Volume 01 - Issue 10
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Paper Title | :: | Assessment of Retail Business and Customer Satisfaction in Selected Tailoring Service in Mubi |
Author Name | :: | Dr Sanusi Bello |
Country | :: | Nigeria |
Page Number | :: | 01-08 |
This paper is entitled “Assessment of Retail Business and Customer Satisfaction in selected Tailoring Service in Mubi”. The objective of the study includes: evaluate the effect of Retail store location on customer attraction in selected tailoring service in Mubi, identify the effects of service quality on customer retention in selected tailoring service in Mubi, The research design used for this study was survey research method, the researcher limited its population to only 30 respondents. Questionnaires were produce and administered to the respondent. The method of data collection comprises primary and secondary method. The primary method used is questionnaires – random sampling is used in distributing the questionnaires, the researcher has however, choose the simple percentage method in analyzing the data obtained. The study also reveals that: retail shop located in an area with a high density, have better performance through customer attraction and which the distance from the shop is not far from the customers house tend to attract the customers, it is also noted that one of the key to successful business today is retaining existing customers through provision of good quality service and also better quality product tends customer commitment which in turn lead to increase customers’ loyalty. And also recommends that business owners should put into consideration their shop location, because location matters a lot through which customer perceive it as easy access and transportation free, therefore location should be a first priority of shop owners so as to attract customers and it is also recommends that business owners should acknowledge the importance of retaining customers by providing them with the necessary things they perceive of value or quality which will increase their loyalty and tend to continue patronizing that particular business at any given time when the needs arises. The researcher was able to conclude that customer loyalties are gain through so many factors, such as quality service
[1]. Anderson, E. Measuring service quality at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Centre / E. Anderson, L. Zwelling // International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 1996, No 9/7, p. 9-22.
[2]. Auh, S., & Johnson, M. D. (2005). Compatibility effects in evaluations of satisfaction and loyalty. Journal of Economic psychology, 26, 35-57.
[3]. Bayani Barkadhi,S.F.(2008). Impact relationship marketing to attracting new customers (Case Study: Saderat Bank of Guilan), Master of Business Management thesis, Islamic Azad University, Rasht.
[4]. Berry, L.L.(1983). Emerging Perspective On Services Marketing, American Marketing Association Chicago Il.
[5]. Bitner, M.J. Encounter Satisfaction versus Overall Satisfaction versus Quality: The Customer's Voice / M.J. Bitner, A.R. Hubbert in R.T. Rust, R.L. Oliver (Eds.) // Service Quality: New Directions in Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1994, p.72-94.
[2]. Auh, S., & Johnson, M. D. (2005). Compatibility effects in evaluations of satisfaction and loyalty. Journal of Economic psychology, 26, 35-57.
[3]. Bayani Barkadhi,S.F.(2008). Impact relationship marketing to attracting new customers (Case Study: Saderat Bank of Guilan), Master of Business Management thesis, Islamic Azad University, Rasht.
[4]. Berry, L.L.(1983). Emerging Perspective On Services Marketing, American Marketing Association Chicago Il.
[5]. Bitner, M.J. Encounter Satisfaction versus Overall Satisfaction versus Quality: The Customer's Voice / M.J. Bitner, A.R. Hubbert in R.T. Rust, R.L. Oliver (Eds.) // Service Quality: New Directions in Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1994, p.72-94.
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Paper Title | :: | A Study of the Relationship between Burnout of Pre-Service ESL Teachers in Sri Lanka and Their Perception of Mentoring During the Internship Period |
Author Name | :: | Darshana Samaraweera || Junainah Abd Hamid || Abdol Ali Khatibi || S. M. Ferdous Azam || Isuri Dharmaratna |
Country | :: | Malaysia |
Page Number | :: | 09-16 |
Burnout is a work-related severe problem that needs careful attention. Mainly, burnout of the beginning professionals is a more pressing issue since it affects the entire future of such professionals. This paper attempts to understand the burnout status of a group of pre-service English Language teachers who are on an internship for one year with a school mentor. At the same time, the paper attempts to understand the pre-service teachers‟ perception of their mentors and whether there is any association between their perception of mentors and their burnout level. The study was conducted with a sample of 109 pre-service ESL teachers who are on internship. Two tools were used to collect data during this study; the English version of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI) and an adapted version of the tool developed by Hudson (2004) to measure pre-service English teachers‟ perception of their mentoring. The original tool developed by Hudson (ibid) had been used with pre-service science teachers. When data were analysed, it was understood that the pre-service English teachers displayed a considerable level of burnout with 5.5% of the sample recording burnout levels above 50. When the data related to the pre-service English teachers‟ perception of their mentors were considered it was found that the majority of the respondents had a positive perception of their mentors. Very importantly it was revealed that their perception of mentors had a significant association with their burnout level. That is; when the pre-service teachers had a negative perception towards their mentors, they are more prone to higher levels of burnout. These findings invite the policymakers and the teacher educators in the country to be more sensitive to this issue when planning mentoring programmes for pre-service English teachers.
1]. Bonilla, S.X.; & Rivera, P.M. (2008). Mentoring in pre-service teaching: From reflection on practice to a didactic proposal. Rivista Actualidades Pedagogicas, 52,
Boritz, M. (2006). Burnout in human service work-causes and consequences (doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from http://www.arbejdsmiljoforskning.dk/upload/mb-phd.pdf
[2]. Cephe, P.T. (2010). A study of the factors leading English teachers to burnout. H.U. Jornal of Education, 38, 25-34.
[3]. Engelbrecht, S. (2006). Motivation and burnout in human service work the case of midwifery in Denmark (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from http://www.arbejdsmiljoforskning.dk/~/media/Boeger-on-rapporter/sen-phd.pdf
[4]. Fives, H., Hamman, D., & Olivarez, A. (2007). Does burnout begin with student-teaching? Analyzing efficacy, burnout, and support during the student-teaching semester. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23, 916-934.
[5]. Hong, Ji Y. (2010). Pre-service and beginning teachers‟ professional identity and its relation to dropping out the profession. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26, 1530-1543.
[2]. Cephe, P.T. (2010). A study of the factors leading English teachers to burnout. H.U. Jornal of Education, 38, 25-34.
[3]. Engelbrecht, S. (2006). Motivation and burnout in human service work the case of midwifery in Denmark (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from http://www.arbejdsmiljoforskning.dk/~/media/Boeger-on-rapporter/sen-phd.pdf
[4]. Fives, H., Hamman, D., & Olivarez, A. (2007). Does burnout begin with student-teaching? Analyzing efficacy, burnout, and support during the student-teaching semester. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23, 916-934.
[5]. Hong, Ji Y. (2010). Pre-service and beginning teachers‟ professional identity and its relation to dropping out the profession. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26, 1530-1543.
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Paper Title | :: | Relationship Between the Student Perception about Asuh Parent Pattern and Self-Regulation with Social Skills in South District Of Bekasi District |
Author Name | :: | Trika Nuperawati || M. Syarief Sumantri |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 17-25 |
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between student perceptions about parental parenting and self-regulation with social skills. This research was conducted by SDN Tambun Selatan Kabupaten Bekasi. Implementation of this study from October to December 2017, with the subject of research as many as 96 students.
The method used in this research is correlational research. The results show 1) there is a positive relationship between perceptions about the pattern of foster children with social skills, coefficient of determination = 0.802. 2) there is a positive relationship between self-regulation with social skills, coefficient of determination = 0.086. and 3) there is a positive correlation between perception about parenting pattern, self regulation and social skill, coefficient of determination = 0,142.
The implication of the findings of this study is that the improvement of these three independent variables can improve and improve their social skills. suggestions can be given by teachers to conduct formal or formal training or learning by formal and non formal education institutions, so that in the end there will be improvement of social skills of students.
The method used in this research is correlational research. The results show 1) there is a positive relationship between perceptions about the pattern of foster children with social skills, coefficient of determination = 0.802. 2) there is a positive relationship between self-regulation with social skills, coefficient of determination = 0.086. and 3) there is a positive correlation between perception about parenting pattern, self regulation and social skill, coefficient of determination = 0,142.
The implication of the findings of this study is that the improvement of these three independent variables can improve and improve their social skills. suggestions can be given by teachers to conduct formal or formal training or learning by formal and non formal education institutions, so that in the end there will be improvement of social skills of students.
[1]. Hoskin, Donna Hancock, Consequences of Parenting on Adolescent Outcomes, Societies 2014, 4, 506-531; doi: 10.3390 / soc4030506
[2]. Bibi, Farzana et al., Contribution of Parenting Style in the Life of the IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 12, Issue 2 (May - Jun. 2013), PP 91 -95, e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. www.Iosrjournals.Org
[3]. Barry, Christopher T. et al., Child Versus Parent Reports of Parenting Practices: Implications for the Conceptualization of Child Behavioral and Emotional Problems, Assessment 2008; 15; 294 originally published online Jan 8, 2008; DOI: 10.1177 / 1073191107312212
[4]. Hurlock, E. B. Psikologi Perkembangan: Suatu Pnedekatan Sepanjang RentangKehidupan. (Jakarta : Erlangga, 2009), pp. 111 – 112
[5]. Cartledge, G. dan Milburn, J. F,Teaching Social Skills to Children & Youth: Innovative Approaches. Edisi kedua, (Massachussetts : Allyn and Bacon, 1992)
[2]. Bibi, Farzana et al., Contribution of Parenting Style in the Life of the IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 12, Issue 2 (May - Jun. 2013), PP 91 -95, e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. www.Iosrjournals.Org
[3]. Barry, Christopher T. et al., Child Versus Parent Reports of Parenting Practices: Implications for the Conceptualization of Child Behavioral and Emotional Problems, Assessment 2008; 15; 294 originally published online Jan 8, 2008; DOI: 10.1177 / 1073191107312212
[4]. Hurlock, E. B. Psikologi Perkembangan: Suatu Pnedekatan Sepanjang RentangKehidupan. (Jakarta : Erlangga, 2009), pp. 111 – 112
[5]. Cartledge, G. dan Milburn, J. F,Teaching Social Skills to Children & Youth: Innovative Approaches. Edisi kedua, (Massachussetts : Allyn and Bacon, 1992)
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Paper Title | :: | Implementation of Safety Practices for Enhancing Quality in Instructional Delivery in Electrical/Electronic Workshops in Rivers State Technical Colleges |
Author Name | :: | Deebom, MtormaBari TamBari || Ojobah, Lucky Obulor |
Country | :: | Nigeria |
Page Number | :: | 26-33 |
In many electrical/electronic workshops in technical college in Rivers State today, the rate of accidents which causes damage to facilities and workshop users is alarming. As a means of reducing accidents occurrences, safety practices and procedures are observed. Hence, this study examines the implementation of safety practices for enhancing quality in instructional delivery in electrical/electronic trades in Rivers State technical colleges. A descriptive research survey design guided the study. The population of the study consists of 27 respondents (18 teachers and 9 instructors) of electrical/electronic trades. There was no sample and sampling technique due to small population size. Four research questions were answered. The instrument used for data collection was a structured questionnaire which was validated by two experts. The instrument for the study was partitioned into four sections. Sections A to D were patterned after Likert-5-point rating scale of agreement. A reliability coefficient of 0.85 was established for the instrument using Cronbach Alpha coefficient reliability method. Mean and Standard Deviation were used to answer the research questions. It was found that power tools not properly grounded and insulated, presence of fire and explosion hazards, working with high voltage without following necessary standards and the use of metal ladder while working on electrical installation are the causes of accident occurrences in electrical/electronic workshops while amputation of affected parts, suffering from psychological trauma, students withdrawal from programmes were some of the effects of accidents. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that workshop users should be given proper orientation by school management and government on activities that causes accidents such as unsafe conditions and unsafe acts, workshop users should be inform by relevant authorities such as Nigerian Institute of Safety Professionals (NISP) on the effect of accident occurrences in technical colleges, Safety experts should be employed in technical college to educate the users of the workshop especially on areas concerning accident preventive measures and so on.
[1]. Abdulrauf, S. (2012). The State of Physical Facilities in kwara State: Its Implication for Learning. Lafag, Journal of Education Science and Technology, 6(1), 95-104.
[2]. Anaele, E. O., Adelakun, O. A. & Olumoko, B. O. (2014). Re-engineering Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Towards Safety Practice Skill Needs of Sawmill Workers Against Workplace Hazards in Nigeria. Journal of Education and Practice, 5 (7): 150-157.
[3]. Ezeji, S. C. O. A. & Onoh, B. C. E. C. (2008). Construction Management. Enugu: Cheston Agency Press Ltd.
[4]. Federal Republic of Nigeria. (2013). National Policy on Education. Lagos: NERDC Press.
[5]. James E. O. (2009). Development of Factorial Validation of Basic Electricity Interest Inventory. Nigeria Vocational Journal, 14(1):1-12.
[2]. Anaele, E. O., Adelakun, O. A. & Olumoko, B. O. (2014). Re-engineering Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Towards Safety Practice Skill Needs of Sawmill Workers Against Workplace Hazards in Nigeria. Journal of Education and Practice, 5 (7): 150-157.
[3]. Ezeji, S. C. O. A. & Onoh, B. C. E. C. (2008). Construction Management. Enugu: Cheston Agency Press Ltd.
[4]. Federal Republic of Nigeria. (2013). National Policy on Education. Lagos: NERDC Press.
[5]. James E. O. (2009). Development of Factorial Validation of Basic Electricity Interest Inventory. Nigeria Vocational Journal, 14(1):1-12.
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Paper Title | :: | Beyond new technologies: essential tools in music education |
Author Name | :: | Antonio Félix Vico Prieto |
Country | :: | Spain |
Page Number | :: | 34-38 |
The growing use of new technologies, and more recently, the use of new digital educational options, such as, the free on-line courses, has open a new concept in teaching art. In the case of the music subject, we cannot forget that technology offers teachers and students something much more interesting than playing a traditional instrument. In fact, technology is affecting the skills needed in teaching any subject or students level. Nonetheless, it seems that art, and moreover art education, should be essential tools in teaching in this new era, maybe more than using technology. This paper aims to show the possibilities for embedding art and creativity into teaching, and understand the role of new technology related to music education.
[1]. Cueva Ramírez. M. L. (2017). ¿Por qué es importante seguir luchando por la Educación Artística? Tercio Creciente, Nº 11, págs. 151-160.
[2]. Coffield, F. (2008). Just suppose teaching and learning became the first priority. London, Learning and Skills Network.
[3]. Dewey, J. (2004). Experiencia y educación. Madrid: Biblioteca.
[4]. Beetham, H., McGill, L., Littlejohn, A. (2009) Thriving in the 21st century: Learning Literacies for the Digital Age, Glasgow, Glasgow Caledonia University.
[5]. Eice, J. (1990). Whatis MIDI? Barcelona, Musicdistribuition.
[2]. Coffield, F. (2008). Just suppose teaching and learning became the first priority. London, Learning and Skills Network.
[3]. Dewey, J. (2004). Experiencia y educación. Madrid: Biblioteca.
[4]. Beetham, H., McGill, L., Littlejohn, A. (2009) Thriving in the 21st century: Learning Literacies for the Digital Age, Glasgow, Glasgow Caledonia University.
[5]. Eice, J. (1990). Whatis MIDI? Barcelona, Musicdistribuition.
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Paper Title | :: | Increasing Creativity Through Clay (Action Research Children B In TK ISLAM Baitussalam) |
Author Name | :: | Dinar Indrasati || Myrnawati, Crie Handini || Karnadi |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 39-45 |
The purpose of this research is to describe how the process of applying clay play and to know the increase of creativity of child group in kindergarten Islam Baitussalam. This study was conducted on group B children, amounting to 18 children. This research is action research with Kemmis and Taggart method which consist of 4 stages namely (plan, action, observation and reflection). This study consists of 2 cycles of each cycle of 8 meetings. Data collection techniques use observation, field notes, and documentation. Data analysis using quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative data analysis is done with statistical descriptions to compare pre cycle to cycle II. The stages of qualitative analysis are data reduction, data display and verification. The results showed that there was an increase of creativity through play with score on pre cycle 33,3 increasing to 50,43 in cycle I, and had an increase of 61,08 in cycle II with very good developing category.
[1]. Sallya Fazylova, Irina Rusol, (2016). Development of Creativity in Schoolchildren through Art. Czech-Polish Historical and Pedagogical Journal 8/2, 112-123
[2]. Christine Kiewra, Ellen Veselack, 2016, Playing with nature: Supporting Preschoolers' creativity in natural outdoors classroom. International Journal Of early childhood Enviromental Education, North American Association For Environmental Education. ISSN: 2331-0464
[3]. Howard Gardner and Thomas Hatch.1989. Multiple Intelligences Go to School: Educational Implications of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Journal of Educational Researcher, Vol. 18, No. 8 (Nov., 1989), pp. 4-10 Published by: American Educational Research Association.
[4]. Angela Eckhoff. 2011. Creativty in the Early Childhood Classroom: Perspectives of Preservice Teachers. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education. 32240-255.2011. copyright National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Edicators. ISSN: 1090-1027
[5]. Caroline Sharp, 2004, Developing young children "s creativity: What can we learn from research.Autumn 2004, Issue 32
[2]. Christine Kiewra, Ellen Veselack, 2016, Playing with nature: Supporting Preschoolers' creativity in natural outdoors classroom. International Journal Of early childhood Enviromental Education, North American Association For Environmental Education. ISSN: 2331-0464
[3]. Howard Gardner and Thomas Hatch.1989. Multiple Intelligences Go to School: Educational Implications of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Journal of Educational Researcher, Vol. 18, No. 8 (Nov., 1989), pp. 4-10 Published by: American Educational Research Association.
[4]. Angela Eckhoff. 2011. Creativty in the Early Childhood Classroom: Perspectives of Preservice Teachers. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education. 32240-255.2011. copyright National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Edicators. ISSN: 1090-1027
[5]. Caroline Sharp, 2004, Developing young children "s creativity: What can we learn from research.Autumn 2004, Issue 32
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Paper Title | :: | Increasing Cognitive Flexibility Through Smart Wheel Game Games (Action Research on Children Group A RA Al-Mubarok Tangerang City, 2017-2018) |
Author Name | :: | DEASY ARIATI || Myrnawati, Crie Handini || Tuti Tarwiyah |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 46-52 |
The aim of this study is to describe the process and results of improve cognitive flexibelity through smart wheel game. The subjects of this study were 20 children. This research method is based on the Research Action Class Action Research model Kemmis and Mc. Taggart which includes four stages: planning, actionand observation, reflection. This action research was conducted in two cycles and each cycle consisted of 8 meetings. The collected data used in this action research was interview, observation and documentation. Teknik data analysis used in this research is the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data. The result of study revealed that the increase of cognitive flexibelity ability children through smart wheel game. The development level of the achievement of the focused attention gained by the children in pre-cycle was 42,1. At the first cycle, the score was 48,6. Additionally, in the second cycle, the result was 54,75. This study revealed that the smart wheel game constitutes as one of the means to increase the children’s cognitive flexibelity.
[1]. J. Bruce Morton, Executive functions, University of Western Ontario, Canada2013
[2]. Alicia Benavides Nieto, Et All, “Basic Executive Functions In Early Childhood Education And Their Relationship With Social Competence”, Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences, 2017.
[3]. Harvard university , Building the brain’s “air Traffic control” system: how Early experiences shape the Development of executive Function: working paper no. Center On the developing child, 2011
[4]. Deák Gedeon O. dan Melody Wiseheart. Cognitive flexibility in young children: General or task-specific capacity?. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 138 (2015)
[5]. Yanwey, Li, et al., The neural substrates of cognitive flexibility are related to individual differences in preschool irritability: A fNIRS investigation. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 2016.
[2]. Alicia Benavides Nieto, Et All, “Basic Executive Functions In Early Childhood Education And Their Relationship With Social Competence”, Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences, 2017.
[3]. Harvard university , Building the brain’s “air Traffic control” system: how Early experiences shape the Development of executive Function: working paper no. Center On the developing child, 2011
[4]. Deák Gedeon O. dan Melody Wiseheart. Cognitive flexibility in young children: General or task-specific capacity?. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 138 (2015)
[5]. Yanwey, Li, et al., The neural substrates of cognitive flexibility are related to individual differences in preschool irritability: A fNIRS investigation. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 2016.
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Paper Title | :: | Increased creativity through play rubbing abur in Group B TK Patra I Rawamangun Pulogadung East Jakarta |
Author Name | :: | Yayah Komariyah || Myrnawati, Crie Handini || Tuti Tarwiyah |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 53-60 |
The purpose of this research is to describe the process and the result of the improvement of creativity through playing swab abur. The subjects of this study were 16 children. This research method is based on Action Action Class Action model of Kemmis and Mc Group. Taggart which includes four stages: planning, action and observation, reflection. This action study was conducted in two cycles and each cycle consisted of 8 meetings. The data collected used in this action research are interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis technique used in this research is qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The results showed that the increased creativity of children through playing swab abur. The rate of development of focused attention attainment obtained by children in pre-cycle is 45.31. In the first cycle, the score is 48.94. In addition, in the second cycle, the result is 51.69. This study reveals that swab abur game is one means to enhance children's creativity.
[1]. Charalampos Mainemelis and Sarah Ronson,Ideas Are Born In Fields Of Play: Towards A Theory Of Play And Creativity In Organizational Settings,(berkas PDF), (Research in Organizational Behavior: by Elsevier,2006),vol 7, h.121
[2]. Efthimios Trevlas , Ourania Matsouka & Evridiki Zachopoulou , Relationship Between Playfulness And Motor Creativity In Preschool Children, (berkas PDF), (Democritus University of Thrace, Department of PhysicalEducation & Sport Science, 2003),vol 5, h.540
[3]. Maite Garaigordobil, Intervention in Creativity With Children Aged 10 and 11 Years: Impact of a Play Program on Verbal and Graphic–Figural Creativity, (berkas PDF), (Basque Country: University of the Basque Country,2006), vol 18, h 330
[4]. Hannah Mills,The Importance Of Creative Arts In Early Childhood Classrooms, (Texas : Texas Child Care quarterly, 2014), Vol 38, No1, h 1
[5]. Jessica Hoffmann and Sandra Russ, Pretend Play, Creativity, and Emotion Regulation in Children, (American Psychological Association : Case Western Reserve University, 2012) Vol. 6, No. 2, 175–184
[2]. Efthimios Trevlas , Ourania Matsouka & Evridiki Zachopoulou , Relationship Between Playfulness And Motor Creativity In Preschool Children, (berkas PDF), (Democritus University of Thrace, Department of PhysicalEducation & Sport Science, 2003),vol 5, h.540
[3]. Maite Garaigordobil, Intervention in Creativity With Children Aged 10 and 11 Years: Impact of a Play Program on Verbal and Graphic–Figural Creativity, (berkas PDF), (Basque Country: University of the Basque Country,2006), vol 18, h 330
[4]. Hannah Mills,The Importance Of Creative Arts In Early Childhood Classrooms, (Texas : Texas Child Care quarterly, 2014), Vol 38, No1, h 1
[5]. Jessica Hoffmann and Sandra Russ, Pretend Play, Creativity, and Emotion Regulation in Children, (American Psychological Association : Case Western Reserve University, 2012) Vol. 6, No. 2, 175–184
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Paper Title | :: | Conceptual Analysis of Economic and Financial Crimes in Penal Administration of Nigeria: An Appraisal |
Author Name | :: | Dr. A.A. ISIAKA |
Country | :: | Nigeria |
Page Number | :: | 61-68 |
Economic and financial crimes became prevalent and officially recognized as serious threats to the development of Nigeria from the introduction of the structural adjustment and deregulation programs in the eighties As a result of new emerging brands of economic and financial crimes in many systems in Nigeria, problems of precise and comprehensive definitions were created. In realization of the problems, the Government of Nigeria organized several fora and conferences for concepts and definitions of economic and financial crimes in the Nigerian context. These efforts led to the enactment of Economic and Financial Crimes (establishment ETC) Act, 2004 that defined economic and financial crimes to incorporate all facets of economic and financial crimes in Nigeria. The aim of this paper is to analyse and appraise some concepts of economic and financial crimes in the context of administration of criminal justice in Nigeria with the view of incorporating them into a definition The research mainly adopted the doctrinal method of research that analytically surveyed statutory provisions, case laws, text books conference materials, thesis etc which served as both primary and secondary sources. It was found that though the statutory definition of economic and financial crimes in Nigeria was very wide, it was not exhaustive enough as it could accommodate more offences in that it ended with etc. It was recommended that the statutory definition be extended by inference to include offences such as e-mail internet related offences and offences involving postal matters.
[1]. Lame I.Y., An Overview of Economic Crime Paper Presented at the First National Seminar on Economic Crime-Abuja Nigeria. August 27, 2001 P. 4
[2]. Grabosky P., “The Prevention and Control of Economic Crime” in UNAFEI Annual Report for 1998 and Resource Material Series No. 55 (UNAFEI, Tokyo, 2000.
[3]. Tae-thoon L., “Economic Crime in Korea” in UNAFER, Op cit
[4]. Proceedings of the 2nd National Seminar on Economic Crimes, Published by Planning Committee on National Seminar on Economic Crimes, Abuja-Nigeria, 2004 p .149
[5]. Garner B.A. (1992) Black‟s Law Dictionary 8th Edition, West Publishing Co. USA P. 399 Ibid
[2]. Grabosky P., “The Prevention and Control of Economic Crime” in UNAFEI Annual Report for 1998 and Resource Material Series No. 55 (UNAFEI, Tokyo, 2000.
[3]. Tae-thoon L., “Economic Crime in Korea” in UNAFER, Op cit
[4]. Proceedings of the 2nd National Seminar on Economic Crimes, Published by Planning Committee on National Seminar on Economic Crimes, Abuja-Nigeria, 2004 p .149
[5]. Garner B.A. (1992) Black‟s Law Dictionary 8th Edition, West Publishing Co. USA P. 399 Ibid
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Paper Title | :: | Improving the Intelligence of Mathematical Logic Through Datalang Media (Research on Child Action Group B in TK AL Karimah Pekanbaru in 2018) |
Author Name | :: | TutI Silawati Myrnawati || Crie Handini || Asep Supena |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 69-77 |
The purpose of this study is to describe how the process of implementing DATALANG media and to determine the increase in intelligence of group children's logic in Al Karimah Pekanbaru kindergarten. This study was carried out on children in group B, amounting to 15 children. This research is an action research with the Kemmis and Taggart method which consists of 4 stages, namely (plan, action, observation and reflection). This study consisted of 2 cycles, with each cycle of 6 meetings. Data collection techniques are using observation, field notes, and documentation. Data analysis uses quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative data analysis is carried out with statistical descriptions to compare pre-cycle to cycle II. The stages of qualitative analysis are data reduction, data display and verification. The results showed that there was an increase in creativity through playing clay with scores in the pre cycle 20.8 increased to 43.73 in the first cycle, and increased by 62.72 in the second cycle with the category of developing very well.
[1]. Ramos, Dora E. Granados, Gabriela Romero-Esquiliano and Ignacio Mendez-Ramirez. 2015. Logical-Mathematical Notions in Children with Perinatal Encephalopathy. International Journal of Art and Commerce, vol 4 (7)
[2]. Dr. Gülçin Güven, Investigation of Number and Operations Skills of Children Attending Preschool Education, journal of educational and instructional studies in the world, volume 03 issue 01 article 03 ISSN 2146-7463
[3]. Edward C. Melhuish * and Mai B. Phan, Effects of the Home Learning Environment and Preschool Center for Literacy and Numeracy Experience in Early Primary School, Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 64, No. 1, 2008, pp. 95-114
[4]. Rasanen et all, Computer-assisted intervention for children with low numeracy skills, G Model ARTICLE IN PRESSCOGDEV-357; No. of Pages23 © 2009 Elsevier Inc.
[5]. Srianis et all, Application ofMethod Puzzle Geometryto Improve Child's Cognitive Development in Knowing Forms. e-Journal PG-PAUD University of Ganesha Education Department of Early Childhood Education(Volume 2 No. 1 of 2014) accessed on December 6, 2017
[2]. Dr. Gülçin Güven, Investigation of Number and Operations Skills of Children Attending Preschool Education, journal of educational and instructional studies in the world, volume 03 issue 01 article 03 ISSN 2146-7463
[3]. Edward C. Melhuish * and Mai B. Phan, Effects of the Home Learning Environment and Preschool Center for Literacy and Numeracy Experience in Early Primary School, Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 64, No. 1, 2008, pp. 95-114
[4]. Rasanen et all, Computer-assisted intervention for children with low numeracy skills, G Model ARTICLE IN PRESSCOGDEV-357; No. of Pages23 © 2009 Elsevier Inc.
[5]. Srianis et all, Application ofMethod Puzzle Geometryto Improve Child's Cognitive Development in Knowing Forms. e-Journal PG-PAUD University of Ganesha Education Department of Early Childhood Education(Volume 2 No. 1 of 2014) accessed on December 6, 2017
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Paper Title | :: | Increasing of Students the Concept Understanding of Class X SMK Immanuel II Kabupaten Kubu Raya through Student Facilitator and Explaining Learning Model |
Author Name | :: | Lelli Simanjuntak || Juniadi H. Matsum || F.Y Khosmas |
Country | :: | Indonesia |
Page Number | :: | 78-83 |
This research aimed determining the increasing the concept understanding of students class X SMK Immanuel II Kabupaten Kubu Raya through student facilitator and explaining learning model. The research method was quasi experiment. The population of the research is all students of class X of PM at SMK Immanuel II Kabupaten Kubu Raya. The research sample was students of class X PM2 consist of 41 students as the control class and X PM1 consist of 41 students as the experimental class. Data obtained from the results of the pretest and posttest. Data analysis used was descriptive and inferential tests using t-test. The results showed that (1) the average value of pretest on the experimental class and the control class was in the same category that is “poor”, while the average of the experimental class was categorized as “good” and the control class belonged to “medium” category. (2) There was significant influence of student facilitator and explaining learning model on the concept understanding with significance value 0,030, so it could be concluded that student facilitator and explaining learning model can improve the concept understanding on subjects of business communication on class X SMK Immanuel II Kabupaten Kubu Raya.
[1] Ali M&Evi F.R. (2016). Desain Pembelajaran Inovatif. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada
[2] Arikunto, S. (2006). Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta.
[3] Dimyati, M. (2009). Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
[4] Djamarah, K. (2011). Psikologi Belajar. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
[5] Muhammad I. (2009). Metode Penelitian Ilmu Sosial Pendekatan Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif. (Edisi Kedua). Yogyakarta: Erlangga
[2] Arikunto, S. (2006). Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta.
[3] Dimyati, M. (2009). Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
[4] Djamarah, K. (2011). Psikologi Belajar. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
[5] Muhammad I. (2009). Metode Penelitian Ilmu Sosial Pendekatan Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif. (Edisi Kedua). Yogyakarta: Erlangga
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Paper Title | :: | Towards The Completion of the Modern Human Linguistic Evolution – The Restrictions of Vertebrate Spinal Sign Reflexes Should Be Overcome – The Digital Linguistics |
Author Name | :: | Kumon Tokumaru |
Country | :: | Japan |
Page Number | :: | 84-101 |
Digital Linguistics identifies that modern human linguistic evolution is a digital evolution of the analog vocal sign communications of mammals, which are operated by the spinal sign reflex mechanisminside the ventricle system immune cell networks. There are three breakthroughs in physical layer human speech sound: (1) the acquisition of phonemes and morae, which allow the generation ofan infinite number of word signs and to modulate concepts with grammatical syllables, (2) character set and literacy, to record and retrieve speech sounds based on orthography, and (3) search engines and electronic transfer of linguistic information, to locate and obtain necessary information.The second breakthrough, i.e. writing, allowed the accumulation and transfer of knowledge over generations, which lead to rapid and serial technological innovations known as civilization. Pakistan is one of the places where civilization was born. The author traveled to the Panjab region in 2016 and visited Mohenjo Daroin 2017 to investigate the Indus civilization. He came to a hypothesis that the Indus civilization collapsed because of insufficient literary education and documentation as the job of clerks had been monopolized by a special caste. In the 21st century, we can make keyword searches and download any relevant linguistic information via our mobile phones.It is necessary to understand and overcome restrictions of vertebrate sign reflex mechanism, which we use for linguistic processing in the brain, and enhance our learning and thinking capability to cope with the flood of information.As20th century science expanded into quantum and molecular level way beyond our senses, we have had toestablish methods to correctly learn and think about these invisible phenomena. Otherwise ourcontemporary civilization might collapse like MohenjoDaro.
[1]. Adler, M.J., Doren C.v. (1972) How to Read a Book, Simon & Schuster
[2]. Chomsky, N. (1964) Current issues in linguistic theory, Mouton:The Hague
[3]. Deagling, D.J.(2012) The Human Mandible and the Origins of Speech, J. of Anthropology
[4]. Everett, D.L. (2008) Don't Sleep, There Are Snakes: Life and Language in the Amazonian Jungle, Vintage Books, U.S.A.
[5]. Ming Guo-li, et. al. Adult Neurogenesis in the Mammalian Brain:Significant Answers and Significant Questions, Neuron 70, May 26, 2011 Elsevier
[2]. Chomsky, N. (1964) Current issues in linguistic theory, Mouton:The Hague
[3]. Deagling, D.J.(2012) The Human Mandible and the Origins of Speech, J. of Anthropology
[4]. Everett, D.L. (2008) Don't Sleep, There Are Snakes: Life and Language in the Amazonian Jungle, Vintage Books, U.S.A.
[5]. Ming Guo-li, et. al. Adult Neurogenesis in the Mammalian Brain:Significant Answers and Significant Questions, Neuron 70, May 26, 2011 Elsevier
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Paper Title | :: | Specific learning difficulties, pedagogical and teaching interventions in musical school:- myths and reality |
Author Name | :: | Drossinou – Korea M || Mintza E |
Country | :: | Greece |
Page Number | :: | 102-109 |
Autonomous school has the ultimate goal of educating and participating with or without specific learning difficulties (dyslexia) [1]in the common school. Despite significant efforts at the global and national levels there seem to be a number of myths[2] that violate the rules – through which the school reality is understood in terms of the implementation of appropriate pedagogical and teaching interventions in secondary education[3]
In this study, we investigate the factors involved in the constructing teaching interventions in a dyslexic school student in a music school in the Peloponnese Region (Greece). The methodological tools used the informal pedagogical evaluation through participatory observation [4]with some basic skills checklists with emphasis on the Experimental Analytical Program of Specific Learning Difficulties[5]. According to these records, the teaching priorities [6] were defined in the special educational intervention of the literary courses according to appropriate pedagogical and didactic tools, such as that of the Targeted Individual Teaching Structured, Inclusive Intervention Program for the pupils with Special education needs (TISIPfSENs) [7]
The results of the work revealed myths regarding the timely and valid diagnosis of specific learning difficulties[5]. Another legend appeared in relation to the difference between what the autonomous school understands [8]about the student's intervention [9]with the specific learning difficulties and what is happening in the daily school routine through the weekly program schedule.
In this study, we investigate the factors involved in the constructing teaching interventions in a dyslexic school student in a music school in the Peloponnese Region (Greece). The methodological tools used the informal pedagogical evaluation through participatory observation [4]with some basic skills checklists with emphasis on the Experimental Analytical Program of Specific Learning Difficulties[5]. According to these records, the teaching priorities [6] were defined in the special educational intervention of the literary courses according to appropriate pedagogical and didactic tools, such as that of the Targeted Individual Teaching Structured, Inclusive Intervention Program for the pupils with Special education needs (TISIPfSENs) [7]
The results of the work revealed myths regarding the timely and valid diagnosis of specific learning difficulties[5]. Another legend appeared in relation to the difference between what the autonomous school understands [8]about the student's intervention [9]with the specific learning difficulties and what is happening in the daily school routine through the weekly program schedule.
[1] American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, London, England: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2013.
[2] Anstotz, C, Fundamentals of pedagogy for children with mental retardation, Athens: Pedio, in greek, 2012.
[3] Elliot, S., Kratochwill, T., Littlefield- Cook, J., & Travers, J, Educational Psychology: Effective Teaching. Effective learning., 3rd ed., A. a. S. E. Leontari, Ed., Athens: Gutenberg, in greek, 2008.
[4] Avramidis, E. and Kalyva, E., Research Methods in Special Education, Athens: Papazisi, in greek, 2006.
[5] Markakis E. and Drossinou,M, "Experimental Curriculum for Special Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia)," in Children with Special Needs in Primary School, Theoretical and practical approach, Athens, Atrapos, in greek, 2000, pp. 321-350.
[2] Anstotz, C, Fundamentals of pedagogy for children with mental retardation, Athens: Pedio, in greek, 2012.
[3] Elliot, S., Kratochwill, T., Littlefield- Cook, J., & Travers, J, Educational Psychology: Effective Teaching. Effective learning., 3rd ed., A. a. S. E. Leontari, Ed., Athens: Gutenberg, in greek, 2008.
[4] Avramidis, E. and Kalyva, E., Research Methods in Special Education, Athens: Papazisi, in greek, 2006.
[5] Markakis E. and Drossinou,M, "Experimental Curriculum for Special Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia)," in Children with Special Needs in Primary School, Theoretical and practical approach, Athens, Atrapos, in greek, 2000, pp. 321-350.
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Paper Title | :: | Implication of computer assisted on achievement/retention of mathematics in junior secondary school FCT Abuja: inference, for sustainable progress in Nigeria |
Author Name | :: | Okwute Andrew Ojoka || Musa D.C |
Country | :: | Nigeria |
Page Number | :: | 110-119 |
The study was designed to determine the effect of computer assisted instruction on achievement and retention trigonometry functions among junior secondary school students. The study was carried out in Municipal and Abaji Area Council of Abuja FCT Nigeria using sample size of 58 junior secondary school students two (JSSII). The study makes use of quasi experimental design. Intact classes were used for both the experimental and control groups. The experimental group was taught trigonometry using computer assisted instruction while control group were taught using conventional teaching method. To guide this study, four research questions were formulated. Trigonometry achievement test (TAT) instrument with the reliability coefficient of 0.80 was used as pre-test, post-test and retention tests through reshuffled the TAT items for data collection. T-test statistics were used to test the null hypotheses at a 0.05 level of significance. The results reviewed that computer assisted instruction was more effective in improving students‟ academic achievement and retention in trigonometry than that of conventional approach. The computer assisted instruction significantly differentiates between the sexes (male and female) academic achievement and retention scores in trigonometry. Based on the findings, it was recommended among other things the need for computer assisted instruction in schools mostly in junior secondary schools education as it better achievement and retention among students.
[1]. Abubakar, H., Madugu A., & Lawal A. (2016) Efficacy of Computer Assisted/ Aided Instruction on Mathematics Achievement and Retention Among Junior Secondary School Students in Kastina State: Implication for Sustainable Development In Nigeria.
[2]. Acikgoz k.u. (2002) active learning (aktif O_renme). Izmir: world education press.
[3]. Akinoluo, and Tando, OR (2006). The effect of problem-based active learning in science education on student academic achievement attitude and concept learning Eurasi journal of science and technical education, 3(1), 71-81. Anastasi, A. (1990) psychological testing. New yoke: Macmillan publishing co.
[4]. Altun M (2005) mathematics teaching for education faculties and elementary teachers (E_itim Fakulteleri Ve_iko_retim O_retmenleri Icin MAtematik O_retimi). Bursa: Aktuel press.
[5]. Ahmed, M. Hamza, A. and Surajo, y 2014. The efficacy of mathematics laboratory instructional strategies on geometry achievement retention among junior secondary school student in mathematics. Kusugu journal of education. VOL.3, NO.2
[2]. Acikgoz k.u. (2002) active learning (aktif O_renme). Izmir: world education press.
[3]. Akinoluo, and Tando, OR (2006). The effect of problem-based active learning in science education on student academic achievement attitude and concept learning Eurasi journal of science and technical education, 3(1), 71-81. Anastasi, A. (1990) psychological testing. New yoke: Macmillan publishing co.
[4]. Altun M (2005) mathematics teaching for education faculties and elementary teachers (E_itim Fakulteleri Ve_iko_retim O_retmenleri Icin MAtematik O_retimi). Bursa: Aktuel press.
[5]. Ahmed, M. Hamza, A. and Surajo, y 2014. The efficacy of mathematics laboratory instructional strategies on geometry achievement retention among junior secondary school student in mathematics. Kusugu journal of education. VOL.3, NO.2
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Paper Title | :: | Memory Stones of the Wadar Tribe in Maharashtra |
Author Name | :: | Dr. Vikram Kulkarni |
Country | :: | India |
Page Number | :: | 120-125 |
The Wadar is a wandering tribe of labourers who have migrated from Andhra Pradesh to Maharashtra. Memory stones probably crafted by the Wadar themselves have been discovered at some places like Ahmednagar and Sholapur. These stone slabs have carvings of the Devarshiof the family. In some places the stones have carvings of couples. These memory stones are placed along with shrines. The present research paper attempts to trace the origin of these memory stones. The conclusion has been supplemented with a discussion of the design and the features of these Memory stones. Some of the stones contain blurred writing as well. An analysis of the iconography has been made on the basis of the death ritual among the Wadars as also the worship of the forefathers on the day of Dussehra. The memory stones and the practice of worship bring to light the overlapping of the matriarchal and patriarchal system in the Wadar culture.
[1]. Dere, R.C (1964). Marathi LokSanskruticheUpasak. Pune: GayanrajPrakashan. (In Marathi)
[2]. Enthoven R.E. (1920). The Tribes and Castes of Bombay, Vol3. Bombay: Government Central Press.
[3]. Gundi, Pratibha (1987). Kul. BharatiyaSamajvigyanKosh, (Vol-2 pp. 307-308). Pune: SamajVighyanMandal. (In Marathi)
[4]. Joshi, Mahadevshastri (2000). Virpuja. BharatiyaSanskrutiKosh, (Vol-9 pp19-20). Pune: BharatiyaSanskrutiKoshMandal. (In Marathi)
[5]. Khan, Mushtak (1996). Paashaan: Stone. Tribal Arts and Crafts of Madhya Pradesh (pp 24-35). Ahemadabad: Mapin Publishing
[2]. Enthoven R.E. (1920). The Tribes and Castes of Bombay, Vol3. Bombay: Government Central Press.
[3]. Gundi, Pratibha (1987). Kul. BharatiyaSamajvigyanKosh, (Vol-2 pp. 307-308). Pune: SamajVighyanMandal. (In Marathi)
[4]. Joshi, Mahadevshastri (2000). Virpuja. BharatiyaSanskrutiKosh, (Vol-9 pp19-20). Pune: BharatiyaSanskrutiKoshMandal. (In Marathi)
[5]. Khan, Mushtak (1996). Paashaan: Stone. Tribal Arts and Crafts of Madhya Pradesh (pp 24-35). Ahemadabad: Mapin Publishing
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Paper Title | :: | A new perspective on the fine and compensation In the Iraqi criminal law |
Author Name | :: | Al Jashami Muhammed Khariy Qsair |
Country | :: | Iraq |
Page Number | :: | 126-130 |
The fine penalty is similar to the death penalty and imprisonment, but those punishments physically target the human body, The fine is a financial penalty aimed at the financial liability of the offender. A fine may be an original penalty to be judged only, A sentence of sentence may be imposed in addition to the prison sentence. If the fine is paid to the sorrow of the state, compensation is paid to the victim as an attempt to restore the situation to where it was before the crime. The fine and compensation in Iraqi criminal law remains one of the traditional concepts of determining the amount of fine in the relative quantitative sense and determining the amount of compensation with the appropriate scope of compensation. In this case, punitive damages will not be found to be applicable. This paper examines the need to modify many of the concepts in which the fine and compensation are dealt with in line with developments under criminal law.
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Paper Title | :: | How Much Psychiatrists Hate Levetiracetam [Keppra], Is it all bad? A case review of a bipolar disorder patient |
Author Name | :: | Salisu Adejo Aikoye |
Country | :: | USA |
Page Number | :: | 131-132 |
Levetiracetam [Keppra] is a unique anticonvulsant approved by the Food and Drug Administration [FDA] for the treatment of seizures as adjunct and used off label for chronic pain and mania [4]. It works by opposing the negative regulators of GABA and glycine gated currents. Also affects synaptic vesicle exocytosis by binding to the Synaptic Vesicle Protein [SV2A] and a partial inhibitor of neuronal N-type calcium current. It is also well known for its antikindling, antiexcitatory and neuroprotective properties which apparently contributes to its efficacy in bipolar [11]. Side effects includeanger, agitation, suicidality, apathy, depression, hostility, irritability, anxiety, hostility, aggression, paradoxical mania and psychosis that have made its use in psychiatry limited [1,12].Neuropsychiatry side effects is reportedly more common in patients with a history of psychiatry disorder [2]. To the best of our knowledge only very few reports are out there on the use of Keppra in the treatment of bipolar disorder. We present a patient with bipolar who responded favorably to Keppra and no other conventional mood stabilizers.
[1]. Stahl, S. M. Prescriber's guide: Stahl's essential psychopharmacology. Cambridge University Press, 2017; 333-336.
[2]. Post, R. M., Altshuler, L. L., Frye, M. A., et al. Preliminary observations on the effectiveness of levetiracetam in the open adjunctive treatment of refractory bipolar disorder. J ClinPsychiatry, 2005; 66(3):370-374.
[3]. Desarkar, P., Das, B., & Sinha, V. K. Adjuvant levetiracetam in adolescent mania. J ClinPsychopharmacol, 2007; 27(2): 215-216.
[4]. Krüger, S., Sarkar, R., Pietsch, R. et al. Levetiracetam as monotherapy or add-on to valproate in the treatment of acute mania—a randomized open-label study. Psychopharmacology, 2008; 198(2):297-299.
[5]. Farooq, M. U., Bhatt, A., Majid, A., Gupta, R., Khasnis, A., &Kassab, M. Y. (2009). Levetiracetam for managing neurologic and psychiatric disorders. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 66(6).
[2]. Post, R. M., Altshuler, L. L., Frye, M. A., et al. Preliminary observations on the effectiveness of levetiracetam in the open adjunctive treatment of refractory bipolar disorder. J ClinPsychiatry, 2005; 66(3):370-374.
[3]. Desarkar, P., Das, B., & Sinha, V. K. Adjuvant levetiracetam in adolescent mania. J ClinPsychopharmacol, 2007; 27(2): 215-216.
[4]. Krüger, S., Sarkar, R., Pietsch, R. et al. Levetiracetam as monotherapy or add-on to valproate in the treatment of acute mania—a randomized open-label study. Psychopharmacology, 2008; 198(2):297-299.
[5]. Farooq, M. U., Bhatt, A., Majid, A., Gupta, R., Khasnis, A., &Kassab, M. Y. (2009). Levetiracetam for managing neurologic and psychiatric disorders. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 66(6).
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Paper Title | :: | Improved Symptoms of Kleptomania with 50 MG Daily of Naltrexone: A case review |
Author Name | :: | Salisu Adejo Aikoye |
Country | :: | USA |
Page Number | :: | 133-134 |
With an estimated prevalence of about 0.6% of the general population, kleptomania describes unsuccessful attempts to resist the impulse to steal items which more often than not are not of value to the perpetrator [1,2]. In addition, there is an elevated level of tension prior to and a sense of satisfaction after the act of theft [4]. It is reported that about4% to 24% of shoplifters may actually have kleptomania, classified as an impulse control disorder in DSM-V kleptomania is rarely talked about or brought to a physicians’ attention because of the associated stigma and patients come in contact with the law more often than they would a mental health professional [1,2,3,4,7]. The exact pathophysiology of kleptomania is poorly understood and no formal treatment is reported [1,2]. We present a patient fulfilling DSM-V criteria for kleptomania with comorbid major depression who did very well on what is considered a low dose naltrexone but not on antidepressant alone.
[1]. Grant JE, Kim SW. An open-label study of naltrexone in the treatment of kleptomania. The J Clin Psychiatry. 2002;63(4):349-356
[2]. Grant JE, Won Kim S. A case of kleptomania and compulsive sexual behavior treated with naltrexone. Ann Clin Psychiatry. 2001;13(4):229-31.
[3]. AYDIN PÇ, GÜNGÖR BB, GÜLSEREN L. Naltrexone Treatment of Kleptomania: A Case Report. Turk PsikiyatriDergisi. 2012;23(4):284.
[4]. Grant JE, Kim SW. Adolescent kleptomania treated with naltrexone. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2002;11(2):92-5.
[5]. Aizer A, Lowengrub K, Dannon PN. Kleptomania after head trauma: two case reports and combination treatment strategies. ClinsNeuropharmacol. 2004;27(5):211-5.
[2]. Grant JE, Won Kim S. A case of kleptomania and compulsive sexual behavior treated with naltrexone. Ann Clin Psychiatry. 2001;13(4):229-31.
[3]. AYDIN PÇ, GÜNGÖR BB, GÜLSEREN L. Naltrexone Treatment of Kleptomania: A Case Report. Turk PsikiyatriDergisi. 2012;23(4):284.
[4]. Grant JE, Kim SW. Adolescent kleptomania treated with naltrexone. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2002;11(2):92-5.
[5]. Aizer A, Lowengrub K, Dannon PN. Kleptomania after head trauma: two case reports and combination treatment strategies. ClinsNeuropharmacol. 2004;27(5):211-5.