddhism, Bhakti, Amebdkar, identity
[1]. Azhagarasan R and Ravi Kumar, The Oxford India Anthology of Tamil Dalit Writing, Oxford University Press, 2012.
[2]. Basu swaraj. Readings on Dalit Identity: History, Literature and Religion Orient Blackswan, 2016.
[3]. Teltumbde, Anand. (2017). Dalits: past, Present and Future. New York: Rutledge.
[4]. Rao Chinna. Yagati.(2007) Writing Dalit History and Other Essays. New Delhi; Kanishka Publishers, Distributors.