
Volume 02 - Issue 05

Paper Title :: The “Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI) As an Economic Development Strategy for China
Author Name :: Professor Dr. Zdzisław W. PUŚLECKI
Country :: Poland
Page Number :: 01-19
In this research work, Author focus on the analysis the ‗Belt and Road Initiative‘ (BRI) or ‗One Belt, One Road‘ (OBOR) as an economic development strategy for China.. The initiative is focused on creating networks that will allow for a more efficient and productive free flow of trade as well as further integration of international markets both physically and digitally. BRI is comprised of the ‗21st Century Maritime Silk Road‘ and the ‗Silk Road Economic Belt‘ together they will connect more than 65 countries making up over 62% of the world‘s population, around 35% of the world‘s trade and over 31% of the world‘s GDP. It will take the form of a series of highways, railways and ports as well as facilities for energy, telecommunications, healthcare and education.It must be emphasized that the initiative merges both the land-based Silk Road (from China via Central Asia to Turkey and the EU) with the Maritime Route (via the Indian Ocean and Africa to Europe). Both routes were created with the intention of developing transportation infrastructure, facilitating economic development and increasing trade. This 21st-century initiative is not merely for China to romanticize its historical legacies: it carries major strategic economic and geopolitical calculations. The EU must to decide now if and how to engage in these emerging processes. The main aim of the article is the presentation of the ‗Belt and Road Initiative‘ (BRI) as an economic development strategy for China.
Keywords: Belt and Road, initiative, China, European Union, infrastructure
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[5]. Cao, C., Suttmeier, R. P., & Simon, D. F. (2006). China's 15-year science and technology plan. Physics Today, December,38-43.

Paper Title :: Human Capital Development as a Panacea for Organizational Survival of Broadcasting Corporations in Rivers State
Author Name :: Past. Dr. Abomaye-Nimenibo, Williams Aminadokiari Samuel, Dr. Emmanuel Amos Umana, Usanga, Samuel Udofia
Country :: Nigeria
Page Number :: 20-29
This study examined the relationship between human capital development and organizational survival of broadcasting corporations in Rivers State. Cross sectional research design in studying the four elected broadcasting corporations in Rivers State was adopted for better result than selecting just one out of twelve broadcasting corporations in Rivers State. Krejcie and Morgan table was used to determine the sample size of 217 obtained from the field survey. However, 180 sets of questionnaires were successfully retrieved and analysed using Spearman's Rank Order correlation coefficient to determine the relationship existing between variables. The findings revealed that the organizational staff training, organizational staff development and organizational staff education programmes exhibited significant relationship with organizational survival. It was therefore concluded that training, development and education dimensions of human capital development altogether can position an organization to compete favourably as well as adapt in this ever dynamic, changing and volatile business environment. We therefore, recommend among others that development, training and provision of education be taken seriously as a priority and Manpower Development and Training Departments be created in all the communication/Broadcasting Corporations as well as other organizations existing in Rivers State and beyond.
Keywords: Organization, Training, Development, Programme, Survival.
[1]. Amah, E. (20l6).Human Resource Management, Port Harcourt: Tema&TemaPress.
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[3]. Beach, M.J. (2009), A Critique of Human Capital Formation in the U.S. and the Economic Returns to Sub-Baccalaureate Credentials, Educational Studies: A Journal of the American Educational Studies, 45(1), 24-38.
[4]. Becker, G.S. (1993).Human capital: A theoretical and empirical analysis with special reference to education (3'dEd.).Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
[5]. Boldizzxoni, (2008), Means and Ends: The idea of Capital in the West; 1500-1970, New York; Palgrave Macmillan.

Paper Title :: Critical Thinking in Biology Pre-AP Curricula
Author Name :: Sura Sabri, Prof. Sufian Forawi
Country :: Dubai, UAE
Page Number :: 30-43
This study aims at investigating the extent to which critical thinking is utilized in the pre-AP (Advanced Placement) biology curriculum, identifying any gaps present, in additionto improving existing curriculum documents based on these gaps.Two questions drive this research study:“To what extent is critical thinking utilized in the pre-AP biology curriculum?” and “What perceptions do biology teachers have regarding planning for critical thinking?”Qualitative data analysis using the Critical Thinking Attribute Survey was used to analyze the curriculum documents and example lesson plans. Additional data was collected through semi-structured interviews. This study confirms that biology curriculum documents include attributes of critical thinking in all standards. In addition, it presents various effective teaching strategies that would promote students’ critical thinking. Moreover, this study confirms the importance of teachers’ professional development, especially for interpreting curriculum documents and identifying attributes of critical thinking. This will enable them to translate learning outcomes and implement effective strategies to develop students’ critical thinking skills.
Keywords: critical thinking, biology curriculum, teacher training
[1]. Abell, S. K. (2010) Handbook of research on science education. Edited by Sandra K. Abell and Norman G. Lederman. United States: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
[2]. Akgun, A. &Duruk, U. (2016). The Investigation of Preservice Science Teachers’ Critical Thinking Dispositions in the Context of Personal and Social Factors. Science Education International, vol. 27 (1), pp. 3-12.
[3]. Anderson, R. (1992). Perspectives on complexity: An essay on curricular reform. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, vol. 29 (8), pp. 861-876.
[4]. Bati, K. &Kaptan, F. (2015). The Effect of Modeling Based Science Education on Critical Thinking. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, vol. 10 (1), pp. 39-59.
[5]. Bowman, L. &Govett, A. (2015). Becoming the Change: A Critical Evaluation of the Changing Face of Life Science, as Reflected in the NGSS. Science Educator, vol. 24 (1), pp. 51-61.

Paper Title :: Communication phenomenon and skills necessary to master communicative competence in favor of peace culture: Latin American context
Author Name :: PhD and Dr. Sc. in Pedagogy, Full Prof. Elena Anatolievna Zhizhko1, PhD and Dr. Sc. in Pedagogy, Full Prof. Larisa Lukyanova
Country :: Ukraine
Page Number :: 44-50
This article presents the results of documentary-bibliographic pedagogical research, which goal was to conceptualize communication as a phenomenon and define the knowledge, skills and abilities that are essential for the development of students´ communicative competitiveness in favor of peace culture. Authors found, that the domain of the communicative competence by students demands the development of psychophysiological capacities and the appropriation of sociocultural competences such as knowing how to assume responsibilities, be precise, don´t give opinion in a generalized way, be transparent and act naturally; accepting criticism constructively and non-destructively; knowing well what is transmitting, considering capabilities, needs, expectations, interests of receivers; being assertive, patient, tolerant, able to listen actively.
Keywords: concept of communication as a phenomenon; peace culture; students´ communicative competitiveness; psychophysiological communicative capacities; sociocultural communicative competences; active listening; responsible transmission of information.
[1]. M. Alsina,Teorías de la comunicación, Madrid, Aldea Global, 2001.
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[5]. E. Benveniste, “De la subjetividad en el lenguaje”, en Emil Benveniste. Problemas de lingüística general, México, Siglo XXI, pp. 179-187, 1996a.

Paper Title :: Comparing Case Study and Grounded Theory as Qualitative Research Approaches
Author Name :: Fredrick Alleni Mfinanga, Rofina Martin Mrosso, Stephen Bishibura
Country :: Tanzania
Page Number :: 51-56
The grounded theory and case study all have one thing in common the general process of research that begins with a research problem and proceeds to the questions, the data collection, the data analysis and interpretations and the research report. However they differ as well, yet the differences between the two have inadequate had been made clear in the literature. The purpose of this article was based to clarify doubts and reduce uncertainty about case study and grounded theory by identifying similarities and differences in the two based on a literature review of journals and books and critical reflection on the authors own research. Two areas the definitions and characteristics differentiate the two approaches were addressed. This article provides knowledge that can assist researchers and students in the selection of appropriate research methods for the investigations.
Keywords: Qualitative research approaches, grounded theory, case study, definitions, characteristics
[1]. Bryant, A. (2002). Re-grounding grounded theory. The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 4(1), 25-42.
[2]. Cho, J. Y., & Lee, E.-H. (2014). The qualitative report reducing confusion about grounded theory and qualitative content analysis: Similarities and differences. Qualitative Report, 19(32), 1–20.
[3]. Chong, C. H., & Yeo, K. J. (2015). An overview of grounded theory design in educational research. Asian Social Science, 11(12), 258–268.
[4]. Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five traditions (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
[5]. Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Paper Title :: Contribution of Rewards on Teachers Motivation in Public Primary Schools in Mnadani Ward, Dodoma City Council
Author Name :: Rofina Martin. Mrosso, Fredrick Alleni Mfinanga and Stephen Bishibura
Country :: East Africa
Page Number :: 57-62
This study investigates the impact of seven determinants of the reward systems on motivation in the context of public primary schools in Mnadani Ward, Dodoma City Council Tanzania. A sample of 96 respondents was drawn from the public schools. The rewards system was measured through independent variables including salary offered, bonuses, credit, recognition, promotion, working content, and working conditions. By using exploratory factor and regression analyses, the results show that except salary offer, rests of the six variables have been found statistically significant to predict teacher's motivation. However, the recognition of efforts followed by working conditions has revealed the greatest impact on teacher's motivation. Thus, the management of the public schools should not only recognize the efforts of their teaching staff but also concentrate on revising and enriching their working conditions to increase their level of motivation. A major contribution of this paper from the theoretical point-of-view is that it is possible to observe a negative effect of 'salary offer' towards teacher's motivation particularly in the context of a developing country like Tanzania. Another valuable finding is that 'salary offer', an important antecedent of employees motivation, although not significantly related to teacher's motivation in this study, is a provider of a very strong motivating factor for predicting teacher's motivation at primary level of education. Areas for future research are also discussed.
Keywords: Motivation, Primary Teachers, Rewards, Salary
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[4]. Byars, W. R., and Rue, L. L. (2005). Management: Skills and Application. McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
[5]. Deadrick, D. L., & Gibson, P. A. (2007). An examination of the research-practice gap in HR: Comparing topics of interest.