
Volume 02 - Issue 02

Paper Title :: Conhecimentos Da Formação E Saberes Da Prática Educativa De Professores De Escolas Do Campo
Author Name :: Raimunda Alves Melo || Antonia Dalva França-Carvalho
Country :: Brazil
Page Number :: 01-11
The study in reference stems from doctoral research developed by the graduate program in education at the Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI) that analyzes the changes in educational practice of teachers working in schools in the field after the participation in the course degree in Education of the field (LEdoC). The clipping presented through this objective aims to discuss the skills and knowledge of teacher education with emphasis in the course of degree in the field of Education, Federal University of Piauí, Teresina Campus. The discussions that supports these steps are supported in theorists such as: Freire (2013), Oliveira (2013), Pimenta (2012), Porlán e Rivero (1998), Tardif (2011), among others. The production of the data employed the documental analysis oriented Richardson (2012).The result highlights the complexity of teaching and the need for this professional purchase/develop a range of skills and knowledge required for the performance of your profession, ensuring the effectiveness and quality of the educational activity. As training process in dispute, LEdoC has pedagogical organisation in which the curriculum articulates the specific expertise of the training with the knowledge of the peasant culture, promoting research-intervention in which teachers and future teachers have the opportunity to reflect and to intervene in schools of the field, the training actions favor the change in educational practice.
Keywords: initial teacher Training. Specific skills training. Knowledge of peasant culture.
[[1]. BRITO. A. E.; MELO. R. A. Introdução. In: BRITO. A. E.; MELO. R. A (Org.). Formação continuada de professores: desafios da alfabetização na idade certa. Curitiba: Editora CRV, 2016.
[2]. CARSPECKEN, P. F. Pesquisa qualitativa crítica: conceitos básicos.Educ. Real., Porto Alegre, v. 36, n. 2, p. 395-424, maio/ago. 2011. Disponível em:. Acesso em: 16 set. 2018.
[3]. CARVALHO, A. D. F.A racionalidade pedagógica da ação dos formadores de professores: um estudo sobre a epistemologia da prática docente nos Cursos de Licenciatura da Universidade Federal do Piauí. 2007. 239 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2007.
[4]. FARIAS, I. M. de. et al. Didática e docência: aprendendo a profissão. 3ª ed. Nova Ortografia, Brasília: líber Livro, 2011.
[5]. FERNANDES, B. M. Educação do campo e território camponês no Brasil: In: SANTOS, C. A. (Org.). Campo, políticas públicas, educação. Brasília: INCRA; MDA, 2008, p. 39-66.

Paper Title :: Muslim women in Spain: stereotypes and prejudices and the influence in their personal well-being
Author Name :: Giovanna Izquierdo Medina
Country :: Spain
Page Number :: 12-19
This research seeks to know the influence of the comments and behaviors of religious and cultural discrimination of the Spanish population in a group of Muslim women. For this, a qualitative research has been carried out based on interviews with Muslim women, Spanish women who do not process the Muslim religion, and professionals and volunteers who work with migrants. Taking into account, the information obtained through the interviews with the data and statistics provided by the SOS Racism 2017 Report and by the Citizen Platform against Islamophobia, we have been able to deduce a series of results in relation to the objectives. Finally, through the results obtained and the analysis of these, it has been possible to deduce that the prejudices and stereotypes that some people present lead to hostile attitudes and rejection, and, these attitudes can affect personal well-being of Muslim women, in general, of all people who suffer some type of discrimination.
Keywords: Muslim women, stereotypes, well-being, self-esteem, self-efficacy, discrimination
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[4]. Arroyo, M. (2004). SOS racismo alerta de la aparición de 'islamofobia' después del 11M. El Mundo. Recuperado de:
[5]. Bandura, A. (1989). Human agency in social cognitive theory.American psychologist, 44(9), 1175

Paper Title :: The Local Wisdom of the Shipping Industry of Bintan Society, Riau Archipelago (The Study of Lancang Kuning Boat)
Author Name :: Dr.Rumzi Samin, S.Sos, M. Siand || Dr. Ir. Khodijah, M.Si
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 20-23
The old Malay civilization with its location in BintanKepulauanMelayu is a maritime civilization in accordance with its strategic position at the crossroads of marine trade between the West and the East. The location and the government are centered on the main ports in this region. The monsoon wind system blows in different directions in the summer and winter and the inexistence of wind between the two seasons, carrying the ship to the different directions, and during the inexistence of wind they should stay in the harbor which provides opportunities for traders to carry out business they.
The research of LancangKuning boat orientesto Identification, documentation, Inventory, data and the local wisdom as well as the use of technology that has local nuances on the scale of the more important Province is oriented with maritime. Therefore this research is in line with the RIP UMRAH and the interests of the Riau Islands Province entitled "The Local Wisdom of the Shipping Industry of the Malay Community of BintanKep. Riau (The study of LancangKuning Boat ". This research was conducted with the aim of inventorying the local wisdom, its impact on the society, problems arising from development and how to determine strategies for their existence. The research of methodology was carried out by collecting primary and secondary data both quantitative and qualitative from stakeholder, through discussion, in-depth interviews and questions.
Ship and boats certainly played an important role in the atmosphere of such maritime trade, and from the beginning the Malay maritime traders had used various types of ships to carry out the trade. This research will explore three types of the heritage Malay ship that are used in trade and maritime activities in the past; namely the type of large ship for exploration in the ocean and between continents, a type of simple vessel for exploration between ports in Alam Melayu and types of boats or small boats for activities on the coast and rivers.
LancangKuning boat is 10 traditional boats in Indonesia, in some areas the form of traditional boats still exist today but LancangKuning Boat was not found in Malay society Riauarchipelago. For this reason, it needs to be explored and deepened seriously searching for historical traces that previously became a Riau Lingga Johor Kingdom (Johor museum and Malaysian Terenggano museum); Siak, Pekanbaru, Medan and the Netherlands.
LancangKuning boat is very urgent for the province of Riau Archipelago to explore identity and symbol of the progress and glory of Malay society of the Province of Riau Archipelago, besides that it becomes local wisdom for the community in the past, present and future. The existence of LancangKuning becomes the basic capital to increase regional income through tourism activities.
Keywords: national heritage, Malay Archipelago, maritime trade, LancangKuning boat, traditional Malay types of ship
[1]. Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1995. Management Penelitian.Jakarta :Rineka Cipta Publisher
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[4]. Ghalib, Wan and friends. 1977. Sejarah Riau, Pekanbaru :Pemerintah Daerah Tingkat I Riau
[5]. James A Black (terjemahankoswara), 2001.Metodedanmasalahpenelitiansosial, Bandung, Refikaaditama.

Paper Title :: Political and ideological violence against teachers: The pedagogy of the oppressed as an intervention and transformation measure
Author Name :: Solange Martins Oliveira Magalhães
Country :: Brazil
Page Number :: 24-28
Capitalist society is full of contradictions and incongruities that create a propitious space for violence to establish itself and grow in social relations. Violence has entered schools and has affected their members, jeopardizing the promoted sociability. Added to the neoliberal influence, whose deliberations continue uninterruptedly altering the Brazilian political-educational agenda, a process of political and ideological violence against Brazilian teachers is being sustained. In many cases, teachers feel subjectively and concretely oppressed in the face of the loss of rights they have earned, which puts them at risk of living with different forms of violence at all levels of the educational context. We propose that removing Brazilian teachers from their situation of political and ideological violence involves understanding their oppressed conscience, reviewing the reified and dehumanizing relationships that surround them, via Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Theory that can help change the thinking of teachers who are currently in a state of defeatism against oppression.
Keywords: education, oppressed, Paulo Freire, politics
[1]. Giddens, A. Para além da esquerda e da direita. São Paulo: Editora da Unesp, 1966.
[2]. Castel, R. As metamorfoses da questão social. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1998.
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[4]. Marx, K., Engels, F. Teses contra Feuerbach. São Paulo: Abril Cultural, 413 p. (Coleção Os Pensadores, v. 35.), 2001.
[5]. Taylor, P. Que pedagogia da liberdade? Um argumento freireano para uma pedagogia do carinho. In: LINHARES, C.; TRINDADE, M. de N. (Orgs). Compartilhando o mundo com Paulo Freire. São Paulo: Cortez. Instituto Paulo Freire, 2003.

Paper Title :: The Contribution of Teaching Skills and Teachers’ Professionalism toward Students’ Achievement in Isfahan, Iran
Author Name :: Amir Toghyani Khorasgani
Country :: Iran
Page Number :: 29-40
This research is aimed at finding out the correlation of between the teachers' teaching skills and the teachers' professionalism toward student's achievement improvement. The research method employed is a descriptive one by using the quantitative approach, the correlation research. The sample is 100 teachers of elementary schools in Isfahan Province, Iran. The study reveals that there is a positive and significant correlation between the teachers' teaching skills and students' achievement, and there is also a positive and significant correlation between the teachers' professionalism and students' achievement. Furthermore, the study also shows that there is a positive and significant correlation between the teachers' professionalism and their teaching skills toward students' achievement. Henceforth, this means that the improvement of both variables the teaching skills and the teachers professionalism, either individually or collectively, could eventually improve the students' achievement in school. Teachers, while they deserve continuous special attention from their school principals and the department of religious affairs at both municipality and provincial levels, should independently improve the competency, both pedagogical and professional competencies.
Keywords: Teaching skills, the teachers' professionalism, student's achievement, teachingand learning process, and elementary schools.
[1]. Arifin, M. (1995).Kapitaselektapendidikan [Anthology of education] Jakarta: BumiAksara.
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[5]. Cohen, D. K., & Hill, H. C. (2001). Learning policy. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

Paper Title :: Relationship between digital competence and communicative and sociolinguistic competences of non-university foreign language teachers
Author Name :: Ángel Gabarrón Pérez
Country :: Spain
Page Number :: 41-50
New technologies applied to the field of information have transformed the world into global networks, into virtual communities of information. These changes produced at a dizzying pace have given rise to the society of knowledge, which modifies the principles of modern society derived from the Industrial Revolution.
The teaching-learning processes do not seem to have changed at the same pace as society has. The current educational centers, although impregnated with new technologies and web 2.0 tools, still aim to respond to the needs of society derived from the Age of Enlightenment. The current school has not assimilated adequately the evolution of a modern society coming from the Industrial Revolution to a postmodern society imbued with the advancement of the media and new technologies (Arroyo, 2007), in which emotions predominate over concepts.
This new society has meant a change in the students, who have been born immersed in the use of new technologies, and applies them both inside and outside the classroom for any activity of their daily lives. They are called "digital natives" (Prenski, 2001). The students of the current school present different ways of perceiving and knowing, new attitudes and emerging values, a rational capacity that gives way to the symbolic (Cardona, 2013: 32). The new training of non-university teaching staff must take the new student into account, and define methodologies and educational content that reflect these changes.
This research article is an analysis of the training of non-university teachers in general, and second language non-university teachers in particular, deepening the development of their key skills as a professional, especially the digital competence, making a review of the literature related to the subject.
Keywords: teacher training, foreign languages, key competences, digital competence, knowledge society
[1]. Ainscow, M., Hopkins, D., Southworth, G., & West, M. (2001). Hacia escuelas eficaces para todos: manual para la formación de equipos docentes (Vol. 85). Narcea Ediciones.
[2]. Ala-Mutka, K., Punie, Y., & Redecker, C. (2008). Digital competence for lifelong learning. Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), European Commission, Joint Research Centre. Technical Note: JRC, 48708, 271-282.
[3]. Ala-Mutka, K. (2011). Mapping digital competence: Towards a conceptual understanding. Sevilla: Institute for Prospective Technological Studies.
[4]. Altet, M., Charlier, E., & Perrenoud, P. (2005). La formación profesional del maestro: estrategias y competencias. L. Paquay (Ed.). México: Fondo de cultura económica.
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Paper Title :: Is the Use of Keke Napep (A Tricycle) for Poverty Eradication in Nigeria: A Reality or Mirage ?
Author Name :: Past. Dr. Abomaye-Nimenibo || Williams Aminadokiari Samuel || Abomaye-Nimenibo || Richman Alapakasam || Inwang, Rose Effiong
Country :: Nigeria
Page Number :: 51-73
This study was to ascertain whether the use of KEKE NAPEP(a tricycle) in Nigeria to bring about poverty alleviation or eradication using Akwa Ibom State as a case study a reality or a mirage; and also, to examine the relationship between KEKE driving business and employment generation with its attended contribution to income generation. Hypotheses were formulated and tested using relevant data collected using primary and secondary data. We use a questionnaire as an instrument for our Survey research design. A sample size of 1,200, drawn from the study area constituted the population of the study. Chi-square statistical method was used as a statistical tool to test the hypothesis. Our findings from the study revealed that KEKE NAPEP programme in Akwa Ibom State actually bring to bear on the level of poverty existing among the unemployed people but do not really eradicate, rather than reducing the level to some manageable platform. The use of KEKE driving business as a means of poverty reduction among the unemployed populace in Akwa Ibom State still lingers. We postulate based on our findings by recommending that the Akwa Ibom State government should support the Federal Government KEKE NAPEP programme with the view of creating an enabling environment for Akwa Ibom indigenes to benefit from the Federal Government programme. Government by purchasing tricycles in large quantities at subsidised rate and distribute or disburse to KEKE riders and recover the purchase price from them in instalment payments than allowing them to purchase them as hire purchase and pay for them at exorbitant prices like loans from bank leading to penury in some cases as they could not meet up payments which interests were compounded and instead of alleviating their sufferings they were compounded.
Keywords: Poverty Alleviation, Poverty Reduction, Poverty Eradication, Poverty Alleviation Programme (PAP), KEKE NAPEP Business, Employment Generation, Income Generation, Unemployment, Unemployed Populace, and Government.
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