
Volume 01 - Issue 01

Paper Title :: Quelques hypothèses sur la nature de la cohésion et la solidarité sociale après la mandature du président ''Ouattara'' en 2020 en Côte d'Ivoire
Author Name :: Fofana Memon || Ouattara Nanfonhoro || Kam Oley
Country :: Côte d'Ivoire
Page Number :: 01-07
After spending more than 17 years of political struggle for state power Alassane Ouattara, from the RDR, came to power in 2010. He became the president of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire after the elections of 2010. The country has seen impressive growth rates: 10.7%, in 2012, 9.5% in 2015 and 9.8% expected in 2018. In addition, the country has regained its place on the international scene. The return of the African Development Bank to Abidjan, its statutory seat, is a palpable proof. Despite these notable advances in the country, the constitution set objectives and established an institutional framework for the exercise of state power, which is two terms of five years. In plain terms, according to the constitution, an instrument for regulating Ivorian society, President Ouattara will no longer be able to stand in the presidential election of 2020 since he is in his second term. However, the end of President Ouattara's term announced and legitimized by the constitution emerges in a double context. First, it emerges in a context of multiple intent in the struggle for the conquest of state power as early as 2020. Second, it emerges in a context where the construction and preservation of social cohesion is placed at the first Priorities of the country sufficiently split by the decades of economic crisis, socio-political and political militaro. It is this double contradictory context that raises the question of solidarity and of social cohesion. It is this question that this article attempts to analyze.
[1]. Attisso, Fulbert Sassou. (2001)., La problématique de l'alternance politique au Togo, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2001.
[2]. Memon. F. & Kassoum. T., 2016 Eléments de réflexion sur les entraves à la construction de la cohésion sociale en période post-crise en Afrique : l'exemple de la Cote d'Ivoire ; Journal of Advances in Humanities, I S S N 2 3 4 9 - 4 3 7 9, volume 4, Number 2 ; ; ;
[3]. Adamon, Afize D. (1995)., Le renouveau démocratique au Bénin: La Conférence Nationale des Forces Vives et la Période de Transition, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1995.
[4]. Bedi Yves Stanislas Etekou. (2013)., L'alternance démocratique dans les _Etats d'Afrique francophone. Law. Université Paris-Est, 2013. French.
[5]. Bourgi, Albert. (1996), « [Bénin :] Une victoire de la démocratie, » Jeune Afrique, 1838, du 27 mars au 2 avril 1996, p. 16.

Paper Title :: The Contribution of Undergraduate Students' Self-Esteem and Academic Achievement to Their Career Readiness
Author Name :: Martin Kustati || Teuku Zulfikar || Hallen || Hidayat Al-Azmi
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 08-15
The study was conducted to determine the contribution of students' self-esteem and academic achievement towards their readiness in the pursuit of their careers. This study was conducted using a quantitative method which included a cross-sectional survey design. A total sample of 100 students who study at the English Tadris (TBI) Department of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang, West Sumatra, were selected as respondents. The findings of the survey showed that the TBI students had high self-esteem, good academic achievement and medium career readiness career. The study also found that self-esteem and academic achievement each contributed partially to students' career readiness the implications of this research is to provide the valuable information for the university on the importance of students' self-esteem, academic achievement for career readiness. This finding can be used as a basis for designing an intensive program for career counseling for undergraduate students.
Keywords: Self-esteem, academic achievement, readiness for career, Undergraduate students.
[1]. Alves-Martins, M., Peixoto, F., Gouveia-Pereira, M., Amaral, V., & Pedro, I. (2002). Self-esteem and academic achievement among adolescents. Educational Psychology, 22(1), 51–62.
[2]. Bergami, M., & Bagozzi, R. P. (2000). Self-categorization, affective commitment and group self-esteem as distinct aspects of social identity in the organization. British Journal of Social Psychology, 39(4), 555–577.
[3]. Bhagat, P. (2016). Relationship between Self-esteem and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development|| ISSN 2278–0211, 5(7).
[4]. Creswell, J. W. (2002). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative. New Jersey: Upper Saddle River.
[5]. Dahlbeck, D. T., & Lightsey Jr, O. R. (2008). Generalized self-efficacy, coping, and self-esteem as predictors of psychological adjustment among children with disabilities or chronic illnesses. Children's Health Care, 37(4), 293–315.

Paper Title :: Enjeux et défi de la production locale des médicaments ARV en Afrique: une analyse de la perception des PVVIH sous ARV en Côte d’Ivoire
Author Name :: Sylvere Bukiki.K.
Country :: Côte d’Ivoire
Page Number :: 16-23
Si la question des ARV et leurs modes d'observance ont fait l'objet de beaucoup d'études, il n'en est pas le cas de l'avis des acteurs sur la production locale des soins ARV. Le faible taux d'observance observé d'année en année et leurs ampleurs sur la santé des PV-VIH, autorise la conduite de réflexions profondes pour comprendre les modalités de fabrication locale des soins ARV. C'est à cette situation que le présent article tente d'apporter des éléments de réponses à la lumière de l'avis des enquêtés.
[1]. AMAT-ROZE, J.M., VAGUET A., 2012, Qui gouverne la santé du monde ? in 10 défis pour la planète, (dir Dubresson A., Veyret Y.), Autrement.
[2]. Autre Part, 2012, les médicaments dans les Suds, n° 63.
[3]. BABAR Z.U.D., 2015, Pharmaceutical prices in the 21th century. Springer.
[4]. BARTON J., 2001, Differentiated pricing of patented products. Indian Council for Research for International Economic relations (ICRIER), Working Paper n°63.
[5]. BRULIN W., 2007, La Géopolitique des entreprises : Etude de cas de l'industrie pharmaceutique. Influence des acteurs économiques dans la prise de décision publique et internationale. Maîtrise Université Paris 8.

Paper Title :: Ethno-archaeological Approach to Study Gujjar Tribe in Jammu and Kashmir, India
Author Name :: Tirtharaj Bhoi
Country :: India
Page Number :: 24-26
The main objective of the paper is to examine how the ethno-archaeological approach can help historian to document the material culture of past and present history of Gujjar people. The pastoral forms are still practiced by the Gujjar of Jammu and Kashmir region. However, the influence of the Aryans on transhumance and pastoralism remained a dominant characteristic. The intermingling of the Aryans and the native population gave rise to various ethnic identities in this region. Most of these were initially pastoralists but later they took to settled agriculture. Though, some of the communities maintained their tradition and are still practising the migratory livestock rearing. The most important community is Gujjar tribe. Hence, the standard Historical and Archaeological tools and techniques have been applied for collection of primary and secondary data.
Key words: Pastoralist, tribe, tradition, ethno-archaeology
[1]. Alok Shrotriya, "Ceramic Ethno-archaeology and its Applications," Anistoriton Journal of Art History, Vol. 10, No 3, 2007, p.4.
[2]. Carla Sinopoli, "Seeking the Past through the Present: Recent Ethnoarchaeological
[3]. Research in South Asia," Asian Perspectives, Vol.XXX, No.2, 1991, p.185.
[4]. Shereen Ratnagar, Being Tribal, New Delhi, 2010, pp. 2-3.
[5]. State Planning Commission Report, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, 2000.

Paper Title :: Megalithic Art in Central India
Author Name :: Radha Devi || T. R. Bhoi
Country :: India
Page Number :: 27-31
The art is one of those things which started from the Stone Ageand continues till date but the degree of perfection varies during different period of time. One of the living examples of ancient art form is Megalith. Among the Indian Arts megaliths are one of the most mysterious art form. The Central India Megalithic art is considered to be the tribal in nature, which originated in 1000 B.C. Megaliths are is associated with the one of the last rituals to pay respect to the ancestors or to the departed soul. This paper makes an attempt to understand the origin of megalithic art, along with its presence, either on large stones or small stones. This art form is the expression presented in the form of aligned stones, with different shape and size. This paper is an attempt to highlight the unnoticed aspect of megalithic culture which is megalithic art in the form of cup-marks, anthropomorphic figures etc. The paper also studies the present status of this art in Central India. There is threat to the identity of this art form because of the fast growing urbanisation, this art isannihilating. There is threat to the identity of these stones. So, the paper discusses the role of the government and civilian to preserve this art form.
Keywords: Megaliths, Art Monuments, Modernisation, Conservation.
[1]. Srikumar M. Menon, Ancient Stones Riddles:Megaliths of the Indian Subcontinent, Manipal University Press, Manipal, 2012.
[2]. Subhashis Das, "A Brief Study of Cupules of a Few Megalithic Sites in Jharkhand", Chitrolekha International Magazine on Arts and Design, VI (3), pp. 2-15, 2016.
[3]. S. Settar,, Prehistory Archaeology of South Asia,New Delhi, 2002.
[4]. Srikumar M. Menon, Ancient Stones Riddles:Megaliths of the Indian Subcontinent, ManipalUniversity Press, Manipal, 2012.
[5]. S. C. Roy, The Mundas and their Country, New Delhi, 2010.

Paper Title :: In Defence of Environmental Pragmatism
Author Name :: Ridhyee Chatterjee
Country :: India
Page Number :: 32-41
Monist and Pluralist Claim With Regard To Environmental Ethics
Since the early development of environmental ethics emerged in 1970s, it has encountered several meta-ethical debates regarding certain diametrical conceptual issues like, intrinsic or inherent value versusextrinsic orinstrumental value, anthropocentrism or subject centrism1versus biocentrism or non-anthropocentrism, monism versus pluralism, and so forth. Consequently, environmental ethics produces a series of moral theories which according to many, is nothing but an attempt to extend ethics beyond the traditional humanistic domain in order to bestow moral consideration to the non-human world.On the other hand, there is an inclination to restrict this plurality of viewpoints by forwarding arguments that only a narrow set of theoretical approaches could possibly generate or evolve into an adequate and complete or infact, sufficing environmental ethics. Some of these theorists‟ argue that a coherent system of environmental ethics must embrace a restricted set of properties such as non-anthropocentrism, holism, moral monism and perhaps, a commitment to some form of intrinsic value. The debate has evolved over the question of "whether preservation of the environment should be grounded on a monistic foundation or whether a coherent ethical view of it can tolerate pluralism'.
[1]. Ayer, A. J., ed., The Origins ofPragmatism: Studies in the Philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce and William James, London: Mac Millan and Co. Ltd, 1968.
[2]. Callicott,J.B., Beyond the Land Ethic: MoreEssays in Environmental Philosophy, New York: State University of New York, 1999.
[3]. Dewey, John, Reconstruction in Philosophy, New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1920.
[4]. Farber, Daniel A., Eco-Pragmatism: Making Sensible Environmental Decisions in an Uncertain World, London: The University of Chicago Press, 1999.
[5]. James,William, Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking, Queen Street: Watchmaker Publishing, 1907.