
Volume 02 - Issue 04

Paper Title :: Jurisprudential Appraisal of Concept of Adultry in Islamic Penal Administration of Secular State: Critique of Challenges to Enforcement in Nigeria
Author Name :: Dr. A. A. Isiaka
Country :: Nigeria
Page Number :: 01-08
The eradication of the powers of the traditional rulers in the criminal circles led to the demise of Islamic criminal justice administration. The new introduction at the end of the millennium led to an overwhelming reception which however brought both resistance and approval from the Christians and Muslims: The doctrinal method is adopted and found that the enforcement of the punishment of adultery in Nigeria is challenging both at home and abroad due to the religion sentiment and uncared attitudes of some Muslims towards the enforcement of the crime and the unfavorable environment, such as economic hardship, corruption, insecurity and absence of sincerity in the enforcement of the crime. It has been recommended that to make the enforcement of the crime meaningful, both government and the Muslims must provide conducive economic, security and corrupt –free environment. It was further recommended that the society should be better enlightened as to the religious obligations while the Christians should be made to have confidence in the enforcement of the offence particularly as the Islamic law only bind Muslims and consented non- Muslims.
Keywords: Adultery, appraisal, criminal, justice, enforcement, Islamic, jurisprudential, Secular State
[1]. Rusa, M.A. Bidayaul Mujtahid Wanuhayat al- Muqtasid Daral ihya itturah al- arabi (1992 Vol. 2 p.559)
[2]. Sa‟id, M.I.. and Muhmud, M.D. “Wither the law of Adultery in Islam : A need for Redefinition” Journal of Islamic and Comparative Law, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto Nogeria. (2000) vol.2 p. 41
[3]. Ibid
[4]. Ibid
[5]. Sections 387 and 387 Penal Code Law of Nothern Nigeria 1963 (as adopted and amended by the Northern States of Nigeria)

Paper Title :: Optimization of the educational process at the department of obstetrics and gynecology of postgraduate education in the context of the integration into the European educational space
Author Name :: Prof. Boychuk A.V. || Assoc. V.S Shadrinа || Assoc.О. I. Khlibovska
Country :: Ukraine
Page Number :: 09-12
Due to the use of IT technologies for distance learning (including on-line training), it is possible for doctors obstetrician-gynecologists to be acquainted with not only worked out techniques, schemes, approaches in the medical process, but also with novelties in this area, to increase professional qualifications without termination of the work process. For the formation of a system of professional theoretical and practical knowledge among interns and doctors-cadets in the world, situational modeling is widely used.
The use of situational tasks in the educational process promotes the activity of interns and students in practical work, their professional development and discipline of thinking.
Keywords: IT technologies, distance learning, professional growth, simulation training, situational tasks.
[[1]. Vashchenko V.Yu. Distance learning form. History Problems. Prospects for development. [Electronic resource] / V.Yu. Vashchenko, VA Sklyarov, KO Kozyakov // Bulletin of East-Ukrainian National University named after V. Dal - An electronic scientific special edition. - 2009. - No. 6E. - Access to the journal:
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[4]. Kultaeva MD, Educational European integration or constitution of the European educational space? / M. D. Kultayeva // Pedagogy and psychology. - 2015. - No. 4. - P. 23-29.
[5]. Lesnevskaya, KV Development of foreign language communicative competence in the context of the recommendations of the Council of Europe on language education [Electronic resource] / K. V. Lesnevskaya // Nauk. zap National Un-th "Ostroh Academy". Series: Philological. - 2016. - Voice over 62. - P. 196-198. - Mode of access: (application date: 28.08.2017). - Title from the screen.

Paper Title :: Mass Participation and Involvement of Rural Dwellers in Rural Developmental Gaits: A Panacea for Rural Development in Nigeria and Other African Countries
Author Name :: Past. Dr. Abomaye-Nimenibo || Williams Aminadokiari Samuel || Michael Jack Eyo, Mni || Dr. Emmanuel Amos Umana || George, Tamuno-Ibi
Country :: Nigeria
Page Number :: 13-23
The failure for the provision of rural development in Africa has been a source of worry to Africans and it is attributed to various factors such as the up-down approach of the elites theory; and the principal victims of these developments have been rural people without having any individual means of becoming literate, due to the level of illiteracy, making the young, and old, too poor or too ill because of the economic conditions in the rural setting. Within the conceptual framework, the study explains rural areas and rural development. Findings showed that rural dwellers can help increase output, create employment, increase revenue, enhance peace and reduce rural-urban migration among other things if the government follows the prescribed strategies in this paper. The paper provided highlights on the occupations of rural dwellers, strategies to be put in place to encourage mass participation and the implications of mass involvement in rural development; and tried to establish the correlation between mass participation and its effect on developing rural areas through good management and improving the standard of living in rural communities. The premise of the paper is that promoting the role of mass participation through the prescribe strategies will strengthen and empower the rural people to be among global players in the knowledge-based economy and also it will provide the opportunities for rural community development in general. This entails that the development of any rural community is a positive indicator for the development of a nation. We, therefore, recommend mass participation and involvement of rural dwellers in their community developmental gaits to bring about a stabilized development of the rural community and the nation in general. Also, rural areas should be developed and the government should create enabling environments for rural entrepreneurs through their policies and other assistance among others.
Keywords: Development, Rural Areas, Rural Dwellers, Rural or Community Development, Environments, Rural Entrepreneurs, Rural-Urban Migration, Mass Participation, Peace, Employment, Revenue, Government.
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