
Volume 03 - Issue 01

Paper Title :: Reading literary texts: Teaching perspective versus student perspective
Author Name :: Pablo Francisco David Mora Venegas
Country :: Chile
Page Number :: 01-10
The purpose of the research was to make an approximation of literary text reading practices from the perspective of teachers (didactics) and students (significance). The research approach was quantitative descriptive. The sample corresponded to three teachers of Language and Communication and the 118 students attending the second year in an educational establishment in the commune of El Bosque, Chile. The data collection technique was the survey and the collection instruments were two questionnaires. According to the results, teachers consider that reading books is not an activity of preference for their students, however, students have more interest in reading than teachers who teach them.
Keywords: Reading practices, didactics, significance, literary texts
[1]. Ballester, J. y Ibarra, N. (2016). La educación lectora, literaria y el libro en la era digital. Revista Chilena de Literatura, (94), 147-171. Recuperado el 13/02/2018 de
[2]. Bautista, D. (2015). Uso de mediaciones tecnológicas para mejorar el nivel decomprensión lectora. (Trabajo de Grado de Especialización). Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia. Colombia. Recuperado el 20/04/2018 de
[3]. Bolívar, C. y Gordo, A. (2016). Leer textoliterario en la escuela: una experiencia placentera para encontrarse consigo mismo. Revista La Palabra, (29), 199-211. Recuperado el 13/10/2018 de
[4]. Chuc, L. (2015). Lectura comprensiva y su influencia en el razonamiento crítico(Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Rafael Landívar, México. Recuperado el 10/09/2018 de
[5]. Del Pino, M., Del Pino, A. y Pincheira, D. (2016). La lectura desde el enfoque delMinisterio de Educación y el enfoque dialógico de la pedagogía “Enlazando Mundos”. Revista Electrónica Educare, 20(3). Recuperado el 12/01/2018 de

Paper Title :: Performance Elementsof Green Eco-Friendly WarehouseTowardsSupply Chains Management Effeciency
Author Name :: Zulhusni Abd. Ghani || Mohd Azha Mohd Abdullah || Afiza Hajemi || Sharifah Soleha Syed Hassan || Irwan Ibrahim || Norhayati Baharun
Country :: Malaysia
Page Number :: 11-19
Implementation of green eco-friendly factory is not something new as nowadays this is the requirement that most of them mustcomply. More and more tier of suppliers had initiated their daily operation to run while considering on the environmental impact. When we refer to warehouse operation, it will always relate to how important efficiency and responsiveness is. Although warehouse operation is part of the industries hub and had a smaller environmental impact, warehouse operation still takes on a substantial part in reducing adverse impact on the environment. The aim of this paper is to develop a theoretical framework which can help to measure the effectiveness and responsiveness of the warehouse not only on the operation itself, but also relates to how well the operation operate towards green eco-friendly warehouse. This framework can use for warehouse operation to measure gap analysis before fully implement a standard system. Keywords: Green warehouse, eco-friendly warehouse, accuracy, supply chain.
Keywords: Industrial Revolution (IR), Electric Vehicle (EV), Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Life Cycle Cost (LCC), Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM)
[1]. Abu-Hijleh, B., & Jaheen, N. (2019). Energy and economic impact of the new Dubai municipality green building regulations and potential upgrades of the regulations. Energy Strategy Reviews, 24(January), 51–67.
[2]. Adıgüzel, H., & Floros, M. (2019). Capacity utilization analysis through time-driven ABC in a small-sized manufacturing company. Emarald Insight, 1741.
[3]. Andjelkovic, A., & Radosavljević, M. (2018). Improving order-picking process through implementation of warehouse management system. Strategic Management, 23, 3–10.
[4]. Ashuri, B., & Durmus-Pedini, A. (2010). An overview of the benefits and risk factors of going green in existing buildings. International Journal of Facility Management, 1(1), 1–15.
[5]. Bogale, T. (2016). Assessment of Warehouse Performance: A Case of Ethiopian Trading Enterprise. Addis Ababa University.

Paper Title :: The road towards sustainability markets: Linking cost externalization to market structure and price structure using qualitative comparative means
Author Name :: Lucio Muñoz
Country :: Canada
Page Number :: 20-32
It can be said that any non-full sustainability market requires some form of cost externalization to exist and persist as maximization is the rule. The type of cost externalization on which a market model depends on determines the market structure and the price structure of that market as well as its level of responsibility. As cost externalization tends to full cost externalization, the market structure and the price structure tend towards the market structure and price structure of full unsustainability: this is a world of fully irresponsible markets. On the other hand, as the cost externalization tends to zero the market structure and price structure of markets tend towards the market structure and the price structure of sustainability markets: this is a world of fully responsible markets. Therefore, there is a need to understand how cost externalization is linked to market structure and price structure so as to be able to figure out for example how cost externalization is linked to distorted market prices or linked to the nature of paradigm mergers or linked to the nature of sustainability markets. Among the goals of this paper are: a) to link cost externalization to all possible market structures and price structures using qualitative comparative means; and b) to show that only when there is no cost externalization there are sustainability markets and sustainability prices.
Keywords: Sustainability, sustainability markets, market structure, price structure, cost externalization, distorted prices, responsible markets, irresponsible markets, unsustainability, sustainability gaps, market models, maximization.
[1]. Muñoz, Lucio, 2016a. Markets and Production Pricing: Using the Sustainability Market Price to Point Out and Link the Production Price Structure of Partnership Based Paradigms and Deep World View Based Paradigms, In: International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management Research (IJAEMR), Vol.1, Issue 5, Pp 569-591, India.
[2]. Muñoz, Lucio, 2016b. Responsibility and Development Models: Highlighting the Road of General Development Towards Sustainability Using the Increasing Responsibility Framework, Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA, No. 9, November, La Paz, Bolivia.
[3]. Muñoz, Lucio, 2016c. Understanding the Death and Paradigm Shift of Adam Smith’s model: Was Going Green the Only Option? If not, Is This Option the Most Sustainable One?, Weber Economics & Finance (ISSN:2449-1662 ), Vol. 2 (3) 2016, Article ID wef_169, 540-546.
[4]. Muñoz, Lucio, 2016d . Perfect Green Markets vrs Dwarf Green Markets: Did We Start Trying to Solve the Environmental Crisis in 2012 With the Wrong Green Foot? If Yes, How Can This Situation Be Corrected?, In: International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management Research(IJAEMR), Vol.1, Issue 6, Pp 389-406, August, India.
[5]. Muñoz, Lucio, 2019. The Flipping of Traditional Economic Thinking: Contrasting the Working of Dwarf Green Market Thinking with that of Green Market Thinking to Highlight Main Differences and Implications, In: Global Journal of Management and Business Research: E Marketing, Volume 19, Issue 4, Version 1.0 , Framingham, Massachusetts, USA

Paper Title :: Analysis of Semantic Anomalous Utterances
Author Name :: Khawater F. Alshalan
Country :: Saudi Arabia
Page Number :: 33-35
Anomalous utterances are syntactically grammatical that contain meaningful constituents. However, they endure interpretation. For example, *Thebottle is talking about Vienna. This anomalous sentence shows a form of a quantifier domain restriction that is made up of unique features different from otherfamiliartypes of domain restriction. In order to have an indirect insight into the semantic properties of anomalous utterances, it is crucial to understand the domain restriction. Knowing the indirectexplanation about anomaly helps inavoiding unreliable truth-value judgments.
[1]. K. Bach (2005). ‗Context ex Machina‘.In Semantics vs. Pragmatics, pp. 15–44. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
[2]. D. Beaver (2001). Presupposition and Assertion in Dynamic Semantics. CSLI Publications. E. Camp (2004). ‗The Generality Constraint and Categorial Restrictions‘. Philosophical
[3]. Quarterly 54(215):209–231.
[4]. R. Carnap (1937). The Logical Syntax of Language. London: Rout- ledge &Kegan Paul.
[5]. J. Fodor & J. Katz (1964). ‗The Structure of a Semantic Theory‘. In J. Fodor & J. Katz (eds.), The Structure of Language: Readings in the Philosophy of Language. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

Paper Title :: The First Manifestations of Modernism in the Dances for Opera Performances in Ukrainian Theaters
Author Name :: Drach Tamara Leonidivna
Country :: Ukrain
Page Number :: 36-38
We consider the question of modernism influence on the music art of Ukraine, we also analyze the artistic activity of the famous Ukrainian composers such as M.Lysenko, B.Lyatoshynskuiy, M. Verikivskiy and M.Skoryk, whose compositions include the main principles of this style, as the result they've used elements of expressionism, impressionism and symbolism, that have allowed to create new radically sensitive and emotional compositions, due to which we may know more about epoch of Modernism. New interesting works for the modern audience have appeared due to them, such as opera, ballet, symphony form, nocturne, sonata, modern interpretation of folk material, which have become the basis for the further development of theater, music and dance art.
Keywords: modernism, music, opera, music performance, ballet.
[1]. Lyatoshinsky B.N. (1985) Vospominaniya; Pisma; Materialy [Memoirs; Letters; Materials] In 2 volumns/ Written by L. N. Grysenko, N. I. Matusevich. Kyiv: Music of Ukraine. Vol. 1. 216 p. (In Russian)
[2]. Lyatoshinsky B.N. (1985-1986) Vospominaniya; Pisma; Materialy [Memoirs; Letters; Materials] In 2 volumns/ Written by L. N. Grysenko, N. I. Matusevich. Kyiv: Music of Ukraine. Vol. 2. 243 p. (In Russian)
[3]. Stanishevsky U.O. (1968) Obrii musichnogo teatru. [The Horizons 0f Musical Theatre]. Kyiv: Music of Ukraine, 201 pp. (In Ukrainian)
[4]. Stanishevsky U. O. (1979) Internacionalnyi pafos ukrainskogo radianskogo musichnogo teatru [International pathos of the Ukrainian Soviet Music Theatre].Kyiv: Music of Ukraine, 159 pp. (In Ukrainian)
[5]. Stanishevsky U.O. (1982) Rezysura v suchasnomu ukrainskomu musichnomu teatri [Directing in the modern Ukrainian Music Theatre]. Kyiv: Scientific Thought.278 pp. ( In Ukrainian)

Paper Title :: New Religious Movements and the Phenomenon of Cosmic War: Seeking Justice through Contextual Theology A Reading of Sama Ambe’s Cries of Restoration and co texts (media reports)
Author Name :: Banla Samuel Fonyuy
Country :: Cameroon
Page Number :: 39-47
The rise and proliferation of New Religious Movements and their puritanical non-conformist evangelism poses a danger to the history and heritage of African tribes especially as far as the conflict between African Traditional Religion and extremist Christianity is concerned. While this phenomenon has started receiving attention from theologians, literary critics are somewhat mute as far this trend is concerned. This is so because few African literature works have addressed such thematic issues leading to lack of corpus for literary essays targeting New Religious Movements, cosmic wars as well as contextual theology. However, thanks to New Historicism, one can correlate works of fiction with non-fiction to assess the ramifications of these, thereby contributing to literary research. What are cosmic wars and how can contextual theology help evade them? What justice or injustice do extremist Christian denominations do to African Traditional Religion and Culture in African Tribes? How is contextual theology a way of ensuring social justice as far as religion is concerned in contemporary Africa? This study sets out to attempt a correlation between New Religious Movements and Cosmic Wars with reference toSamaAmbe‘sCries of Restoration and co-texts. It seeks to establish that religious intolerance and the attack on ATR by NRMs is injustice and finally to propose contextual theology as a way out of cosmic wars and also a means for ensuring social justice as far as religion is concerned. The use of New Historicism as a critical theory permits the discussion of the Cries of Restoration and other documents that are considered as co-texts in the analysis that follow. Other concepts likeJuegensmeyers‘ Cosmic War Theory and Stephen Bevans‘s Models of contextual theology are also relevant to the study.
Keywords: African traditional religion, new religious movements, New Historicism, Cosmic wars.
[1]. Ambe, SamaThe Cries For Restoration. Bamenda: Maryland Publishers. 2008.
[2]. Awolalu J. O. What is African Traditional Religion? Studies in Comparative Religion. Vol.10,No.2.(Spring,1976). World Wisdom, Inc.
[3]. Bevans, Stephen (2008). Models of Contextual Theology. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books. Clarke, Peter.New Religions in Global Perspective: A Study Of Religious Change In The Modern World. Routledge. Retrieved from 2006. Chunyuy Shwei Emmanuel. Conflict Between New Religious Movements and African Traditional Religion in the Bafut Community The Clash Between Kingship International Ministries and African Traditional Religion. An unpublished dissertation. 2015.
[4]. John Samuel Mbiti.African Religion and Philosophy. London: Heineman.1969.
[5]. Mark Juergensmeyer. Terror in the Mind of God The Global Rise Of Religious Violence. University Of California Press Berkeley I Los Angeles I London2000

Paper Title :: The effects of music and creativity on child’s development an innovative educational program
Author Name :: Dr. Paraskevi Foti
Country :: Greece
Page Number :: 48-57
Can music be the springboard for an intervention program based on its structural languages and on the view that all children can develop musical abilities and skills? This paper analyzes the contribution of music and creativity to the completion of a child's personality based on scientific studies in the field of neuroscience and psychology. The educational intervention program that took place in kindergartens of Athens was based on the universal language of music, music education and singing and brought children in contact with Aesop’s fables which they "sang" and played with.
[1]. Baldy, Colin. The student voice, Edinburgh Scotland, Dunedin Academic Press Ltd.2010
[2]. Bernstein, Leonard. The Unanswered Question: Six Talks at Harvard, Harvard University Press.1976.
[3]. Dalcroze, E. J. Rhythm, Music and Education (translated by H. F. Rubinstein). Surrey: The Dalcroze Society.1967
[4]. Delamont, S., Hamilton, D.Revisiting classroom research. In S. Delamont (Ed.). Readings on interaction in the classroom (1984):3-38. London: Methuen.
[5]. Derrington, P. Supporting Students in a Secondary Mainstream School in T. Wigram & F. Baker (Eds.), Songwriting. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.2005.

Paper Title :: Native and Non-native English Teachers’ Perceptions toward Assessment Literacy Regarding Their Teaching Experience
Author Name :: Zohre Mohajer
Country :: Iran
Page Number :: 58-65
Assessment literacy is an almost newly concept which is dealt with in the language assessment domain and needs much more research studies to reach a better understanding of the issue since it might indicate the success or failure of a teacher, instructor, or tester on his/her career. The present study was an attempt to extend our knowledge on the perspectives of English language native and non-native teachers about assessment literacy. Furthermore, it is designed to seek whether there was any significant relationship between native and non-native English language teachers’ perceptions regarding assessment literacy and their experience. To achieve such goals, a mixed methods design was recruited. In the quantitative phase, Classroom Assessment Literacy Inventory developed by Cynthia Campbell and Craig Mertler (2004) was utilized which consisted of five Scenarios, each followed by seven questions. Through convenience sampling, the researcher either distributed the questionnaire among 100 native and non-native English teachers or sent it by E-mail to them. In the qualitative phase, a semi-structure interview was selected as a qualitative tool for collecting data. To this end, 10 teachers were volunteered to take part. Based on the quantitative findings of the research, there was a positive relationship between native English language teachers’ perceptions regarding assessment literacy and their experience. However, there was not any significant relationship between non-native English language teachers’ perceptions regarding assessment literacy and their experience. Based on the qualitative results of the study, seven codes were classified according to three themes, namely, assessment assumptions, assessment targets, and professional development. These seven codes were classroom observations, assessment consistency, formative assessments, summative assessment, higher-order thinking skills, lack of assessment literacy of coursework, and lack of technology assessment literacy. Thus, it is concluded that teachers should assume the role of classroom observation and consistency of the assessment as two major assumptions of assessment. Besides, valid assessment should be designed in order to activate the higher-order thinking skills of the students.
Keywords: assessment literacy, native teachers, non- native teachers, teaching experience.
[1]. Alkharusi, H. (2011). Teachers’ classroom assessment skills: Influence of gender, subject area, grade level, teaching experience, and in-service assessment training. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 8(2), 39-48.
[2]. Campbell, C., & Mertler, C. (2004). Assessment literacy inventory. New York: Measurement Instruments Press.
[3]. Creswell, J.W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches, (2nd edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
[4]. Davidheiser, S. A. (2013). Identifying areas for high school teacher development: A study of assessment literacy in the Central Bucks School District. (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). Drexel University.
[5]. DeLuca, C., & Klinger, D. A. (2010). Assessment literacy development: identifying gaps in teacher candidates’ learning. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 17(4), 419-438.

Paper Title :: Bharathi and Shelley: A Comparative Study
Author Name :: M. Kumuthavalli
Country :: India
Page Number :: 66-70
This paper focuses the impulse of the Romantic moment that is the freedom of Imagination. In Romantic movement at the end of the 18th Century and from the beginning of the 19th Century was a deliberate and sweeping revolt against the principles of the age of Reason. Among the Romantics of English literature words worth, Coleridge, scott. Byron Shelley and keats are the most significant. The history of Tamil literature commences from the sangam period (500 BC to 300 AD) marked by concept of classicism. After the Introduction of the British system of education and printing press, the intellectual dimension was widened and exposure to western literature and culture became prominent opening a new chapter made literary history of India. The poets like saint Ramalinganar , Vedanayagam Pillai and Tamil Siddhar ploughed the ground for the cultivation of fresh form of literate both in form end content, waiting for the arrival of Bharathi and Bharathidasan the two luminatries of the Tamil literary Horizon of the modern period.
Through this comparative study. We can infer the idea that how the English poet Shelley and Tamil poet Bharati are similar in the aspect of imagination and they depict their, individuality and laid stress on a particular aspect.
Keywords: Imagination, Essemplastic power, Modifying power, Romantics, Modiating power.

Paper Title :: Discrepancies regarding the murder of Carlos Marighella by the Brazilian dictatorship in 1969
Author Name :: Lucas Martins Marchezini
Country :: Brazil
Page Number :: 71-75
This article seeks to analyze reports and personal accounts of individuals who lived during the armed guerrilla period of the National Liberation Action (Ação Libertadora Nacional /ALN) regarding the death of Carlos Marighella, the group’s highest-ranking leader. The aim is not to establish an absolute truth but to presentthe discrepancies between individual accounts andresearcherreports of the event,which leave muchroom for interpretation. Carlos Marighella was shot to death on November 4th, 1969, on Casa Branca Lane in São Paulo. Some believe that he was killed outside the car in which two Dominican friars, his coreligionists, were waiting for him; consequently, the crime scene was altered by the police to match the official version of the event. Others state that the ALN leader was in fact shot inside the car.
Keywords: Carlos Marighella; Ação Libertadora Nacional; National Liberation Action; ALN; armed combat; memory.
[1]. BETTO, Frei, Blood Baptism. Rocco Publishing House, Rio de Janeiro, 2006.
[2]. DA SILVA JUNIOR, Edson Teixeira, Carlos, the hidden face of Marighella. Expressão PopularPublishingHouse, São Paulo, 2009.
[3]. DELACROIX, Christian, Historical currents in France. FGV Publishing House, Rio de Janeiro, 2012.
[4]. JOSE, Emiliano. Carlos Marighella: the military dictatorship’s number one enemy. Casa Amarela Ltd Publishing House, São Paulo, 1997.
[5]. MAGALHAES, Mario, Marighella: The guerrillero who set the world on fire. Companhia de Letras, São Paulo, 2012.

Paper Title :: Reducing Food Loss and Waste through Innovative Food Preservation Technologies Applied by Women in Rural Areas in Kenya
Author Name :: Julius M. Huho
Country :: Kenya
Page Number :: 76-82
Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) accounts for 24% of global GHG emissions. Continentally, Africa is the third-largest emitter at 15% after Asia (44%) and Latin America & the Caribbean (17%). Of the 15% of the GHG emissions in Africa, 5.9% is produced in Eastern Africa, 3.5% in Western Africa, 3.1% in northern Africa, 2.0% in Middle Africa and 1.0% in Southern Africa (FAO, 2016). According to FAO (2015), Food Loss and Waste (FLW) accounts for about 8% of global anthropogenic GHG emissions or 4.4 Gt CO2 eq per year (Figure 1) thus contributing to climate change. The SDG no 12 of the United Nations on "Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns" targets a reduction of 50% of the 2011 FLW in all regions of the world. It proposes to halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses by 2030. This implies that a reduction in FLW at all levels will have a substantial positive effect on climate change. Gromko&Abdurasolova (2019) observes that about one-third of food produced globally is either lost or wasted accounting for economic losses amounting to US$ 940 billion per year. Food loss occurs when food is damaged before it is consumed while food waste occurs when the food is ready for consumption but it is not consumed (Bhandari, 2018). FLW occur in both the "upstream" and the "downstream" sections of the food value chain. Food losses are common in the "upstream" which includes food production, post-harvest handling and storage while food wastage is common in the "downstream" which includes processing, distribution and consumption stages (Parameshwari, 2017). Food processing, distribution and consumption stages account for 46% the global FLW (Parameshwari, 2017). It is interesting to note that although Sub-Saharan Africa faces severe food shortages, on one hand, it experiences high rates of postharvest loss on the other. It is estimated that about 50% of fruits and vegetables, 20% of cereals, pulses and legumes and 40% of roots and tubers are lost before they reach the consumer (Njagi and Wainaina, 2018). Acknowledging that reduction of FLW through preservation of food does not only safeguard households against food insecurity but also plays a major role in mitigating climate change, this study aimed at establishing the innovative food processing and preservation technologies applied by women in rural areas in Garissa and Machakos Counties in Kenya that aimed at reducing FLW at post-harvest handling and storage stages.
[1]. Bhandari, S. (2018) Impacts of Food Waste in Carbon Emission and Control Measures. Bachelor of Engineering thesis, Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. Available online at: =1&isAllowed=y
[2]. CIAT (2018) Kenya county climate risk profile series: Climate risk profile Machakos County. Available online at:
[3]. FAO (2015) Food wastage footprint & climate change. Available online at:
[4]. FAO (2016) Greenhouse Gas Emissions: from Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use. Available online at:
[5]. Forsythe S.J., Hayes P.R. (1998) Food spoilage. In: Food Hygiene, Microbiology and HACCP. Springer, Boston, MA

Paper Title :: Military identity of women veterans and its impact on their social (re)adaptation to civilian environment
Author Name :: Аrtemenko Anna
Country :: Ukraine
Page Number :: 83-87
This paper examines the features of military and post-military transition of Ukrainian women veterans, as well as their social (re)adaptation to the civilian sphere of public life. The paper investigates how Ukrainian female veterans evaluate practical aspects of integrating women into the military field and what factors affect the process of social (re)adaptation of women to civilian life after returning from the army. It has been found that having a family and children really contributes to the process of (re)adaptation of women after returning from the army; the military experience of servicewomen affects the change in their life values; the length of stay in the armed forces and in the war zone has an impact on the military identification of women with the army and their desire to devote their lives to a military career. It has been concluded that post-military transition of female veterans is associated with certain shifts in their coordinate system of values. Thus, after returning from the armed conflict area, women began to render greater value to life, family and health (traditional values) and less to material benefits. Almost all respondents supported the idea of gender equality in the army and emphasized the positive results of their stay in the military field.
Keywords: Military identity; Women veterans; Social adaptation; Civilian environment.
[1]. Bataeva, E., Artemenko, A. (2018). Concept of Military Identity in Modern Sociology. Visnyk V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, Methods, 40, 29-35. URL:
[2]. Butler, J. (1990). Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. New York: Routledge.
[3]. Challenge and change in the military: gender and diversity issue. (2006). Edited by Franklin C. Pinch, Allister T. MacIntyre, Phyllis Browne, and Alan C. Okros. Canadian Defence Academy Press, Kingston, Ontario.
[4]. Crotty, M. (1998). The foundations of social research: Meaning and perspective in the research process. London, UK: Sage.
[5]. Feinman, I. (2000). Citizenship Rites: Feminist Soldiers and Feminist Antimilitarists. New York: New York University Press.

Paper Title :: Implications of National Police Service Reforms on Response to Terror Activities in Mandera County
Author Name :: James Kanyi Githaka || Lazarus Ngar || Peter Wekesa
Country :: Kenya
Page Number :: 88-95
A cross-sectional study of police officers was carried out in Mandera County of Kenya to elucidate the impact that reforms in the police service have had on their response to terror activities. Utilizing a mixed methods approach, the study found that while there had been a positive impact for the most part, more still needs to be done especially in the area intelligence gathering to prevent terror attacks and rebuilding the public trust in the police service in light of previous misdeeds.
Keywords: Kenya Police Reforms, Terrorism Response, Security, Mandera County
[1]. Gimode EA. The Role of the Police in Kenya‟s Democratisation Process. In: Murunga GR, Nasong‟o SW, editors. Kenya: The Struggle for Democracy. London, UK: Zed Books; 2007.
[2]. Adar KG, Munyae IM. Human Rights Abuse in Kenya Under Daniel Arap Moi, 1978. Afr Stud Q. 2001;5(1).
[3]. Jones PS, Kimari W, Ramakrishnan K. „Only the people can defend this struggle‟: the politics of the everyday, extrajudicial executions and civil society in Mathare, Kenya. Rev Afr Polit Econ. 2017;44(154):559–576.
[4]. Republic of Kenya. The Constitution of Kenya. 2010.
[5]. KNCHR. A joint report on the; Audit of the status of police reforms in Kenya [Internet]. Nairobi, Kenya: Kenya National Commission on Human Rights; 2015. Available from: EDITED POLICE REFORMS REPORT.pdf

Paper Title :: Comparative Analysis of Practise of Aspects of Governance in Ghana and Kenya
Author Name :: Emmanuel Abeku Essel || Gordon OchiengOgutu
Country :: Hungary
Page Number :: 96-105
The practice of effective governance remains elusive to most African countries. Ghana and Kenya despite having had progressive and democratic constitutionshave fallen short of upholding it. Out of the numerous challenges faced the two countries still struggle on how key institutions are governed, appointment of senior state officers, rule of law and transparency and accountability. Based on the analysis of the aforementioned challenges, the study revealed that both countries experience widespread impunity in management of governance institutions, blatant abuse of rule of law, lack of transparency and accountability and abuse of power in key government appointments. It recommends constitutional changes in both countries to tame the excessive powers of the Executives, strict adherence to the rule of law, and strengthening of institutions charged with ensuring transparency and accountability. The study draws conclusions and it is expected that the needed steps would be taken to strengthen areas where there are short falls.
Keywords: Ghana, Kenya, Accountability, Transparency, Governance institutions, Rule of Law, State officers
[1]. Accountability. (n.d.). Retrieved December 30, 2019, from
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[4]. Attoh, D. A., Ampratwum, E., &Paller, J. (2014). Political Accountability in Ghana: Evidence from Afrobarometer Round 5 Survey. Afrobarometer, 6. Retrieved from
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