
Volume 02 - Issue 06

Paper Title :: The Influence of Cooperative Learning Model and Self Concept on Nursing Students’ Achievement in A Public Speaking Course
Author Name :: M. Rakhman Nasution, Achmad Ridwan, Yetty Supriyati
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 01-08
The aim of the study is to identify the influence of cooperative learning and self-concept in a public speaking course for nursing students after their prior knowledge have been controlled. The study is an experiment and the data was gathered by using a multistage random sampling technique and analyzed using a 2x2 two-way analysis covariant (ANACOVA) based on the level of the design. After controlling for the participants’ prior knowledge, the results of the study show that: 1) participants instructed with a cooperative learning model achieved better results than those taught with a conventional learning model after controlling for their prior knowledge; 2) there is evidence of an influence from the cooperative learning model on self-concept in the Public Speaking course with regards to learning results after prior knowledge has been controlled; 3) The Public Speaking course learning results of students in the cooperative learning model group are higher than those using the conventional learning model for students who have high self-concept; and 4) the Public Speaking course learning results of students in the cooperative learning model group are higher than those using the conventional learning model for students who have low self-concept. Overall, the results of the study show that the cooperative learning model positively influenced the learning process.
Keywords: self-concept, prior knowledge, public speaking course, cooperative learning model.
[1] Berk, L. E. (2007). Development through The Lifespan (4th ed.). Pearson International Edition.
[2] Brooks, W. D. (1974). Speech Communications. Dubuque: Wm. C. Brown Comp.
[3] Cronbach, L. J., et. al. (1985). Toward Reform of Program Evaluation. San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
[4] Gagne, R. M., Leslie J.,& Wager. (1992). Principles of Instructional Design. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers.
[5] Gronlund, N. E. (1976). Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching.Amazon. Publisher: Collier Macmillan

Paper Title :: New Public Administration Reforms and their Impact on Local Governments
Author Name :: Dr. Bekir TAVAS
Country :: Turkey
Page Number :: 09-16
The world public, solid, hierarchical and bureaucratic concept of public administration until the 1980s has left its place to a flexible, market-based and decentralized understanding of public administration after a paradigm shift in management. International developments in the political, economic, social and cultural spheres that occur today necessitate changes in public administration. In this study, the reform of public administration together with a new concept in Turkey, the impact on local governments will be examined. This effect is versatile; Anti-bureaucratic structure, participation in management, openness and accountability, strategic planning and innovations in the axis of localization will be examined at the local level in light of the laws issued by taking into consideration the process of change.
Keywords: Reform, New Public Administration, Decentralization, Local Governments
[1]. Altunsoy, H. Kübra-Önalp, Gökbörü (2015), ‘‘Büyükşehir Belediyelerinin Oluşumuna Yönelik 6360 Sayılı Kanunla Getirilen Yeniliklerin Yerelleşme ve Yerel Özerklik Bağlamında İrdelenmesi’’, Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Hopa Sosyal Bilimler Lisansüstü Öğrenci Çalıştayı Bildiri Kitabı, 16-17 Ekim, s. 51-64.
[2]. Bilgiç, Veysel (2003), ‘‘Yeni Kamu Yönetimi Anlayışı’’, Balcı, Asım vd. (Ed.), Kamu Yönetimde Çağdaş Yaklaşımlar, Seçkin Yayınevi, Ankara, 25-38.
[3]. Coşkun, Selim (2013), ‘‘Kamu Yönetiminde Yeniden Yapılanma Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme’’, Balcı, Asım vd. (Ed.), Kamu Yönetiminde Çağdaş Yaklaşımlar, Seçkin Yayınları, Ankara, s. 47-65.
[4]. Çapar, Selim (2011), ‘‘1980 Sonrası Türk Kamu Yönetiminin Değişim ve Dönüşümü’’, İdarecinin Sesi Dergisi, Sayı: 143, Ocak-Şubat, s. 36-40.
[5]. Emini, F. Tufan (2009), ‘‘Türkiye’de Yerel Yönetimler Reformunun İç ve Dış Dinamikleri’’, Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi, Cilt: 16, Sayı: 2, s. 31-48.

Paper Title :: Strategies for Handling Stunting Risk in Indonesia
(Case Study in Kupang City, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, Indonesia)
Author Name :: Dr. Jefirstson Richset Riwukore, Hilda Manafe, Fellyanus Habaora
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 17-25
Stunting prevalence in Kupang City is in the acute and chronic category. This condition is caused by mothers and toddlers experiencing prolonged quality nutritional deficiencies due to failed parenting patterns, knowledge of housewives who are still low, clean and healthy lifestyle that is not optimal, and Posyandu and Puskesmas interventions as maternal and toddlers health services are not optimal. The results of the SWOT analysis indicate that the handling of stunting risks in the Kupang City can be done in several ways, namely: (1) returning the function of the Posyandu and increasing the participation of households visiting the Posyandu; (2) increasing counseling to strengthen the knowledge capacity of mothers and households; (3) strengthening human resources of health actors in the Puskesmas in the setting of nutrition needs, nutrition management and management of the mother to maintain the health of the family and themselves; (4) access to roads and health infrastructure is made adequate; and (5) enhancing cross-sector coordination and cooperation and partnerships with private and business communities through the Model Village in mobilizing resources for food supply at the household level so that consumptive behavior changes into nutrient-conscious behavior, increased family purchasing power, and changes from parenting housewife.
Keywords: prevalence of stunting, mother and toddlers, Kupang City
[1]. Atmarita, “Optimal Nutritional Intake to Prevent Stunting,” Buletin Jendela Data dan Informasi Kesehatan, 1(1), pp. 14-24, 2018.
[2]. Paramita, M.S. Pramono, “The Pattern and Factor Analysis of the Breastfeeding Duration in 2013,” Jurnal Ekologi Kesehatan, 14(2), pp.157-170, 2015.
[3]. [BPS] Central Bureau of Statistics Kupang City, “Kupang City Statistic in 2018,” Statistic Report in Kupang City, Kota Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia, 2019.
[4]. [BPS] Central Bureau of Statistics Nusa Tenggara Timur, “Statistic of Nusa Tenggara Province in 2019,” Statistic Report in Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia, 2019.
[5]. [Dinkes KK] Kupang City Health Office, “Health Profile of Kupang City,”, Health Office in Kupang City, Kota Kupang, NTT, Indonesia, 2018.

Paper Title :: Development of Teaching Materials Using Propaganda Devices to Improve Critical Reading Skills for Thai University Students
Author Name :: Ratsawadee Belardo, Chanawut Singthong, Sutthida Worasang
Country :: Thailand
Page Number :: 26-31
The aim of this research is to develop teaching materials using propaganda devices on political new articles from four major news agencies from both the United States of America and the United Kingdom. This research employs the idea of propaganda devices to investigate different kinds of propagandas used in forty political news articles. The result from the study was analyzed using descriptive statistics to find the frequency of each device used in the news articles in order to determine how many types of propagandas were used in the articles and which types are being used more frequently. The result from the research will be applied to the creation of the teaching materials for the Thai university students enrolled in the English major to help improve their critical reading skills. Overall, the result of the study shows that identifying types of propagandas in news articles can be a good tool to help students gain more critical reading skills. Nevertheless, considering the English skill of the students, there will need to be some modification to both the types of news articles in order to fit with the context of Thai students.
Keywords: propaganda devices, propaganda techniques, critical reading, online news.
[1]. Birkerts, S. (2006). The Gutenberg elegies: The fate of reading in an electronic age. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
[2]. Chotitham, S., & Wongwanich, S. (2014). The reading attitude measurement for enhancing elementary school students’ achievement. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 116, 3213-3217.
[3]. Jowett, G. S., & O'donnell, V. (2018). Propaganda& persuasion. Sage Publications
[4]. Liu, Z. (2005). Reading behavior in the digital environment. Journal of Documentation, 61(6), 700-712.
[5]. Miller, C. R. (1939). How to detect and analyze propaganda. Town Hall, Incorporated.

Paper Title :: Junior and Senior Technical Vocational Education Teachers’ Performance and Teaching Styles: A Comparison
Author Name :: Rogie R. Sabado, Allan O. De La Cruz
Country :: Philippines
Page Number :: 32-42
The study was generally conducted to compare the performance and teaching styles employed by the Junior and Senior Technical Vocational Education (TVE) teachers in the province of Apayao, Philippines as perceived by themselves, their students, their peers and their school heads. The data on teaching style were gathered using the Grasha- Riechman Teaching Styles Inventory, and were analyzed using the 5- point Likert Scale. The data on teaching performance was taken from their Individual Performance Commitment Review in SY 2016-2017. Descriptive statistics as well as T- test and Pearson Product Moment Correlation were used to test the relationship of the teachers‟ performance and teaching styles and the profile variables. Findings revealed that all the TVE teachers have a Very Satisfactory (Average Very Satisfactory) teaching performance; however, the male TVE teachers show a higher performance compared to female TVE teachers. The Senior High School TVE teachers were found out that they are more likely to practice the five teaching styles compared to the Junior High School TVE teachers. Sex , family income, teaching experience and seminars/ trainings attended were found to have a relationship on the personal model, facilitator and delegator teaching styles. Meanwhile, the males were found to employ a more delegator teaching style than the female. Also, it was found out that the TVE teachers with lower family income and those with lesser number of seminars/trainings attended, they are more likely to be a personal model and a delegator. Furthermore, TVE teachers‟ teaching performance is affected by sex and trainings/seminars attended.
Keywords: Teaching performance, teaching styles, Technical-Vocation Education, Junior and Senior High School Teachers
[1]. Barbaros, M.T. (n.d.),The Effect of Teaching Styles on Students Motivation: An Action Retrieved from
[2]. Davis-Langston.C. (2012).Exploring relationship among teaching styles, teachers‟ perceptions of their self-efficacy and students‟ mathematics achievement. Published Dissertation, Liberty University.
[3]. Domingo, J.P. (2012).Profile and teaching styles of dance educators in the Philippines. (Unpublished Thesis, Polytechnic University of the Philippines Graduate School). Sta. Mesa, Manila. Retrieved from:
[4]. Diaz L, Moran, R. & Rivera, P. (2011).Comparing teaching styles and personality types of efl instructors in the public and private sectors. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Departamen to de Lenguas Extranjeras, 13(1), 111-127
[5]. Dmovski and Groof (2015), Research, Teaching asnd Performance Evaluation in Academia: The Salience of Quality; Retrieved from 1080/030750792015.1104659

Paper Title :: Developing Qur’anic Communication Corpus “MGG&&Tf
Qur’CC INNOVA” For Pedagogical Delivery
Author Name :: Asma Abdul Rahman, Nurkhamimi Zainuddin, Puziah Abd. Wahab, Ahmad Abdul Rahman
Country :: Malaysia
Page Number :: 43-47
Corpus (plural: corpora) or text corpus is a large and structured set of texts about a particular subject. In this present study, Qur‟anic Communication Corpus (henceforth “MGG&&TfQur‟CC INNOVA”) refers to the qur‟anic communication constructs found in Al-Quran. Extensive study has been on developing linguistic corpus, however to date there is not any communication corpus based on Al-Quran as it prime source of reference. This will jeopardize the development of quality society in practicing communication act. Further, although some corpora (plural of corpus) have been developed, these corpora tend to overlook the element of religion and moral which is essential for the development of communication act and utilitarian. Hence this study aims to develop a Qura‟anic Communication Corpus (“MGG&&TfQur‟CC INNOVA”) to enhance pedagogical delivery. The study has threefold objective (a) to identify the related communication corpus found in Al-Quran (b) to investigate the co-occurrence of each related Quranic communication construct found in Al- Quran (c) to propose new pedagogical delivery based on Quranic Communication Corpus (“MGG&&TfQur‟CC INNOVA”). The studies deploy content analysis method to address the research objectives. Content analysis is a research tool used to determine the presence of certain words or concepts within texts or sets of texts. Researchers adopt the content analysis' basic methods ie conceptual analysis or relational analysis. The present study holds three significance; (1) “MGG&&TfQur‟CC INNOVA” allows statistical analysis, checking occurrences or validating within a Communication domain/discipline (2) “MGG&&TfQur‟CC INNOVA” will increase our knowledge about Islamic communication (3) “MGG&&TfQur‟CC INNOVA” provides new pedagogical deliverables in enhancing communication delivery domain. It is expected that this communication corpus study benefitted the ummah/society in enhancing pedagogical deliveries. The study conclude with an outlook on some proposed pedagogical methodologies to enhance communication domain studies. This study will contribute towards the Quranic Communication Corpus (“MGG&&TfQur‟CC INNOVA”) development and knowledge pertaining to communication domain and new pedagogical deliverable in teaching and learning of communication domain.
Keywords: Qur‟anic Communication Constructs, Communication Corpus, Pedagogical Delivery.
[1] Al-Atar and Muhammad Sidqi (2010) Mu'jam Alfadh al-Quran al-Karim. Beirut: Darul Fikri.
[2] Asma Abdul Rahman, (2003-2007), LINGUISTICS STUDIES, Publishing Section USIM, Bandar Baru Nilai, Negeri Sembilan.
[3] Asma Abdul Rahman, (2007-2017), A‟LIYAT TAHLIL AL-NASS AL-QURANI AL-LUGHAWWY: DIRASAH LUGHAWIYYAH DALALIYYAH (Formula Book), Publishing Section USIM, USIM, Bandar Baru Nilai, Negeri Sembilan.
[4] Asma Abdul Rahman, (2019), MODERN LINGUISTICS STUDIES, Publishing Section USIM, USIM, Bandar Baru Nilai, Negeri Sembilan.
[5] Carley, K., & Palmquist, M. (1992). Extracting, representing and analyzing mental models. Social Forces, 70 (3), 601-636.

Paper Title :: A Critical Appraisal on Population Explosion and Poverty in Nigeria
Author Name :: Olomu Babatunde Olukayode
Country :: Nigeria
Page Number :: 48-55
This study is an empirical and critical appraisal of the problem of population explosion and poverty in Nigeria. Indeed, the interconnectedness, relatedness, intricacy and interdependence of the two concepts (population explosion and poverty)is beyond doubt. However, a lot of literature have focused more on population growth which is far from the newly advancing idea of population explosion; even though the latter is the extreme and trending consequences of the former. Thus, this research sees population explosion and poverty as two potential negative consequences of population growth for economic development, which needed more scholarly attention and critical appraisal of its underlying factors and implications to Nigeria‟s national development.
[1]. African Development Bank-African Development Fund (ADB-ADF). (2000). “Policy on Population and Strategies for Implementation”.
[2]. Agena, J. E. (2008). “The Politics of Poverty Reduction in Nigeria: A Study of the Activities of Ebonyi state Community Based Poverty Reduction Agency”. African Journal of Political and Administrative Studies (AJPAS), 4(1):193-208.
[3]. Ahlburg, D. A. (1994). “Population and Economic Development: A Report to the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia”. Australia International Development Assistance Bureau.
[4]. Brockerhoff, M. P. (2000). “An Urbanizing World”. Population Bulletin, 55(3).
[5]. Cassen, J. (1994). Population Policy. 14-22.

Paper Title :: Evaluation of Medium Level Leadership Education and Training Programs
Author Name :: João De Carvalho
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 56-61
Improving the quality of leadership for stakeholders and prospective stakeholders is something that must be applied in the field of human resources/ apparatus. This will be achieved only through the middle level leadership training program. Where the training was carried out by National Institution Public Administration in 2014. Considering the implementation of the training was faced with various problems. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to evaluate the implementation of the training program in question, with the aim of finding and providing solutions to various problems encountered in the implementation of the Middle Level Leadership Training Program.
The theory used in this study includes: program evaluation theory, education and training theory and leadership theory. While the evaluation model used in this study is the theory of CIPP evaluation model=Context, Input, Process and Product, which was developed by Stufflebeam and then used as a basis for determining the framework of the study.
The method used in this study is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques used are: interview techniques and document review techniques.
The results of this study indicate that, in the context aspect: The absence of technical regulations/implementing regulations specifically regulating leadership training, there are no provisions governing the status, rights and obligations of teachers/lecturers; input aspects: Limited number of teachers/ lecturers; the absence the medium level leadership training module, limited number of infrastructure and conditions that are not feasible to use, Internet space does not yet exist; process aspects: Limited facilities learning; product aspects: The ministry/agency as long as it has not pre-tested and post-tested the participants, there are still a number of training participants who have not received career development/promotion in structural positions.
In conclusion, the state staffing commission and National Institution Public Administration have not formulated specific regulations for leadership training, National Institution Public Administration has not completed the medium level leadership training module, National Institution Public Administration does not have the number of the teachers/lecturers and learning facilities. National Institution Public Administration has not designed an appropriate library and internet space and has not actualized the collection of book titles in accordance with the development of science, and there has been no career development or promotion for ex-participants or alumni.
Keywords: Program Evaluation, Training, and Leadership.
[1]. Ambar, Teguh Sulistiyani and Rosidah, 2009. Human Resource Management. Yogyakarta: PT. Graha Ilmu.
[2]. Arikunto, Suharsini, 2006. Research Procedure A Practice Approach. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.
[3]. ----------, 2009. Fundamentals of Educational Evaluation (Revised Edition). Jakarta: PT. Earth Script.
[4]. Arikunto, Suharsini and Abdul Jabar, Cepi Safrudin, 2008. Program Evaluation Education. Jakarta: PT. Earth Literacy.
[5]. Atmodiwirio, Subagio, 1993. Management Training, Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.

Paper Title :: From mandatory oralisation to deaf bilingualism: one achievement in process
Author Name :: Terezinha Teixeira Joca, Ana Rebeca Medeiros Nunes de Oliveira, Marilene Calderaro Munguba
Country :: Brasil
Page Number :: 62-69
This study figures as an essay on the progress of deaf people regarding the mandatory oralisation proposed by the bilingual school. As a purpose, it suggests a reflection about the path of deaf people on the conquering a bilingual school, as a continuous process. As a qualitative study, it aims to explain in an argumentative way about this process, as well as how the bilingualism occurs today. This study was conducted from January to April, 2019. Based on the Skliar, Strobel, Perlin, Quadros and Joca‟s theoretical basis, it aimed the comprehension of deaf people‟s progress, from the punishment for trying to communicate naturally using the signals language, to the conquering of the use of Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) on social and educational spaces. Also, it proposes a reflection about a community which has been over the domain of the hearing culture. As a result, it intends to make contributions to the deaf community, educational proposals, family and educational members as a whole.
Keywords: Bilingualism, deaf, education, oralisatio
[1]. M.R. Stumpf,. “A educação bilíngue para surdos: relatos de experiências e a realidade brasileira. In: Estudos Surdos IV, R. M. Quadros e M. R. Stumpf (Org.), Petrópolis: Arara Azul. pp. 425-450, 2009.
[2]. M.M. C. Coelho. “Linguagem, fala e audição nos processos de aprendizagem”. In A.M. Martinez e M.C.V.R. TACCA, (Coords). Possibilidades de Aprendizagem: ações pedagógicas para alunos com dificuldade e deficiência (pp. 153-174). Campinas, Alínea, 2011.
[3]. T.T. Joca. “Um estrangeiro em família: ser surdo como uma diferença linguística”. 2015, 210 f. Tese (Doutorado) - Curso de Psicologia, Psicologia, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Lisboa. Disponível online em:
[4]. T. Raso, H. Mello e C. Altenhofen. “Os contatos linguísticos e o Brasil: dinâmicas pré-históricas, históricas e sociopolíticas”. In H. Mello, C. Altenhofen e T. Raso (Orgs.). Os contatos linguísticos no Brasil. Belo Horizonte, UFMG. pp. 13-56, 2011.
[5]. Brasil. Decreto 5.626 de 22 de dezembro de 2005. Regulamenta a Lei no 10.436, de 24 de abril de 2002, que dispõe sobre a Língua Brasileira de Sinais - Libras, e o art. 18 da Lei no 10.098, de 19 de dezembro de 2000. Disponível online em: Acesso em: 20 fev. 2019.

Paper Title :: Good Leadership and Governance in Africa: A Case Study of Nigeria
Author Name :: Inyang, Bassey
Country :: Nigeria
Page Number :: 70-80
The quest for good leadership and good governance in Africa are two key elements that will ensure that Africa is a worthy, respectable and net-contributing player in the global arena. The phenomenon of leadership and good governance has assumed greater interest in Africa. Good leaders globally guide governments of nation-states to perform effectively for their citizens. The central idea behind leadership is to influence members of group or society in a bid to achieve set goals. The study looks at leadership and challenges of good governance in the 21st Century Nigeria. The study discovered that political leadership has been seriously constrained by corruption, mismanagement of resources, electoral fraud and poor infrastructural development and this has posed dangerous threats to the development of the country. The research paper which relies on data from secondary sources, found that good governance is the positive or progressive outcome of symbiotically integrated leadership. This article unequivocally recommends that the opportunity to participate in the democratisation process should be accorded the citizenry in the choice and selection of credible representative through periodic elections. Fight against corruption should be taken seriously. Also building a functioning judicial system, freedom of the press and free speech are inevitable in the sustenance of good governance anchored on economic reforms aimed at socio-economic development.
Keywords: Leadership, Good governance, Issues, Prospects, National Development.
[1]. Abiodun, J. O. (1998) “Environmental Poverty and Sustainable Development” in Nigeria Cities in The Nigerian Social Scientist. Vol. 1 No. 1
[2]. Adeboye, E. A. (2011) You A Leader? Open Heavens. Volume Eleven. Lagos: Tie Communications Ltd.
[3]. African Governance Report (2005) United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. Ethiopia: Adis Ababa.
[4]. Ajayi, K. (2000) International Administration and Economic Relations in Changing World. Ibadan: Dekaal Publisher.
[5]. Ake, C. (1991) For Africa, The Way Forward. The Guardian, Lagos; November 13.