
Volume 02 - Issue 10

Paper Title :: Poor academic performance as predictor of depression among university students
Author Name :: Tehmina Zainab and Anam Zafar
Country :: Pakistan
Page Number :: 01-05
Present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between Academic performance and Depression among university students. It was hypothesized that poor academic performance is the predictor of depression among university students. Sample of 100 students (50 males and 50 females) was selected from university. Depression Anxiety Stress Scale was used for the measurement. Linear regression was performed to test the hypothesis. Additional analysis was conducted to check the gender difference in Depression. Present study approved the hypothesis that poor Cumulative Grade Point Average (C.G.P.A) lead students to develop depression. Results also revealed that there is significant difference among gender on the basis of depression.
Keywords: Academic performance, Gender Differences, Depression and Students
[1]. Altemus, M., Sarvaiya,N& Epperson, C.N. (2014). Sex differences in anxiety and depression clinical perspectives. Biomedical and life sciences journal, 35(3), 320-330.doi: 10.1016/j.yfrne.2014.05.004
[2]. American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Mood Disorders. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition, text revision, pp. 369-382.
[3]. Anson, A., Bernstein, J, & Hobfoll, S.E. (1984). Anxiety and performance in two ego threatening situations. Journal of Personality Assessment. 48 (2): 168-172.
[4]. Busari, A.O. (2012). Evaluating the Relationship between Gender, Age, Depression and Academic Performance among Adolescents Retrieved from
[5]. Christopher.J. R, (2008). "The Effects of Depressed Mood on Academic Outcomes in Adolescents and Young Adults" Graduate Theses and Dissertations. Retrieved from

Paper Title :: Organizational Transformation and Performance of Kengen Company Limited, Kenya
Author Name :: Abel Kipkoech Rotich || Dr. Rosemarie Wanyoike
Country :: Kenya
Page Number :: 06-12
Recognizing the need for change and leading organizations through that change is one of the most challenges for any leadership. Transformation is the only constant in today‟s life for individuals and organizations. Some changes can be reversible while others are not hence the risk involved in managing change. The study adopted a descriptive cross- sectional research design. The target population was be 1200 employees. A sample size of 300 employees was be selected using Yamane (1967) formula. Primary data was collected using Semi-structured, self-administered questionnaires. The Data collected was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics tools. Results were presented using tables and charts. The study concluded that there was a positive and significant relationship between organizational transformation and performance of Kengen Company limited.
Keywords: Organizational Performance, Organizational Transformation, Power Utility Company, Organizational Restructuring, State Monopolies, Corporate Governance
[1]. Abbas Q. and Yaqoob S. (2009). Effect of Leadership Development on Employee Performance in Pakistan. Pakistan Economic and Social Review, Volume 47, No. 2, pp. 269-292.
[2]. ADKAR (2006). A Model for Change in Business, Government and our Community. [3]. Awath and Saad (2003) Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance. International review of management and business research. Vol.2, Issue. 1.
[4]. Burtonshaw-Gunn, S. & Salameh, M. (2011).Change Management and Organizational Performance. United Kingdom.
[5]. Damanpour and Wischnevsky (2006). Organizational transformation and performance: An examination of three perspectives.Journal of Managerial Issues 18(1):104-128.

Paper Title :: Prediction of Language Extinction
Author Name :: Hesti || Hanna || Lelly Suhartini
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 13-23
This research discusses the language extinction in Tolaki language for Tolakinese who lived in Punggaluku village. Language contact that has occurred at multilingual society in Punggaluku became an interesting phenomenon to be learnt because it has close relationship with the use of ethnic language of the residents in this village. This study focused on the endangered level of Tolaki language extinction and predicted the Tolaki language extinction at Punggaluku Village, Laeya Sub district. The main data of the research were taken in Punggaluku Village, Laeya Sub district, South Konawe Regency. Observation and interview were used by the researcher in collecting the data from informants in this area. The result of this research showed that Tolaki language is potentially threatened as a severely endangered language. This indicates that if parents as Tolaki language users do not use Tolaki language for their children, including the frequency of using Tolaki they have a low frequency in using it, consequently the younger generation will not be able to speak Tolaki language and ultimately the effects of this phenomenon is, the Tolaki language will become extinct. futhermore, the researcher predicted 30 years ahead, Tolaki language will be extinctic in Punggaluku village, Laeya Sub District, South Konawe Regency.
Keywords: Language Death, Language Extinction, Prediction, Tolakinese, and Tolaki Language
[1]. Adisaputera, A (2009). Potensi Kepunahan Bahasa pada Komunitas Melayu Langkat di Stabat, Kabm upaten Langkat, Sumatera Utara. Medan: Universitas Negeri Medan.
[2]. Anderson, T. D. (2010). Pelestarian dan Pengembangan Bahasa Moronene. Makalah disamapaikan dalam Seminar Internasional Bahasa-Bahasa Daerah Sulawesi Tenggara. Pada tanggal 18 samapai dengan 21 Juli 2010 di Buton.
[3]. Austin, Peter K., Sallabank, Julia (eds.) (2011). Cambridge Handbook of Endangered Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University ress.
[4]. Crystal, D. (2000). Language Death. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. . (2003). English as A Global Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[5]. Elizabeth Malone. Endangered Languages. Accessed on

Paper Title :: The Impact of Internal Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Liquidity Risk at Jordanian Commercial Banks Listed On the Amman Stock Exchange
Author Name :: Eljaser Alelfartas
Country :: Turky
Page Number :: 24-34
The aim of this research is to investigate the relationship between Internal corporate governance mechanisms and on liquidity risk using data from 13 commercial banks listed on the Amman Stock Exchange during the period 2009-2016. Panel data was utilized and the data gathered from 104 annual reports from13 commercial banks in Amman, which analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression. The use and analysis of data collected from annual reports were using descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression. Seven main corporate governance variables were analyzed in terms namely: (Board size, Board Independence, CEO /Chairman Separation, Audit Committee Independence, Ownership concentration, Institutional Ownership, and Foreign Ownership) their relative of liquidity risk. On the other hand, bank size and debt Ratio were used as a control variable. Based on the results of the study, it has been observed that Internal corporate governance mechanisms variables have a significant effect on liquidity risk
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Liquidity Risk, Panel Data.
[1]. (BIS), B. o. I. S. (2014).
[2]. Aebi, V., Sabato, G., & Schmid, M. (2012). Risk management, corporate governance, and bank performance in the financial crisis. Journal of Banking & Finance, 36(12), 3213-3226.
[3]. Aksoy, A., & Dayi, F. (2017). BİRDEN FAZLA BORSADA İŞLEM GÖREN HİSSE SENETLERİNİN DEĞERLEMESİ: TEORİK BİR İNCELEME. Kastamonu University Journal of Economics & Administrative Sciences Faculty(15).
[4]. Al-Amarneh, A. (2014). Corporate governance, ownership structure and bank performance in Jordan. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 6(6), 192-202.
[5]. Al-Smadi, M. O. (2013). Examining the Relationship between Corporate Governance and Banks' Performance, and Risk in Saudi Arabia. European journal of economics, finance and administrative sciences(59).

Paper Title :: The Level of Technology Leadership among Secondary School Leaders in Kelantan
Author Name :: Nor Asikin Mohamad || Yaacob Daud || Mua’azam Mohamma
Country :: Malaysia
Page Number :: 35-44
In the 21st century, technology leadership is a leadership style that supports ICT integration in schools.This study was conducted to identify the level of technology leadership among secondary school leaders in Kelantan. A total of 270 respondents had been involved and they comprised of Senior Assistant, Head of Division, Committee Chair and Secretary of key unit at school. The research instrument used to study technology leadership was a five-dimensional NETS-A framework 2009. The instrument was in English and had been translated into BahasaMalaysia. All data and details collected were analyzed using Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.0. Data analysis was carried out using Descriptive Mean Test, t-Test and ANOVA Test. The findings showed that overall technology leadership practices are at moderate high levels. However, the dimension of visionary leadership has demonstrated higher technology leadership practices than the other four dimensionsnamely the digital age learning culture; the excellence in professional practice; the whole improvement and thedigitalcitizenship. This study also examined the different levels of leadership from respondents' demographic perspectives. In terms of gender, there is a difference in the level of technology leadership based on male and female leaders. While in terms of age and experience, the findings show that there is no difference in the level of technology leadership practices among leaders in secondary schools in Kelantan. This study suggests that school leaders practice technology leadership as a leadership style to ensure that digital learning culture can be enhanced in every educational institution in Malaysia.
Keywords: School leaders, Technology leadership, Visionary leadership
[1]. Allen, T. (2011, April 26). iSchool initiative. Speech presented at BYOT Symposium, Kennesaw StateUniversity, Kennesaw.
[2]. Alkrdem, M. (2014). Technological leadership Behavior of high school headteachers in Asir Region, SaudiArabia. Journal of International Education Research, 10(2), 95-100.
[3]. Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., & Razavieh, A. (2002). Introduction to research in education. Sixth Edition. USA:Wadsworth Group.
[4]. Anderson, R., & Dexter, S. (2005). School Technology Leadership: An Empirical Investigation of Prevalenceand Effect. Educational Administration Quarterly, 41(1), 49-82
[5]. Black, T. (2011, April 26). Bring your own technology. Speech presented at BYOT Symposium, KennesawState University, Kennesaw

Paper Title :: Challenging Mnemosyne. The uses of archives in contemporary art
Author Name :: Angélica Camerino
Country :: Spain
Page Number :: 45-69
The uses of archives in contemporary art have proliferated so overwhelmingly that they have even developed their own aesthetic and specific ways of generating content and discourses. Archives are essential for the study of contemporary art, because they are at the same time an artistic resource partly generated as a consequence of ephemeral artistic practices, and a discursive line used for different purposes; so they are a transversal element in the development of contemporary art, and this represents a complication when studying them because sometimes the boundaries that separate their different uses are confused or disappear. That is why this article has as main objective to delve into the notion of archives; distinguish between types and uses of archives and review the various uses that are made of them in some contemporary art institutions, using specific cases as paradigms.
Keywords: archive, contemporary art, subversión, counter-hegemonic
[1]. Derrida, Jacques. 1997. Mal de archivo. Una impresión freudiana, Madrid, Editorial Trotta (Paris, 1995), p. 9.
[2]. Ibídem, p. 15.
[3]. Ibídem, p. 19.
[4]. Deleuze, Guilles; Guattari, Felix. 2008. Mil mesetas. Capitalismo y esquizofrenia. Valencia: Pre-textos (Paris, 1972), p. 158.
[5]. Ibídem, p. 161-162.

Paper Title :: On The Hardness of Perceptions Changing
- An analysis through the example of the counter-inductive approach to the magnetic field
Author Name :: Prof. asst. Dr. Hajdin Abazi
Country :: Kosovo
Page Number :: 70-78
In this essay the problem of perceptions changing is raised, as a complex related to sensations, experiences and theoretical aspects.It is usually the senses that give rise to perceptions, and these as a reference to them are given different concepts through which they become familiar to people in the field and, to some extent, to everyone else.Through various examples it is argued that these concepts based on perceptions, on the one hand, help clear understanding and on the other hand they impede new perceptions in some way, making them extremely difficult, sometimes even traumatic.The main contribution that is intended to be made with this essay is that the counter-inductive approach helps us to break free from this obstacle, enabling us to facilitate perception change, which is illustrated by the magnetic and antimagnetic field.
Keywords: perception, sensation, traumatic experiences, magnetic and antimagnetic field, counter-inductive approach, definition
[1]. Ayer, A. (1959). Logical Positivism. The Free Press. New York, USA. Cambridge University Press.
[2]. Aristotle. (1984). The Complete Works of Aristotle. The revised Oxford Translation. Edited by Jonathan Barnes. Bollingen Series LXXI. Princeton, USA.
[3]. Berkeley, G. (2002). A treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge. Ed. David R. Wilkins. Link:ëledge/1734/HumKno.pdf
[4]. Blundell, S. (2012)). Magnetism: A very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
[5]. Einstein, A. (1920. Relativity: The Special and the General Theory. Translated by Robert W. Lawson. Henry Holt and Company. New York.

Paper Title :: Effectiveness of the Constructivist Pedagogical Strategy on Academic Achievement of Nigerian Secondary School History Students
Author Name :: Dr. Nwachukwu Justina Njideka || Professor Mkpa Agu Mkpa
Country :: Nigeria
Page Number :: 79-87
This quasi-experimental study sought to determine whether secondary school students taught history using the constructivist approach would perform better in a post-test than those taught by the expository/lecture approach. It also aimed at finding out the comparative performances of male and female students taught using the constructivist instructional approach. Two research questions and two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The subjects consisted of 49 senior secondary school students of a secondary school in Imo State, Nigeria. These were randomly assigned to two treatment groups as follows: 24 to the constructivist and 25 to the lecture/expository group. The pre-test-post-test control group design was adopted. The experimental (E) group was taught using the constructivist approach while the control (C) group was taught with the lecture/expository method. Efforts were made to control for the extraneous variables. The instrument for data collection was a 50 item History Achievement Test (HAT) which was developed and validated by the researchers. The reliability of the HAT was determined by using the Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient Statistic and it yielded and index of 0.78 The study lasted for 4 weeks during which the E at C groups were taught 3 topics of African History using the two methods. After the experimental treatment HAT was administrated to the two groups. Data related to the research questions. Data were analyzed using means and standard deviations while those related to the hypotheses were analyzed using analysis of covariance. The result showed that the group taught by the constructivist approach performed significantly better than the control group taught using the lecture/exposition approach. The performance of the students was not influenced by sex as a factor.
Keywords: History, Constructivist Pedagogy, Lecture Method, and Academic Achievement
[1]. Akimbobola, A. O. (2013) Effects of Co-operative and competitive learning strategies on performance of students in Physics in Nigerian schools. Journal of Research in Education. 1(1) 71-23.
[2]. Akuakanwa, G.O. (2017). Contemporary issues in the teaching and learning of history in T.N. Kanno, V.A. Obasi, N Akuma, B.C. Ijioma, S.O.A. Obih, j. Akaraonye &M.O. Onuka (eds), Instructional design for effective teaching. Owerri: New Concept.
[3]. Akubuilo, D.U. (2004). Effects of two forms of instructional treatment on process of skills acquisition in secondary school students in ecology. Nigerian journal of Research and production, 1(2), 222-227
[4]. Applefield, J. M., Huber, R., & Meallem, M. (2000). Constructivism in theory and practice. Towards a better understanding. High School Journal, 4(2), 215 – 232.
[5]. Ayalishesh, F.H., & Gharib, H. (2015). Effectiveness of constructivist teaching method on students’ mathematics achievement. Mediterranean Journal of Social sciences, 6(6), 2039-2117.Doi -:10.5901/mjss.

Paper Title :: Legal Politics of Women's Emancipation Policy in Indonesia
Author Name :: Azis Setyagama
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 88-93
Legal politics conducted by the Indonesian Government in the issue of female emancipation refers to the Constitution, namely the NRI year 1945, article 27 paragraph 1, which contains provisions: all citizens in conjunction with the law and government and compulsory Uphold the law and the Government with no exceptions to it. Women's emancipation is a manifestation of the struggle of women in order to be equal and his dignity can align with the men. This research is normative legal research that examines the implementation of the article in The Constitution of NRI year 1945 about the equality of citizens in front of the law and government. In addition to the normative approach is also examined from sociological reviews where women's status now in the community has been greatly changed compared to the position of women in the past especially in the field of work as a form of female emancipation. The result of this study resulted in a conclusion that the struggle of female emancipation in Indonesia is not the same as the women's emancipation fighting in Europe, the emancipation of women in Indonesia championing the alignment of rights with men but not His nature as a woman.
Keywords: Political Law, Policy, Women's Emancipation, Indonesia.
[1]. Abdullah, Abdul Ghani, 1994, Introduction to the Comprelation of Islamic Law in Indonesian Law, Jakarta: GemaInsani Press.
[2]. A. Hafiz Anshary Az, Huzaimah T. Yango, 2002, Ihdad Career Woman in Poblematika Contemporary Islamic Law, Jakarta: PT Pustaka Firdaus.
[3]. Abdullah, Irwan, 1997, Disclaimer of Gender Roles, Yogjakarta: Center for Population Research at Gadjah Mada University and Student Library.
[4]. Desiree Auraida, Jurfi Rizal, 1993, Society and People in Development, Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan.
[5]. Hartini, 1989, The Role of Women in Order to Improve Family Social Welfare through Productive Economic Enterprises, Yogjakarta: Ministry of Social RI,

Paper Title :: High-Stakes Test Accountability: A Controversial Issue in Educational Measurement
Author Name :: Isaac Amoako || Eric Atta Quainoo || Francis Adams
Country :: Ghana
Page Number :: 94-96
The purpose of this paper is to present a research-based discussion of high-stakes test accountability system controversy in literature. This paper presents scholarly discourse based on testing systems and school accountability, along with a presentation of the proponent and opponent view of high-stakes testing. The authors of this document found research studies to be inconclusive with no clear indication of whether or not high-stakes test should continue to drive test-based accountability systems. But most notably, the actual issue connected to this debate may be the lack of understanding of the direction to take even in the midst of high-stakes testing situation. The author intends to unearth the possible sustainable way to go in a high-stakes testing environment.
Keywords: High-stakes, test-based accountability, proponent, opponent.
[1]. Allington, R. L. (2003). High-stakes testing does not improve the teaching or learning of reading. The New England Reading Association, 39(1), 31-36.
[2]. Carnoy, M., & Loeb, S. (2002). Does external accountability affect student outcomes? A cross-state analysis Educational Evaluation & Policy Analysis, 24(4), 305-331.
[3]. Costigan, A.T. (2002). Teaching the culture of high stakes testing: Listening to new teachers. Action in Teacher Education, 23(4), 28-34.
[4]. Crocco, M. S., & Costigan, A. T. (2007). The narrowing of curriculum and pedagogy in the age of accountability. Urban Education, 42(6), 512-535.
[5]. Cuban, L. (2007). Hugging the middle: Teaching in an era of testing and accountability, 1980-2005. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 15(1) 12-17.