
Volume 03 - Issue 12

Paper Title :: The Effect of Temperature and Relative Humidity Towards Collection Preservation Index (PI)at Main Library of Brawijaya University
Author Name :: Eka Ratri Noor Wulandari || Harnan Malik Abdullah || Novita Rosyida || I Dewa Made Widia || Noor Khusnul Fatimah
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 01-06
One type of collection that can be used is a print collection made of paper. The collection damage is caused by temperature and humidity. These factors can accelerate chemical reactions and reduce the useful life of the collection.The benefit term is the time period or how long the material can survive in a storage environment condition. The benefit term is known based on the results of the preservation index (PI) value of temperature and humidity measurement data. This research was conducted at Library of University of Brawijaya precisely in three collection storage rooms. They were white, red and thesis label collections.The research was conducted for three months. The average temperature and humidity of the white label collection room is 26.4℃ and 75%, the estimated PI value is around 9 years.In red label collection room, the average temperature is 27.5℃ and 68% the PI value is around 10 years and in thesis room collection has average temperature of 25.2℃ and 52% then the PI value is around 24 years.
Keywords: Library Collection, Temperature, Humidity, Preservation Index (PI)
[1]. Alahudin, M. (2014). Pengaruh Termal Dalam Ruangan Perpustakaan Terhadap Kondisi Buku Dan Kenyamanan Pembaca (Studi Kasus Perpustakaan Universitas Musamus Merauke). Jurnal Ilmiah Mustek Anim Ha, 3(2), 149–165. Retrieved from
[2]. Area, M. C., & Cheradame, H. (2011). Paper Aging and Degradation: Recent Findings and Research Methods. BioResources, 6(4), 5307–5337.
[3]. Branin, J., Groen, F., & Thorin, S. (2000). The changing nature of collection management in research libraries. Library Resources and Technical Services, 44(1), 23–32.
[4]. Dureau, J. M., & Clements, D. W. G. (1990). Dasar-Dasar Pelestarian dan Pengawetan Bahan Pustaka. Jakarta: Perpustakaan Nasional RI.
[5]. Fatmawati, E. (2017). Identification Of Factors Causing Damage To Library Collections. EDULIB: Journal of Library and Information Science, 7(2), 108–119. Retrieved from

Paper Title :: Ciências da Religião: um convite à interdisciplinaridade para a apreciação do fenômeno religioso
Author Name :: Antonio Carlos Coelho
Country :: Brazil
Page Number :: 07-14
Em um cenário de globalização e de pluralidade o campo religioso se formada em uma perspectiva diversa, fundamental e dialógica. Diante dessa diversificada conjectura a Ciências da Religião se apresenta, frente a este novo paradigma plural, em que se envereda por um caminho que busca uma nova exegese construída a partir desta pluralidade. E na esteira desta discussão interdisciplinaridade, se apresenta como uma ferramenta, que contribui com a Ciências da Religião para fomentar um diálogo com outras áreas do saber acadêmico.Esta pesquisa, por meio de uma investigação exploratória, com base nos discursos emergentes sobre o tema, tem como objetivo verificar a potencialidade da Ciências da Religião fundamentar discussões teóricas contribuindo, deste modo, a lidar com os fenômenos religiosos, com as distintas áreas de conhecimento com as quais poderá estabelecer interfaces.
Keywords: 1.Religião. 2. Diversidade. 3. Pluralidade. 4. Interdisciplinaridade.
[1]. ARMSTRONG,Karen. Em nome de Deus: O fundamentalismo no judaísmo, no cristianismo e no islamismo. Tradução HildegardFeist: São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2001.
[2]. BAUMAN, Zygmunt. Modernidade Líquida. Tradução: Plínio Dentzien. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor, 2001.
[3]. BOAS, Franz. A mente do ser humano primitivo. Tradução de José Carlos Pereira. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2011.
[4]. BOBBIO, Norberto. A era dos direitos. Tradução Carlos Nelson Coutinho. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2004. [5]. BOKOVA, Irina. Mensagem do Dia Mundial da Diversidade Cultural para o Diálogo e para o Desenvolvimento. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 15 ago 2019.

Paper Title :: Santiago’s Discovery of Self and Life in the Sea
Author Name :: Dr O G Basavana Gowda
Country :: India
Page Number :: 15-18
Astonishingly, Hemingway‟s super hero, Santiago ends his toilsome sea venture in vain almost after eighty four days sans a fish in hand. Yet, it was necessary for him to meet the ends of life and further by a sheer determination and will. See stands as source of life. He was never undeterred by the usual threats posed by the sea and determines to achieve by a strong will. Some of the meritorious writers have made all such difference in literature to show the world, how and why the food is the primary means of livelihood.
[1]. Hemingway, Earnest. The Old Man and the Sea. New Delhi: UBS Publications and Distributors Pvt. Ltd. 2002. print.
[2]. “Biblical Influence and Symbolism in The Old Man and the Sea” 12 Dec. 2015 < http://>.
[3]. “Chinese Proverb” 12 Dec. 2015 .
[4]. Mellow, James R. Hemingway: A Life Without Consequences. New York: Houghton Mifflin. 1992. print.
[5]. Meyers, Jeffrey. Hemingway: A Biography. London: Macmillan. 1985. print.

Paper Title :: Extinción De Los Neandertales, Consumo De Proteinas Y La Venus De Hohle Fels
Author Name :: Pedro Juan Urbano Cardona
Country :: Spain
Page Number :: 19-21
Los hombres de Neandertal, como nos sugiere el registro fósil, eran individuos más fuertes y musculosos, y de estatura ligeramente inferior, que los hombres de anatomía moderna. Quizás, un retrato de una de las últimas neandertales sea la venus de Hohle Fels, cuya morfología se asemeja al biotipo que sugieren los restos paleontológicos de esta especie. En el presente trabajo se sostiene que el consumo elevado de proteínas que se necesita para mantener aquella fortaleza física fue la causa de su extinción cuando los hombres de anatomía moderna, de complexión mucho más grácil, se expandieron por su territorio y compitieron por los mismos recursos con un menor requerimiento de proteínas. Para comparar las distintas necesidades proteicas de neandertales y hombres de anatomía moderna se ha utilizado el Índice de Masa Corporal y las recomendaciones de la OMS y de otros organismos internacionales. Los resultados indican que los hombres de anatomía moderna necesitaban la mitad de la cantidad de las proteínas que los neandertales, lo que permitió que les duplicaran en número y con el transcurso del tiempo finalizó en la extinción de los últimos.
Keywords: Hombres de anatomía moderna, Transición al Paleolítico superior, Arte paleolítico, Grácil.
[1]. Boyd, R. et Silk, J. (2001): “Cómo evolucionaron los humanos.” Ariel. Barcelona.
[2]. Cleghorn, N. et al. (2010): “Significance of Ecological Factors in the Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transition.” Current Anthropology 51-5, 655-691.
[3]. Conard, N. (2009): “A female figurine from the basal Aurignacian of Hohle Fels Cave in southwestern Germany.” doi:10.1038/nature07995
[4]. Conard, N. et Wolf, S. (2010): “Die Venus vom Hohle Fels. Blaubeuren: Urgeschichtliches Museum Blaubeuren. (Fundstücke; 1).
[5]. Curtis, H. et al. (1994): “Biología.” Médica Panamericana. Madrid.

Paper Title :: The Impact of e-Service Quality and e-Brand Experince on e-Behaviour Loyalty with e-Trust Mediation
Author Name :: Isna Ayu Safitri Kusuma Dewi || Mugiono || Djumila Hadiwidjojo
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 22-26
The purpose of this paper is to explore the most common constructs related to the quality of electronic services in electronic wallet applications and this study is one of the new studies that have not been conducted by researchers before, in which researchers use the e-service quality variable. e-brand experience is related to e-behavior loyalty. then also examines the effect of e-trust as a mediating effect on customers on e-behavior loyalty in the context of using e-wallet applications in Malang, Indonesia. The questionnaire was used to collect data from 126 valid respondents with a purposive sampling method. Smart PLS 3 which is used to analyze data and SOBEL test is used to test mediation relationships. The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between e-service quality with e-behavior loyalty. This is also indicated by other variables that have a positive influence between variables. However, further research found that e-brand experience on e-behavior loyalty has a negative effect. As a result, e-wallet application companies specifically focus on this variable to enhance e-brand experience in the long run by using e-trust as mediation, which is expected to have a positive effect on creating loyalty behavior as a competitive advantage in the market.
Keywords: e-Behaviour Loyalty, e-Brand Experience, e-Service Quality, e-Trust;e-Wallets.
[1]. Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A. and Malhotra, A. (2005), “ES-QUAL a multiple-item scale for assessing electronic service quality”, Journal of Service Research, Vol. 7 No. 3, pp. 213-233.
[2]. Rita. P., Oliveira. T., Farisa. A. (2019), “The impact of e-service quality and customer satisfaction on customer behavior in online shopping”, ScienceDirect ,
[3]. Menezes. L., (2016), "Identification and quantification of influent factors in perceived quality of the e-service provided by a university", Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 22 Iss 3 pp. -
[4]. Hur, et al. (2011). “A Structural Model of the Relationships Between Sport Website Quality, E-Satisfaction, and E-Loyalty”. Journal of Sport Management, 25, 458-47.
[5]. Lu, Long-Chuan, Hsiu-Hua Chang, dan Shih-Ting Yu. “Online shoppers' perceptions of e-retailers' ethics, cultural orientation, and loyalty: An exploratory study in Taiwan.” Internet Research 23, no. 1 (2013): 47-68

Paper Title :: Association between Dust Exposure and Pulmonary Dysfunction in Indonesian Wood Workers: A Literature Review
Author Name :: Salma Salsabilla || Sulistiyani Sulistiyani || Mursid Raharjo
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 27-31
Occupational pulmonary disease is a pulmonary disease caused by dust, vapors or hazardous gas which workers are inhaled at work. Dust has adverse effect to health because it can enter human respiratory system. The aim of this study was to analyse the association between dust exposure and pulmonary dysfunctions in wood workers. This study was a literature review with a simplified approached, to analyse data in a simple manner which aims to collect and summarise research data which has been done before. The literature searches were undertaken through online database such as NCBI, Google Scholar, Portal Garuda, and Science Direct. Out of 162 articles which could be found only 8 articles could be reviewed. The result of tis study, 3 articles (37,5 %) showed there was an association between inhalable dust and pulmonary dysfunction, with the mean of p value= 0,029 and the mean of level dust was 1,76 mg/m3. 3 articles (37.5%) showed there was an association between total dust in working place and pulmonary dysfunction, with the mean of p value = 0,034 and the mean of total dust level was 6,72 mg/m3The percentage range of pulmonary dysfunction was 56.67% - 85,7%
Keywords: Pulmonary dysfunction, dust, wood workers, occupational disease
[1]. Suma’mur, PK. Higiene Perusahaan dan Kesehatan Kerja. CV Haji Mas Agung. Jakarta; 2014
[2]. Kuswana, W.S. Ergonomi dan Kesehatan KeselamatanKerja. PT RemajaRosdakarya, Bandung; 2014
[3]. SoeriptoM..HigieneIndustri. Jakarta: BalaiPenerbitFakultasKedokteran Universitas Indonesia; 2008
[4]. Depkes RI. Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan RI dan Keputusan Dirjen PPM & PLP TentangPersyaratan Kesehatan LingkunganKerja. Jakarta; 2003
[5]. Guyton, AC. Buku Ajar FisiologiKedokteran. Alih Bahasa dr. Irawati Setiawan, dr. LMA Ken AriataTengadi dan dr. Alex Santoso, PenerbitBukuKedokteran EGC. Jakarta; 2008

Paper Title :: The Effect of Placement of Land Border Signs and Maintenance on the Legal Concerning the Right to Land In Kecamatan Kota Atambua Kabupaten Belu Nusa Tenggara Timur
Author Name :: Agnes Doortji Rema
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 32-36
Legal certainty guarantees are given to the true land owner not solely to the owners of land rights registered in the land book. Even so, as proof of strong rights, a certificate of land rights was issued. As long as it is not proven otherwise, the certificate of land rights has perfect evidentiary power. Legal certainty guarantees of land rights are provided as long as the physical data, juridical data and administrative data stated in the land registration documents are in accordance with the actual facts in the field.
This research will focus on land boundaries which are often a persistent problem because existing boundary points are not agreed upon by the bordering parties or even the agreed boundary points are not properly guarded and maintained by land rights holders.
To achieve the long-term goals above, the researcher will use qualitative analysis, namely the analysis of data obtained by both primary and secondary data that is grouped, linked and analyzed so that the image under study is obtained, then a conclusion is drawn, with the inductive thinking method, which is a way. thinking that departs from specific facts, concrete events, then generalizations that are general in nature are drawn, after analysis is expected to obtain an overview of the placement of land boundary signs and their maintenance of legal certainty regarding land rights the.
Keywords: Placement of boundary marks, legal certainty , Land rights
[1]. The Red and White Team, "Law Number 5 of 1960", New Galang Press, Yogyakarta, 2012.
[2]. National Land Agency, "Regulation of the State Minister for Agrarian Affairs"
[3]. Ali AchmadChomzah, "Indonesian Agrarian Law (Land)", Volume I, Prestasi Pustakaraya, Jakarta, 2004. [4]. Boedi Harsono, "Indonesian Agrarian Law", Djambat, Jakarta, 1994
[5]. Rianto Adi, "Social and Legal Research Methodology", Granit, Jakarta, 2004.

Paper Title :: Feral children and the origin-of-language debate in the eighteenth century
Author Name :: Cordula Neis
Country :: Germany
Page Number :: 37-47
The origin of language belongs to the most controversial topics of linguistic and philosophical discussion in the 18th century. Due to its epistemological and anthropological implications it was hotly debated, especially with reference to writings of Condillac and Rousseau. Within the framework of hypothetical explanations for the origin of language, scholars frequently refer to the cases of feral children which are considered to serve as an appropriate model for the very moment of the genesis of language. Given the firm belief of the eighteenth-century scholars that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, feral children provided the model for the reconstruction of the scanty origins of language. Since that time, feral children have been considered as objects of curiosity.
Keywords: feral children, origin-of-language question, acquisition of language, ontogeny, phylogeny, (linguistic) deprivation, experiment of Psammetichos, language and society
[1]. Aarsleff, Hans (1974): "The Tradition of Condillac: the Problem of the Origin of Language in the Eighteenth Century and the Debate in the Berlin Academy before Herder". Studies in the History of Linguistics. Traditions and Paradigms. Ed. by Dell H. Hymes. Bloomington/Ind.: Indiana University Press: 93-156.
[2]. Aitchison, Jean (1995): "Chimps, children and creoles: the need for caution". The biology of language. Ed. by Stanislaw Puppel. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company: 1-17.
[3]. Archiv der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften: Signaturen I-M-663 bis I-M-686 (Preisschriften 1771) Archiv der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften:Mémoires pour le prix de la Classe spéculatives de 1771 (Signaturen l-VI-10, Teil I, Bl.l 9-22r).
[4]. Beccaria, Cesare (1958): "Ricerche intorno alla natura dello stile". Opere. Acura di Sergio Romagnoli. Vol. I. Firenze 1958: Sansoni: 191-336.
[5]. Borrichius, Olaus (1675): De causis diversitatis linguarum dissertatio. Anno 1675. Hafniae, Prostat apud Danielem Paulli Regium Librarium.

Paper Title :: Quantitative analysis and research on related literature of block chain technology based on CNKI
Author Name :: Zhi Liping, Li Hui
Country :: China
Page Number :: 48-52
With the increasing popularity of digital cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, the importance of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin is gradually increasing, becoming the field of public research and attracting much attention at home and abroad. This article based on CNKI China academic journal network publishing pool of related research papers, through the literature method to the published between 2003 and 2019 block chain research literature, through the analysis of the literature quantity, resource type and source, characteristic of multidisciplinary research and dispatch mechanism analysis, etc., comparative analysis of block chain present situation and tendency of the development of technology in recent years.
Keywords: CNKI; Block chain; The currency; Bibliometrics
[1]. Yuan Yong, Zhou Tao, Zhou Aoying, et al. Blockchain Technology: From Data intelligence to Knowledge Automation [J]. Journal of Automation, 2017, 43(9): 1485-1490.
[2]. Swan M. Blockchain: Blueprint for a new economy[M]. USA: O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2015.
[3]. Ni Xiaochun, Zeng Shuai, Yuan Yong, Wang Feiyue. Bibliometric analysis of the current research status of block chain [J]. Cyber Space Security, Vol.09 N0.10 Oct.2018.
[4]. Li Zhongshang, Yin Huaibang, etc. Soft science dictionary: Liaoning People's Publishing House, 1989-06.
[5]. Wang Yuan, Wang Xuedong, Li Jinxin. Knowledge Network and Structure Analysis of Block chain Research in China based on literature Measurement [J]. Modern Intelligence, Vol. 38, No. 1, January 2018

Paper Title :: The Cultural Impact of EFL Books On Iranian Language Learners
Author Name :: Dr. Somayeh Ahangaran
Country :: Iran
Page Number :: 53-57
Culture is defined as the norms and rules that govern the behavior of a group of individuals. This behavior is unique to a group of people and therefore different groups of individuals enjoy different cultures. Culture is reflected in the language spoken by a society of community. When one group of individuals strives to learn a foreign language they are also exposed to foreign culture. The question that arises at this point is whether the learners of a foreign language do acquire foreign culture as well. To answer this question, this research compared two groups of learners learning English in Iran. One group was those learners who learned English through books designed by native speakers of English (Headway) and the other group was those who studied books designed by the Ministry of Education (Prospect). The former books were laden with the foreign culture whereas the latter was not. These two groups were compared using a questionnaire and found to be statistically similar. The cultural system held by these two groups was similar and cultural impact had not taken place. This shows that books do not transmit cultural values of the foreign language by themselves. The results show that the culture of people that are formed through time and as an outcome of their needs is not easily changed.
Keywords: culture; cultural impact,; language learning; foreign language learning; FL books.
[1]. Brown, H.D. (1994). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. New Vistas (USA).
[2]. Burke, L., Crawley.T. and Girvin. A. (2000). the Routledge Language and Cultural Theory Reader. London and New York Routledge.
[3]. Deckle, M. (2001). Language and Culture. Online. []
[4]. Encarta Encyclopedia. (2002). Microsoft Corporation.
[5]. Hall, E. (1959). The Silent Language. New York. Doubleday and Co.

Paper Title :: Chemical Evaluation of the Sedimentary Environment on the Functioning Quality of the Matete River in Kinshasa
Author Name :: Athanase N. Kusonika, Thierry T. Tangou, François Xavier M. Mbuyi, and Dieudonné E. Musibono
Country :: Congo
Page Number :: 58-67
This work presents the results for which the overall objective was to assess the chemical influence of the sedimentary environment of the Matete river in Kinshasa. This performance has been studied through understanding the behavior of metallic elements mainly emitted by natural phenomena and anthropogenic activities and currently present in the sediments of the Matete aquatic ecosystem. In particular: manganese of 57.7 ± 0.6 mg / kg and 129.8 × 102 ± 348.5 mg / kg before the rain and between 0.001 ± 0.0 mg / kg and 0.004 ± 0.00 mg / kg after the rain; iron in the range of 9.0 × 103 ± 30.2 and 481.7 × 103 ± 429.1 mg / kg before rain and 1.7 × 103 ± 80.9 and 2.5 × 103 ± 81.7 after the rain ; potassium is around 1.0 × 103 ± 9.7 and 556.9 × 101 ± 58.2 mg / kg before rain and 18.3 × 101 ± 21.3 and 2.5 × 103 ± 125.0 mg / kg after rain; cobalt is around <3.0 ± <0.2 mg / kg and <70.3 × 101 ± <1.5 before rain and around <3.0 ± <0.5 mg / kg after rain ; nickel is around <0.5 ± <0.1 and 4994.0 × 101 ± 48.2 mg / kg before rain and around 0.0001 ± 0.0 and 0.001 ± 0.0003 mg / kg after rain ; zinc is around <0.5 ± 0.1 and 187.5 ± 2.1 mg / kg before rain and 0.03 ± 0.01 and 0.06 ± 0.01 mg / kg after rain; copper around values <3.4 ± <0.6 and 140.8 × 101 ± 85.5 mg / kg before rain and between 0.001 ± 0.0 and 0.005 ± 0.0 mg / kg after rain; aluminum oscillates around 2.0 × 101 ± 1.7 mg / kg and 7047.0 × 101 ± 939.3 mg / kg before rain and around 0.05 ± 0.02 and 0.10 ± 0 .01 mg / kg after rain; chromium is between 18.1 ± 1.5 mg / kg and 13000.0 × 101 ± 980.2 mg / kg before rain and between 0.1 × 101 ± 0.1 and 0.7 × 101 ± 0.9 after rain; cadmium is <0.2 ± <0.1 mg / kg and <1.1 × 101 ± <2.5 mg / kg before rain and 0.1 × 101 ± 0.1 after rain and lead oscillates around <1.0 ± <0.1 mg / kg and 41.1 ± 0.2 mg / kg before rain and between 0.3 × 101 ± 0.8 and 3.0 × 101 ± 1.1 mg / kg after rain. The sediments of the Matete River are an integral part of its aquatic ecosystem and form a reservoir for many contaminants and may play a role in the deterioration of the proper functioning of the system through direct contact with organisms or indirectly through trophic transfer.
Keywords: evaluation, chemical quality, environment, sediment, functioning, Matete river, kinshasa.
[1]. Barroin G., 1999. Fight against the dysfunction of water bodies linked to excess nutrients, Water Agency, Interagency study, 62, 214pp.
[2]. Bodo, B.A., 1989. «Heavy Metals in Water and Suspended Particulates from an Urban Basin Impacting Lake Ontario», Sci. Total Environ., 87/88: 329-344.
[3]. Borovec Z., 2000. Elements in size-fractionated bottom sediments of the Elbe River in its Czech part. Aquat Sci, 62: 232-251.
[4]. Chapman P.M., Wang F., Janssen C., Persoone G., Allen H.E.,1998. Ecotoxicology of metals in aquatic sediments: binding and release, bioavailabillty, risk assessment, and remediation, Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 55, 2221-2243.
[5]. Cicad, 2006. Cobalt and inorganic cobalt compounds, Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 69.

Paper Title :: Expanding arts in Balkan countries: building a relationship and enhancing mutual collaboration between different cultures
Author Name :: Stamatis Gargalianos, Dimitra Tsiaka, Georgia-Myrsini Kosma
Country :: Greece
Page Number :: 68-73
In this article, we examine, through certain standards set by several institutions and conventions, the potential of performing arts to expand throughout the world, thus to be internationalised. Our effort is to take as example the case of art products and examine their potential to be exported in certain countries, while we consider the qualities which allow them to be diffused abroad. In theory, all world countries could be considered to be destination countries; however, in practice, and based on market research statistics, the number of countries is extremely small. Balkan countries, thanks to their proximity to Greece, but also due to common cultural elements, can easily “import” such products.
It is certainly well known that for decades, and perhaps centuries, many art products have crossed the boundaries of the producing country, daring international leaps (cinema, theatre, and, to a lesser degree, music, dance, and opera). Here it should be emphasised that several such art products have been launched on an international trajectory completely naturally, perhaps because they were extraordinary.
Keywords: Theatre, Cinema, Politics, Internationalisation, Coproductions
[1]. Armstrong, G., Kotler. P. (2009). Marketing, an Introduction. Thessaloniki: Epikentro
[2]. Benhamou-Huet., J. (2001). Art Business–Le marché de l’art ou l’art du marché. Paris: Assouline.
[3]. Betz, Mark. (2001). The Name Above the (Sub) Title: Internationalism, Coproduction, and Polyglot European Art Cinema. Camera Obscura. 46: 1–44.
[4]. Birn, J.R. (2004). The International Handbook of Market Research Techniques. 2nd ed. London: Κogan Page Ltd.
[5]. Boorsma, M. (2006). A strategic logic for arts marketing: integrating customer value and artistic objectives. In: International Journal of Cultural Policy, vol.12, no.1, pp.73-92.

Paper Title :: Empowerment Management Of High School Teachers In Kutai Kartanegara
Author Name :: Aris Setiawan, Zaenab Hanim, Laili Komariyah, Nur Agus Salim
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 74-82
The purpose of this study is to find and describe the conceptualization of teacher empowerment management, implementation of teacher empowerment management functions, and implications, barriers, and management solutions for teacher empowerment. This type of research is a case study with qualitative-descriptive analysis. This research was conducted at the public senior high school 1 Tenggarong. Data collection techniques used in-depth interviews, participant observation, documentation study, and field notes. The research subjects were school principals, curriculum representatives, student representatives, achievement development coordinators, teachers, and students. The research is the conceptualization of teacher empowerment management, including school policies that refer to the top-down and bottom-up combination model; the method carried out through the implementation process of POAC (planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling) with a formal / non-formal approach. Implementing the management function of teacher empowerment by planning to monitor involves school management and all its components, carried out simultaneously with a kinship approach. Implications, obstacles, and management solutions for teacher empowerment are a series of consequences of program implementation where each aspect is divided into internal and external. The empowerment of teachers at middle school 1 Tenggarong is already good. Still, it needs strengthening in several elements such as efforts to develop teacher quality, so that teacher competence and achievement form, accompanied by healthy competition among teachers.
Keywords: management, empowerment, teacher
[1]. Avidov-Ungar, O., Friedman, I., & Olshtain, E. (2014). Empowerment amongst teachers holding leadership positions. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 20(6), 704–720.
[2]. Balyer, A., Özcan, K., & Yildiz, A. (2017). Teacher Empowerment: School Administrators’ Roles. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 70, 37.
[3]. Bogler, R., & Somech, A. (2004). Influence of teacher empowerment on teachers’ organizational commitment, professional commitment and organizational citizenship behavior in schools. Teaching and Teacher Education, 20(3), 277–289.
[4]. Engkoswara. (2004). Mutu Pendidikan Masih Rendah, Belum Mampu Mendukung Kualitas Bangsa yang Terpuruk. Pikiran-Rakyat.Com. Retrieved from
[5]. Forefry, N. (2017). STRATEGI PEMBERDAYAAN GURU OLEH SEKOLAH (Studi Kasus di SMAN 5 dan SMADarul Hikam Kota Bandung). None, 24(1), 47–59.

Paper Title :: Study on current situation and Policy of Building energy conservation in Henan Province
Author Name :: Ma Yanfei
Country :: China
Page Number :: 83-88
Chinese building energy consumption accounts for more than one-third of the whole society can, whether it is a building energy consumption in the whole energy consumption accounted for the fact that more and more, and compared with the developed countries, building the current situation of higher consumption, serious, have prompted China and henan province needs analysis domestic and foreign construction energy conservation and environment, realize the advantages and disadvantages and building energy conservation in henan province in China, as relevant policy reference.
Keywords: Government; Building energy conservation; Measures; Henan province
[3]. Zhu Mingming. Research on the Impact and Optimization of the Implementation of Energy conservation and Emission Reduction Policies in Henan Province [D]. Zhengzhou University,2014.
[4]. China Building Energy Conservation Association. 2018 China Building Energy Consumption Research Report [J]. Jianzhu, 2019 (2) : 26-31.
[5]. Wu Hongmin, GUO Handing, LI Botong. A Review of government Governance research on existing Building Energy Saving Renovation Market [J]. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2008, 35 (4) : 175-181.

Author Name :: Maria Gherman (Bursuc)
Country :: Romania
Page Number :: 89-95
A profession is characterized by the totality of notions, ideas, information that someone has in a field, by the ability to work, with a behavior and basic ethical principles. The accounting profession imposes on professional accountants‟ essential qualities such as: science, competence and conscience.It is considered that without the development of these qualities, the professional accountant could not do his job. The present study aims at presenting the evolution of the accounting profession progress and growth at international, European and Romanian level, while carefully analysing the duties fulfilled by the state regarding the development of accounting authorities. This paper also touches upon the part accomplished by the functions and concepts of interaction in the development of the accounting career. Moreover, it outlines the management of specialist accounting institutions, aiming attention in particular at the historical formations which constituted the early accounting authorities in Romania.
Keywords: IAS; history; accounting profession; IFRS; accounting bodies.
[1]. Abbott, A. (1988).The System of Professions. An essay on the division of expert labor. Chicago.
[2]. Calu, D. A. (2005).Istorie și dezvoltare privind contabilitatea din România. Colecția Biblioteca de Contabilitate.
[3]. Carnegie, G.D.,Napier, C. J.(2002).Exploring comparative accounting literature Accounting. Auditing and Accountability Journal, 689-718.
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Author Name :: Gabriel dos Santos Barbosa, Lara Santos Lobo, Tarciana Cardoso de Sousa, Thiago Rocha Alves, e Marlene Menezes de Souza Teixeira
Country :: Brasil
Page Number :: 96-105
Diante de incidentes casos de violência sexual na região do Cariri no período de 2017 a 2019, despertou o fito de avaliar a violência sexual em mulheres no Estado do Ceará por local de ocorrência. Um estudo ecológico de agregados temporais, com base em dados secundários valendo-se de registros da notificação compulsória. No que tange o critério da raça, o achado mais relevante foi de 356 (13,99%) casos em brancos. Em decorrência do ano, 2017, teve uma maior notificaçãocom 683 casos (26,84%). O município com maior número de notificações foi a capital do Estado, Fortaleza com (n. 1264 - 49,88%) casos. Do ponto de vista cronológico, a maioria dos casos aconteceu no segundo semestre do ano (n. 1403 - 55,13%) casos e sempre na residência das vítimas.Outro achado relevante foi a forma pontual em que a violência foi surtada (n.1081 - 42,48%),isto é, praticados só uma vez por um agente.Na maioria dos casos, o agente causador de violência foi um desconhecido (n. 577 - 18,13%). É sabido que violência sexual é um problema de saúde pública deescala global, no entanto, é necessário intensificar a Política de Assistência as pessoas violentadas sexualmente.
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